Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Golden, Bruce L. Co-Author Distance Author ID: golden.bruce-l Published as: Golden, Bruce; Golden, Bruce L.; Golden, B. L.; Golden, B. more...less Homepage: https://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/directory/bruce-l-golden External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 142 Publications since 1975, including 1 Book 23 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 3 Packages Co-Authors: 110 Co-Authors with 156 Joint Publications 2,521 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 9 single-authored 58 Wasil, Edward A. 24 Assad, Arjang A. 12 Raghavan, S. Raghu 11 Poikonen, Stefan 10 Wang, Xingyin 9 Shier, Douglas R. 8 Chao, I-Ming 8 Kelly, James Patrick 6 Zhang, Rui 5 Dudewicz, Edward J. 5 Govindarajulu, Zakkula 5 Stewart, William R. jun. 4 Cerrone, Carmine 4 Groër, Chris 4 Kou, Shuhan 4 Lele, Shreevardhan S. 4 Li, Feiyue 4 Lum, Oliver 4 Wang, Qiwen 4 Xiong, Yupei 3 Ball, Michael O. 3 Barnes, Sean L. 3 Bertazzi, Luca 3 Bodin, Lawrence D. 3 Cerulli, Raffaele 3 Dussault, Benjamin 3 Fu, Zhiwei 3 Gheysens, Filip 3 Levy, Laurence S. 3 Luo, Yuchen 3 Masone, Adriano 3 Silberholz, John 3 Sinha Roy, Debdatta 3 Skiscim, Christopher C. 2 Alt, Frank B. 2 Apergi, Lida Anna 2 Baker, Edward K. 2 Chen, Si 2 Condon, Edward M. 2 Corberán, Angel 2 Coy, Steven P. 2 Eglese, Richard W. 2 Gulczynski, Damon J. 2 Kleitman, Daniel J. 2 Magnanti, Thomas L. 2 Naji Azimi, Zahra 2 Oden, Eric 2 Pearn, Wen Lea 2 Salari, Majid 2 Schrage, Linus E. 2 Stanojević, Daliborka 2 Toth, Paolo 2 Vohra, Rakesh V. 2 Wong, Richard T. 1 Abbiw-Jackson, Roselyn M. 1 Aliari, Sanaz 1 Archetti, Claudia 1 Balci, Osman 1 Barceló, Jaume 1 Barr, Richard S. 1 Bashyam, Sridhar 1 Battarra, Maria 1 Carrabs, Francesco 1 Chandran, Bala G. 1 Chen, Ping 1 Collins, N. E. 1 Dahl, Roy W. 1 Defryn, Christof 1 Di Placido, Andrea 1 Doyle, T. B. 1 Eiselt, Horst A. 1 Frommer, Ian 1 Fu, Michael C. 1 Gamvros, Ioannis 1 Gartner, Nathan H. 1 Gentili, Monica 1 Goodwin, Terry 1 Hu, Xia 1 Jeffs, V. J. 1 Jia, Jiyou 1 Kwon, Ohseok 1 Laporte, Gilbert 1 Liu, Li 1 Loh, Kok-Hua 1 Nossack, Jenny 1 Ozga, Kimberly 1 Panchamgam, Kiran 1 Pesch, Erwin 1 Plana, Isaac 1 Raiconi, Andrea 1 Rappoport, Harold K. 1 Resende, Mauricio G. C. 1 Runger, George C. 1 Sanchis, José María 1 Sharda, Ramesh 1 Shuttleworth, Robert R. 1 Smith, Susan A. 1 Speranza, Maria Grazia 1 Stewart, W. jun. 1 Sun, Xiaoyun ...and 10 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 27 Computers & Operations Research 22 Networks 13 European Journal of Operational Research 12 INFORMS Journal on Computing 8 Optimization Letters 7 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 5 Annals of Operations Research 5 Journal of Heuristics 4 Operations Research 4 Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 3 International Transactions in Operational Research 3 Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series 3 American Sciences Press Series in Mathematical and Management Sciences 2 INFOR 2 Naval Research Logistics 2 OR Spektrum 2 Operations Research Letters 2 Mathematical Programming Computation 2 American Series in Mathematical and Management Sciences 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of the Operational Research Society 1 Management Science 1 Mathematical Programming Study 1 Large Scale Systems 1 ORSA Journal on Computing 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 1 Journal of Applied Statistics 1 4OR 1 Publications in Operations Research Series 1 Math Horizons 1 International Journal of Metaheuristics 1 Synthesis Lectures on Operations Research and Applications all top 5 Fields 143 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 22 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 16 Statistics (62-XX) 14 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 14 Computer science (68-XX) 8 Combinatorics (05-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 130 Publications have been cited 2,641 times in 1,796 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The vehicle routing problem. Latest advances and new challenges. Zbl 1142.90004 178 2008 The orienteering problem. Zbl 0647.90099 Golden, Bruce L.; Levy, Larry; Vohra, Rakesh 133 1987 Vehicle routing: methods and studies. Zbl 0638.00043 115 1988 Capacitated arc routing problems. Zbl 0459.90083 Golden, Bruce L.; Wong, Richard T. 107 1981 The team orienteering problem. Zbl 0911.90145 Chao, I-Ming; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A. 95 1996 The fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem. Zbl 0607.90043 Golden, Bruce; Assad, Arjang; Levy, Larry; Gheysens, Filip 87 1984 The impact of metaheuristics on solving the vehicle routing problem: Algorithms, problem sets, and computational results. Zbl 0997.90021 Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A.; Kelly, James P.; Chao, I-Ming 85 1998 A fast and effective heuristic for the orienteering problem. Zbl 0911.90146 Chao, I-Ming; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A. 