Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Freed, Daniel Stuart Co-Author Distance Author ID: freed.daniel-s Published as: Freed, Daniel S.; Freed, D. S.; Freed, Dan; Freed, D. more...less Homepage: https://web.ma.utexas.edu/users/dafr/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Google Scholar · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 92 Publications since 1982, including 3 Books and 9 Additional arXiv Preprints 8 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 58 Co-Authors with 61 Joint Publications 2,168 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 39 single-authored 15 Teleman, Constantin 13 Hopkins, Michael Jerome 10 Moore, Gregory Winthrop 4 Deligne, Pierre 3 Bismut, Jean-Michel 3 Dai, Xianzhe 2 Córdova, Clay 2 Distler, Jacques 2 Gompf, Robert E. 2 Lott, John 2 Morgan, John W. 2 Morrison, David R. 2 Neitzke, Andrew 2 Segal, Graeme B. 2 Singer, Isadore Manuel 2 Uhlenbeck, Karen Keskulla 2 Vafa, Cumrun 2 Witten, Edward 1 Ayala, David 1 Bah, Ibrahima 1 Bertram, Aaron 1 Bouwknegt, Peter G. 1 Bunke, Ulrich 1 Costa, Davi B. 1 Del Zotto, Michele 1 Diaconescu, Emanuel 1 Etingof, Pavel Il’ich 1 Fishburn, Peter Clingerman 1 Frankl, Péter 1 Fulton, William 1 Gårding, Elias Riedel 1 Gödicke, Jonte 1 Grady, Ryan E. 1 Groisser, David 1 Gukov, Sergei 1 Harvey, Jeffrey A. 1 Hofer, Aaron 1 Jeffrey, Lisa Claire 1 Johnson, Clifford V. 1 Kazhdan, David 1 Komargodski, Zohar 1 Lagarias, Jeffrey C. 1 Lurie, Jacob 1 Manolescu, Ciprian 1 Melrose, Richard Burt 1 Minasian, Ruben 1 Morgante, Davide 1 Moscrop, Robert 1 Nekrasov, Nikita Alexandrovich 1 Odlyzko, Andrew M. 1 Ohmori, Kantaro 1 Quinn, Frank S. 1 Razamat, Shlomo S. 1 Schäfer-Nameki, Sakura 1 Scheimbauer, Claudia I. 1 Schick, Thomas 1 Schweigert, Christoph 1 Seiberg, Nathan 1 Shepp, Lawrence Alan 1 Švraka, Anja 1 Tillmann, Ulrike all top 5 Serials 14 Communications in Mathematical Physics 7 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 3 Journal of Differential Geometry 3 Geometry & Topology 3 IAS/Park City Mathematics Series 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Inventiones Mathematicae 2 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 2 Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 2 Oberwolfach Reports 2 Journal of Topology 1 Advances in Applied Probability 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Michigan Mathematical Journal 1 Topology 1 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Annals of Physics 1 Communications in Analysis and Geometry 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 The Asian Journal of Mathematics 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Journal of High Energy Physics 1 Annales Henri Poincaré 1 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 1 Physical Review Letters 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Contemporary Mathematics 1 Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications 1 Quantum Topology 1 CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics all top 5 Fields 54 Quantum theory (81-XX) 41 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 28 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 22 Differential geometry (53-XX) 19 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 16 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 11 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 10 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 7 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 5 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 81 Publications have been cited 2,873 times in 1,956 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Instantons and four-manifolds. Zbl 0559.57001 Freed, Daniel