Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Gowda, Muddappa Seetharama Co-Author Distance Author ID: gowda.muddappa-seetharama Published as: Gowda, M. Seetharama; Gowda, M. S.; Gowda, Muddappa Seetharama; Gowda, Seetharama M.; Seetharama Gowda, M.; Gowda, Muddappa S. more...less Homepage: http://www.math.umbc.edu/~gowda/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata Documents Indexed: 102 Publications since 1977, including 3 Additional arXiv Preprints 3 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 29 Co-Authors with 75 Joint Publications 924 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 29 single-authored 21 Sznajder, Roman 18 Tao, Jiyuan 9 Jeong, Juyoung 9 Ravindran, Gomatam 6 Song, Yoon Jung 5 Pang, Jong-Shi 4 Moldovan, Melania M. 3 Parthasarathy, Thiruvenkatachari 2 Seidman, Thomas I. 2 Sivakumar, Koratti Chengalrayan 2 Tawhid, Mohamed Aly 2 Xiu, Naihua 1 Chi, Xiaoni 1 Hager, William W. 1 Isac, George 1 Jones, Cristen 1 Joshi, Babhru 1 Kong, Lingchen 1 Krishnamurthy, Nagarajan 1 Luo, ZiYan 1 Mohan, Usha 1 Murthy, G. Sri Rama Chandra 1 Németh, Sándor Zoltán 1 Orlitzky, Michael J. 1 Qi, Liqun 1 Sossa, David 1 Sun, Jie 1 Teboulle, Marc 1 Trott, David W. 1 Zhou, Yihui all top 5 Serials 26 Linear Algebra and its Applications 10 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 9 Mathematics of Operations Research 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 4 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 4 SIAM Journal on Optimization 3 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 3 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 3 Journal of Global Optimization 3 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 3 Pacific Journal of Optimization 2 Annals of Operations Research 2 Computational Optimization and Applications 2 Optimization Methods & Software 2 Positivity 2 International Game Theory Review 2 Optimization Letters 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 International Journal of Game Theory 1 Journal of the Faculty of Science. Section I A 1 Mathematica Scandinavica 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Complex Variables. Theory and Application 1 Applied Mathematics Letters all top 5 Fields 71 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 36 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 36 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 16 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 10 Functional analysis (46-XX) 9 Operator theory (47-XX) 7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 7 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 92 Publications have been cited 1,524 times in 779 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Some P-properties for linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1072.15002 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman; Tao, J. 156 2004 Generalizations of \(\mathbf P_ 0\)- and \(\mathbf P\)-properties; extended vertical and horizontal linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0835.90104 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama 65 1995 Automorphism invariance of P- and GUS-properties of linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1168.90620 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman 57 2006 Some global uniqueness and solvability results for linear complementarity problems over symmetric cones. Zbl 1153.90019 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, R. 49 2007 The generalized order linear complementarity problem. Zbl 0831.90112 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman 48 1994 Z-transformations on proper and symmetric cones. Zbl 1167.90022 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan 48 2009 On semidefinite linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0987.90082 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Song, Yoon 45 2000 Polynomial complementarity problems. Zbl 1384.90105 Gowda, M. Seetharama 41 2017 Regularization of \(P_{0}\)-functions in box variational inequality problems. Zbl 1010.90083 Ravindran, G.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 37 2000 A comparison of constraint qualifications in infinite-dimensional convex programming. Zbl 0713.49042 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Teboulle, Marc 36 1990 Some \(p\)-properties for nonlinear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1278.90408 Tao, Jiyuan; Gowda, M. Seetharama 35 2005 Stability in the presence of degeneracy and error estimation. Zbl 0956.90049 Hager, William W.