Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Hadjisavvas, Nicolas Co-Author Distance Author ID: hadjisavvas.nicolas Published as: Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Hadjisavvas, N. External Links: ORCID Documents Indexed: 66 Publications since 1981, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 7 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 92 Reviews Co-Authors: 37 Co-Authors with 61 Joint Publications 1,913 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 11 single-authored 16 Schaible, Siegfried 8 Bianchi, Monica 7 Daniilidis, Aris 6 Flores-Bazán, Fabián 6 Pantelidis, G. 4 Alizadeh, Mohammad Hossein 4 Lara, Felipe 4 Martínez-Legaz, Juan-Enrique 4 Pini, Rita 3 Aussel, Didier 3 Dinh The Luc 3 Ramos, Yboon García 3 Polyrakis, Ioannis A. 2 Ceng, Lu-Chuan 2 Nassopoulos, B. 2 Penot, Jean-Paul 2 Wong, Ngai-Ching 1 Al-Homidan, Suliman S. 1 Ansari, Qamrul Hasan 1 Eberhard, Andrew C. 1 Hiriart-Urruty, Jean-Baptiste 1 Iusem, Alfredo Noel 1 Jacinto, Flávia Morgana O. 1 Khatibzadeh, Hadi 1 Komlósi, Sándor 1 Laurent, Pierre-Jean 1 Mishra, Shashi Kant 1 Montenegro, I. 1 Mordukhovich, Boris S. 1 Mugur-Schaechter, M. 1 Pardalos, Panos M. 1 Roohi, Mehdi 1 Shaalan, Loai 1 Théra, Michel A. 1 Vera, Cristián 1 Yao, Jen-Chih 1 Zafarani, Jafar all top 5 Serials 17 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 9 Journal of Global Optimization 6 Optimization 6 Journal of Convex Analysis 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 3 SIAM Journal on Optimization 3 Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications 2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section A. Physique Théorique 1 Kybernetes 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Serdica 1 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Mathematica 1 Journal of Statistics & Management Systems 1 JIPAM. Journal of Inequalities in Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 1 Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 1 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis all top 5 Fields 36 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 36 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 31 Operator theory (47-XX) 17 Real functions (26-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 61 Publications have been cited 1,390 times in 964 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Vector equilibrium problems with generalized monotone bifunctions. Zbl 0878.49007 Bianchi, M.; Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 172 1997 Strong convergence theorem by a hybrid extragradient-like approximation method for variational inequalities and fixed point problems. Zbl 1198.47081 Ceng, Lu-Chuan; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Wong, Ngai-Ching 132 2010 Handbook of generalized convexity and generalized monotonicity. Zbl 1070.26002 110 2005 Quasimonotone variational inequalities in Banach spaces. Zbl 0904.49005 Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 94 1996 From scalar to vector equilibrium problems in the quasimonotone case. Zbl 0903.90141 Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 85 1998 On quasimonotone variational inequalities. Zbl 1062.49006 Aussel, D.; Hadjisavvas, N. 68 2004 Coercivity conditions and variational inequalities. Zbl 0937.49003 Daniilidis, Aris; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 57 1999 Maximal monotonicity of bifunctions. Zbl 1250.47050 Hadjisavvas, N.; Khatibzadeh, H. 49 2010 Continuity and maximality properties of pseudomonotone operators. Zbl 1063.47041 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 46 2003 Adjusted sublevel sets, normal operator, and quasi-convex programming. Zbl 1098.49015 Aussel, D.; Hadjisavvas, N. 44 2005 Characterization of nonsmooth semistrictly quasiconvex and strictly quasiconvex functions. Zbl 1010.49013 Daniilidis, A.; Hadjisavvas, N. 41 1999 Well-posedness for mixed quasivariational-like inequalities. Zbl 1157.49033 Ceng, L. C.; Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S.; Yao, J. C. 40 2008 Existence theorems for vector variational inequalities. Zbl 0887.49004 Daniilidis, Aris; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 36 1996 Minimal coercivity conditions and exceptional families of elements in quasimonotone variational inequalities. Zbl 1130.49302 Bianchi, M.; Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 34 2004 On the subdifferentials of quasiconvex and pseudoconvex functions and cyclic monotonicity. Zbl 0934.49015 Daniilidis, Aris; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 27 1999 