Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Guillemin, Victor W. Co-Author Distance Author ID: guillemin.victor-w Published as: Guillemin, Victor; Guillemin, V.; Guillemin, Victor W.; Guillemin, V. W.; Guillemin, Victor L. more...less Homepage: https://math.mit.edu/~vwg/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Documents Indexed: 229 Publications since 1963, including 26 Books and 5 Additional arXiv Preprints 10 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 78 Co-Authors with 189 Joint Publications 2,051 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 51 single-authored 55 Sternberg, Shlomo 23 Uribe, Alejandro 13 Wang, Zuoqin 13 Zara, Catalin 10 Miranda, Eva 8 Burns, Daniel M. jun. 8 Weitsman, Jonathan 7 Lerman, Eugene M. 6 Pires, Ana Rita 5 Sena-Dias, Rosa 4 Cannas da Silva, Ana 4 Dryden, Emily B. 4 Ginzburg, Viktor L’vovich 4 Golubitsky, Martin A. 4 Holm, Tara S. 4 Karshon, Yael 4 Kostant, Bertram 4 Sabatini, Silvia 4 Sjamaar, Reyer 3 Colin de Verdière, Yves 3 Duistermaat, Johannes Jisse 3 Gel’fand, Israil’ Moiseevich 3 Gindikin, Simon Grigorevich 3 Kazhdan, David 3 Kirillov, Alexandre Aleksandrovich 3 Melrose, Richard Burt 3 Okikiolu, Kate 3 Pollack, Alan S. 3 Quillen, Daniel Gray 3 Schaeffer, David G. 3 Scott, Geoffrey 3 Weinstein, Alan David 2 Adams, Malcolm R. 2 Boutet de Monvel, Louis 2 Bryant, Robert L. 2 Jerison, David S. 2 Paul, Thierry 2 Prato, Elisa 2 Rassart, Etienne 2 Singer, Isadore Manuel 2 Sjöstrand, Johannes 2 Stenzel, Matthew B. 1 Atiyah, Michael Francis 1 Bernhard, James A. 1 Billey, Sara C. 1 Biss, Daniel K. 1 Blum, Lenore 1 Bolker, Ethan D. 1 Brüning, Jochen 1 Brylinski, Jean-Luc 1 Brylinski, Ranee Kathryn 1 Cheeger, Jeff 1 Chuah, Meng-Kiat 1 Connes, Alain 1 Cushman, Richard H. 1 Donnelly, Harold 1 Ebin, David G. 1 Ehrenpreis, Leon 1 Françoise, Jean-Pierre 1 Friedlander, Leonid 1 Griffiths, Phillip Augustus 1 Haine, Peter J. 1 Heckman, Gert 1 Helgason, Sigurdur 1 Hezari, Hamid 1 Hingston, Nancy 1 Jeffrey, Lisa Claire 1 Kac, Victor 1 Kalkman, Jaap 1 Kashiwara, Masaki 1 Kawai, Takahiro 1 Kogan, Mikhail N. 1 Kolk, Johan A. C. 1 Kuranishi, Masatake 1 Legendre, Eveline 1 Meinrenken, Eckhard 1 Nirenberg, Louis 1 Palais, Richard S. 1 Pelayo, Alvaro 1 Puppe, Volker 1 Ringel, Claus Michael 1 Rossi, Hugo 1 Segal, Graeme B. 1 Shnider, Steven 1 Simons, James 1 Singer, Elliot 1 Singer, Natasha 1 Souza, Regina 1 Stanton, Nancy K. 1 Stasheff, James D. 1 Stroock, Daniel W. 1 Tolman, Susan 1 Uhlmann, Gunther Alberto 1 Van den Ban, Erik Peter 1 Vergne, Michèle 1 Vũ Ngọc, San 1 Wells, Raymond O. jun. 1 Woodward, Christopher T. 1 Wu, Siye all top 5 Serials 21 Advances in Mathematics 17 Journal of Differential Geometry 9 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 7 Journal of Functional Analysis 7 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 7 Mathematical Research Letters 6 Duke Mathematical Journal 6 Inventiones Mathematicae 6 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 5 Letters in Mathematical Physics 5 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 4 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 3 American Journal of Mathematics 3 Annals of Mathematics Studies 2 Communications in Mathematical Physics 2 Inverse Problems 2 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 2 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 2 Topology 2 Asymptotic Analysis 2 Annals of Physics 2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 2 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 2 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 2 Transformation Groups 2 Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 2 Graduate Texts in Mathematics 2 Progress in Mathematics 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Hadronic Journal 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 1 Journal of Algebra 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 1 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 1 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 1 Communications in Analysis and Geometry 1 The New York Journal of Mathematics 1 The Asian Journal of Mathematics 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Vijfde Serie 1 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 The Journal of Symplectic Geometry 1 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 1 Oberwolfach Reports 1 Colloquium Publications. American Mathematical Society 1 Contemporary Mathematics 1 CRM Monograph Series 1 Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 1 Aportaciones Matematicas. Textos 1 Journal of Spectral Theory 1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1 Mathematical Surveys 1 Contemporary Mathematicians 1 Springer Collected Works in Mathematics 1 Advances in Mathematics. Supplementary Studies all top 5 Fields 112 