Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Gould, Henry Wadsworth Co-Author Distance Author ID: gould.henry-wadsworth Published as: Gould, H. W.; Gould, Henry W.; Gould, Henry Wadsworth; Gould, Henry; Gould, H. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 160 Publications since 1954, including 1 Book 2 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Reviewing Activity: 4 Reviews Biographic References: 3 Publications Co-Authors: 23 Co-Authors with 44 Joint Publications 1,096 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 119 single-authored 18 Quaintance, Jocelyn 3 Mays, Michael E. 3 Shonhiwa, Temba 2 Carlitz, Leonard 2 Kaucký, Josef 1 Alsardary, Salar Yaseen Taha 1 Brawley, Joel Vincent jun. 1 Brillhart, John 1 Chapman, Thomas Ashland 1 Church, C. A. jun. 1 Cochran, C. N. 1 Fairgrieve, Steve 1 Greig, W. Elliott 1 He, Tian-Xiao 1 Hoggatt, Verner E. jun. 1 Hopper, A. T. 1 Hsu, Leetsch Charles 1 Kerr, W. Y. 1 Kwong, Harris 1 Schlesinger, Paula 1 Squire, William 1 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 1 Wetweerapong, Jeerayut all top 5 Serials 35 The Fibonacci Quarterly 13 American Mathematical Monthly 9 Duke Mathematical Journal 8 Mathematics Magazine 8 Indian Journal of Mathematics 5 Ars Combinatoria 5 Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science 5 Utilitas Mathematica 5 Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition 4 Journal of Integer Sequences 3 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 3 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 3 Mathematica Scandinavica 3 Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications 3 Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 Publikacije Elektrotehničkog Fakulteta. Serija: Matematika 2 Integers 2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory 2 Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Acta Arithmetica 1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 1 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 1 The Mathematics Student 1 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 Bulletin of Number Theory and Related Topics 1 Bulletin of the Allahabad Mathematical Society 1 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iași. Secția I 1 Glasnik Matematički. Serija III 1 Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Derde Serie 1 Congressus Numerantium 1 Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 1 Scripta Mathematica 1 Bulletin de la Société des Mathématiciens et des Physiciens de Macédoine 1 Annals of Mathematical Statistics 1 Scientia Sinica. Mathematica all top 5 Fields 82 Combinatorics (05-XX) 77 Number theory (11-XX) 19 Special functions (33-XX) 6 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 96 Publications have been cited 1,346 times in 1,166 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Combinatorial identities. A standardized set of tables listing 500 binomial coefficient summations. Rev. ed. Zbl 0241.05011 Gould, Henry W. 202 1972 Operational formulas connected with two generalizations of Hermite polynomials. Zbl 0108.06504 Gould, H. W.; Hopper, A. T. 188 1962 Some combinatorial identities of Bruckman - a systematic treatment with relation to the older literature. Zbl 0263.05013 Gould, H. W. 129 1972 The q-Stirling numbers of first and second kinds. Zbl 0201.33601 Gould, H. W. 82 1961 Combinatorial identities for Stirling numbers. The unpublished notes of H. W. Gould. Zbl 1343.11002 Quaintance, Jocelyn 79 2016 Some generalizations of Vandermonde’s convolution. Zbl 0072.00702 Gould, H. W. 64 1956 Explicit formulas for Bernoulli numbers. Zbl 0227.10010 Gould, H. W. 59 1972 Sone new inverse series relations. Zbl 0281.05008 Gould, H. W.; Hsu, L. C. 56 1973 The Girard-Waring power sum formulas for symmetric functions and Fibonacci sequences. Zbl 0944.05007 Gould, Henry W. 43 1999 Coefficient identities for powers of Taylor and Dirichlet series. Zbl 0293.41024 Gould, H. W. 42 1974 Inverse series