Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Gesztesy, Fritz Co-Author Distance Author ID: gesztesy.fritz Published as: Gesztesy, Fritz; Gesztesy, F.; Gesztesy, Friedrich; Gesztezy, Fritz more...less Homepage: http://faculty.missouri.edu/~gesztesyf/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · ResearchGate · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 308 Publications since 1978, including 9 Books and 18 Additional arXiv Preprints 15 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 3 Publications Co-Authors: 148 Co-Authors with 309 Joint Publications 3,959 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 12 single-authored 55 Holden, Helge 34 Simon, Barry 33 Nichols, Roger 24 Mitrea, Marius 24 Teschl, Gerald 23 Zinchenko, Maxim 22 Weikard, Rudi 14 Albeverio, Sergio A. 14 Makarov, Konstantin A. 14 Pang, Michael M. H. 13 Sukochev, Fedor Anatol’evich 12 Littlejohn, Lance L. 11 Høegh-Krohn, Raphael J. 11 Zhao, Zhongxin 10 Behrndt, Jussi 10 Bollé, D. 10 Carey, Alan L. 10 Stanfill, Jonathan 9 Unterkofler, Karl 8 Clark, Steve 8 Latushkin, Yuri 7 Kirsten, Klaus 7 Levitina, Galina Borisovna 7 Michael, Isaac B. 7 Streit, Ludwig 6 Ashbaugh, Mark S. 6 Grosse, Harald 6 Kirsch, Werner 6 Potapov, Denis 5 Bulla, W. 5 Eckhardt, Jonathan 5 Michor, Johanna 5 Tomilov, Yuri 4 Laptev, Ari 4 Naboko, Serguei N. 4 Schweiger, Wolfgang 4 Zanin, Dmitriy V. 3 Bruning, Erwin Albert Karl 3 Deift, Percy A. 3 Hofmann, Steve 3 Hunziker, Markus 3 Kalton, Nigel John 3 Karwowski, Witold 3 Klaus, Martin 3 Piorkowski, Mateusz 3 Pittner, Ludwig 3 Race, David 3 Renger, Walter 3 Sakhnovich, Alexander L. 3 Thaller, Bernd 3 Tkachenko, Vadim Aleksandrovich 3 Tsekanovskii, Eduard R. 2 Batchenko, Vladimir 2 Berndt, Bruce Carl 2 Blake Allan, S. 2 Cascaval, Radu C. 2 Damanik, David 2 del Río Castillo, Rafael René 2 Demuth, Michael 2 Dickson, Ronnie 2 Exner, Pavel 2 Fischbacher, Christoph 2 Fucci, Guglielmo 2 Galvez, Cherie 2 Geronimo, Jeffrey S. 2 Godefroy, Gilles 2 Grafakos, Loukas 2 Hermi, Lotfi 2 Jost, Jürgen 2 Malamud, Mark M. 2 Martínez-Finkelshtein, Andrei 2 Mitter, Heinrich 2 Paycha, Sylvie 2 Perry, Peter A. 2 Pushnitski, Alexander B. 2 Ratnaseelan, R. 2 Röckner, Michael 2 Sakhnovych, Lev Aronovych 2 Scarlatti, Sergio 2 Schlag, Wilhelm 2 Schmüdgen, Konrad 2 Šeba, Petr 2 Shterenberg, Roman G. 2 Sukhtaiev, Selim 2 Tossounian, Hagop 2 Verbitsky, Igor E. 2 Yuditskii, Peter Meerovich 1 Avdonin, Sergeĭ Anatol’evich 1 Avron, Joseph E. 1 Batchenko, Volodymyr 1 Belokolos, Eugene D. 1 Blanchard, Philippe 1 Breuer, Jonathan 1 Britz, Thomas 1 Brown, Malcolm W. 1 Chuah, Chianyeong 1 Danneels, C. 1 de Snoo, Hendrik S. V. 1 Derkach, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych 1 Enolskiĭ, Viktor Zelikovich ...and 56 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 14 Journal of Differential Equations 13 Journal of Functional Analysis 10 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 10 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 9 Communications in Mathematical Physics 9 Journal of Mathematical Physics 9 Mathematische Nachrichten 8 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 7 Reports on Mathematical Physics 7 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 6 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 6 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 6 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 5 Letters in Mathematical Physics 5 Advances in Mathematics 5 Differential and Integral Equations 4 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 4 Operators and Matrices 4 Journal of Spectral Theory 3 Acta Mathematica 3 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 3 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 3 Journal of Operator Theory 3 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 3 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 3 Skrifter. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab 3 Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section A. Physique Théorique 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 2 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 2 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 2 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry 2 Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 2 CMS Conference Proceedings 2 Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 2 Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 2 Contemporary Mathematicians 2 EMS Series of Congress Reports 1 Applicable Analysis 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 Helvetica Physica Acta 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Studia Mathematica 1 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 1 American Journal of Mathematics 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Duke Mathematical Journal 1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematica Scandinavica 1 Mathematika 1 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 1 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina 1 Studies in Applied Mathematics 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 Annals of Physics 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Opuscula Mathematica 1 Matematicheskaya Fizika, Analiz, Geometriya 1 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Annales Henri Poincaré 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Cubo 1 Oberwolfach Reports 1 IMRP. International Mathematics Research Papers 1 Contemporary Mathematics 1 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 1 Inverse Problems and Imaging 1 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 1 Annals of Functional Analysis 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 1 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 1 Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 1 Texts and Monographs in Physics 1 Memoirs of the European Mathematical Society all top 5 Fields 173 Operator theory (47-XX) 139 