Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Fukuda, Komei Co-Author Distance Author ID: fukuda.komei Published as: Fukuda, Komei; Fukuda, K. Homepage: https://people.inf.ethz.ch/fukudak/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Google Scholar Documents Indexed: 70 Publications since 1988 3 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 4 Packages Co-Authors: 69 Co-Authors with 71 Joint Publications 2,072 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 2 single-authored 8 Tamura, Akihisa 5 Deza, Antoine 5 Rosta, Vera 4 Avis, David M. 4 Finschi, Lukas 4 Liebling, Thomas M. 4 Namiki, Makoto 3 Cordovil, Raul 3 Deza, Michel Marie 3 Gärtner, Bernd 3 Lüthi, Hans-Jakob 3 Matsui, Tomomi 3 Moriyama, Sonoko 3 Terlaky, Tamás 2 Foniok, Jan 2 Jensen, Anders Nedergaard 2 Marzetta, Ambros 2 Prodon, Alain 2 Saito, Shigemasa 2 Szedlák, May 2 Thomas, Rekha R. 2 Tokuyama, Takeshi 2 Weibel, Christophe 1 Allemand, Kim 1 Andrzejak, Artur 1 Babson, Eric K. 1 Bárány, Imre 1 Bemporad, Alberto 1 Bremner, David 1 Brüngger, Adrian 1 Büeler, Benno 1 Columbano, Sebastiano 1 da Silva, Ilda P. F. 1 Enge, Andreas 1 Ferrez, J.-A. 1 Fujishige, Satoru 1 Guedes de Oliveira, António 1 Handa, Keiichi 1 Ibaraki, Toshihide 1 Jones, Colin Neil 1 Joswig, Michael 1 Kaluzny, Bohdan L. 1 Klaus, Lorenz 1 Kojima, Masakazu 1 Laurent, Monique 1 Lauritzen, Niels 1 Lütolf, Christine 1 Margot, François 1 Miyata, Hiroyuki 1 Mizutani, Tomohiko 1 Moreira, Maria Leonor 1 Musitelli, Antoine 1 Nakayama, Hiroki 1 Nievergelt, Jurg 1 Okamoto, Yoshio 1 Onn, Shmuel 1 Pasechnik, Dmitrii V. 1 Picozzi, Stefano 1 Richter-Gebert, Jürgen 1 Sakuma, Tadashi 1 Sato, Masanori 1 Steiner, Erich 1 Takayama, Nobuki 1 Takehara, Hitoshi 1 Torrisi, Fabio Danilo 1 Uno, Takeaki 1 van der Hoeven, Joris 1 Vo, Cong Phat 1 Ziegler, Günter Matthias all top 5 Serials 7 Discrete & Computational Geometry 5 Discrete Applied Mathematics 5 European Journal of Combinatorics 4 Discrete Mathematics 4 Computational Geometry 3 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 2 Geometriae Dedicata 2 Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 2 Journal of Symbolic Computation 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Annals of Operations Research 2 European Journal of Operational Research 2 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Ars Combinatoria 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 1 Journal of Geometry 1 Networks 1 Portugaliae Mathematica 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 Combinatorica 1 Journal of Global Optimization 1 PU.M.A. Pure Mathematics and Applications 1 International Transactions in Operational Research 1 RIMS Kokyuroku 1 Pacific Journal of Optimization 1 Lecture Notes in Computer Science all top 5 Fields 30 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 28 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 24 Combinatorics (05-XX) 24 Computer science (68-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 68 Publications have been cited 1,157 times in 857 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Reverse search for enumeration. Zbl 0854.68070 Avis, David; Fukuda, Komei 240 1996 A pivoting algorithm for convex hulls and vertex enumeration of arrangements and polyhedra. Zbl 0752.68082 Avis, David; Fukuda, Komei 148 1992 Double description method