Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Gelenbe, Sami Erol Co-Author Distance Author ID: gelenbe.erol Published as: Gelenbe, Erol; Gelenbe, E.; Gelenbe, S. Erol more...less Homepage: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/e.gelenbe External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Documents Indexed: 100 Publications since 1970, including 6 Books 19 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Software Indexed: 1 Package Biographic References: 3 Publications Co-Authors: 80 Co-Authors with 78 Joint Publications 1,312 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 37 single-authored 6 Potier, Dominique 5 Lenfant, Jacques 4 Fayolle, Guy 4 Fourneau, Jean-Michel 4 Pujolle, Guy 3 Boekhorst, J. C. A. 3 Boguslavsky, Leonid B. 3 Coffman, Edward Grady jun. 3 Labetoulle, Jacques 3 Lent, Ricardo 3 Mitrani, Isi 3 Suros, Rina 2 Beilner, Heinz 2 Derochette, D. 2 Finkel, David 2 Hernández, Marisela 2 Kessels, Joep L. W. 2 Kurinckx, Alain 2 Li, Yanda 2 Mao, Zhihong 2 Plateau, Brigitte D. 2 Xu, Zhiguang 1 Alagöz, Fatih 1 Baccelli, François Louis 1 Banh-Tri-An 1 Bassyouni, Mohamed Yousef 1 Bastin, D. 1 Berger, Toby 1 Caglayan, Mehmet Ufuk 1 Calude, Cristian S. 1 Calzarossa, Mariacarla 1 Cao, Yonghuan 1 Cellary, Wojciech 1 Chesnais, A. 1 Dayar, Tugrul 1 Gardy, Danièle 1 Gautam, Natarajan 1 Gilbert, Edgar Nelson 1 Glynn, Peter W. 1 Güdükbay, Uǧur 1 Guennouni, Hatim 1 Gursoy, Attila 1 Harmancı, Kerem 1 Hussain, Khaled F. 1 Iasnogorodski, Roudolf 1 Kahane, Jean-Pierre 1 Kaiser, Claude 1 Kammerman, Patrick 1 Körner, János 1 Krolik, Jeffrey L. 1 Labed, Ali 1 Lam, Teresa 1 Lichnewsky, Alain 1 Longo, Giuseppe O. 1 Loukas, George 1 Mahl, Robert 1 Mang, Xiaowen 1 Marin, Andrea 1 Massey, James L. 1 Montagne, Ernest R. 1 Morzy, Tadeusz 1 Muntz, Richard R. 1 Núñez, Arturo 1 Onvural, Raif O. 1 Pollak, Henry O. 1 Pursley, Michael B. 1 Rosenberg, Catherine P. 1 Rossi, N. 1 Ruget, Gabriel 1 Sacan, Ahmet 1 Sakellari, Georgia 1 Schassberger, Rolf 1 Seshadri, Sridhar 1 Sevcik, Ken 1 Sgarro, Andrea 1 Shachnai, Hadas 1 Sigman, Karl 1 Srinivasan, Vijay 1 Stafylopatis, Andreas N. 1 Staphylopatis, Andreas 1 Tiberio, Paolo 1 Timotheou, Stelios 1 Toroslu, Hakki 1 Tripathi, Satish K. 1 Tugcu, Tuna 1 Vicard, Jean 1 Wood, R. C. 1 Woodside, C. Murray 1 Yazici, Adnan 1 Zhang, Yunxiao 1 Zhu, Qi all top 5 Serials 9 Acta Informatica 8 European Journal of Operational Research 7 Performance Evaluation 5 IEEE Transactions on Computers 5 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 4 Theoretical Computer Science 4 Communications of the ACM 3 Journal of Applied Probability 3 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 3 Advances in Computer Science and Engineering: Texts 2 Information and Control 2 Automation and Remote Control 2 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 2 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 2 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 2 Computational Management Science 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1 Information Processing Letters 1 IEEE Transactions on Communications 1 Management Science 1 SIAM Journal on Computing 1 Signal Processing 1 Robotics and Autonomous Systems 1 Annals of Operations Research 1 Neural Computation 1 Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok. A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. Matematikai es Fizikai Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Közlemenyei 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section B. Calcul des Probabilités et Statistique 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 Podstawy Sterowania 1 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 1 Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1 RAIRO. Operations Research 1 Computer Networks 1 CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences. Courses and Lectures 1 Studies