Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Fraser, Donald A. S. (b. 1925 d. 2020) Co-Author Distance Author ID: fraser.donald-a-s Published as: Fraser, D. A. S.; Fraser, Donald A. S.; Fraser, Donald; Fraser, D. A. more...less Homepage: https://utstat.toronto.edu/dfraser/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Google Scholar · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 161 Publications since 1950, including 5 Books 2 Further Contributions Biographic References: 3 Publications Co-Authors: 54 Co-Authors with 97 Joint Publications 1,187 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 64 single-authored 29 Reid, Nancy 12 Wong, Augustine C. M. 10 McDunnough, Philip 9 Brenner, David J. 6 Monette, Georges 5 Evans, Michael John 4 Guttman, Irwin 4 Lin, Wei 4 Massam, Helene M. 4 Naderi, Amir 4 Ng, Kai Wang 4 Wu, Jianrong 3 Bédard, Myléne 3 Cheah, P. K. 2 Davison, Anthony C. 2 Fraser, Ailana 2 Gebotys, Robert J. 2 Ji, Kexin 2 MacKay, Jock 2 Menges, Günter 2 Plante, André 2 Sartori, Nicola 2 Staicu, Ana-Maria 2 Su, Jie 2 Sun, Ye 2 Yi, Grace Yun 2 Yuan, Xiaojin 1 Abebe, Fisseha 1 Andrews, David F. 1 Behara, Minaketan 1 Beran, Rudolf J. 1 Besag, Julian 1 Bickel, Peter John 1 Brons, Hans K. 1 Butler, Ronald W. 1 Chung, Jin-Ho 1 DiCiccio, Thomas J. 1 Dobrigal, A. 1 Eaton, Morris L. 1 Effron, B. 1 Ennis, Michaela 1 Feuerverger, Andrey 1 Fick, Gordon H. 1 Field, Christopher A. 1 Ghosh, Malay 1 Haq, M. Safiul 1 Helland, Inge Svein 1 Hoang, Uyen 1 Hogg, Robert V. 1 Huber, Peter Jost 1 Kalman, Rudolf Emil 1 Lennox, William C. 1 Li, Li 1 Li, Xufei 1 Marras, Elisabetta 1 McCullagh, Peter 1 Pincus, Steve 1 Prentice, Ross L. 1 Rekkas, Marie 1 Rost, Erika 1 Rousseau, Judith 1 Sackey, S. E. 1 Schneeweiss, Hans 1 Skovgaard, Ib Michael 1 Sprott, David A. 1 Srivastava, Muni Shanker 1 Streit, Franz 1 Styan, George P. H. 1 Taback, Nathan 1 Tjur, Tue 1 Wormleighton, R. all top 5 Serials 23 Annals of Mathematical Statistics 17 Biometrika 14 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 7 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B 7 Statistische Hefte 6 Journal of the American Statistical Association 6 Statistische Hefte. Neue Folge 6 Statistical Science 5 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 5 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 3 The Annals of Statistics 3 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 3 Sankhyā. Series A. Methods and Techniques 3 Utilitas Mathematica 3 Statistica Sinica 2 International Statistical Review 2 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 2 Comptes Rendus Mathématiques de l’Académie des Sciences 2 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 2 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 2 Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society JIRSS 2 Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research 1 The American Statistician 1 Journal of Applied Mechanics 1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 1 The Australian Journal of Statistics 1 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 1 Journal of Econometrics 1 Statistica Neerlandica 1 Pakistan Journal of Statistics 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1 International Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences 1 Statistical Papers 1 Bernoulli 1 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 1 Bulletin de l’Institut International de Statistique 1 The Annals of Applied Statistics 1 Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics all top 5 Fields 118 Statistics (62-XX) 9 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 128 Publications have been cited 1,359 times in 775 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Nonparametric methods in statistics. Zbl 0077.12903 Fraser, D. A. S. 121 1957 The structure of inference. Zbl 0164.48703 Fraser, D. A. S. 118 1968 Inference and linear models. Zbl 0455.62052 Fraser, D. A. S. 80 1979 A simple general formula for tail probabilities for frequentist and Bayesian inference. Zbl 0932.62003 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Wu, J. 60 1999 What is a statistical model? (With comments and rejoinder). Zbl 1039.62003 