Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Frolov, Andreĭ Nikolaevich Co-Author Distance Author ID: frolov.andrei-nikolaevich.1 Published as: Frolov, A. N.; Frolov, Andrei N.; Frolov, Andrei; Frolov, A. more...less Documents Indexed: 74 Publications since 1971, including 1 Book and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint Co-Authors: 5 Co-Authors with 11 Joint Publications 52 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 59 single-authored 10 Martikainen, Alexander I. 7 Steinebach, Josef G. 3 Kartashov, Alexey 1 Karmishin, A. V. 1 Myachenkov, V. I. 1 Repin, A. A. 1 Tang, Cheng all top 5 Serials 17 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 10 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 9 Statistics & Probability Letters 6 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 4 Theory of Probability and its Applications 4 Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI 2 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 2 Vestnik Leningrad University. Mathematics 2 Network (Bristol) 2 Theory of Stochastic Processes 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta. Seriya 1. Matematika, Mekhanika, Astronomiya 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 Russian Mathematics 1 Teoriya Ĭmovirnosteĭ ta Matematychna Statystyka 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Network: Computation in Neural Systems 1 Central European Journal of Mathematics 1 İstatistik all top 5 Fields 68 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 48 Publications have been cited 165 times in 61 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Bounds for probabilities of unions of events and the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Zbl 1471.60040 Frolov, Andrei N. 18 2012 On lower and upper bounds for probabilities of unions and the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Zbl 1349.60042 Frolov, Andrei N. 11 2015 Esseen type bounds of the remainder in a combinatorial CLT. Zbl 1291.60045 Frolov, Andrei N. 10 2014 On inequalities for probabilities of unions of events and the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Zbl 1338.60025 Frolov, Andrei N. 9 2014 On one-sided strong laws for large increments of sums. Zbl 0893.60016 Frolov, Andrei N. 8 1998 On probabilities of moderate deviations of sums for independent random variables. Zbl 1076.60021 Frolov, A. N. 6 2002 Limit theorems for increments of sums of independent random variables. Zbl 1064.60093 Frolov, A. N. 6 2003 On probabilities of small deviations for compound renewal processes. Zbl 1154.60071 Frolov, A. N.; Martikainen, A. I.; Steinebach, J. 6 2008 Quality and efficiency of retrieval for Willshaw-like autoassociative networks. I: Correction. Zbl 0842.68027 Frolov, A.; Kartashov, A.; Goltsev, A.; Folk, R. 6 1995 On estimation of probabilities of unions of events with applications to the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Zbl 1370.60031 Frolov, A. N. 6 2015 One-sided strong laws for increments of sums of i. i. d. random variables. Zbl 1026.60030 Frolov, A. N. 5 2002 On the asymptotic behavior of increments of sums of independent random variables. Zbl 1043.60037 Frolov, A. N. 5 2000 On the length of the longest increasing run in \(\mathbb{R}^d\). Zbl 0916.60031 Frolov, Andrei N.; Martikainen, Alexander I. 5 1999 On the probabilities of moderate deviations for combinatorial sums. Zbl 1370.60052 Frolov, A. N. 5 2015 On inequalities for values of first jumps of distribution functions and Hölder’s inequality. Zbl 1372.60016 Frolov, Andrei N. 5 2017 Bounds of the remainder in a combinatorial central limit theorem. Zbl 1328.60066 Frolov, Andrei N. 4 2015 Quality and efficiency of retrieval for Willshaw-like autoassociative networks. II: Recognition. Zbl 0842.68028 Frolov, A.; Kartashov, A.; Goltsev, A.; Folk, R. 4 1995 