in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence 1 Concurrent Systems Engineering Series 1 Revue Française d’Automatique, Informatique, Recherche Opérationnelle (RAIRO). Informatique 1 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering all top 5 Fields 91 Computer science (68-XX) 26 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 17 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 16 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 13 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 11 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 7 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 87 Publications have been cited 1,032 times in 477 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Product-form queueing networks with negative and positive customers. Zbl 0741.60091 Gelenbe, Erol 160 1991 Analysis and synthesis of computer systems. Zbl 0484.68026 Gelenbe, E.; Mitrani, I. 68 1980 G-networks with triggered customer movement. Zbl 0781.60088 Gelenbe, Erol 66 1993 Queues with negative arrivals. Zbl 0744.60110 Gelenbe, Erol; Glynn, Peter; Sigman, Karl 66 1991 \(G\)-networks: A unifying model for neural and queueing networks. Zbl 0803.90058 Gelenbe, Erol 52 1994 Introduction to queueing networks. Transl. from French by J. C. C. Nelson. Zbl 0654.60079 Gelenbe, E.; Pujolle, G. 45 1987 \(G\)-networks with multiple classes of signals and positive customers. Zbl 0954.90009 Gelenbe, Erol; Labed, Ali 37 1998 On approximate computer system models. Zbl 0322.68035 Gelenbe, Erol 36 1975 Stability of product form \(G\)-networks. Zbl 1134.60396 Gelenbe, Erol; Schassberger, Rolf 35 1992 G-networks with multiple classes of negative and positive customers. Zbl 0873.68010 Fourneau, Jean-Michel; Gelenbe, Erol; Suros, Rina 33 1996 G-networks with resets. Zbl 1043.68006 Gelenbe, Erol; Fourneau, Jean-Michel 31 2002 Special issue: G-networks. Zbl 0955.00026 22 2000 On the optimum checkpoint interval. Zbl 0395.68024 Gelenbe, Erol 19 1979 Stability and optimal control of the packet switching broadcast channel. Zbl 0364.94004 Fayolle, Guy; Gelenbe, Erol; Labetoulle, Jacques 18 1977 The behaviour of a single queue in a general queueing network. Zbl 0349.60091 Gelenbe, E.; Pujolle, G. 17 1976 A queue with server of walking type (autonomous service). Zbl 0433.60086 Gelenbe, E.; Iasnogorodski, R. 15 1980 Performance of rollback recovery systems under intermittent failures. Zbl 0379.68002 Gelenbe, E.; Derochette, D. 15 1978 A unified approach to the evaluation of a class of replacement algorithms. Zbl 0258.68015 Gelenbe, Erol 14 1973 Interconnected wireless sensors with energy harvesting. Zbl 1392.68073 Gelenbe, Erol; Marin, Andrea 14 2015 Random neural networks with synchronized interactions. Zbl 1154.68462 Gelenbe, Erol; Timotheou, Stelios 13 2008 An end-to-end approach to the resequencing problem. Zbl 0628.68020 Baccelli, François; Gelenbe, Erol; Plateau, Brigitte 13 1984 Probabilistic models of computer systems. II: Diffusion approximations, waiting times and batch arrivals. Zbl 0419.60086 Gelenbe, Erol 11 1979 Global behavior of homogeneous random neural systems. Zbl 0838.68094 Gelenbe, Erol; Stafylopatis, Andreas 10 1991 Probabilistic models of computer systems. I: Exact results. Zbl 0343.60066 Gelenbe, E.; Muntz, R. R. 10 1976 On G-network and resource allocation in multimedia systems. Zbl 0960.90007 Gelenbe, Erol; Shachnai, Hadas 9 2000 Introduction aux réseaux de files d’attente. Zbl 0547.60092 Gelenbe, Erol; Pujolle, Guy 7 1982 Analysis and synthesis of computer systems. 