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 33 1999 Stability analysis of variational inequalities and nonlinear complementarity problems, via the mixed linear complementarity problem and degree theory. Zbl 0821.90114 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Pang, Jong-Shi 31 1994 On the boundedness and stability of solutions to the affine variational inequality problem. Zbl 0800.93967 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Pang, Jong-Shi 29 1994 Complementarity forms of theorems of Lyapunov and Stein, and related results. Zbl 0965.15019 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Parthasarathy, T. 28 2000 Some inertia theorems in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1168.15003 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan; Moldovan, Melania 28 2009 Inverse and implicit function theorems for \(H\)-differentiable and semismooth functions. Zbl 1099.49018 Gowda, M. Seetharama 26 2004 On the continuity of the solution map in linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0779.90074 Gowda, M. Seetharama 25 1992 On the finiteness of the cone spectrum of certain linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1168.90013 Zhou, Yihui; Gowda, M. Seetharama 24 2009 Operators of class \((S)_ +^ 1\), Altman’s condition and the complementarity problem. Zbl 0804.47037 Isac, G.; Gowda, M. S. 23 1993 Pseudomonotone and copositive star matrices. Zbl 0661.15018 Gowda, M. Seetharama 22 1989 The Cauchy interlacing theorem in simple Euclidean Jordan algebras and some consequences. Zbl 1259.17024 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, J. 22 2011 Reducing a monotone horizontal LCP to an LCP. Zbl 0813.65092 Gowda, M. S. 21 1995 On the extended linear complementarity problem. Zbl 0853.90109 Gowda, M. Seetharama 21 1996 Weak univalence and connectedness of inverse images of continuous functions. Zbl 0977.90060 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman 21 1999 Existence and limiting behavior of trajectories associated with \({\mathbf P}_0\)-equations. Zbl 1040.90563 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tawhid, M. A. 20 1999 A generalization of the Nash equilibrium theorem on bimatrix games. Zbl 0855.90144 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman 20 1996 On some interconnections between strict monotonicity, globally uniquely solvable, and \(P\) properties in semidefinite linear complementarity problems. Zbl 1129.90359 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Song, Yoon; Ravindran, G. 20 2003 Some new results for the semidefinite linear complementarity problem. Zbl 1028.90071 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Song, Y. 20 2002 Applications of degree theory to linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0803.90118 Gowda, M. Seetharama 19 1993 Spectral sets and functions on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1401.52018 Jeong, Juyoung; Gowda, M. Seetharama 19 2017 Algebraic univalence theorems for nonsmooth functions. Zbl 0993.49017 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Ravindran, G. 17 2000 On characterizations of \(\mathbf P\)- and \(\mathbf P_ 0\)-properties in nonsmooth functions. Zbl 1073.90570 Song, Yoon; Gowda, M. Seetharama; Ravindran, G. 17 2000 Weakly homogeneous variational inequalities and solvability of nonlinear equations over cones. Zbl 1418.90261 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sossa, David 17 2019 The automorphism group of a completely positive cone and its Lie algebra. Zbl 1286.22007 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman; Tao, Jiyuan 16 2013 On the bilinearity rank of a proper cone and Lyapunov-like transformations. Zbl 1302.90224 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan 15 2014 Generalized linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0708.90089 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Seidman, Thomas I. 14 1990 Affine pseudomonotone mappings and the linear complementarity problem. Zbl 0719.90083 Gowda, M. Seetharama 14 1990 Some existence results for multivalued complementarity problems. Zbl 0777.90069 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Pang, Jong-Shi 14 1992 On the irreducibility, Lyapunov rank, and automorphisms of special Bishop-Phelps cones. Zbl 1303.90107 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Trott, D. 14 2014 On solution stability of the linear complementarity problem. Zbl 0773.90078 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Pang, Jong-Shi 13 1992 An analysis of zero set and global error bound properties of a piecewise affine function via its recession function. Zbl 0853.90110 Gowda, M. Seetharama 13 1996 Complementarity problems over locally compact cones. Zbl 0679.90082 Gowda, M. Seetharama 13 1989 On the Lipschitzian properties of polyhedral multifunctions. Zbl 0854.49010 