relations and other expansions involving Humbert polynomials. Zbl 0135.12001 Gould, H. W. 39 1965 A history of the Fibonacci Q-matrix and a higher-dimensional problem. Zbl 0467.10009 Gould, H. W. 29 1981 Euler’s formula for n-t differences of powers. Zbl 0397.10055 Gould, H. W. 24 1978 Final analysis of Vandermonde’s convolution. Zbl 0079.01005 Gould, H. W. 22 1957 The bracket function and Fontené-Ward generalized binomial coefficients with application to Fibonomial coefficients. Zbl 0191.32702 Gould, H. W. 21 1969 A series transformation for finding convolution identities. Zbl 0122.30501 Gould, H. W. 20 1961 Implications of Spivey’s Bell number formula. Zbl 1204.11054 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 17 2008 Stirling number representation problems. Zbl 0100.01704 Gould, H. 15 1960 Research bibliography of two special number sequences. Zbl 0226.10002 14 1971 Characterization of \( (c)\)-Riordan arrays, Gegenbauer-Humbert-type polynomial sequences, and \( (c)\)-Bell polynomials. Zbl 1299.05005 Gould, Henry W.; He, Tianxiao 14 2013 Double fun with double factorials. Zbl 1260.05003 Gould, Henry; Quaintance, Jocelyn 13 2012 Evaluation of a class of binomial coefficient summations. Zbl 0145.01401 Gould, H. W.; Kaucký, Josef 10 1966 Series transformations for finding recurrences for sequences. Zbl 0707.11012 Gould, H. W. 10 1990 A new convolution formula and some new orthogonal relations for inversion of series. Zbl 0122.30502 Gould, H. W. 10 1962 Some combinatorial identities associated with the Vandermonde convolution. Zbl 0880.05008 Gould, H. W.; Srivastava, H. M. 9 1997 Research bibliography of two special number sequences. Rev. ed. Zbl 0327.10001 9 1976 A new symmetrical combinatorial identity. Zbl 0257.05012 Gould, H. W. 9 1972 Evaluation of sums of convolved powers using Stirling and Eulerian numbers. Zbl 0392.05004 Gould, H. W. 8 1978 Generalization of a theorem of Jensen concerning convolutions. Zbl 0101.28702 Gould, H. W. 7 1960 Some combinatorial identities: Comment on a paper of Srivastava. Zbl 0265.05003 Gould, H. W. 6 1973 Binomial coefficients, the bracket function, and compositions with relatively prime summands. Zbl 0129.02903 Gould, H. W. 6 1964 A new series transform with applications to Bessel, Legendre, and Tchebycheff polynomials. Zbl 0137.04003 Gould, H. W. 6 1964 Note on recurrence relations for Stirling numbers. Zbl 0145.01403 Gould, H. W. 6 1966 A linear binomial recurrence and the Bell numbers and polynomials. Zbl 1204.05022 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 6 2007 A catalog of interesting Dirichlet series. Zbl 1143.11005 Gould, H. W.; Shonhiwa, Temba 6 2008 Series expansions of means. Zbl 0582.41026 Gould, H. W.; Mays, M. E. 6 1984 Power product expansions. Zbl 0676.41030 Gingold, H.; Gould, H. W.; Mays, Michael E. 5 1988 Generalization of Hermite’s divisibility theorems and the Mann-Shanks primality criterion for s-Fibonomial arrays. Zbl 0278.10013 Gould, H. W. 5 1974 Two remarkable extensions of the Leibniz differentiation formula. Zbl 0327.26003 Gould, H. W. 5 1972 An identity involving Stirling numbers. Zbl 0132.25104 Gould, H. W. 5 1965 Congruences involving sums of binomial coefficients and a formula of Jensen. Zbl 0114.01105 Gould, H. W. 5 1962 The Lagrange interpolation formula and Stirling numbers. Zbl 0102.04904 Gould, H. W. 5 1960 A new primality criterion of Mann and Shanks and its relation to a theorem of Hermite with extension to Fibonomials. Zbl 0251.10015 Gould, H. W. 4 1972 On the binomial identities of Frisch and Klamkin. Zbl 1348.05028 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 4 2016 A theorem concerning the Bernstein polynomials. Zbl 0088.27301 Gould, H. W. 4 1958 The \(q\)-series generalization of a formula of Sparre Andersen. Zbl 0098.24605 Gould, H. W. 4 1961 Extensions of the Hermite g.c.d. theorems for binomial coefficients. Zbl 0846.11004 Gould, H. W.; Schlesinger, Paula 3 1995 A set of polynomials associated with the higher