On Esseen type inequalities for combinatorial random sums. Zbl 1371.60052 Frolov, Andrei N. 4 2017 On large deviations for combinatorial sums. Zbl 1479.60056 Frolov, Andrei N. 4 2022 On inequalities for conditional probabilities of unions of events and the conditional Borel-Cantelli lemma. Zbl 1390.60070 Frolov, A. N. 4 2016 Small deviations of iterated processes in the space of trajectories. Zbl 1297.60017 Frolov, Andrei N. 3 2013 On inequalities for probabilities wherein at least \(r\) from \(n\) events occur. Zbl 1430.60014 Frolov, A. N. 3 2017 Limit theorems for small deviation probabilities of some iterated stochastic processes. Zbl 1282.60039 Frolov, A. N. 3 2013 Quality and efficiency of retrieval for Willshaw-like autoassociative networks. III: Willshaw-Potts model. Zbl 0908.68053 Kartashov, A.; Frolov, A.; Goltsev, A.; Folk, R. 3 1997 On probabilities of small deviations for compound Cox processes. Zbl 1118.60039 Frolov, A. N. 3 2006 On the asymptotic behaviour of probabilities of small deviations for compound Cox processes. Zbl 1224.60045 Frolov, Andrei N. 2 2008 Strong limit theorems for increments of sums of independent random variables. Zbl 1078.60022 Frolov, A. N. 2 2004 Asymptotic behavior of increments of random fields. Zbl 1080.60025 Frolov, A. N. 2 2003 On inequalities for probabilities of joint occurrence of several events. Zbl 1430.60023 Frolov, A. N. 2 2018 On strong forms of the Borel-Cantelli lemma and intermittent interval maps. Zbl 1468.60039 Frolov, Andrei N. 2 2021 On the maximal gain over head runs. Zbl 0913.60028 Frolov, A.; Martikainen, A.; Steinebach, J. 2 1998 Strong laws for the maximal gain over increasing runs. Zbl 0967.60026 Frolov, Andrei; Martikainen, Alexander; Steinebach, Josef 2 2000 On the maximal excursion over increasing runs. Zbl 1069.60032 Frolov, Andrei; Martikainen, Alexander; Steinebach, Josef 2 2001 On a combinatorial strong law of large numbers. Zbl 1420.60055 Frolov, Andrei N. 2 2018 Limit theorems for increments of compound renewal processes. Zbl 1288.60035 Frolov, A. N. 1 2008 Limit theorems for maxima of sums and renewal processes. Zbl 1073.60031 Frolov, A.; Martikainen, A.; Steinebach, J. 1 2001 Set-theoretic structure of computable sets. Zbl 1081.03044 Frolov, A. N. 1 2003 Strong limit theorems for increments of random fields. Zbl 1026.60031 Frolov, Andrei N. 1 2002 Converses to the Csörgő-Révész laws. Zbl 1099.60019 Frolov, Andrei N. 1 2005 Unified limit theorems for increments of processes with independent increments. Zbl 1098.60032 Frolov, A. N. 1 2005 Strong limit theorems for increments of renewal processes. Zbl 1081.60026 Frolov, A. N. 1 2003 On the law of the iterated logarithm for increments of sums of independent random variables. Zbl 1075.60045 Frolov, A. N. 1 2004 On bounds for probabilities of combinations of events, the Jordan formula, and the Bonferroni inequalities. Zbl 1448.60026 Frolov, A. N. 1 2019 On small deviation probabilities for certain iterated random processes. Zbl 1297.93147 Frolov, A. N. 1 2013 On combinatorial strong law of large numbers and rank statistics. Zbl 1460.62091 Frolov, A. N. 1 2020 On asymptotic behavior of increments of sums along head runs. Zbl 1003.60030 Frolov, A. N. 1 1999 On the strong form of the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Zbl 1497.60035 Frolov, A. N. 1 2022 On the probabilities of large deviations of combinatorial sums of independent random variables that satisfy the Linnik condition. Zbl 1526.60024 Frolov, A. N. 1 2023 On the probabilities of large deviations of combinatorial sums of independent random variables that satisfy the Linnik condition. Zbl 1526.60024 Frolov, A. N. 1 2023 On large deviations for combinatorial sums. Zbl 1479.60056 Frolov, Andrei N. 4 2022 On the strong form of the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Zbl 1497.60035 