Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Halpern, Joseph Yehuda Co-Author Distance Author ID: halpern.joseph-y Published as: Halpern, Joseph Y.; Halpern, J. Y.; Halpern, Joseph more...less Homepage: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/halpern/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 215 Publications since 1981, including 4 Books and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 12 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 123 Co-Authors with 184 Joint Publications 3,584 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 42 single-authored 20 Fagin, Ronald 15 Vardi, Moshe Ya’akov 14 Moses, Yoram 14 Pass, Rafael 13 Dechter, Rina 13 Geffner, Hector 9 Dolev, Danny 8 Pucella, Riccardo 7 Grove, Adam J. 6 Koller, Daphne 6 Rêgo, Leandro Chaves 5 Bjorndahl, Adam 5 Chockler, Hana 5 Friedman, Nir 4 Abraham, Ittai 4 Chu, Francis C. 4 Leung, Samantha 4 Petride, Sabina 3 Clarke, Edmund Melson jun. 3 Geffner, Ivan 3 German, Steven M. 3 Hadzilacos, Vassos 3 Kash, Ian A. 3 Li, Li Erran 3 Meyer, Albert Ronald 3 Samet, Dov 3 Seeman, Lior 3 van der Meyden, Ron 3 Waarts, Orli 2 Bacchus, Fahiem 2 Ben-Ari, Mordechai 2 Bickford, Mark 2 Blume, Lawrence E. 2 Constable, Robert Lee 2 Dwork, Cynthia 2 Easley, David A. 2 Emerson, Ernest Allen 2 Friedman, Eric J. 2 Grünwald, Peter D. 2 Halldórsson, Magnús Mar 2 Hitchcock, Christopher Read 2 Kets, Willemien 2 Kupferman, Orna 2 Lakemeyer, Gerhard 2 Megiddo, Nimrod 2 Mirrokni, Vahab S. 2 Pearl, Judea 2 Pnueli, Amir 2 Segev, Ella 2 Shoham, Yoav 2 Simons, Barbara B. 2 Strong, H. Raymond 2 Wimmers, Edward L. 1 Abadi, Martín 1 Alechina, Natasha 1 Aleksandrowicz, Gadi 1 Alpturer, Kaya 1 Alrajeh, Dalal 1 Awerbuch, Baruch 1 Bahl, Paramvir 1 Ben-Or, Michael 1 Berman, Piotr 1 Brafman, Ronen I. 1 Capraro, Valerio 1 Chandra, Ashok K. 1 Chaves Rêgo, Leandros 1 De Sa, Christopher 1 Di Tillio, Alfredo 1 Feigenbaum, Joan 1 Feitelson, Dror G. 1 Friedenberg, Meir 1 Geanakoplos, John D. 1 Grädel, Erich 1 Guibas, Leonidas John 1 Harper, Robert 1 Immerman, Neil 1 Ivrii, Alexander 1 Jaghadeesan, Radha 1 Kapron, Bruce M. 1 Kolaitis, Phokion G. 1 Kooi, Barteld Pieter 1 Kupferman, Raz 1 Levesque, Hector J. 1 Linial, Nathan 1 Logan, Brian 1 Loui, Michael C. 1 Manna, Zohar 1 Moszkowski, Ben C. 1 Munshi, Ashfaq A. 1 Perea, Andrés 1 Piperno, Adolfo 1 Pitt, Leonard 1 Rabin, Michael O. 1 Reichman, Daniel 1 Reif, John H. 1 Ricciardi, Aleta M. 1 Richardson, Oliver E. 1 Saks, Michael E. 1 Shmoys, David B. 1 Shore, Richard Arnold ...and 23 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 18 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 17 Artificial Intelligence 15 Games and Economic Behavior 12 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 11 Distributed Computing 8 International Journal of Game Theory 7 The Review of Symbolic Logic 6 Information and Computation 5 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 4 The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 4 Journal of Economic Theory 4 SIAM Journal on Computing 4 Theory and Decision 4 Journal of Logic and Computation 4 Journal of the ACM 4 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 3 Journal of Philosophical Logic 3 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 3 Mathematical Systems Theory 3 Mathematical Social Sciences 3 Logical Methods in Computer Science 2 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 2 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1 Information and Control 1 Synthese 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 Journal of Complexity 1 Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 Tributes 1 ACM Books 1 Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS) all top 5 Fields 162 Computer science (68-XX) 90 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 57 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 12 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 11 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 175 Publications have been cited 4,566 times in 2,757 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Reasoning about knowledge. Zbl 0839.68095 Fagin, Ronald; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Moses, Yoram; Vardi, Moshe Y. 722 1995 “Sometimes” and “not never” revisited: On branching versus linear time temporal logic. Zbl 0629.68020 Emerson, E. Allen; Halpern, Joseph Y. 217 1986 Belief, awareness, and limited reasoning. Zbl 0634.03013 Fagin, Ronald; Halpern, Joseph Y. 198 1988 Knowledge and common knowledge in a distributed environment. Zbl 0699.68115 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Moses, Yoram 182 1990 A guide to completeness and complexity for modal logics of knowledge and belief. Zbl 0762.68029 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Moses, Yoram 169 1992 A logic for reasoning about probabilities. Zbl 0811.03014 Fagin, Ronald; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Megiddo, Nimrod 168 1990 Reasoning about uncertainty. Zbl 1090.68105 Halpern, Joseph Y. 168 2003 Reasoning about knowledge and probability. Zbl 0806.68098 Fagin, Ronald; Halpern, Joseph Y. 107 1994 A propositional modal logic of time intervals. Zbl 0799.68175 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Shoham, Yoav 105 1991 Decision procedures and expressiveness in the temporal logic of branching time. Zbl 0559.68051 Emerson, E. Allen; Halpern, Joseph Y. 104 1985 An analysis of first-order logics of probability. Zbl 0723.03007 Halpern, Joseph Y. 103 1990 Causes and explanations: a structural-model approach. I: Causes. Zbl 1092.03003 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pearl, Judea 69 2005 Handbook of epistemic logic. Zbl 1392.03009 67 2015 A new approach to updating beliefs. Zbl 0742.68067 Fagin, R.; Halpern, J. Y. 64 1991 The complexity of reasoning about knowledge and time. I: Lower bounds. Zbl 0672.03015 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Vardi, Moshe Y. 59 1989 Alternative semantics for unawareness. Zbl 1001.03015 Halpern, Joseph Y. 57 2001 Two views of belief: Belief as generalized probability and belief as evidence. Zbl 0762.68055 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Fagin, Ronald 50 1992 Complete axiomatizations for reasoning about knowledge and time. Zbl 1059.68127 Halpern, Joseph Y.; van der Meyden, Ron; Vardi, Moshe Y. 50 2004 Extensive games with possibly unaware players. Zbl 1294.91023 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Rêgo, Leandro C. 48 2014 Interactive unawareness revisited. Zbl 1138.03312 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Rêgo, Leandro Chaves 46 2008 Rational secret sharing and multiparty computation. Zbl 1192.94119 Halpern, Joseph; Teague, Vanessa 44 2004 Lexicographic probability, conditional probability, and nonstandard probability. Zbl 1208.60005 Halpern, Joseph Y. 42 2010 Plausibility measures and default reasoning. Zbl 1127.68438 Friedman, Nir; Halpern, Joseph Y. 39 2001 Reasoning about knowledge of unawareness. Zbl 1189.03023 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Rêgo, Leandro C. 37 2009 The effect of bounding the number of primitive propositions and the depth of nesting on the complexity of modal logic. Zbl 1014.03508 Halpern, Joseph Y. 37 1995 What can machines know? On the properties of knowledge in distributed systems. Zbl 0799.68179 Fagin, Ronald; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Vardi, Moshe Y. 35 1992 Axiomatizing causal reasoning. Zbl 0943.68016 Halpern, J. Y. 34 2000 Uncertainty, belief, and probability. Zbl 0718.68066 Fagin, Ronald; Halpern, Joseph Y. 33 1989 Modelling knowledge and action in distributed systems. Zbl 0685.68076 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Fagin, Ronald 32 1989 Reasoning about noisy sensors and effectors in the situation calculus. Zbl 0996.68192 Bacchus, Fahiem; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Levesque, Hector J. 32 1999 Causes and explanations: a structural-model approach. II: Explanations. Zbl 1096.03005 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pearl, Judea 31 2005 Responsibility and blame: a structural-model approach. Zbl 1080.68680 Chockler, Hana; Halpern, Joseph Y. 31 2004 Knowledge, probability, and adversaries. Zbl 0783.68120 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Tuttle, Mark R. 30 1993 Generalized solution concepts in games with possibly unaware players. Zbl 1247.91031 Rêgo, Leandro C.; Halpern, Joseph Y. 29 2012 On the possibility and impossibility of achieving clock synchronization. Zbl 0595.68029 Dolev, Danny; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Strong, H. Raymond 29 1986 The hierarchical approach to modeling knowledge and common knowledge. Zbl 1061.68556 Fagin, Ronald; Geanakoplos, John; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Vardi, Moshe Y. 28 1999 From statistical knowledge bases to degrees of belief. Zbl 1506.68146 Bacchus, Fahiem; Grove, Adam J.; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Koller, Daphne 28 1996 Presburger arithmetic with unary predicates is \(\Pi{}^ 1_ 1\) complete. Zbl 0738.03017 Halpern, Joseph Y. 27 1991 Common knowledge revisited. Zbl 1060.03008 Fagin, R.; Halpern, J. Y.; Moses, Y.; Vardi, M. Y. 27 2003 Actual causality. Zbl 1370.03004 Halpern, Joseph Y. 26 2016 Defining relative likelihood in partially-ordered preferential structures. Zbl 0895.03010 Halpern, Joseph Y. 25 1997 Performing work efficiently in the presence of faults. Zbl 0907.68099 Dwork, Cynthia; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Waarts, Orli 25 1998 A model-theoretic analysis of knowledge. Zbl 0799.68177 Fagin, Ronald; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Vardi, Moshe Y. 25 1991 Belief revision: A critique. Zbl 0949.03017 Friedman, Nir; Halpern, Joseph Y. 23 1999 Decidability and expressiveness for first-order logics of probability. Zbl 0799.03017 Abadi, Martín; Halpern, Joseph Y. 23 1994 Reasoning about uncertainty. 2nd edition. Zbl 1368.68001 Halpern, Joseph Y. 22 2017 A little knowledge goes a long way: Knowledge-based derivations and correctness proofs for a family of protocols. Zbl 0799.68024 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Zuck, Lenore D. 22 1992 Towards a theory of knowledge and ignorance: preliminary report. Zbl 0581.68067 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Moses, Yoram 22 1985 An almost-surely terminating polynomial protocol for asynchronous Byzantine agreement with optimal resilience. Zbl 1301.68047 Abraham, Ittai; Dolev, Danny; Halpern, Joseph Y. 21 2008 Random worlds and maximum entropy. Zbl 0900.68398 Grove, A. J.; Halpern, J. Y.; Koller, D. 20 1994 Dealing with logical omniscience: expressiveness and pragmatics. Zbl 1216.68267 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pucella, Riccardo 20 2011 A hardware semantics based on temporal intervals. Zbl 0534.68025 Halpern, Joseph; Manna, Zohar; Moszkowski, Ben 20 1983 A nonstandard approach to the logical omniscience problem. Zbl 1014.03513 Fagin, Ronald; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Vardi, Moshe Y. 19 1995 The propositional dynamic logic of deterministic, well-structured programs. Zbl 0552.68035 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Reif, John H. 19 1983 A logic to reason about likelihood. Zbl 0621.03011 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Rabin, Michael O. 18 1987 Dynamic fault-tolerant clock synchronization. Zbl 0886.68008 Dolev, Danny; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Simons, Barbara; Strong, Ray 18 1995 Iterated regret minimization: a new solution concept. Zbl 1278.91039 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pass, Rafael 18 2012 Multi-agent only knowing. Zbl 0984.03016 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Lakemeyer, Gerhard 17 2001 Defining knowledge in terms of belief: the modal logic perspective. Zbl 1186.03030 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Samet, Dov; Segev, Ella 17 2009 A logic for reasoning about evidence. Zbl 1182.68244 Halpern, J. Y.; Pucella, R. 17 2006 Lower bounds on implementing robust and resilient mediators. Zbl 1162.94332 Abraham, Ittai; Dolev, Danny; Halpern, Joseph Y. 17 2008 Updating probabilities. Zbl 1076.68579 Grunwald, P. D.; Halpern, J. Y. 17 2003 Deterministic propositional dynamic logic: finite models, complexity, and completeness. Zbl 0512.03013 Ben-Ari, Mordechai; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pnueli, Amir 17 1982 Message-optimal protocols for Byzantine agreement. Zbl 0766.68007 Hadzilacos, Vassos; Halpern, Joseph Y. 16 1993 A new look at fault-tolerant network routing. Zbl 0638.68010 Dolev, Danny; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Simons, Barbara; Strong, H. Raymond 16 1987 Substantive rationality and backward induction. Zbl 1027.91011 Halpern, Joseph Y. 16 2001 A characterization of eventual Byzantine agreement. Zbl 1017.68007 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Moses, Yoram; Waarts, Orli 16 2001 Knowledge-based programs. Zbl 1448.68406 Fagin, Ronald; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Moses, Yoram; Vardi, Moshe Y. 16 1997 Naming and identity in epistemic logics. I: The propositional case. Zbl 0808.03009 Grove, Adam J.; Halpern, Joseph Y. 15 1993 Reasoning about knowledge of unawareness revisited. Zbl 1278.03039 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Rêgo, Leandro C. 15 2013 Optimal precision in the presence of uncertainty. Zbl 0598.68033 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Megiddo, Nimrod; Munshi, Ashfaq A. 15 1985 Cheating husbands and other stories: A case study of knowledge, action, and communication. Zbl 0609.68072 Moses, Yoram; Dolev, Danny; Halpern, Joseph Y. 15 1986 Model checking vs. Theorem proving: A manifesto. Zbl 0755.68121 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Vardi, Moshe Y. 14 1991 Algorithmic rationality: game theory with costly computation. Zbl 1311.91090 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pass, Rafael 14 2015 Should knowledge entail belief? Zbl 0866.03015 Halpern, Joseph Y. 14 1996 Reasoning about knowledge and probability: Preliminary report. Zbl 0699.03010 Fagin, Ronald; Halpern, Joseph Y. 13 1988 A counterexample to theorems of Cox and Fine. Zbl 0922.60009 Halpern, Joseph Y. 13 1999 Modeling belief in dynamic systems. I: Foundations. Zbl 0894.68146 Friedman, Nir; Halpern, Joseph Y. 13 1997 Knowledge-based programs. Zbl 1374.68102 Fagin, Ronald; Moses, Yoram; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Vardi, Moshe Y. 12 1995 What causes a system to satisfy a specification? Zbl 1367.68185 Chockler, Hana; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Kupferman, Orna 12 2008 Characterizing the common prior assumption. Zbl 1042.91062 Halpern, Joseph Y. 12 2002 Effective axiomatizations of Hoare logics. Zbl 0627.68010 Clarke, Edmund M. jun.; German, Steven M.; Halpern, Joseph Y. 11 1983 Analysis of a cone-based distributed topology control algorithm for wireless multi-hop networks. Zbl 1333.68147 Li, Li; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Bahl, Paramvir; Wang, Yi-Min; Wattenhofer, Rogert 11 2001 Reasoning about common knowledge with infinitely many agents. Zbl 1078.03014 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Shore, Richard A. 11 2004 On ambiguities in the interpretation of game trees. Zbl 0885.90146 Halpern, Joseph Y. 11 1997 Modeling belief in dynamic systems. II: Revision and update. Zbl 0915.68136 Friedman, Nir; Halpern, Joseph Y. 11 1999 The relationship between knowledge, belief, and certainty. Zbl 0865.03016 Halpern, Joseph Y. 11 1991 Optimizing scrip systems: crashes, altruists, hoarders, sybils and collusion. Zbl 1256.68017 Kash, Ian A.; Friedman, Eric J.; Halpern, Joseph Y. 11 2012 No justified complaints: on fair sharing of multiple resources. Zbl 1348.91197 Dolev, Danny; Feitelson, Dror G.; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Kupferman, Raz; Linial, Nathan 10 2012 What is an inference rule? Zbl 0761.03010 Fagin, Ronald; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Vardi, Moshe Y. 10 1992 Distributed protocols for leader election: a game-theoretic perspective. Zbl 1321.68055 Abraham, Ittai; Dolev, Danny; Halpern, Joseph Y. 10 2013 Beyond Nash equilibrium: solution concepts for the 21st century. Zbl 1301.91008 Halpern, Joseph Y. 10 2008 From denotational to operational and axiomatic semantics for ALGOL-like languages: an overview. Zbl 0558.68011 Trakhtenbrot, B. A.; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Meyer, Albert R. 10 1984 Axiomatic definitions of programming languages: A theoretical assessment. Zbl 0478.68009 Meyer, Albert R.; Halpern, Joseph Y. 10 1982 Graded causation and defaults. Zbl 1432.03015 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Hitchcock, Christopher 9 2015 Characterizing the NP-PSPACE gap in the satisfiability problem for modal logic. Zbl 1126.03024 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Chaves Rêgo, Leandros 9 2007 Hypothetical knowledge and counterfactual reasoning. Zbl 0952.91011 Halpern, Joseph Y. 9 1999 On the expected value of games with absentmindedness. Zbl 0885.90145 Grove, Adam J.; Halpern, Joseph Y. 9 1997 A computer scientist looks at game theory. Zbl 1124.91315 Halpern, Joseph Y. 9 2003 Common knowledge revisited. Zbl 0923.03008 Fagin, Ronald; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Moses, Yoram; Vardi, Moshe Y. 9 1999 Constructive decision theory. Zbl 1471.91092 Blume, Lawrence; Easley, David; Halpern, Joseph Y. 2 2021 Combining experts’ causal judgments. Zbl 1504.68186 Alrajeh, Dalal; Chockler, Hana; Halpern, Joseph Y. 1 2020 Implementing mediators with asynchronous cheap talk. Zbl 07298715 Abraham, Ittai; Dolev, Danny; Geffner, Ivan; Halpern, Joseph Y. 4 2019 A conceptually well-founded characterization of iterated admissibility using an “all I know” operator. Zbl 07450031 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pass, Rafael 1 2019 The truth behind the myth of the folk theorem. Zbl 1425.91055 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pass, Rafael; Seeman, Lior 1 2019 Game theory with translucent players. Zbl 1417.91020 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pass, Rafael 3 2018 Reasoning about uncertainty. 2nd edition. Zbl 1368.68001 Halpern, Joseph Y. 22 2017 A knowledge-based analysis of the blockchain protocol. Zbl 1483.68024 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pass, Rafael 4 2017 The computational complexity of structure-based causality. Zbl 1408.68133 Aleksandrowicz, Gadi; Chockler, