Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Genton, Marc G. Co-Author Distance Author ID: genton.marc-g Published as: Genton, Marc G.; Genton, Mark G.; G. Genton, Marc; Genton, M. G. more...less Homepage: https://www.kaust.edu.sa/en/study/faculty/marc-genton External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp · GND Documents Indexed: 209 Publications since 1995, including 3 Additional arXiv Preprints 2 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Software Indexed: 5 Packages Co-Authors: 167 Co-Authors with 201 Joint Publications 4,152 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 11 single-authored 20 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo Boris 18 Castruccio, Stefano 17 Sun, Ying 12 Keyes, David Elliot 11 Ma, Yanyuan 9 Huser, Raphaël 8 Dai, Wenlin 7 Cao, Jian 6 Azzalini, Adelchi 6 Dutta, Subhajit 6 Huang, Huang 6 Turkiyyah, George M. 6 Yan, Yuan 5 Abdulah, Sameh 5 Crippa, Paola 5 Jeong, Jaehong 5 Krupskii, Pavel 5 Ltaief, Hatem 5 Stenchikov, Georgiy L. 5 Tong, Tiejun 4 Das, Soumya 4 Lenzi, Amanda 4 Li, Bo 4 Ronchetti, Elvezio M. 4 Vettori, Sabrina 4 Zhu, Xinxin 3 Branco, Márcia D’Elia 3 Gneiting, Tilmann 3 Hering, Amanda S. 3 Jun, Mikyoung 3 Karling, Maicon J. 3 Kim, Hyoung-Moon 3 Kleiber, William 3 Martínez-Hernández, Israel 3 Salvaña, Mary Lai O. 3 Sang, Huiyan 3 Tagle, Felipe 2 Alshehri, Yasser M. 2 Apanasovich, Tatiyana V. 2 Baker, Allison H. 2 Bowman, Kenneth P. 2 Boyer, Joseph 2 Cantoni, Eva 2 Chen, Wanfang 2 Chowdhury, Joydeep 2 Contreras-Reyes, Javier E. 2 de Luna, Xavier 2 Durante, Daniele 2 El Ghouch, Anouar 2 Fang, Fuhui 2 Ghosh, Sujit Kumar 2 Gorsich, David J. 2 Gu, Yingzhong 2 Hall, Peter Gavin 2 Hu, Zongliang 2 Huang, Jingfang 2 Irincheeva, Irina 2 Kim, Mijeong 2 Loperfido, Nicola M. R. 2 Lucas, André 2 Mallick, Bani K. 2 Mondal, Sagnik 2 Mostamandi, Suleiman 2 Park, Jung Wook 2 Parzen, Emanuel 2 Perrin, Olivier 2 Porcu, Emilio 2 Qu, Zhuo 2 Rousseeuw, Peter J. 2 Song, Yan 2 Stefanski, Leonard A. 2 Wang, Jiuzhou 2 Wang, Kesen 2 Wang, Yuedong 2 Xie, Le 2 Xu, Ganggang 2 Yip, Andrew C. M. 2 Zhang, Jiachen 2 Zhelonkin, Mikhail 1 Aldrich, Eric Mark 1 Bachoc, François 1 Barreto-Souza, Wagner 1 Bastos, Fernando de Souza 1 Bevilacqua, Moreno 1 Bliznyuk, Nikolay 1 Boos, Dennis D. 1 Bouezmarni, Taoufik 1 Browne, Ryan P. 1 Carroll, Raymond James 1 Castro, Luis Mauricio 1 Chakraborty, Avishek 1 Chang, Sheng-Mao 1 Davies, Patrick Laurie 1 Davison, Anthony C. 1 De Luca, Giovanni 1 De, Swarup 1 Dombry, Clément 1 Dong, Kai 1 Ehm, Werner 1 Fernández Anta, Antonio ...and 73 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 20 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 15 Journal of the American Statistical Association 12 Stat 11 Statistica Sinica 10 Statistics & Probability Letters 10 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 10 Environmetrics 9 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 7 Biometrika 7 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 7 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 6 Biometrics 6 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 5 The Annals of Applied Statistics 5 Statistics and Computing 4 International Statistical Review 4 Test 4 Mathematical Geology 3 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 3 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 3 Journal of Time Series Analysis 3 Statistical Science 3 Bernoulli 3 Extremes 3 Chilean Journal of Statistics 2 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 2 Metron 2 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 2 Statistics and Its Interface 1 The Annals of Statistics 1 Journal of Applied Probability 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Management Science 1 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 Statistical Papers 1 Advances in Computational Mathematics 1 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A. Statistics in Society 1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C. Applied Statistics 1 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 1 Stochastic Models 1 Statistical Methods and Applications 1 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC 1 Sankhyā. Series A 1 Bayesian Analysis 1 Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications 1 Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 1 Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science all top 5 Fields 200 Statistics (62-XX) 29 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 27 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 20 Geophysics (86-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 175 Publications have been cited 3,166 times in 1,815 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Skew-elliptical distributions and their applications: a journey beyond normality. Zbl 1069.62045 282 2004 On fundamental skew distributions. Zbl 1073.62049 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Genton, Marc G. 160 2005 A unified view on skewed distributions arising from selections. Zbl 1121.60009 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Branco, Márcia