Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Gatica, Gabriel N. Co-Author Distance Author ID: gatica.gabriel-n Published as: Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gatica, G. N.; Ganita, Gabriel N.; Gatica, Gabriel more...less Homepage: http://www.ci2ma.udec.cl/personas/investigadores/investigador.php?id=8 External Links: MGP · Google Scholar · dblp Documents Indexed: 211 Publications since 1987, including 2 Books 5 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 83 Co-Authors with 198 Joint Publications 1,502 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 18 single-authored 35 Meddahi, Salim 28 Oyarzúa, Ricardo 27 Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 22 Marquez-Duran, Antonio M. 17 Caucao, Sergio 17 Heuer, Norbert 16 Hsiao, George Chia-Chu 15 Sequeira, Filánder A. 14 Sayas, Francisco-Javier 10 Colmenares, Eligio 10 Gatica, Luis F. 9 Bustinza, Rommel A. 8 Alvarez, Mario M. 7 Stephan, Ernst Peter 6 Almonacid, Javier A. 6 Barrios, Tomás P. 6 Inzunza, Cristian 5 Barrenechea, Gabriel R. 5 Barrientos, Mauricio A. 4 Araya, Rodolfo A. 4 Cáceres, Ernesto 4 Correa, Claudio I. 4 Gómez-Vargas, Bryan 4 Wendland, Wolfgang L. 3 Barnafi, Nicolás A. 3 Camaño, Jessika 3 Domínguez, Carolina 3 Hurtado, Daniel E. 3 Maischak, Matthias 3 Mellado, Mario E. 3 Miranda, Willian 3 Munar, Mauricio 3 Ortega, Juan-Pablo 3 Rodríguez, Rodolfo 3 Sánchez, Manuel A. 3 Sandoval, Felipe 3 Tierra, Giordano 2 Babuška, Ivo 2 Benavides, Gonzalo A. 2 Figueroa, Leonardo E. 2 Hopper, Alejandro A. 2 Moraga, Sebastián 2 Núñez, Nicolás 2 Paiva, Freddy 1 Basso, Patricio 1 Bermúdez, Isaac 1 Bürger, Raimund 1 Careaga, Julio 1 Carrasco, Sergio 1 Cockburn, Bernardo 1 Conca, Carlos 1 Cook, L. Pamela 1 Díaz, Hugo S. 1 Discacciati, Marco 1 Domínguez, Sebastián 1 Garcia, Galina C. 1 Garralda Guillem, Ana Isabel 1 Gharibi, Zeinab 1 Harbrecht, Helmut 1 Healey, Martin 1 Henríquez, Esteban 1 Hernandez, E. C. 1 Jordan, Kirk E. 1 Mennickent, Hubert 1 Nigam, Nilima 1 Rebolledo, Ramiro 1 Rojas, Juan C. 1 Rudolph, Walter 1 Ruiz Galán, Manuel 1 Salim, Meddahi 1 Sanchez, Nestor E. 1 Schneider, Reinhold 1 Šebestová, Ivana 1 Silva, Juan P. 1 Sobral, Yuri D. 1 Solano, Manuel E. 1 Steinbach, Olaf 1 Thomas, Jean-Marie 1 Torrejón, Marcela E. 1 Valenzuela, Nathalie 1 Venegas, Pablo 1 Xu, Liwei 1 Zúñiga, Paulo all top 5 Serials 20 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 14 Calcolo 13 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 11 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 11 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 11 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 11 Journal of Scientific Computing 9 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 9 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 9 Numerische Mathematik 8 Applied Numerical Mathematics 6 Applicable Analysis 6 Mathematics of Computation 6 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 6 Applied Mathematics Letters 5 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 4 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 3 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 3 Proyecciones 2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2 Journal of Computational Physics 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 2 Journal of Computational Mathematics 2 Revista de Matemáticas Aplicadas 2 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 2 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 2 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 2 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 2 Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series 2 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 1 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 1 Journal of Elasticity 1 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Proceedings 1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1 Computational Geosciences 1 Cubo Matemática Educacional 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 1 Communications in Computational Physics 1 Networks and Heterogeneous Media 1 SpringerBriefs in Mathematics 1 SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics all top 5 Fields 197 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 113 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 103 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 69 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 18 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 14 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 193 Publications have been cited 2,952 times in 962 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A simple introduction to the mixed finite element method. Theory and applications. Zbl 1293.65152 Gatica, Gabriel N. 186 2014 A conforming mixed finite element method for the coupling of fluid flow with porous media flow. Zbl 1157.76025 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Meddahi, Salim; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 94 2009 A mixed virtual element method for the pseudostress-velocity formulation of the Stokes problem. Zbl 1433.76071 Cáceres, Ernesto; Gatica, Gabriel N. 76 2017 Analysis of a velocity-pressure-pseudostress formulation for the stationary Stokes equations. Zbl 1227.76030 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Sánchez, Manuel A. 66 2010 A residual-based a posteriori error estimator for the Stokes-Darcy coupled problem. Zbl 1410.76148 Babuška, Ivo; Gatica, Gabriel N. 65 2010 A mixed virtual element method for the Brinkman problem. Zbl 1432.65167 Cáceres, Ernesto; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 56 2017 Analysis of fully-mixed finite element methods for the Stokes-Darcy coupled problem. Zbl 1301.76047 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Sayas, Francisco-Javier 54 2011 A residual-based a posteriori error estimator for a fully-mixed formulation of the Stokes-Darcy coupled problem. Zbl 1228.76085 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Sayas, Francisco-Javier 54 2011 A mixed virtual element method for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1411.76062 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Munar, Mauricio; Sequeira, Filánder A. 50 2018 Analysis of an augmented mixed-primal formulation for the stationary Boussinesq problem. Zbl 1381.76158 