Differential geometry (53-XX) 97 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 50 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 41 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 38 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 25 Quantum theory (81-XX) 22 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 20 Operator theory (47-XX) 16 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 11 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 10 History and biography (01-XX) 9 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 8 Combinatorics (05-XX) 7 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 7 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 5 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 207 Publications have been cited 6,829 times in 4,948 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Stable mappings and their singularities. Zbl 0294.58004 Golubitsky, M.; Guillemin, V. 715 1973 Differential topology. Zbl 0361.57001 Guillemin, Victor; Pollack, Alan 497 1974 The spectrum of positive elliptic operators and periodic bicharacteristics. Zbl 0307.35071 Duistermaat, J. J.; Guillemin, V. W. 384 1975 Symplectic techniques in physics. Zbl 0576.58012 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 341 1984 Geometric asymptotics. Zbl 0364.53011 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 301 1977 Convexity properties of the moment mapping. Zbl 0503.58017 Guillemin, V.; Sternberg, S. 298 1982 Geometric quantization and multiplicities of group representations. Zbl 0503.58018 Guillemin, V.; Sternberg, S. 252 1982 The spectral theory of Toeplitz operators. Zbl 0469.47021 Boutet de Monvel, L.; Guillemin, V. 200 1981 Supersymmetry and equivariant de Rham theory. With reprint of two seminal notes by Henri Cartan. Zbl 0934.55007 Guillemin, Victor W.; Sternberg, Shlomo 156 1999 A new proof of Weyl’s formula on the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues. Zbl 0559.58025 Guillemin, Victor 138 1985 Moment maps, cobordisms, and Hamiltonian group actions. Zbl 1197.53002 Guillemin, Victor; Ginzburg, Viktor; Karshon, Yael 133 2002 Kaehler structures on toric varieties. Zbl 0813.53042 Guillemin, Victor 132 1994 An algebraic model of transitive differential geometry. Zbl 0121.38801 Guillemin, Victor W.; Sternberg, Shlomo 123 1964 Symplectic techniques in physics. Reprinted with corrections. Zbl 0734.58005 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 121 1990 Moment maps and combinatorial invariants of Hamiltonian \(T^ n\)-spaces. Zbl 0828.58001 Guillemin, Victor 107 1994 Some inverse spectral results for negatively curved 2-manifolds. Zbl 0465.58027 Guillemin, Victor; Kazhdan, David 99 1980 Differential topology. Reprint of the 1974 original. Zbl 1420.57001 Guillemin, Victor; Pollack, Alan 89 2010 The Gelfand-Cetlin system and quantization of the complex flag manifolds. Zbl 0522.58021 Guillemin, V.; Sternberg, S. 86 1983 Symplectic fibrations and multiplicity diagrams. Zbl 0870.58023 Guillemin, Victor; Lerman, Eugene; Sternberg, Shlomo 77 1996 Symplectic and Poisson geometry on \( b\)-manifolds. Zbl 1296.53159 Guillemin, Victor; Miranda, Eva; Pires, Ana Rita 74 2014 Grauert tubes and the homogeneous Monge-Ampère equation. Zbl 0746.32005 Guillemin, Victor; Stenzel, Matthew 67 1991 Oscillatory integrals with singular symbols. Zbl 0462.58030 Guillemin, V.; Uhlmann, G. 67 1981 The moment map and collective motion. Zbl 0453.58015 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 65 1980 Some problems in integral geometry and some related problems in micro- local analysis. Zbl 0446.58019 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 59 1979 Birational equivalence in the symplectic category. Zbl 0683.53033 Guillemin, V.; Sternberg, S. 57 1989 The Radon transform on Zoll surfaces. Zbl 0353.53027 Guillemin, Victor 54 1976 Semi-classical analysis. Zbl 1298.58001 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 53 2013 Toeplitz operators in \(n\)-dimensions. Zbl 0561.47025 Guillemin, Victor 47 1984 Homogeneous quantization and multiplicities of group representations. Zbl 0733.58021 Guillemin, V.; Sternberg, S. 46 1982 Convexity properties of the moment mapping. II. Zbl 0561.58015 Guillemin, V.; Sternberg, S. 45 1984 The integrability problem for G-structures. Zbl 0178.55702 Guillemin, Victor W. 44 1965 The Poisson summation formula for manifolds with boundary. Zbl 0421.35082 Guillemin, Victor; Melrose, Richard 43 1979 Codimension one symplectic foliations and regular Poisson structures. Zbl 1244.53093 Guillemin, Victor; Miranda, Eva; Pires, Ana Rita 41 2011 Multiplicity-free spaces. Zbl 0548.58017 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 39 1984 Sojourn times and asymptotic properties of the scattering matrix. Zbl 0381.35064 Guillemin, V. 38 1977 