derivatives of \(y=x^ x\). Zbl 0866.05007 Gould, H. W. 3 1996 The construction of orthogonal and quasi-orthogonal number sets. Zbl 0133.01505 Gould, H. W. 3 1965 Product difference Fibonacci identities of Simson, Gelin-Cesaro, Tagiuri and generalizations. Zbl 1092.11011 Fairgrieve, Steve; Gould, Henry W. 3 2005 The operator \((a^ x\Delta)^ n\) and Stirling numbers of the first kind. Zbl 0132.29101 Gould, H. W. 3 1964 Note on a paper of Klamkin concerning Stirling numbers. Zbl 0146.05007 Gould, H. W. 3 1961 Equal products of generalized binomial coefficients. Zbl 0229.05018 Gould, H. W. 3 1971 On certain sums of Stirling numbers with binomial coefficients. Zbl 1394.11017 Gould, H. W.; Kwong, Harris; Quaintance, Jocelyn 3 2015 Counting chains of subsets. Zbl 0618.05002 Gould, H. W.; Mays, M. E. 3 1987 New inverse series relations for finite and infinite series with applications. Zbl 0576.33002 Gould, H. W. 3 1984 Higher order extensions of Melzak’s formula. Zbl 1122.05004 Gould, H. W. 3 2007 Partial fraction expansions and a question of Bruckman. Zbl 1216.11022 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 2 2009 Note on two binomial coefficient identities of Rosenbaum. Zbl 0179.31802 Gould, H. W. 2 1969 The design of the four binomial identities: Moriarty intervenes. Zbl 0303.05005 Gould, H. W. 2 1974 Generalization of a formula of Touchard for Catalan numbers. Zbl 0401.05013 Gould, H. W. 2 1977 Annihilation coefficients. Zbl 1081.05506 Gould, Henry W. 2 2002 Evaluation of some classes of binomial identities and two new sets of polynomials. Zbl 1034.05002 Gould, H. W.; Wetweerapong, J. 2 1999 Sums and convolved sums of Catalan numbers and their generation functions. Zbl 1068.05007 Gould, H. W. 2 2004 Some relations involving the finite harmonic series. Zbl 0122.24707 Gould, H. W. 2 1961 Lattice point solution of the generalized problem of Terquem and an extension of Fibonacci numbers. Zbl 0161.01202 Church, C. A. jun.; Gould, H. W. 2 1967 The bracket function, \(q\)-binomial coefficients, and some new Stirling number formulas. Zbl 0199.08504 Gould, H. W. 2 1967 The generalized chain rule of differentiation with historical notes. Zbl 1004.26003 Gould, H. W. 2 2002 Bernoulli numbers and a new binomial transform identity. Zbl 1342.11030 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 2 2014 A Lucas triangle primality criterion dual to that of Mann-Shanks. Zbl 0552.10003 Gould, H. W.; Greig, W. E. 2 1985 Note on two binomial coefficient sums found by Riordan. Zbl 0109.24405 Gould, H. W. 2 1963 A binomial identity of Greenwood and Gleason. Zbl 0103.24904 Gould, H. W. 2 1961 Bell numbers and variant sequences derived from a general functional differential equation. Zbl 1234.11027 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 1 2009 A class of binomial sums and a series transform. Zbl 0805.05005 Gould, H. W. 1 1994 Generating functions for products of powers of Fibonacci numbers. Zbl 0147.02106 Gould, H. W. 1 1963 Note on a paper of Paul F. Byrd, and a solution of problem P-3. Zbl 0186.37503 Gould, H. W. 1 1968 A note on the number of linearly inducible orderings of points in d- space. Zbl 0279.05009 Gould, H. W. 1 1974 A rearrangement of series based on a partition of the natural numbers. Zbl 0362.10003 Gould, H. W. 1 1977 A Fibonacci formula of Lucas and its subsequent manifestations and rediscoveries. Zbl 0362.10008 Gould, H. W. 1 1977 Sums of logarithms of binomial coefficients. Zbl 0123.00201 Gould, H. W. 1 1964 Power sum identities for arbitrary symmetric arrays. Zbl 0188.03901 Gould, H. W. 1 1969 Noch einmal die Stirlingschen Zahlen. Bemerkungen zu Noten von Johannes Thomas und F. Klein-Barmen. (Once again Stirling numbers. Remarks to notes of Johannes Thomas and F. Klein-Barmen). Zbl 0221.05015 Gould, H. W. 1 1971 Evaluation of a class of binomial coefficient summations. Errata. Zbl 0231.05018 Gould, H. W.; Kaucký, Josef 1 1972 Functions of gcd’s and lcm’s. Zbl 0894.11001 Gould, H. W.; Shonhiwa, Temba 