S.; Uhlenbeck, Karen K. 200 1984 Anomalies in string theory with D-branes. Zbl 1028.81052 Freed, Daniel S.; Witten, Edward 184 1999 The analysis of elliptic families. I: Metrics and connections on determinant bundles. Zbl 0657.58037 Bismut, Jean-Michel; Freed, Daniel S. 137 1986 The analysis of elliptic families. II: Dirac operators, êta invariants, and the holonomy theorem. Zbl 0657.58038 Bismut, Jean-Michel; Freed, Daniel S. 134 1986 Special Kähler manifolds. Zbl 0940.53040 Freed, Daniel S. 132 1999 Quantum fields and strings: a course for mathematicians. Vols. 1, 2. Material from the Special Year on Quantum Field Theory held at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, 1996–1997. Zbl 0984.00503 101 1999 Chern-Simons theory with finite gauge group. Zbl 0788.58013 Freed, Daniel S.; Quinn, Frank 99 1993 Reflection positivity and invertible topological phases. Zbl 1508.81953 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J. 98 2021 Gravitational anomaly cancellation for M-theory fivebranes. Zbl 0971.81152 Freed, Dan; Harvey, Jeffrey A.; Minasian, Ruben; Moore, Gregory 85 1998 Twisted equivariant matter. Zbl 1286.81109 Freed, Daniel S.; Moore, Gregory W. 78 2013 Computer calculation of Witten’s 3-manifold invariant. Zbl 0739.53065 Freed, Daniel S.; Gompf, Robert E. 72 1991 Relative quantum field theory. Zbl 1285.81057 Freed, Daniel S.; Teleman, Constantin 69 2014 Dirac charge quantization and generalized differential cohomology. Zbl 1058.81058 Freed, Daniel S. 68 2000 Loop groups and twisted \(K\)-theory I. Zbl 1241.19002 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J.; Teleman, Constantin 65 2011 Classical Chern-Simons theory. I. Zbl 0844.58039 Freed, Daniel S. 61 1995 Higher algebraic structures and quantization. Zbl 0790.58007 Freed, Daniel S. 61 1994 Heisenberg groups and noncommutative fluxes. Zbl 1115.83031 Freed, Daniel S.; Moore, Gregory W.; Segal, Graeme 58 2007 Determinants, torsion, and strings. Zbl 0606.58013 Freed, Daniel S. 55 1986 \(\eta\)-invariants and determinant lines. Zbl 0822.58048 Dai, Xianzhe; Freed, Daniel S. 52 1994 The uncertainty of fluxes. Zbl 1126.81045 Freed, Daniel S.; Moore, Gregory W.; Segal, Graeme 52 2007 Twisted equivariant \(K\)-theory with complex coefficients. Zbl 1188.19005 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J.; Teleman, Constantin 50 2008 The geometry of loop groups. Zbl 0619.58003 Freed, Daniel S. 46 1988 Five lectures on supersymmetry. Zbl 0937.81001 Freed, Daniel S. 44 1999 An index theorem in differential \(K\)-theory. Zbl 1197.58007 Freed, Daniel S.; Lott, John 44 2010 The basic geometry of the manifold of Riemannian metrics and of its quotient by the diffeomorphism group. Zbl 0694.58008 Freed, Daniel S.; Groisser, David 43 1989 On Ramond-Ramond fields and \(K\)-theory. Zbl 0990.81624 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael 43 2000 Setting the quantum integrand of M-theory. Zbl 1124.58011 Freed, Daniel S.; Moore, Gregory W. 40 2006 Loop groups and twisted \(K\)-theory. II. Zbl 1273.22015 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J.; Teleman, Constantin 38 2013 Anomalies and invertible field theories. Zbl 1321.81058 Freed, Daniel S. 36 2014 The \(M\)-theory 3-form and \(E_8\) gauge theory. Zbl 1232.58016 Diaconescu, Emanuel; Moore, Gregory; Freed, Daniel S. 35 2007 Topological quantum field theories from compact Lie groups. Zbl 1232.57022 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J.; Lurie, Jacob; Teleman, Constantin 32 2010 Loop groups and twisted \(K\)-theory. III. Zbl 1239.19002 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J.; Teleman, Constantin 31 2011 Reidemeister torsion, spectral sequences, and Brieskorn spheres. Zbl 