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 128 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 58 Quantum theory (81-XX) 48 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 25 Functional analysis (46-XX) 21 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 12 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 12 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 9 Real functions (26-XX) 8 Special functions (33-XX) 8 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 8 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 4 Number theory (11-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 269 Publications have been cited 5,116 times in 2,975 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Solvable models in quantum mechanics. Zbl 0679.46057 Albeverio, Sergio; Gesztesy, Friedrich; Høegh-Krohn, Raphael; Holden, Helge 444 1988 Solvable models in quantum mechanics. With an appendix by Pavel Exner. 2nd revised ed. Zbl 1078.81003 Albeverio, Sergio; Gesztesy, Friedrich; Høegh-Krohn, Raphael; Holden, Helge 314 2005 Soliton equations and their algebro-geometric solutions. I: (1+1)-dimensional continuous models. Zbl 1061.37056 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge 180 2003 Inverse spectral analysis with partial information on the potential. II: The case of discrete spectrum. Zbl 0948.34060 Gesztesy, Fritz; Simon, Barry 148 2000 On matrix-valued Herglotz functions. Zbl 0961.30027 Gesztesy, Fritz; Tsekanovskii, Eduard 119 2000 Weakly coupled bound states in quantum waveguides. Zbl 0868.35080 Bulla, W.; Gesztesy, F.; Renger, W.; Simon, B. 79 1997 Soliton equations and their algebro-geometric solutions. Volume II. \((1+1)\)-dimensional discrete models. Zbl 1151.37056 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Michor, Johanna; Teschl, Gerald 68 2008 Algebro-geometric solutions of the Camassa-Holm hierarchy. Zbl 1029.37049 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge 67 2003 Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for Sturm-Liouville operators with distributional potentials. Zbl 1283.34022 Eckhardt, Jonathan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger; Teschl, Gerald 67 2013 An alternative approach to algebro-geometric solutions of the AKNS hierarchy. Zbl 0974.35107 Gesztesy, F.; Ratnaseelan, R. 64 1998 Weyl-Titchmarsh \(M\)-function asymptotics, local uniqueness results, trace formulas, and Borg-type theorems for Dirac operators. Zbl 1017.34019 Clark, Steve; Gesztesy, Fritz 61 2002 A description of all self-adjoint extensions of the Laplacian and Kreĭn-type resolvent formulas on non-smooth domains. Zbl 1231.47044 Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius 61 2011 On spectral theory for Schrödinger operators with strongly singular potentials. Zbl 1108.34063 Gesztesy, Fritz; Zinchenko, Maxim 59 2006 \(m\)-functions and inverse spectral analysis for finite and semi-infinite Jacobi matrices. Zbl 0924.15005 Gesztesy, Fritz; Simon, Barry 57 1997 Generalized Robin boundary conditions, Robin-to-Dirichlet maps, and Krein-type resolvent formulas for Schrödinger operators on bounded Lipschitz domains. Zbl 1178.35147 Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius 55 2008 Algebro-geometric solutions of the Boussinesq hierarchy. Zbl 0971.35065 Dickson, R.; Gesztesy, F.; Unterkofler, K. 53 1999 A new approach to inverse spectral theory. II: General real potentials and the connection to the spectral measure. Zbl 0983.34013 Gesztesy, Fritz; Simon, Barry 53 2000 Deficiency indices and singular boundary conditions in quantum mechanics. Zbl 0583.35029 Bulla, W.; Gesztesy, F. 50 1985 Nonselfadjoint operators, infinite determinants, and some applications. Zbl 1201.47028 Gesztesy, F.; Latushkin, Y.; Mitrea, M.; Zinchenko, M. 48 2005 New analytically solvable models of relativistic point interactions. Zbl 0646.60107 Gesztesy, F.; Šeba, P. 46 1987 A new approach to the Boussinesq hierarchy. Zbl 0978.35049 Dickson, Ronnie; Gesztesy, Fritz; Unterkofler, Karl 43 1999 The \(\xi\) function. Zbl 0885.34070 Gesztesy, Fritz; Simon, Barry 43 1996 Picard potential and Hill’s equation on a torus. Zbl 0927.37040 Gesztesy, Fritz; Weikard, Rudi 42 1996 On Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for singular finite difference Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1065.39027 Clark, Steve; Gesztesy, Fritz 41 2004 Algebro-geometric quasi-periodic finite-gap solutions of the Toda and Kac-van Moerbeke hierarchies. Zbl 0906.35099 Bulla, W.; Gesztesy, F.; Holden, H.; Teschl, G. 40 1998 Perturbative oscillation criteria and Hardy-type inequalities. Zbl 0903.34030 Gesztesy, F.; Ünal, M. 40 1998 Rank one perturbations at infinite coupling. Zbl 0828.47009 Gesztesy, Fritz; Simon, Barry 39 1995 On the double commutation method. Zbl 0855.34028 Gesztesy, F.; Teschl, G. 39 1996 Uniqueness results for matrix-valued Schrödinger, Jacobi, and Dirac-type operators. Zbl 1017.34020 Gesztesy, Fritz; Kiselev, Alexander; Makarov, Konstantin A. 39 2002 One-dimensional Schrödinger operators with interactions singular on a discrete set. Zbl 0565.34018 Gesztesy, F.; Kirsch, W. 39 1985 Weyl–Titchmarsh theory for CMV operators associated with orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Zbl 1118.47023 Gesztesy, Fritz; Zinchenko, Maxim 39 2006 On local Borg-Marchenko uniqueness results. Zbl 0985.34077 Gesztesy, Fritz; Simon, Barry 38 2000 Nonlocal Robin Laplacians and some remarks on a paper by Filonov on eigenvalue inequalities. Zbl 1181.35155 Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius 36 2009 Zeros of the Wronskian and renormalized oscillation theory. Zbl 0858.47027 Gesztesy, F.; Simon, B.; Teschl, G. 35 1996 Uniqueness theorems in inverse spectral theory for one-dimensional Schrödinger operators. Zbl 0846.34090 Gesztesy, F.; Simon, B. 34 1996 Some applications of operator-valued Herglotz functions. Zbl 0991.30020 Gesztesy, Fritz; Kalton, Nigel J.; Makarov, Konstantin A.; Tsekanovskii, Eduard 33 2001 Algebro-geometric