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman 13 1996 The weighted horizontal linear complementarity problem on a Euclidean Jordan algebra. Zbl 1425.90118 Chi, Xiaoni; Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan 13 2019 Schur complements, Schur determinantal and Haynsworth inertia formulas in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1264.15014 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman 12 2010 On the \(\mathbf P\)-property of \(\mathbf Z\) and Lyapunov-like transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1263.90100 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan; Ravindran, G. 12 2012 Positive and doubly stochastic maps, and majorization in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1398.15042 Gowda, M. Seetharama 12 2017 On Q-matrices. Zbl 0719.90084 Gowda, M. Seetharama 11 1990 Some inequalities involving determinants, eigenvalues, and Schur complements in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1236.15047 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan 11 2011 On some properties of \(\mathbf P\)-matrix sets. Zbl 0949.15027 Song, Yoon; Gowda, M. Seetharama; Ravindran, G. 11 1999 Commutation principles in Euclidean Jordan algebras and normal decomposition systems. Zbl 1425.17045 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Jeong, Juyoung 11 2017 On common linear/quadratic Lyapunov functions for switched linear systems. Zbl 1184.49029 Moldovan, Melania M.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 10 2010 On two applications of \(H\)-differentiability to optimization and complementarity problems. Zbl 1168.49304 Tawhid, M. A.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 9 2000 Strict diagonal dominance and a Geršgorin type theorem in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1168.15016 Moldovan, Melania M.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 9 2009 On the game-theoretic value of a linear transformation relative to a self-dual cone. Zbl 1309.91008 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Ravindran, G. 9 2015 The basic theorem of complementarity revisited. Zbl 0778.90074 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Pang, Jong-Shi 8 1993 Complementarity properties of Peirce-diagonalizable linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1336.17019 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, J.; Sznajder, Roman 8 2012 On the connectedness of solution sets in linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0894.90144 Jones, Cristen; Gowda, M. Seetharama 8 1998 Nonfactorization theorems in weighted Bergman and Hardy spaces on the unit ball of \(C_ n\) (\(n>1\)). Zbl 0526.32005 Gowda, Seetharama M. 7 1983 More results on Schur complements in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1275.90108 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama; Moldovan, Melania M. 7 2012 Spectral cones in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1405.17058 Jeong, Juyoung; Gowda, M. Seetharama 7 2016 An improved bound for the Lyapunov rank of a proper cone. Zbl 1332.90309 Orlitzky, Michael; Gowda, M. Seetharama 7 2016 Positive and completely positive cones and \(\mathbf Z\)-transformations. Zbl 1302.15043 Gowda, M. Seetharama 6 2012 Weighted LCPs and interior point systems for copositive linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1440.90080 Gowda, M. Seetharama 6 2019 A Hölder type inequality and an interpolation theorem in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1464.17033 Gowda, M. Seetharama 5 2019 Completely mixed linear games on a self-dual cone. Zbl 1334.91003 Gowda, M. Seetharama 5 2016 A representation theorem for Lyapunov-like transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1284.90088 Tao, Jiyuan; Gowda, M. Seetharama 4 2013 The cone of \(\mathcal{Z}\)-transformations on the Lorentz cone. Zbl 1431.90158 Nemeth, Sandor Zoltan; Gowda, Muddappa S. 4 2019 The \(\mathbf Q\)-property of composite transformations and the \(\mathbf P\)-property of Stein-type transformations on self-dual and symmetric cones. Zbl 1102.90066 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama 3 2006 Some majorization inequalities induced by Schur products in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1472.17094 Gowda, M. Seetharama 3 2020 Commutation principles for optimization problems on spectral sets in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1492.90197 Gowda, M. Seetharama 3 2022 Commutativity, majorization, and reduction in Fan-Theobald-von Neumann systems. Zbl 1528.17023 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Jeong, Juyoung 3 2023 Miminizing quadratic functionals over closed convex cones. Zbl 0658.90072 Gowda, M. Seetharama 2 1989 Norm dependence of the coefficient map on the window size. Zbl 0821.30020 Seidman, Thomas I.