revisited. Zbl 1543.68253 Fukuda, Komei; Prodon, Alain 65 1996 Exact volume computation for polytopes: A practical study. Zbl 0960.68162 Büeler, Benno; Enge, Andreas; Fukuda, Komei 56 2000 Primal-dual methods for vertex and facet enumeration. Zbl 0910.68217 Bremner, D.; Fukuda, K.; Marzetta, A. 47 1998 A polynomial case of unconstrained zero-one quadratic optimization. Zbl 1055.90051 Allemand, Kim; Fukuda, Komei; Liebling, Thomas M.; Steiner, Erich 28 2001 Convexity recognition of the union of polyhedra. Zbl 0976.68163 Bemporad, Alberto; Fukuda, Komei; Torrisi, Fabio D. 27 2001 From the zonotope construction to the Minkowski addition of convex polytopes. Zbl 1121.52020 Fukuda, Komei 27 2004 Analysis of backtrack algorithms for listing all vertices and all faces of a convex polyhedron. Zbl 1133.68462 Fukuda, Komei; Liebling, Thomas M.; Margot, François 27 1997 Antipodal graphs and oriented matroids. Zbl 0782.05069 Fukuda, Komei; Handa, Keiichi 25 1993 Computing Gröbner fans. Zbl 1119.13026 Fukuda, Komei; Jensen, Anders N.; Thomas, Rekha R. 25 2007 Solving the fixed rank convex quadratic maximization in binary variables by a parallel zonotope construction algorithm. Zbl 1066.90101 Ferrez, J.-A.; Fukuda, K.; Liebling, Th. M. 23 2005 Generation of oriented matroids — a graph theoretical approach. Zbl 1005.52013 Finschi, L.; Fukuda, K. 23 2002 Finding all the perfect matchings in bipartite graphs. Zbl 0792.68129 Fukuda, K.; Matsui, T. 22 1994 Criss-cross methods: A fresh view on pivot algorithms. Zbl 0887.90113 Fukuda, Komei; Terlaky, Tamás 22 1997 Complete enumeration of small realizable oriented matroids. Zbl 1278.52014 Fukuda, Komei; Miyata, Hiroyuki; Moriyama, Sonoko 22 2013 \(f\)-vectors of Minkowski additions of convex polytopes. Zbl 1125.52009 Fukuda, Komei; Weibel, Christophe 20 2007 Linear complementarity and oriented matroids. Zbl 0773.90077 Fukuda, Komei; Terlaky, Tamás 19 1992 The parallel search bench ZRAM and its applications. Zbl 0937.90088 Brüngger, Adrian; Marzetta, Ambros; Fukuda, Komei; Nievergelt, Jurg 15 1999 Combinatorial face enumeration in convex polytopes. Zbl 0811.68119 Fukuda, Komei; Rosta, Vera 14 1994 Finding all minimum-cost perfect matchings in bipartite graphs. Zbl 0762.90080 Fukuda, Komei; Matsui, Tomomi 14 1992 The generic Gröbner walk. Zbl 1124.68120 Fukuda, K.; Jensen, A. N.; Lauritzen, N.; Thomas, R. 14 2007 On the finiteness of the criss-cross method. Zbl 0747.90062 Fukuda, Komei; Matsui, Tomomi 12 1991 Cocircuit graphs and efficient orientation reconstruction in oriented matroids. Zbl 0988.52032 Babson, Eric; Finschi, Lukas; Fukuda, Komei 12 2001 EP theorems and linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0908.90251 Fukuda, Komei; Namiki, Makoto; Tamura, Akihisa 12 1998 Combinatorial face enumeration in arrangements and oriented matroids. Zbl 0752.05016 Fukuda, Komei; Saito, Shigemasa; Tamura, Akihisa 11 1991 Oriented matroids and combinatorial manifolds. Zbl 0779.52014 Cordovil, Raul; Fukuda, Komei 10 1993 The existence of a short sequence of admissible pivots to an optimal basis in LP and LCP. Zbl 0907.90206 Fukuda, Komei; Lüthi, Hans-Jakob; Namiki, Makoto 10 1997 Combinatorial generation of small point configurations and hyperplane arrangements. Zbl 1077.52519 Finschi, Lukas; Fukuda, Komei 9 2003 The inequicut cone. Zbl 0801.52006 