solutions of the Baxter-Szegő difference equation. Zbl 1080.37075 Geronimo, Jeffrey S.; Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge 33 2005 Commutation methods applied to the mKdV-equation. Zbl 0728.35106 Gesztesy, F.; Schweiger, W.; Simon, B. 33 1991 A complete spectral characterization of the double commutation method. Zbl 0813.34074 Gesztesy, F. 33 1993 A Schauder and Riesz basis criterion for non-self-adjoint Schrödinger operators with periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions. Zbl 1251.34100 Gesztesy, Fritz; Tkachenko, Vadim 33 2012 Elliptic algebro-geometric solutions of the KdV and AKNS hierarchies - an analytic approach. Zbl 0909.34073 Gesztesy, Fritz; Weikard, Rudi 32 1998 Inverse spectral analysis with partial information on the potential. III: Updating boundary conditions. Zbl 0898.34075 del Rio, Rafael; Gesztesy, Fritz; Simon, Barry 32 1997 Witten index, axial anomaly, and Krein’s spectral shift function in supersymmetric quantum mechanics. Zbl 0643.47005 Bollé, D.; Gesztesy, F.; Grosse, H.; Schweiger, W.; Simon, B. 32 1987 Borg-type theorems for matrix-valued Schrödinger operators. Zbl 0970.34073 Clark, Steve; Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Levitan, Boris M. 31 2000 Spectral theory for perturbed Krein Laplacians in nonsmooth domains. Zbl 1191.35188 Ashbaugh, Mark S.; Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius; Teschl, Gerald 31 2010 Limits of soliton solutions. Zbl 0811.35122 Gesztesy, F.; Karwowski, W.; Zhao, Z. 30 1992 Inverse spectral analysis with partial information on the potential. I: The case of an a.c. component in the spectrum. Zbl 0870.34017 Gesztesy, Fritz; Simon, Barry 30 1997 On the determination of a potential from three spectra. Zbl 0922.34008 Gesztesy, Fritz; Simon, Barry 29 1999 The low energy expansion in nonrelativistic scattering theory. Zbl 0528.35076 Albeverio, Sergio; Gesztesy, Friedrich; Høegh-Krohn, Raphael 29 1982 Variations on a theme of Jost and Pais. Zbl 1133.47010 Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius; Zinchenko, Maxim 29 2007 A complete treatment of low-energy scattering in one dimension. Zbl 0567.47008 Bollé, D.; Gesztesy, F.; Wilk, S. F. J. 27 1985 Trace formulas and Borg-type theorems for matrix-valued Jacobi and Dirac finite difference operators. Zbl 1085.39016 Clark, Steve; Gesztesy, Fritz; Renger, Walter 27 2005 Real-valued algebro-geometric solutions of the Camassa-Holm hierarchy. Zbl 1153.37427 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge 26 2008 An addendum to Krein’s formula. Zbl 0922.47006 Gesztesy, Fritz; Makarov, Konstantin A.; Tsekanovskii, Eduard 25 1998 Treibich-Verdier potentials and the stationary (m)KdV hierarchy. Zbl 0830.35119 Gesztesy, F.; Weikard, R. 25 1995 Weyl-Titchmarsh \(M\)-function asymptotics for matrix-valued Schrödinger operators. Zbl 1025.34021 Clark, Steve; Gesztesy, Fritz 25 2001 Robin-to-Robin maps and Krein-type resolvent formulas for Schrödinger operators on bounded Lipschitz domains. Zbl 1180.35186 Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius 25 2009 A spectral mapping theorem and invariant manifolds for nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Zbl 0969.35123 Gesztesy, F.; Jones, C. K. R. T.; Latushkin, Y.; Stanislavova, M. 23 2000 The spectral shift operator. Zbl 0966.47011 Gesztesy, Fritz; Makarov, Konstantin A.; Naboko, Serguei N. 23 1999 A criterion for Hill operators to be spectral operators of scalar type. Zbl 1193.47037 Gesztesy, Fritz; Trachenko, Vadim 23 2009 Threshold scattering in two dimensions. Zbl 0696.35040 Bollé, D.; Gesztesy, F.; Danneels, C. 23 1988 Spectral properties of a class of reflectionless Schrödinger operators. Zbl 1387.34120 Gesztesy, Fritz; Yuditskii, Peter 23 2006 On point interactions in one dimension. Zbl 0561.35023 Albeverio, Sergio; Gesztesy, Friedrich; Høegh-Krohn, Raphael; Kirsch, W. 23 1984 A rigorous approach to relativistic corrections of bound state energies for spin-1/2 particles. Zbl 0534.46053 Gesztesy, F.; Grosse, H.; Thaller, B. 22 1984 Floquet theory revisited. Zbl 0946.47031 Gesztesy, F.; Weikard, R. 21 1995 On the Koplienko spectral shift function. I: Basics. Zbl 1190.47016 Gesztesy, F.; Pushnitski, A.; Simon, B. 21 2008 A new class of solvable models in quantum mechanics describing point interactions on the line. Zbl 0627.34030 Gesztesy, F.; Holden, H. 21 1987 Spectral deformations of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators. Zbl 0951.34061 Gesztesy, F.; Simon, B.; Teschl, G. 21 1996 Trapping and cascading of eigenvalues in the large coupling limit. Zbl 0669.35085 Gesztesy, F.; Gurarie, D.; Holden, H.; Klaus, M.; Sadun, L.; Simon, B.; Vogl, P. 21 1988 On self-adjoint and \(J\)-self-adjoint Dirac-type operators: a case study. Zbl 1124.34062 Clark, Steve; Gesztesy, Fritz 21 2006 The \(\Xi\) operator and its relation to Krein’s spectral shift function. Zbl 0964.47013 Gesztesy, Fritz; Makarov, Konstantin A. 20 2000 One-dimensional scattering theory for quantum systems with nontrivial spatial asymptotics. Zbl 0894.34077 Gesztesy, F.; Nowell, R.; Pötz, W. 20 1997 Generalized polar decompositions for closed operators in Hilbert spaces and some applications. Zbl 1200.47003 Gesztesy, Fritz; Malamud, Mark; Mitrea, Marius; Naboko, Serguei 20 2009 Topological invariance of the Witten index. Zbl 0649.47012 Gesztesy, F.; Simon, B. 20 1988 Derivatives of (modified) Fredholm determinants and stability of standing and traveling waves. Zbl 1161.47058 Gesztesy, Fritz; Latushkin, Yuri; Zumbrun, Kevin 19 2008 The index formula and the spectral shift function for relatively trace class perturbations. Zbl 1220.47017 Gesztesy, Fritz; Latushkin, Yuri; Makarov, Konstantin A.; Sukochev, Fedor; Tomilov, Yuri 19 2011 Inverse spectral theory for Sturm-Liouville operators with distributional potentials. Zbl 1302.34127 Eckhardt, Jonathan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger; Teschl, Gerald 19 2013 A unified approach to eigenvalues and resonances of