Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Gaisin, A. M. Co-Author Distance Author ID: gaisin.a-m Published as: Gaĭsin, A. M.; Gaisin, A. M.; Gajsin, A. M.; Gaǐsin, A. M. more...less Documents Indexed: 49 Publications since 1982 Co-Authors: 5 Co-Authors with 15 Joint Publications 1 Co-Co-Author all top 5 Co-Authors 32 single-authored 5 Belous, T. I. 3 Latypov, I. D. 3 Rakhmatullina, Zh. G. 3 Sergeeva, D. I. 2 Gaĭsin, Rashit Akhtyarovich 1 Autkukhina, N. N. 1 Kinzyabulatov, I. G. 1 Yusupova, N. N. all top 5 Serials 9 Mathematical Notes 7 Sbornik: Mathematics 6 Ufimskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 5 Sibirskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 4 Siberian Mathematical Journal 3 Matematicheskie Zametki 2 Mathematics of the USSR, Sbornik 2 Russian Mathematics 2 Russian Academy of Sciences. Izvestiya. Mathematics 1 Matematicheskiĭ Sbornik. Novaya Seriya 1 Matematicheskiĭ Sbornik 1 The Journal of Analysis 1 Russian Academy of Sciences. Sbornik. Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Vladikavkazskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal Fields 48 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 28 Publications have been cited 89 times in 39 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Estimates for the growth and decrease of an entire function of infinite order on curves. Zbl 1062.30027 Gajsin, A. M. 11 2003 A Levinson-Sjöberg type theorem. Applications. Zbl 1255.30036 Gaĭsin, A. M.; Kinzyabulatov, I. G. 9 2008 Entire functions with a given sequence of zeros and of regular behavior on the real axis. I. Zbl 1164.30377 Gaĭsin, A. M.; Sergeeva, D. I. 7 2007 Behavior of the sum of a Dirichlet series having a prescribed growth. Zbl 0781.30006 Gaĭsin, A. M. 6 1991 Solution of a problem of Pólya. Zbl 1067.30051 Gaĭsin, A. M. 5 2002 Behavior of the sum of a Dirichlet series in half-strips. Zbl 0636.30003 Gaĭsin, A. M. 5 1987 An estimate for the Dirichlet series in a half-strip in the case of the irregular distribution of exponents. II. Zbl 1164.30307 Gaĭsin, A. M.; Sergeeva, D. I. 5 2008 An estimation of the growth in a half-strip of a function represented by a Dirichlet series. Zbl 0495.30007 Gajsin, A. M. 5 1982 Levinson’s condition in the theory of entire functions: Equivalent statements. Zbl 1158.30015 Gaisin, A. M. 5 2008 Asymptotic behavior of the sum of the Dirichlet series of prescribed growth on curves. Zbl 1112.30005 Gaisin, A. M.; Latypov, I. D. 5 2005 A bound for the growth in a half-strip of a function represented by a Dirichlet series. Zbl 0509.30003 Gajsin, A. M. 4 1983 Properties of exponential series with sequence of exponents satisfying a Levinson-type condition. Zbl 1151.30021 Gaĭsin, A. M. 4 2006 An estimate for a Dirichlet series whose exponents are zeros of an entire function with irregular behavior. Zbl 0832.30002 Gajsin, A. M. 3 1994 On a conjecture of Pólya. Zbl 0826.30022 Gaǐsin, A. M. 3 1994 Stability criterion for maximal terms of Dirichlet series. Zbl 1486.30008 Gaisin, A. M.; Autkukhina, N. N. 3 2022 Dirichlet series with real coefficients that are unbounded on the positive half-axis. Zbl 1162.30004 Gaǐsin, A. M. 3 2007 Asymptotics of the logarithm of the maximal term of the modified Dirichlet series. Zbl 1022.30007 Gaĭsin, A. M.; Latypov, I. D. 3 2002 Strong incompleteness of a system of exponentials, and Macintyre’s problem. Zbl 0774.30009 Gaĭsin, A. M. 2 1992 Behavior of the sum of an exponential series close the boundary of the domain of regularity. Zbl 0709.30002 Gaĭsin, A. M. 2 1990 Extremal problems in nonquasianalytic Carleman classes. Applications. Zbl 1401.30034 Gaisin, A. M. 2 2018 Strong incompleteness of a system of exponentials and the Macintyre problem. Zbl 0735.30005 Gaĭsin, A. M. 2 1991 On the behavior of the sum of Dirichlet series with a given growth majorant on curves. (On the behavior of the sum of Dirichlet series with a given majorant of a growth on curves.) Zbl 1240.30012 Gaisin, A. M.; Yusupova, N. N. 2 2009 The maximum term of a Dirichlet series converging in the halfplane: a theorem on stability. Zbl 1513.30121 Gaisin, A. M.; Belous, T. I. 2 2022 Behavior of the sum of a series of exponentials near the boundary of the domain of regularity. Zbl 0719.30001 Gaĭsin, A. M. 1 1990 An estimate for the sum of a Dirichlet series in terms of the minimum of its modulus on a vertical line segment. Zbl 1253.30009 Gaisin, A. M.; Rakhmatullina, Zh G. 1 2011 An estimate of a Dirichlet series with real coefficients on a ray. Zbl 0911.30003 Gaisin, A. M. 1 1996 Real sequences that are lacunary in the Fejér sense. Zbl 1240.30010 Gaisin, A. M.; Rakhmatullina, Zh. G. 1 2010 On a theorem of