1-skeleta, Betti numbers, and equivariant cohomology. Zbl 1020.57013 Guillemin, V.; Zara, C. 36 2001 A normal form for the moment map. Zbl 0548.58011 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 36 1984 Remarks on a paper of Hermann. Zbl 0155.05701 Guillemin, Victor W.; Sternberg, Shlomo 35 1968 Some spectral results for the Laplace operator with potential on the n- sphere. Zbl 0433.35052 Guillemin, Victor 34 1978 Toric actions on \(b\)-symplectic manifolds. Zbl 1333.53115 Guillemin, Victor; Miranda, Eva; Pires, Ana Rita; Scott, Geoffrey 34 2015 Variations on a theme by Kepler. Zbl 0724.70006 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 33 1990 Lectures on spectral theory of elliptic operators. Zbl 0463.58024 Guillemin, Victor 32 1977 The Laplace operator on the \(n\)th tensor power of a line bundle: Eigenvalues which are uniformly bounded in n. Zbl 0649.53026 Guillemin, V.; Uribe, A. 32 1988 A Jordan-Hölder decomposition for a certain class of infinite dimensional Lie algebras. Zbl 0183.26102 Guillemin, Victor W. 31 1968 A GKM description of the equivariant cohomology ring of a homogeneous space. Zbl 1096.53050 Guillemin, V.; Holm, T.; Zara, C. 31 2006 Cosmology in \((2+1)\)-dimensions, cyclic models, and deformations of \(M_{2,1}\). Zbl 0697.53003 Guillemin, Victor 31 1989 On some results of Gelfand in integral geometry. Zbl 0576.58028 Guillemin, Victor 31 1985 On collective complete integrability according to the method of Thimm. Zbl 0511.58024 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 30 1984 Deformation theory of pseudogroup structures. Zbl 0169.53001 Guillemin, Victor W.; Sternberg, Shlomo 30 1966 Infinite dimensional primitive Lie algebras. Zbl 0223.17007 Guillemin, Victor 29 1970 Star products on compact pre-quantizable symplectic manifolds. Zbl 0842.58041 Guillemin, Victor 29 1995 Band asymptotics in two dimensions. Zbl 0478.58029 Guillemin, Victor 29 1981 Circular symmetry and the trace formula. Zbl 0686.58040 Guillemin, V.; Uribe, A. 29 1989 Grauert tubes and the homogeneous Monge-Ampère equation. II. Zbl 0789.32010 Guillemin, Victor; Stenzel, Matthew 27 1992 Some spectral results on rank one symmetric spaces. Zbl 0441.58012 Guillemin, V. 26 1978 Wave-trace invariants. Zbl 0858.58051 Guillemin, Victor 25 1996 Residue traces for certain algebras of Fourier integral operators. Zbl 0791.35162 Guillemin, V. 23 1993 Equivariant de Rham theory and graphs. Zbl 0971.58001 Guillemin, V.; Zara, C. 23 1999 Symplectic implosion. Zbl 1015.53054 Guillemin, Victor; Jeffrey, Lisa; Sjamaar, Reyer 20 2002 The integrability of characteristics. Zbl 0203.33002 Guillemin, V. W.; Quillen, D.; Sternberg, S. 20 1970 Some inverse spectral results for negatively curved n-manifolds. Zbl 0456.58031 Guillemin, Victor; Kazhdan, David 19 1980 Gauged Lagrangian distributions. Zbl 0803.58052 Guillemin, Victor 19 1993 On a certain class of Fuchsian partial differential equations. Zbl 0356.35080 Guillemin, Victor; Schaeffer, David 19 1977 On the Kostant multiplicity formula. Zbl 0713.58013 Guillemin, V.; Lerman, E.; Sternberg, S. 19 1988 The mod 2 cohomology of fixed point sets of anti-symplectic involutions. Zbl 1069.53058 Biss, Daniel; Guillemin, Victor W.; Holm, Tara S. 18 2004 Desingularizing \(b^m\)-symplectic structures. Zbl 1430.53089 Guillemin, Victor; Miranda, Eva; Weitsman, Jonathan 18 2019 The metaplectic representation, Weyl operators and spectral theory. Zbl 0469.58017 Guillemin, V.; Sternberg, S. 18 1981 Convexity properties of Hamiltonian group actions. Zbl 1084.53069 Guillemin, Victor; Sjamaar, Reyer 17 2005 Contact equivalence for Lagrangian manifolds. Zbl 0295.57018 Golubitsky, M.; Guillemin, V. 17 1975 Reduction and the trace formula. Zbl 0721.58050 Guillemin, Victor; Uribe, Alejandro 17 1990 On the unfolding of folded symplectic structures. Zbl 0984.53036 Cannas da Silva, Ana; Guillemin, Victor; Woodward, Christopher 16 2000 Heckman, Kostant, and Steinberg formulas for symplectic manifolds. Zbl 0718.58027 Guillemin, Victor; Prato, Elisa 16 1990 Riemann sums over polytopes. Zbl 1143.52011 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 15 2007 Some classical theorems in spectral theory revisited. Zbl 0452.35093 Guillemin, Victor 15 1979 The Jeffrey-Kirwan localization theorem and residue operations in equivariant cohomology. Zbl 0837.57028 Guillemin, Victor; Kalkman, Jaap 14 1996 A vector partition function for the multiplicities of \(\mathfrak{sl}_k\mathbb C\). Zbl 1116.17005 Billey, Sara; Guillemin, Victor; Rassart, Etienne 14 2004 On the cohomology of certain dynamical systems. Zbl 0498.58018 Guillemin, Victor; Kazhdan, David 14 1980 Some algebraic results concerning the characteristics of overdetermined partial differential equations. Zbl 0162.40601 Guillemin, Victor W. 14 1968 Riemann-Roch for toric orbifolds. Zbl 0932.37039 