62 1996 The vehicle routing problem with drones: several worst-case results. Zbl 1367.90012 Wang, Xingyin; Poikonen, Stefan; Golden, Bruce 57 2017 Implementing vehicle routing algorithms. Zbl 0359.90054 Golden, B. L.; Magnanti, T. L.; Nguyen, H. Q. 56 1977 Stochastic vehicle routing: A comprehensive approach. Zbl 0519.90031 Stewart, William R. jun.; Golden, Bruce L. 55 1983 Very large-scale vehicle routing: new test problems, algorithms, and results. Zbl 1075.90013 Li, Feiyue; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 55 2005 Designing and reporting on computational experiments with heuristic methods. Zbl 0853.68154 Barr, Richard S.; Golden, Bruce L.; Kelly, James P.; Resende, Mauricio G. C.; Stewart, William R. jun. 51 1995 A problem in network interdiction. Zbl 0394.90038 Golden, Bruce 49 1978 Finding the most vital arcs in a network. Zbl 0679.90086 Ball, Michael O.; Golden, Bruce L.; Vohra, Rakesh V. 49 1989 Simulated annealing - an annotated bibliography. Zbl 0669.65047 Collins, N. E.; Eglese, R. W.; Golden, B. L. 45 1988 The vehicle routing problem with drones: extended models and connections. Zbl 1390.90078 Poikonen, Stefan; Wang, Xingyin; Golden, Bruce 43 2017 Arc routing methods and applications. Zbl 0870.90056 Assad, Arjang A.; Golden, Bruce L. 41 1995 Using simulated annealing to solve routing and location problems. Zbl 0593.90054 Golden, Bruce L.; Skiscim, Christopher C. 41 1986 Approximate traveling salesman algorithms. Zbl 0447.90081 Golden, B.; Bodin, L.; Doyle, T.; Stewart, W. jun. 38 1980 Empirical analysis of heuristics. Zbl 0591.90090 Golden, B. L.; Stewart, W. R. 36 1985 Deterministic network optimization: A bibliography. Zbl 0362.90116 Golden, B. L.; Magnanti, T. L. 34 1977 Multi-visit drone routing problem. Zbl 1458.90128 Poikonen, Stefan; Golden, Bruce 34 2020 A record-to-record travel algorithm for solving the heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1141.90350 Li, Feiyue; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 33 2007 A branch-and-bound approach to the traveling salesman problem with a drone. Zbl 1535.90136 Poikonen, Stefan; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward A. 31 2019 Transforming arc routing into node routing problems. Zbl 0614.90060 Pearn, Wen-Lea; Assad, Arjang; Golden, Bruce L. 29 1987 The split delivery vehicle routing problem: Applications, algorithms, test problems, and computational results. Zbl 1141.90335 Chen, Si; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 27 2007 The open vehicle routing problem: algorithms, large-scale test problems, and computational results. Zbl 1185.90173 Li, Feiyue; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 27 2007 A multifaceted heuristic for the orienteering problem. Zbl 0649.90089 Golden, B. L.; Wang, Qiwen; Liu, Li 27 1988 An improved heuristic for the period vehicle routing problem. Zbl 0840.90059 Chao, I-Ming; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward 25 1995 A new heuristic for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem that improves upon best-known solutions. Zbl 0808.90061 Chao, I-Ming; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward 25 1993 Linear programming models for estimating weights in the analytic hierarchy process. Zbl 1116.90363 Chandran, Bala; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 25 2005 Analysis of a large scale vehicle routing problem with an inventory component. Zbl 0551.90018 Golden, Bruce; Assad, Arjang; Dahl, Roy 24 1984 Interval estimation of a global optimum for large combinatorial problems. Zbl 0397.90100 Golden, Bruce L.; Alt, Frank B. 24 1979 Using experimental design to find effective parameter settings for heuristics. Zbl 0967.90018 Coy, Steven P.; Golden, Bruce L.; Runger, George C.; Wasil, Edward A. 24 2001 The generalized covering salesman problem. Zbl 1462.90106 Golden, Bruce; Naji-Azimi, Zahra; Raghavan, S.; Salari, Majid; Toth, Paolo 24 2012 An adaptive memory heuristic for a class of vehicle routing problems with minmax objective. Zbl 0882.90031 Golden, Bruce L.; Laporte, Gilbert; Taillard, Éric D. 23 1997 Advances in meter Reading: heuristic solution of the close enough traveling salesman problem over a street network. Zbl 1190.90169 Shuttleworth, Robert; Golden, Bruce L.; Smith, Susan; Wasil, Edward 22 2008 A library of local search heuristics for the vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1230.90033 Groër, Chris; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 21 2010 A comparison of techniques for solving the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem. Zbl 0549.90068 Gheysens, F.; Golden, B.; Assad, A. 20 1984 Large-scale controlled rounding using tabu search with strategic oscillation. Zbl 0775.90291 Kelly, James P.; Golden, Bruce L.; Assad, Arjang A. 19 1993 Routing vehicles in the real world: Applications in the solid waste, beverage, food, dairy, and newspaper industries. Zbl 1076.90546 Golden, Bruce L.; Assad, Arjang A.; Wasil, Edward A. 19 2002 