Author ID: gibson.nathan-l Recent zbMATH articles by "Gibson, Nathan L."
Published as: Gibson, N. L.; Gibson, Nathan L.; Gibson, N.
External Links: ORCID
Documents Indexed: 20 Publications since 2005, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint
Co-Authors: 26 Co-Authors with 19 Joint Publications
803 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

16 Publications have been cited 167 times in 136 Documents Cited by Year
Analysis of stability and dispersion in a finite element method for Debye and Lorentz dispersive media. Zbl 1168.78314
Banks, H. T.; Bokil, V. A.; Gibson, N. L.
Analysis of spatial high-order finite difference methods for Maxwell’s equations in dispersive media. Zbl 1253.78048
Bokil, V. A.; Gibson, N. L.
Gaussian processes for time-series modelling. Zbl 1353.62103
Roberts, S.; Osborne, M.; Ebden, M.; Reece, S.; Gibson, N.; Aigrain, S.
Well-posedness in Maxwell systems with distributions of polarization relaxation parameters. Zbl 1069.78006
Banks, H. T.; Gibson, N. L.
Homogenization of periodically varying coefficients in electromagnetic materials. Zbl 1109.78021
Banks, H. T.; Bokil, V. A.; Cioranescu, D.; Gibson, N. L.; Griso, G.; Miara, B.
Electromagnetic inverse problems involving distributions of dielectric mechanisms and parameters. Zbl 1124.35090
Banks, H. T.; Gibson, N. L.
Dispersion reducing methods for edge discretizations of the electric vector wave equation. Zbl 1351.78052
Bokil, V. A.; Gibson, N. L.; Gyrya, V.; McGregor, D. A.
Convergence analysis of Yee schemes for Maxwell’s equations in Debye and Lorentz dispersive media. Zbl 1482.65137
Bokil, V. A.; Gibson, N. L.
A polynomial chaos method for dispersive electromagnetics. Zbl 1373.78436
Gibson, Nathan L.
Gap detection with electromagnetic terahertz signals. Zbl 1116.78345
Banks, H. T.; Gibson, Nathan L.; Winfree, William P.
Evolution of phase transitions in methane hydrate. Zbl 1310.35051
Gibson, Nathan L.; Patricia Medina, F.; Peszynska, Malgorzata; Showalter, Ralph E.
Semismooth Newton methods with a shooting-like technique for solving a constrained free-boundary HJB equation. Zbl 1459.91160
Jiang, H.; Gibson, N. L.
An Euler-Maruyama method for diffusion equations with discontinuous coefficients and a family of interface conditions. Zbl 1443.60059
Bokil, V. A.; Gibson, N. L.; Nguyen, S. L.; Thomann, E. A.; Waymire, E. C.
Analysis of methods for the Maxwell-random Lorentz model. Zbl 1446.35194
Fisher, Andrew; Alvarez, Jacqueline; Gibson, N. L.
Efficient computation of unsteady flow in complex river systems with uncertain inputs. Zbl 1358.76062
Gibson, Nathan L.; Gifford-Miears, Christopher; Leon, Arturo S.; Vasylkivska, Veronika S.
Parameter estimation versus homogenization techniques in time-domain characterization of composite dielectrics. Zbl 1131.35085
Banks, H. T.; Bokil, V. A.; Gibson, N. L.
Semismooth Newton methods with a shooting-like technique for solving a constrained free-boundary HJB equation. Zbl 1459.91160
Jiang, H.; Gibson, N. L.
An Euler-Maruyama method for diffusion equations with discontinuous coefficients and a family of interface conditions. Zbl 1443.60059
Bokil, V. A.; Gibson, N. L.; Nguyen, S. L.; Thomann, E. A.; Waymire, E. C.
Analysis of methods for the Maxwell-random Lorentz model. Zbl 1446.35194
Fisher, Andrew; Alvarez, Jacqueline; Gibson, N. L.
Dispersion reducing methods for edge discretizations of the electric vector wave equation. Zbl 1351.78052
Bokil, V. A.; Gibson, N. L.; Gyrya, V.; McGregor, D. A.
A polynomial chaos method for dispersive electromagnetics. Zbl 1373.78436
Gibson, Nathan L.
Convergence analysis of Yee schemes for Maxwell’s equations in Debye and Lorentz dispersive media. Zbl 1482.65137
Bokil, V. A.; Gibson, N. L.
Evolution of phase transitions in methane hydrate. Zbl 1310.35051
Gibson, Nathan L.; Patricia Medina, F.; Peszynska, Malgorzata; Showalter, Ralph E.
Efficient computation of unsteady flow in complex river systems with uncertain inputs. Zbl 1358.76062
Gibson, Nathan L.; Gifford-Miears, Christopher; Leon, Arturo S.; Vasylkivska, Veronika S.
Gaussian processes for time-series modelling. Zbl 1353.62103
Roberts, S.; Osborne, M.; Ebden, M.; Reece, S.; Gibson, N.; Aigrain, S.
Analysis of spatial high-order finite difference methods for Maxwell’s equations in dispersive media. Zbl 1253.78048
Bokil, V. A.; Gibson, N. L.
Analysis of stability and dispersion in a finite element method for Debye and Lorentz dispersive media. Zbl 1168.78314
Banks, H. T.; Bokil, V. A.; Gibson, N. L.
Parameter estimation versus homogenization techniques in time-domain characterization of composite dielectrics. Zbl 1131.35085
Banks, H. T.; Bokil, V. A.; Gibson, N. L.
Homogenization of periodically varying coefficients in electromagnetic materials. Zbl 1109.78021
Banks, H. T.; Bokil, V. A.; Cioranescu, D.; Gibson, N. L.; Griso, G.; Miara, B.
Electromagnetic inverse problems involving distributions of dielectric mechanisms and parameters. Zbl 1124.35090
Banks, H. T.; Gibson, N. L.
Well-posedness in Maxwell systems with distributions of polarization relaxation parameters. Zbl 1069.78006
Banks, H. T.; Gibson, N. L.
Gap detection with electromagnetic terahertz signals. Zbl 1116.78345
Banks, H. T.; Gibson, Nathan L.; Winfree, William P.
all top 5