Guillemin, Victor 13 1997 Reduced phase spaces and Riemann-Roch. Zbl 0869.58017 Guillemin, Victor 13 1994 Lectures on spectral theory of elliptic operators. Zbl 0447.58033 Guillemin, Victor 13 1977 A cohomological invariant of discrete dynamical systems. Zbl 0482.58032 Guillemin, Victor; Melrose, Richard 13 1981 Symplectic origami. Zbl 1236.53062 Cannas da Silva, A.; Guillemin, V.; Pires, A. R. 13 2011 Measure theory and probability. Repr. with corr. from the Wadsworth ed. Zbl 0851.28001 Adams, Malcolm; Guillemin, Victor 12 1996 A semi-classical inverse problem. I: Taylor expansions. Zbl 1258.34036 Colin de Verdière, Yves; Guillemin, Victor 12 2011 Potential functions and actions of tori on Kähler manifolds. Zbl 1073.53113 Burns, D.; Guillemin, V. 12 2004 Clustering theorems with twisted spectra. Zbl 0591.58031 Guillemin, Victor; Uribe, Alejandro 12 1986 Hardy functions and the inverse spectral method. Zbl 0567.35073 Guillemin, V.; Uribe, A. 12 1983 On geometric quantization of \(b\)-symplectic manifolds. Zbl 1393.53089 Guillemin, Victor W.; Miranda, Eva; Weitsman, Jonathan 12 2018 The classification of the irreducible complex algebras of infinite types. Zbl 0153.05903 Guillemin, Victor W.; Quillen, Daniel; Sternberg, Shlomo 11 1967 Convexity for Hamiltonian torus actions on \(b\)-symplectic manifolds. Zbl 1390.53094 Guillemin, Victor; Miranda, Eva; Pires, Ana Rita; Scott, Geoffrey 11 2017 Stable mappings and their singularities. 2nd corr. printing. Zbl 0434.58001 Golubitsky, M.; Guillemin, V. 11 1980 The spectrum of positive elliptic operators and periodic geodesics. Zbl 0322.35071 Duistermaat, J. J.; Guillemin, V. W. 11 1975 Inverse spectral results on two-dimensional tori. Zbl 0702.58075 Guillemin, V. 11 1990 Spectral properties of a certain class of complex potentials. Zbl 0525.58036 Guillemin, V.; Uribe, A. 11 1983 The classification of the complex primitive infinite pseudogroups. Zbl 0192.12702 Guillemin, Victor W.; Quillen, Daniel; Sternberg, Shlomo 11 1966 On the period spectrum of a symplectic mapping. Zbl 0739.58020 Francoise, J. P.; Guillemin, V. 10 1991 Symplectic reduction and Riemann-Roch for circle actions. Zbl 0839.58026 Duistermaat, Hans; Guillemin, Victor; Meinrenken, Eckhard; Wu, Siye 10 1995 Some inverse spectral results for semi-classical Schrödinger operators. Zbl 1138.35006 Guillemin, Victor; Uribe, Alejandro 10 2007 Spectral theory on \(S^2\): some open questions. Zbl 0479.58020 Guillemin, Victor 10 1981 Integral representations of isotropic semiclassical functions and applications. Zbl 1487.58026 Guillemin, Victor W.; Uribe, Alejandro; Wang, Zuoqin 1 2022 On geometric quantization of \(b^m\)-symplectic manifolds. Zbl 1465.81057 Guillemin, Victor W.; Miranda, Eva; Weitsman, Jonathan 4 2021 Desingularizing \(b^m\)-symplectic structures. Zbl 1430.53089 Guillemin, Victor; Miranda, Eva; Weitsman, Jonathan 18 2019 Differential forms. Zbl 1418.58001 Guillemin, Victor; Haine, Peter 3 2019 On geometric quantization of \(b\)-symplectic manifolds. Zbl 1393.53089 Guillemin, Victor W.; Miranda, Eva; Weitsman, Jonathan 12 2018 Convexity of the moment map image for torus actions on \(b^m\)-symplectic manifolds. Zbl 1407.53091 Guillemin, Victor W.; Miranda, Eva; Weitsman, Jonathan 6 2018 Convexity for Hamiltonian torus actions on \(b\)-symplectic manifolds. Zbl 1390.53094 Guillemin, Victor; Miranda, Eva; Pires, Ana Rita; Scott, Geoffrey 11 2017 Singularities of the wave trace for the Friedlander model. Zbl 1388.35035 Colin de Verdière, Yves; Guillemin, Victor; Jerison, David 5 2017 Semiclassical states associated with isotropic submanifolds of phase space. Zbl 1362.58014 Guillemin, V.; Uribe, A.; Wang, Z. 7 2016 Semi-classical weights and equivariant spectral theory. Zbl 1347.58006 Dryden, Emily B.; Guillemin, Victor; Sena-Dias, Rosa 4 2016 The generalized Legendre transform and its applications to inverse spectral problems. Zbl 1337.35102 Guillemin, Victor; Wang, Zuoqin 2 2016 Toric actions on \(b\)-symplectic manifolds. Zbl 1333.53115 Guillemin, Victor; Miranda, Eva; Pires, Ana Rita; Scott, Geoffrey 34 2015 Canonical forms for perturbations of the harmonic oscillator. Zbl 1315.37037 Guillemin, V.; Uribe, A.; Wang, Z. 1 2015 Symplectic and Poisson geometry on \( b\)-manifolds. Zbl 1296.53159 Guillemin, Victor; Miranda, Eva; Pires, Ana Rita 74 2014 Simple spectrum and Rayleigh quotients. Zbl 1351.58012 Guillemin, Victor; Legendre, Eveline; Sena-Dias, Rosa 4 2014 Polynomial assignments. Zbl 1307.53069 Guillemin, Victor; Sabatini, Silvia; Zara, Catalin 2 2014 Semi-classical analysis. Zbl 1298.58001 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 53 2013 Balanced fiber bundles and GKM theory. Zbl 1329.55005 Guillemin, Victor; Sabatini, Silvia; Zara, Catalin 5 2013 Equivariant \(K\)-theory of GKM bundles. Zbl 1262.55007 