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 2 1993 On the limiting behavir of the trajectory of regularized solutions of a \(P_0\)-complementarity problem. Zbl 0968.90064 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama 2 1999 On the inheritance of some complementarity properties by Schur complements. Zbl 1322.90102 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan 2 2014 Minimum eigenvalue inequalities for \(Z\)-transformations on proper and symmetric cones. Zbl 1266.15031 Tao, J.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 2 2013 Nondegeneracy concepts for zeros of piecewise smooth functions. Zbl 0977.90067 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama 2 1998 On the pseudo-Lipschitzian behavior of the inverse of a piecewise affine function. Zbl 0886.90155 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman 2 1997 Some characterizations of cone preserving \(Z\)-transformations. Zbl 1444.47077 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Song, Yoon J.; Sivakumar, K. C. 2 2020 On the transpose of a pseudomonotone matrix and the LCP. Zbl 0734.90099 Gowda, M. Seetharama 1 1990 On the Lipschitz continuity of the solution map in some generalized linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0906.90165 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama 1 1997 Preface to the special issue on GTORA 2012. Zbl 1298.00289 1 2013 On the connectedness of solution sets of parameterized equations and of solution sets in linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0983.90064 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Murthy, G. S. R.; Parthasarathy, T. 1 2001 On the uniform nonsingularity property for linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1259.90146 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan 1 2012 A Riesz-Thorin type interpolation theorem in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1477.17095 Seetharama Gowda, M.; Sznajder, Roman 1 2020 A characterization of positive-semidefinite operators on a Hilbert space. Zbl 0563.47016 Gowda, M. S. 1 1986 Cone characterizations of positive semidefinite operators on a Hilbert space. Zbl 0568.46017 Gowda, M. Seetharama 1 1985 Simultaneous spectral decomposition in Euclidean Jordan algebras and related systems. Zbl 1521.17091 Gowda, M. Seetharama 1 2022 On the connectedness of spectral sets and irreducibility of spectral cones in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1447.54018 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Jeong, Juyoung 1 2018 Some log and weak majorization inequalities in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1511.15015 Tao, J.; Jeong, J.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 1 2022 Commutativity, majorization, and reduction in Fan-Theobald-von Neumann systems. Zbl 1528.17023 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Jeong, Juyoung 3 2023 Commutation principles for optimization problems on spectral sets in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1492.90197 Gowda, M. Seetharama 3 2022 Simultaneous spectral decomposition in Euclidean Jordan algebras and related systems. Zbl 1521.17091 Gowda, M. Seetharama 1 2022 Some log and weak majorization inequalities in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1511.15015 Tao, J.; Jeong, J.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 1 2022 Some majorization inequalities induced by Schur products in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1472.17094 Gowda, M. Seetharama 3 2020 Some characterizations of cone preserving \(Z\)-transformations. Zbl 1444.47077 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Song, Yoon J.; Sivakumar, K. C. 2 2020 A Riesz-Thorin type interpolation theorem in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1477.17095 Seetharama Gowda, M.; Sznajder, Roman 1 2020 Weakly homogeneous variational inequalities and solvability of nonlinear equations over cones. Zbl 1418.90261 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sossa, David 17 2019 The weighted horizontal linear complementarity problem on a Euclidean Jordan algebra. Zbl 1425.90118 Chi, Xiaoni; Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan 13 2019 Weighted LCPs and interior point systems for copositive linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1440.90080 Gowda, M. Seetharama 6 2019 A Hölder type inequality and an interpolation theorem in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1464.17033 Gowda, M. Seetharama 5 2019 The cone of \(\mathcal{Z}\)-transformations on the Lorentz cone. Zbl 1431.90158 Nemeth, Sandor Zoltan; Gowda, Muddappa