D.; Genton, Marc G. 124 2006 The multivariate skew-slash distribution. Zbl 1081.60013 Wang, Jing; Genton, Marc G. 96 2006 Robust likelihood methods based on the skew-\(t\) and related distributions. Zbl 1206.62102 Azzalini, Adelchi; Genton, Marc G. 95 2008 Cross-covariance functions for multivariate geostatistics. Zbl 1332.86010 Genton, Marc G.; Kleiber, William 89 2015 Flexible class of skew-symmetric distributions. Zbl 1063.62079 Ma, Yanyuan; Genton, Mark G. 86 2004 Generalized skew-elliptical distributions and their quadratic forms. Zbl 1083.62043 Genton, Marc G.; Loperfido, Nicola M. R. 83 2005 Moments of skew-normal random vectors and their quadratic forms. Zbl 0972.62031 Genton, Marc G.; He, Li; Liu, Xiangwei 76 2001 A skew-symmetric representation of multivariate distributions. Zbl 1060.62059 Wang, Jiuzhou; Boyer, Joseph; Genton, Marc G. 61 2004 Classes of kernels for machine learning: A statistics perspective. Zbl 1037.68113 Genton, Marc G. 58 2002 Geostatistical space-time models, stationarity, separability, and full symmetry. Zbl 1282.86019 Gneiting, Tilmann; Genton, Marc G.; Guttorp, Peter 58 2007 Cross-covariance functions for multivariate random fields based on latent dimensions. Zbl 1183.62164 Apanasovich, Tatiyana V.; Genton, Marc G. 51 2010 Multivariate extended skew-\(t\) distributions and related families. Zbl 1301.62016 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Genton, Marc G. 48 2010 Breakdown and groups. (With discussions and rejoinder). Zbl 1077.62041 Davies, P. Laurie; Gather, Ursula 45 2005 On the exact distribution of the maximum of absolutely continuous dependent random variables. Zbl 1134.60033 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Genton, Marc G. 44 2008 A valid Matérn class of cross-covariance functions for multivariate random fields with any number of components. Zbl 1261.62087 Apanasovich, Tatiyana V.; Genton, Marc G.; Sun, Ying 43 2012 Calibrated probabilistic forecasting at the stateline wind energy center: The regime-switching space-time method. Zbl 1120.62341 Gneiting, Tilmann; Larson, Kristin; Westrick, Kenneth; Genton, Marc G.; Aldrich, Eric 40 2006 Multivariate unified skew-elliptical distributions. Zbl 1213.62087 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Genton, Marc G. 39 2010 Highly robust estimation of the autocovariance function. Zbl 0970.62056 Ma, Yanyuan; Genton, Marc G. 38 2000 On the likelihood function of Gaussian max-stable processes. Zbl 1215.62089 Genton, Marc G.; Ma, Yanyuan; Sang, Huiyan 38 2011 A likelihood ratio test for separability of covariances. Zbl 1089.62063 Mitchell, Matthew W.; Genton, Marc G.; Gumpertz, Marcia L. 36 2006 Simplicial band depth for multivariate functional data. Zbl 1414.62066 López-Pintado, Sara; Sun, Ying; Lin, Juan K.; Genton, Marc G. 35 2014 Factor copula models for replicated spatial data. Zbl 1398.62256 Krupskii, Pavel; Huser, Raphaël; Genton, Marc G. 35 2018 On the exact distribution of linear combinations of order statistics from dependent random variables. Zbl 1139.62028 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Genton, Marc G. 34 2007 Likelihood estimators for multivariate extremes. Zbl 1381.62067 Huser, Raphaël; Davison, Anthony C.; Genton, Marc G. 32 2016 A Heckman selection-\(t\) model. Zbl 1328.62429 Marchenko, Yulia V.; Genton, Marc G. 32 2012 Powering up with space-time wind forecasting. Zbl 1397.62484 Hering, Amanda S.; Genton, Marc G. 30 2010 Comprehensive definitions of breakdown points for independent and dependent observations. Zbl 1063.62038 Genton, Marc G.; Lucas, André 29 2003 Directional outlyingness for multivariate functional data. Zbl 1471.62049 Dai, Wenlin; Genton, Marc G. 29 2019 Bayesian inference for shape mixtures of skewed distributions, with application to regression analysis. Zbl 1330.62242 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Castro, Luis M.; Genton, Marc G.; Gómez, Héctor W. 27 2008 Shape mixtures of multivariate skew-normal distributions. Zbl 1151.62042 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Genton, Marc G.; Loschi, Rosangela H. 27 2009 Testing the covariance structure of multivariate random fields. Zbl 1437.62528 Li, Bo; Genton, Marc G.; Sherman, Michael 27 2008 Locally efficient semiparametric estimators for generalized skew-elliptical distributions. Zbl 1117.62394 Ma, Yanyuan; Genton, Marc G.; Tsiatis, Anastasios A. 27 2005 Scale and shape mixtures of multivariate skew-normal distributions. Zbl 1499.62161 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Ferreira, Clécio S.; Genton, Marc G. 25 2018 Characteristic functions of scale mixtures of multivariate skew-normal distributions. Zbl 1221.60020 Kim, Hyoung-Moon; Genton, Marc G. 24 2011 Non-stationary dependence structures for spatial extremes. Zbl 1347.62246 Huser, Raphaël; Genton, Marc G. 23 2016 Surface boxplots. Zbl 07847421 Genton, Marc G.; Johnson, Christopher; Potter, Kristin; Stenchikov, Georgiy; Sun, Ying 23 2014 A nonparametric assessment of properties of space-time covariance functions. Zbl 1172.62311 Li, Bo; Genton, Marc G.; Sherman, Michael 23 2007 Variogram fitting by generalized