Guillemin, Victor; Sabatini, Silvia; Zara, Catalin 1 2013 Cohomology of GKM fiber bundles. Zbl 1233.57021 Guillemin, Victor; Sabatini, Silvia; Zara, Catalin 7 2012 Hearing Delzant polytopes from the equivariant spectrum. Zbl 1244.58011 Dryden, Emily B.; Guillemin, Victor; Sena-Dias, Rosa 6 2012 Band invariants for perturbations of the harmonic oscillator. Zbl 1248.35134 Guillemin, V.; Uribe, A.; Wang, Z. 5 2012 Semiclassical spectral invariants for Schrödinger operators. Zbl 1273.35198 Guillemin, Victor; Wang, Zuoqin 5 2012 Equivariant inverse spectral theory and toric orbifolds. Zbl 1253.58014 Dryden, Emily B.; Guillemin, Victor; Sena-Dias, Rosa 4 2012 A Fulling-Kuchment theorem for the 1D harmonic oscillator. Zbl 1238.35073 Guillemin, Victor; Hezari, Hamid 1 2012 Equivariant inverse spectral problems. Zbl 1327.58030 Dryden, Emily B.; Guillemin, Victor; Sena-Dias, Rosa 1 2012 A semiclassical heat trace expansion for the perturbed harmonic oscillator. Zbl 1317.35159 Guillemin, V.; Uribe, A.; Wang, Zuo-qin 1 2012 Codimension one symplectic foliations and regular Poisson structures. Zbl 1244.53093 Guillemin, Victor; Miranda, Eva; Pires, Ana Rita 41 2011 Symplectic origami. Zbl 1236.53062 Cannas da Silva, A.; Guillemin, V.; Pires, A. R. 13 2011 A semi-classical inverse problem. I: Taylor expansions. Zbl 1258.34036 Colin de Verdière, Yves; Guillemin, Victor 12 2011 The Tian-Yau-Zelditch theorem and Toeplitz operators. Zbl 1226.32009 Burns, Daniel; Guillemin, Victor 2 2011 Remembering Johannes J. Duistermaat (1942–2010). Zbl 1225.01067 Atiyah, Michael; Cushman, Richard; Heckman, Gert; van den Ban, Erik; Kolk, Johan; Nirenberg, Louis; Sjamaar, Reyer; Sjöstrand, Johannes 2 2011 Differential topology. Reprint of the 1974 original. Zbl 1420.57001 Guillemin, Victor; Pollack, Alan 89 2010 Some remarks about semiclassical trace invariants and quantum normal forms. Zbl 1213.58021 Guillemin, Victor; Paul, Thierry 8 2010 Stability functions. Zbl 1186.53101 Burns, Daniel; Guillemin, Victor; Wang, Zuoqin 7 2010 The spectral density function of a toric variety. Zbl 1228.58016 Burns, D.; Guillemin, V.; Uribe, A. 3 2010 Geodesics on weighted projective spaces. Zbl 1176.58014 Guillemin, V.; Uribe, A.; Wang, Z. 8 2009 Symplectic fibrations and multiplicity diagrams. Reprint of the hardback edition 1996. Zbl 1166.37024 Guillemin, Victor; Lerman, Eugene; Sternberg, Shlomo 4 2009 Kähler metrics on singular toric varieties. Zbl 1157.32019 Burns, Dan; Guillemin, Victor; Lerman, Eugene 9 2008 Determinants of zeroth order operators. Zbl 1140.58017 Friedlander, Leonid; Guillemin, Victor 4 2008 The Mellin transform and spectral properties of toric varieties. Zbl 1166.14302 Guillemin, Victor; Wang, Zuoqin 2 2008 Some Riemann sums are better than others. Zbl 1173.26307 Guillemin, Victor W.; Stroock, Daniel W. 1 2008 Riemann sums over polytopes. Zbl 1143.52011 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 15 2007 Some inverse spectral results for semi-classical Schrödinger operators. Zbl 1138.35006 Guillemin, Victor; Uribe, Alejandro 10 2007 “Bottom of the well” semi-classical trace invariants. Zbl 1140.58007 Guillemin, V.; Paul, T.; Uribe, A. 7 2007 A GKM description of the equivariant cohomology ring of a homogeneous space. Zbl 1096.53050 Guillemin, V.; Holm, T.; Zara, C. 31 2006 Convexity theorems for varieties invariant under a Borel subgroup. Zbl 1107.53055 Guillemin, Victor; Sjamaar, Reyer 4 2006 The Ehrhart function for symbols. Zbl 1132.52019 Guillemin, Victor W.; Sternberg, Shlomo; Weitsman, Jonathan 3 2006 Convexity properties of Hamiltonian group actions. Zbl 1084.53069 Guillemin, Victor; Sjamaar, Reyer 17 2005 The moment map revisited. Zbl 1091.53054 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 7 2005 Toric symplectic singular spaces. I: Isolated singularities. Zbl 1120.53051 Burns, Daniel M.; Guillemin, Victor W.; Lerman, Eugene M. 2 2005 The mod 2 cohomology of fixed point sets of anti-symplectic involutions. Zbl 1069.53058 Biss, Daniel; Guillemin, Victor W.; Holm, Tara S. 18 2004 A vector partition function for the multiplicities of \(\mathfrak{sl}_k\mathbb C\). Zbl 1116.17005 Billey, Sara; Guillemin, Victor; Rassart, Etienne 14 2004 Potential functions and actions of tori on Kähler manifolds. Zbl 1073.53113 Burns, D.; Guillemin, V. 12 2004 GKM theory for torus actions with nonisolated fixed points. Zbl 1138.53315 Guillemin, Victor; Holm, Tara S. 9 2004 Morse theory on Hamiltonian \(G\)-spaces and equivariant \(K\)-theory. Zbl 1071.53048 Guillemin, Victor; Kogan, Mikhail 2 2004 Signature quantization. Zbl 1066.53139 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo; Weitsman, Jonathan 2 2004 Signature quantization and representations of compact Lie groups. Zbl 1063.53094 Guillemin, Victor; Rassart, Etienne 2 2004 The existence of generating families for the cohomology