Deza, Michel; Fukuda, Komei; Laurent, Monique 8 1993 Exact algorithms and software in optimization and polyhedral computation. Zbl 1489.68410 Fukuda, Komei 8 2008 On skeletons, diameters and volumes of metric polyhedra. Zbl 07876625 Deza, Antoine; Deza, Michel; Fukuda, Komei 8 1996 Local deformation and orientation transformation in oriented matroids. Zbl 0646.05015 Fukuda, Komei; Tamura, Akihisa 7 1988 Clutters and matroids. Zbl 0739.05019 Cordovil, Raul; Fukuda, Komei; Moreira, Maria Leonor 7 1991 On the cocircuit graph of an oriented matroid. Zbl 0958.52016 Cordovil, R.; Fukuda, K.; Guedes de Oliveira, A. 7 2000 On canonical representations of convex polyhedra. Zbl 1012.68207 Avis, David; Fukuda, Komei; Picozzi, Stefano 7 2002 Data depth and maximum feasible subsystems. Zbl 1098.90100 Fukuda, Komei; Rosta, Vera 7 2005 On the existence of a short admissible pivot sequence for feasibility and linear optimization problems. Zbl 1052.90100 Fukuda, Komei; Terlaky, Tamás 7 2000 An output-sensitive algorithm for multi-parametric LCPs with sufficient matrices. Zbl 1165.90028 Columbano, Sebastiano; Fukuda, Komei; Jones, Colin N. 7 2009 Loops of clutters. Zbl 0723.05114 Deza, Michel Marie; Fukuda, Komei 7 1990 On the skeleton of the metric polytope. Zbl 0998.52014 Deza, Antoine; Fukuda, Komei; Pasechnik, Dmitrii; Sato, Masanori 6 2001 Bounding the number of \(k\)-faces in arrangements of hyperplanes. Zbl 0742.52012 Fukuda, Komei; Saito, Shigemasa; Tamura, Akihisa; Tokuyama, Takeshi 6 1991 Extended convex hull. Zbl 0991.68117 Fukuda, Komei; Liebling, Thomas M.; Lütolf, Christine 5 2001 Optimization over \(k\)-set polytopes and efficient \(k\)-set enumeration. Zbl 1063.68675 Andrzejak, Artur; Fukuda, Komei 5 1999 A theorem on the average number of subfaces in arrangements and oriented matroids. Zbl 0780.52014 Fukuda, Komei; Tamura, Akihisa; Tokuyama, Takeshi 4 1993 A basis enumeration algorithm for linear systems with geometric applications. Zbl 0736.90059 Avis, David; Fukuda, Komei 4 1991 An adaptive algorithm for vector partitioning. Zbl 1047.90057 Fukuda, Komei; Onn, Shmuel; Rosta, Vera 4 2003 Notes on acyclic orientations and the shelling lemma. Zbl 0981.05050 Fukuda, K.; Prodon, A.; Sakuma, T. 4 2001 Pivoting in linear complementarity: Two polynomial-time cases. Zbl 1178.68287 Foniok, Jan; Fukuda, Komei; Gärtner, Bernd; Lüthi, Hans-Jakob 4 2009 On the face lattice of the metric polytope. Zbl 1179.52014 Deza, Antoine; Fukuda, Komei; Mizutani, Tomohiko; Vo, Cong 4 2003 Exact parallel algorithms for the location depth and the maximum feasible subsystem problems. Zbl 1176.90670 Fukuda, K.; Rosta, V. 3 2004 The Holt-Klee condition for oriented matroids. Zbl 1181.05022 Fukuda, Komei; Moriyama, Sonoko; Okamoto, Yoshio 3 2009 Isolating points by lines in the plane. Zbl 0938.52012 Da Silva, Ilda P. F.; Fukuda, Komei 3 1998 Combinatorial redundancy detection. Zbl 1378.90056 Fukuda, Komei; Gärtner, Bernd; Szedlák, May 3 2015 Wagner’s theorem and combinatorial enumeration of \(3\)-polytopes. Zbl 0939.52503 Deza, Antoine; Fukuda, Komei; Rosta, Vera 2 1994 On extremal behaviors of Murty’s least index method. Zbl 0805.90105 Fukuda, Komei; Namiki, Makoto 2 1994 McMullen’s conditions and some lower bounds for general convex polytopes. Zbl 0811.52004 Deza, Antoine; Fukuda, Komei 2 1994 A case when the union of polytopes is convex. Zbl 