Cited by 251 Authors

23 Li, Jichun
15 Banks, Harvey Thomas
13 Bokil, Vrushali A.
12 Huang, Yunqing
10 Yang, Wei
9 Gibson, Nathan L.
4 Cao, Liqun
4 Liang, Dong
4 Nguyen, Duc Duy
4 Peszyńska, Małgorzata
4 Sakkaplangkul, Puttha
4 Zhang, Yongwei
4 Zhao, Shan
3 Bai, Xixian
3 Chen, Meng
3 Cheng, Yingda
3 Gyrya, Vitaliy T.
3 He, Bin
3 Idesman, Alexander V.
3 Li, Fengyan
3 Li, Wanshan
3 Rui, Hongxing
3 Shi, Dongyang
2 Amirat, Youcef Aït
2 Banks, Jeffrey W.
2 Catenacci, Jared
2 Chen, Min
2 Cioranescu, Doina
2 Fang, Zhiwei
2 Griso, Georges
2 Jenkinson, Michael J.
2 Jiang, Yan
2 Kantartzis, Nikolaos V.
2 Lin, Yanping
2 Liu, Fuhao
2 Manzini, Gianmarco
2 Papadopoulos, Aristeides D.
2 Wang, Xiang
2 Yoshioka, Hidekazu
2 Zaidan, Younis
2 Zhang, Zhimin
2 Zhu, Li
2 Zygiridis, Theodoros T.
1 Abate-Daga, Daniel
1 Abdel-Aziz, Hamzah
1 Abel, Markus
1 Adler, James H.
1 Almutairi, Abdulwahab
1 Alvarez, Jacqueline
1 Alvarez, S. Naranjo
1 Amanatiadis, Stamatios A.
1 Angel, Jordan B.
1 Applebaum, Victor
1 Aranishi, Futoshi
1 Araya, Héctor
1 Arbogast, Todd
1 Benner, Peter
1 Bigler, Lisa
1 Blazhievska, Irina
1 Bluck, Michael J.
1 Bortz, David M.
1 Briol, François-Xavier
1 Bunoiu, Renata
1 Cangiani, Andrea
1 Castillero, Paulino Monroy
1 Cavanaugh, Casey
1 Chakrabarty, Dalia
1 Chen, Kairui
1 Chen, SiZhe
1 Chen, Yong
1 Chen, Zitao
1 Chesnel, Lucas
1 Colebank, Mitchel J.
1 Cordier, Laurent
1 Costa, Timothy B.
1 Cucuringu, Mihai
1 Davis, Jimena L.
1 Ding, Shifei
1 Dinh, Huy
1 Duan, Yong
1 Duan, Yu
1 Dunne, Michael
1 Dyson, Elizabeth
1 Eaton, Matthew D.
1 Economou, Theodoros
1 El-Metwally, Hamdy A.
1 Elbaz, Islam M.
1 Enderling, Heiko
1 Étoré, Pierre
1 Fan, Zhuowan
1 Faraway, Julian J.
1 Feng, Haoyang
1 Feng, Yangde
1 Fiebach, André
1 Findeisen, Rolf
1 Fisher, Andrew
1 Flores, Kevin B.
1 Fricks, John
1 Gaone, Joseph M.
1 Gerlach, Adam R.
...and 151 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 63 Serials

13 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
12 Journal of Computational Physics
11 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
7 Journal of Scientific Computing
6 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
4 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
3 Computer Physics Communications
3 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics
3 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
3 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems
3 Advances in Computational Mathematics
3 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling
3 Results in Applied Mathematics
2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
2 Applied Mathematics and Computation
2 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
2 Applied Mathematics Letters
2 Chaos
2 Computational Geosciences
2 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications
2 Quantitative Finance
2 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
2 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation
1 Inverse Problems
1 Journal of the Franklin Institute
1 Journal of Mathematical Biology
1 Physica A
1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods
1 Numerische Mathematik
1 Journal of Computational Mathematics
1 Applied Numerical Mathematics
1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
1 Neural Networks
1 Machine Learning
1 Computational Statistics
1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
1 Journal of Elasticity
1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série
1 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI
1 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
1 Statistica Sinica
1 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
1 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics
1 Soft Computing
1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B
1 Stochastic Models
1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing
1 Advances in Difference Equations
1 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
1 Communications in Computational Physics
1 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
1 The Annals of Applied Statistics
1 Advances in Numerical Analysis
1 Journal of Control Science and Engineering
1 Statistics and Computing
1 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics
1 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification
1 Electronic Research Archive

Citations by Year