S. 4 2019 On the connectedness of spectral sets and irreducibility of spectral cones in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1447.54018 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Jeong, Juyoung 1 2018 Polynomial complementarity problems. Zbl 1384.90105 Gowda, M. Seetharama 41 2017 Spectral sets and functions on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1401.52018 Jeong, Juyoung; Gowda, M. Seetharama 19 2017 Positive and doubly stochastic maps, and majorization in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1398.15042 Gowda, M. Seetharama 12 2017 Commutation principles in Euclidean Jordan algebras and normal decomposition systems. Zbl 1425.17045 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Jeong, Juyoung 11 2017 Spectral cones in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1405.17058 Jeong, Juyoung; Gowda, M. Seetharama 7 2016 An improved bound for the Lyapunov rank of a proper cone. Zbl 1332.90309 Orlitzky, Michael; Gowda, M. Seetharama 7 2016 Completely mixed linear games on a self-dual cone. Zbl 1334.91003 Gowda, M. Seetharama 5 2016 On the game-theoretic value of a linear transformation relative to a self-dual cone. Zbl 1309.91008 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Ravindran, G. 9 2015 On the bilinearity rank of a proper cone and Lyapunov-like transformations. Zbl 1302.90224 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan 15 2014 On the irreducibility, Lyapunov rank, and automorphisms of special Bishop-Phelps cones. Zbl 1303.90107 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Trott, D. 14 2014 On the inheritance of some complementarity properties by Schur complements. Zbl 1322.90102 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan 2 2014 The automorphism group of a completely positive cone and its Lie algebra. Zbl 1286.22007 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman; Tao, Jiyuan 16 2013 A representation theorem for Lyapunov-like transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1284.90088 Tao, Jiyuan; Gowda, M. Seetharama 4 2013 Minimum eigenvalue inequalities for \(Z\)-transformations on proper and symmetric cones. Zbl 1266.15031 Tao, J.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 2 2013 Preface to the special issue on GTORA 2012. Zbl 1298.00289 1 2013 On the \(\mathbf P\)-property of \(\mathbf Z\) and Lyapunov-like transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1263.90100 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan; Ravindran, G. 12 2012 Complementarity properties of Peirce-diagonalizable linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1336.17019 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, J.; Sznajder, Roman 8 2012 More results on Schur complements in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1275.90108 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama; Moldovan, Melania M. 7 2012 Positive and completely positive cones and \(\mathbf Z\)-transformations. Zbl 1302.15043 Gowda, M. Seetharama 6 2012 On the uniform nonsingularity property for linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1259.90146 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan 1 2012 The Cauchy interlacing theorem in simple Euclidean Jordan algebras and some consequences. Zbl 1259.17024 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, J. 22 2011 Some inequalities involving determinants, eigenvalues, and Schur complements in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1236.15047 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan 11 2011 Schur complements, Schur determinantal and Haynsworth inertia formulas in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1264.15014 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman 12 2010 On common linear/quadratic Lyapunov functions for switched linear systems. Zbl 1184.49029 Moldovan, Melania M.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 10 2010 Z-transformations on proper and symmetric cones. Zbl 1167.90022 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan 48 2009 Some inertia theorems in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1168.15003 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tao, Jiyuan; Moldovan, Melania 28 2009 On the finiteness of the cone spectrum of certain linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1168.90013 Zhou, Yihui; Gowda, M. Seetharama 24 2009 Strict diagonal dominance and a Geršgorin type theorem in Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1168.15016 Moldovan, Melania M.