
Glazman, Izrail Markovich (b. 1916 d. 1968)

Author ID: glazman.izrail-markovich Recent zbMATH articles by "Glazman, Izrail Markovich"
Published as: Glazman, I. M.; Glasmann, I. M.; Glazman, I.; Glazman, Izrail Markovich
Further Spellings: Glasman, Israel Markowitsch
External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · GND · IdRef
Documents Indexed: 39 Publications since 1949, including 19 Books
Biographic References: 4 Publications
Co-Authors: 7 Co-Authors with 24 Joint Publications
115 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

30 Publications have been cited 1,571 times in 1,512 Documents Cited by Year
Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space. Vol. I. Translation of the first five chapters of the 1950 Russian edition by Merlynd Nestell. Zbl 0098.30702
Akhiezer, N. I.; Glazman, I. M.
Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space. Transl. from the Russian and with a preface by Merlynd Nestell (Two volumes bound as one). Repr. of the 1961 and 1963 transl. Zbl 0874.47001
Akhiezer, N. I.; Glazman, I. M.
Direct methods of qualitative spectral analysis of singular differential operators. Translated from the Russian. Zbl 0143.36505
Glazman, I. M.
Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space. Vol. I, II. Transl. from the 3rd Russian ed. by E. R. Dawson, ed. by W. N. Everitt. Zbl 0467.47001
Akhiezer, N. I.; Glazman, I. M.
Direct methods of the qualitative spectral analysis of singular differential operators. (Прямые методы качественного спектрального анализа сингулярных дифференциальных операторов) (Direkte Methoden der qualitativen Spektralanalyse singulärer Differentialoperatoren.) Zbl 0143.36504
Glazman, I. M.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum. Zbl 0056.11101
Achieser, N. I.; Glasmann, I. M.
Finite-dimensional linear analysis: A systematic presentation in problem form. Translated and edited by G. P. Barker and G. Kuerti. Zbl 0332.15001
Glazman, I. M.; Lyubich, Yu. I.
Endlichdimensionale lineare Analysis in Aufgaben. (Конечномернуй линейный анализ в задачах.) Zbl 0188.07401
Glazman, I. M.; Lyubich, Yu. I.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum. 8., erw. Aufl. Hrsg. von H. Baumgärtel. Übers. aus dem Russischen. Lizenzausg. Zbl 0467.47002
Achieser, N. I.; Glasmann, I. M.
An analogue of the extension theory of Hermitian operators and a non- symmetric one dimensional boundary problem on a half-axis. Zbl 0079.33102
Glazman, I. M.
Finite-dimensional linear analysis. A systematic presentation in problem form. Translated from the Russian and edited by G. P. Barker and G. Kuerti. Reprint of the 1974 edition. Zbl 1115.46001
Glazman, I. M.; Ljubič, Ju. I.
On the theory of singular differential operators. Zbl 0052.34304
Glazman, I. M.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum. 7., unveränd. Aufl. Zbl 0355.47001
Achieser, N. I.; Glasmann, I. M.
Analyse lineaire dans les espaces de dimensions finies. Manuel en problemes. Übersetzung aus dem Russischen von Henri Damadian. Zbl 0243.15002
Glazman, I.; Liubitch, Y.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbertschen Raume. (Теория линейных операторов в Гильбертовом пространстве.) Zbl 0041.22905
Akhiezer, N. I.; Glazman, I. M.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbertschen Raum. 2., überarbeitete und ergänzte Aufl. (Теория линейных операторов в Гильбертовом пространстве.) Zbl 0143.36501
Akhiezer, N. I.; Glazman, I. M.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum. Die Ergänzungen wurden übersetzt und bearbeitet von H. Baumgärtel. 6., unveränd. Aufl. Zbl 0308.47001
Achieser, N. I.; Glasmann, I. M.
Über die Entwickelbarkeit nach einem System von Eigenelementen dissipativer Operatoren. Zbl 0081.12204
Glazman, I. M.
Detuning of vibration systems as a convex programming problem. Zbl 0171.22801
Glazman, I. M.; Mitin, V. N.
Zur Theorie der singulären Differentialoperatoren. Zbl 0041.23101
Glazman, I. M.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum. Unter Anleitung von L. Kaloujnine besorgte Übersetzung. Die Ergänzungen wurden übersetzt und bearbeitet von H. Baumgärtel. 5., neubearb. Aufl. Zbl 0174.44103
Akhieser, N. I.; Glasmann, I. M.
Über eine Anwendung der Zerspaltungsmethode auf mehrdimensionale singuläre Randwertaufgaben. Zbl 0056.34501
Glazman, I. M.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum. 2. unveränd. Aufl. Zbl 0082.32702
Achieser, N. I.; Glasmann, I. M.
Gradient relaxation for nonquadratic functionals. Zbl 0239.65057
Glazman, I. M.
Über den Charakter des Spektrums mehrdimensionaler singulären Randwertaufgaben. Zbl 0049.08905
Glazman, I. M.
Über die konvexe Hülle der orthogonalen Spektralfunktionen. Zbl 0064.08502
Glazman, I. M.; Najman, P. B.
Relaxation on surfaces with saddle points. Zbl 0213.41903
Glazman, I. M.
Über den Defektindex der Differentialoperatoren. Zbl 0040.06103