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 48 2016 Analysis of a new augmented mixed finite element method for linear elasticity allowing \(\mathbb R\mathbb T_0\)-\(\mathbb P_1\)-\(\mathbb P_0\)-approximations. Zbl 1330.74155 Gatica, Gabriel N. 47 2006 On the coupled BEM and FEM for a nonlinear exterior Dirichlet problem in \(\mathbb{R}^ 2\). Zbl 0741.65084 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hsiao, George C. 47 1992 New fully-mixed finite element methods for the Stokes-Darcy coupling. Zbl 1423.74868 Camaño, Jessika; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo; Venegas, Pablo 47 2015 On the numerical analysis of nonlinear twofold saddle point problems. Zbl 1028.65128 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Heuer, Norbert; Meddahi, Salim 44 2003 A local discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear diffusion problems with mixed boundary conditions. Zbl 1079.65114 Bustinza, Rommel; Gatica, Gabriel N. 42 2004 Analysis of a pseudostress-based mixed finite element method for the Brinkman model of porous media flow. Zbl 1426.74232 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gatica, Luis F.; Márquez, Antonio 37 2014 A priori and a posteriori error analyses of a velocity-pseudostress formulation for a class of quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows. Zbl 1228.76084 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Sánchez, Manuel A. 37 2011 An a posteriori error estimate for the local discontinuous Galerkin method applied to linear and nonlinear diffusion problems. Zbl 1065.76133 Bustinza, Rommel; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Cockburn, Bernardo 36 2005 Augmented mixed finite element methods for the stationary Stokes equations. Zbl 1251.74032 Figueroa, Leonardo E.; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio 35 2008 A low-order mixed finite element method for a class of quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows. I: A priori error analysis. Zbl 1053.76037 Gatica, Gabriel N.; González, María; Meddahi, Salim 35 2004 A mixed virtual element method for quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows. Zbl 1380.76033 Cáceres, Ernesto; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 34 2018 Coupling of mixed finite elements and boundary elements for linear and nonlinear elliptic problems. Zbl 0865.65077 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 34 1996 An augmented mixed-primal finite element method for a coupled flow-transport problem. Zbl 1329.76157 Alvarez, Mario; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 33 2015 A Banach spaces-based analysis of a new fully-mixed finite element method for the Boussinesq problem. Zbl 1445.65043 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Moraga, Sebastián 33 2020 A mixed finite element method for nonlinear elasticity: two-fold saddle point approach and a posteriori error estimate. Zbl 1067.74062 Barrientos, Mauricio A.; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Stephan, Ernst P. 33 2002 A residual-based a posteriori error estimator for an augmented mixed finite element method in linear elasticity. Zbl 1109.74047 Barrios, Tomás P.; Gatica, Gabriel N.; González, María; Heuer, Norbert 33 2006 Boundary-field equation methods for a class of nonlinear problems. Zbl 0832.65126 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hsiao, George C. 31 1995 A mixed virtual element method for a nonlinear Brinkman model of porous media flow. Zbl 1391.76330 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Munar, Mauricio; Sequeira, Filánder A. 31 2018 On the mixed finite element method with Lagrange multipliers. Zbl 1021.65056 Babuška, Ivo; Gatica, Gabriel N. 30 2003 Convergence of a family of Galerkin discretizations for the Stokes-Darcy coupled problem. Zbl 1301.76046 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Sayas, Francisco-Javier 30 2011 A priori and a posteriori error analyses of a pseudostress-based mixed formulation for linear elasticity. Zbl 1443.65330 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gatica, Luis F.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 30 2016 The coupling of boundary element and finite element methods for a nonlinear exterior boundary value problem. Zbl 0698.65070 Gatica, G. N.; Hsiao, G. C. 29 1989 An augmented fully-mixed finite element method for the stationary Boussinesq problem. Zbl 1397.76065 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 28 2017 Solvability and Galerkin approximations of a class of nonlinear operator equations. Zbl 1024.65044 Gatica, G. N. 28 2002 Coupling of mixed finite elements and boundary elements for a hyperelastic interface problem. Zbl 0895.73067 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 25 1997 A mixed-primal finite element method for the Boussinesq problem with temperature-dependent viscosity. Zbl 1404.65248 Almonacid, Javier A.; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 24 2018 Analysis of the HDG method for the Stokes-Darcy coupling. Zbl 1397.76068 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 24 2017 An augmented mixed finite element method for linear elasticity with non-homogeneous Dirichlet conditions. Zbl 1170.74049 Gatica, Gabriel N. 24 2007 An augmented mixed finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations with variable viscosity. Zbl 1382.76160 Camaño, Jessika; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Tierra, Giordano 23 2016 The uncoupling of boundary integral and finite element methods for nonlinear boundary value problems. Zbl 0821.65073 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hsiao, George C. 21 1995 A posteriori error analysis for a viscous flow-transport problem. Zbl 1416.65430 Alvarez, Mario; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 21 2016 Analysis of an augmented HDG method for a class of quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows. Zbl 1330.76067 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 21 2015 Analysis of the coupling of primal and dual-mixed finite element methods for a two-dimensional fluid-solid interaction problem. Zbl 1225.74087 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Meddahi, Salim 21 2007 A mixed local discontinuous Galerkin method for a class of nonlinear problems in fluid mechanics. Zbl 1213.76118 Bustinza, Rommel; Gatica, Gabriel