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 9 2009 Some global uniqueness and solvability results for linear complementarity problems over symmetric cones. Zbl 1153.90019 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, R. 49 2007 Automorphism invariance of P- and GUS-properties of linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1168.90620 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman 57 2006 The \(\mathbf Q\)-property of composite transformations and the \(\mathbf P\)-property of Stein-type transformations on self-dual and symmetric cones. Zbl 1102.90066 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama 3 2006 Some \(p\)-properties for nonlinear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1278.90408 Tao, Jiyuan; Gowda, M. Seetharama 35 2005 Some P-properties for linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras. Zbl 1072.15002 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman; Tao, J. 156 2004 Inverse and implicit function theorems for \(H\)-differentiable and semismooth functions. Zbl 1099.49018 Gowda, M. Seetharama 26 2004 On some interconnections between strict monotonicity, globally uniquely solvable, and \(P\) properties in semidefinite linear complementarity problems. Zbl 1129.90359 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Song, Yoon; Ravindran, G. 20 2003 Some new results for the semidefinite linear complementarity problem. Zbl 1028.90071 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Song, Y. 20 2002 On the connectedness of solution sets of parameterized equations and of solution sets in linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0983.90064 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Murthy, G. S. R.; Parthasarathy, T. 1 2001 On semidefinite linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0987.90082 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Song, Yoon 45 2000 Regularization of \(P_{0}\)-functions in box variational inequality problems. Zbl 1010.90083 Ravindran, G.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 37 2000 Complementarity forms of theorems of Lyapunov and Stein, and related results. Zbl 0965.15019 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Parthasarathy, T. 28 2000 Algebraic univalence theorems for nonsmooth functions. Zbl 0993.49017 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Ravindran, G. 17 2000 On characterizations of \(\mathbf P\)- and \(\mathbf P_ 0\)-properties in nonsmooth functions. Zbl 1073.90570 Song, Yoon; Gowda, M. Seetharama; Ravindran, G. 17 2000 On two applications of \(H\)-differentiability to optimization and complementarity problems. Zbl 1168.49304 Tawhid, M. A.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 9 2000 Stability in the presence of degeneracy and error estimation. Zbl 0956.90049 Hager, William W.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 33 1999 Weak univalence and connectedness of inverse images of continuous functions. Zbl 0977.90060 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman 21 1999 Existence and limiting behavior of trajectories associated with \({\mathbf P}_0\)-equations. Zbl 1040.90563 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Tawhid, M. A. 20 1999 On some properties of \(\mathbf P\)-matrix sets. Zbl 0949.15027 Song, Yoon; Gowda, M. Seetharama; Ravindran, G. 11 1999 On the limiting behavir of the trajectory of regularized solutions of a \(P_0\)-complementarity problem. Zbl 0968.90064 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama 2 1999 On the connectedness of solution sets in linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0894.90144 Jones, Cristen; Gowda, M. Seetharama 8 1998 Nondegeneracy concepts for zeros of piecewise smooth functions. Zbl 0977.90067 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama 2 1998 On the pseudo-Lipschitzian behavior of the inverse of a piecewise affine function. Zbl 0886.90155 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman 2 1997 On the Lipschitz continuity of the solution map in some generalized linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0906.90165 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama 1 1997 On the extended linear complementarity problem. Zbl 0853.90109 Gowda, M. Seetharama 21 1996 A generalization of the Nash equilibrium theorem on bimatrix games. Zbl 0855.90144 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman 20 1996 An analysis of zero set and global error bound properties of a piecewise affine function via its recession function. Zbl 0853.90110 Gowda, M. Seetharama 13 1996 On the Lipschitzian properties of polyhedral multifunctions. Zbl 0854.49010 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman 13 1996 Generalizations of \(\mathbf P_ 0\)- and \(\mathbf P\)-properties; extended vertical and horizontal linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0835.90104 