The capacitated Chinese Postman problem: Lower bounds and solvable cases. Zbl 0623.90083 Assad, Arjang A.; Pearn, Wen-Lea; Golden, Bruce L. 18 1987 Using a genetic algorithm to solve the generalized orienteering problem. Zbl 1190.90294 Wang, Xia; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A. 17 2008 Heuristic search for the generalized minimum spanning tree problem. Zbl 1239.90099 Golden, Bruce; Raghavan, S.; Stanojević, Daliborka 17 2005 A parallel algorithm for the vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1243.90186 Groër, Chris; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 16 2011 The generalized traveling salesman problem: a new genetic algorithm approach. Zbl 1278.90346 Silberholz, John; Golden, Bruce 16 2007 Visualizing group decisions in the analytic hierarchy process. Zbl 1105.90320 Condon, Edward; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 16 2003 The mothership and drone routing problem. Zbl 1451.90020 Poikonen, Stefan; Golden, Bruce 16 2020 Using artificial neural networks to solve the orienteering problem. Zbl 0839.90041 Wang, Qiwen; Sun, Xiaoyun; Golden, Bruce L.; Jia, Jiyou 15 1995 Counting trees in a certain class of graphs. Zbl 0297.05123 Kleitman, D. J.; Golden, B. 15 1975 A new heuristic for determining fleet size and composition. Zbl 0585.90064 Gheysens, Filip; Golden, Bruce; Assad, Arjang 15 1986 Worst-case behavior of the MVCA heuristic for the minimum labeling spanning tree problem. Zbl 1076.90050 Xiong, Yupei; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 15 2005 A computational study of a new heuristic for the site-dependent vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1535.90009 Chao, I-Ming; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 15 1999 Estimating the length of the optimal TSP tour: An empirical study using regression and neural networks. Zbl 0838.90127 Kwon, Ohseok; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 14 1995 Min-Max vs. Min-Sum vehicle routing: a worst-case analysis. Zbl 1357.90173 Bertazzi, Luca; Golden, Bruce; Wang, Xingyin 14 2015 Cell suppression: Disclosure protection for sensitive tabular data. Zbl 0825.90663 Kelly, James P.; Golden, Bruce L.; Assad, Arjang A. 13 1992 The colorful traveling salesman problem. Zbl 1241.90126 Xiong, Yupei; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 13 2007 Solving the one-dimensional bin packing problem with a weight annealing heuristic. Zbl 1177.90347 Loh, Kok-Hua; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 13 2008 The next wave in computing, optimization, and decision technologies. Papers from the ninth INFORMS Computing Society conference (ICS 2005), Annapolis, MD, USA, January 5–7, 2005. Zbl 1078.68513 13 2005 A statistical approach to the TSP. Zbl 0398.90103 Golden, B. L. 12 1977 Shortest-path algorithms: A comparison. Zbl 0343.90050 Golden, Bruce 12 1977 The balanced billing cycle vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1205.90076 Groër, Chris; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 12 2009 Carousel greedy: a generalized greedy algorithm with applications in optimization. Zbl 1458.90643 Cerrone, Carmine; Cerulli, Raffaele; Golden, Bruce 12 2017 Solving k-shortest and constrained shortest path problems efficiently. Zbl 0705.90088 Skiscim, Christopher C.; Golden, Bruce L. 11 1989 The effective application of a new approach to the generalized orienteering problem. Zbl 1187.90078 Silberholz, John; Golden, Bruce 11 2010 A new heuristic for the period traveling salesman problem. Zbl 0830.90129 Chao, I-Ming; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A. 10 1995 Using simulated annealing to solve controlled rounding problems. Zbl 0762.65027 Kelly, James; Golden, Bruce; Assad, Arjang 9 1990 The prize-collecting generalized minimum spanning tree problem. Zbl 1170.90466 Golden, Bruce; Raghavan, S.; Stanojević, Daliborka 9 2008 Route optimization for meter reading and salt spreading. Zbl 1366.90010 Eglese, Richard; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 9 2014 A Lagrangean relaxation heuristic for vehicle routing. Zbl 0525.90092 Stewart, William R. jun.; Golden, Bruce L. 8 1984 A note on determining operating strategies for probabilistic vehicle routing. Zbl 0431.90054 Yee, James R.; Golden, Bruce L. 8 1980 A new heuristic for the linear placement problem. Zbl 0723.90042 Suryanarayanan, J. K.; Golden, B. L.; Wang, Q. 8 1991 The hierarchical traveling salesman problem. Zbl 1280.90101 Panchamgam, Kiran; Xiong, Yupei; Golden, Bruce; Dussault, Benjamin; Wasil, Edward 7 2013 A divide-and-conquer local search heuristic for data visualization. Zbl 1113.90127 Abbiw-Jackson, Roselyn; Golden, Bruce; Raghavan, S.; Wasil, Edward 7 2006 The multivisit drone routing problem with edge launches: an iterative approach with discrete and continuous improvements. Zbl 1528.90039 Masone, Adriano; Poikonen, Stefan; Golden, Bruce L. 7 2022 Plowing with precedence: a variant of the windy postman problem. Zbl 1349.90810 