N. 20 2005 A dual-dual formulation for the coupling of mixed FEM and BEM in hyperelasticity. Zbl 0992.74068 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Heuer, Norbert 20 2000 An augmented mixed finite element method for 3D linear elasticity problems. Zbl 1167.74042 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Meddahi, Salim 20 2009 A mixed virtual element method for a pseudostress-based formulation of linear elasticity. Zbl 1507.65234 Cáceres, Ernesto; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 19 2019 A residual-based a posteriori error estimator for a two-dimensional fluid-solid interaction problem. Zbl 1247.76051 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hsiao, George C.; Meddahi, Salim 19 2009 A twofold saddle point approach for the coupling of fluid flow with nonlinear porous media flow. Zbl 1452.76234 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Sayas, Francisco-Javier 19 2012 A note on the efficiency of residual-based a posteriori error estimators for some mixed finite element methods. Zbl 1065.65125 Gatica, Gabriel N. 18 2004 Relaxing the hypotheses of Bielak-MacCamy’s BEM-FEM coupling. Zbl 1242.65252 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hsiao, George C.; Sayas, Francisco-Javier 18 2012 Analysis of an augmented fully-mixed approach for the coupling of quasi-Newtonian fluids and porous media. Zbl 1296.76147 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Rebolledo, Ramiro 18 2014 A posteriori error analysis of an augmented mixed method for the Navier-Stokes equations with nonlinear viscosity. Zbl 1368.76033 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo; Tierra, Giordano 18 2016 A dual-dual mixed formulation for nonlinear exterior transmission problems. Zbl 0980.65132 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Meddahi, Salim 17 2001 Fixed point strategies for mixed variational formulations of the stationary Boussinesq problem. (Stratégies de point fixe pour formulations variationnelles mixtes du problème stationnaire de Boussinesq.) Zbl 1338.35356 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 17 2016 A fully-mixed finite element method for the Navier-Stokes/Darcy coupled problem with nonlinear viscosity. Zbl 1367.65167 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Šebestová, Ivana 17 2017 An a priori error analysis for the coupling of local discontinuous Galerkin and boundary element methods. Zbl 1112.65110 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sayas, Francisco-Javier 17 2006 An expanded mixed finite element approach via a dual-dual formulation and the minimum residual method. Zbl 1014.65118 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Heuer, Norbert 16 2001 A mixed-primal finite element approximation of a sedimentation-consolidation system. Zbl 1383.76329 Alvarez, Mario; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 16 2016 A mixed FEM formulation for nonlinear incompressible elasticity in the plane. Zbl 1010.74062 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Stephan, Ernst P. 16 2002 An augmented stress-based mixed finite element method for the steady state Navier-Stokes equations with nonlinear viscosity. Zbl 1394.65143 Camaño, Jessika; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 16 2017 A priori and a posteriori error analyses of augmented twofold saddle point formulations for nonlinear elasticity problems. Zbl 1286.74019 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Rudolph, Walter 15 2013 The boundary element method with Lagrangian multipliers. Zbl 1179.65152 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Healey, Martin; Heuer, Norbert 15 2009 A vorticity-based fully-mixed formulation for the 3D Brinkman-Darcy problem. Zbl 1436.76020 Alvarez, Mario; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 15 2016 Analysis of the coupling of Lagrange and Arnold-Falk-Winther finite elements for a fluid-solid interaction problem in three dimensions. Zbl 1426.76262 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Meddahi, Salim 15 2012 A mixed finite element method for Darcy’s equations with pressure dependent porosity. Zbl 1329.76169 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo; Tierra, Giordano 14 2016 A coupled mixed finite element method for the interaction problem between an electromagnetic field and an elastic body. Zbl 1222.78050 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hsiao, George C.; Meddahi, Salim 14 2010 A conforming mixed finite element method for the Navier-Stokes/Darcy-Forchheimer coupled problem. Zbl 1473.65293 Caucao, Sergio; Discacciati, Marco; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 14 2020 A fully-mixed formulation for the steady double-diffusive convection system based upon Brinkman-Forchheimer equations. Zbl 1456.65155 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Sánchez, Nestor 14 2020 A posteriori error analysis of an augmented mixed-primal formulation for the stationary Boussinesq model. Zbl 1457.65191 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 14 2017 A posteriori error analysis of a fully-mixed finite element method for a two-dimensional fluid-solid interaction problem. Zbl 1363.74027 Domínguez, Carolina; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Salim, Meddahi 13 2015 Banach spaces-based analysis of a fully-mixed finite element method for the steady-state model of fluidized beds. Zbl 1524.65804 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo; Sobral, Yuri D. 13 2021 A new dual-mixed finite element method for the plane linear elasticity problem with pure traction boundary conditions. Zbl 1169.74601 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Meddahi, Salim 13 2008 An augmented mixed finite element method with Lagrange multipliers: a priori and a posteriori error analyses. Zbl 1112.65106 Barrios, Tomás P.; Gatica, Gabriel N. 13 2007 A priori and a posteriori error analysis of an augmented mixed finite element method for incompressible fluid flows. Zbl 1194.76115 Figueroa, Leonardo E.; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Heuer, Norbert 13 2008 A priori and a posteriori error analyses of an augmented HDG method for a class of quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows. Zbl 1397.76069 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 13 2016 New