Glazman, I.
On the negative part of the spectrum of one-dimensional and multi- dimensional differential operators over vector-functions. Zbl 0081.11803
Glazman, I. M.
On the discrete part of the spectrum of the Laplacian in limit- cylindrical regions. Zbl 0168.08902
Glazman, I. M.; Skachek, B. Ya.
Finite-dimensional linear analysis. A systematic presentation in problem form. Translated from the Russian and edited by G. P. Barker and G. Kuerti. Reprint of the 1974 edition. Zbl 1115.46001
Glazman, I. M.; Ljubič, Ju. I.
Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space. Transl. from the Russian and with a preface by Merlynd Nestell (Two volumes bound as one). Repr. of the 1961 and 1963 transl. Zbl 0874.47001
Akhiezer, N. I.; Glazman, I. M.
Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space. Vol. I, II. Transl. from the 3rd Russian ed. by E. R. Dawson, ed. by W. N. Everitt. Zbl 0467.47001
Akhiezer, N. I.; Glazman, I. M.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum. 8., erw. Aufl. Hrsg. von H. Baumgärtel. Übers. aus dem Russischen. Lizenzausg. Zbl 0467.47002
Achieser, N. I.; Glasmann, I. M.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum. 7., unveränd. Aufl. Zbl 0355.47001
Achieser, N. I.; Glasmann, I. M.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum. Die Ergänzungen wurden übersetzt und bearbeitet von H. Baumgärtel. 6., unveränd. Aufl. Zbl 0308.47001
Achieser, N. I.; Glasmann, I. M.
Finite-dimensional linear analysis: A systematic presentation in problem form. Translated and edited by G. P. Barker and G. Kuerti. Zbl 0332.15001
Glazman, I. M.; Lyubich, Yu. I.
Analyse lineaire dans les espaces de dimensions finies. Manuel en problemes. Übersetzung aus dem Russischen von Henri Damadian. Zbl 0243.15002
Glazman, I.; Liubitch, Y.
Endlichdimensionale lineare Analysis in Aufgaben. (Конечномернуй линейный анализ в задачах.) Zbl 0188.07401
Glazman, I. M.; Lyubich, Yu. I.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum. Unter Anleitung von L. Kaloujnine besorgte Übersetzung. Die Ergänzungen wurden übersetzt und bearbeitet von H. Baumgärtel. 5., neubearb. Aufl. Zbl 0174.44103
Akhieser, N. I.; Glasmann, I. M.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbertschen Raum. 2., überarbeitete und ergänzte Aufl. (Теория линейных операторов в Гильбертовом пространстве.) Zbl 0143.36501
Akhiezer, N. I.; Glazman, I. M.
Detuning of vibration systems as a convex programming problem. Zbl 0171.22801
Glazman, I. M.; Mitin, V. N.
Direct methods of qualitative spectral analysis of singular differential operators. Translated from the Russian. Zbl 0143.36505
Glazman, I. M.
Relaxation on surfaces with saddle points. Zbl 0213.41903
Glazman, I. M.
Gradient relaxation for nonquadratic functionals. Zbl 0239.65057
Glazman, I. M.
Direct methods of the qualitative spectral analysis of singular differential operators. (Прямые методы качественного спектрального анализа сингулярных дифференциальных операторов) (Direkte Methoden der qualitativen Spektralanalyse singulärer Differentialoperatoren.) Zbl 0143.36504
Glazman, I. M.
On the discrete part of the spectrum of the Laplacian in limit- cylindrical regions. Zbl 0168.08902
Glazman, I. M.; Skachek, B. Ya.
Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space. Vol. I. Translation of the first five chapters of the 1950 Russian edition by Merlynd Nestell. Zbl 0098.30702
Akhiezer, N. I.; Glazman, I. M.
Über die Entwickelbarkeit nach einem System von Eigenelementen dissipativer Operatoren. Zbl 0081.12204
Glazman, I. M.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum. 2. unveränd. Aufl. Zbl 0082.32702
Achieser, N. I.; Glasmann, I. M.
On the negative part of the spectrum of one-dimensional and multi- dimensional differential operators over vector-functions. Zbl 0081.11803
Glazman, I. M.
An analogue of the extension theory of Hermitian operators and a non- symmetric one dimensional boundary problem on a half-axis. Zbl 0079.33102
Glazman, I. M.
Über die konvexe Hülle der orthogonalen Spektralfunktionen. Zbl 0064.08502
Glazman, I. M.; Najman, P. B.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum. Zbl 0056.11101
Achieser, N. I.; Glasmann, I. M.
Über eine Anwendung der Zerspaltungsmethode auf mehrdimensionale singuläre Randwertaufgaben. Zbl 0056.34501
Glazman, I. M.
Über den Charakter des Spektrums mehrdimensionaler singulären Randwertaufgaben. Zbl 0049.08905
Glazman, I. M.
On the theory of singular differential operators. Zbl 0052.34304
Glazman, I. M.
Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbertschen Raume. (Теория линейных операторов в Гильбертовом пространстве.) Zbl 0041.22905
Akhiezer, N. I.; Glazman, I. M.
Zur Theorie der singulären Differentialoperatoren. Zbl 0041.23101
Glazman, I. M.
Über den Defektindex der Differentialoperatoren. Zbl 0040.06103
Glazman, I.
all top 5