1 1997 A generalization of Cesàro’s function and other results. Zbl 0905.11003 Shonhiwa, Temba; Gould, H. W. 1 1997 Catalan numbers and the protean nature of binomial coefficient notation. Zbl 1314.05011 Gould, H. W. 1 2014 Special function inverse series pairs. Zbl 1203.33005 Alsardary, Salar Yaseen; Gould, Henry Wadsworth 1 2010 A note on combinatorial identities arising from the Lagrange-Waring interpolation formula. Zbl 1224.05034 Gould, H. W. 1 2008 Generalizations of Vosmansky’s identity. Zbl 1222.05007 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 1 2010 Remark on MacMahon’s identity for sums of cubes of binomial coefficients. Zbl 1221.05025 Carlitz, Leonard; Gould, Henry Wadsworth 1 2007 Operators, inverse series relations and other expansions connected with generalized Gould-Hopper polynomials. Zbl 1196.33008 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 1 2009 Curious special function identities. Zbl 1274.05027 Gould, H. W. 1 2007 The \(g\)-inverse and reverse-converse series inverse. Zbl 0587.05002 Gould, H. W. 1 1986 Note on a paper of Sparre Andersen. Zbl 0086.01204 Gould, H. W. 1 1958 Maclaurin’s second formula and its generalization. Zbl 0116.09203 Gould, H. W.; Squire, W. 1 1963 Some curious limits involving definite integrals. Zbl 0108.27004 Gould, H. W.; Chapman, T. A. 1 1962 Combinatorial identities for Stirling numbers. The unpublished notes of H. W. Gould. Zbl 1343.11002 Quaintance, Jocelyn 79 2016 On the binomial identities of Frisch and Klamkin. Zbl 1348.05028 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 4 2016 On certain sums of Stirling numbers with binomial coefficients. Zbl 1394.11017 Gould, H. W.; Kwong, Harris; Quaintance, Jocelyn 3 2015 Bernoulli numbers and a new binomial transform identity. Zbl 1342.11030 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 2 2014 Catalan numbers and the protean nature of binomial coefficient notation. Zbl 1314.05011 Gould, H. W. 1 2014 Characterization of \( (c)\)-Riordan arrays, Gegenbauer-Humbert-type polynomial sequences, and \( (c)\)-Bell polynomials. Zbl 1299.05005 Gould, Henry W.; He, Tianxiao 14 2013 Double fun with double factorials. Zbl 1260.05003 Gould, Henry; Quaintance, Jocelyn 13 2012 Special function inverse series pairs. Zbl 1203.33005 Alsardary, Salar Yaseen; Gould, Henry Wadsworth 1 2010 Generalizations of Vosmansky’s identity. Zbl 1222.05007 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 1 2010 Partial fraction expansions and a question of Bruckman. Zbl 1216.11022 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 2 2009 Bell numbers and variant sequences derived from a general functional differential equation. Zbl 1234.11027 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 1 2009 Operators, inverse series relations and other expansions connected with generalized Gould-Hopper polynomials. Zbl 1196.33008 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 1 2009 Implications of Spivey’s Bell number formula. Zbl 1204.11054 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 17 2008 A catalog of interesting Dirichlet series. Zbl 1143.11005 Gould, H. W.; Shonhiwa, Temba 6 2008 A note on combinatorial identities arising from the Lagrange-Waring interpolation formula. Zbl 1224.05034 Gould, H. W. 1 2008 A linear binomial recurrence and the Bell numbers and polynomials. Zbl 1204.05022 Gould, H. W.; Quaintance, Jocelyn 6 2007 Higher order extensions of Melzak’s formula. Zbl 1122.05004 Gould, H. W. 3 2007 Remark on MacMahon’s identity for sums of cubes of binomial coefficients. Zbl 1221.05025 Carlitz, Leonard; Gould, Henry Wadsworth 1 2007 Curious special function identities. Zbl 1274.05027 Gould, H. W. 1 2007 Product difference Fibonacci identities of Simson, Gelin-Cesaro, Tagiuri and generalizations. Zbl 1092.11011 Fairgrieve, Steve; Gould, Henry W. 3 2005 Sums and convolved sums of Catalan numbers and their generation functions. Zbl 1068.05007 Gould, H. W. 2 2004 Annihilation coefficients. Zbl 