McCullagh, Peter 48 2002 Ancillaries and third order significance. Zbl 0829.62006 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 46 1995 Is Bayes posterior just quick and dirty confidence? Zbl 1246.62040 Fraser, D. A. S. 44 2011 Approximations of marginal tail probabilities and inference for scalar parameters. Zbl 0692.62033 DiCiccio, Thomas J.; Field, Christopher A.; Fraser, D. A. S. 37 1990 Statistical inference: likelihood to significance. Zbl 0734.62004 Fraser, D. A. S. 32 1991 Tail probabilities from observed likelihoods. Zbl 0692.62032 Fraser, D. A. S. 28 1990 Ancillaries and conditional inference (with comments and rejoinder). Zbl 1100.62534 Fraser, D. A. S. 28 2004 The fiducial method and invariance. Zbl 0131.35703 Fraser, D. A. S. 24 1961 A mixed primal-dual bases algorithm for regression under inequality constraints. Application to concave regression. Zbl 0672.62077 Fraser, D. A. S.; Massam, H. 23 1989 Categorical information and the singular linear model. Zbl 0464.62060 Feuerverger, A.; Fraser, D. A. S. 23 1980 Ancillary statistics: a review. Zbl 1200.62001 Ghosh, M.; Reid, N.; Fraser, D. A. S. 23 2010 Tolerance regions. Zbl 0070.37201 Fraser, D. A. S.; Guttman, Irwin 23 1956 On fiducial inference. Zbl 0108.16001 Fraser, D. A. S. 22 1961 On principles and arguments to likelihood (with discussion). Zbl 0607.62002 Evans, Michael J.; Fraser, Donald A. S.; Monette, Georges 20 1986 Improved likelihood inference for discrete data. Zbl 1110.62028 Davison, A. C.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 19 2006 Strong matching of frequentist and Bayesian parametric inference. Zbl 1005.62005 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 19 2002 Structural probability and prediction for the multivariate model. Zbl 0179.48803 Fraser, D. A. S.; Haq, M. Safiul 19 1969 Third order asymptotic models: likelihood functions leading to accurate approximations for distribution functions. Zbl 0831.62016 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 17 1993 Sufficient statistics with nuisance parameters. Zbl 0073.14904 Fraser, D. A. S. 17 1956 Probability and statistics: Theory and applications. Zbl 0363.60002 Fraser, D. A. S. 15 1976 Simple and accurate inference for the mean of the gamma model. Zbl 0876.62014 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Wong, A. 14 1997 Exponential linear models: A two-pass procedure for saddlepoint approximation. Zbl 0800.62400 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Wong, A. 14 1991 Necessary analysis and adaptive inference. Comments. Zbl 0346.62004 Fraser, D. A. S. 14 1976 Structural probability and a generalization. Zbl 0152.17702 Fraser, D. A. S. 14 1966 Further remarks on asymptotic normality of likelihood and conditional analyses. Zbl 0549.62014 Fraser, D. A. S.; McDunnough, P. 13 1984 Regression analysis, nonlinear or nonnormal: Simple and accurate \(p\) values from likelihood analysis. Zbl 0998.62059 Fraser, D. A. S.; Wong, Augustine; Wu, Jianrong 13 1999 Mean loglikelihood and higher-order approximations. Zbl 1183.62041 Reid, N.; Fraser, D. A. S. 13 2010 Default priors for Bayesian and frequentist inference. Zbl 1411.62070 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Marras, E.; Yi, G. Y. 11 2010 Multivariate regression analysis with spherical error. Zbl 0431.62036 Fraser, D. A. S.; Ng, Kai W. 11 1980 Normed likelihood as saddlepoint approximation. Zbl 0649.62016 Fraser, D. A. S. 11 1988 On information in statistics. Zbl 0141.35501 Fraser, D. A. S. 11 1965 Data transformations and the linear model. Zbl 0183.21001 Fraser, D. A. S. 11 1967 The \(p\)-value function and statistical inference. Zbl 07588196 Fraser, D. A. S. 11 2019 Likelihood for component parameters. Zbl 1035.62012 Fraser, D. A. S. 10 2003 Randomization tests for a multivariate two-sample problem. Zbl 0087.14701 Chung, J. H.; Fraser, D. A. S. 10 1958 Adjustments to profile likelihood. Zbl 0678.62008 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 9 1989 Three enigmatic examples and inference from likelihood. Zbl 1176.62017 Fraser, D. A. S.; Wong, A.; Sun, Y. 9 2009 On conditional inference for a real parameter: A differential approach on the sample space. Zbl 0639.62003 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 9 1988 Highly accurate likelihood analysis for the seemingly unrelated regression problem. Zbl 1336.62140 Fraser, D. A. S.; Rekkas, M.; Wong, A. 9 2005 Conical tests: Observed levels of significance and confidence regions. Zbl 0587.62106 Fraser, D. A. S.; Massam, H. 8 1985 Accurate directional inference for vector parameters. Zbl 1506.62308 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Sartori, N. 8 2016 Computation of distribution functions from likelihood information near observed data. Zbl 1066.62021 Andrews, D. F.