Author ID: goto.shunichi Recent zbMATH articles by "Goto, Shun’ichi"
Published as: Goto, Shun’ichi; Goto, S.

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

13 Publications have been cited 586 times in 472 Documents Cited by Year
Uniqueness and existence of viscosity solutions of generalized mean curvature flow equations. Zbl 0696.35087
Chen, Yun-Gang; Giga, Yoshikazu; Goto, Shun’ichi
Comparison principle and convexity preserving properties for singular degenerate parabolic equations on unbounded domains. Zbl 0836.35009
Giga, Y.; Goto, S.; Ishii, H.; Sato, M.-H.
Motion of hypersurfaces and geometric equations. Zbl 0739.53005
Giga, Yoshikazu; Goto, Shun’ichi
Uniqueness and existence of viscosity solutions of generalized mean curvature flow equations. Zbl 0735.35082
Chen, Yun-Gang; Giga, Yoshikazu; Goto, Shun’ichi
Global existence of weak solutions for interface equations coupled with diffusion equations. Zbl 0754.35061
Giga, Yoshikazu; Goto, Shun’ichi; Ishii, Hitoshi
Generalized motion of hypersurfaces whose growth speed depends superlinearly on the curvature tensor. Zbl 0808.35007
Goto, Shun’ichi
Geometric evolution of phase-boundaries. Zbl 0771.35027
Giga, Yoshikazu; Goto, Shun’ichi
Dynamic boundary conditions for Hamilton–Jacobi equations. Zbl 1030.35115
Elliott, C. M.; Giga, Y.; Goto, S.
Remarks on viscosity solutions for evolution equations. Zbl 0816.35063
Chen, Yun-Gang; Giga, Yoshikazu; Goto, Shun’ichi
Analysis toward snow crystal growth. Zbl 0817.76090
Chen, Yun-Gang; Giga, Yoshikazu; Goto, Shun’ichi
Singular limit of the incompressible ideal magneto-fluid motion with respect to the Alfvén number. Zbl 0702.76124
Goto, Shun’ichi
Uniqueness and existence of generalized motion for spiral crystal growth. Zbl 1161.53057
Goto, Shun’ichi; Nakagawa, Maki; Ohtsuka, Takeshi
The dynamics of compact laser pulses. Zbl 1342.78035
Goto, S.; Tucker, R. W.; Walton, T. J.
The dynamics of compact laser pulses. Zbl 1342.78035
Goto, S.; Tucker, R. W.; Walton, T. J.
Uniqueness and existence of generalized motion for spiral crystal growth. Zbl 1161.53057
Goto, Shun’ichi; Nakagawa, Maki; Ohtsuka, Takeshi
Dynamic boundary conditions for Hamilton–Jacobi equations. Zbl 1030.35115
Elliott, C. M.; Giga, Y.; Goto, S.
Generalized motion of hypersurfaces whose growth speed depends superlinearly on the curvature tensor. Zbl 0808.35007
Goto, Shun’ichi
Motion of hypersurfaces and geometric equations. Zbl 0739.53005
Giga, Yoshikazu; Goto, Shun’ichi
Global existence of weak solutions for interface equations coupled with diffusion equations. Zbl 0754.35061
Giga, Yoshikazu; Goto, Shun’ichi; Ishii, Hitoshi
Geometric evolution of phase-boundaries. Zbl 0771.35027
Giga, Yoshikazu; Goto, Shun’ichi
Uniqueness and existence of viscosity solutions of generalized mean curvature flow equations. Zbl 0696.35087
Chen, Yun-Gang; Giga, Yoshikazu; Goto, Shun’ichi
Comparison principle and convexity preserving properties for singular degenerate parabolic equations on unbounded domains. Zbl 0836.35009
Giga, Y.; Goto, S.; Ishii, H.; Sato, M.-H.
Remarks on viscosity solutions for evolution equations. Zbl 0816.35063
Chen, Yun-Gang; Giga, Yoshikazu; Goto, Shun’ichi
Analysis toward snow crystal growth. Zbl 0817.76090
Chen, Yun-Gang; Giga, Yoshikazu; Goto, Shun’ichi
Singular limit of the incompressible ideal magneto-fluid motion with respect to the Alfvén number. Zbl 0702.76124
Goto, Shun’ichi
Uniqueness and existence of viscosity solutions of generalized mean curvature flow equations. Zbl 0735.35082
Chen, Yun-Gang; Giga, Yoshikazu; Goto, Shun’ichi
all top 5