least squares using an explicit formula for the covariance structure. Zbl 0970.86004 Genton, Marc G. 22 1998 Identifiability problems in some non-Gaussian spatial random fields. Zbl 1449.62203 Genton, Marc G.; Zhang, Hao 21 2012 Spherical process models for global spatial statistics. Zbl 1381.62091 Jeong, Jaehong; Jun, Mikyoung; Genton, Marc G. 21 2017 Shannon entropy and mutual information for multivariate skew-elliptical distributions. Zbl 1259.62002 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Contreras-Reyes, Javier E.; Genton, Marc G. 21 2013 Full likelihood inference for max-stable data. Zbl 07851105 Huser, Raphaël; Dombry, Clément; Ribatet, Mathieu; Genton, Marc G. 21 2019 Highly robust variogram estimation. Zbl 0970.86002 Genton, Marc G. 20 1998 Reducing storage of global wind ensembles with stochastic generators. Zbl 1393.62123 Jeong, Jaehong; Castruccio, Stefano; Crippa, Paola; Genton, Marc G. 20 2018 Multivariate functional data visualization and outlier detection. Zbl 07499002 Dai, Wenlin; Genton, Marc G. 19 2018 Robust indirect inference. Zbl 1047.62025 Genton, Marc G.; Ronchetti, Elvezio 19 2003 Self-similarity and Lamperti transformation for random fields. Zbl 1125.60046 Genton, Marc G.; Perrin, Olivier; Taqqu, Murad S. 19 2007 Asymptotic properties of sample quantiles of discrete distributions. Zbl 1432.62035 Ma, Yanyuan; Genton, Marc G.; Parzen, Emanuel 19 2011 Hierarchical decompositions for the computation of high-dimensional multivariate normal probabilities. Zbl 07498945 Genton, Marc G.; Keyes, David E.; Turkiyyah, George 18 2018 Shrinkage-based diagonal Hotelling’s tests for high-dimensional small sample size data. Zbl 1328.62351 Dong, Kai; Pang, Herbert; Tong, Tiejun; Genton, Marc G. 17 2016 Stationary covariances associated with exponentially convex functions. Zbl 1045.60032 Ehm, Werner; Genton, Marc G.; Gneiting, Tilmann 16 2004 Exact fast computation of band depth for large functional datasets: how quickly can one million curves be ranked? Zbl 07847460 Sun, Ying; Genton, Marc G.; Nychka, Douglas W. 16 2012 Beyond axial symmetry: an improved class of models for global data. Zbl 07847426 Castruccio, Stefano; Genton, Marc G. 16 2014 A multivariate two-sample mean test for small sample size and missing data. Zbl 1111.62052 Wu, Yujun; Genton, Marc G.; Stefanski, Leonard A. 16 2006 Optimal estimation of derivatives in nonparametric regression. Zbl 1392.62110 Dai, Wenlin; Tong, Tiejun; Genton, Marc G. 15 2016 On a time deformation reducing nonstationary stochastic processes to local stationarity. Zbl 1049.62098 Genton, Marc G.; Perrin, Olivier 15 2004 Likelihood approximation with hierarchical matrices for large spatial datasets. Zbl 1507.62110 Litvinenko, Alexander; Sun, Ying; Genton, Marc G.; Keyes, David E. 15 2019 Visuanimation in statistics. Zbl 07847934 Genton, Marc G.; Castruccio, Stefano; Crippa, Paola; Dutta, Subhajit; Huser, Raphaël; Sun, Ying; Vettori, Sabrina 15 2015 Extreme value distributions for the skew-symmetric family of distributions. Zbl 1124.62034 Chang, Sheng-Mao; Genton, Marc G. 15 2007 Multivariate max-stable spatial processes. Zbl 1345.62051 Genton, Marc G.; Padoan, Simone A.; Sang, Huiyan 14 2015 A skewed Kalman filter. Zbl 1066.62091 Naveau, Philippe; Genton, Marc G.; Shen, Xilin 14 2005 An invariance property of quadratic forms in random vectors with a selection distribution, with application to sample variogram and covariogram estimators. Zbl 1440.62178 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Genton, Marc G. 14 2010 A stochastic generator of global monthly wind energy with Tukey \(g\)-and-\(h\) autoregressive processes. Zbl 1421.62158 Jeong, Jaehong; Yan, Yuan; Castruccio, Stefano; Genton, Marc G. 13 2019 Principles for statistical inference on big spatio-temporal data from climate models. Zbl 1463.62340 Castruccio, Stefano; Genton, Marc G. 13 2018 Censored time series analysis with autoregressive moving average models. Zbl 1124.62061 Park, Jung Wook; Genton, Marc G.; Ghosh, Sujit K. 13 2007 Bayesian modeling of air pollution extremes using nested multivariate max-stable processes. Zbl 1436.62678 Vettori, Sabrina; Huser, Raphaël; Genton, Marc G. 13 2019 Nonparametric identification of copula structures. Zbl 06195969 Li, Bo; Genton, Marc G. 12 2013 A scalable multi-resolution spatio-temporal model for brain activation and connectivity in fMRI data. Zbl 1414.62435 Castruccio, Stefano; Ombao, Hernando; Genton, Marc G. 12 2018 A non-Gaussian spatio-temporal model for daily wind speeds based on a multi-variate skew-\(T\) distribution. Zbl 1418.62400 Tagle, Felipe; Castruccio, Stefano; Crippa, Paola; Genton, Marc G. 12 2019 A multivariate skew-GARCH model. Zbl 1190.91167 de Luca, Giovanni; Genton, Marc G.; Loperfido, Nicola 12 2006 Functional outlier detection and taxonomy by sequential transformations. Zbl 1510.62030 Dai, Wenlin; Mrkvička, Tomáš; Sun, Ying; Genton, Marc G. 12 2020 A test for stationarity of spatio-temporal random fields on planar and spherical domains. Zbl 1253.62070 Jun, Mikyoung; Genton, Marc G. 12 2012 Objective Bayesian analysis of skew-\(t\) distributions. Zbl 