ring of a graph. Zbl 1020.57014 Guillemin, Victor; Zara, Catalin 7 2003 Signature quantization. Zbl 1063.53095 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo; Weitsman, Jonathan 1 2003 Moment maps, cobordisms, and Hamiltonian group actions. Zbl 1197.53002 Guillemin, Victor; Ginzburg, Viktor; Karshon, Yael 133 2002 Symplectic implosion. Zbl 1015.53054 Guillemin, Victor; Jeffrey, Lisa; Sjamaar, Reyer 20 2002 Combinatorial formulas for products of Thom classes. Zbl 1009.57034 Guillemin, Victor; Zara, Catalin 5 2002 Melrose-Uhlmann projectors, the metaplectic representation and symplectic cuts. Zbl 1071.53540 Guillemin, V.; Lerman, E. 1 2002 1-skeleta, Betti numbers, and equivariant cohomology. Zbl 1020.57013 Guillemin, V.; Zara, C. 36 2001 \(G\)-actions on graphs. Zbl 1003.53058 Guillemin, V.; Zara, C. 7 2001 On the unfolding of folded symplectic structures. Zbl 0984.53036 Cannas da Silva, Ana; Guillemin, Victor; Woodward, Christopher 16 2000 Equivariant de Rham theory and graphs. Zbl 1072.55002 Guillemin, V.; Zara, C. 3 2000 Supersymmetry and equivariant de Rham theory. With reprint of two seminal notes by Henri Cartan. Zbl 0934.55007 Guillemin, Victor W.; Sternberg, Shlomo 156 1999 Equivariant de Rham theory and graphs. Zbl 0971.58001 Guillemin, V.; Zara, C. 23 1999 Assignments and abstract moment maps. Zbl 0977.53078 Ginzburg, Viktor L.; Guillemin, Victor; Karshon, Yael 4 1999 Quantization of symplectic orbifolds and group actions. Zbl 0978.53138 Canas da Silva, Ana; Guillemin, Victor 2 1999 Riemann-Roch for toric orbifolds. Zbl 0932.37039 Guillemin, Victor 13 1997 Subprincipal terms in Szegö estimates. Zbl 0881.58064 Guillemin, V.; Okikiolu, K. 3 1997 Spectral asymptotics of Toeplitz operators on Zoll manifolds. Zbl 0909.47018 Guillemin, V.; Okikiolu, K. 3 1997 Symplectic fibrations and multiplicity diagrams. Zbl 0870.58023 Guillemin, Victor; Lerman, Eugene; Sternberg, Shlomo 77 1996 Wave-trace invariants. Zbl 0858.58051 Guillemin, Victor 25 1996 The Jeffrey-Kirwan localization theorem and residue operations in equivariant cohomology. Zbl 0837.57028 Guillemin, Victor; Kalkman, Jaap 14 1996 Measure theory and probability. Repr. with corr. from the Wadsworth ed. Zbl 0851.28001 Adams, Malcolm; Guillemin, Victor 12 1996 Cobordism theory and localization formulas for Hamiltonian group actions. Zbl 0863.57027 Ginzburg, Viktor; Guillemin, Victor; Karshon, Yael 7 1996 Szegö theorems for Zoll operators. Zbl 0899.47038 Guillemin, V.; Okikiolu, K. 3 1996 On the Kostant multiplicity formula for group actions with nonisolated fixed points. Zbl 0862.58048 Canas da Silva, A.; Guillemin, V. 1 1996 Star products on compact pre-quantizable symplectic manifolds. Zbl 0842.58041 Guillemin, Victor 29 1995 Symplectic reduction and Riemann-Roch for circle actions. Zbl 0839.58026 Duistermaat, Hans; Guillemin, Victor; Meinrenken, Eckhard; Wu, Siye 10 1995 The coefficients of the Duistermaat-Heckman polynomial and the cohomology ring of reduced spaces. Zbl 0869.57029 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 4 1995 Kaehler structures on toric varieties. Zbl 0813.53042 Guillemin, Victor 132 1994 Moment maps and combinatorial invariants of Hamiltonian \(T^ n\)-spaces. Zbl 0828.58001 Guillemin, Victor 107 1994 Reduced phase spaces and Riemann-Roch. Zbl 0869.58017 Guillemin, Victor 13 1994 Mathematics past and present. Fourier integral operators. Selected classical articles by J. J. Duistermaat, V. W. Guillemin and L. Hörmander. Zbl 0791.47043 3 1994 Residue traces for certain algebras of Fourier integral operators. Zbl 0791.35162 Guillemin, V. 23 1993 Gauged Lagrangian distributions. Zbl 0803.58052 Guillemin, Victor 19 1993 Kaehler structures on \(K_ \mathbb{C}/N\). Zbl 0809.53060 Chuah, Meng-Kiat; Guillemin, Victor 4 1993 Wave-trace invariants and a theorem of Zelditch. Zbl 0798.58073 Guillemin, Victor 4 1993 On the de Haas-van Alphen effect. Zbl 0774.35063 Guillemin, V.; Uribe, A. 2 1993 Grauert tubes and the homogeneous Monge-Ampère equation. II. Zbl 0789.32010 Guillemin, Victor; Stenzel, Matthew 27 1992 The homogeneous Monge-Ampère equation on a pseudoconvex domain. Zbl 0804.35002 Guillemin, Victor 1 1992 Grauert tubes and the homogeneous Monge-Ampère equation. Zbl 0746.32005 Guillemin, Victor; Stenzel, Matthew 67 1991 On the period spectrum of a symplectic mapping. Zbl 0739.58020 Francoise, J. P.; Guillemin, V. 10 1991 Symplectic techniques in physics. Reprinted with corrections. Zbl 0734.58005 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 121 1990 Variations on a theme by Kepler. Zbl 0724.70006 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 33 1990 ...and 107 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 4,715 Authors 71 Guillemin, Victor W. 54 Zelditch, Steve 41 Miranda, Eva 33 Ratiu, Tudor Stefan 33 Uhlmann, Gunther Alberto 31 