Cited by 575 Authors

28 Giga, Yoshikazu
14 Liu, Qing
12 Novaga, Matteo
9 Chambolle, Antonin
9 Colding, Tobias Holck
9 Tonegawa, Yoshihiro
7 Caselles Costa, Vicent
7 Chen, Xinfu
7 Haslhofer, Robert
7 Minicozzi, William Philip II
7 Mitake, Hiroyoshi
7 Souganidis, Panagiotis E.
6 Bellettini, Giovanni
6 Hamamuki, Nao
6 Morini, Massimiliano
6 Sato, Moto-Hiko
5 Barles, Guy
5 Cardaliaguet, Pierre
5 Giga, Mi-Ho
5 Katsoulakis, Markos A.
5 Kwon, Dohyun
5 Ley, Olivier
5 Ninomiya, Hirokazu
5 Parviainen, Mikko
5 Ponsiglione, Marcello
4 Banerjee, Agnid
4 Bretin, Elie
4 Carlini, Elisabetta
4 Cesaroni, Annalisa
4 Epshteyn, Yekaterina
4 Evans, Lawrence Craig
4 Hershkovits, Or
4 Hsu, Shu-Yu
4 Ishii, Hitoshi
4 Julin, Vesa
4 Laux, Tim
4 Le Guyader, Carole
4 Lions, Pierre-Louis
4 Liu, Chun
4 Mikula, Karol
4 Mizuno, Masashi
4 Monteillet, Aurélien
4 Osher, Stanley Joel
4 Požár, Norbert
4 Quaas, Alexander
4 Sapiro, Guillermo
4 Soravia, Pierpaolo
4 Takasao, Keisuke
4 Valdinoci, Enrico
4 Zhang, Longjie
3 Azami, Shahroud
3 Bernstein, Jacob
3 Berti, Diego
3 Bronsard, Lia
3 Citti, Giovanna
3 De Zan, Cecilia
3 Esedoglu, Selim
3 Felmer, Patricio L.
3 Feng, Xiaobing
3 Forcadel, Nicolas
3 Friz, Peter
3 Garofalo, Nicola
3 Gurtin, Morton Edward
3 Hilhorst, Danielle
3 Ishige, Kazuhiro
3 Ju, Qiangchang
3 Kawohl, Bernd
3 Kim, Inwon Christina
3 Kim, Soojung
3 Magnanini, Rolando
3 Manfredi, Juan J.
3 Masnou, Simon
3 Niinikoski, Joonas
3 Ohtsuka, Takeshi
3 Paolini, Maurizio
3 Röger, Matthias
3 Sinestrari, Carlo
3 Spruck, Joel
3 Stuvard, Salvatore
3 Teixeira, Ralph Costa
3 Tran Vinh Hung
3 Vazquez, Juan Luis
3 Wang, Lu
3 Wu, Changhong
3 Yip, Nung Kwan
2 Akagi, Goro
2 Alfaro, Matthieu
2 Andrews, Ben
2 Angenent, Sigurd Bernardus
2 Attouchi, Amal
2 Bernoff, Andrew J.
2 Bian, Baojun
2 Biton, Samuel
2 Chen, Yanyu
2 Chopp, David L.
2 Cinti, Eleonora
2 Courte, Luca
2 Craizer, Marcos
2 Daniels-Holgate, J. M.
2 Dávila, Gonzalo
...and 475 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 141 Serials

26 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
24 Journal of Differential Equations
21 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods
19 The Journal of Geometric Analysis
17 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
14 Journal of Computational Physics
14 Mathematische Annalen
11 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
11 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications
10 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
10 Communications in Partial Differential Equations
10 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série
7 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
7 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
7 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
6 Applicable Analysis
6 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis
5 Inventiones Mathematicae
5 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A
5 Physica D
5 Applied Numerical Mathematics
5 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
5 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations
5 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
4 Advances in Mathematics
4 Journal of Functional Analysis
4 Numerische Mathematik
4 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire
4 Journal of Scientific Computing
4 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences
4 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series
4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
4 Interfaces and Free Boundaries
4 Advances in Calculus of Variations
3 Mathematics of Computation
3 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta
3 Duke Mathematical Journal
3 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
3 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series
3 Probability Theory and Related Fields
3 Applied Mathematics Letters
3 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA
3 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics
3 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
3 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
3 Journal of Evolution Equations
3 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S
3 Analysis & PDE
3 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications
2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
2 Journal of Statistical Physics
2 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
2 The Annals of Probability
2 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV
2 Indiana University Mathematics Journal
2 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series
2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
2 Manuscripta Mathematica
2 Mathematische Nachrichten
2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
2 Journal of the American Mathematical Society
2 Sugaku Expositions
2 European Journal of Applied Mathematics
2 Experimental Mathematics
2 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
2 Computing and Visualization in Science
2 Mathematical Finance
2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series
2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris
2 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation
2 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V
2 Stochastic and Partial Differential Equations. Analysis and Computations
2 Geometric Flows
2 SN Partial Differential Equations and Applications
1 Communications in Mathematical Physics
1 Discrete Applied Mathematics
1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
1 Journal of Mathematical Biology
1 Nonlinearity
1 Journal of Geometry and Physics
1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier
1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Archiv der Mathematik
1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
1 Hiroshima Mathematical Journal
1 Hokkaido Mathematical Journal
1 Journal of Differential Geometry
1 Kybernetika
1 Mathematische Zeitschrift
1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
1 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series
1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen
1 Statistics & Probability Letters
1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society
1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
1 International Journal of Mathematics
1 The Annals of Applied Probability
1 Applications of Mathematics
...and 41 more Serials
all top 5

Cited in 35 Fields

347 Partial differential equations (35-XX)
180 Differential geometry (53-XX)
85 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX)
64 Numerical analysis (65-XX)
36 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX)
29 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX)
28 Fluid mechanics (76-XX)
21 Computer science (68-XX)
20 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX)
17 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX)
13 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX)
13 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX)
12 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX)
10 Systems theory; control (93-XX)
9 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX)
8 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX)
7 Operator theory (47-XX)
7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX)
6 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX)
5 Integral equations (45-XX)
4 Measure and integration (28-XX)
4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX)
3 Real functions (26-XX)
3 Potential theory (31-XX)
3 Statistics (62-XX)
3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX)
3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX)
2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX)
2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX)
2 Functional analysis (46-XX)
2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX)
2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX)
1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX)
1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX)
1 Geophysics (86-XX)

Citations by Year