1259.62008 Branco, Marcia D’Elia; Genton, Marc G.; Liseo, Brunero 12 2013 Robust inference in sample selection models. Zbl 1414.62063 Zhelonkin, Mikhail; Genton, Marc G.; Ronchetti, Elvezio 12 2016 Perturbation of numerical confidential data via skew-\(t\) distributions. Zbl 1232.65009 Lee, Seokho; Genton, Marc G.; Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B. 11 2010 Predictive spatio-temporal models for spatially sparse environmental data. Zbl 1070.62080 de Luna, Xavier; Genton, Marc G. 11 2005 Recent developments in complex and spatially correlated functional data. Zbl 07232926 Martínez-Hernández, Israel; Genton, Marc G. 11 2020 On Gauss’s characterization of the normal distribution. Zbl 1111.62012 Azzalini, Adelchi; Genton, Marc G. 11 2007 On nomenclature for, and the relative merits of, two formulations of skew distributions. Zbl 1376.60024 Azzalini, Adelchi; Browne, Ryan P.; Genton, Marc G.; McNicholas, Paul D. 11 2016 Short-term wind speed forecasting for power system operations. Zbl 1422.62339 Zhu, Xinxin; Genton, Marc G. 11 2012 Space-time wind speed forecasting for improved power system dispatch. Zbl 1297.62160 Zhu, Xinxin; Genton, Marc G.; Gu, Yingzhong; Xie, Le 10 2014 Aggregation-cokriging for highly multivariate spatial data. Zbl 1230.62127 Furrer, Reinhard; Genton, Marc G. 10 2011 Nonparametric variogram and covariogram estimation with Fourier-Bessel matrices. Zbl 1011.62032 Genton, Marc G.; Gorsich, David J. 10 2002 Nonseparable, space-time covariance functions with dynamical compact supports. Zbl 1439.62135 Porcu, Emilio; Bevilacqua, Moreno; Genton, Marc G. 10 2020 Invariance-based estimating equations for skew-symmetric distributions. Zbl 1301.62032 Azzalini, Adelchi; Genton, Marc G.; Scarpa, Bruno 9 2010 Highly robust estimation of dispersion matrices. Zbl 1013.62065 Ma, Yanyuan; Genton, Marc G. 9 2001 A note on an equivalence between chi-square and generalized skew-normal distributions. Zbl 1075.62010 Wang, Jiuzhou; Boyer, Joseph; Genton, Marc G. 9 2004 Eigenstructures of spatial design matrices. Zbl 1003.62084 Gorsich, David J.; Genton, Marc G.; Strang, Gilbert 9 2002 A comparison of dependence function estimators in multivariate extremes. Zbl 1384.62163 Vettori, Sabrina; Huser, Raphaël; Genton, Marc G. 9 2018 Hierarchical-block conditioning approximations for high-dimensional multivariate normal probabilities. Zbl 1430.62094 Cao, Jian; Genton, Marc G.; Keyes, David E.; Turkiyyah, George M. 9 2019 Diagonal likelihood ratio test for equality of mean vectors in high-dimensional data. Zbl 1436.62573 Hu, Zongliang; Tong, Tiejun; Genton, Marc G. 9 2019 Non-Gaussian autoregressive processes with Tukey \(g\)-and-\(h\) transformations. Zbl 1545.62986 Yan, Yuan; Genton, Marc G. 9 2019 Functional median polish. Zbl 1302.62281 Sun, Ying; Genton, Marc G. 8 2012 Statistical inference for evolving periodic functions. Zbl 07555369 Genton, Marc G.; Hall, Peter 8 2007 A non-Gaussian multivariate distribution with all lower-dimensional Gaussians and related families. Zbl 1360.62251 Dutta, Subhajit; Genton, Marc G. 8 2014 Spatial breakdown point of variogram estimators. Zbl 0970.86009 Genton, Marc G. 8 1998 A high-resolution bilevel skew-\(t\) stochastic generator for assessing Saudi Arabia’s wind energy resources. Zbl 1545.62950 Tagle, Felipe; Genton, Marc G.; Yip, Andrew; Mostamandi, Suleiman; Stenchikov, Georgiy; Castruccio, Stefano 8 2020 Bayesian model averaging over tree-based dependence structures for multivariate extremes. Zbl 07499281 Vettori, Sabrina; Huser, Raphaël; Segers, Johan; Genton, Marc G. 7 2020 A multivariate modified skew-normal distribution. Zbl 07858972 Mondal, Sagnik; Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Genton, Marc G. 1 2024 Multivariate unified skew-\(t\) distributions and their properties. Zbl 07904769 Wang, Kesen; Karling, Maicon J.; Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Genton, Marc G. 1 2024 Large-scale environmental data science with ExaGeoStatR. Zbl 1545.62694 Abdulah, Sameh; Li, Yuxiao; Cao, Jian; Ltaief, Hatem; Keyes, David E.; Genton, Marc G.; Sun, Ying 3 2023 Saving storage in climate ensembles: a model-based stochastic approach. Zbl 07749311 Huang, Huang; Castruccio, Stefano; Baker, Allison H.; Genton, Marc G. 2 2023 Are you all normal? It depends! Zbl 07779060 Chen, Wanfang; Genton, Marc G. 2 2023 Tractable Bayes of skew-elliptical link models for correlated binary data. Zbl 1522.62291 Zhang, Zhongwei; Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Genton, Marc G.; Huser, Raphaël 2 2023 Spatio-temporal cross-covariance functions under the Lagrangian framework with multiple advections. Zbl 07784943 Salvaña, Mary Lai O.; Lenzi, Amanda; Genton, Marc G. 2 2023 On the non-identifiability of unified skew-normal distributions. Zbl 07858721 Wang, Kesen; Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Azzalini, Adelchi; Genton, Marc G. 1 2023 Goodness-of-fit tests for multivariate skewed distributions based on the characteristic function. Zbl 1517.62026 Karling, Maicon J.; Genton, Marc G.; Meintanis, Simos G. 1 2023 Scalable computation of predictive probabilities