On strong pseudomonotonicity and (semi)strict quasimonotonicity. Zbl 0792.90068 Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 26 1993 An appropriate subdifferential for quasiconvex functions. Zbl 1031.49025 Daniilidis, Aris; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Martinez-Legaz, Juan-Enrique 24 2001 Quasimonotonicity and pseudomonotonicity in variational inequalities and equilibrium problems. Zbl 0946.49005 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Schaible, Siegfried 21 1998 Connectedness of the efficient set for three-objective quasiconcave maximization problems. Zbl 0879.90159 Daniilidis, Aris; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Schaible, S. 21 1997 An optimal alternative theorem and applications to mathematical programming. Zbl 1138.90025 Flores-Bazán, Fabián; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Vera, Cristián 21 2007 First- and second-order asymptotic analysis with applications in quasiconvex optimization. Zbl 1346.90678 Flores-Bazán, F.; Hadjisavvas, N.; Lara, F.; Montenegro, I. 18 2016 On the Fitzpatrick transform of a monotone bifunction. Zbl 1285.47059 Alizadeh, M. H.; Hadjisavvas, N. 16 2013 A quasiconvex asymptotic function with applications in optimization. Zbl 1409.90141 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Lara, Felipe; Martínez-Legaz, Juan Enrique 16 2019 Exceptional families of elements for variational inequalities in Banach spaces. Zbl 1136.49007 Bianchi, M.; Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 14 2006 Local boundedness properties for generalized monotone operators. Zbl 1232.47041 Alizadeh, Mohammad Hossein; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Roohi, Mehdi 13 2012 Generalized convexity, generalized monotonicity and nonsmooth analysis. Zbl 1105.90058 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 12 2005 Pseudomonotone operators: a survey of the theory and its applications. Zbl 1236.90130 Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S.; Wong, N.-C. 11 2012 Transformation of quasiconvex functions to eliminate local minima. Zbl 1404.90100 Al-Homidan, Suliman; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Shaalan, Loai 11 2018 On pseudomonotone maps \(T\) for which \(-T\) is also pseudomonotone. Zbl 1059.47058 Bianchi, Monica; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Schaible, Siegfried 10 2003 On generalized cyclically monotone operators and proper quasimonotonicity. Zbl 0970.49016 Daniilidis, Aris; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 8 2000 Single-directional property of multivalued maps and variational systems. Zbl 1195.49024 Aussel, D.; Garcia, Y.; Hadjisavvas, N. 8 2009 On Cantoni’s generalized transition probability. Zbl 0492.60003 Hadjisavvas, N. 8 1982 On a generalization of paramonotone maps and its application to solving the Stampacchia variational inequality. Zbl 1118.47041 Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 7 2006 Translations of quasimonotone maps and monotonicity. Zbl 1125.47037 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 7 2006 Some conditions for maximal monotonicity of bifunctions. Zbl 1362.47032 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Jacinto, Flávia M. O.; Martínez-Legaz, Juan E. 6 2016 Local boundedness of monotone bifunctions. Zbl 1274.90489 Alizadeh, Mohammad Hossein; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 6 2012 Second order asymptotic analysis: basic theory. Zbl 1334.49050 Flores-Bazán, Fabián; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Lara, Felipe 5 2016 Advances in convex analysis and global optimization. Honoring the memory of C. Carathéodory (1873-1950). Zbl 0968.00020 5 2001 Second-order asymptotic directions of unbounded sets with application to optimization. Zbl 1213.90227 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Luc, Dinh The 5 2011 Relaxed quasimonotone operators and relaxed quasiconvex functions. Zbl 1162.47043 Bai, M. R.; Hadjisavvas, N. 5 2009 The use of subdifferentials for studying generalized convex functions. Zbl 1079.90587 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 4 2002 On strong pseudomonotonicity and (semi)strict quasimonotonicity. Zbl 0833.90104 Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 4 1995 On cyclic and \(n\)-cyclic monotonicity of bifunctions. Zbl 1329.47050 Alizadeh, M. H.; Bianchi, M.; Hadjisavvas, N.; Pini, R. 4 2014 Characterizing quasiconvexity of the pointwise infimum of a family of arbitrary translations of quasiconvex functions, with applications to sums and quasiconvex optimization. Zbl 1481.26012 