Frolov, A. N. 1 2022 On strong forms of the Borel-Cantelli lemma and intermittent interval maps. Zbl 1468.60039 Frolov, Andrei N. 2 2021 On combinatorial strong law of large numbers and rank statistics. Zbl 1460.62091 Frolov, A. N. 1 2020 On bounds for probabilities of combinations of events, the Jordan formula, and the Bonferroni inequalities. Zbl 1448.60026 Frolov, A. N. 1 2019 On inequalities for probabilities of joint occurrence of several events. Zbl 1430.60023 Frolov, A. N. 2 2018 On a combinatorial strong law of large numbers. Zbl 1420.60055 Frolov, Andrei N. 2 2018 On inequalities for values of first jumps of distribution functions and Hölder’s inequality. Zbl 1372.60016 Frolov, Andrei N. 5 2017 On Esseen type inequalities for combinatorial random sums. Zbl 1371.60052 Frolov, Andrei N. 4 2017 On inequalities for probabilities wherein at least \(r\) from \(n\) events occur. Zbl 1430.60014 Frolov, A. N. 3 2017 On inequalities for conditional probabilities of unions of events and the conditional Borel-Cantelli lemma. Zbl 1390.60070 Frolov, A. N. 4 2016 On lower and upper bounds for probabilities of unions and the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Zbl 1349.60042 Frolov, Andrei N. 11 2015 On estimation of probabilities of unions of events with applications to the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Zbl 1370.60031 Frolov, A. N. 6 2015 On the probabilities of moderate deviations for combinatorial sums. Zbl 1370.60052 Frolov, A. N. 5 2015 Bounds of the remainder in a combinatorial central limit theorem. Zbl 1328.60066 Frolov, Andrei N. 4 2015 Esseen type bounds of the remainder in a combinatorial CLT. Zbl 1291.60045 Frolov, Andrei N. 10 2014 On inequalities for probabilities of unions of events and the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Zbl 1338.60025 Frolov, Andrei N. 9 2014 Small deviations of iterated processes in the space of trajectories. Zbl 1297.60017 Frolov, Andrei N. 3 2013 Limit theorems for small deviation probabilities of some iterated stochastic processes. Zbl 1282.60039 Frolov, A. N. 3 2013 On small deviation probabilities for certain iterated random processes. Zbl 1297.93147 Frolov, A. N. 1 2013 Bounds for probabilities of unions of events and the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Zbl 1471.60040 Frolov, Andrei N. 18 2012 On probabilities of small deviations for compound renewal processes. Zbl 1154.60071 Frolov, A. N.; Martikainen, A. I.; Steinebach, J. 6 2008 On the asymptotic behaviour of probabilities of small deviations for compound Cox processes. Zbl 1224.60045 Frolov, Andrei N. 2 2008 Limit theorems for increments of compound renewal processes. Zbl 1288.60035 Frolov, A. N. 1 2008 On probabilities of small deviations for compound Cox processes. Zbl 1118.60039 Frolov, A. N. 3 2006 Converses to the Csörgő-Révész laws. Zbl 1099.60019 Frolov, Andrei N. 1 2005 Unified limit theorems for increments of processes with independent increments. Zbl 1098.60032 Frolov, A. N. 1 2005 Strong limit theorems for increments of sums of independent random variables. Zbl 1078.60022 Frolov, A. N. 2 2004 On the law of the iterated logarithm for increments of sums of independent random variables. Zbl 1075.60045 Frolov, A. N. 1 2004 Limit theorems for increments of sums of independent random variables. Zbl 1064.60093 Frolov, A. N. 6 2003 Asymptotic behavior of increments of random fields. Zbl 1080.60025 Frolov, A. N. 2 2003 Set-theoretic structure of computable sets. Zbl 1081.03044 Frolov, A. N. 1 2003 Strong limit theorems for increments of renewal processes. Zbl 1081.60026 Frolov, A. N. 1 2003 On probabilities of moderate deviations of sums for independent random variables. Zbl 1076.60021 Frolov, A. N. 6 2002 One-sided strong laws for increments of sums of i. i. d. random variables. Zbl 1026.60030 Frolov, A. N. 5 2002 Strong limit