in probit models with Gaussian process priors. Zbl 07633202 Cao, Jian; Durante, Daniele; Genton, Marc G. 3 2022 Forecasting high-frequency spatio-temporal wind power with dimensionally reduced echo state networks. Zbl 07949868 Huang, Huang; Castruccio, Stefano; Genton, Marc G. 2 2022 Sparse functional boxplots for multivariate curves. Zbl 07633296 Qu, Zhuo; Genton, Marc G. 1 2022 A generalized Heckman model with varying sample selection bias and dispersion parameters. Zbl 07601222 Bastos, Fernando de Souza; Barreto-Souza, Wagner; Genton, Marc G. 1 2022 Competition on spatial statistics for large datasets. Zbl 07603083 Huang, Huang; Abdulah, Sameh; Sun, Ying; Ltaief, Hatem; Keyes, David E.; Genton, Marc G. 7 2021 Exploiting low-rank covariance structures for computing high-dimensional normal and Student-\(t\) probabilities. Zbl 1461.62014 Cao, Jian; Genton, Marc G.; Keyes, David E.; Turkiyyah, George M. 5 2021 Robust functional multivariate analysis of variance with environmental applications. Zbl 1545.62905 Qu, Zhuo; Dai, Wenlin; Genton, Marc G. 5 2021 Assessing the reliability of wind power operations under a changing climate with a non-Gaussian bias correction. Zbl 1498.62299 Zhang, Jiachen; Crippa, Paola; Genton, Marc G.; Castruccio, Stefano 3 2021 A cyclostationary model for temporal forecasting and simulation of solar global horizontal irradiance. Zbl 1545.62745 Das, Soumya; Genton, Marc G.; Alshehri, Yasser M.; Stenchikov, Georgiy L. 3 2021 Improving Bayesian local spatial models in large datasets. Zbl 07499865 Lenzi, Amanda; Castruccio, Stefano; Rue, Håvard; Genton, Marc G. 2 2021 Assessing the risk of disruption of wind turbine operations in Saudi Arabia using Bayesian spatial extremes. Zbl 1466.62448 Chen, Wanfang; Castruccio, Stefano; Genton, Marc G. 2 2021 Lagrangian spatio-temporal nonstationary covariance functions. Zbl 07645413 Salvaña, Mary Lai O.; Genton, Marc G. 1 2021 Nonparametric trend estimation in functional time series with application to annual mortality rates. Zbl 1520.62284 Martínez-Hernández, Israel; Genton, Marc G. 1 2021 An \(O(N)\) algorithm for computing expectation of \(N\)-dimensional truncated multi-variate normal distribution. I: Fundamentals. Zbl 1547.62016 Huang, Jingfang; Cao, Jian; Fang, Fuhui; Genton, Marc G.; Keyes, David E.; Turkiyyah, George 1 2021 Cyclostationary processes with evolving periods and amplitudes. Zbl 1543.60045 Das, Soumya; Genton, Marc G. 1 2021 Functional outlier detection and taxonomy by sequential transformations. Zbl 1510.62030 Dai, Wenlin; Mrkvička, Tomáš; Sun, Ying; Genton, Marc G. 12 2020 Recent developments in complex and spatially correlated functional data. Zbl 07232926 Martínez-Hernández, Israel; Genton, Marc G. 11 2020 Nonseparable, space-time covariance functions with dynamical compact supports. Zbl 1439.62135 Porcu, Emilio; Bevilacqua, Moreno; Genton, Marc G. 10 2020 A high-resolution bilevel skew-\(t\) stochastic generator for assessing Saudi Arabia’s wind energy resources. Zbl 1545.62950 Tagle, Felipe; Genton, Marc G.; Yip, Andrew; Mostamandi, Suleiman; Stenchikov, Georgiy; Castruccio, Stefano 8 2020 Bayesian model averaging over tree-based dependence structures for multivariate extremes. Zbl 07499281 Vettori, Sabrina; Huser, Raphaël; Segers, Johan; Genton, Marc G. 7 2020 Spatial blind source separation. Zbl 1451.62052 Bachoc, François; Genton, Marc G.; Nordhausen, Klaus; Ruiz-Gazen, Anne; Virta, Joni 6 2020 Multivariate transformed Gaussian processes. Zbl 1447.62054 Yan, Yuan; Jeong, Jaehong; Genton, Marc G. 5 2020 Estimating the mean and variance from the five-number summary of a log-normal distribution. Zbl 07342260 Shi, Jiandong; Tong, Tiejun; Wang, Yuedong; Genton, Marc G. 2 2020 On the stationary marginal distributions of subclasses of multivariate setar processes of order one. Zbl 1446.62241 Das, Soumya; Genton, Marc G. 2 2020 Trajectory functional boxplots. Zbl 07851176 Yao, Zonghui; Dai, Wenlin; G. Genton, Marc 1 2020 Spatiotemporal probabilistic wind vector forecasting over Saudi Arabia. Zbl 1475.62278 Lenzi, Amanda; Genton, Marc G. 1 2020 Directional outlyingness for multivariate functional data. Zbl 1471.62049 Dai, Wenlin; Genton, Marc G. 29 2019 Full likelihood inference for max-stable data. Zbl 07851105 Huser, Raphaël; Dombry, Clément; Ribatet, Mathieu; Genton, Marc G. 21 2019 Likelihood approximation with hierarchical matrices for large spatial datasets. Zbl 1507.62110 Litvinenko, Alexander; Sun, Ying; Genton, Marc G.; Keyes, David E. 15 2019 A stochastic generator of global monthly wind energy with Tukey \(g\)-and-\(h\) autoregressive processes. Zbl 1421.62158 Jeong, Jaehong; Yan, Yuan; Castruccio, Stefano; Genton, Marc G. 13 2019 Bayesian modeling of air pollution extremes using nested multivariate max-stable processes. Zbl 1436.62678 Vettori, Sabrina; Huser, Raphaël; Genton, Marc G. 13 2019 A non-Gaussian spatio-temporal model for daily wind speeds based on a multi-variate skew-\(T\) distribution. Zbl 1418.62400 Tagle, Felipe; Castruccio, Stefano; Crippa, Paola; Genton, Marc G. 12 2019 Hierarchical-block conditioning approximations for high-dimensional