Flores-Bazán, F.; García, Y.; Hadjisavvas, N. 4 2021 Zero-scale asymptotic functions and quasiconvex optimization. Zbl 1436.90137 Flores-Bazán, Fabián; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 4 2019 Nonlinear monotone operators with values in \({\mathcal L}(X,Y)\). Zbl 0712.47047 Hadjisavvas, N.; Kravvaritis, D.; Pantelidis, G.; Polyrakis, I. 3 1989 Maximal pseudomonotone operators. Zbl 1090.47037 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 3 2003 Generalized monotone maps. Zbl 1086.49018 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Schaible, Siegfried 3 2005 Distance between states and statistical inference in quantum theory. Zbl 0485.46037 Hadjisavvas, N. 3 1981 Generalized convexity and generalized monotonicity. Proceedings of the 6th international symposium, Samos, Greece, September 1999. Zbl 0961.00019 2 2001 Hadamard-type inequalities for quasiconvex functions. Zbl 1025.26013 Hadjisavvas, N. 2 2003 Revisiting the problem of integrability in utility theory. Zbl 1338.91087 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Penot, Jean-Paul 2 2015 Generalized convexity, generalized monotonicity and applications. Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on generalized convexity and generalized monotonicity, Hanoi, Vietnam, August 27–31, 2002. Zbl 1055.90002 2 2005 Pseudomonotone\(_*\) maps and the cutting plane property. Zbl 1173.49010 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Schaible, Siegfried 2 2009 A general asymptotic function with applications in nonconvex optimization. Zbl 1491.90162 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Lara, Felipe; Luc, Dinh The 2 2020 Hereditary order convexity in \({\mathcal L}(X,Y)\). Zbl 0694.47030 Hadjisavvas, N.; Kravvaritis, D.; Pantelidis, G.; Polyrakis, I. 1 1989 Metrics on the set of states of a \(W^ *\)-algebra. Zbl 0611.46063 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 1 1986 On the renorming of a vector space endowed with two norms and the simultaneous best approximation problem. Zbl 0616.41016 Hadjisavvas, N.; Nassopoulos, B.; Pantelidis, G. 1 1988 The probabilistic-informational concept of an opacity functional: New proof of its main properties. Zbl 0496.60003 Mugur-Schaechter, M.; Hadjisavvas, N. 1 1982 Representative functions of maximally monotone operators and bifunctions. Zbl 1436.47017 Bianchi, Monica; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Pini, Rita 1 2018 Continuity and maximal quasimonotonicity of normal cone operators. Zbl 1549.47099 Bianchi, Monica; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Pini, Rita 1 2022 Continuity and maximal quasimonotonicity of normal cone operators. Zbl 1549.47099 Bianchi, Monica; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Pini, Rita 1 2022 Characterizing quasiconvexity of the pointwise infimum of a family of arbitrary translations of quasiconvex functions, with applications to sums and quasiconvex optimization. Zbl 1481.26012 Flores-Bazán, F.; García, Y.; Hadjisavvas, N. 4 2021 A general asymptotic function with applications in nonconvex optimization. Zbl 1491.90162 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Lara, Felipe; Luc, Dinh The 2 2020 A quasiconvex asymptotic function with applications in optimization. Zbl 1409.90141 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Lara, Felipe; Martínez-Legaz, Juan Enrique 16 2019 Zero-scale asymptotic functions and quasiconvex optimization. Zbl 1436.90137 Flores-Bazán, Fabián; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 4 2019 Transformation of quasiconvex functions to eliminate local minima. Zbl 1404.90100 Al-Homidan, Suliman; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Shaalan, Loai 11 2018 Representative functions of maximally monotone operators and bifunctions. Zbl 1436.47017 Bianchi, Monica; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Pini, Rita 1 2018 First- and second-order asymptotic analysis with applications in quasiconvex optimization. Zbl 1346.90678 Flores-Bazán, F.; Hadjisavvas, N.; Lara, F.; Montenegro, I. 18 2016 Some conditions for maximal monotonicity of bifunctions. Zbl 1362.47032 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Jacinto, Flávia M. O.; Martínez-Legaz, Juan E. 6 2016 Second order asymptotic analysis: basic theory. Zbl 1334.49050 Flores-Bazán, Fabián; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Lara, Felipe 5 2016 Revisiting the problem of integrability in utility theory. Zbl 1338.91087 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Penot, Jean-Paul 2 2015 On cyclic and \(n\)-cyclic monotonicity of bifunctions. Zbl 1329.47050 Alizadeh, M. H.; Bianchi, M.; Hadjisavvas, N.; Pini, R. 4 2014 On the Fitzpatrick transform of a monotone bifunction. Zbl 1285.47059 Alizadeh, M. H.; Hadjisavvas, N. 16 2013 Local boundedness properties for generalized monotone operators. Zbl 1232.47041 Alizadeh, Mohammad Hossein; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Roohi, Mehdi 13 2012 Pseudomonotone operators: a survey of the theory and its applications. Zbl 1236.90130 Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S.; Wong, N.