mixed finite element methods for natural convection with phase-change in porous media. Zbl 1416.76091 Alvarez, Mario; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gomez-Vargas, Bryan; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 12 2019 The coupling of boundary integral and finite element methods for nonmonotone nonlinear problems. Zbl 0764.65070 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hsiao, George C. 12 1992 A fully-mixed finite element method for the \(n\)-dimensional Boussinesq problem with temperature-dependent parameters. Zbl 1436.65168 Almonacid, Javier A.; Gatica, Gabriel N. 12 2020 A posteriori error analysis of a fully-mixed formulation for the Navier-Stokes/Darcy coupled problem with nonlinear viscosity. Zbl 1439.76055 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 12 2017 Analysis of an augmented pseudostress-based mixed formulation for a nonlinear Brinkman model of porous media flow. Zbl 1423.76425 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gatica, Luis F.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 12 2015 A Banach spaces-based analysis of a new mixed-primal finite element method for a coupled flow-transport problem. Zbl 1506.76065 Benavides, Gonzalo A.; Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hopper, Alejandro A. 12 2020 A posteriori error estimates for the mixed finite element method with Lagrange multipliers. Zbl 1072.65140 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Maischak, Matthias 11 2005 An application of Babuška-Brezzi’s theory to a class of variational problems. Zbl 1021.65030 Gatica, Gabriel N. 11 2000 Analysis and mixed-primal finite element discretisations for stress-assisted diffusion problems. Zbl 1440.76062 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gomez-Vargas, Bryan; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 11 2018 A note on the local approximation properties of piecewise polynomials with applications to LDG methods. Zbl 1094.65113 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sayas, Francisco-Javier 11 2006 Characterizing the inf-sup condition on product spaces. Zbl 1139.65038 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sayas, Francisco-Javier 11 2008 Primal mixed formulations for the coupling of FEM and BEM. I: Linear problems. Zbl 0897.65070 Barrenechea, Gabriel R.; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Thomas, Jean-Marie 10 1998 Combination of mixed finite element and Dirichlet-to-Neumann methods in nonlinear plane elasticity. Zbl 0895.73066 Gatica, G. N. 10 1997 A fully-mixed finite element method for the steady state Oberbeck-Boussinesq system. Zbl 1451.65187 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Moraga, Sebastián; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 10 2020 A direct coupling of local discontinuous Galerkin and boundary element methods. Zbl 1208.65166 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Heuer, Norbert; Sayas, Francisco-Javier 10 2010 On a class of variational formulations for some nonlinear interface problems. Zbl 0767.35019 Gatica, G. N.; Hsiao, G. C. 10 1990 A note on stable Helmholtz decompositions in 3D. Zbl 1437.65187 Gatica, Gabriel N. 10 2020 A posteriori error analysis of a mixed-primal finite element method for the Boussinesq problem with temperature-dependent viscosity. Zbl 1417.65195 Almonacid, Javier A.; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 10 2019 A new non-augmented and momentum-conserving fully-mixed finite element method for a coupled flow-transport problem. Zbl 1481.65219 Benavides, Gonzalo A.; Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hopper, Alejandro A. 10 2022 Finite element analysis of a time harmonic Maxwell problem with an impedance boundary condition. Zbl 1243.78046 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Meddahi, Salim 9 2012 Augmented mixed finite element methods for a vorticity-based velocity-pressure-stress formulation of the Stokes problem in 2D. Zbl 1316.76038 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gatica, Luis F.; Márquez, Antonio 9 2011 A low-order mixed finite element method for a class of quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows. II: A posteriori error analysis. Zbl 1053.76038 Gatica, Gabriel N.; González, María; Meddahi, Salim 9 2004 A posteriori error estimation for an augmented mixed-primal method applied to sedimentation-consolidation systems. Zbl 1415.65213 Alvarez, Mario; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 9 2018 A fully-mixed formulation in Banach spaces for the coupling of the steady Brinkman-Forchheimer and double-diffusion equations. Zbl 1491.65129 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ortega, Juan P. 9 2021 A Banach spaces-based fully-mixed finite element method for the stationary chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes problem. Zbl 1538.65497 Caucao, Sergio; Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Inzunza, Cristian 8 2023 New mixed finite element methods for the coupled Stokes and Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations in Banach spaces. Zbl 1522.35221 Correa, Claudio I.; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 7 2023 A Banach spaces-based mixed finite element method for the stationary convective Brinkman-Forchheimer problem. Zbl 1527.65125 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gatica, Luis F. 2 2023 A posteriori error analysis of a Banach spaces-based fully mixed FEM for double-diffusive convection in a fluid-saturated porous medium. Zbl 1514.76084 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ortega, Juan P. 2 2023 Mixed-primal methods for natural convection driven phase change with Navier-Stokes-Brinkman equations. Zbl 1529.65126 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Núñez, Nicolás; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 2 2023 New mixed finite element methods for the coupled convective Brinkman-Forchheimer and double-diffusion equations. Zbl 07761549 Carrasco, Sergio; Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N. 1 2023 New non-augmented mixed finite element methods for the Navier-Stokes-Brinkman equations using Banach spaces. Zbl 07775697 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Núñez, Nicolás; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 1 2023 A new non-augmented