Dussault, Benjamin; Golden, Bruce; Groër, Chris; Wasil, Edward 7 2013 Applying queueing theory to the study of emergency department operations: a survey and a discussion of comparable simulation studies. Zbl 1390.90215 Hu, Xia; Barnes, Sean; Golden, Bruce 7 2018 A novel approach to solve the split delivery vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1358.90015 Chen, Ping; Golden, Bruce; Wang, Xingyin; Wasil, Edward 7 2017 A new algorithm for the site-dependent vehicle routing problem. Zbl 0898.68034 Chao, I-Ming; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A. 6 1998 A worst-case analysis for the split delivery vehicle routing problem with minimum delivery amounts. Zbl 1280.90016 Xiong, Yupei; Gulczynski, Damon; Kleitman, Daniel; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 6 2013 Controlled rounding of tabular data. Zbl 0729.92501 Kelly, James P.; Golden, Bruce L.; Assad, Arjang A.; Baker, Edward K. 6 1990 A Steiner zone variable neighborhood search heuristic for the close-enough traveling salesman problem. Zbl 1458.90565 Wang, Xingyin; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 6 2019 Aesthetic considerations for the min-max \(K\)-windy rural postman problem. Zbl 1535.90028 Corberán, Ángel; Golden, Bruce; Lum, Oliver; Plana, Isaac; Sanchis, José M. 6 2017 The multilevel capacitated minimum spanning tree problem. Zbl 1241.90160 Gamvros, Ioannis; Golden, Bruce; Raghavan, S. 6 2006 An adaptive heuristic approach to compute upper and lower bounds for the close-enough traveling salesman problem. Zbl 1535.90122 Carrabs, Francesco; Cerrone, Carmine; Cerulli, Raffaele; Golden, Bruce 6 2020 Shortest paths with Euclidean distances: An explanatory model. Zbl 0394.94040 Golden, B. L.; Ball, M. 5 1978 Genetically engineered decision trees: Population diversity produces smarter trees. Zbl 1165.62324 Fu, Zhiwei; Golden, Bruce; Lele, Shreevardhan; Raghavan, S.; Wasil, Edward 5 2003 MRSA transmission reduction using agent-based modeling and simulation. Zbl 1243.90101 Barnes, Sean; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 5 2010 Vehicle routing with time-window constraints: algorithmic solutions. Zbl 0609.00010 5 1986 The windy rural postman problem with a time-dependent zigzag option. Zbl 1394.90491 Nossack, Jenny; Golden, Bruce; Pesch, Erwin; Zhang, Rui 5 2017 The bin packing problem with item fragmentation: a worst-case analysis. Zbl 1420.90057 Bertazzi, Luca; Golden, Bruce; Wang, Xingyin 5 2019 A decision-theoretic framework for comparing heuristics. Zbl 0546.90069 Golden, Bruce L.; Assad, Arjang A. 4 1984 Location modeling in practice: applications, theory and history. Zbl 0783.00029 4 1992 Point estimation of a global optimum for large combinatorial problems. Zbl 0398.62025 Golden, Bruce L. 4 1978 A hierarchical strategy for solving traveling salesman problems using elastic nets. Zbl 0857.90132 Vakhutinsky, Andrew I.; Golden, Bruce L. 4 1995 A genetic algorithm-based approach for building accurate decision trees. Zbl 1238.90076 Fu, Zhiwei; Golden, Bruce L.; Lele, Shreevardhan; Raghavan, S.; Wasil, Edward A. 4 2003 The min-max split delivery multi-depot vehicle routing problem with minimum service time requirement. Zbl 1349.90140 Wang, Xingyin; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward; Zhang, Rui 4 2016 Impacts of recent computer advances on operations research. Proceedings of a conference held in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA in January 1989. Zbl 0727.90047 3 1989 A minimum-cost multicommodity network flow problem concerning imports and exports. Zbl 0326.90063 Golden, B. L. 3 1975 Estimating optimal objective values for the TSP, VRP, and other combinatorial problems using randomization. Zbl 07841046 Kou, Shuhan; Golden, Bruce; Poikonen, Stefan 1 2024 Using regression models to understand the impact of route-length variability in practical vehicle routing. Zbl 1511.90364 Sinha Roy, Debdatta; Golden, Bruce; Masone, Adriano; Wasil, Edward 2 2023 The generalized close enough traveling salesman problem. Zbl 07709897 Di Placido, Andrea; Archetti, Claudia; Cerrone, Carmine; Golden, Bruce 1 2023 The multivisit drone routing problem with edge launches: an iterative approach with discrete and continuous improvements. Zbl 1528.90039 Masone, Adriano; Poikonen, Stefan; Golden, Bruce L. 7 2022 Optimal TSP tour length estimation using standard deviation as a predictor. Zbl 1521.90107 Kou, Shuhan; Golden, Bruce; Poikonen, Stefan 3 2022 A fresh look at the traveling salesman problem with a center. Zbl 1511.90406 Luo, Yuchen; Golden, Bruce; Poikonen, Stefan; Zhang, Rui 1 2022 Editorial: 2019-2020 Glover-Klingman Prize winners. Zbl 1525.01038 1 2022 The power of linear programming: some surprising and unexpected LPs. Zbl 1471.90087 Golden, Bruce; Schrage, Linus; Shier, Douglas; Apergi, Lida Anna 3 2021 Modeling and solving the intersection inspection rural postman problem. Zbl 1535.90017 Roy, Debdatta Sinha; Masone, Adriano; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 1 2021 Multi-visit drone routing problem. Zbl 1458.90128 Poikonen, Stefan; Golden, Bruce 34 2020 The mothership and drone routing problem. Zbl 1451.90020 Poikonen, Stefan; Golden, Bruce 16 2020 An adaptive heuristic approach to compute upper and lower bounds for the close-enough traveling salesman problem. Zbl 1535.90122 Carrabs, Francesco; Cerrone, Carmine; Cerulli, Raffaele; Golden, Bruce 6 2020 A branch-and-bound approach to the traveling salesman problem with a drone. Zbl 1535.90136 Poikonen, Stefan; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward A. 31 2019 A Steiner zone variable neighborhood search heuristic for the close-enough traveling salesman problem. Zbl 1458.90565 Wang, Xingyin; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 6 2019 The bin packing problem with item fragmentation: a worst-case analysis. Zbl 1420.90057 Bertazzi, Luca; Golden, Bruce; Wang, Xingyin 5 2019 A two-stage solution approach for the directed rural postman problem with turn penalties. Zbl 1403.90092 Cerrone, Carmine; Dussault, Benjamin; Wang, Xingyin; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 1 2019 OAR lib: an open source arc routing library. Zbl 1479.90003 Lum, Oliver; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 1 2019 Applying queueing theory to the study of emergency department operations: a survey and a discussion of comparable simulation studies. Zbl 1390.90215 Hu, Xia; Barnes, Sean; Golden, Bruce 7 2018 An open-source desktop application for generating arc-routing benchmark instances. Zbl 1446.90056 Lum, Oliver; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 2 2018 The vehicle routing problem with drones: several worst-case results. Zbl 1367.90012 Wang, Xingyin; Poikonen, Stefan; Golden, Bruce 57 2017 The vehicle routing problem with drones: extended models and connections. Zbl 1390.90078 Poikonen, Stefan; Wang, Xingyin; Golden, Bruce 43 2017 Carousel greedy: a generalized greedy algorithm with applications in optimization. Zbl 1458.90643 Cerrone, Carmine; Cerulli, Raffaele; Golden, Bruce 12 2017 A novel approach to solve the split delivery vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1358.90015 Chen, Ping; Golden, Bruce; Wang, Xingyin; Wasil, Edward 7 2017 Aesthetic considerations for the min-max \(K\)-windy rural postman problem. Zbl 1535.90028 Corberán, Ángel; Golden, Bruce; Lum, Oliver; Plana, Isaac; Sanchis, José M. 6 2017 The windy rural postman problem with a time-dependent zigzag option. Zbl 1394.90491 Nossack, Jenny; Golden, Bruce; Pesch, Erwin; Zhang, Rui 5 2017 A hybrid heuristic procedure for the windy rural postman problem with zigzag time windows. Zbl 1391.90609 Lum, Oliver; Zhang, Rui; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 2 2017 The min-max split delivery multi-depot vehicle routing problem with minimum service time requirement. Zbl 1349.90140 Wang, Xingyin; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward; Zhang, Rui 4 2016 Min-Max vs. Min-Sum vehicle routing: a worst-case analysis. Zbl 1357.90173 Bertazzi, Luca; Golden, Bruce; Wang, Xingyin 14 2015 Route optimization for meter reading and salt spreading. Zbl 1366.90010 Eglese, Richard; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 9 2014 A worst-case analysis for the split delivery capacitated team orienteering problem with minimum delivery amounts. Zbl 1303.90011 Wang, Xingyin; Golden, Bruce; Gulczynski, Damon 1 2014 The hierarchical traveling salesman problem. Zbl 1280.90101 Panchamgam, Kiran; Xiong, Yupei; Golden, Bruce; Dussault, Benjamin; Wasil, Edward 7 2013 Plowing with precedence: a variant of the windy postman problem. Zbl 1349.90810 Dussault, Benjamin; Golden, Bruce; Groër, Chris; Wasil, Edward 7 2013 A worst-case analysis for the split delivery vehicle routing problem with minimum delivery amounts. Zbl 1280.90016 Xiong, Yupei; Gulczynski, Damon; Kleitman, Daniel; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 6 2013 Comparison of heuristics for the colourful travelling salesman problem. Zbl 1306.90024 Silberholz, John; Raiconi, Andrea; Cerulli, Raffaele; Gentili, Monica; Golden, Bruce L.; Chen, Si 3 2013 The generalized covering salesman problem. Zbl 1462.90106 Golden, Bruce; Naji-Azimi, Zahra; Raghavan, S.; Salari, Majid; Toth, Paolo 24 2012 A parallel algorithm for the vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1243.90186 Groër, Chris; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 16 2011 A library of local search heuristics for the vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1230.90033 Groër, Chris; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 21 2010 The effective application of a new approach to the generalized orienteering problem. Zbl 1187.90078 Silberholz, John; Golden, Bruce 11 2010 MRSA transmission reduction using agent-based modeling and simulation. Zbl 1243.90101 Barnes, Sean; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 5 2010 Variable neighborhood search for the cost constrained minimum label spanning tree and label constrained minimum spanning tree problems. Zbl 1189.90181 Naji-Azimi, Zahra; Salari, Majid; Golden, Bruce; Raghavan, S.; Toth, Paolo 3 2010 The balanced billing cycle vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1205.90076 Groër, Chris; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 12 2009 The vehicle routing problem. Latest advances and new challenges. Zbl 1142.90004 178 2008 Advances in meter Reading: heuristic solution of the close enough traveling salesman problem over a street network. Zbl 1190.90169 Shuttleworth, Robert; Golden, Bruce L.; Smith, Susan; Wasil, Edward 22 2008 Using a genetic algorithm to solve the generalized orienteering problem. Zbl 1190.90294 Wang, Xia; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A. 17 2008 Solving the one-dimensional bin packing problem with a weight annealing heuristic. Zbl 1177.90347 Loh, Kok-Hua; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 13 2008 The prize-collecting generalized minimum spanning tree problem. Zbl 1170.90466 Golden, Bruce; Raghavan, S.; Stanojević, Daliborka 9 2008 Tuning a parametric Clarke-Wright heuristic via a genetic algorithm. Zbl 1168.90650 Battarra, M.; Golden, B.; Vigo, D. 1 2008 A record-to-record travel algorithm for solving the heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1141.90350 Li, Feiyue; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 33 2007 The split delivery vehicle routing problem: Applications, algorithms, test problems, and computational results. Zbl 1141.90335 Chen, Si; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 27 2007 The open vehicle routing problem: algorithms, large-scale test problems, and computational results. Zbl 1185.90173 Li, Feiyue; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 27 2007 The generalized traveling salesman problem: a new genetic algorithm approach. Zbl 1278.90346 Silberholz, John; Golden, Bruce 16 2007 The colorful traveling salesman problem. Zbl 1241.90126 Xiong, Yupei; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 13 2007 A divide-and-conquer local search heuristic for data visualization. Zbl 1113.90127 Abbiw-Jackson, Roselyn; Golden, Bruce; Raghavan, S.; Wasil, Edward 7 2006 The multilevel capacitated minimum spanning tree problem. Zbl 1241.90160 Gamvros, Ioannis; Golden, Bruce; Raghavan, S. 6 2006 Diversification for better classification trees. Zbl 1113.90162 Fu, Zhiwei; Golden, Bruce L.; Lele, Shreevardhan; Raghavan, S.; Wasil, Edward 1 2006 A noisy Euclidean traveling salesman problem: a computational analysis. Zbl 1113.90135 Li, Feiyue; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A. 1 2006 Very large-scale vehicle routing: new test problems, algorithms, and results. Zbl 1075.90013 Li, Feiyue; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 55 2005 Linear programming models for estimating weights in the analytic hierarchy process. Zbl 1116.90363 Chandran, Bala; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 25 2005 Heuristic search for the generalized minimum spanning tree problem. Zbl 1239.90099 Golden, Bruce; Raghavan, S.; Stanojević, Daliborka 17 2005 Worst-case behavior of the MVCA heuristic for the minimum labeling spanning tree problem. Zbl 1076.90050 Xiong, Yupei; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 15 2005 The next wave in computing, optimization, and decision technologies. Papers from the ninth INFORMS Computing Society conference (ICS 2005), Annapolis, MD, USA, January 5–7, 2005. Zbl 1078.68513 13 2005 Visualizing group decisions in the analytic hierarchy process. Zbl 1105.90320 Condon, Edward; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 16 2003 Genetically engineered decision trees: Population diversity produces smarter trees. Zbl 1165.62324 Fu, Zhiwei; Golden, Bruce; Lele, Shreevardhan; Raghavan, S.; Wasil, Edward 5 2003 A genetic algorithm-based approach for building accurate decision trees. Zbl 1238.90076 Fu, Zhiwei; Golden, Bruce L.; Lele, Shreevardhan; Raghavan, S.; Wasil, Edward A. 4 2003 Modern mathematical, management, and statistical sciences III: advances in theory and application. Zbl 1055.62501 1 2003 Routing vehicles in the real world: Applications in the solid waste, beverage, food, dairy, and newspaper industries. Zbl 1076.90546 Golden, Bruce L.; Assad, Arjang A.; Wasil, Edward A. 19 2002 Using experimental design to find effective parameter settings for heuristics. Zbl 0967.90018 Coy, Steven P.; Golden, Bruce L.; Runger, George C.; Wasil, Edward A. 24 2001 A computational study of smoothing heuristics for the traveling salesman problem. Zbl 0977.90070 Coy, Steven P.; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A. 2 2000 A computational study of a new heuristic for the site-dependent vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1535.90009 Chao, I-Ming; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 15 1999 Predicting the success of nations at the Summer Olympics using neural networks. Zbl 1063.62616 Condon, Edward M.; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A. 2 1999 The impact of