2nd ed. Zbl 1208.68093 Gelenbe, Erol; Mitrani, Isi 7 2010 Optimum checkpoints with age dependent failures. Zbl 0673.68007 Gelenbe, Erol; Hernández, Marisela 7 1990 Analysis of update synchronization for multiple copy data bases. Zbl 0422.68049 Gelenbe, Erol; Sevcik, Ken 7 1979 Flow equivalence and stochastic equivalence in G-networks. Zbl 1115.90319 Fourneau, Jean-Michel; Gelenbe, Erol 7 2004 Design and performance of cognitive packet networks. Zbl 1013.68010 Gelenbe, E.; Lent, R.; Xu, Z. 7 2001 Queues with slowly varying arrival and service processes. Zbl 0713.60105 Gelenbe, Erol; Rosenberg, Catherine 6 1990 Learning neural networks for detection and classification of synchronous recurrent transient signals. Zbl 0893.94040 Gelenbe, Erol; Harmancı, Kerem; Krolik, Jeffrey 6 1998 A self-aware approach to denial of service defence. Zbl 1107.68310 Gelenbe, Erol; Loukas, George 6 2007 Network of interacting synthetic molecules in steady state. Zbl 1145.90334 Gelenbe, Erol 6 2008 Analytical models of data link control procedures in packet-switching computer networks. Zbl 0447.68025 Boguslavskij, L. B.; Gelenbe, E. 5 1980 Stationary deterministic flows in discrete systems. I. Zbl 0498.68024 Gelenbe, Erol 5 1983 Availability of a distributed computer system with failures. Zbl 0584.68007 Gelenbe, Erol; Finkel, David; Tripathi, Satish 5 1986 Diffusion based statistical call admission control in ATM. Zbl 0900.68032 Gelenbe, Erol; Mang, Xiaowen; Önvural, Raif 5 1996 Autonomous search for mines. Zbl 0952.93092 Gelenbe, Erol; Cao, Yonghuan 5 1998 The stability problem of broadcast packet switching computer networks. Zbl 0328.68067 Fayolle, G.; Gelenbe, E.; Labetoulle, J.; Bastin, D. 5 1974 Random injection control of multiprogramming in virtual memory. Zbl 0371.68012 Gelenbe, Erol; Kurinckx, Alain 5 1978 Sensible decisions based on QoS. Zbl 1113.90304 Gelenbe, Erol 5 2004 On the modeling of parallel access to shared data. Zbl 0511.68081 Chesnais, A.; Gelenbe, E.; Mitrani, I. 4 1983 Optimization of the number of copies in a distributed data base. Zbl 0454.68124 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Gelenbe, Erol; Plateau, Brigitte 4 1981 Stationary deterministic flows: II. The Single-server queue. Zbl 0635.68027 Gelenbe, Erol; Finkel, David 4 1987 Function approximation with spiked random networks. Zbl 0941.68118 Gelenbe, Erol; Mao, Zhihong; Li, Yanda 4 1998 Function approximation by random neural networks with a bounded number of layers. Zbl 1490.62298 Gelenbe, Erol; Mao, Zhihong; Li, Yanda 4 2004 Neural networks. Advances and applications. Zbl 0800.68011 3 1991 Multi-user communication systems. Zbl 0473.94001 3 1981 Analysis of conveyor queue in a flexible manufacturing system. Zbl 0638.90049 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gelenbe, E.; Gilbert, E. N. 3 1988 A realizable model for stochastic sequential machines. Zbl 0225.94047 Gelenbe, S. Erol 3 1971 Response time of a fixed-head disk to transfers of variable length. Zbl 0324.68038 Gelenbe, Erol; Lenfant, Jacques; Potier, Dominique 3 1975 A model of roll-back recovery with multiple checkpoints. Zbl 0373.68002 Gelenbe, Erol 3 1976 Measuring, modelling and evaluating computer systems. Proceedings of the third international symposium, sponsored by IRIA-LABORIA, IFIP Working Group 7.3, The Commission of the European Communities (Joint Research Centre, ISPRA Establishment), and organised by GMD, Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Western Germany, October 3-5, 1977. Zbl 0425.68001 3 1977 Fundamental concepts in computer science. Zbl 1168.68013 3 2009 Neural networks: advances and applications II. Zbl 0755.94023 2 1992 Virus tests to maximize availability of software systems. Zbl 0795.68047 Gelenbe, Erol; Hernández, Marisela 2 1994 On the size of projections: I. Zbl 0535.68048 Gelenbe, Erol; Gardy, Danièle 2 1982 Multiprocessor performance. Zbl 1080.68540 Gelenbe, Erol 2 1989 A probabilistic generalization of the SAT problem. (Une généralisation probabiliste du problème SAT.) Zbl 0794.68068 Gelenbe, Erol 2 1992 Concurrency control in distributed database systems. Zbl 0642.68006 Cellary, Wojciech; Gelenbe, Erol; Morzy, Tadeusz 2 1988 An analysis of parallel-read sequential-write systems. Zbl 0463.68035 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Pollak, H. O.; Gelenbe, E.; Wood, R. C. 