0743.57015 Freed, Daniel S. 25 1992 Topological dualities in the Ising model. Zbl 1511.57033 Freed, Daniel S.; Teleman, Constantin 24 2022 Global anomalies on orbifolds. Zbl 0634.57020 Freed, Daniel S.; Vafa, Cumrun 24 1987 Pions and generalized cohomology. Zbl 1146.81050 Freed, Daniel S. 20 2008 Classical field theory. Zbl 1170.53315 Deligne, Pierre; Freed, Daniel S. 19 1999 Classical Chern-Simons theory. II. Zbl 1030.53033 Freed, Daniel S. 19 2002 Chern-Weil forms and abstract homotopy theory. Zbl 1281.58001 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J. 19 2013 The cobordism hypothesis. Zbl 1280.57025 Freed, Daniel S. 19 2013 On determinant line bundles. Zbl 0751.58036 Freed, Daniel S. 19 1987 A mod \(k\) index theorem. Zbl 0760.58039 Freed, Daniel S.; Melrose, Richard B. 18 1992 Orientifold précis. Zbl 1248.81160 Distler, Jacques; Freed, Daniel S.; Moore, Gregory W. 18 2011 Supersolutions. Zbl 1170.81431 Deligne, Pierre; Freed, Daniel S. 17 1999 Lectures on field theory and topology. Zbl 1431.55001 Freed, Daniel S. 17 2019 On Wigner’s theorem. Zbl 1259.81033 Freed, Daniel S. 16 2012 Consistent orientation of moduli spaces. Zbl 1257.19004 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J.; Teleman, Constantin 15 2010 Gapped boundary theories in three dimensions. Zbl 1479.81063 Freed, Daniel S.; Teleman, Constantin 14 2021 The sum over topological sectors and \(\theta\) in the 2+1-dimensional \(\mathbb{CP}^1\) \(\sigma\)-model. Zbl 1396.81220 Freed, Daniel S.; Komargodski, Zohar; Seiberg, Nathan 13 2018 Consistency of M-theory on non-orientable manifolds. Zbl 1479.81060 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J. 13 2021 Remarks on Chern-Simons theory. Zbl 1166.81037 Freed, Daniel S. 13 2009 Flag manifolds and infinite dimensional Kähler geometry. Zbl 0595.22016 Freed, D. S. 12 1985 The Verlinde algebra is twisted equivariant \(K\)-theory. Zbl 0971.55006 Freed, Daniel S. 12 2001 Spin structures and superstrings. Zbl 1241.81131 Distler, Jacques; Freed, Daniel S.; Moore, Gregory W. 12 2011 \({\mathbb{Z}}/k\)-manifolds and families of Dirac operators. Zbl 0651.58034 Freed, Daniel S. 11 1988 Topological symmetry in quantum field theory. Zbl 07957818 Freed, Daniel S.; Moore, Gregory W.; Teleman, Constantin 10 2024 Probabilities for intersecting systems and random subsets of finite sets. Zbl 0582.60014 Fishburn, P. C.; Frankl, P.; Freed, D.; Lagarias, J. C.; Odlyzko, A. M. 10 1986 Two index theorems in odd dimensions. Zbl 0920.58044 Freed, Daniel S. 9 1998 \(K\)-theory in quantum field theory. Zbl 1036.19004 Freed, Daniel S. 8 2001 Sign manifesto. Zbl 1170.58301 Deligne, Pierre; Freed, Daniel S. 7 1999 The Atiyah-Singer index theorem. Zbl 1523.58019 Freed, Daniel S. 7 2021 Twisted K-theory and loop groups. Zbl 0997.19004 Freed, Daniel S. 7 2002 An index theorem for families of Fredholm operators parametrized by a group. Zbl 0673.58004 Freed, Daniel S. 5 1988 A Poisson process whose rate is a hidden Markov process. Zbl 0485.60069 Freed, D. S.; Shepp, L. A. 5 1982 Extended structure in topological quantum field theory. Zbl 0860.57032 Freed, Daniel S. 4 1993 Determinant line bundles revisited. Zbl 0868.58080 Freed, Daniel S. 4 1997 Fibré déterminant et invariant êta. (Determinant bundle and êta invariant). Zbl 0618.58034 Bismut, Jean-Michel; Freed, Daniel S. 3 1985 Computer tests of Witten’s Chern-Simons theory against the theory of three-manifolds. Zbl 0968.57502 Freed, Daniel S.; Gompf, Robert E. 3 1991 Dirac families for loop groups as matrix factorizations. (Familles d’opérateurs de Dirac pour les groupes de lacets et factorisations en matrices.) Zbl 1348.22027 Freed, Daniel S.; Teleman, Constantin 3 2015 Introduction to topological symmetry