and momentum-conserving fully-mixed finite element method for a coupled flow-transport problem. Zbl 1481.65219 Benavides, Gonzalo A.; Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hopper, Alejandro A. 10 2022 An \(L^p\) spaces-based formulation yielding a new fully mixed finite element method for the coupled Darcy and heat equations. Zbl 1512.65209 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Meddahi, Salim; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 8 2022 On the continuous and discrete well-posedness of perturbed saddle-point formulations in Banach spaces. Zbl 1524.65782 Correa, Claudio I.; Gatica, Gabriel N. 8 2022 A posteriori error analysis of a mixed finite element method for the coupled Brinkman-Forchheimer and double-diffusion equations. Zbl 1503.65288 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Zúñiga, Paulo 3 2022 A Banach spaces-based mixed-primal finite element method for the coupling of Brinkman flow and nonlinear transport. Zbl 1502.65195 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Rojas, Juan C. 3 2022 A pseudostress-based mixed-primal finite element method for stress-assisted diffusion problems in Banach spaces. Zbl 1492.65306 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Inzunza, Cristian; Sequeira, Filánder A. 3 2022 A posteriori error analysis of Banach spaces-based fully-mixed finite element methods for Boussinesq-type models. Zbl 1527.76032 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Inzunza, Cristian; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo; Sandoval, Felipe 2 2022 A virtual marriage à la mode: some recent results on the coupling of VEM and BEM. Zbl 1503.65294 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Meddahi, Salim 1 2022 Numerical analysis & no regrets. Special issue dedicated to the memory of Francisco Javier Sayas (1968–2019). Zbl 1497.00057 1 2022 Banach spaces-based analysis of a fully-mixed finite element method for the steady-state model of fluidized beds. Zbl 1524.65804 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo; Sobral, Yuri D. 13 2021 A fully-mixed formulation in Banach spaces for the coupling of the steady Brinkman-Forchheimer and double-diffusion equations. Zbl 1491.65129 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ortega, Juan P. 9 2021 A mixed-primal finite element method for the coupling of Brinkman-Darcy flow and nonlinear transport. Zbl 1460.65138 Alvarez, Mario; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 7 2021 A mixed virtual element method for the Boussinesq problem on polygonal meshes. Zbl 1488.65613 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Munar, Mauricio; Sequeira, Filander A. 7 2021 Residual-based a posteriori error analysis for the coupling of the Navier-Stokes and Darcy-Forchheimer equations. Zbl 1477.65199 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Sandoval, Felipe 6 2021 On the well-posedness of Banach spaces-based mixed formulations for the nearly incompressible Navier-Lamé and Stokes equations. Zbl 1524.65803 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Inzunza, Cristian 5 2021 A mixed finite element method with reduced symmetry for the standard model in linear viscoelasticity. Zbl 1468.65190 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Meddahi, Salim 4 2021 Analysis of an augmented fully-mixed finite element method for a bioconvective flows model. Zbl 1468.65186 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Miranda, Willian 4 2021 An \(L^p\) spaces-based mixed virtual element method for the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1478.65125 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 4 2021 Further developments on boundary-field equation methods for nonlinear transmission problems. Zbl 1476.65322 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hsiao, George C.; Meddahi, Salim 3 2021 New primal and dual-mixed finite element methods for stable image registration with singular regularization. Zbl 1538.65492 Barnafi, Nicolás; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hurtado, Daniel E.; Miranda, Willian; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 3 2021 A fully-mixed finite element method for the coupling of the Navier-Stokes and Darcy-Forchheimer equations. Zbl 07776086 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sandoval, Felipe 2 2021 Adaptive mesh refinement in deformable image registration: a posteriori error estimates for primal and mixed formulations. Zbl 1538.65039 Barnafi, Nicolas; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hurtado, Daniel E.; Miranda, Willian; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 1 2021 A Banach spaces-based analysis of a new fully-mixed finite element method for the Boussinesq problem. Zbl 1445.65043 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Moraga, Sebastián 33 2020 A conforming mixed finite element method for the Navier-Stokes/Darcy-Forchheimer coupled problem. Zbl 1473.65293 Caucao, Sergio; Discacciati, Marco; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 14 2020 A fully-mixed formulation for the steady double-diffusive convection system based upon Brinkman-Forchheimer equations. Zbl 1456.65155 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Sánchez, Nestor 14 2020 A fully-mixed finite element method for the \(n\)-dimensional Boussinesq problem with temperature-dependent parameters. Zbl 1436.65168 Almonacid, Javier A.; Gatica, Gabriel N. 12 2020 A Banach spaces-based analysis of a new mixed-primal finite element method for a coupled flow-transport problem. Zbl 1506.76065 Benavides, Gonzalo A.; Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hopper, Alejandro A. 12 2020 A fully-mixed finite element method for the steady state Oberbeck-Boussinesq system. Zbl 1451.65187 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Moraga, Sebastián; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 10 2020 A note on stable Helmholtz decompositions in 3D. Zbl 1437.65187 Gatica, Gabriel N. 10 2020 A fully mixed finite element method for the coupling of the Stokes and Darcy-Forchheimer problems. Zbl 1465.65123 Almonacid, Javier A.; Díaz, Hugo S.; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio 8 2020 Coupling of virtual element and boundary element methods for the solution of acoustic scattering problems. Zbl 1471.65209 