Uribe, Alejandro 30 Quinto, Eric Todd 29 Pelayo, Alvaro 28 Wang, Yong 27 Paternain, Gabriel Pedro 26 Sternberg, Shlomo 25 Weinstein, Alan David 24 Paoletti, Roberto 22 Goertsches, Oliver 19 Kordyukov, Yuri A. 18 Kruglikov, Boris S. 18 Vũ Ngọc, San 17 Colin de Verdière, Yves 17 Greenleaf, Allan 17 Romero-Fuster, María Carmen 16 Kirwan, Frances Clare 16 Marsden, Jerrold Eldon 15 Ma, Xiaonan 15 Vergne, Michèle 14 Biliotti, Leonardo 14 Ponge, Raphaël S. 14 Saeki, Osamu 14 Zworski, Maciej 13 Charles, Laurent 13 Jeffrey, Lisa Claire 13 Polterovich, Leonid Viktorovich 13 Wang, Jian 13 Wunsch, Jared 12 de Gosson, Maurice Alexis 12 Karshon, Yael 12 Meinrenken, Eckhard 12 Paradan, Paul-Emile 12 Petkov, Vesselin M. 12 Stoyanov, Luchezar N. 12 Wang, Zuoqin 12 Weitsman, Jonathan 12 Winternitz, Pavel 11 Alekseev, Anton Yur’evich 11 Chen, Bohui 11 Felea, Raluca 11 Holm, Tara S. 11 Izumiya, Shyuichi 11 Kaloshin, Vadim Yu. 11 Lychagin, Valentin V. 11 Marinescu, George 11 Masuda, Mikiya 11 Melrose, Richard Burt 11 Monard, François 11 Prástaro, Agostino 11 Schrohe, Elmar 11 Sjamaar, Reyer 11 Śniatycki, Jędrzej 11 Stefanov, Plamen D. 11 Taylor, Michael Eugene 11 Tolman, Susan 10 Chuah, Meng-Kiat 10 Dancer, Andrew S. 10 Duistermaat, Johannes Jisse 10 Engliš, Miroslav 10 Furi, Massimo 10 Galkowski, Jeffrey 10 Ginzburg, Viktor L’vovich 10 Hall, Brian C. 10 Ioos, Louis 10 Kac, Victor 10 Kirwin, William D. 10 Krishnan, Venkateswaran P. 10 Ortega, Juan-Pablo 10 Paul, Thierry 10 Popov, Georgi St. 10 Prato, Elisa 10 Sabatini, Silvia 10 Salo, Mikko 10 Sjöstrand, Johannes 10 Spera, Mauro 10 Tchoń, Krzysztof 10 Toth, John Andrew 10 Vasy, András 10 Woodward, Christopher T. 9 Apostolov, Vestislav 9 Barron, Tatyana 9 Bloch, Anthony Michael 9 Boyer, Charles P. 9 Futorny, Vyacheslav M. 9 Gotay, Mark J. 9 Guillarmou, Colin 9 Hezari, Hamid 9 Kappeler, Thomas 9 Legendre, Eveline 9 Li, An-Min 9 Mare, Augustin-Liviu 9 Oh, Yong-Geun 9 Rivière, Gabriel 9 Sheng, Li 9 Vorob’ev, Yu. M. ...and 4,615 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 541 Serials 212 Journal of Geometry and Physics 199 Communications in Mathematical Physics 172 Advances in Mathematics 172 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 127 Journal of Functional Analysis 104 Journal of Mathematical Physics 86 Mathematische Zeitschrift 83 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 81 Inventiones Mathematicae 77 Duke Mathematical Journal 75 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 72 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 71 Mathematische Annalen 68 Letters in Mathematical Physics 67 Journal of Differential Equations 58 Journal of Mathematical Economics 58 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 55 Differential Geometry and its Applications 53 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 47 Topology and its Applications 46 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 37 Reports on Mathematical Physics 36 Functional Analysis and its Applications 35 International Journal of Mathematics 31 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 30 Journal of Economic Theory 29 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 28 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 28 Physica D 28 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 27 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 27 Journal of Algebra 27 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 27 Linear Algebra and its Applications 27 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 26 Journal of High Energy Physics 24 Compositio Mathematica 24 Geometriae Dedicata 24 Systems & Control Letters 24 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 23 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 23 Annals of Physics 23 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 22 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 22 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 22 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 22 Geometry & Topology 22 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 21 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 21 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 21 Manuscripta Mathematica 21 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 21 Transformation Groups 21 Annales Henri Poincaré 20 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 19 Nuclear Physics. B 19 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 19 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 19 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 19 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 18 Journal of Nonlinear Science 18 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 17 Israel Journal of Mathematics 17 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 