1081.05506 Gould, Henry W. 2 2002 The generalized chain rule of differentiation with historical notes. Zbl 1004.26003 Gould, H. W. 2 2002 The Girard-Waring power sum formulas for symmetric functions and Fibonacci sequences. Zbl 0944.05007 Gould, Henry W. 43 1999 Evaluation of some classes of binomial identities and two new sets of polynomials. Zbl 1034.05002 Gould, H. W.; Wetweerapong, J. 2 1999 Some combinatorial identities associated with the Vandermonde convolution. Zbl 0880.05008 Gould, H. W.; Srivastava, H. M. 9 1997 Functions of gcd’s and lcm’s. Zbl 0894.11001 Gould, H. W.; Shonhiwa, Temba 1 1997 A generalization of Cesàro’s function and other results. Zbl 0905.11003 Shonhiwa, Temba; Gould, H. W. 1 1997 A set of polynomials associated with the higher derivatives of \(y=x^ x\). Zbl 0866.05007 Gould, H. W. 3 1996 Extensions of the Hermite g.c.d. theorems for binomial coefficients. Zbl 0846.11004 Gould, H. W.; Schlesinger, Paula 3 1995 A class of binomial sums and a series transform. Zbl 0805.05005 Gould, H. W. 1 1994 Series transformations for finding recurrences for sequences. Zbl 0707.11012 Gould, H. W. 10 1990 Power product expansions. Zbl 0676.41030 Gingold, H.; Gould, H. W.; Mays, Michael E. 5 1988 Counting chains of subsets. Zbl 0618.05002 Gould, H. W.; Mays, M. E. 3 1987 The \(g\)-inverse and reverse-converse series inverse. Zbl 0587.05002 Gould, H. W. 1 1986 A Lucas triangle primality criterion dual to that of Mann-Shanks. Zbl 0552.10003 Gould, H. W.; Greig, W. E. 2 1985 Series expansions of means. Zbl 0582.41026 Gould, H. W.; Mays, M. E. 6 1984 New inverse series relations for finite and infinite series with applications. Zbl 0576.33002 Gould, H. W. 3 1984 A history of the Fibonacci Q-matrix and a higher-dimensional problem. Zbl 0467.10009 Gould, H. W. 29 1981 Euler’s formula for n-t differences of powers. Zbl 0397.10055 Gould, H. W. 24 1978 Evaluation of sums of convolved powers using Stirling and Eulerian numbers. Zbl 0392.05004 Gould, H. W. 8 1978 Generalization of a formula of Touchard for Catalan numbers. Zbl 0401.05013 Gould, H. W. 2 1977 A rearrangement of series based on a partition of the natural numbers. Zbl 0362.10003 Gould, H. W. 1 1977 A Fibonacci formula of Lucas and its subsequent manifestations and rediscoveries. Zbl 0362.10008 Gould, H. W. 1 1977 Research bibliography of two special number sequences. Rev. ed. Zbl 0327.10001 9 1976 Coefficient identities for powers of Taylor and Dirichlet series. Zbl 0293.41024 Gould, H. W. 42 1974 Generalization of Hermite’s divisibility theorems and the Mann-Shanks primality criterion for s-Fibonomial arrays. Zbl 0278.10013 Gould, H. W. 5 1974 The design of the four binomial identities: Moriarty intervenes. Zbl 0303.05005 Gould, H. W. 2 1974 A note on the number of linearly inducible orderings of points in d- space. Zbl 0279.05009 Gould, H. W. 1 1974 Sone new inverse series relations. Zbl 0281.05008 Gould, H. W.; Hsu, L. C. 56 1973 Some combinatorial identities: Comment on a paper of Srivastava. Zbl 0265.05003 Gould, H. W. 6 1973 Combinatorial identities. A standardized set of tables listing 500 binomial coefficient summations. Rev. ed. Zbl 0241.05011 Gould, Henry W. 202 1972 Some combinatorial identities of Bruckman - a systematic treatment with relation to the older literature. Zbl 0263.05013 Gould, H. W. 129 1972 Explicit formulas for Bernoulli numbers. Zbl 0227.10010 Gould, H. W. 59 1972 A new symmetrical combinatorial identity. Zbl 0257.05012 Gould, H. W. 9 1972 Two remarkable extensions of the Leibniz differentiation formula. Zbl 0327.26003 Gould, H. W. 5 1972 A new primality criterion of Mann and Shanks and its relation to a theorem of Hermite with extension to Fibonomials. Zbl 0251.10015 Gould, H. W. 4 1972 Evaluation of a class of binomial coefficient summations. Errata. Zbl 0231.05018 Gould, H. W.; Kaucký, Josef 1 1972 Research bibliography of two special number sequences. Zbl 0226.10002 14 1971 Equal products of generalized binomial coefficients. Zbl 