metaheuristics on solving the vehicle routing problem: Algorithms, problem sets, and computational results. Zbl 0997.90021 Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A.; Kelly, James P.; Chao, I-Ming 85 1998 A new algorithm for the site-dependent vehicle routing problem. Zbl 0898.68034 Chao, I-Ming; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A. 6 1998 An adaptive memory heuristic for a class of vehicle routing problems with minmax objective. Zbl 0882.90031 Golden, Bruce L.; Laporte, Gilbert; Taillard, Éric D. 23 1997 The team orienteering problem. Zbl 0911.90145 Chao, I-Ming; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A. 95 1996 A fast and effective heuristic for the orienteering problem. Zbl 0911.90146 Chao, I-Ming; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A. 62 1996 Designing and reporting on computational experiments with heuristic methods. Zbl 0853.68154 Barr, Richard S.; Golden, Bruce L.; Kelly, James P.; Resende, Mauricio G. C.; Stewart, William R. jun. 51 1995 Arc routing methods and applications. Zbl 0870.90056 Assad, Arjang A.; Golden, Bruce L. 41 1995 An improved heuristic for the period vehicle routing problem. Zbl 0840.90059 Chao, I-Ming; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward 25 1995 Using artificial neural networks to solve the orienteering problem. Zbl 0839.90041 Wang, Qiwen; Sun, Xiaoyun; Golden, Bruce L.; Jia, Jiyou 15 1995 Estimating the length of the optimal TSP tour: An empirical study using regression and neural networks. Zbl 0838.90127 Kwon, Ohseok; Golden, Bruce; Wasil, Edward 14 1995 A new heuristic for the period traveling salesman problem. Zbl 0830.90129 Chao, I-Ming; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward A. 10 1995 A hierarchical strategy for solving traveling salesman problems using elastic nets. Zbl 0857.90132 Vakhutinsky, Andrew I.; Golden, Bruce L. 4 1995 A transportation problem formulation for the MAC airlift planning problem. Zbl 0812.90043 Rappoport, Harold K.; Levy, Laurence S.; Toussaint, Katherine; Golden, Bruce L. 3 1994 A new heuristic for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem that improves upon best-known solutions. Zbl 0808.90061 Chao, I-Ming; Golden, Bruce L.; Wasil, Edward 25 1993 Large-scale controlled rounding using tabu search with strategic oscillation. Zbl 0775.90291 Kelly, James P.; Golden, Bruce L.; Assad, Arjang A. 19 1993 Vehicle routing 2000: advances in time-windows, optimality, fast bounds, & multi-depot routing. Reprinted from the American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 13, No. 3-4 (1993). Zbl 0925.00060 1 1993 Cell suppression: Disclosure protection for sensitive tabular data. Zbl 0825.90663 Kelly, James P.; Golden, Bruce L.; Assad, Arjang A. 13 1992 Location modeling in practice: applications, theory and history. Zbl 0783.00029 4 1992 A new heuristic for the linear placement problem. Zbl 0723.90042 Suryanarayanan, J. K.; Golden, B. L.; Wang, Q. 8 1991 Using simulated annealing to solve controlled rounding problems. Zbl 0762.65027 Kelly, James; Golden, Bruce; Assad, Arjang 9 1990 Controlled rounding of tabular data. Zbl 0729.92501 Kelly, James P.; Golden, Bruce L.; Assad, Arjang A.; Baker, Edward K. 6 1990 The controlled rounding problem: Relaxations and complexity issues. Zbl 0800.90784 Kelly, J. P.; Assad, A. A.; Golden, B. L. 3 1990 Finding the most vital arcs in a network. Zbl 0679.90086 Ball, Michael O.; Golden, Bruce L.; Vohra, Rakesh V. 49 1989 Solving k-shortest and constrained shortest path problems efficiently. Zbl 0705.90088 Skiscim, Christopher C.; Golden, Bruce L. 11 1989 Impacts of recent computer advances on operations research. Proceedings of a conference held in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA in January 1989. Zbl 0727.90047 3 1989 Vehicle routing: methods and studies. Zbl 0638.00043 115 1988 Simulated annealing - an annotated bibliography. Zbl 0669.65047 Collins, N. E.; Eglese, R. W.; Golden, B. L. 45 1988 A multifaceted heuristic for the orienteering problem. Zbl 0649.90089 Golden, B. L.; Wang, Qiwen; Liu, Li 27 1988 The orienteering problem. Zbl 0647.90099 Golden, Bruce L.; Levy, Larry; Vohra, Rakesh 133 1987 Transforming arc routing into node routing problems. Zbl 0614.90060 Pearn, Wen-Lea; Assad, Arjang; Golden, Bruce L. 29 1987 ...and 30 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,085 Authors 66 Laporte, Gilbert 59 Golden, Bruce L. 25 Gendreau, Michel 25 Wasil, Edward A. 23 Archetti, Claudia 21 Speranza, Maria Grazia 20 Prins, Christian 17 Hartl, Richard F. 16 Sörensen, Kenneth 15 Corberán, Angel 15 Cordeau, Jean-François 15 Vansteenwegen, Pieter 14 Uchoa, Eduardo 14 Vidal, Thibaut 13 Juan, Angel A. 13 Langevin, André 13 Sanchis, José María 12 Bertazzi, Luca 12 Vigo, Daniele 11 Cerulli, Raffaele 11 Feillet, Dominique 11 Ghiani, Gianpaolo 11 Lin, Yi-Kuei 11 Salhi, Said 10 Baldacci, Roberto 10 Crainic, Teodor Gabriel 10 Glover, Fred W. 10 Pearn, Wen Lea 10 Pessoa, Artur Alves 10 Salazar-González, Juan-José 10 Smith, J. Cole 