in QFT. Zbl 07917036 Freed, Daniel S. 3 2024 Lectures on topological quantum field theory. Zbl 0855.57027 Freed, Daniel S. 2 1993 \(\eta\)-invariants and determinant lines. Zbl 0841.58064 Dai, Xianzhe; Freed, Daniel S. 2 1995 Invertible phases of matter with spatial symmetry. Zbl 1527.81101 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J. 2 2020 Topology and quantum theory in interaction. NSF-CBMS regional conference in the mathematical sciences: topological and geometric methods in QFT, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA, July 31 – August 4, 2017. Proceedings. Zbl 1404.81009 2 2018 On equivariant Chern-Weil forms and determinant lines. Zbl 1411.58012 Freed, Daniel S. 2 2018 Quantum field theory and manifold invariants. Lecture notes from the IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI) summer school, Park City, UT, USA, 2019. Zbl 1482.57001 1 2021 Characteristic numbers and generalized path integrals. Zbl 0867.57019 Freed, Daniel S. 1 1995 A gluing law for the index of Dirac operators. Zbl 0932.58026 Freed, Daniel S. 1 1993 Erratum: “\(\eta\)-invariants and determinants lines”. Zbl 1011.58014 Dai, Xianzhe; Freed, Daniel S. 1 2001 Working session with current theme: Twisted \(K\)-theory. Abstracts from the workshop held October 8–14, 2006. (Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Twisted \(K\)-theory.) Zbl 1177.19001 1 2006 Global anomalies on orbifolds. Zbl 0649.57032 Freed, Daniel S.; Vafa, Cumrun 1 1988 Topological symmetry in quantum field theory. Zbl 07957818 Freed, Daniel S.; Moore, Gregory W.; Teleman, Constantin 10 2024 Introduction to topological symmetry in QFT. Zbl 07917036 Freed, Daniel S. 3 2024 Topological dualities in the Ising model. Zbl 1511.57033 Freed, Daniel S.; Teleman, Constantin 24 2022 Reflection positivity and invertible topological phases. Zbl 1508.81953 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J. 98 2021 Gapped boundary theories in three dimensions. Zbl 1479.81063 Freed, Daniel S.; Teleman, Constantin 14 2021 Consistency of M-theory on non-orientable manifolds. Zbl 1479.81060 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J. 13 2021 The Atiyah-Singer index theorem. Zbl 1523.58019 Freed, Daniel S. 7 2021 Quantum field theory and manifold invariants. Lecture notes from the IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI) summer school, Park City, UT, USA, 2019. Zbl 1482.57001 1 2021 Invertible phases of matter with spatial symmetry. Zbl 1527.81101 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J. 2 2020 Lectures on field theory and topology. Zbl 1431.55001 Freed, Daniel S. 17 2019 The sum over topological sectors and \(\theta\) in the 2+1-dimensional \(\mathbb{CP}^1\) \(\sigma\)-model. Zbl 1396.81220 Freed, Daniel S.; Komargodski, Zohar; Seiberg, Nathan 13 2018 Topology and quantum theory in interaction. NSF-CBMS regional conference in the mathematical sciences: topological and geometric methods in QFT, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA, July 31 – August 4, 2017. Proceedings. Zbl 1404.81009 2 2018 On equivariant Chern-Weil forms and determinant lines. Zbl 1411.58012 Freed, Daniel S. 2 2018 Dirac families for loop groups as matrix factorizations. (Familles d’opérateurs de Dirac pour les groupes de lacets et factorisations en matrices.) Zbl 1348.22027 Freed, Daniel S.; Teleman, Constantin 3 2015 Relative quantum field theory. Zbl 1285.81057 Freed, Daniel S.; Teleman, Constantin 69 2014 Anomalies and invertible field theories. Zbl 1321.81058 Freed, Daniel S. 36 2014 Twisted equivariant matter. Zbl 1286.81109 Freed, Daniel S.; Moore, Gregory W. 78 2013 Loop groups and twisted \(K\)-theory. II. Zbl 1273.22015 