17 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 17 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 17 Journal of Spectral Theory 16 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 16 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 16 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 16 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 16 Journal of Geometric Mechanics 15 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 15 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 15 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 15 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 14 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 14 Mathematical Notes 14 Nonlinearity 14 Acta Mathematica 14 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 14 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 14 Economic Theory 14 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 13 Automatica 13 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 13 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 13 Advances in Applied Mathematics 13 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 12 Inverse Problems 12 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 12 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 12 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 12 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 11 Mathematische Nachrichten 11 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 11 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 11 Journal of Lie Theory 11 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 11 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series ...and 441 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 62 Fields 1,784 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1,230 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 858 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 761 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 629 Quantum theory (81-XX) 568 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 439 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 433 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 316 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 304 Operator theory (47-XX) 271 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 262 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 215 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 192 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 170 Functional analysis (46-XX) 151 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 116 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 114 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 111 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 106 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 100 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 82 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 76 Combinatorics (05-XX) 75 Number theory (11-XX) 71 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 71 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 69 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 65 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 65 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 61 Computer science (68-XX) 60 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 58 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 57 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 54 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 51 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 48 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 48 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 47 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 46 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 38 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 38 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 37 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 37 Statistics (62-XX) 36 Measure and integration (28-XX) 33 Geometry (51-XX) 29 Real functions (26-XX) 28 General topology (54-XX) 22 Special functions (33-XX) 22 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 18 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 18 Geophysics (86-XX) 17 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 17 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 14 Integral equations (45-XX) 13 History and biography (01-XX) 11 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 10 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 10 Potential theory (31-XX) 9 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 8 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 7 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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