Sznajder, Roman; Gowda, M. Seetharama 65 1995 Reducing a monotone horizontal LCP to an LCP. Zbl 0813.65092 Gowda, M. S. 21 1995 The generalized order linear complementarity problem. Zbl 0831.90112 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman 48 1994 Stability analysis of variational inequalities and nonlinear complementarity problems, via the mixed linear complementarity problem and degree theory. Zbl 0821.90114 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Pang, Jong-Shi 31 1994 On the boundedness and stability of solutions to the affine variational inequality problem. Zbl 0800.93967 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Pang, Jong-Shi 29 1994 Operators of class \((S)_ +^ 1\), Altman’s condition and the complementarity problem. Zbl 0804.47037 Isac, G.; Gowda, M. S. 23 1993 Applications of degree theory to linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0803.90118 Gowda, M. Seetharama 19 1993 The basic theorem of complementarity revisited. Zbl 0778.90074 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Pang, Jong-Shi 8 1993 Norm dependence of the coefficient map on the window size. Zbl 0821.30020 Seidman, Thomas I.; Gowda, M. Seetharama 2 1993 On the continuity of the solution map in linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0779.90074 Gowda, M. Seetharama 25 1992 Some existence results for multivalued complementarity problems. Zbl 0777.90069 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Pang, Jong-Shi 14 1992 On solution stability of the linear complementarity problem. Zbl 0773.90078 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Pang, Jong-Shi 13 1992 A comparison of constraint qualifications in infinite-dimensional convex programming. Zbl 0713.49042 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Teboulle, Marc 36 1990 Generalized linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0708.90089 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Seidman, Thomas I. 14 1990 Affine pseudomonotone mappings and the linear complementarity problem. Zbl 0719.90083 Gowda, M. Seetharama 14 1990 On Q-matrices. Zbl 0719.90084 Gowda, M. Seetharama 11 1990 On the transpose of a pseudomonotone matrix and the LCP. Zbl 0734.90099 Gowda, M. Seetharama 1 1990 Pseudomonotone and copositive star matrices. Zbl 0661.15018 Gowda, M. Seetharama 22 1989 Complementarity problems over locally compact cones. Zbl 0679.90082 Gowda, M. Seetharama 13 1989 Miminizing quadratic functionals over closed convex cones. Zbl 0658.90072 Gowda, M. Seetharama 2 1989 A characterization of positive-semidefinite operators on a Hilbert space. Zbl 0563.47016 Gowda, M. S. 1 1986 Cone characterizations of positive semidefinite operators on a Hilbert space. Zbl 0568.46017 Gowda, M. Seetharama 1 1985 Nonfactorization theorems in weighted Bergman and Hardy spaces on the unit ball of \(C_ n\) (\(n>1\)). Zbl 0526.32005 Gowda, Seetharama M. 7 1983 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 757 Authors 58 Gowda, Muddappa Seetharama 41 Huang, Zheng-Hai 28 Tao, Jiyuan 21 Xiu, Naihua 16 Chen, Jein-Shan 16 Júdice, Joaquim João 15 Kong, Lingchen 15 Sznajder, Roman 14 Liu, Sanyang 12 Qi, Liqun 12 Seeger, Alberto 11 Sivakumar, Koratti Chengalrayan 10 Chandrashekaran, A. 10 Huang, Nan-Jing 10 Izmailov, Alekseĭ F. 10 Jeong, Juyoung 10 Zheng, Hua 9 Chi, Xiaoni 9 Fang, Yaping 9 Li, Yuanmin 9 López, Ruben 9 Lourenço, Bruno F. 9 Németh, Sándor Zoltán 9 Pan, Shaohua 9 Pang, Jong-Shi 9 Parthasarathy, Thiruvenkatachari 9 Ravindran, Gomatam 9 Tang, Jingyong 9 Tawhid, Mohamed Aly 9 Yao, Jen-Chih 8 Goeleven, Daniel 8 Han, Jiye 8 Luo, ZiYan 8 Ma, Changfeng 8 Orlitzky, Michael J. 8 Śmietański, Marek J. 8 Solodov, Mikhail V. 8 Tang, Guoji 8 Vong, Seakweng 7 Boţ, Radu Ioan 7 Fukushima, Masao 7 Galligani, Emanuele 7 Mezzadri, Francesco 7 Shen, Chungen 7 Wang, Guoqiang 7 Wei, Deyun 7 Nguyen Dong Yen 7 Zhang, Lei-Hong 7 Zhang, Liwei 7 Zhou, Jinchuan 6 Csetnek, Ernö Robert 6 Liu, Hongwei 6 Lu, Nan 6 Lu, Xiaoping 6 Miao, Xinhe 6 Mohan, S. Rama 6 Sun, Defeng 6 Wang, Yong 6 Yang, Weihong 6 Yang, Xiaoqi 6 Zhang, Jianzhong 6 Zheng, Mengmeng 5 Ebiefung, Aniekan A. 5 Fernandes, Luis M. 5 Gu, Weizhe 5 Hieu, Vu Trung 5 Jeyaraman, I. 5 Lim, Yongdo 5 Liu, Zhenhua 5 Martínez, José Mario 5 Moldovan, Melania M. 5 Murthy, G. Sri Rama Chandra 5 Neogy, Samir Kumar 5 Shang, Tong-tong 5 Song, Yisheng 5 Tang, Jia 5 Tunçel, Levent 5 Vetrivel, V. 5 Wan, Zhongping 5 Wu, Shiliang 5 Xu, Yang 5 Zhang, Xiangsong 4 Andreani, Roberto 4 Bai, Xueli 4 Chang, Yulin 4 Das, Arup Kumar 4 Fernández, Damián R. 4 Isac, George 4 Ito, Masaru 4 Iusem, Alfredo Noel 4 Lee, Gue Myung 4 Lesaja, Goran 4 López, Julio E. 4 Ni, Tie 4 Niezgoda, Marek 4 Panagiotopoulos, Panagiotis D. 4 Qi, Houduo 4 Ramírez, Héctor