0229.05018 Gould, H. W. 3 1971 Noch einmal die Stirlingschen Zahlen. Bemerkungen zu Noten von Johannes Thomas und F. Klein-Barmen. (Once again Stirling numbers. Remarks to notes of Johannes Thomas and F. Klein-Barmen). Zbl 0221.05015 Gould, H. W. 1 1971 The bracket function and Fontené-Ward generalized binomial coefficients with application to Fibonomial coefficients. Zbl 0191.32702 Gould, H. W. 21 1969 Note on two binomial coefficient identities of Rosenbaum. Zbl 0179.31802 Gould, H. W. 2 1969 Power sum identities for arbitrary symmetric arrays. Zbl 0188.03901 Gould, H. W. 1 1969 Note on a paper of Paul F. Byrd, and a solution of problem P-3. Zbl 0186.37503 Gould, H. W. 1 1968 Lattice point solution of the generalized problem of Terquem and an extension of Fibonacci numbers. Zbl 0161.01202 Church, C. A. jun.; Gould, H. W. 2 1967 The bracket function, \(q\)-binomial coefficients, and some new Stirling number formulas. Zbl 0199.08504 Gould, H. W. 2 1967 Evaluation of a class of binomial coefficient summations. Zbl 0145.01401 Gould, H. W.; Kaucký, Josef 10 1966 Note on recurrence relations for Stirling numbers. Zbl 0145.01403 Gould, H. W. 6 1966 Inverse series relations and other expansions involving Humbert polynomials. Zbl 0135.12001 Gould, H. W. 39 1965 An identity involving Stirling numbers. Zbl 0132.25104 Gould, H. W. 5 1965 The construction of orthogonal and quasi-orthogonal number sets. Zbl 0133.01505 Gould, H. W. 3 1965 Binomial coefficients, the bracket function, and compositions with relatively prime summands. Zbl 0129.02903 Gould, H. W. 6 1964 A new series transform with applications to Bessel, Legendre, and Tchebycheff polynomials. Zbl 0137.04003 Gould, H. W. 6 1964 The operator \((a^ x\Delta)^ n\) and Stirling numbers of the first kind. Zbl 0132.29101 Gould, H. W. 3 1964 Sums of logarithms of binomial coefficients. Zbl 0123.00201 Gould, H. W. 1 1964 Note on two binomial coefficient sums found by Riordan. Zbl 0109.24405 Gould, H. W. 2 1963 Generating functions for products of powers of Fibonacci numbers. Zbl 0147.02106 Gould, H. W. 1 1963 Maclaurin’s second formula and its generalization. Zbl 0116.09203 Gould, H. W.; Squire, W. 1 1963 Operational formulas connected with two generalizations of Hermite polynomials. Zbl 0108.06504 Gould, H. W.; Hopper, A. T. 188 1962 A new convolution formula and some new orthogonal relations for inversion of series. Zbl 0122.30502 Gould, H. W. 10 1962 Congruences involving sums of binomial coefficients and a formula of Jensen. Zbl 0114.01105 Gould, H. W. 5 1962 Some curious limits involving definite integrals. Zbl 0108.27004 Gould, H. W.; Chapman, T. A. 1 1962 The q-Stirling numbers of first and second kinds. Zbl 0201.33601 Gould, H. W. 82 1961 A series transformation for finding convolution identities. Zbl 0122.30501 Gould, H. W. 20 1961 The \(q\)-series generalization of a formula of Sparre Andersen. Zbl 0098.24605 Gould, H. W. 4 1961 Note on a paper of Klamkin concerning Stirling numbers. Zbl 0146.05007 Gould, H. W. 3 1961 Some relations involving the finite harmonic series. Zbl 0122.24707 Gould, H. W. 2 1961 A binomial identity of Greenwood and Gleason. Zbl 0103.24904 Gould, H. W. 2 1961 Stirling number representation problems. Zbl 0100.01704 Gould, H. 15 1960 Generalization of a theorem of Jensen concerning convolutions. Zbl 0101.28702 Gould, H. W. 7 1960 The Lagrange interpolation formula and Stirling numbers. Zbl 0102.04904 Gould, H. W. 5 1960 A theorem concerning the Bernstein polynomials. Zbl 0088.27301 Gould, H. W. 4 1958 Note on a paper of Sparre Andersen. Zbl 0086.01204 Gould, H. W. 1 1958 Final analysis of Vandermonde’s convolution. Zbl 0079.01005 Gould, H. W. 22 1957 Some generalizations of Vandermonde’s convolution. Zbl 0072.00702 Gould, H. W. 64 1956 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,222 Authors 55 Chu, Wenchang 37 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 22 Sun, Zhi-Wei 20 Khan, Subuhi 20 Simsek, Yilmaz 17 Dilcher, Karl 17 