2 1981 Stationary deterministic flows in discrete systems. I. Zbl 0484.68027 Gelenbe, E. 2 1982 Experience with the parallel solution of partial differential equations on a distributed computing system. Zbl 0496.65047 Gelenbe, Erol; Lichnewsky, Alain; Staphylopatis, Andreas 2 1982 On the loop-free decomposition of stochastic finite-state systems. Zbl 0225.94048 Gelenbe, S. Erol 2 1970 On languages defined by linear probabilistic automata. Zbl 0245.94045 Gelenbe, S. Erol 2 1970 Uniform modular realizations and linear machines. Zbl 0228.94032 Gelenbe, S. Erol; Rossi, N. 2 1971 Self-aware networks and quality of service. Zbl 1037.68642 Gelenbe, Erol; Núñez, Arturo 2 2003 Adaptive allocation of central processing unit quanta. Zbl 0315.68048 Potier, D.; Gelenbe, E.; Lenfant, J. 2 1976 An experimentally validated model of the paging drum. Zbl 0378.68019 Adams, C.; Gelenbe, E.; Vicard, J. 2 1979 On the optimum checkpoint interval. Zbl 0445.68025 Gelenbe, Erol 1 1979 Optimal policies for ATM cell scheduling and rejection. Zbl 0983.68822 Gelenbe, Erol; Srinivasan, Vijay; Seshadri, Sridhar; Gautam, Natarajan 1 2001 Minimizing wasted space in partitioned segmentation. Zbl 0257.68024 Gelenbe, Erol; Boekhorst, J. C. A.; Kessels, J. L. W. 1 1971 Page size in demand-paging systems. Zbl 0273.68030 Gelenbe, E.; Tiberio, P.; Boekhorst, J. C. A. 1 1973 The distribution of a program in primary and fast buffer storage. Zbl 0268.68010 Gelenbe, Erol 1 1973 Minimizing wasted space in partitioned segmentation. Zbl 0277.68013 Gelenbe, Erol; Boekhorst, J. C. A.; Kessels, J. L. W. 1 1973 G-networks: Multiple classes of positive customers, signals, and product form results. Zbl 1017.68503 Gelenbe, Erol 1 2002 FLEXSIM: A flexible manufacturing system simulator. Zbl 0729.90587 Gelenbe, Erol; Guennouni, Hatim 1 1991 Performance tools and applications to networked systems. Revised tutorial lectures. Zbl 1047.68686 1 2004 Analyse d’un algorithme de gestion simultanee memoire centrale - Disque de pagination. Zbl 0303.68026 Gelenbe, E.; Lenfant, J.; Potier, D. 1 1974 Performance of computer systems. Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on modelling and performance evaluation of computer systems, Vienna, Austria, February 6-8, 1979. Organized by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Zbl 0403.00015 1 1979 A communication protocol and a problem of coupled queues. Zbl 0403.94010 Boguslavskii, L.; Gelenbe, E. 1 1979 Computer system performance modeling in perspective. A tribute to the work of Prof. Kenneth C. Sevcik. Zbl 1126.68017 1 2006 An analytic evaluation of the performance of the ”send and wait” protocol. Zbl 0373.94025 Fayolle, Guy; Gelenbe, Erol; Pujolle, Guy 1 1978 Existence and uniqueness of stationary distributions in a model of roll- back recovery. Zbl 0382.60094 Gelenbe, Erol 1 1977 Adaptive control of pre-fetching. Zbl 1013.68002 Gelenbe, E.; Zhu, Q. 1 2001 Interconnected wireless sensors with energy harvesting. Zbl 1392.68073 Gelenbe, Erol; Marin, Andrea 14 2015 Analysis and synthesis of computer systems. 2nd ed. Zbl 1208.68093 Gelenbe, Erol; Mitrani, Isi 7 2010 Fundamental concepts in computer science. Zbl 1168.68013 3 2009 Random neural networks with synchronized interactions. Zbl 1154.68462 Gelenbe, Erol; Timotheou, Stelios 13 2008 Network of interacting synthetic molecules in steady state. Zbl 1145.90334 Gelenbe, Erol 6 2008 A self-aware approach to denial of service defence. Zbl 1107.68310 Gelenbe, Erol; Loukas, George 6 2007 Computer system performance modeling in perspective. A tribute to the work of Prof. Kenneth C. Sevcik. Zbl 1126.68017 1 2006 Flow equivalence and stochastic equivalence in G-networks. Zbl 1115.90319 Fourneau, Jean-Michel; Gelenbe, Erol 7 2004 Sensible decisions based on QoS. Zbl 1113.90304 Gelenbe, Erol 5 2004 Function approximation by random neural networks with a bounded number of layers. Zbl 