1072.52007 Bárány, Imre; Fukuda, Komei 2 2005 A linear equation for Minkowski sums of polytopes relatively in general position. Zbl 1186.68498 Fukuda, Komei; Weibel, Christophe 2 2010 Polynomial time algorithms for maximizing the intersection volume of polytopes. Zbl 1177.65087 Fukuda, Komei; Uno, Takeaki 2 2007 A dual interior primal simplex method for linear programming. Zbl 0658.90062 Tamura, Akihisa; Takehara, Hitoshi; Fukuda, Komei; Fujishige, Satoru; Kojima, Masakazu 1 1988 Characterizations of *-families. Zbl 0692.05018 Fukuda, Komei; Tamura, Akihisa 1 1989 Finding all common bases in two matroids. Zbl 0823.05020 Fukuda, Komei; Namiki, Makoto 1 1995 Combinatorial characterizations of \(K\)-matrices. Zbl 1206.15023 Foniok, Jan; Fukuda, Komei; Klaus, Lorenz 1 2011 Every non-Euclidean oriented matroid admits a biquadratic final polynomial. Zbl 1224.52031 Fukuda, Komei; Moriyama, Sonoko; Nakayama, Hiroki; Richter-Gebert, Jürgen 1 2009 New polynomial-time algorithms for Camion bases. Zbl 1105.05044 Fukuda, Komei; Musitelli, Antoine 1 2006 Mathematical software – ICMS 2010. Third international congress on mathematical software, Kobe, Japan, September 13–17, 2010. Proceedings. Zbl 1196.68008 1 2010 Combinatorial redundancy detection. Zbl 1392.90077 Fukuda, Komei; Gärtner, Bernd; Szedlák, May 1 2018 Combinatorial redundancy detection. Zbl 1392.90077 Fukuda, Komei; Gärtner, Bernd; Szedlák, May 1 2018 Combinatorial redundancy detection. Zbl 1378.90056 Fukuda, Komei; Gärtner, Bernd; Szedlák, May 3 2015 Complete enumeration of small realizable oriented matroids. Zbl 1278.52014 Fukuda, Komei; Miyata, Hiroyuki; Moriyama, Sonoko 22 2013 Combinatorial characterizations of \(K\)-matrices. Zbl 1206.15023 Foniok, Jan; Fukuda, Komei; Klaus, Lorenz 1 2011 A linear equation for Minkowski sums of polytopes relatively in general position. Zbl 1186.68498 Fukuda, Komei; Weibel, Christophe 2 2010 Mathematical software – ICMS 2010. Third international congress on mathematical software, Kobe, Japan, September 13–17, 2010. Proceedings. Zbl 1196.68008 1 2010 An output-sensitive algorithm for multi-parametric LCPs with sufficient matrices. Zbl 1165.90028 Columbano, Sebastiano; Fukuda, Komei; Jones, Colin N. 7 2009 Pivoting in linear complementarity: Two polynomial-time cases. Zbl 1178.68287 Foniok, Jan; Fukuda, Komei; Gärtner, Bernd; Lüthi, Hans-Jakob 4 2009 The Holt-Klee condition for oriented matroids. Zbl 1181.05022 Fukuda, Komei; Moriyama, Sonoko; Okamoto, Yoshio 3 2009 Every non-Euclidean oriented matroid admits a biquadratic final polynomial. Zbl 1224.52031 Fukuda, Komei; Moriyama, Sonoko; Nakayama, Hiroki; Richter-Gebert, Jürgen 1 2009 Exact algorithms and software in optimization and polyhedral computation. Zbl 1489.68410 Fukuda, Komei 8 2008 Computing Gröbner fans. Zbl 1119.13026 Fukuda, Komei; Jensen, Anders N.; Thomas, Rekha R. 25 2007 \(f\)-vectors of Minkowski additions of convex polytopes. Zbl 1125.52009 Fukuda, Komei; Weibel, Christophe 20 2007 The generic Gröbner walk. Zbl 1124.68120 Fukuda, K.; Jensen, A. N.; Lauritzen, N.; Thomas, R. 14 2007 Polynomial time algorithms for maximizing the intersection volume of polytopes. Zbl 1177.65087 Fukuda, Komei; Uno, Takeaki 2 2007 New polynomial-time algorithms for Camion bases. Zbl 1105.05044 Fukuda, Komei; Musitelli, Antoine 1 2006 Solving the fixed rank convex quadratic maximization in binary variables by a parallel zonotope construction algorithm. Zbl 1066.90101 Ferrez, J.