He, Tian-Xiao 16 Hsu, Leetsch Charles 15 Shiue, Peter Jau-Shyong 14 Ricci, Paolo Emilio 14 Yasmin, Ghazala 13 Kim, Taekyun 12 Mao, Guo-Shuai 11 Kim, Dae San 10 Gould, Henry Wadsworth 10 Kilic, Emrah 10 Rașa, Ioan 10 Sun, Zhihong 9 Cesarano, Clemente 9 Charalambides, Charalambos A. 9 Dattoli, Giuseppe 8 Ben Cheikh, Youssèf 8 Chen, Xiaojing 8 Li, Nadia Na 8 Prodinger, Helmut 8 Raza, Nusrat 8 Wang, Weiping 8 Zeng, Jiang 7 Ben Romdhane, Neila 7 Chaggara, Hamza 7 Kucukoglu, Irem 6 Acu, Ana Maria 6 Guo, Victor J. W. 6 Lamiri, Imed 6 Luo, Qiuming 6 Ma, Xinrong 6 Mansour, Toufik 6 Merlini, Donatella 6 Pita-Ruiz, Claudio 6 Qi, Feng 6 Ramírez, José Luis 6 Sprugnoli, Renzo 6 Srivastava, Rekha 6 Todorov, Pavel Georgiev 6 Zhukovsky, K. V. 5 Bencherif, Farid 5 Boyadzhiev, Khristo N. 5 Chatterjea, Santi Kumar 5 Chen, Chaoping 5 Choi, Junesang 5 Dalfó, Cristina 5 Falcon, Sergio 5 Fiol, Miquel Angel 5 Gessel, Ira Martin 5 Komatsu, Takao 5 Krattenthaler, Christian Friedrich 5 Mangontarum, Mahid M. 5 Plaza, Ángel 5 Proietti, Tommaso 5 Riyasat, Mumtaz 5 Sagan, Bruce Eli 5 Shapiro, Louis W. 5 Soykan, Yüksel 5 Wang, Chen 5 Zhang, Zhizheng 4 Agoh, Takashi 4 Aktaş, Rabia 4 Al-Gonah, Ahmed Ali 4 Alzer, Horst 4 Araci, Serkan 4 Belbachir, Hacene 4 Bhatnagar, Gaurav 4 El-Desouky, Beih S. 4 Gerhold, Stefan 4 Gingold, Harry 4 Heilmann, Margareta 4 Ịçöz, Gürhan 4 Islahi, Hibah 4 Khan, Nabiullah U. 4 Khan, Waseem Ahmad 4 Koparal, Sibel 4 Lettington, Matthew C. 4 Milne, Stephen C. 4 Omur, Nese 4 Ouni, Abdelwaheb 4 Ozarslan, Mehmet Ali 4 Pathan, Mahmood Ahmad 4 Quaintance, Jocelyn 4 Remmel, Jeffrey Brian 4 Simion, Rodica E. 4 Sun, Yidong 4 Trojovský, Pavel 4 Usman, Talha 4 Wani, Shahid Ahmad 4 White, Dennis E. 4 Xu, Aimin 3 Abel, Ulrich 3 Agarwal, Praveen 3 Ahmad, Naeem 3 Ali, Mahvish ...and 1,122 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 328 Serials 81 Discrete Mathematics 59 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 34 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 29 Journal of Integer Sequences 28 Applied Mathematics and Computation 28 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 28 The Ramanujan Journal 27 Integers 23 Journal of Number Theory 22 Linear Algebra and its Applications 21 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 19 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 16 Advances in Applied Mathematics 16 International Journal of Number Theory 15 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 15 European Journal of Combinatorics 14 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 13 Advances in Difference Equations 11 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 11 Discrete Applied Mathematics 11 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 9 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 9 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 9 Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 8 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 8 Results in Mathematics 8 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 7 Journal of Mathematical Physics 7 Advances in Mathematics 7 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 7 Applied Mathematics Letters 7 Aequationes Mathematicae 7 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 7 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 6 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 6 Journal of Approximation Theory 6 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 6 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 6 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 6 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 5 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 5 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 5 Mathematical Notes 5 Mathematics of Computation 5 Graphs and Combinatorics 5 Numerical Algorithms 5 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 5 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 5 