1490.62298 Gelenbe, Erol; Mao, Zhihong; Li, Yanda 4 2004 Performance tools and applications to networked systems. Revised tutorial lectures. Zbl 1047.68686 1 2004 Self-aware networks and quality of service. Zbl 1037.68642 Gelenbe, Erol; Núñez, Arturo 2 2003 G-networks with resets. Zbl 1043.68006 Gelenbe, Erol; Fourneau, Jean-Michel 31 2002 G-networks: Multiple classes of positive customers, signals, and product form results. Zbl 1017.68503 Gelenbe, Erol 1 2002 Design and performance of cognitive packet networks. Zbl 1013.68010 Gelenbe, E.; Lent, R.; Xu, Z. 7 2001 Optimal policies for ATM cell scheduling and rejection. Zbl 0983.68822 Gelenbe, Erol; Srinivasan, Vijay; Seshadri, Sridhar; Gautam, Natarajan 1 2001 Adaptive control of pre-fetching. Zbl 1013.68002 Gelenbe, E.; Zhu, Q. 1 2001 Special issue: G-networks. Zbl 0955.00026 22 2000 On G-network and resource allocation in multimedia systems. Zbl 0960.90007 Gelenbe, Erol; Shachnai, Hadas 9 2000 \(G\)-networks with multiple classes of signals and positive customers. Zbl 0954.90009 Gelenbe, Erol; Labed, Ali 37 1998 Learning neural networks for detection and classification of synchronous recurrent transient signals. Zbl 0893.94040 Gelenbe, Erol; Harmancı, Kerem; Krolik, Jeffrey 6 1998 Autonomous search for mines. Zbl 0952.93092 Gelenbe, Erol; Cao, Yonghuan 5 1998 Function approximation with spiked random networks. Zbl 0941.68118 Gelenbe, Erol; Mao, Zhihong; Li, Yanda 4 1998 G-networks with multiple classes of negative and positive customers. Zbl 0873.68010 Fourneau, Jean-Michel; Gelenbe, Erol; Suros, Rina 33 1996 Diffusion based statistical call admission control in ATM. Zbl 0900.68032 Gelenbe, Erol; Mang, Xiaowen; Önvural, Raif 5 1996 \(G\)-networks: A unifying model for neural and queueing networks. Zbl 0803.90058 Gelenbe, Erol 52 1994 Virus tests to maximize availability of software systems. Zbl 0795.68047 Gelenbe, Erol; Hernández, Marisela 2 1994 G-networks with triggered customer movement. Zbl 0781.60088 Gelenbe, Erol 66 1993 Stability of product form \(G\)-networks. Zbl 1134.60396 Gelenbe, Erol; Schassberger, Rolf 35 1992 Neural networks: advances and applications II. Zbl 0755.94023 2 1992 A probabilistic generalization of the SAT problem. (Une généralisation probabiliste du problème SAT.) Zbl 0794.68068 Gelenbe, Erol 2 1992 Product-form queueing networks with negative and positive customers. Zbl 0741.60091 Gelenbe, Erol 160 1991 Queues with negative arrivals. Zbl 0744.60110 Gelenbe, Erol; Glynn, Peter; Sigman, Karl 66 1991 Global behavior of homogeneous random neural systems. Zbl 0838.68094 Gelenbe, Erol; Stafylopatis, Andreas 10 1991 Neural networks. Advances and applications. Zbl 0800.68011 3 1991 FLEXSIM: A flexible manufacturing system simulator. Zbl 0729.90587 Gelenbe, Erol; Guennouni, Hatim 1 1991 Optimum checkpoints with age dependent failures. Zbl 0673.68007 Gelenbe, Erol; Hernández, Marisela 7 1990 Queues with slowly varying arrival and service processes. Zbl 0713.60105 Gelenbe, Erol; Rosenberg, Catherine 6 1990 Multiprocessor performance. Zbl 1080.68540 Gelenbe, Erol 2 1989 Analysis of conveyor queue in a flexible manufacturing system. Zbl 0638.90049 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gelenbe, E.; Gilbert, E. N. 3 1988 Concurrency control in distributed database systems. Zbl 0642.68006 Cellary, Wojciech; Gelenbe, Erol; Morzy, Tadeusz 2 1988 Introduction to queueing networks. Transl. from French by J. C. C. Nelson. Zbl 0654.60079 Gelenbe, E.; Pujolle, G. 45 1987 Stationary deterministic flows: II. The Single-server queue. Zbl 0635.68027 Gelenbe, Erol; Finkel, David 4 1987 Availability of a distributed computer system with failures. Zbl 0584.68007 Gelenbe, Erol; Finkel, David; Tripathi, Satish 5 1986 An end-to-end approach to the resequencing problem. Zbl 0628.68020 Baccelli, François; Gelenbe, Erol; Plateau, Brigitte 13 1984 Stationary deterministic flows in discrete