Cited by 1,460 Authors

30 Malamud, Mark M.
27 Gesztesy, Fritz
23 Everitt, William Norrie
21 Littlejohn, Lance L.
19 Korotkov, Vitalii Borisovich
17 Silva, Luis O.
16 Hinton, Don Barker
14 Tsekanovskii, Eduard R.
13 Behrndt, Jussi
12 Albeverio, Sergio A.
11 de Snoo, Hendrik S. V.
11 Jørgensen, Palle E. T.
11 Lewis, Roger T.
11 Makarov, Konstantin A.
11 Neidhardt, Hagen
10 Arlins’kyĭ, Yuriĭ Moĭseĭovych
10 Derkach, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych
10 Hassi, Seppo
10 Koshmanenko, Volodymyr Dmytrovych
10 Martin, Robert T. W.
10 Naboko, Serguei N.
10 Stochel, Jan
10 Zettl, Anton
9 Aygar, Yelda
9 Bikchentaev, Aĭrat Midkhatovich
9 Kostenko, Aleksey S.
9 Langer, Heinz
9 Rofe-Beketov, Fedir Semenovych
9 Wellman, Richard
8 Došlý, Ondřej
8 Kuzhel, Sergei
8 Pavlov, Boris Sergeevich
8 Sun, Huaqing
7 Allahverdiev, Bilender Paşaoğlu
7 Alpay, Daniel Aron
7 Bairamov, Elgiz
7 Barker, George Phillip
7 Behncke, Horst
7 Evans, William Desmond
7 Gil’, Michael Iosif
7 Liaw, Constanze
7 Marletta, Marco
7 Mogilevskii, Vadim
7 Ramesh, Golla
7 Ugurlu, Ekin
7 Zolotarëv, Vladimir Alekseevich
6 Borisov, Denis Ivanovich
6 Dijksma, Aad
6 Frymark, Dale
6 Gilbert, Richard C.
6 Gorbachuk, Myroslav L’vovych
6 Mirzoev, Karakhan Agakhan
6 Pearson, David B.
6 Teschl, Gerald
5 Chistyakov, Gennadiĭ Petrovich
5 del Río Castillo, Rafael René
5 Djinja, Domingos
5 Gorbachuk, Valentyna Ivanivna
5 Götze, Friedrich
5 Ibort, Alberto
5 Ibrahim, Sobhy El-Sayed
5 Jabłoński, Zenon Jan
5 Kalf, Hubert
5 Kravchenko, Vladislav Viktorovich
5 Krejčiřík, David
5 Kuchment, Peter A.
5 Kulkarni, Sudhir Hanmantrao
5 Kushel, Olga Yur’evna
5 Luger, Annemarie
5 Marchenko, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
5 Mitrea, Marius
5 Motovilov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich
5 Orochko, Yuriĭ B.
5 Oznur, Guler Başak
5 Pankrashkin, Konstantin
5 Pastur, Leonid Andreevich
5 Putinar, Mihai
5 Read, Thomas T.
5 Ren, Guojing
5 Rios-Cangas, Josué I.
5 Schmüdgen, Konrad
5 Silvestrov, Sergei D.
5 Toloza, Julio H.
5 Tretter, Christiane
5 Tumwesigye, Alex Behakanira
5 Winkler, Henrik
4 Belyi, Sergey V.
4 Budzyński, Piotr
4 Ćurgus, Branko
4 de la Sen, Manuel
4 Eastham, Michael S. P.
4 Farforovskaya, Yuliya B.
4 Golinskii, Leonid Borisovich
4 Gordon, Alexander Ya.
4 Hinz, Andreas M.
4 Janas, Jan
4 Jung, Il Bong
4 Karpeshina, Yulia E.
4 Kempf, Achim
4 Kholkin, Aleksandr Mikhailovich
...and 1,360 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 316 Serials