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J.; Teleman, Constantin 38 2013 Chern-Weil forms and abstract homotopy theory. Zbl 1281.58001 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J. 19 2013 The cobordism hypothesis. Zbl 1280.57025 Freed, Daniel S. 19 2013 On Wigner’s theorem. Zbl 1259.81033 Freed, Daniel S. 16 2012 Loop groups and twisted \(K\)-theory I. Zbl 1241.19002 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J.; Teleman, Constantin 65 2011 Loop groups and twisted \(K\)-theory. III. Zbl 1239.19002 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J.; Teleman, Constantin 31 2011 Orientifold précis. Zbl 1248.81160 Distler, Jacques; Freed, Daniel S.; Moore, Gregory W. 18 2011 Spin structures and superstrings. Zbl 1241.81131 Distler, Jacques; Freed, Daniel S.; Moore, Gregory W. 12 2011 An index theorem in differential \(K\)-theory. Zbl 1197.58007 Freed, Daniel S.; Lott, John 44 2010 Topological quantum field theories from compact Lie groups. Zbl 1232.57022 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J.; Lurie, Jacob; Teleman, Constantin 32 2010 Consistent orientation of moduli spaces. Zbl 1257.19004 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J.; Teleman, Constantin 15 2010 Remarks on Chern-Simons theory. Zbl 1166.81037 Freed, Daniel S. 13 2009 Twisted equivariant \(K\)-theory with complex coefficients. Zbl 1188.19005 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J.; Teleman, Constantin 50 2008 Pions and generalized cohomology. Zbl 1146.81050 Freed, Daniel S. 20 2008 Heisenberg groups and noncommutative fluxes. Zbl 1115.83031 Freed, Daniel S.; Moore, Gregory W.; Segal, Graeme 58 2007 The uncertainty of fluxes. Zbl 1126.81045 Freed, Daniel S.; Moore, Gregory W.; Segal, Graeme 52 2007 The \(M\)-theory 3-form and \(E_8\) gauge theory. Zbl 1232.58016 Diaconescu, Emanuel; Moore, Gregory; Freed, Daniel S. 35 2007 Setting the quantum integrand of M-theory. Zbl 1124.58011 Freed, Daniel S.; Moore, Gregory W. 40 2006 Working session with current theme: Twisted \(K\)-theory. Abstracts from the workshop held October 8–14, 2006. (Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Twisted \(K\)-theory.) Zbl 1177.19001 1 2006 Classical Chern-Simons theory. II. Zbl 1030.53033 Freed, Daniel S. 19 2002 Twisted K-theory and loop groups. Zbl 0997.19004 Freed, Daniel S. 7 2002 The Verlinde algebra is twisted equivariant \(K\)-theory. Zbl 0971.55006 Freed, Daniel S. 12 2001 \(K\)-theory in quantum field theory. Zbl 1036.19004 Freed, Daniel S. 8 2001 Erratum: “\(\eta\)-invariants and determinants lines”. Zbl 1011.58014 Dai, Xianzhe; Freed, Daniel S. 1 2001 Dirac charge quantization and generalized differential cohomology. Zbl 1058.81058 Freed, Daniel S. 68 2000 On Ramond-Ramond fields and \(K\)-theory. Zbl 0990.81624 Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael 43 2000 Anomalies in string theory with D-branes. Zbl 1028.81052 Freed, Daniel S.; Witten, Edward 184 1999 Special Kähler manifolds. Zbl 0940.53040 Freed, Daniel S. 132 1999 Quantum fields and strings: a course for mathematicians. Vols. 1, 2. Material from the Special Year on Quantum Field Theory held at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, 1996–1997. Zbl 0984.00503 101 1999 Five lectures on supersymmetry. Zbl 0937.81001 Freed, Daniel S. 44 1999 Classical field theory. Zbl 1170.53315 Deligne, Pierre; Freed, Daniel S. 19 1999 Supersolutions. Zbl 1170.81431 Deligne, Pierre; Freed, Daniel S. 17 1999 Sign manifesto. Zbl 1170.58301 Deligne, Pierre; Freed, Daniel S. 7 1999 Gravitational anomaly cancellation for M-theory fivebranes. Zbl 0971.81152 Freed, Dan; Harvey, Jeffrey A.; Minasian, Ruben; Moore, Gregory 85 1998 Two index theorems in odd dimensions. Zbl 0920.58044 