10 Toth, Paolo 10 Wang, Xingyin 9 Carrabs, Francesco 9 Cerrone, Carmine 9 Dörner, Karl F. 9 Hao, Jin-Kao 9 Lim, Andrew 9 Plana, Isaac 9 Poikonen, Stefan 8 Assad, Arjang A. 8 Bektas, Tolga 8 Bianchessi, Nicola 8 Eglese, Richard W. 8 Faulin, Javier 8 Guerriero, Francesca 8 Laganà, Demetrio 8 Letchford, Adam N. 8 Mourão, Maria Cândida 8 Ochi, Luiz Satoru 8 Osman, Ibrahim Hassan 8 Salari, Majid 8 Semet, Frédéric 8 Subramanian, Anand Prabhu 8 Tricoire, Fabien 8 Voß, Stefan 7 Benavent, Enrique 7 Boysen, Nils 7 Bräysy, Olli 7 Hertz, Alain 7 Irnich, Stefan 7 Martello, Silvano 7 Moukrim, Aziz 7 Musmanno, Roberto 7 Renaud, Jacques 7 Wøhlk, Sanne 6 Campbell, Ann Melissa 6 Chiang, Wen-Chyuan 6 Coelho, Leandro C. 6 Current, John R. 6 Gouveia, Luis 6 Hà, Minh Hoàng 6 Jabali, Ola 6 Kelly, James Patrick 6 Løkketangen, Arne 6 Mansini, Renata 6 Mladenović, Nenad 6 Naji Azimi, Zahra 6 Pisinger, David 6 Potvin, Jean-Yves 6 Prodhon, Caroline 6 Raghavan, S. Raghu 6 Repoussis, Panagiotis P. 6 Tarantilis, Christos D. 6 Usberti, Fábio Luiz 6 van Oudheusden, Dirk L. 6 Van Woensel, Tom 6 Zhang, Peng 5 Absi, Nabil 5 Angelelli, Enrico 5 Armentano, Vinícius Amaral 5 Bard, Jonathan F. 5 Brandão, José 5 Cattaruzza, Diego 5 Chao, I-Ming 5 Chern, Maw-Sheng 5 Dullaert, Wout E. H. 5 Erdoğan, Güneş 5 Fernández, Elena 5 Fukasawa, Ricardo ...and 2,985 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 161 Serials 427 European Journal of Operational Research 374 Computers & Operations Research 92 Networks 81 Annals of Operations Research 53 International Transactions in Operational Research 30 Optimization Letters 27 Operations Research Letters 24 Discrete Applied Mathematics 23 INFORMS Journal on Computing 23 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 20 OR Spectrum 19 Top 18 Applied Mathematics and Computation 16 International Journal of Production Research 16 Journal of Heuristics 15 Applied Mathematical Modelling 14 Theoretical Computer Science 14 Networks and Spatial Economics 13 Information Sciences 13 Naval Research Logistics 13 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 12 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 12 Journal of Global Optimization 12 Mathematical Programming. Series A. 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Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 6 Soft Computing 6 Mathematical Programming Computation 5 Artificial Intelligence 5 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 5 Discrete Mathematics 5 International Journal of Systems Science 5 INFOR 5 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 5 Optimization 5 Algorithmica 5 Journal of Scheduling 5 Optimization and Engineering 5 Discrete Optimization 4 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 4 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 4 Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Computational Management Science 4 SN Operations Research Forum 3 Journal of the Franklin Institute 3 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Mathematics of Operations Research 3 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 3 Natural Computing 3 Engineering Optimization 3 Diskretnyĭ Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsiĭ 2 Physica A 2 Opsearch 2 European Journal of Combinatorics 2 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences 2 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 2 Random Structures & Algorithms 2 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 2 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 2 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2 International Journal of Operations Research (Taichung) 2 ACM Transactions on Algorithms 2 Decision Analysis 2 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 1 ACM Computing Surveys 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1 Automatica 1 BIT 1 Computing 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Mathematical Programming 1 Meccanica 1 Statistica Neerlandica 1 Cybernetics 1 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 1 Social Choice and Welfare 1 Graphs and Combinatorics 1 Journal of Complexity 1 Information and Computation 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Journal of Robotic Systems 1 Neural Computation 1 Applied Intelligence 1 Communications in Statistics. 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Theory and Methods ...and 61 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 29 Fields 1,675 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 173 Computer science (68-XX) 86 Combinatorics (05-XX) 84 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 79 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 24 Statistics (62-XX) 13 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 10 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 8 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Number theory (11-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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