Schrödinger operators using Fredholm determinants. Zbl 0622.35049 Gesztesy, F.; Holden, H. 18 1987 On isospectral sets of Jacobi operators. Zbl 0881.58069 Gesztesy, F.; Krishna, M.; Teschl, G. 18 1996 Factorizations and Hardy-Rellich-type inequalities. Zbl 1402.35014 Gesztesy, Fritz; Littlejohn, Lance 18 2018 The damped string problem revisited. Zbl 1223.47049 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge 18 2011 A survey on the Krein-von Neumann extension, the corresponding abstract buckling problem, and Weyl-type spectral asymptotics for perturbed Krein Laplacians in nonsmooth domains. Zbl 1283.47001 Ashbaugh, Mark S.; Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius; Shterenberg, Roman; Teschl, Gerald 18 2013 The Krein-von Neumann extension and its connection to an abstract buckling problem. Zbl 1183.35100 Ashbaugh, Mark S.; Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius; Shterenberg, Roman; Teschl, Gerald 17 2010 A characterization of all elliptic algebro-geometric solutions of the AKNS hierarchy. Zbl 0955.34073 Gesztesy, Fritz; Weikard, Rudi 16 1998 Lamé potentials and the stationary (m)KdV hierarchy. Zbl 0843.35100 Gesztesy, F.; Weikard, R. 16 1995 Commutation methods for Jacobi operators. Zbl 0854.34079 Gesztesy, F.; Teschl, G. 16 1996 On the Toda and Kac-van Moerbeke systems. Zbl 0789.58043 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Simon, Barry; Zhao, Zhong Xin 16 1993 Rational \(KP\) and \(mKP\)-solutions in Wronskian form. Zbl 0766.35045 Gesztesy, F.; Schweiger, W. 16 1991 On a theorem of Deift and Hempel. Zbl 0647.35063 Gesztesy, F.; Simon, B. 16 1988 Essential closures and AC spectra for reflectionless CMV, Jacobi, and Schrödinger operators revisited. Zbl 1165.34050 Gesztesy, Fritz; Makarov, Konstantin A.; Zinchenko, Maxim 16 2008 Supersymmetry and Schrödinger-type operators with distributional matrix-valued potentials. Zbl 1320.34116 Eckhardt, Jonathan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger; Teschl, Gerald 16 2014 Renormalized oscillation theory for Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1381.34050 Gesztesy, Fritz; Zinchenko, Maxim 16 2017 On Birman’s sequence of Hardy-Rellich-type inequalities. Zbl 1384.26043 Gesztesy, Fritz; Littlejohn, Lance L.; Michael, Isaac; Wellman, Richard 16 2018 On self-adjoint boundary conditions for singular Sturm-Liouville operators bounded from below. Zbl 1458.34143 Gesztesy, Fritz; Littlejohn, Lance L.; Nichols, Roger 16 2020 On critical and subcritical Sturm-Liouville operators. Zbl 0726.35119 Gesztesy, F.; Zhao, Z. 15 1991 Higher order trace relations for Schrödinger operators. Zbl 0833.34084 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Simon, Barry; Zhao, Zhong Xin 15 1995 A trace formula for multidimensional Schrödinger operators. Zbl 0864.35030 Gesztesy, F.; Holden, H.; Simon, B.; Zhao, Z. 15 1996 Trace formulae and inverse spectral theory for Schrödinger operators. Zbl 0786.34081 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Simon, Barry; Zhao, Zhong Xin 15 1993 Scattering theory for one-dimensional systems with \(\int dx\,V(x)=0\). Zbl 0617.35105 Bollé, D.; Gesztesy, F.; Klaus, M. 15 1987 A Borg-type theorem associated with orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Zbl 1131.47027 Gesztesy, Fritz; Zinchenko, Maxim 15 2006 Extended power weighted Rellich-type inequalities with logarithmic refinements. Zbl 1532.26009 Gesztesy, Fritz; Michael, Isaac; Pang, Michael M. H. 1 2024 The limiting absorption principle for massless Dirac operators, Properties of spectral shift functions, and an application to the Witten index of non-Fredholm operators. Zbl 1529.81006 Carey, Alan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Levitina, Galina; Nichols, Roger; Sukochev, Fedor; Zanin, Dmitriy 2 2023 The generalized Birman-Schwinger principle. Zbl 1540.47024 Behrndt, Jussi; ter Elst, A. F. M.; Gesztesy, Fritz 6 2022 The Krein-von Neumann extension revisited. Zbl 1526.34022 Fucci, Guglielmo; Gesztesy, Fritz; Kirsten, Klaus; Littlejohn, Lance L.; Nichols, Roger; Stanfill, Jonathan 5 2022 A sequence of weighted Birman-Hardy-Rellich inequalities with logarithmic refinements. Zbl 1501.26011 Gesztesy, Fritz; Littlejohn, Lance L.; Michael, Isaac; Pang, Michael M. H. 3 2022 A survey of some norm inequalities. Zbl 1514.47015 Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger; Stanfill, Jonathan 6 2021 Bessel-type operators and a refinement of Hardy’s inequality. Zbl 1491.26015 Gesztesy, Fritz; Pang, Michael M. H.; Stanfill, Jonathan 4 2021 Spectral \(\zeta\)-functions and \(\zeta\)-regularized functional determinants for regular Sturm-Liouville operators. Zbl 1496.47010 Fucci, Guglielmo; Gesztesy, Fritz; Kirsten, Klaus; Stanfill, Jonathan 3 2021 From operator theory to orthogonal polynomials, combinatorics, and number theory. A volume in honor of Lance Littlejohn’s 70th birthday. Zbl 1479.47003 2 2021 Partial differential equations, spectral theory, and mathematical physics. The Ari Laptev anniversary volume. Zbl 1465.35005 2 2021 Green’s functions and Euler’s formula for \(\zeta (2n)\). Zbl 1469.11279 Ashbaugh, Mark S.; Gesztesy, Fritz; Hermi, Lotfi; Kirsten, Klaus; Littlejohn, Lance; Tossounian, Hagop 2 2021 The product formula for regularized Fredholm determinants. Zbl 07326419 Britz, Thomas; Carey, Alan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger; Sukochev, Fedor; Zanin, Dmitriy 1 2021 On self-adjoint boundary conditions for singular Sturm-Liouville operators bounded from below. Zbl 1458.34143 Gesztesy, Fritz; Littlejohn, Lance L.; Nichols, Roger 16 2020 The inverse approach to Dirac-type systems based on the \(A\)-function concept. Zbl 1470.34053 Gesztesy, Fritz; Sakhnovich, Alexander 9 2020 On absence of threshold resonances for Schrödinger and Dirac operators. Zbl 1459.35107 Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger 2 2020 On weighted Hardy-type inequalities. Zbl 1444.26017 Chuah, Chian Yeong; Gesztesy, Fritz; Littlejohn, Lance