Freed, Daniel S. 9 1998 Determinant line bundles revisited. Zbl 0868.58080 Freed, Daniel S. 4 1997 Classical Chern-Simons theory. I. Zbl 0844.58039 Freed, Daniel S. 61 1995 \(\eta\)-invariants and determinant lines. Zbl 0841.58064 Dai, Xianzhe; Freed, Daniel S. 2 1995 Characteristic numbers and generalized path integrals. Zbl 0867.57019 Freed, Daniel S. 1 1995 Higher algebraic structures and quantization. Zbl 0790.58007 Freed, Daniel S. 61 1994 \(\eta\)-invariants and determinant lines. Zbl 0822.58048 Dai, Xianzhe; Freed, Daniel S. 52 1994 Chern-Simons theory with finite gauge group. Zbl 0788.58013 Freed, Daniel S.; Quinn, Frank 99 1993 Extended structure in topological quantum field theory. Zbl 0860.57032 Freed, Daniel S. 4 1993 Lectures on topological quantum field theory. Zbl 0855.57027 Freed, Daniel S. 2 1993 A gluing law for the index of Dirac operators. Zbl 0932.58026 Freed, Daniel S. 1 1993 Reidemeister torsion, spectral sequences, and Brieskorn spheres. Zbl 0743.57015 Freed, Daniel S. 25 1992 A mod \(k\) index theorem. Zbl 0760.58039 Freed, Daniel S.; Melrose, Richard B. 18 1992 Computer calculation of Witten’s 3-manifold invariant. Zbl 0739.53065 Freed, Daniel S.; Gompf, Robert E. 72 1991 Computer tests of Witten’s Chern-Simons theory against the theory of three-manifolds. Zbl 0968.57502 Freed, Daniel S.; Gompf, Robert E. 3 1991 The basic geometry of the manifold of Riemannian metrics and of its quotient by the diffeomorphism group. Zbl 0694.58008 Freed, Daniel S.; Groisser, David 43 1989 The geometry of loop groups. Zbl 0619.58003 Freed, Daniel S. 46 1988 \({\mathbb{Z}}/k\)-manifolds and families of Dirac operators. Zbl 0651.58034 Freed, Daniel S. 11 1988 An index theorem for families of Fredholm operators parametrized by a group. Zbl 0673.58004 Freed, Daniel S. 5 1988 Global anomalies on orbifolds. Zbl 0649.57032 Freed, Daniel S.; Vafa, Cumrun 1 1988 Global anomalies on orbifolds. Zbl 0634.57020 Freed, Daniel S.; Vafa, Cumrun 24 1987 On determinant line bundles. Zbl 0751.58036 Freed, Daniel S. 19 1987 The analysis of elliptic families. I: Metrics and connections on determinant bundles. Zbl 0657.58037 Bismut, Jean-Michel; Freed, Daniel S. 137 1986 The analysis of elliptic families. II: Dirac operators, êta invariants, and the holonomy theorem. Zbl 0657.58038 Bismut, Jean-Michel; Freed, Daniel S. 134 1986 Determinants, torsion, and strings. Zbl 0606.58013 Freed, Daniel S. 55 1986 Probabilities for intersecting systems and random subsets of finite sets. Zbl 0582.60014 Fishburn, P. C.; Frankl, P.; Freed, D.; Lagarias, J. C.; Odlyzko, A. M. 10 1986 Flag manifolds and infinite dimensional Kähler geometry. Zbl 0595.22016 Freed, D. S. 12 1985 Fibré déterminant et invariant êta. (Determinant bundle and êta invariant). Zbl 0618.58034 Bismut, Jean-Michel; Freed, Daniel S. 3 1985 Instantons and four-manifolds. Zbl 0559.57001 Freed, Daniel S.; Uhlenbeck, Karen K. 200 1984 A Poisson process whose rate is a hidden Markov process. Zbl 0485.60069 Freed, D. S.; Shepp, L. A. 5 1982 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,031 Authors 41 Sati, Hisham 33 Freed, Daniel Stuart 24 Schreiber, Urs 18 Moore, Gregory Winthrop 17 Gomi, Kiyonori 16 Bismut, Jean-Michel 16 Szabo, Richard J. 14 Tachikawa, Yuji 13 Mathai, Varghese 13 Sharpe, Eric R. 13 Valandro, Roberto 12 Bonetti, Federico 12 Bunke, Ulrich 12 Cortés, Vicente 12 García-Etxebarria, Iñaki 12 Schäfer-Nameki, Sakura 12 Vafa, Cumrun 12 Weigand, Timo 12 Witten, Edward 12 Zhang, Weiping 11 Bah, Ibrahima 11 Dai, Xianzhe 11 Fiorenza, Domenico 11 Gaiotto, Davide 11 Jost, Jürgen 11 Mayrhofer, Christoph 11 Minasian, Ruben 11 Monnier, Samuel 11 Paycha, Sylvie 11 Teleman, Constantin 11 Thiang, Guo Chuan 10 De