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Meddahi, Salim 8 2020 A new mixed finite element method for the \(n\)-dimensional Boussinesq problem with temperature-dependent viscosity. Zbl 1446.65155 Almonacid, Javier A.; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 6 2020 Ultra-weak symmetry of stress for augmented mixed finite element formulations in continuum mechanics. Zbl 1479.65023 Almonacid, Javier A.; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 4 2020 An augmented fully-mixed finite element method for a coupled flow-transport problem. Zbl 1436.65179 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Inzunza, Cristian 3 2020 A five-field augmented fully-mixed finite element method for the Navier-Stokes/Darcy coupled problem. Zbl 1451.76068 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Valenzuela, Nathalie 3 2020 A mixed virtual element method for a pseudostress-based formulation of linear elasticity. Zbl 1507.65234 Cáceres, Ernesto; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 19 2019 New mixed finite element methods for natural convection with phase-change in porous media. Zbl 1416.76091 Alvarez, Mario; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gomez-Vargas, Bryan; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 12 2019 A posteriori error analysis of a mixed-primal finite element method for the Boussinesq problem with temperature-dependent viscosity. Zbl 1417.65195 Almonacid, Javier A.; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 10 2019 A posteriori error analysis of an augmented fully-mixed formulation for the stationary Boussinesq model. Zbl 1442.65354 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 9 2019 On the coupling of VEM and BEM in two and three dimensions. Zbl 1428.65101 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Meddahi, Salim 7 2019 A posteriori error analysis of an augmented fully mixed formulation for the nonisothermal Oldroyd-Stokes problem. Zbl 1419.76435 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 6 2019 Formulation and analysis of fully-mixed methods for stress-assisted diffusion problems. Zbl 1442.74153 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gomez-Vargas, Bryan; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 5 2019 A mixed virtual element method for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1411.76062 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Munar, Mauricio; Sequeira, Filánder A. 50 2018 A mixed virtual element method for quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows. Zbl 1380.76033 Cáceres, Ernesto; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 34 2018 A mixed virtual element method for a nonlinear Brinkman model of porous media flow. Zbl 1391.76330 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Munar, Mauricio; Sequeira, Filánder A. 31 2018 A mixed-primal finite element method for the Boussinesq problem with temperature-dependent viscosity. Zbl 1404.65248 Almonacid, Javier A.; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 24 2018 Analysis and mixed-primal finite element discretisations for stress-assisted diffusion problems. Zbl 1440.76062 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gomez-Vargas, Bryan; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 11 2018 A posteriori error estimation for an augmented mixed-primal method applied to sedimentation-consolidation systems. Zbl 1415.65213 Alvarez, Mario; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 9 2018 Analysis of an augmented fully-mixed formulation for the coupling of the Stokes and heat equations. Zbl 1426.65172 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 8 2018 Primal and mixed finite element methods for deformable image registration problems. Zbl 1429.94010 Barnafi, Nicolás; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hurtado, Daniel E. 3 2018 A mixed virtual element method for the pseudostress-velocity formulation of the Stokes problem. Zbl 1433.76071 Cáceres, Ernesto; Gatica, Gabriel N. 76 2017 A mixed virtual element method for the Brinkman problem. Zbl 1432.65167 Cáceres, Ernesto; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 56 2017 An augmented fully-mixed finite element method for the stationary Boussinesq problem. Zbl 1397.76065 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 28 2017 Analysis of the HDG method for the Stokes-Darcy coupling. Zbl 1397.76068 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 24 2017 A fully-mixed finite element method for the Navier-Stokes/Darcy coupled problem with nonlinear viscosity. Zbl 1367.65167 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Šebestová, Ivana 17 2017 An augmented stress-based mixed finite element method for the steady state Navier-Stokes equations with nonlinear viscosity. Zbl 1394.65143 Camaño, Jessika; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 16 2017 A posteriori error analysis of an augmented mixed-primal formulation for the stationary Boussinesq model. Zbl 1457.65191 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 14 2017 A posteriori error analysis of a fully-mixed formulation for the Navier-Stokes/Darcy coupled problem with nonlinear viscosity. Zbl 1439.76055 Caucao, Sergio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 12 2017 A posteriori error analysis of a fully-mixed formulation for the Brinkman-Darcy problem. Zbl 1404.65250 Álvarez, Mario; Gatica, G. N.; Ruiz-Baier, R. 6 2017 A new mixed finite element method for elastodynamics with weak symmetry. Zbl 1457.65106 García, Carlos; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Meddahi, Salim 6 2017 Finite element semidiscretization of a pressure-stress formulation for the time-domain fluid-structure interaction problem. Zbl 1433.78022 García, Carlos; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Meddahi, Salim 3 2017 A fully discrete scheme for the pressure-stress formulation of the time-domain fluid-structure interaction problem. Zbl 1404.65262 García, Carlos; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Meddahi, Salim 1 2017 Analysis of an augmented mixed-primal formulation for the stationary Boussinesq problem. Zbl 1381.76158 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 48 2016 A priori and a posteriori error analyses of a pseudostress-based mixed formulation for linear elasticity. Zbl 1443.65330 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gatica, Luis F.