L.; Mei, Tao; Michael, Isaac; Pang, Michael M. H. 2 2020 Radial and logarithmic refinements of Hardy’s inequality. Zbl 1414.35010 Gesztesy, F.; Littlejohn, L. L.; Michael, I.; Pang, M. M. H. 13 2019 Effective computation of traces, determinants, and \(\zeta\)-functions for Sturm-Liouville operators. Zbl 06988448 Gesztesy, Fritz; Kirsten, Klaus 12 2019 On a theorem of Z. Sebestyén and Zs. Tarcsay. Zbl 1438.47040 Gesztesy, Fritz; Schmüdgen, Konrad 5 2019 On traces and modified Fredholm determinants for half-line Schrödinger operators with purely discrete spectra. Zbl 1500.47067 Gesztesy, Fritz; Kirsten, Klaus 3 2019 Donoghue-type \(m\)-functions for Schrödinger operators with operator-valued potentials. Zbl 07074793 Gesztesy, Fritz; Naboko, Sergey N.; Weikard, Rudi; Zinchenko, Maxim 3 2019 Trace formulas applied to the Riemann \(\zeta \)-function. Zbl 1440.11086 Ashbaugh, Mark S.; Gesztesy, Fritz; Hermi, Lotfi; Kirsten, Klaus; Littlejohn, Lance; Tossounian, Hagop 2 2019 Factorizations and Hardy-Rellich-type inequalities. Zbl 1402.35014 Gesztesy, Fritz; Littlejohn, Lance 18 2018 On Birman’s sequence of Hardy-Rellich-type inequalities. Zbl 1384.26043 Gesztesy, Fritz; Littlejohn, Lance L.; Michael, Isaac; Wellman, Richard 16 2018 On the global limiting absorption principle for massless Dirac operators. Zbl 1394.81115 Carey, Alan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Kaad, Jens; Levitina, Galina; Nichols, Roger; Potapov, Denis; Sukochev, Fedor 8 2018 Spectral shift functions and Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps. Zbl 1417.35016 Behrndt, Jussi; Gesztesy, Fritz; Nakamura, Shu 5 2018 Coupling of symmetric operators and the third Green identity. Zbl 1466.47017 Behrndt, Jussi; Derkach, Vladimir; Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius 2 2018 Renormalized oscillation theory for Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1381.34050 Gesztesy, Fritz; Zinchenko, Maxim 16 2017 On the Witten index in terms of spectral shift functions. Zbl 1481.47012 Carey, Alan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Potapov, Denis; Sukochev, Fedor; Tomilov, Yuri 10 2017 A bound for the eigenvalue counting function for Krein-von Neumann and Friedrichs extensions. Zbl 1362.35197 Ashbaugh, Mark S.; Gesztesy, Fritz; Laptev, Ari; Mitrea, Marius; Sukhtaiev, Selim 5 2017 On (conditional) positive semidefiniteness in a matrix-valued context. Zbl 1387.47010 Gesztesy, Fritz; Pang, Michael 5 2017 Real-valued algebro-geometric solutions of the two-component Camassa-Holm hierarchy. (Solutions algebro-géométriques à valeurs réelles de la hierarchie de Camassa-Holm à deux composantes.) Zbl 1383.35182 Eckhardt, Jonathan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Kostenko, Aleksey; Teschl, Gerald 5 2017 On the index of meromorphic operator-valued functions and some applications. Zbl 1441.47012 Behrndt, Jussi; Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Nichols, Roger 3 2017 Decoupling of deficiency indices and applications to Schrödinger-type operators with possibly strongly singular potentials. Zbl 1357.35099 Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius; Nenciu, Irina; Teschl, Gerald 10 2016 Principal solutions revisited. Zbl 1508.34022 Clark, Stephen; Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger 8 2016 Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps, abstract Weyl-Titchmarsh \(M\)-functions, and a generalized index of unbounded meromorphic operator-valued functions. Zbl 1350.47009 Behrndt, Jussi; Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Nichols, Roger 7 2016 From mathematical physics to analysis: a walk in Barry Simon’s mathematical garden. II. Zbl 1352.01037 Avron, Joseph; Jitomirskaya, Svetlana; Damanik, David; Breuer, Jonathan; Last, Yoram; Martínez-Finkelshtein, Andrei 7 2016 On the index of a non-Fredholm model operator. Zbl 1356.47018 Carey, Alan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Levitina, Galina; Sukochev, Fedor 5 2016 The Krein-von Neumann realization of perturbed Laplacians on bounded Lipschitz domains. Zbl 1372.35200 Behrndt, Jussi; Gesztesy, Fritz; Micheler, Till; Mitrea, Marius 5 2016 The Callias index formula revisited. Zbl 1359.47001 Gesztesy, Fritz; Waurick, Marcus 4 2016 On index theory for non-Fredholm operators: a \((1+1)\)-dimensional example. Zbl 1384.47006 Carey, Alan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Levitina, Galina; Potapov, Denis; Sukochev, Fedor; Zanin, Dima 4 2016 Trace formulas for a class of non-Fredholm operators: a review. Zbl 1394.47023 Carey, Alan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Grosse, Harald; Levitina, Galina; Potapov, Denis; Sukochev, Fedor; Zanin, Dmitriy 4 2016 Erratum to: “On factorizations of analytic operator-valued functions and eigenvalue multiplicity questions”. Zbl 1465.47010 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Nichols, Roger 3 2016 On stability of square root domains for non-self-adjoint operators under additive perturbations. Zbl 1345.47015 Gesztesy, Fritz; Hofmann, Steve; Nichols, Roger 3 2016 Selecta. Volume 2. Edited by Fritz Gesztesy, Gilles Godefroy, Loukas Grafakos and Igor Verbitsky. Zbl 1347.01021 Kalton, Nigel J. 2 2016 Double operator integral methods applied to continuity of spectral shift functions. Zbl 06694723 Carey, Alan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Levitina, Galina; Nichols, Roger; Potapov, Denis; Sukochev, Fedor 2 2016 The spectral shift function and the Witten index. Zbl 06981831 Carey, Alan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Levitina, Galina; Sukochev, Fedor 2 2016 Inverse spectral problems for Schrödinger-type operators with distributional matrix-valued potentials. Zbl 1340.34053 Eckhardt, Jonathan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger; Sakhnovich, Alexander; Teschl, Gerald 14 2015 Some operator bounds employing complex interpolation revisited. Zbl 1380.47012 Gesztesy, Fritz; Latushkin, Yuri; Sukochev, Fedor; Tomilov, Yuri 7 2015 On