-A.; Fukuda, K.; Liebling, Th. M. 23 2005 Data depth and maximum feasible subsystems. Zbl 1098.90100 Fukuda, Komei; Rosta, Vera 7 2005 A case when the union of polytopes is convex. Zbl 1072.52007 Bárány, Imre; Fukuda, Komei 2 2005 From the zonotope construction to the Minkowski addition of convex polytopes. Zbl 1121.52020 Fukuda, Komei 27 2004 Exact parallel algorithms for the location depth and the maximum feasible subsystem problems. Zbl 1176.90670 Fukuda, K.; Rosta, V. 3 2004 Combinatorial generation of small point configurations and hyperplane arrangements. Zbl 1077.52519 Finschi, Lukas; Fukuda, Komei 9 2003 An adaptive algorithm for vector partitioning. Zbl 1047.90057 Fukuda, Komei; Onn, Shmuel; Rosta, Vera 4 2003 On the face lattice of the metric polytope. Zbl 1179.52014 Deza, Antoine; Fukuda, Komei; Mizutani, Tomohiko; Vo, Cong 4 2003 Generation of oriented matroids — a graph theoretical approach. Zbl 1005.52013 Finschi, L.; Fukuda, K. 23 2002 On canonical representations of convex polyhedra. Zbl 1012.68207 Avis, David; Fukuda, Komei; Picozzi, Stefano 7 2002 A polynomial case of unconstrained zero-one quadratic optimization. Zbl 1055.90051 Allemand, Kim; Fukuda, Komei; Liebling, Thomas M.; Steiner, Erich 28 2001 Convexity recognition of the union of polyhedra. Zbl 0976.68163 Bemporad, Alberto; Fukuda, Komei; Torrisi, Fabio D. 27 2001 Cocircuit graphs and efficient orientation reconstruction in oriented matroids. Zbl 0988.52032 Babson, Eric; Finschi, Lukas; Fukuda, Komei 12 2001 On the skeleton of the metric polytope. Zbl 0998.52014 Deza, Antoine; Fukuda, Komei; Pasechnik, Dmitrii; Sato, Masanori 6 2001 Extended convex hull. Zbl 0991.68117 Fukuda, Komei; Liebling, Thomas M.; Lütolf, Christine 5 2001 Notes on acyclic orientations and the shelling lemma. Zbl 0981.05050 Fukuda, K.; Prodon, A.; Sakuma, T. 4 2001 Exact volume computation for polytopes: A practical study. Zbl 0960.68162 Büeler, Benno; Enge, Andreas; Fukuda, Komei 56 2000 On the cocircuit graph of an oriented matroid. Zbl 0958.52016 Cordovil, R.; Fukuda, K.; Guedes de Oliveira, A. 7 2000 On the existence of a short admissible pivot sequence for feasibility and linear optimization problems. Zbl 1052.90100 Fukuda, Komei; Terlaky, Tamás 7 2000 The parallel search bench ZRAM and its applications. Zbl 0937.90088 Brüngger, Adrian; Marzetta, Ambros; Fukuda, Komei; Nievergelt, Jurg 15 1999 Optimization over \(k\)-set polytopes and efficient \(k\)-set enumeration. Zbl 1063.68675 Andrzejak, Artur; Fukuda, Komei 5 1999 Primal-dual methods for vertex and facet enumeration. Zbl 0910.68217 Bremner, D.; Fukuda, K.; Marzetta, A. 47 1998 EP theorems and linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0908.90251 Fukuda, Komei; Namiki, Makoto; Tamura, Akihisa 12 1998 Isolating points by lines in the plane. Zbl 0938.52012 Da Silva, Ilda P. F.; Fukuda, Komei 3 1998 Analysis of backtrack algorithms for listing all vertices and all faces of a convex polyhedron. Zbl 1133.68462 Fukuda, Komei; Liebling, Thomas M.; Margot, François 27 1997 Criss-cross methods: A fresh view on pivot algorithms. Zbl 0887.90113 Fukuda, Komei; Terlaky, Tamás 22 1997 The existence of a short sequence of admissible pivots to an optimal basis in