-C. 11 2012 Local boundedness of monotone bifunctions. Zbl 1274.90489 Alizadeh, Mohammad Hossein; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 6 2012 Second-order asymptotic directions of unbounded sets with application to optimization. Zbl 1213.90227 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Luc, Dinh The 5 2011 Strong convergence theorem by a hybrid extragradient-like approximation method for variational inequalities and fixed point problems. Zbl 1198.47081 Ceng, Lu-Chuan; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Wong, Ngai-Ching 132 2010 Maximal monotonicity of bifunctions. Zbl 1250.47050 Hadjisavvas, N.; Khatibzadeh, H. 49 2010 Single-directional property of multivalued maps and variational systems. Zbl 1195.49024 Aussel, D.; Garcia, Y.; Hadjisavvas, N. 8 2009 Relaxed quasimonotone operators and relaxed quasiconvex functions. Zbl 1162.47043 Bai, M. R.; Hadjisavvas, N. 5 2009 Pseudomonotone\(_*\) maps and the cutting plane property. Zbl 1173.49010 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Schaible, Siegfried 2 2009 Well-posedness for mixed quasivariational-like inequalities. Zbl 1157.49033 Ceng, L. C.; Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S.; Yao, J. C. 40 2008 An optimal alternative theorem and applications to mathematical programming. Zbl 1138.90025 Flores-Bazán, Fabián; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Vera, Cristián 21 2007 Exceptional families of elements for variational inequalities in Banach spaces. Zbl 1136.49007 Bianchi, M.; Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 14 2006 On a generalization of paramonotone maps and its application to solving the Stampacchia variational inequality. Zbl 1118.47041 Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 7 2006 Translations of quasimonotone maps and monotonicity. Zbl 1125.47037 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 7 2006 Handbook of generalized convexity and generalized monotonicity. Zbl 1070.26002 110 2005 Adjusted sublevel sets, normal operator, and quasi-convex programming. Zbl 1098.49015 Aussel, D.; Hadjisavvas, N. 44 2005 Generalized convexity, generalized monotonicity and nonsmooth analysis. Zbl 1105.90058 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 12 2005 Generalized monotone maps. Zbl 1086.49018 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Schaible, Siegfried 3 2005 Generalized convexity, generalized monotonicity and applications. Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on generalized convexity and generalized monotonicity, Hanoi, Vietnam, August 27–31, 2002. Zbl 1055.90002 2 2005 On quasimonotone variational inequalities. Zbl 1062.49006 Aussel, D.; Hadjisavvas, N. 68 2004 Minimal coercivity conditions and exceptional families of elements in quasimonotone variational inequalities. Zbl 1130.49302 Bianchi, M.; Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 34 2004 Continuity and maximality properties of pseudomonotone operators. Zbl 1063.47041 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 46 2003 On pseudomonotone maps \(T\) for which \(-T\) is also pseudomonotone. Zbl 1059.47058 Bianchi, Monica; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Schaible, Siegfried 10 2003 Maximal pseudomonotone operators. Zbl 1090.47037 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 3 2003 Hadamard-type inequalities for quasiconvex functions. Zbl 1025.26013 Hadjisavvas, N. 2 2003 The use of subdifferentials for studying generalized convex functions. Zbl 1079.90587 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 4 2002 An appropriate subdifferential for quasiconvex functions. Zbl 1031.49025 Daniilidis, Aris; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Martinez-Legaz, Juan-Enrique 24 2001 Advances in convex analysis and global optimization. Honoring the memory of C. Carathéodory (1873-1950). Zbl 0968.00020 5 2001 Generalized convexity and generalized monotonicity. Proceedings of the 6th international symposium, Samos, Greece, September 1999. Zbl 0961.00019 2 2001 On generalized cyclically monotone operators and proper quasimonotonicity. Zbl 0970.49016 Daniilidis, Aris; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 8 2000 Coercivity conditions and variational inequalities. Zbl 0937.49003 Daniilidis, Aris; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 57 1999 Characterization of nonsmooth semistrictly quasiconvex and strictly quasiconvex functions. Zbl 1010.49013 Daniilidis, A.; Hadjisavvas, N. 41 1999 On the subdifferentials of quasiconvex and pseudoconvex functions and cyclic monotonicity. Zbl 0934.49015 Daniilidis, Aris; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 27 1999 From scalar to vector equilibrium problems in the quasimonotone case. Zbl 0903.90141 Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 85 1998 Quasimonotonicity and pseudomonotonicity in variational inequalities and equilibrium problems. Zbl 0946.49005 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Schaible, Siegfried 21 1998 Vector equilibrium problems with generalized monotone bifunctions. Zbl 0878.49007 Bianchi, M.; Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 172 1997 Connectedness of the efficient set for three-objective quasiconcave maximization problems. Zbl 0879.90159 Daniilidis, Aris; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas; Schaible, S. 21 1997 Quasimonotone variational inequalities in Banach spaces. Zbl 0904.49005 Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 94 1996 Existence theorems for vector variational inequalities. Zbl 0887.49004 Daniilidis, Aris; Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 36 1996 On strong pseudomonotonicity and (semi)strict quasimonotonicity. Zbl 0833.90104 Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 4 1995 On strong pseudomonotonicity and (semi)strict quasimonotonicity. Zbl 0792.90068 Hadjisavvas, N.; Schaible, S. 26 1993 Nonlinear monotone operators with values in \({\mathcal L}(X,Y)\). Zbl 0712.47047 Hadjisavvas, N.; Kravvaritis, D.; Pantelidis, G.; Polyrakis, I. 3 1989 Hereditary order convexity in \({\mathcal L}(X,Y)\). Zbl 0694.47030 Hadjisavvas, N.; Kravvaritis, D.; Pantelidis, G.; Polyrakis, I. 1 1989 On the renorming of a vector space endowed with two norms and the simultaneous best approximation problem. Zbl 0616.41016 Hadjisavvas, N.; Nassopoulos, B.; Pantelidis, G. 1 1988 Metrics on the set of states of a \(W^ *\)-algebra. Zbl 0611.46063 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 1 1986 On Cantoni’s generalized transition probability. Zbl 0492.60003 Hadjisavvas, N. 8 1982 The probabilistic-informational concept of an opacity functional: New proof of its main properties. Zbl 0496.60003 Mugur-Schaechter, M.; Hadjisavvas, N. 1 1982 Distance between states and statistical inference in quantum theory. Zbl 0485.46037 Hadjisavvas, N. 3 1981 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 833 Authors 49 Yao, Jen-Chih 35 Ansari, Qamrul Hasan 34 Huang, Nan-Jing 32 Ceng, Lu-Chuan 31 Hadjisavvas, Nicolas 27 Chadli, Ouayl 27 Lara, Felipe 25 Aussel, Didier 25 Shehu, Yekini 24 Konnov, Igor Vasilyevich 23 Dương Việt Thông 22 Fang, Yaping 21 Bianchi, Monica 21 Schaible, Siegfried 19 Farajzadeh, Ali P. 18 Flores-Bazán, Fabián 18 Phan Quôc Khánh 16 Wen, Chingfeng 15 Al-Homidan, Suliman S. 15 Anh, Lam Quoc 14 Cotrina, John 14 Pini, Rita 13 Li, Shengjie 13 Zafarani, Jafar 12 Alizadeh, Mohammad Hossein 12 Hu, Rong 12 Kassay, Gábor 12 Penot, Jean-Paul 11 Dang Van Hieu 11 Iusem, Alfredo Noel 11 Li, Jun 11 Lin, Lai-Jiu 11 Peng, Jianwen 11 Zhong, Ren-you 9 Daniilidis, Aris 9 Hu, Yaohua 9 Iyiola, Olaniyi Samuel 9 Jolaoso, Lateef Olakunle O. 9 Milasi, Monica 9 Mordukhovich, Boris S. 9 Nguyen The Vinh 9 Yang, Xiaoqi 8 Balaj, Mircea 8 Cho, Yeol Je 8 Dong, Qiaoli 8 Fakhar, Majid 8 Fan, Jianghua 8 Latif, Abdul 8 Mewomo, Oluwatosin Temitope 8 Riahi, Hassan 8 Tam, Tran Ngoc 7 Chbani, Zaki 7 Izuchukwu, Chinedu 7 Kazmi, Kaleem Raza 7 Nahak, Chandal 7 Narain, Ojen Kumar 7 Plubtieng, Somyot 7 Tang, Guoji 7 Wangkeeree, Rabian 7 Wong, Ngai-Ching 7 Yao, Yonghong 6 Ali, Rehan 6 Amini-Harandi, Alireza 6 Capătă, Adela Elisabeta 6 Chiang, Yungyen 6 Ding, Xie Ping 6 Dinh The Luc 6 Donato, Maria Bernadette 6 Ivanov, Vsevolod Ivanov 6 Khatibzadeh, Hadi 6 López, Ruben 6 Martínez-Legaz, Juan-Enrique 6 Ugwunnadi, Godwin Chidi 6 Nguyen Dong Yen 6 Yu, Carisa Kwok Wai 6 Zhao, Yunbin 5 Allevi, Elisabetta 5 Chang, Shih-Sen 5 Cholamjiak, Prasit 5 Dutta, Joydeep 5 Eslamian, Mohammad 5 Giuli, Massimiliano 5 Gong, Xunhua 5 Kien, Bui Trong 5 Kumam, Poom 5 Moradi, Sirous 5 O’Regan, Donal 5 Salahuddin 5 Sosa, Wilfredo 5 Su, Tran Van 5 Vitanza, Carmela 5 Wang, Zhongbao 4 Agarwal, Ravi P. 4 Ahmad, Rais 4 Al-Mazrooei, Abdullah Eqal 4 Cambini, Riccardo 4 Castellani, Marco 4 Dadashi, Vahid 4 Farid, Mohammad 4 Ramos, Yboon García ...and 733 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 167 Serials 157 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 97 Journal of Global Optimization 76 Optimization 40 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 39 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 38 Optimization Letters 25 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 25 Abstract and Applied Analysis 19 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 17 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 16 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 14 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 13 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 11 Numerical Algorithms 10 Applicable Analysis 10 SIAM Journal on Optimization 10 Journal of Convex Analysis 9 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 9 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 9 Minimax Theory and its Applications 8 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 8 Applied Mathematics Letters 8 European Journal of Operational Research 8 Journal of Applied Mathematics 8 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 8 Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis 6 Applied Mathematics and Computation 6 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 6 Positivity 6 Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 6 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 6 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 5 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 5 Operations Research Letters 5 Computational Optimization and Applications 5 Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Top 5 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 4 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 4 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 4 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 4 Optimization and Engineering 4 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 3 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 3 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 3 Demonstratio Mathematica 3 Opsearch 3 Applied Numerical Mathematics 3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 3 Journal of Scientific Computing 3 Annals of Operations Research 3 The Journal of Analysis 3 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 3 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Networks and Spatial Economics 3 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences 2 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 2 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 2 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 2 Economic Theory 2 Filomat 2 Optimization Methods & Software 2 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 2 Decisions in Economics and Finance 2 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 2 Central European Journal of Mathematics 2 Fixed Point Theory 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. Chinese Series 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 2 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 2 Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization 2 Journal of Mathematical Extension 2 Arabian Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 2 Journal of Function Spaces 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Reports on Mathematical Physics 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matemàtiche e Naturali 1 Automatica 1 Calcolo 1 Control and Cybernetics 1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Matematički Vesnik 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae ...and 67 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 35 Fields 544 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 520 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 407 Operator theory (47-XX) 117 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 98 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 62 Real functions (26-XX) 28 Functional analysis (46-XX) 25 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 23 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 21 General topology (54-XX) 10 Computer science (68-XX) 9 Quantum theory (81-XX) 8 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 7 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 5 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year