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Wong, A. C. M. 8 2005 Studentization and deriving accurate \(p\)-values. Zbl 1437.62464 Fraser, D. A. S.; Rousseau, Judith 8 2008 Second order ancillary: a differential view from continuity. Zbl 1207.62041 Fraser, Ailana M.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Staicu, Ana-Maria 8 2010 Accurate directional inference for vector parameters in linear exponential families. Zbl 1367.62053 Davison, A. C.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Sartori, N. 7 2014 An approximation for the noncentral chi-squared distribution. Zbl 0929.62011 Fraser, D. A. S.; Wong, A. C. M.; Wu, J. 7 1998 Likelihood centered asymptotic model exponential and location model versions. Zbl 0953.62017 Cakmak, S.; Fraser, D. A. S.; McDunnough, P.; Reid, N.; Yuan, X. 7 1998 Approximate Studentization with marginal and conditional inference. Zbl 0785.62001 Fraser, D. A. S.; Wong, A. C. M. 7 1993 Sufficient statistics and selection depending on the parameter. Zbl 0047.13303 Fraser, D. A. S. 7 1952 Completeness of order statistics. Zbl 0055.12804 Fraser, D. A. S. 7 1954 Bhattacharyya bounds without regularity assumptions. Zbl 0048.12002 Fraser, D. A. S.; Guttman, Irwin 7 1952 Some remarks on pivotal models and the fiducial argument in relation to structural models. Zbl 0858.62004 Fraser, D. A. S. 6 1996 On foundations for conditional probability with statistical models - When is a class of functions a function. Zbl 0413.62002 Brenner, David; Fraser, D. A. S. 6 1979 Local conditional sufficiency. Zbl 0128.38403 Fraser, D. A. S. 6 1964 On the accuracy of approximate studentization. Zbl 0932.62024 Fraser, D. A. S.; Wong, A. C. M. 5 1997 Bayes, reproducibility and the quest for truth. Zbl 1442.62016 Fraser, D. A. S.; Bédard, M.; Wong, A.; Lin, Wei; Fraser, A. M. 5 2016 On sufficiency and the exponential family. Zbl 0212.21601 Fraser, D. A. S. 5 1963 Bayes, likelihood, or structural. Zbl 0281.62005 Fraser, D. A. S. 5 1972 Higher accuracy for Bayesian and frequentist inference: large sample theory for small sample likelihood. Zbl 1246.62027 Bédard, M.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Wong, A. 5 2007 On asymptotic normality of likelihood and conditional analysis. Zbl 0498.62019 Brenner, D.; Fraser, D. A. S.; McDunnough, Philip 5 1982 Nonparametric tolerance regions. Zbl 0050.14606 Fraser, D. A. S. 5 1953 Most powerful rank-type tests. Zbl 0084.14401 Fraser, D. A. S. 5 1957 When should modes of inference disagree? Some simple but challenging examples. Zbl 1405.62010 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Lin, Wei 5 2018 Marginalization, likelihood and structured models. Zbl 0594.62001 Fraser, D. A. S.; Monette, G.; Ng, K.-W. 4 1985 Nonnormal linear regression: An example of significance levels in high dimensions. Zbl 0734.62068 Fraser, D. A. S.; Lee, H. S.; Reid, N. 4 1990 Combining likelihood and significance functions. Zbl 1444.62028 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 4 2020 Multiparameter testing in exponential models: Third order approximations from likelihood. Zbl 0807.62017 Cheah, P. K.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 4 1994 Array permutation by index-digit permutation. Zbl 0332.65061 Fraser, Donald 4 1976 Serial correlation and distributions on the sphere. Zbl 0341.62023 Fraser, D. A. S.; Guttman, Irwin; Styan, George P. H. 4 1976 Nonparametric estimation. IV. Zbl 0043.34804 Fraser, D. A. S.; Wormleighton, R. 4 1951 Sequentially determined statistically equivalent blocks. Zbl 0043.34401 Fraser, D. A. S. 4 1951 A vector form of the Wald-Wolfowitz-Hoeffding theorem. Zbl 0070.36402 Fraser, D. A. S. 4 1956 Statistics. An introduction. Zbl 0082.13401 Fraser, D. A. S. 4 1958 Mixtures, embedding, and ancillarity. Zbl 0587.62004 Evans, M.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Monette, G. 3 1985 Some alternatives to Edgeworth. Zbl 0779.62014 Cheah, P. K.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 3 1993 Multivariate asymptotic model exponential and location approximations. Zbl 0814.62005 Cakmak, S.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 3 1994 Some remarks on conditional and unconditional inference for location- scale models. Zbl 0444.62045 Fraser, D. A. S.; McDunnough, Philip 3 1980 The determination of likelihood and the transformed regression model. Zbl 0256.62058 Fraser, D. A. S. 3 1972 On comparing two methods for approximate conditional inference. Zbl 0664.62004 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 3 1988 Generalized hit probabilities with a Gaussian target. Zbl 0043.13302 Fraser, D. A. S. 3 1951 On the definition of fiducial probability. Zbl 0136.39701 Fraser, D. A. S. 3 1964 On the consistency of the fiducial method. Zbl 0152.17803 Fraser, D. A. S. 3 1962 The conditional Wishart: normal and nonnormal. Zbl 0167.17803 Fraser, D. A. S. 3 1968 Sufficiency for regular models. Zbl 0163.40304 Fraser, D. A. S. 3 1966 On the definition of probability densities and sufficiency of the likelihood map. Zbl 0847.62003 Fraser, D. A. S.; McDunnough, Philip; Naderi, Amir; Plante, André 2 1995 Confidence, posterior probability, and the Buehler example. Zbl 0369.60003 Fraser, D. A. S. 2 1977 An optimum tolerance region for multivariate regression. Zbl 0434.62042 Evans, M.; Fraser, D. A. S. 2 1980 The identification of distribution form. Zbl 0454.62003 Brenner, David; Fraser, D. A. S. 2 1980 Linear calibration and conditional inference. Zbl 0614.62089 Dobrigal, A.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Gebotys, R. 2 1987 Fibre analysis and tangent models. Zbl 0643.62019 Fraser, D. A. S. 2 1987 Conditional inference for treatment and error in multivariate analysis. Zbl 1193.62101 Fraser, D. A. S.; Guttman, I.; Srivastava, M. S. 2 1991 Non-nested linear models: A conditional confidence approach. Zbl 0637.62032 Fraser, D. A. S.; Gebotys, R. J. 2 1987 On the sufficiency and likelihood principles. Zbl 0209.21002 Fraser, D. A. S. 2 1963 Rejoinder. Zbl 1246.62041 Fraser, D. A. S. 2 2011 Exponential models: approximations for probabilities. Zbl 1244.62039 Fraser, D. A. S.; Naderi, A.; Ji, Kexin; Lin, Wei; Su, Jie 2 2011 Location reparameterization and default priors for statistical analysis. Zbl 1490.62073 Fraser, D. A. S.; Yi, Grace Yun 2 2002 The linear Lasso: a location model approach. Zbl 1492.62114 Fraser, D. A. S.; Bédard, Mylène 1 2022 Combining likelihood and significance functions. Zbl 1444.62028 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 4 2020 The \(p\)-value function and statistical inference. Zbl 07588196 Fraser, D. A. S. 11 2019 When should modes of inference disagree? Some simple but challenging examples. Zbl 1405.62010 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Lin, Wei 5 2018 Accurate directional inference for vector parameters. Zbl 1506.62308 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Sartori, N. 8 2016 Bayes, reproducibility and the quest for truth. Zbl 1442.62016 Fraser, D. A. S.; Bédard, M.; Wong, A.; Lin, Wei; Fraser, A. M. 5 2016 Accurate directional inference for vector parameters in linear exponential families. Zbl 1367.62053 Davison, A. C.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Sartori, N. 7 2014 Is Bayes posterior just quick and dirty confidence? Zbl 1246.62040 Fraser, D. A. S. 44 2011 Rejoinder. Zbl 1246.62041 Fraser, D. A. S. 2 2011 Exponential models: approximations for probabilities. Zbl 1244.62039 Fraser, D. A. S.; Naderi, A.; Ji, Kexin; Lin, Wei; Su, Jie 2 2011 On default priors and approximate location models. Zbl 1236.62002 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 1 2011 Ancillary statistics: a review. Zbl 1200.62001 Ghosh, M.; Reid, N.; Fraser, D. A. S. 23 2010 Mean loglikelihood and higher-order approximations. Zbl 1183.62041 Reid, N.; Fraser, D. A. S. 13 2010 Default priors for Bayesian and frequentist inference. Zbl 1411.62070 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Marras, E.; Yi, G. Y. 11 2010 Second order ancillary: a differential view from continuity. Zbl 1207.62041 Fraser, Ailana M.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Staicu, Ana-Maria 8 2010 The second order ancillary is rotation based. Zbl 1267.62030 Staicu, Ana-Maria; Fraser, Donald A. S. 1 2010 Three enigmatic examples and inference from likelihood. Zbl 1176.62017 Fraser, D. A. S.; Wong, A.; Sun, Y. 9 2009 Studentization and deriving accurate \(p\)-values. Zbl 1437.62464 Fraser, D. A. S.; Rousseau, Judith 8 2008 Higher accuracy for Bayesian and frequentist inference: large sample theory for small sample likelihood. Zbl 1246.62027 Bédard, M.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Wong, A. 5 2007 Improved likelihood inference for discrete data. Zbl 1110.62028 Davison, A. C.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 19 2006 Highly accurate likelihood analysis for the seemingly unrelated regression problem. Zbl 1336.62140 Fraser, D. A. S.; Rekkas, M.; Wong, A. 9 2005 Computation of distribution functions from likelihood information near observed data. Zbl 1066.62021 Andrews, D. F.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Wong, A. C. M. 8 2005 Ancillaries and conditional inference (with comments and rejoinder). Zbl 1100.62534 Fraser, D. A. S. 28 2004 Likelihood for component parameters. Zbl 1035.62012 Fraser, D. A. S. 10 2003 What is a statistical model? (With comments and rejoinder). Zbl 1039.62003 McCullagh, Peter 48 2002 Strong matching of frequentist and Bayesian parametric inference. Zbl 1005.62005 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 19 2002 Location reparameterization and default priors for statistical analysis. Zbl 1490.62073 Fraser, D. A. S.; Yi, Grace Yun 2 2002 A simple general formula for tail probabilities for frequentist and Bayesian inference. Zbl 0932.62003 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Wu, J. 60 1999 Regression analysis, nonlinear or nonnormal: Simple and accurate \(p\) values from likelihood analysis. Zbl 0998.62059 Fraser, D. A. S.; Wong, Augustine; Wu, Jianrong 13 1999 An approximation for the noncentral chi-squared distribution. Zbl 0929.62011 Fraser, D. A. S.; Wong, A. C. M.; Wu, J. 7 1998 Likelihood centered asymptotic model exponential and location model versions. Zbl 0953.62017 Cakmak, S.; Fraser, D. A. S.; McDunnough, P.; Reid, N.; Yuan, X. 7 1998 Simple and accurate inference for the mean of the gamma model. Zbl 0876.62014 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Wong, A. 14 1997 On the accuracy of approximate studentization. Zbl 0932.62024 Fraser, D. A. S.; Wong, A. C. M. 5 1997 Estimating functions and higher order significance. Zbl 0905.62018 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Wu, Jianrong 1 1997 From the likelihod map to Euclidean minimal sufficiency. Zbl 0932.62004 Fraser, D. A. S.; McDunnough, Philip; Naderi, Amir; Plante, André 1 1997 Some remarks on pivotal models and the fiducial argument in relation to structural models. Zbl 0858.62004 Fraser, D. A. S. 6 1996 On the definition of conditional probability. Zbl 0881.60001 Fraser, D. A. S.; Naderi, A. 1 1996 Ancillaries and third order significance. Zbl 0829.62006 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 46 1995 On the definition of probability densities and sufficiency of the likelihood map. Zbl 0847.62003 Fraser, D. A. S.; McDunnough, Philip; Naderi, Amir; Plante, André 2 1995 Multiparameter testing in exponential models: Third order approximations from likelihood. Zbl 0807.62017 Cheah, P. K.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 4 1994 Multivariate asymptotic model exponential and location approximations. Zbl 0814.62005 Cakmak, S.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 3 1994 Third order asymptotic models: likelihood functions leading to accurate approximations for distribution functions. Zbl 0831.62016 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 17 1993 Approximate Studentization with marginal and conditional inference. Zbl 0785.62001 Fraser, D. A. S.; Wong, A. C. M. 7 1993 Some alternatives to Edgeworth. Zbl 0779.62014 Cheah, P. K.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 3 1993 Directional tests and statistical frames. Zbl 0776.62013 Fraser, D. A. S. 1 1993 Third order asymptotics: Connections among test quantities. Zbl 0775.62030 Cheah, P. K.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Tapia, A. 1 1992 Statistical inference: likelihood to significance. Zbl 0734.62004 Fraser, D. A. S. 32 1991 Exponential linear models: A two-pass procedure for saddlepoint approximation. Zbl 0800.62400 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N.; Wong, A. 14 1991 Conditional inference for treatment and error in multivariate analysis. Zbl 1193.62101 Fraser, D. A. S.; Guttman, I.; Srivastava, M. S. 2 1991 Approximations of marginal tail probabilities and inference for scalar parameters. Zbl 0692.62033 DiCiccio, Thomas J.; Field, Christopher A.; Fraser, D. A. S. 37 1990 Tail probabilities from observed likelihoods. Zbl 0692.62032 Fraser, D. A. S. 28 1990 Nonnormal linear regression: An example of significance levels in high dimensions. Zbl 0734.62068 Fraser, D. A. S.; Lee, H. S.; Reid, N. 4 1990 A mixed primal-dual bases algorithm for regression under inequality constraints. Application to concave regression. Zbl 0672.62077 Fraser, D. A. S.; Massam, H. 23 1989 Adjustments to profile likelihood. Zbl 0678.62008 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 9 1989 Normed likelihood as saddlepoint approximation. Zbl 0649.62016 Fraser, D. A. S. 11 1988 On conditional inference for a real parameter: A differential approach on the sample space. Zbl 0639.62003 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 9 1988 On comparing two methods for approximate conditional inference. Zbl 0664.62004 Fraser, D. A. S.; Reid, N. 3 1988 Linear calibration and conditional inference. Zbl 0614.62089 Dobrigal, A.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Gebotys, R. 2 1987 Fibre analysis and tangent models. Zbl 0643.62019 Fraser, D. A. S. 2 1987 Non-nested linear models: A conditional confidence approach. Zbl 0637.62032 Fraser, D. A. S.; Gebotys, R. J. 2 1987 Sequential parameter structure, conditional inference, and likelihood drop. Zbl 0614.62003 Fraser, D. A. S. 1 1987 On principles and arguments to likelihood (with discussion). Zbl 0607.62002 Evans, Michael J.; Fraser, Donald A. S.; Monette, Georges 20 1986 Conical tests: Observed levels of significance and confidence regions. Zbl 0587.62106 Fraser, D. A. S.; Massam, H. 8 1985 Marginalization, likelihood and structured models. Zbl 0594.62001 Fraser, D. A. S.; Monette, G.; Ng, K.-W. 4 1985 Mixtures, embedding, and ancillarity. Zbl 0587.62004 Evans, M.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Monette, G. 3 1985 On the role of principles in statistical inference. Zbl 0576.62004 Evans, M.; Fraser, D. A. S.; Monette, G. 1 1985 Further remarks on asymptotic normality of likelihood and conditional analyses. Zbl 0549.62014 Fraser, D. A. S.; McDunnough, P. 13 1984 On asymptotic normality of likelihood and conditional analysis. Zbl 0498.62019 Brenner, D.; Fraser, D. A. S.; McDunnough, Philip 5 1982 On the foundations: statistical models and inference. Zbl 0495.62006 Brenner, D.; Fraser, D. A. S. 1 1982 A simplification of the traditional statistical model in the presence of symmetry. Zbl 0468.62005 Brenner, David; Fraser, D. A. S. 1 1981 Categorical information and the singular linear model. Zbl 0464.62060 Feuerverger, A.; Fraser, D. A. S. 23 1980 Multivariate regression analysis with spherical error. Zbl 0431.62036 Fraser, D. A. S.; Ng, Kai W. 11 1980 Some remarks on conditional and unconditional inference for location- scale models. Zbl 0444.62045 Fraser, D. A. S.; McDunnough, Philip 3 1980 An optimum tolerance region for multivariate regression. Zbl 0434.62042 Evans, M.; Fraser, D. A. S. 2 1980 The identification of distribution form. Zbl 0454.62003 Brenner, David; Fraser, D. A. S. 2 1980 Inference and the structural model for ANOVA and MANOVA. Zbl 0462.62053 Fraser, D. A. S. 1 1980 Inference and linear models. Zbl 0455.62052 Fraser, D. A. S. 80 1979 On foundations for conditional probability with statistical models - When is a class of functions a function. Zbl 0413.62002 Brenner, David; Fraser, D. A. S. 6 1979 Confidence, posterior probability, and the Buehler example. Zbl 0369.60003 Fraser, D. A. S. 2 1977 Inference for the multivariate regression model. Zbl 0365.62068 Fraser, D. A. S.; Ng, Kai W. 1 1977 Probability and statistics: Theory and applications. Zbl 0363.60002 Fraser, D. A. S. 15 1976 Necessary analysis and adaptive inference. Comments. Zbl 0346.62004 Fraser, D. A. S. 14 1976 Array permutation by index-digit permutation. Zbl 0332.65061 Fraser, Donald 4 1976 Serial correlation and distributions on the sphere. Zbl 0341.62023 Fraser, D. A. S.; Guttman, Irwin; Styan, George P. H. 4 1976 On the equivalence of standard inference procedures. Zbl 0328.62002 Fraser, D. A. S.; Mackay, Jock 1 1976 Parameter factorization and inference based on significance, likelihood, and objective posterior. Zbl 0303.62003 Fraser, D. A. S.; MacKay, Jock 1 1975 The elusive ancillary. Zbl 0259.62004 Fraser, D. A. S. 1 1973 Inference and redundant parameters. Zbl 0291.62004 Fraser, D. A. S. 1 1973 Inference and decision. Zbl 0314.62003 1 1973 Bayes, likelihood, or structural. Zbl 0281.62005 Fraser, D. A. S. 5 1972 The determination of likelihood and the transformed regression model. Zbl 0256.62058 Fraser, D. A. S. 3 1972 On the Behrens-Fisher problem. Zbl 0255.62025 Fraser, D. A. S.; Streit, F. 1 1972 Structural probability and prediction for the multivariate model. Zbl 0179.48803 Fraser, D. A. S.; Haq, M. Safiul 19 1969 The structure of inference. Zbl 0164.48703 Fraser, D. A. S. 118 1968 The conditional Wishart: normal and nonnormal. Zbl 0167.17803 Fraser, D. A. S. 3 1968 Data transformations and the linear model. Zbl 0183.21001 Fraser, D. A. S. 11 1967 Statistical models and invariance. Zbl 0161.38003 Fraser, D. A. S. 1 1967 Structural probability and a generalization. Zbl 0152.17702 Fraser, D. A. S. 14 1966 Sufficiency for regular models. Zbl 0163.40304 Fraser, D. A. S. 3 1966 On information in statistics. Zbl 0141.35501 Fraser, D. A. S. 11 1965 ...and 28 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 872 Authors 51 Fraser, Donald A. S. 36 Wong, Augustine C. M. 28 Reid, Nancy 18 Martin, Ryan 17 Bickel, David R. 16 Pardo, Leandro 13 Haq, M. Safiul 11 Baksalary, Jerzy K. 10 Khan, Shahjahan 9 Evans, Michael John 9 Martín, Nirian 9 Sartori, Nicola 8 Rekkas, Marie 8 Ventura, Laura 7 Cribari-Neto, Francisco 7 Davison, Anthony C. 7 DiCiccio, Thomas J. 7 Jammalamadaka, Sreenivasa Rao 7 Lloyd, Chris J. 7 Pardo, Julio Angel 6 Brenner, David J. 6 Liu, Chuanhai 6 Mandal, Abhijit 6 Markiewicz, Augustyn 6 Meyer, Mary C. 6 Wu, Jianrong 5 Basu, Ayanendranath 5 Ferrari, Silvia Lopes de Paula 5 Gross, Jürgen 5 Hannig, Jan 5 McDunnough, Philip 5 Menéndez, María Luisa 5 Nadarajah, Saralees 5 Pordzik, Paweł R. 5 Rojo, Javier 5 Rukhin, Andrew L. 5 Salvan, Alessandra 5 Taraldsen, Gunnar 4 Apolloni, Bruno 4 Battey, Heather S. 4 Bellio, Ruggero 4 Brazzale, Alessandra Rosalba 4 Cella, Leonardo 4 Mathew, Thomas 4 Mukhopadhyay, Nitis 4 Pace, Luigi 4 Pardo Llorente, María del Carmen 4 Plante, André 4 Sibuya, Masaaki 4 Staicu, Ana-Maria 4 Sun, Ye 4 Wasserman, Larry Alan 4 Xie, Minge 4 Xu, Xingzhong 3 Akahira, Masafumi 3 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 3 Bassis, Simone 3 Bury, Karl V. 3 Butler, Ronald W. 3 Chang, Fang 3 Cordeiro, Gauss Moutinho 3 Cox, David Roxbee 3 Dawid, Alexander Philip 3 Eaton, Morris L. 3 Gaito, Sabrina 3 Geisser, Seymour 3 Guttman, Irwin 3 Jiang, Lai 3 Karakaya, Kadir 3 Kibria, B. M. Golam 3 Krishnamoorthy, Kalimuthu 3 Kuş, Coşkun 3 Lee, Youngjo 3 Lemonte, Artur José 3 Lindqvist, Bo Henry 3 Malchiodi, Dario 3 Melilli, Eugenio 3 Monette, Georges 3 Morales, Domingo 3 Morgenthaler, Stephan 3 Neammanee, Kritsana 3 Provost, Serge B. 3 Puntanen, Simo 3 Racugno, Walter 3 Rao, Malempati M. 3 Robert, Christian P. 3 Ruli, Erlis 3 Saleh, A. K. Md. Ehsanes 3 Sen, Bodhisattva 3 Sen, Pranab Kumar 3 Severini, Thomas A. 3 Sinha, Bimal Kumar 3 Takeuchi, Kei 3 Veronese, Piero 3 Vovk, Vladimir G. 3 Young, G. Alastair 2 Agresti, Alan 2 Alvo, Mayer 2 Ariyawansa, K. A. 2 Balch, Michael Scott ...and 772 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 143 Serials 67 