factorizations of analytic operator-valued functions and eigenvalue multiplicity questions. Zbl 1316.47014 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Nichols, Roger 4 2015 Heat kernel bounds for elliptic partial differential operators in divergence form with Robin-type boundary conditions. II. Zbl 1307.47050 Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius; Nichols, Roger; Ouhabaz, El Maati 4 2015 Stability of square root domains associated with elliptic systems of PDEs on nonsmooth domains. Zbl 1308.35082 Gesztesy, Fritz; Hofmann, Steve; Nichols, Roger 2 2015 A bound for the eigenvalue counting function for higher-order Krein Laplacians on open sets. Zbl 1339.35202 Gesztesy, F.; Mitrea, M.; Sukhtaiev, S.; Laptev, A. 1 2015 Some applications of almost analytic extensions to operator bounds in trace ideals. Zbl 1340.47019 Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger 1 2015 A Jost-Pais-type reduction of (modified) Fredholm determinants for semi-separable operators in infinite dimensions. Zbl 06767994 Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger 1 2015 Supersymmetry and Schrödinger-type operators with distributional matrix-valued potentials. Zbl 1320.34116 Eckhardt, Jonathan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger; Teschl, Gerald 16 2014 Boundary data maps and Krein’s resolvent formula for Sturm-Liouville operators on a finite interval. Zbl 1311.34037 Clark, Stephen; Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger; Zinchenko, Maxim 12 2014 Heat kernel bounds for elliptic partial differential operators in divergence form with Robin-type boundary conditions. Zbl 1296.47041 Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius; Nichols, Roger 9 2014 Some remarks on the spectral problem underlying the Camassa-Holm hierarchy. Zbl 1322.47028 Gesztesy, Fritz; Weikard, Rudi 8 2014 A Jost-Pais-type reduction of Fredholm determinants and some applications. Zbl 1311.47027 Carey, Alan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Potapov, Denis; Sukochev, Fedor; Tomilov, Yuri 5 2014 Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for Sturm-Liouville operators with distributional potentials. Zbl 1283.34022 Eckhardt, Jonathan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger; Teschl, Gerald 67 2013 Inverse spectral theory for Sturm-Liouville operators with distributional potentials. Zbl 1302.34127 Eckhardt, Jonathan; Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger; Teschl, Gerald 19 2013 A survey on the Krein-von Neumann extension, the corresponding abstract buckling problem, and Weyl-type spectral asymptotics for perturbed Krein Laplacians in nonsmooth domains. Zbl 1283.47001 Ashbaugh, Mark S.; Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius; Shterenberg, Roman; Teschl, Gerald 18 2013 Initial value problems and Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for Schrödinger operators with operator-valued potentials. Zbl 1283.34023 Gesztesy, Fritz; Weikard, R.; Zinchenko, Maxim 12 2013 On spectral theory for Schrödinger operators with operator-valued potentials. Zbl 1291.34139 Gesztesy, Fritz; Weikard, Rudi; Zinchenko, Maxim 12 2013 On a class of model Hilbert spaces. Zbl 1448.46032 Gesztesy, Fritz; Weikard, Rudi; Zinchenko, Maxim 3 2013 On square root domains for non-selfadjoint Sturm-Liouville operators. Zbl 1289.47091 Gesztesy, Fritz; Hofmann, Steve; Nichols, Roger 1 2013 A Schauder and Riesz basis criterion for non-self-adjoint Schrödinger operators with periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions. Zbl 1251.34100 Gesztesy, Fritz; Tkachenko, Vadim 33 2012 Abstract wave equations and associated Dirac-type operators. Zbl 1262.35174 Gesztesy, Fritz; Goldstein, Jerome A.; Holden, Helge; Teschl, Gerald 12 2012 Symmetrized perturbation determinants and applications to boundary data maps and Krein-type resolvent formulas. Zbl 1247.34030 Gesztesy, Fritz; Zinchenko, Maxim 10 2012 An abstract approach to weak convergence of spectral shift functions and applications to multi-dimensional Schrödinger operators. Zbl 1263.47015 Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger 6 2012 On a question of A. E. Nussbaum on measurability of families of closed linear operators in a Hilbert space. Zbl 1258.47032 Gesztesy, Fritz; Gomilko, Alexander; Sukochev, Fedor; Tomilov, Yuri 6 2012 Weak convergence of spectral shift functions for one-dimensional Schrödinger operators. Zbl 1263.47026 Gesztesy, Fritz; Nichols, Roger 4 2012 A description of all self-adjoint extensions of the Laplacian and Kreĭn-type resolvent formulas on non-smooth domains. Zbl 1231.47044 Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius 61 2011 The index formula and the spectral shift function for relatively trace class perturbations. Zbl 1220.47017 Gesztesy, Fritz; Latushkin, Yuri; Makarov, Konstantin A.; Sukochev, Fedor; Tomilov, Yuri 19 2011 The damped string problem revisited. Zbl 1223.47049 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge 18 2011 On the nature of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on Lipschitz manifolds. Zbl 1222.58020 Gesztesy, F.; Mitrea, I.; Mitrea, D.; Mitrea, M. 9 2011 Spectral theory for perturbed Krein Laplacians in nonsmooth domains. Zbl 1191.35188 Ashbaugh, Mark S.; Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius; Teschl, Gerald 31 2010 The Krein-von Neumann extension and its connection to an abstract buckling problem. Zbl 1183.35100 Ashbaugh, Mark S.; Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius; Shterenberg, Roman; Teschl, Gerald 17 2010 Spectral estimation and inverse initial boundary value problems. Zbl 1193.93071 Avdonin, Sergei; Gesztesy, Fritz; Makarov, Konstantin A. 15 2010 The algebro-geometric initial value problem for the Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy. Zbl 1178.37074 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Michor, Johanna; Teschl, Gerald 3 2010 Boundary data maps for Schrödinger operators on a compact interval. Zbl 1208.34028 