multivariate normal probabilities. Zbl 1430.62094 Cao, Jian; Genton, Marc G.; Keyes, David E.; Turkiyyah, George M. 9 2019 Diagonal likelihood ratio test for equality of mean vectors in high-dimensional data. Zbl 1436.62573 Hu, Zongliang; Tong, Tiejun; Genton, Marc G. 9 2019 Non-Gaussian autoregressive processes with Tukey \(g\)-and-\(h\) transformations. Zbl 1545.62986 Yan, Yuan; Genton, Marc G. 9 2019 Robust depth-based estimation of the functional autoregressive model. Zbl 1471.62133 Martínez-Hernández, Israel; Genton, Marc G.; González-Farías, Graciela 7 2019 A copula model for non-Gaussian multivariate spatial data. Zbl 1418.62366 Krupskii, Pavel; Genton, Marc G. 5 2019 Factor copula models for replicated spatial data. Zbl 1398.62256 Krupskii, Pavel; Huser, Raphaël; Genton, Marc G. 35 2018 Scale and shape mixtures of multivariate skew-normal distributions. Zbl 1499.62161 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Ferreira, Clécio S.; Genton, Marc G. 25 2018 Reducing storage of global wind ensembles with stochastic generators. Zbl 1393.62123 Jeong, Jaehong; Castruccio, Stefano; Crippa, Paola; Genton, Marc G. 20 2018 Multivariate functional data visualization and outlier detection. Zbl 07499002 Dai, Wenlin; Genton, Marc G. 19 2018 Hierarchical decompositions for the computation of high-dimensional multivariate normal probabilities. Zbl 07498945 Genton, Marc G.; Keyes, David E.; Turkiyyah, George 18 2018 Principles for statistical inference on big spatio-temporal data from climate models. Zbl 1463.62340 Castruccio, Stefano; Genton, Marc G. 13 2018 A scalable multi-resolution spatio-temporal model for brain activation and connectivity in fMRI data. Zbl 1414.62435 Castruccio, Stefano; Ombao, Hernando; Genton, Marc G. 12 2018 A comparison of dependence function estimators in multivariate extremes. Zbl 1384.62163 Vettori, Sabrina; Huser, Raphaël; Genton, Marc G. 9 2018 Functional boxplots for multivariate curves. Zbl 07851078 Dai, Wenlin; Genton, Marc G. 6 2018 Gaussian likelihood inference on data from trans-Gaussian random fields with Matérn covariance function. Zbl 1545.62985 Yan, Yuan; Genton, Marc G. 4 2018 Linear factor copula models and their properties. Zbl 1408.62099 Krupskii, Pavel; Genton, Marc G. 3 2018 An outlyingness matrix for multivariate functional data classification. Zbl 1406.62068 Dai, Wenlin; Genton, Marc G. 3 2018 Extreme-value limit of the convolution of exponential and multivariate normal distributions: link to the Hüsler-Reiß distribution. Zbl 1499.62164 Krupskii, Pavel; Joe, Harry; Lee, David; Genton, Marc G. 3 2018 Spherical process models for global spatial statistics. Zbl 1381.62091 Jeong, Jaehong; Jun, Mikyoung; Genton, Marc G. 21 2017 Depth-weighted robust multivariate regression with application to sparse data. Zbl 1474.62274 Dutta, Subhajit; Genton, Marc G. 1 2017 Comments on: Spatiotemporal models for skewed processes. Zbl 1545.62778 Genton, Marc G.; Hering, Amanda S. 1 2017 Likelihood estimators for multivariate extremes. Zbl 1381.62067 Huser, Raphaël; Davison, Anthony C.; Genton, Marc G. 32 2016 Non-stationary dependence structures for spatial extremes. Zbl 1347.62246 Huser, Raphaël; Genton, Marc G. 23 2016 Shrinkage-based diagonal Hotelling’s tests for high-dimensional small sample size data. Zbl 1328.62351 Dong, Kai; Pang, Herbert; Tong, Tiejun; Genton, Marc G. 17 2016 Optimal estimation of derivatives in nonparametric regression. Zbl 1392.62110 Dai, Wenlin; Tong, Tiejun; Genton, Marc G. 15 2016 Robust inference in sample selection models. Zbl 1414.62063 Zhelonkin, Mikhail; Genton, Marc G.; Ronchetti, Elvezio 12 2016 On nomenclature for, and the relative merits of, two formulations of skew distributions. Zbl 1376.60024 Azzalini, Adelchi; Browne, Ryan P.; Genton, Marc G.; McNicholas, Paul D. 11 2016 Skewed factor models using selection mechanisms. Zbl 1331.62296 Kim, Hyoung-Moon; Maadooliat, Mehdi; Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Genton, Marc G. 6 2016 Testing self-similarity through Lamperti transformations. Zbl 1347.62248 Lee, Myoungji; Genton, Marc G.; Jun, Mikyoung 3 2016 A tilting approach to ranking influence. Zbl 1411.62132 Genton, Marc G.; Hall, Peter 1 2016 Cross-covariance functions for multivariate geostatistics. Zbl 1332.86010 Genton, Marc G.; Kleiber, William 89 2015 Visuanimation in statistics. Zbl 07847934 Genton, Marc G.; Castruccio, Stefano; Crippa, Paola; Dutta, Subhajit; Huser, Raphaël; Sun, Ying; Vettori, Sabrina 15 2015 Multivariate max-stable spatial processes. Zbl 1345.62051 Genton, Marc G.; Padoan, Simone A.; Sang, Huiyan 14 2015 Efficient maximum approximated likelihood inference for Tukey’s \(g\)-and-\(h\) distribution. Zbl 1468.62215 Xu, Ganggang; Genton, Marc G. 7 2015 A Bayesian spatio-temporal geostatistical model with an auxiliary lattice for large datasets. Zbl 1480.86011 Xu, Ganggang; Liang, Faming; Genton, Marc G. 5 2015 Evaluating the impacts of climate change on diurnal wind power cycles using multiple regional climate models. Zbl 1525.62128 Goddard, Scott D.; Genton, Marc G.; Hering, Amanda S.; Sain, Stephan R. 1 2015 Simplicial band