Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Gelbukh, Irina Author ID: gelbukh.irina Published as: Gelbukh, Irina; Mel’nikova, I. A.; Gelbukh, I. more...less Homepage: https://www.i.gelbukh.com/ External Links: ORCID · Google Scholar · dblp Documents Indexed: 32 Publications since 1993 Reviewing Activity: 16 Reviews Co-Authors 32 single-authored all top 5 Serials 4 Mathematical Notes 4 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 3 Mathematica Slovaca 3 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 2 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 2 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 2 Differential Geometry and its Applications 2 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Topology and its Applications 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Discrete & Computational Geometry 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics all top 5 Fields 26 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 21 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 8 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 27 Publications have been cited 145 times in 35 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ On the structure of a Morse form foliation. Zbl 1224.57010 Gelbukh, I. 15 2009 Presence of minimal components in a Morse form foliation. Zbl 1070.57016 Gelbukh, Irina 12 2005 Loops in Reeb graphs of \(n\)-manifolds. Zbl 1391.05144 Gelbukh, Irina 11 2018 The co-rank of the fundamental group: the direct product, the first Betti number, and the topology of foliations. Zbl 1424.14003 Gelbukh, Irina 11 2017 Number of minimal components and homologically independent compact leaves for a Morse form foliation. Zbl 1274.57005 Gelbukh, Irina 10 2009 Close cohomologous Morse forms with compact leaves. Zbl 1289.57009 Gelbukh, Irina 8 2013 Ranks of collinear Morse forms. Zbl 1210.57027 Gelbukh, Irina 7 2011 Maximal isotropic subspaces of skew-symmetric bilinear mapping. Zbl 0957.57018 Mel’nikova, I. A. 7 1999 A test for non-compactness of the foliation of a Morse form. Zbl 0859.58005 Mel’nikova, I. A. 6 1995 Morse-Bott functions with two critical values on a surface. Zbl 07396203 Gelbukh, Irina 6 2021 Structure of a Morse form foliation on a closed surface in terms of genus. Zbl 1223.57022 Gelbukh, Irina 5 2011 An indicator of the noncompactness of a foliation on \(M_ g^ 2\). Zbl 0809.57018 Mel’nikova, I. A. 5 1993 Isotropy index for the connected sum and the direct product of manifolds. Zbl 1413.58016 Gelbukh, Irina 5 2017 A finite graph is homeomorphic to the Reeb graph of a Morse-Bott function. Zbl 1478.58005 Gelbukh, Irina 5 2021 Realization of a graph as the Reeb graph of a Morse-Bott or a round function. Zbl 1524.57014 Gelbukh, Irina 5 2022 The number of split points of a Morse form and the structure of its foliation. Zbl 1324.57004 Gelbukh, Irina 4 2013 Co-rank and Betti number of a group. Zbl 1363.20034 Gelbukh, Irina 3 2015 Noncompact leaves of foliations of Morse forms. Zbl 0917.57022 Mel’nikova, I. A. 3 1998 Criterion for a graph to admit a good orientation in terms of leaf blocks. Zbl 1490.05097 Gelbukh, Irina 3 2022 Sufficient conditions for the compactifiability of a closed one-form foliation. Zbl 1424.57008 Gelbukh, Irina 2 2017 The number of minimal components and homologically independent compact leaves of a weakly generic Morse form on a closed surface. Zbl 1280.57021 Gelbukh, I. 2 2013 On collinear closed one-forms. Zbl 1226.57040 Gelbukh, Irina 2 2011 A test for compactness of a foliation. Zbl 0857.57030 Mel’nikova, I. A. 2 1995 Singular points of a Morsian form and foliations. Zbl 0914.58006 Mel’nikova, I. A. 2 1996 On the topology of the Reeb graph. Zbl 07857960 Gelbukh, Irina 2 2024 On compact leaves of a Morse form foliation. Zbl 1240.57011 Gelbukh, Irina 1 2011 Realization of a digraph as the Reeb graph of a Morse-Bott function on a given surface. Zbl 1531.05102 Gelbukh, Irina 1 2024 On the topology of the Reeb graph. Zbl 07857960 Gelbukh, Irina 2 2024 Realization of a digraph as the Reeb graph of a Morse-Bott function on a given surface. Zbl 1531.05102 Gelbukh, Irina 1 2024 Realization of a graph as the Reeb graph of a Morse-Bott or a round