82 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
69 Mathematical Notes
58 Journal of Differential Equations
53 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal
43 Integral Equations and Operator Theory
43 Siberian Mathematical Journal
42 Journal of Functional Analysis
41 Linear Algebra and its Applications
39 Journal of Mathematical Physics
39 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)
38 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics
35 Functional Analysis and its Applications
34 Journal of Soviet Mathematics
27 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
24 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
23 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
21 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
19 Mathematische Annalen
17 Mathematische Zeitschrift
16 Reports on Mathematical Physics
13 Communications in Mathematical Physics
13 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
13 Mathematische Nachrichten
12 Advances in Mathematics
12 Journal of Approximation Theory
11 Annals of Physics
10 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
10 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics
9 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
9 Russian Mathematics
9 Operators and Matrices
8 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique
8 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
8 Opuscula Mathematica
8 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
8 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
7 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
7 Automatica
7 Doklady Mathematics
7 Differential Equations
6 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
6 International Journal of Theoretical Physics
6 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
6 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
6 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
6 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry
6 Annales Henri Poincaré
6 Annals of Functional Analysis
6 Journal of Spectral Theory
5 International Journal of Modern Physics A
5 Linear and Multilinear Algebra
5 Applied Mathematics and Computation
5 Archiv der Mathematik
5 Results in Mathematics
5 Systems & Control Letters
5 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae
5 Communications in Partial Differential Equations
5 Abstract and Applied Analysis
5 Foundations of Physics
5 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
5 Analysis and Mathematical Physics
4 Journal of Computational Physics
4 Letters in Mathematical Physics
4 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal
4 Physics Letters. A
4 Reviews in Mathematical Physics
4 Soviet Applied Mechanics
4 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section A. Physique Théorique
4 The Annals of Probability
4 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
4 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique
4 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis
4 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
4 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
4 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris
4 Boundary Value Problems
4 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis
4 Concrete Operators
3 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
3 Applicable Analysis
3 Journal of the Franklin Institute
3 Journal of Statistical Physics
3 Nuclear Physics. B
3 Journal of Geometry and Physics
3 Canadian Journal of Mathematics
3 Manuscripta Mathematica
3 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization
3 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II
3 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series
3 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen
3 Probability Theory and Related Fields
3 The Annals of Applied Probability
3 Numerical Algorithms
3 Turkish Journal of Mathematics
3 Russian Physics Journal
3 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
3 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics
3 Advances in Difference Equations
3 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya
3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
...and 216 more Serials
all top 5

Cited in 58 Fields

744 Operator theory (47-XX)
378 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX)
240 Partial differential equations (35-XX)
219 Quantum theory (81-XX)
179 Functional analysis (46-XX)
83 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX)
72 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX)
64 Numerical analysis (65-XX)
59 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX)
52 Difference and functional equations (39-XX)
43 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX)
42 Special functions (33-XX)
40 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX)
39 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX)
37 Systems theory; control (93-XX)
26 Statistics (62-XX)
24 Real functions (26-XX)
24 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
23 Approximations and expansions (41-XX)
22 Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
22 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX)
21 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX)
20 Measure and integration (28-XX)
20 Integral equations (45-XX)
17 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX)
16 Differential geometry (53-XX)
15 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX)
14 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX)
11 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX)
10 Combinatorics (05-XX)
10 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX)
9 Number theory (11-XX)
9 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX)
9 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX)
8 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)
7 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX)
7 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX)
7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX)
6 Potential theory (31-XX)
6 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX)
6 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX)
6 Computer science (68-XX)
6 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)
5 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX)
5 Algebraic geometry (14-XX)
5 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX)
4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX)
4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX)
3 History and biography (01-XX)
3 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX)
3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX)
3 Geometry (51-XX)
3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX)
1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX)
1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX)
1 General topology (54-XX)
1 Algebraic topology (55-XX)
1 Geophysics (86-XX)

Citations by Year

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