Hayman. Zbl 0905.30024 Gajsin, A. M. 1 1998 Stability criterion for maximal terms of Dirichlet series. Zbl 1486.30008 Gaisin, A. M.; Autkukhina, N. N. 3 2022 The maximum term of a Dirichlet series converging in the halfplane: a theorem on stability. Zbl 1513.30121 Gaisin, A. M.; Belous, T. I. 2 2022 Extremal problems in nonquasianalytic Carleman classes. Applications. Zbl 1401.30034 Gaisin, A. M. 2 2018 An estimate for the sum of a Dirichlet series in terms of the minimum of its modulus on a vertical line segment. Zbl 1253.30009 Gaisin, A. M.; Rakhmatullina, Zh G. 1 2011 Real sequences that are lacunary in the Fejér sense. Zbl 1240.30010 Gaisin, A. M.; Rakhmatullina, Zh. G. 1 2010 On the behavior of the sum of Dirichlet series with a given growth majorant on curves. (On the behavior of the sum of Dirichlet series with a given majorant of a growth on curves.) Zbl 1240.30012 Gaisin, A. M.; Yusupova, N. N. 2 2009 A Levinson-Sjöberg type theorem. Applications. Zbl 1255.30036 Gaĭsin, A. M.; Kinzyabulatov, I. G. 9 2008 An estimate for the Dirichlet series in a half-strip in the case of the irregular distribution of exponents. II. Zbl 1164.30307 Gaĭsin, A. M.; Sergeeva, D. I. 5 2008 Levinson’s condition in the theory of entire functions: Equivalent statements. Zbl 1158.30015 Gaisin, A. M. 5 2008 Entire functions with a given sequence of zeros and of regular behavior on the real axis. I. Zbl 1164.30377 Gaĭsin, A. M.; Sergeeva, D. I. 7 2007 Dirichlet series with real coefficients that are unbounded on the positive half-axis. Zbl 1162.30004 Gaǐsin, A. M. 3 2007 Properties of exponential series with sequence of exponents satisfying a Levinson-type condition. Zbl 1151.30021 Gaĭsin, A. M. 4 2006 Asymptotic behavior of the sum of the Dirichlet series of prescribed growth on curves. Zbl 1112.30005 Gaisin, A. M.; Latypov, I. D. 5 2005 Estimates for the growth and decrease of an entire function of infinite order on curves. Zbl 1062.30027 Gajsin, A. M. 11 2003 Solution of a problem of Pólya. Zbl 1067.30051 Gaĭsin, A. M. 5 2002 Asymptotics of the logarithm of the maximal term of the modified Dirichlet series. Zbl 1022.30007 Gaĭsin, A. M.; Latypov, I. D. 3 2002 On a theorem of Hayman. Zbl 0905.30024 Gajsin, A. M. 1 1998 An estimate of a Dirichlet series with real coefficients on a ray. Zbl 0911.30003 Gaisin, A. M. 1 1996 An estimate for a Dirichlet series whose exponents are zeros of an entire function with irregular behavior. Zbl 0832.30002 Gajsin, A. M. 3 1994 On a conjecture of Pólya. Zbl 0826.30022 Gaǐsin, A. M. 3 1994 Strong incompleteness of a system of exponentials, and Macintyre’s problem. Zbl 0774.30009 Gaĭsin, A. M. 2 1992 Behavior of the sum of a Dirichlet series having a prescribed growth. Zbl 0781.30006 Gaĭsin, A. M. 6 1991 Strong incompleteness of a system of exponentials and the Macintyre problem. Zbl 0735.30005 Gaĭsin, A. M. 2 1991 Behavior of the sum of an exponential series close the boundary of the domain of regularity. Zbl 0709.30002 Gaĭsin, A. M. 2 1990 Behavior of the sum of a series of exponentials near the boundary of the domain of regularity. Zbl 0719.30001 Gaĭsin, A. M. 1 1990 Behavior of the sum of a Dirichlet series in half-strips. Zbl 0636.30003 Gaĭsin, A. M. 5 1987 A bound for the growth in a half-strip of a function represented by a Dirichlet series. Zbl 0509.30003 Gajsin, A. M. 4 1983 An estimation of the growth in a half-strip of a function represented by a Dirichlet series. Zbl 0495.30007 Gajsin, A. M. 5 1982 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 18 Authors 15 Gaĭsin, Akhtyar Magazovich 9 Aitkuzhina, Narkes Nurmukhametovna 8 Gaĭsin, Rashit Akhtyarovich 7 Gaĭsina, Galiya Akhtyarovna 4 Gaisin, A. M. 3 Mulyava, Oksana M. 3 Sheremeta, Myroslav Mykolaiovych 3 Sherstyukov, Vladimir Borisovich 2 Belous, T. I. 2 Popov, Anton Yur’evich 1 Autkukhina, N. N. 1 Latypov, I. D. 1 Makin, Alexander S. 1 Malyutin, Konstantin Gennad’evich 1 Seliverstov, V. N. 1 Skaskiv, Oleg Bogdanovych 1 Sorokivskij, V. M. 1 Yusupova, N. N. all top 5 Cited in 15 Serials 7 Ufimskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 6 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Sbornik: Mathematics 3 Mathematical Notes 3 Siberian Mathematical Journal 3 Russian Mathematics 3 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Problemy Analiza. Issues of Analysis 1 Matematychni Studiï 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Differential Equations 1 Chebyshevskiĭ Sbornik 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 Chelyabinskiĭ Fiziko-Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal Cited in 2 Fields 38 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) Citations by Year