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 30 2016 An augmented mixed finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations with variable viscosity. Zbl 1382.76160 Camaño, Jessika; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Tierra, Giordano 23 2016 A posteriori error analysis for a viscous flow-transport problem. Zbl 1416.65430 Alvarez, Mario; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 21 2016 A posteriori error analysis of an augmented mixed method for the Navier-Stokes equations with nonlinear viscosity. Zbl 1368.76033 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo; Tierra, Giordano 18 2016 Fixed point strategies for mixed variational formulations of the stationary Boussinesq problem. (Stratégies de point fixe pour formulations variationnelles mixtes du problème stationnaire de Boussinesq.) Zbl 1338.35356 Colmenares, Eligio; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 17 2016 A mixed-primal finite element approximation of a sedimentation-consolidation system. Zbl 1383.76329 Alvarez, Mario; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 16 2016 A vorticity-based fully-mixed formulation for the 3D Brinkman-Darcy problem. Zbl 1436.76020 Alvarez, Mario; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 15 2016 A mixed finite element method for Darcy’s equations with pressure dependent porosity. Zbl 1329.76169 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo; Tierra, Giordano 14 2016 A priori and a posteriori error analyses of an augmented HDG method for a class of quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows. Zbl 1397.76069 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 13 2016 A residual-based a posteriori error estimator for the plane linear elasticity problem with pure traction boundary conditions. Zbl 1327.65217 Domínguez, Carolina; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio 4 2016 A new mixed finite element analysis of the elastodynamic equations. Zbl 1381.74191 García, Carlos; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Meddahi, Salim 2 2016 New developments on the coupling of mixed-FEM and BEM for the three-dimensional exterior Stokes problem. Zbl 1383.76338 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hsiao, George C.; Meddahi, Salim; Sayas, Francisco J. 2 2016 A primal-mixed formulation for the strong coupling of quasi-Newtonian fluids with porous media. Zbl 1381.76163 Domínguez, Sebastián; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Meddahi, Salim 1 2016 New fully-mixed finite element methods for the Stokes-Darcy coupling. Zbl 1423.74868 Camaño, Jessika; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo; Venegas, Pablo 47 2015 An augmented mixed-primal finite element method for a coupled flow-transport problem. Zbl 1329.76157 Alvarez, Mario; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 33 2015 Analysis of an augmented HDG method for a class of quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows. Zbl 1330.76067 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 21 2015 A posteriori error analysis of a fully-mixed finite element method for a two-dimensional fluid-solid interaction problem. Zbl 1363.74027 Domínguez, Carolina; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Salim, Meddahi 13 2015 Analysis of an augmented pseudostress-based mixed formulation for a nonlinear Brinkman model of porous media flow. Zbl 1423.76425 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gatica, Luis F.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 12 2015 A \(\mathbb {RT}_k-\mathbf P_k\) approximation for linear elasticity yielding a broken \(H(\mathrm{div})\) convergent postprocessed stress. Zbl 1381.74018 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gatica, Luis F.; Sequeira, Filánder A. 6 2015 A simple introduction to the mixed finite element method. Theory and applications. Zbl 1293.65152 Gatica, Gabriel N. 186 2014 Analysis of a pseudostress-based mixed finite element method for the Brinkman model of porous media flow. Zbl 1426.74232 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Gatica, Luis F.; Márquez, Antonio 37 2014 Analysis of an augmented fully-mixed approach for the coupling of quasi-Newtonian fluids and porous media. Zbl 1296.76147 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Rebolledo, Ramiro 18 2014 A posteriori error analysis of twofold saddle point variational formulations for nonlinear boundary value problems. Zbl 1282.65136 Garralda-Guillem, Ana I.; Ruiz Galán, Manuel; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio 9 2014 Coupling of mixed finite element and stabilized boundary element methods for a fluid-solid interaction problem in 3D. Zbl 1308.74147 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Heuer, Norbert; Meddahi, Salim 7 2014 Analysis of an augmented fully-mixed finite element method for a three-dimensional fluid-solid interaction problem. Zbl 1499.65660 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Meddahi, Salim 2 2014 A priori and a posteriori error analyses of augmented twofold saddle point formulations for nonlinear elasticity problems. Zbl 1286.74019 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Márquez, Antonio; Rudolph, Walter 15 2013 A priori error analysis of a fully-mixed finite element method for a two-dimensional fluid-solid interaction problem. Zbl 1267.76061 Domínguez, Carolina; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Meddahi, Salim; Oyarzúa, Ricardo 3 2013 On the dual-mixed formulation for an exterior Stokes problem. Zbl 1277.76021 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hsiao, George C.; Meddahi, Salim; Sayas, Francisco-Javier 3 2013 A twofold saddle point approach for the coupling of fluid flow with nonlinear porous media flow. Zbl 1452.76234 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Oyarzúa, Ricardo; Sayas, Francisco-Javier 19 2012 Relaxing the hypotheses of Bielak-MacCamy’s BEM-FEM coupling. Zbl 1242.65252 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Hsiao, George C.; Sayas, Francisco-Javier 18 2012 ...and 93 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,061 Authors 151 Gatica, Gabriel N. 65 Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 46 Oyarzúa, Ricardo 41 Meddahi, Salim 36 