systems. I. Zbl 0498.68024 Gelenbe, Erol 5 1983 On the modeling of parallel access to shared data. Zbl 0511.68081 Chesnais, A.; Gelenbe, E.; Mitrani, I. 4 1983 Introduction aux réseaux de files d’attente. Zbl 0547.60092 Gelenbe, Erol; Pujolle, Guy 7 1982 On the size of projections: I. Zbl 0535.68048 Gelenbe, Erol; Gardy, Danièle 2 1982 Stationary deterministic flows in discrete systems. I. Zbl 0484.68027 Gelenbe, E. 2 1982 Experience with the parallel solution of partial differential equations on a distributed computing system. Zbl 0496.65047 Gelenbe, Erol; Lichnewsky, Alain; Staphylopatis, Andreas 2 1982 Optimization of the number of copies in a distributed data base. Zbl 0454.68124 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Gelenbe, Erol; Plateau, Brigitte 4 1981 Multi-user communication systems. Zbl 0473.94001 3 1981 An analysis of parallel-read sequential-write systems. Zbl 0463.68035 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Pollak, H. O.; Gelenbe, E.; Wood, R. C. 2 1981 Analysis and synthesis of computer systems. Zbl 0484.68026 Gelenbe, E.; Mitrani, I. 68 1980 A queue with server of walking type (autonomous service). Zbl 0433.60086 Gelenbe, E.; Iasnogorodski, R. 15 1980 Analytical models of data link control procedures in packet-switching computer networks. Zbl 0447.68025 Boguslavskij, L. B.; Gelenbe, E. 5 1980 On the optimum checkpoint interval. Zbl 0395.68024 Gelenbe, Erol 19 1979 Probabilistic models of computer systems. II: Diffusion approximations, waiting times and batch arrivals. Zbl 0419.60086 Gelenbe, Erol 11 1979 Analysis of update synchronization for multiple copy data bases. Zbl 0422.68049 Gelenbe, Erol; Sevcik, Ken 7 1979 An experimentally validated model of the paging drum. Zbl 0378.68019 Adams, C.; Gelenbe, E.; Vicard, J. 2 1979 On the optimum checkpoint interval. Zbl 0445.68025 Gelenbe, Erol 1 1979 Performance of computer systems. Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on modelling and performance evaluation of computer systems, Vienna, Austria, February 6-8, 1979. Organized by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Zbl 0403.00015 1 1979 A communication protocol and a problem of coupled queues. Zbl 0403.94010 Boguslavskii, L.; Gelenbe, E. 1 1979 Performance of rollback recovery systems under intermittent failures. Zbl 0379.68002 Gelenbe, E.; Derochette, D. 15 1978 Random injection control of multiprogramming in virtual memory. Zbl 0371.68012 Gelenbe, Erol; Kurinckx, Alain 5 1978 An analytic evaluation of the performance of the ”send and wait” protocol. Zbl 0373.94025 Fayolle, Guy; Gelenbe, Erol; Pujolle, Guy 1 1978 Stability and optimal control of the packet switching broadcast channel. Zbl 0364.94004 Fayolle, Guy; Gelenbe, Erol; Labetoulle, Jacques 18 1977 Measuring, modelling and evaluating computer systems. Proceedings of the third international symposium, sponsored by IRIA-LABORIA, IFIP Working Group 7.3, The Commission of the European Communities (Joint Research Centre, ISPRA Establishment), and organised by GMD, Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Western Germany, October 3-5, 1977. Zbl 0425.68001 3 1977 Existence and uniqueness of stationary distributions in a model of roll- back recovery. Zbl 0382.60094 Gelenbe, Erol 1 1977 The behaviour of a single queue in a general queueing network. Zbl 0349.60091 Gelenbe, E.; Pujolle, G. 17 1976 Probabilistic models of computer systems. I: Exact results. Zbl 0343.60066 Gelenbe, E.; Muntz, R. R. 10 1976 A model of roll-back recovery with multiple checkpoints. Zbl 0373.68002 Gelenbe, Erol 3 1976 Adaptive allocation of central processing unit quanta. Zbl 0315.68048 Potier, D.; Gelenbe, E.; Lenfant, J. 2 1976 On approximate computer system models. Zbl 0322.68035 Gelenbe, Erol 36 1975 Response time of a fixed-head disk to transfers of variable length. Zbl 0324.68038 Gelenbe, Erol; Lenfant, Jacques; Potier, Dominique 3 1975 The stability