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 54 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 44 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 34 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 33 Statistical Science 27 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 25 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 24 Statistische Hefte. Neue Folge 24 Statistics & Probability Letters 22 Statistical Papers 18 The Annals of Statistics 18 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 17 Metrika 14 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 13 International Statistical Review 12 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 12 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 11 The American Statistician 11 Linear Algebra and its Applications 11 Sankhyā. Series A 10 Electronic Journal of Statistics 8 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 8 Statistica Neerlandica 7 Biometrics 7 Journal of Econometrics 7 Statistics 7 Journal of Probability and Statistics 6 Journal of the American Statistical Association 6 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 6 Statistische Hefte 6 Bernoulli 6 The Annals of Applied Statistics 5 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 5 Test 5 Statistics in Medicine 4 Journal of the Franklin Institute 4 Psychometrika 4 Computational Statistics 4 Journal of Applied Statistics 4 Econometric Theory 4 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 4 Statistical Methodology 4 Sankhyā. Series B 4 Stat 3 Information Sciences 3 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Mathematische Annalen 3 Metron 3 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 3 Econometric Reviews 3 Applications of Mathematics 3 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 3 ZOR. Zeitschrift für Operations Research 3 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 3 Statistical Methods and Applications 3 Environmetrics 2 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 Biometrical Journal 2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2 Theoretical Computer Science 2 Trabajos de Estadistica y de Investigacion Operativa 2 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences 2 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 2 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 2 Machine Learning 2 JETAI. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section B. Calcul des Probabilités et Statistique 2 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 2 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 2 Quantitative Finance 2 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 2 Statistics and Computing 2 Bayesian Analysis 2 Information Geometry 1 Acta Informatica 1 International Journal of Systems Science 1 Information Processing Letters 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Physica A 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 Theory of Probability and its Applications 1 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 1 Aplikace Matematiky 1 British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 1 Calcolo 1 The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 1 Kybernetika 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Naval Research Logistics 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Statistica 1 Technometrics 1 Journal of the Japan Statistical Society 1 Journal of Time Series Analysis 1 Revue de Statistique Appliquée 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Journal of Classification ...and 43 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 27 Fields 707 Statistics (62-XX) 61 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 45 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 27 Computer science (68-XX) 19 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 11 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 8 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 7 History and biography (01-XX) 7 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 General topology (54-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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