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 5 International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 4 Israel Journal of Mathematics 4 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 4 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 4 Quaestiones Mathematicae 4 Studies in Applied Mathematics 4 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 4 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 4 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 4 Filomat 4 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography 4 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 4 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 4 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 4 Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 4 Electronic Research Archive 3 American Mathematical Monthly 3 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Communications in Algebra 3 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 3 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 3 Archiv der Mathematik 3 Compositio Mathematica 3 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 3 Journal of Algebra 3 Mathematica Slovaca 3 Monatshefte für Mathematik 3 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 3 Numerische Mathematik 3 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 3 Journal of Symbolic Computation 3 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 3 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 Annals of Combinatorics 3 Analysis (München) 3 The College Mathematics Journal 3 Science China. Mathematics 3 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 3 Afrika Matematika 3 Communications in Mathematics 3 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 3 Research in Number Theory 3 Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications 2 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 2 The Mathematical Gazette 2 Matimyás Matematika 2 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 2 Physica A 2 Physics Letters. A ...and 228 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 57 Fields 552 Combinatorics (05-XX) 526 Number theory (11-XX) 320 Special functions (33-XX) 69 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 61 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 55 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 50 Statistics (62-XX) 46 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 44 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 39 Real functions (26-XX) 39 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 30 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 30 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 27 Computer science (68-XX) 26 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 24 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 24 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 20 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 15 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 13 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 13 Quantum theory (81-XX) 11 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 10 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 9 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 8 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 7 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 7 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 7 Operator theory (47-XX) 7 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 7 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 6 Geometry (51-XX) 6 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 6 Mathematics education (97-XX) 5 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 5 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 5 Integral equations (45-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 3 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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