function. Zbl 1524.57014 Gelbukh, Irina 5 2022 Criterion for a graph to admit a good orientation in terms of leaf blocks. Zbl 1490.05097 Gelbukh, Irina 3 2022 Morse-Bott functions with two critical values on a surface. Zbl 07396203 Gelbukh, Irina 6 2021 A finite graph is homeomorphic to the Reeb graph of a Morse-Bott function. Zbl 1478.58005 Gelbukh, Irina 5 2021 Loops in Reeb graphs of \(n\)-manifolds. Zbl 1391.05144 Gelbukh, Irina 11 2018 The co-rank of the fundamental group: the direct product, the first Betti number, and the topology of foliations. Zbl 1424.14003 Gelbukh, Irina 11 2017 Isotropy index for the connected sum and the direct product of manifolds. Zbl 1413.58016 Gelbukh, Irina 5 2017 Sufficient conditions for the compactifiability of a closed one-form foliation. Zbl 1424.57008 Gelbukh, Irina 2 2017 Co-rank and Betti number of a group. Zbl 1363.20034 Gelbukh, Irina 3 2015 Close cohomologous Morse forms with compact leaves. Zbl 1289.57009 Gelbukh, Irina 8 2013 The number of split points of a Morse form and the structure of its foliation. Zbl 1324.57004 Gelbukh, Irina 4 2013 The number of minimal components and homologically independent compact leaves of a weakly generic Morse form on a closed surface. Zbl 1280.57021 Gelbukh, I. 2 2013 Ranks of collinear Morse forms. Zbl 1210.57027 Gelbukh, Irina 7 2011 Structure of a Morse form foliation on a closed surface in terms of genus. Zbl 1223.57022 Gelbukh, Irina 5 2011 On collinear closed one-forms. Zbl 1226.57040 Gelbukh, Irina 2 2011 On compact leaves of a Morse form foliation. Zbl 1240.57011 Gelbukh, Irina 1 2011 On the structure of a Morse form foliation. Zbl 1224.57010 Gelbukh, I. 15 2009 Number of minimal components and homologically independent compact leaves for a Morse form foliation. Zbl 1274.57005 Gelbukh, Irina 10 2009 Presence of minimal components in a Morse form foliation. Zbl 1070.57016 Gelbukh, Irina 12 2005 Maximal isotropic subspaces of skew-symmetric bilinear mapping. Zbl 0957.57018 Mel’nikova, I. A. 7 1999 Noncompact leaves of foliations of Morse forms. Zbl 0917.57022 Mel’nikova, I. A. 3 1998 Singular points of a Morsian form and foliations. Zbl 0914.58006 Mel’nikova, I. A. 2 1996 A test for non-compactness of the foliation of a Morse form. Zbl 0859.58005 Mel’nikova, I. A. 6 1995 A test for compactness of a foliation. Zbl 0857.57030 Mel’nikova, I. A. 2 1995 An indicator of the noncompactness of a foliation on \(M_ g^ 2\). Zbl 0809.57018 Mel’nikova, I. A. 5 1993 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 29 Authors 20 Gelbukh, Irina 3 Michalak, Łukasz Patryk 1 Băbălîc, Elena-Mirela 1 Batista, Erica Boizan 1 Bei, Xiaohui 1 Bergamasco, Adalberto Panobianco 1 Chen, Shiteng 1 Ferreira Costa, João Carlos 1 Feshchenko, Bohdan 1 Gelbukha, Irina 1 Gritsans, Armands 1 Guan, Ji 1 Khalid, Nimra 1 Khan, Rizwan Ahmad 1 Kitazawa, Naoki 1 Lazaroiu, Calin Iuliu 1 Lerario, Antonio 1 Maksymenko, Sergiĭ Ivanovych 1 Marzantowicz, Wacław 1 Mendes de Jesus, Catarina 1 Meroni, Chiara 1 Parmeggiani, Alberto 1 Qiao, Youming 1 Saeki, Osamu 1 Sun, Xiaoming 1 Yermachenko, Inara 1 Zani, Sérgio Luís 1 Zuddas, Daniele 1 Zugliani, Giuliano Angelo all top 5 Cited in 24 Serials 4 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 4 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 3 Mathematica Slovaca 3 Differential Geometry and its Applications 2 Discrete & Computational Geometry 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 Fundamenta Mathematicae 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 SIAM Journal on Computing 1 Topology and its Applications 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Filomat 1 Revista Matemática Complutense 1 Journal of High Energy Physics 1 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 1 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica. New Series 1 Proceedings of the International Geometry Center 1 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 1 Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 12 Fields 26 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 20 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 10 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Citations by Year