problem of broadcast packet switching computer networks. Zbl 0328.68067 Fayolle, G.; Gelenbe, E.; Labetoulle, J.; Bastin, D. 5 1974 Analyse d’un algorithme de gestion simultanee memoire centrale - Disque de pagination. Zbl 0303.68026 Gelenbe, E.; Lenfant, J.; Potier, D. 1 1974 A unified approach to the evaluation of a class of replacement algorithms. Zbl 0258.68015 Gelenbe, Erol 14 1973 Page size in demand-paging systems. Zbl 0273.68030 Gelenbe, E.; Tiberio, P.; Boekhorst, J. C. A. 1 1973 The distribution of a program in primary and fast buffer storage. Zbl 0268.68010 Gelenbe, Erol 1 1973 Minimizing wasted space in partitioned segmentation. Zbl 0277.68013 Gelenbe, Erol; Boekhorst, J. C. A.; Kessels, J. L. W. 1 1973 A realizable model for stochastic sequential machines. Zbl 0225.94047 Gelenbe, S. Erol 3 1971 Uniform modular realizations and linear machines. Zbl 0228.94032 Gelenbe, S. Erol; Rossi, N. 2 1971 Minimizing wasted space in partitioned segmentation. Zbl 0257.68024 Gelenbe, Erol; Boekhorst, J. C. A.; Kessels, J. L. W. 1 1971 On the loop-free decomposition of stochastic finite-state systems. Zbl 0225.94048 Gelenbe, S. Erol 2 1970 On languages defined by linear probabilistic automata. Zbl 0245.94045 Gelenbe, S. Erol 2 1970 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 676 Authors 21 Gelenbe, Sami Erol 15 Matalytski, Mikhail 9 Fourneau, Jean-Michel 8 Krishna Kumar, Balasubramanian 8 Marin, Andrea 8 Naumenko, Victor 7 Smith, James MacGregor 7 Wu, Jinbiao 6 El-Taha, Muhammad 6 Liu, Zaiming 6 Wang, Jinting 5 Atencia, Ivan 5 Boucherie, Richard J. 5 Boxma, Onno Johan 5 Chen, Anyue 5 Dudin, Alexander N. 5 Harrison, Peter G. 5 Kopats, Dmitry 5 Li, Junping 5 Sudhesh, Ramupillai 5 Yao, David D. W. 5 Zaryadov, I. S. 4 Aguilera-Venegas, Gabriel 4 Aissani, Djamil 4 Artalejo, Jesus R. 4 Ayesta, Urtzi 4 Baccelli, François Louis 4 Chakravarthy, Srinivas R. 4 Chebunin, Mikhail Georgievich 4 Dimitriou, Ioannis 4 Galán-García, José Luis 4 Kouvatsos, Demetres D. 4 Milovanova, T. A. 4 Razumchik, Rostislav V. 4 Sztrik, János 4 Taylor, Peter Gerrard 3 Abdelrahman, Omer H. 3 Balsamo, Simonetta 3 Bocharov, Pavel Petrovich 3 Dao-Thi, Thu-Ha 3 D’Apice, Ciro 3 Farkhadov, Mais 3 Fëdorova, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna 3 Galán-García, María-Ángeles 3 Hilquias, Viana C. C. 3 Kaio, Naoto 3 Ke, Jauchuan 3 Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha 3 Lee, Doo Ho 3 Madheswari, S. Pavai 3 Mikheev, Pavel O. 3 Naumov, Valeriĭ A. 3 Pamula, Raj Sekhar 3 Pekergin, Nihal 3 Peng, Yi 3 Perry, David 3 Rodríguez-Cielos, Pedro 3 Rukmani, Ramasamy 3 Serfozo, Richard F. 3 Srimani, Pradip K. 3 Suschenko, Sergey 3 Takahashi, Yoshitaka 3 Tien Van Do 3 Whitt, Ward 2 Aalto, Samuli 2 Arivarignan, G. 2 Arivudainambi, D. 2 Badrinath, Vivek 2 Balbo, Gianfranco 2 Bertsimas, Dimitris John 2 Bogdanova-Ryzhova, Elena V. 2 Bouallouche-Medjkoune, Louiza 2 Buzacott, John Alan 2 Caglayan, Mehmet Ufuk 2 Chakka, Ram 2 Chao, Xiuli 2 Coffman, Edward Grady jun. 2 Cruz, Frederico R. B. 2 Czachórski, Tadeusz 2 Dei Rossi, Gian-Luca 2 El-Affendi, M. A. 2 Fayolle, Guy 2 Filipiak, Janusz 2 Finkel, David 2 Fragoso, Marcelo Dutra 2 Frey, Andreas 2 Fukumoto, Satoshi 2 Gao, Shan 2 Gardner, Kristen 2 Gorbunova, A. V. 2 Guillemin, Fabrice M. 2 Henderson, William 2 Kella, Offer 2 Kelly, Frank P. 2 Klimenok, Valentina Ivanovna 2 Korolkova, Anna V. 2 Kulkarni, Vidyadhar G. 2 Kulyabov, Dmitriĭ Sergeevich 2 Kumar Mishra, Bimal 2 Labetoulle, Jacques ...and 576 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 104 Serials 44 Queueing Systems 43 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 39 European Journal of Operational Research 27 Acta Informatica 19 Annals of Operations Research 14 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 13 Applied Mathematical Modelling 13 Automation and Remote Control 13 RAIRO. Operations Research 11 Theoretical Computer Science 10 Computers & Operations