LP and LCP. Zbl 0907.90206 Fukuda, Komei; Lüthi, Hans-Jakob; Namiki, Makoto 10 1997 Reverse search for enumeration. Zbl 0854.68070 Avis, David; Fukuda, Komei 240 1996 Double description method revisited. Zbl 1543.68253 Fukuda, Komei; Prodon, Alain 65 1996 On skeletons, diameters and volumes of metric polyhedra. Zbl 07876625 Deza, Antoine; Deza, Michel; Fukuda, Komei 8 1996 Finding all common bases in two matroids. Zbl 0823.05020 Fukuda, Komei; Namiki, Makoto 1 1995 Finding all the perfect matchings in bipartite graphs. Zbl 0792.68129 Fukuda, K.; Matsui, T. 22 1994 Combinatorial face enumeration in convex polytopes. Zbl 0811.68119 Fukuda, Komei; Rosta, Vera 14 1994 Wagner’s theorem and combinatorial enumeration of \(3\)-polytopes. Zbl 0939.52503 Deza, Antoine; Fukuda, Komei; Rosta, Vera 2 1994 On extremal behaviors of Murty’s least index method. Zbl 0805.90105 Fukuda, Komei; Namiki, Makoto 2 1994 McMullen’s conditions and some lower bounds for general convex polytopes. Zbl 0811.52004 Deza, Antoine; Fukuda, Komei 2 1994 Antipodal graphs and oriented matroids. Zbl 0782.05069 Fukuda, Komei; Handa, Keiichi 25 1993 Oriented matroids and combinatorial manifolds. Zbl 0779.52014 Cordovil, Raul; Fukuda, Komei 10 1993 The inequicut cone. Zbl 0801.52006 Deza, Michel; Fukuda, Komei; Laurent, Monique 8 1993 A theorem on the average number of subfaces in arrangements and oriented matroids. Zbl 0780.52014 Fukuda, Komei; Tamura, Akihisa; Tokuyama, Takeshi 4 1993 A pivoting algorithm for convex hulls and vertex enumeration of arrangements and polyhedra. Zbl 0752.68082 Avis, David; Fukuda, Komei 148 1992 Linear complementarity and oriented matroids. Zbl 0773.90077 Fukuda, Komei; Terlaky, Tamás 19 1992 Finding all minimum-cost perfect matchings in bipartite graphs. Zbl 0762.90080 Fukuda, Komei; Matsui, Tomomi 14 1992 On the finiteness of the criss-cross method. Zbl 0747.90062 Fukuda, Komei; Matsui, Tomomi 12 1991 Combinatorial face enumeration in arrangements and oriented matroids. Zbl 0752.05016 Fukuda, Komei; Saito, Shigemasa; Tamura, Akihisa 11 1991 Clutters and matroids. Zbl 0739.05019 Cordovil, Raul; Fukuda, Komei; Moreira, Maria Leonor 7 1991 Bounding the number of \(k\)-faces in arrangements of hyperplanes. Zbl 0742.52012 Fukuda, Komei; Saito, Shigemasa; Tamura, Akihisa; Tokuyama, Takeshi 6 1991 A basis enumeration algorithm for linear systems with geometric applications. Zbl 0736.90059 Avis, David; Fukuda, Komei 4 1991 Loops of clutters. Zbl 0723.05114 Deza, Michel Marie; Fukuda, Komei 7 1990 Characterizations of *-families. Zbl 0692.05018 Fukuda, Komei; Tamura, Akihisa 1 1989 Local deformation and orientation transformation in oriented matroids. Zbl 0646.05015 Fukuda, Komei; Tamura, Akihisa 7 1988 A dual interior primal simplex method for linear programming. Zbl 0658.90062 Tamura, Akihisa; Takehara, Hitoshi; Fukuda, Komei; Fujishige, Satoru; Kojima, Masakazu 1 1988 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,394 Authors 31 Fukuda, Komei 21 Uno, Takeaki 14 Avis, David M. 13 Conte, Alessio 13 Yamanaka, Katsuhisa 12 Nakano, Shin-ichi 11 Illés, Tibor 11 Wasa, Kunihiro 10 Elbassioni, Khaled M. 10 Marino, Andrea 9 Grossi, Roberto 9 Knauer, Kolja B. 8 De Loera, Jesús A. 8 Deza, Michel Marie 8 Hurtado, Ferran 8 Kurita, Kazuhiro 8 Morari, Manfred 8 Terlaky, Tamás 8 Uehara, Ryuhei 8 Versari, Luca 7 