Nittis, Giuseppe 10 Del Zotto, Michele 10 Mickelsson, Jouko 10 Schweigert, Christoph 10 Yonekura, Kazuya 10 Zhu, Miaomiao 9 Andersen, Jørgen Ellegaard 9 Blumenhagen, Ralph 9 Carey, Alan L. 9 Gukov, Sergei 9 Hsin, Po-Shen 9 Johnson-Freyd, Theo 9 Martone, Mario 9 Mohaupt, Thomas 9 Rozansky, Lev 9 Seiberg, Nathan 8 Cicoli, Michele 8 Grimm, Thomas W. 8 Heckman, Jonathan J. 8 Liu, Bo 8 Quevedo Rodriguez, Fernando 7 Berwick-Evans, Daniel 7 Branding, Volker 7 Collinucci, Andres 7 Debray, Arun 7 Elmrabty, Adnane 7 Grady, Daniel 7 Ho, Man-Ho 7 Kapustin, Anton 7 Lott, John 7 Ma, Xiaonan 7 Ohmori, Kantaro 7 Park, Jinsung 7 Rosenberg, Steven 7 Scott, Simon G. 7 Tsukamoto, Masaki 7 Wang, Bailing 6 Argyres, Philip C. 6 Baez, John C. 6 Blau, Matthias 6 Bourne, Chris 6 Cattaneo, Alberto Sergio 6 Ferreiro Pérez, Roberto 6 Freixas i Montplet, Gerard 6 Komargodski, Zohar 6 Lüst, Dieter 6 Magnot, Jean-Pierre 6 Marchesano, Fernando 6 Martucci, Luca 6 Müller, Lukas 6 Nardoni, Emily 6 Shukla, Pramod S. 6 Taubes, Clifford Henry 6 Valentino, Alessandro 6 Wang, Zhenghan 6 Woike, Lukas 6 Wu, Ruijun 6 Young, Matthew B. 5 Benini, Francesco 5 Bhardwaj, Lakshya 5 Bruce, Andrew James 5 Bytsenko, Andrei A. 5 Clarke, Brian P. 5 Davighi, Joe 5 Delcamp, Clement 5 Dey, Rukmini 5 Evans, David E. 5 Fang, Shizan 5 Feehan, Paul M. N. ...and 1,931 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 248 Serials 315 Journal of High Energy Physics 235 Communications in Mathematical Physics 111 Journal of Geometry and Physics 93 Nuclear Physics. B 58 Journal of Mathematical Physics 58 Advances in Mathematics 43 Letters in Mathematical Physics 39 SciPost Physics 29 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 27 Journal of Functional Analysis 26 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 26 Geometry & Topology 24 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 23 Annales Henri Poincaré 22 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 19 Inventiones Mathematicae 18 Mathematische Annalen 18 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 17 Fortschritte der Physik 17 Mathematische Zeitschrift 15 Differential Geometry and its Applications 14 Topology and its Applications 14 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 14 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 13 Physics Letters. B 13 Duke Mathematical Journal 13 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 13 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 13 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 13 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 12 International Journal of Mathematics 12 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 11 International Journal of Modern Physics A 11 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 10 Journal of \(K\)-Theory 9 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 9 Reports on Mathematical Physics 9 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 9 Annals of Physics 8 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 8 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 8 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 8 Journal of Topology 7 Journal of Algebra 7 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 6 Israel Journal of Mathematics 6 Geometriae Dedicata 6 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 6 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 6 \(K\)-Theory 6 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 6 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 6 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 6 Quantum Topology 5 Classical and Quantum Gravity 5 Physics Reports 5 Journal of Differential Equations 5 Journal of Differential