Research 10 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics 8 Applied Mathematics and Computation 8 Operations Research Letters 6 Advances in Applied Probability 6 International Journal of Systems Science 5 Information Processing Letters 5 Information Sciences 5 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 4 Journal of Applied Probability 4 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Top 4 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 4 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 3 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 3 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 3 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 3 Computational Management Science 2 Discrete Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Problems of Information Transmission 2 INFOR 2 International Journal of Computer & Information Sciences 2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 2 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 2 Naval Research Logistics 2 Opsearch 2 Systems & Control Letters 2 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 2 International Journal of Production Research 2 Annales Scientifiques de l’Université de Clermont-Ferrand II. Probabilités et Applications 2 Optimization 2 The Annals of Applied Probability 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section B. Calcul des Probabilités et Statistique 2 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 2 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 2 Stochastic Models 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 2 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Artificial Intelligence 1 International Journal of Control 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Automatica 1 Computing 1 Operations Research 1 Statistica Neerlandica 1 OR Spektrum 1 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences 1 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 1 Statistics & Probability Letters 1 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Information and Computation 1 Formal Aspects of Computing 1 Neural Networks 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 1 Random Structures & Algorithms 1 Neural Computation 1 Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 1 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Zeitschrift für Operations Research. Serie A: Theorie 1 Advances in Computational Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematical Finance 1 INFORMS Journal on Computing 1 Journal of Scheduling 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 1 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 1 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 OR Spectrum 1 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 1 BIT. Nordisk Tidskrift for Informationsbehandling 1 Applications and Applied Mathematics 1 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 1 Operational Research. An International Journal 1 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 1 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 1 Problemy Fiziki, Matematiki i Tekhniki 1 Izvestiya Saratovskogo Universiteta. Novaya Seriya. Seriya Matematika, Mekhanika, Informatika 1 Frontiers of Computer Science in China ...and 4 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 25 Fields 308 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 286 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 165 Computer science (68-XX) 17 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 14 Statistics (62-XX) 13 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 13 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 12 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 9 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 7 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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