Bruno, Alexander Dmitrievich 7 Fisikopoulos, Vissarion 7 Okamoto, Yoshio 6 Aichholzer, Oswin 6 Bemporad, Alberto 6 Deza, Antoine 6 Joswig, Michael 6 Li, Duan 6 Löhne, Andreas 6 Tamura, Akihisa 6 Tóth, Csaba D. 6 Zaffanella, Enea 6 Zuo, Yijun 5 Arimura, Hiroki 5 Borgwardt, Steffen 5 Černý, Michal 5 Emiris, Ioannis Z. 5 Filippi, Carlo 5 Gärtner, Bernd 5 Kanté, Mamadou Moustapha 5 Katoh, Naoki 5 Kiyomi, Masashi 5 Laurent, Monique 5 Liu, Xiaohui 5 Makino, Kazuhisa 5 Montellano-Ballesteros, Juan José 5 Pineda-Villavicencio, Guillermo 5 Punnen, Abraham P. 5 Rizzi, Romeo 5 Saitoh, Toshiki 5 Schürmann, Achill 5 Strausz, Ricardo 5 Torrisi, Fabio Danilo 4 Allamigeon, Xavier 4 Boros, Endre 4 Bremner, David 4 da Silva, Ilda P. F. 4 Dutour-Sikiric, Mathieu 4 Eppstein, David Arthur 4 Gaubert, Stéphane 4 Gurvich, Vladimir A. 4 Haraguchi, Kazuya 4 Imai, Hideki 4 Jones, Colin Neil 4 Kastner, Lars 4 Lasserre, Jean-Bernard 4 Marc, Tilen 4 Moriyama, Sonoko 4 Mütze, Torsten 4 Paindaveine, Davy 4 Schmitt, Dominique 4 Šiman, Miroslav 4 Stephen, Tamon 4 Sun, Xiaoling 4 Tanigawa, Shin-ichi 4 Tiwary, Hans Raj 4 Yamazaki, Kazuaki 4 Yost, David T. 4 Zheng, Xiaojin 3 Arsham, Hossein 3 Bajbar, Tomáš 3 Barequet, Gill 3 Bruns, Winfried 3 Cardinal, Jean 3 Chalkis, Apostolos 3 Chen, Tianran 3 Cueto, María Angélica 3 Dai Pra, Paolo 3 Darvay, Zsolt 3 Dehghani Darmian, Mahdi 3 Foniok, Jan 3 Gao, Jianjun 3 Golovach, Petr A. 3 Hashemi, Amir 3 Heggernes, Pinar 3 Hladík, Milan 3 Hovd, Morten 3 Iervolino, Raffaele 3 Karavelas, Menelaos I. 3 Katz, Ricardo David ...and 1,294 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 242 Serials 48 Discrete Applied Mathematics 38 Discrete & Computational Geometry 35 European Journal of Operational Research 33 Computational Geometry 26 Theoretical Computer Science 25 Automatica 22 European Journal of Combinatorics 16 Discrete Mathematics 16 Journal of Symbolic Computation 16 Journal of Global Optimization 14 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 13 Algorithmica 11 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 10 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 9 Information Processing Letters 9 Optimization 8 Annals of Operations Research 7 Operations Research Letters 6 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 6 Computational Optimization and Applications 5 Mathematics of Computation 5 Advances in Applied Mathematics 5 Applied Mathematics Letters 5 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 5 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 5 Discrete Optimization 5 Mathematics in Computer Science 4 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 4 Journal of Mathematical Biology 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Operations Research 4 Graphs and Combinatorics 4 Computers & Operations Research 4 International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 4 Linear Algebra and its Applications 4 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 4 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 4 International Transactions in Operational Research 4 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 4 Optimization Letters 4 Mathematical Programming Computation 3 International Journal of Control 3 The Annals of Statistics 3 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 3 Information Sciences 3 