theorems for increments of random fields. Zbl 1026.60031 Frolov, Andrei N. 1 2002 On the maximal excursion over increasing runs. Zbl 1069.60032 Frolov, Andrei; Martikainen, Alexander; Steinebach, Josef 2 2001 Limit theorems for maxima of sums and renewal processes. Zbl 1073.60031 Frolov, A.; Martikainen, A.; Steinebach, J. 1 2001 On the asymptotic behavior of increments of sums of independent random variables. Zbl 1043.60037 Frolov, A. N. 5 2000 Strong laws for the maximal gain over increasing runs. Zbl 0967.60026 Frolov, Andrei; Martikainen, Alexander; Steinebach, Josef 2 2000 On the length of the longest increasing run in \(\mathbb{R}^d\). Zbl 0916.60031 Frolov, Andrei N.; Martikainen, Alexander I. 5 1999 On asymptotic behavior of increments of sums along head runs. Zbl 1003.60030 Frolov, A. N. 1 1999 On one-sided strong laws for large increments of sums. Zbl 0893.60016 Frolov, Andrei N. 8 1998 On the maximal gain over head runs. Zbl 0913.60028 Frolov, A.; Martikainen, A.; Steinebach, J. 2 1998 Quality and efficiency of retrieval for Willshaw-like autoassociative networks. III: Willshaw-Potts model. Zbl 0908.68053 Kartashov, A.; Frolov, A.; Goltsev, A.; Folk, R. 3 1997 Quality and efficiency of retrieval for Willshaw-like autoassociative networks. I: Correction. Zbl 0842.68027 Frolov, A.; Kartashov, A.; Goltsev, A.; Folk, R. 6 1995 Quality and efficiency of retrieval for Willshaw-like autoassociative networks. II: Recognition. Zbl 0842.68028 Frolov, A.; Kartashov, A.; Goltsev, A.; Folk, R. 4 1995 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 57 Authors 29 Frolov, Andreĭ Nikolaevich 2 Alajaji, Fady 2 Chen, Haibo 2 Lifshits, Mikhail A. 2 Martikainen, Alexander I. 2 Sang, Hailin 2 Takahara, Glen K. 2 Xiao, Yimin 2 Yang, Jun 2 Zholud, Dmitrii 1 Beknazaryan, Aleksandr F. 1 Bíró, Csaba 1 Borovkov, Aleksandr Alekseevich 1 Çaǧın, Tonguç 1 Chandra, Tapas Kumar 1 Choi, Yong-Kab 1 Csörgő, Miklós 1 Curbelo, Israel R. 1 Ding, Daoxin 1 Estrada, Luisa F. 1 Fang, Xiao 1 Frolov, Andreĭ Nikolaevich 1 Högele, Michael Anton 1 Hu, Shuhe 1 Ibragimov, Il’dar Abdullovich 1 Kagita, Venkateswara Rao 1 Kobayashi, Kei 1 Koike, Yuta 1 Liu, Songhao 1 Long, Xinghuo 1 Mitton, Nathalie 1 Nazarov, Alexander I. 1 Neammanee, Kritsana 1 Nikitin, Yakov Yur’evich 1 Oliveira, Paulo Eduardo 1 Padmanabhan, Vineet 1 Paroux, Katy 1 Petrov, Valentin Vladimirovich 1 Pujari, Arun K. 1 Rosalsky, Andrew 1 Sericola, Bruno 1 Shklyaev, Aleksandr V. 1 Sreehari, Maddipatla 1 Steinebach, Josef G. 1 Stepanov, Aleksei Vasil’evich 1 Sumritnorrapong, Patcharee 1 Suntornchost, Jiraphan 1 Tixeuil, Sébastien 1 Torrado, Nuria 1 Wiroonsri, Nathakhun 1 Yang, Lei 1 Yang, Wenzhi 1 Yu, Min 1 Zaitsev, Andrei Yu. 1 Zaporozhets, Dmitry 1 Zhang, Zhuo-Song 1 Zinger, Abram Aronovich all top 5 Cited in 25 Serials 16 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 10 Statistics & Probability Letters 7 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Theory of Probability and its Applications 2 Journal of Applied Probability 2 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 2 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 2 Extremes 1 Journal of Number Theory 1 Siberian Mathematical Journal 1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 1 The Annals of Applied Probability 1 Discrete Mathematics and Applications 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 Expositiones Mathematicae 1 Russian Mathematics 1 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 Electronic Journal of Probability 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 1 Central European Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 1 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics all top 5 Cited in 10 Fields 56 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 9 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year