Mora, David 28 Beirão da Veiga, Lourenço 27 Caucao, Sergio 24 Heuer, Norbert 24 Sayas, Francisco-Javier 23 Barrios, Tomás P. 22 Marquez-Duran, Antonio M. 21 Bustinza, Rommel A. 20 He, Xiaoming 20 Sequeira, Filánder A. 16 Anaya, Verónica 16 Stephan, Ernst Peter 15 Hsiao, George Chia-Chu 14 Colmenares, Eligio 13 Gatica, Luis F. 13 He, Yinnian 13 Li, Jian 12 Chen, Zhangxin 12 Dassi, Franco 12 Li, Rui 12 Rivera, Gonzalo 12 Solano, Manuel E. 12 Wendland, Wolfgang L. 12 Zheng, Haibiao 11 Gómez-Vargas, Bryan 11 Lepe, Felipe 11 Russo, Alessandro 11 Vacca, Giuseppe 10 Al Mahbub, Md. Abdullah 10 Camaño, Jessika 10 Mei, Liquan 10 Park, Eun-Jae 10 Yotov, Ivan 9 Alvarez, Mario M. 9 Gharibi, Zeinab 9 Velásquez, Iván G. 9 Zhao, Lina 8 Adak, Dibyendu 8 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 8 Kumar, Sarvesh 8 Lovadina, Carlo 7 Araya, Rodolfo A. 7 Carstensen, Carsten 7 Di Pietro, Daniele Antonio 7 Feng, Minfu 7 Führer, Thomas 7 Karkulik, Michael 7 Maischak, Matthias 7 Mardal, Kent-Andre 7 Marini, Luisa Donatella 7 Pani, Amiya Kumar 7 Rui, Hongxing 7 Zhao, Jikun 6 Baccouch, Mahboub 6 Behrens, Edwin M. 6 Brezzi, Franco 6 Chung, Tsz Shun Eric 6 Gao, Yali 6 Inzunza, Cristian 6 Kohr, Mirela 6 Kuchta, Miroslav 6 Li, Yi 6 Mascotto, Lorenzo 6 Meng, Jian 6 Qiu, Changxin 6 Rhebergen, Sander 6 Ruiz Galán, Manuel 6 Silgado, Alberth 6 Zhou, Guanyu 6 Zúñiga, Paulo 5 Almonacid, Javier A. 5 Arshad, Muhammad 5 Botti, Michele 5 Çeşmelioğlu, Ayçıl 5 Cockburn, Bernardo 5 Ervin, Vincent J. 5 Givoli, Dan 5 Hou, Jiangyong 5 Hou, Yanren 5 Howell, Jason S. 5 Huang, Pengzhan 5 Lin, Yanping 5 Manzini, Gianmarco 5 Morales, Fernando A. 5 Natarajan, Sundararajan 5 Patlashenko, Igor 5 Reales, Carlos 5 Rodríguez, Rodolfo 5 Sánchez-Vizuet, Tonatiuh 5 Sanchez, Nestor E. 5 Steinbach, Olaf 5 Vellojin, Jesus 5 Villa-Fuentes, Segundo 5 Wang, Gang 5 Yadav, Sangita 5 Yan, Wenjing ...and 961 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 125 Serials 91 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 76 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 73 Journal of Scientific Computing 63 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 44 Applied Numerical Mathematics 40 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 39 Numerische Mathematik 32 Journal of Computational Physics 31 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 28 Calcolo 27 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 24 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 22 Mathematics of Computation 20 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 18 Advances in Computational Mathematics 17 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 15 Applied Mathematics and Computation 13 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 12 Applicable Analysis 12 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 12 Numerical Algorithms 10 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 10 Applied Mathematics Letters 9 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 9 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 8 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 7 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 7 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 6 Computational Mechanics 6 Computational Geosciences 6 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 5 Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 5 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 5 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 4 Computer Physics Communications 4 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 4 Science China. Mathematics 3 Computers and Fluids 3 Applied Mathematical Modelling 3 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 3 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 3 Communications in Computational Physics 3 Networks and Heterogeneous Media 3 SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics 3 Results in Applied Mathematics 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 2 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2 Applications of Mathematics 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Journal of Elasticity 2 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 2 Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling 2 Opuscula Mathematica 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 2 International Journal of Computational Methods 2 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 2 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 2 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal 2 Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Inverse Problems 1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 1 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1 Computing 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Mechanics Research Communications 1 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 1 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 Science in China. Series A 1 Computational Mathematics and Modeling 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1 Archive of Applied Mechanics 1 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 1 Potential Analysis 1 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 1 Journal of Applied Analysis 1 Computing and Visualization in Science 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 1 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki 1 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1 Combustion Theory and Modelling 1 Optimization and Engineering ...and 25 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 32 Fields 832 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 491 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 452 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 218 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 41 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 28 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 27 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 19 Operator theory (47-XX) 17 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 11 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Functional analysis (46-XX) 7 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Geophysics (86-XX) 6 Integral equations (45-XX) 5 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year