Geometry 5 Manuscripta Mathematica 5 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 5 Results in Mathematics 5 Nuclear Physics. B. Proceedings Supplements 5 Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal 5 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 5 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 4 Modern Physics Letters A 4 General Relativity and Gravitation 4 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 4 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 4 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 4 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 4 Applied Categorical Structures 4 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 4 Journal of Lie Theory 4 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 4 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 4 Science China. Mathematics 3 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 3 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Acta Mathematica 3 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 3 Compositio Mathematica 3 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 3 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 3 Siberian Mathematical Journal 3 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 3 Aequationes Mathematicae 3 Potential Analysis 3 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 3 Algebras and Representation Theory 3 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 3 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 3 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 3 European Journal of Mathematics 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg ...and 148 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 58 Fields 1,015 Quantum theory (81-XX) 593 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 520 Differential geometry (53-XX) 336 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 319 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 286 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 194 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 182 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 112 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 105 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 101 Functional analysis (46-XX) 97 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 97 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 92 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 75 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 58 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 51 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 45 Number theory (11-XX) 35 Operator theory (47-XX) 34 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 30 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 26 Combinatorics (05-XX) 21 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 19 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 18 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 12 Special functions (33-XX) 11 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 8 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 7 History and biography (01-XX) 7 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 7 Real functions (26-XX) 7 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Computer science (68-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 6 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 6 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 Geometry (51-XX) 4 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 4 Measure and integration (28-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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