Journal of the American Statistical Association 3 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 3 Mathematische Zeitschrift 3 Programming and Computer Software 3 SIAM Journal on Computing 3 Mathematical Social Sciences 3 Journal of Automated Reasoning 3 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 3 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 3 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 3 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 3 SIAM Journal on Optimization 3 Experimental Mathematics 3 Economic Theory 3 Top 3 Discussiones Mathematicae. Graph Theory 3 European Journal of Control 3 Theory of Computing Systems 3 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 3 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 3 4OR 3 SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 2 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 2 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 2 BIT 2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 2 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 2 Manuscripta Mathematica 2 Mechanics Research Communications 2 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 2 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Social Choice and Welfare 2 Order 2 Information and Computation 2 Machine Learning 2 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 2 Computational Statistics 2 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 2 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 2 INFORMS Journal on Computing 2 Optimization Methods & Software 2 Annals of Combinatorics 2 Chaos 2 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Chebyshevskiĭ Sbornik 2 Statistics and Computing ...and 142 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 48 Fields 283 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 278 Computer science (68-XX) 244 Combinatorics (05-XX) 198 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 59 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 55 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 45 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 41 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 40 Statistics (62-XX) 35 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 23 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 21 Number theory (11-XX) 20 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 16 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 14 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 12 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 10 Geometry (51-XX) 9 Real functions (26-XX) 9 Quantum theory (81-XX) 7 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 7 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 7 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 6 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 6 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 6 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 6 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 5 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 4 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Measure and integration (28-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 4 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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