C. 4 Sessa, Valentina 4 Sherali, Hanif D. ...and 657 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 148 Serials 89 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 78 Linear Algebra and its Applications 44 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 36 Journal of Global Optimization 31 Optimization 25 Computational Optimization and Applications 25 Optimization Letters 24 Applied Mathematics and Computation 21 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 20 Optimization Methods & Software 19 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 17 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 15 SIAM Journal on Optimization 14 Numerical Algorithms 13 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 12 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 11 Positivity 10 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis 8 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 7 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 7 Operations Research Letters 7 Applied Mathematics Letters 7 Annals of Operations Research 7 Journal of Convex Analysis 7 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 7 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 6 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 6 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 6 Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 5 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 5 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 4 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 4 Automatica 4 Top 4 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 4 International Game Theory Review 3 Mathematics of Computation 3 Journal of Differential Equations 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 3 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 3 Set-Valued Analysis 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 3 Science China. Mathematics 3 Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization 2 Applicable Analysis 2 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 2 Journal of Functional Analysis 2 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 2 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 2 Science in China. Series A 2 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2 Applications of Mathematics 2 European Journal of Operational Research 2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 2 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 2 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 2 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 2 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 2 Operators and Matrices 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 2 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 International Journal of Control 1 International Journal of Systems Science 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 1 Acta Mathematica 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Econometrica 1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1 International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 1 International Journal of Game Theory 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mathematics of Operations Research 1 Numerische Mathematik 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 OR Spektrum 1 Mathematica Numerica Sinica 1 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 1 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 1 Applied Numerical Mathematics 1 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 1 Journal of Theoretical Probability ...and 48 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 39 Fields 603 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 196 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 153 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 136 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 72 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 61 Operator theory (47-XX) 26 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 24 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 23 Real functions (26-XX) 22 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 20 Functional analysis (46-XX) 12 General topology (54-XX) 10 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 8 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 7 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 7 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 6 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 6 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 6 Quantum theory (81-XX) 5 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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