depth for multivariate functional data. Zbl 1414.62066 López-Pintado, Sara; Sun, Ying; Lin, Juan K.; Genton, Marc G. 35 2014 Surface boxplots. Zbl 07847421 Genton, Marc G.; Johnson, Christopher; Potter, Kristin; Stenchikov, Georgiy; Sun, Ying 23 2014 Beyond axial symmetry: an improved class of models for global data. Zbl 07847426 Castruccio, Stefano; Genton, Marc G. 16 2014 Space-time wind speed forecasting for improved power system dispatch. Zbl 1297.62160 Zhu, Xinxin; Genton, Marc G.; Gu, Yingzhong; Xie, Le 10 2014 A non-Gaussian multivariate distribution with all lower-dimensional Gaussians and related families. Zbl 1360.62251 Dutta, Subhajit; Genton, Marc G. 8 2014 Incorporating geostrophic wind information for improved space-time short-term wind speed forecasting. Zbl 1304.62142 Zhu, Xinxin; Bowman, Kenneth P.; Genton, Marc G. 4 2014 Mixtures of skewed Kalman filters. Zbl 1278.62154 Kim, Hyoung-Moon; Ryu, Duchwan; Mallick, Bani K.; Genton, Marc G. 4 2014 Shannon entropy and mutual information for multivariate skew-elliptical distributions. Zbl 1259.62002 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo B.; Contreras-Reyes, Javier E.; Genton, Marc G. 21 2013 Nonparametric identification of copula structures. Zbl 06195969 Li, Bo; Genton, Marc G. 12 2013 Objective Bayesian analysis of skew-\(t\) distributions. Zbl 1259.62008 Branco, Marcia D’Elia; Genton, Marc G.; Liseo, Brunero 12 2013 Characteristic function-based semiparametric inference for skew-symmetric models. Zbl 1364.62080 Potgieter, Cornelis J.; Genton, Marc G. 7 2013 Spatially varying cross-correlation coefficients in the presence of nugget effects. Zbl 1284.62591 Kleiber, William; Genton, Marc G. 5 2013 Semiparametric efficient and robust estimation of an unknown symmetric population under arbitrary sample selection bias. Zbl 06224989 Ma, Yanyuan; Kim, Mijeong; Genton, Marc G. 2 2013 Measuring the discrepancy of a parametric model via local polynomial smoothing. Zbl 1364.62126 El Ghouch, Anouar; Genton, Marc G.; Bouezmarni, Taoufik 1 2013 A valid Matérn class of cross-covariance functions for multivariate random fields with any number of components. Zbl 1261.62087 Apanasovich, Tatiyana V.; Genton, Marc G.; Sun, Ying 43 2012 A Heckman selection-\(t\) model. Zbl 1328.62429 Marchenko, Yulia V.; Genton, Marc G. 32 2012 Identifiability problems in some non-Gaussian spatial random fields. Zbl 1449.62203 Genton, Marc G.; Zhang, Hao 21 2012 Exact fast computation of band depth for large functional datasets: how quickly can one million curves be ranked? Zbl 07847460 Sun, Ying; Genton, Marc G.; Nychka, Douglas W. 16 2012 A test for stationarity of spatio-temporal random fields on planar and spherical domains. Zbl 1253.62070 Jun, Mikyoung; Genton, Marc G. 12 2012 Short-term wind speed forecasting for power system operations. Zbl 1422.62339 Zhu, Xinxin; Genton, Marc G. 11 2012 Functional median polish. Zbl 1302.62281 Sun, Ying; Genton, Marc G. 8 2012 On the robustness of two-stage estimators. Zbl 1243.62046 Zhelonkin, Mikhail; Genton, Marc G.; Ronchetti, Elvezio 5 2012 Generalized linear latent variable models with flexible distribution of latent variables. Zbl 1253.62051 Irincheeva, Irina; Cantoni, Eva; Genton, Marc G. 5 2012 ...and 75 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,602 Authors 130 Genton, Marc G. 54 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo Boris 49 Lachos Dávila, Víctor Hugo 48 Jamalizadeh, Ahad 45 Porcu, Emilio 37 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 30 Kim, Hea-Jung 29 Lin, Tsung I. 27 Huser, Raphaël 24 Bolfarine, Heleno 23 Sun, Ying 21 Azzalini, Adelchi 21 Gómez, Héctor Wladimir 20 Castruccio, Stefano 19 Bevilacqua, Moreno 19 Gupta, Arjun Kumar 18 Loperfido, Nicola M. R. 16 McLachlan, Geoffrey John 14 Kim, Hyoung-Moon 14 Lee, Sharon X. 14 Ma, Yanyuan 14 Nadarajah, Saralees 14 Wang, Wan-Lun 13 Emery, Xavier 12 Alegria, Alfredo 12 Amiri, Mehdi 12 Reisen, Valdério Anselmo 12 Wadsworth, Jennifer L. 11 Arslan, Olcay 11 Cabral, Celso Rômulo Barbosa 11 Contreras-Reyes, Javier E. 11 Furrer, Reinhard 11 Hering, Amanda S. 11 Mateu, Jorge 11 Wang, Tonghui 10 Bachoc, François 10 Castro, Luis Mauricio 10 De Iaco, Sandra 10 Keyes, David Elliot 10 Krupskii, Pavel 10 Ley, Christophe 10 Loschi, Rosangela Helena 10 Matos, Larissa A. 10 Padoan, Simone A. 10 Yin, Chuancun 9 Lévy-Leduc, Céline 9 Li, Bo 9 Opitz, Thomas 9 Schlather, Martin 9 Zhang, Jinting 8 Banerjee, Sudipto 8 Dai, Wenlin 8 Ferreira, Clécio S. 8 Naveau, Philippe 8 Reich, Brian James 8 Richter, Wolf-Dieter 8 Roozegar, Roohollah 8 Zeller, Camila Borelli 7 Beranger, Boris 7 Browne, Ryan P. 7 Dey, Dipak Kumar 7 Jones, Michael Chris 7 Jun, Mikyoung 7 Kazemi, Iraj 7 Khaledi, Majid Jafari 7 Kleiber, William 7 Maleki, Mohsen 7 McNicholas, Paul D. 7 Menegatto, Valdir Antonio 7 Posa, Donato 7 Scarpa, Bruno 7 Segers, Johan 7 Shushi, Tomer 7 Sisson, Scott A. 7 Stein, Michael L. 7 Tian, Weizhong 7 White, Philip A. 6 Abanto-Valle, Carlos Antonio 6 Arnold, Barry Charles 6 Baghfalaki, Taban 6 Bandyopadhyay, Dipankar 6 Bondon, Pascal 6 Caamaño-Carrillo, Christian 6 Čížek, Pavel 6 Crippa, Paola 6 Filipiak, Katarzyna 6 Ganjali, Mojtaba 6 Giannakis, Dimitrios 6 Huang, Huang 6 Huang, Yangxin 6 Joe, Harry 6 Klein, Daniel J. 6 Lenzi, Amanda 6 Liseo, Brunero 6 Mangion, Andrew Zammit 6 Meintanis, Simos George 6 Prates, Marcos Oliveira 6 Reyes, Jimmy 6 Taqqu, Murad S. 6 Terdik, György H. ...and 2,502 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 220 Serials 141 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 98 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 91 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 73 Statistics & Probability Letters 54 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 54 Environmetrics 46 Journal of Applied Statistics 45 Journal of the American Statistical Association 45 Test 44 Statistical Papers 42 The Annals of Applied Statistics 37 Stat 36 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 36 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 35 Statistics 32 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 31 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 29 Computational Statistics 27 Statistical Methods and Applications 26 Extremes 22 Biometrics 22 Journal of Time Series Analysis 21 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 21 Statistics and Computing 20 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 19 Electronic Journal of Statistics 18 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC 17 Statistical Science 16 Bernoulli 16 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 15 Journal of Econometrics 15 Technometrics 14 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 13 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 13 The Annals of Statistics 13 International Statistical Review 12 Chilean Journal of Statistics 12 Statistics in Medicine 11 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 11 European Journal of Operational Research 11 Mathematical Geosciences 10 Metron 10 Statistica Sinica 9 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 9 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 8 Journal of Computational Physics 8 Statistical Methodology 8 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 8 Sankhyā. Series A 7 Biometrical Journal 7 Statistica 7 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 7 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 7 Statistical Modelling 6 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 6 Machine Learning 6 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 6 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 6 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics 6 Dependence Modeling 6 Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science 5 Metrika 5 Information Sciences 5 Journal of Applied Probability 5 Statistica Neerlandica 5 Physica D 5 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 5 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 5 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 5 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 4 Automatica 4 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 4 Journal of Classification 4 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 4 Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 4 Econometric Theory 4 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 4 Sankhyā. Series B 3 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 3 Inverse Problems 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Theory of Probability and its Applications 3 Revista Colombiana de Estadística 3 Econometric Reviews 3 Annals of Operations Research 3 Linear Algebra and its Applications 3 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Advances in Computational Mathematics 3 Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 3 Quantitative Finance 3 Stochastic Models 3 REVSTAT 3 Bayesian Analysis 3 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 3 Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications 3 SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 2 The American Statistician 2 Journal of Statistical Physics ...and 120 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 39 Fields 1,663 Statistics (62-XX) 380 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 143 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 95 Geophysics (86-XX) 60 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 48 Computer science (68-XX) 20 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 20 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 19 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 17 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 15 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 13 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 10 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 8 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 7 Real functions (26-XX) 7 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 7 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Measure and integration (28-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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