Clark, S.; Gesztesy, F.; Mitrea, M. 1 2010 Nonlocal Robin Laplacians and some remarks on a paper by Filonov on eigenvalue inequalities. Zbl 1181.35155 Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius 36 2009 Robin-to-Robin maps and Krein-type resolvent formulas for Schrödinger operators on bounded Lipschitz domains. Zbl 1180.35186 Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius 25 2009 A criterion for Hill operators to be spectral operators of scalar type. Zbl 1193.47037 Gesztesy, Fritz; Trachenko, Vadim 23 2009 Generalized polar decompositions for closed operators in Hilbert spaces and some applications. Zbl 1200.47003 Gesztesy, Fritz; Malamud, Mark; Mitrea, Marius; Naboko, Serguei 20 2009 Local spectral properties of reflectionless Jacobi, CMV, and Schrödinger operators. Zbl 1165.34051 Gesztesy, Fritz; Zinchenko, Maxim 15 2009 On Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps and some applications to modified Fredholm determinants. Zbl 1169.47014 Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius; Zinchenko, Maxim 7 2009 The Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy revisited. Zbl 1160.37028 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Michor, Johanna; Teschl, Gerald 4 2009 Minimal rank decoupling of full-lattice CMV operators with scalar- and matrix-valued Verblunsky coefficients. Zbl 1172.39026 Clark, Stephen; Gesztesy, Fritz; Zinchenko, Maxim 3 2009 Soliton equations and their algebro-geometric solutions. Volume II. \((1+1)\)-dimensional discrete models. Zbl 1151.37056 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Michor, Johanna; Teschl, Gerald 68 2008 Generalized Robin boundary conditions, Robin-to-Dirichlet maps, and Krein-type resolvent formulas for Schrödinger operators on bounded Lipschitz domains. Zbl 1178.35147 Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius 55 2008 Real-valued algebro-geometric solutions of the Camassa-Holm hierarchy. Zbl 1153.37427 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge 26 2008 On the Koplienko spectral shift function. I: Basics. Zbl 1190.47016 Gesztesy, F.; Pushnitski, A.; Simon, B. 21 2008 Derivatives of (modified) Fredholm determinants and stability of standing and traveling waves. Zbl 1161.47058 Gesztesy, Fritz; Latushkin, Yuri; Zumbrun, Kevin 19 2008 Essential closures and AC spectra for reflectionless CMV, Jacobi, and Schrödinger operators revisited. Zbl 1165.34050 Gesztesy, Fritz; Makarov, Konstantin A.; Zinchenko, Maxim 16 2008 Local conservation laws and the Hamiltonian formalism for the Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy. Zbl 1193.37092 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Michor, Johanna; Teschl, Gerald 7 2008 The algebro-geometric Toda hierarchy initial value problem for complex-valued initial data. Zbl 1143.37045 Gesztesy, Fritz; Holden, Helge; Teschl, Gerald 5 2008 Borg–Marchenko type uniqueness results for CMV operators. Zbl 1165.47021 Clark, Stephen; Gesztesy, Fritz; Zinchenko, Maxim 5 2008 Variations on a theme of Jost and Pais. Zbl 1133.47010 Gesztesy, Fritz; Mitrea, Marius; Zinchenko, Maxim 29 2007 ...and 169 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,467 Authors 140 Gesztesy, Fritz 64 Exner, Pavel 59 Geng, Xianguo 55 Malamud, Mark M. 53 Yang, Chuanfu 49 Albeverio, Sergio A. 49 Teschl, Gerald 46 Behrndt, Jussi 40 Sakhnovich, Alexander L. 37 Simon, Barry 34 Wei, Guangsheng 26 Popov, Igor’ Yur’evich 26 Posilicano, Andrea 25 Ma, Wen-Xiu 24 Bondarenko, Natalia P. 23 Damanik, David 23 Hasil, Petr 23 Holden, Helge 23 Kostenko, Aleksey S. 23 Michelangeli, Alessandro 23 Teta, Alessandro 22 Lotoreichik, Vladimir 22 Tsekanovskii, Eduard R. 22 Wang, Yuping 22 Weikard, Rudi 21 Fan, Engui 20 Shieh, Chung-Tsun 20 Vesely, Michal 19 Borisov, Denis Ivanovich 19 Neidhardt, Hagen 19 Pankrashkin, Konstantin 19 Sukochev, Fedor Anatol’evich 18 Eckhardt, Jonathan 18 Geyler, Vladimir A. 18 Korotyaev, Evgeny L. 18 Mitrea, Marius 18 Ugurlu, Ekin 17 Nichols, Roger 17 Šeba, Petr 16 Cacciapuoti, Claudio 16 Hassi, Seppo 15 Carlone, Raffaele 15 Koshmanenko, Volodymyr Dmytrovych 15 Latushkin, Yuri 15 Nazarov, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich 15 Xue, Bo 14 Dell’Antonio, Gian Fausto 14 Figari, Rodolfo 14 Fritzsche, Bernd 14 Kirstein, Bernd 14 Kirsten, Klaus 14 Kurasov, Pavel B. 14 Rybkin, Alexei 14 Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich 14 Zinchenko, Maxim 13 de Snoo, Hendrik S. V. 13 Finco, Domenico 13 He, Guoliang 13 Holzmann, Markus 13 Hryniv, Rostyslav O. 13 Makarov, Konstantin A. 13 Qiao, Zhijun 13 Zemánek, Petr 12 Belyi, Sergey V. 12 Fillman, Jake 12 Krejčiřík, David 12 Lukic, Milivoje 12 Noja, Diego 12 Ong, Darren C. 12 Silva, Luis O. 12 Zeng, Xin 11 Boumenir, Amin A. 11 Carey, Alan L. 11 Cheon, Taksu 11 Daudé, Thierry 11 Guo, Yongxia 11 Kondej, Sylwia 11 Lam, Nguyen 11 Lin, Chang-Shou 11 Nguyen Tuan Duy 11 Nicoleau, François 11 Potapov, Denis 11 Rohleder, Jonathan 11 Schlag, Wilhelm 11 Shi, Yuming 11 Sini, Mourad 11 Sukhtayev, Alim 11 Wei, Jiao 11 Wu, Lihua 11 Zhao, Peng 10 Angulo Pava, Jaime 10 Arlins’kyĭ, Yuriĭ Moĭseĭovych 10 Derevyagin, Maxim S. 10 Fermi, Davide 10 Koyunbakan, Hikmet 10 Mykytyuk, Yaroslav V. 10 Remling, Christian 10 Xu, Xiaochuan 10 Yuditskii, Peter Meerovich 10 Zhai, Yunyun ...and 2,367 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 373 Serials 168 Journal of Mathematical Physics 157 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 114 Journal of Functional Analysis 102 Journal of Differential Equations 79 Communications in Mathematical Physics 66 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 65 Mathematische Nachrichten 59 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 58 Reports on Mathematical Physics 56 Annales Henri Poincaré 52 Letters in Mathematical Physics 47 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 46 Physics Letters. A 45 Journal of Spectral Theory 43 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 43 Annals of Physics 36 Mathematical Notes 35 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 35 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 35 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 32 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 32 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 30 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 30 Applied Mathematics and Computation 30 Linear Algebra and its Applications 29 Advances in Mathematics 28 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 28 Physica D 25 Applicable Analysis 23 Studies in Applied Mathematics 21 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 19 Journal of Statistical Physics 19 Results in Mathematics 19 Applied Mathematics Letters 19 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 19 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 18 Journal of Approximation Theory 18 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 17 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 16 Journal of Geometry and Physics 16 Abstract and Applied Analysis 16 Operators and Matrices 15 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 15 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 14 Nonlinearity 14 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 14 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 14 Doklady Mathematics 14 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 13 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 13 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 13 Boundary Value Problems 12 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 12 Monatshefte für Mathematik 12 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 12 Differential Equations 12 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 11 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 11 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 10 Functional Analysis and its Applications 10 Mathematische Zeitschrift 10 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 10 Potential Analysis 10 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 10 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 10 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 10 Advances in Difference Equations 9 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 9 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 9 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 9 Duke Mathematical Journal 9 Mathematische Annalen 9 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 9 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 8 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 8 Inverse Problems 8 Nuclear Physics. B 8 Quaestiones Mathematicae 8 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 8 Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 7 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 7 Advances in Applied Mathematics 7 Constructive Approximation 7 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 7 Journal of High Energy Physics 7 Journal of Evolution Equations 7 Advances in Mathematical Physics 6 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 6 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 6 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 6 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 6 Journal of Nonlinear Science 6 Russian Mathematics 6 Opuscula Mathematica 6 Inverse Problems and Imaging 6 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 5 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 5 Inventiones Mathematicae 5 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 5 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society ...and 273 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 57 Fields 1,138 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1,087 Operator theory (47-XX) 953 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 879 Quantum theory (81-XX) 424 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 168 Functional analysis (46-XX) 156 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 104 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 93 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 86 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 83 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 79 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 79 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 77 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 67 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 56 Special functions (33-XX) 51 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 50 Real functions (26-XX) 43 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 38 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 34 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 30 Combinatorics (05-XX) 29 Differential geometry (53-XX) 28 Integral equations (45-XX) 24 Potential theory (31-XX) 20 Number theory (11-XX) 18 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 18 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 18 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 18 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 17 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 12 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 12 Statistics (62-XX) 12 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 10 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 10 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 10 Measure and integration (28-XX) 8 Computer science (68-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 6 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 6 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 5 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 5 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 5 Geophysics (86-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 4 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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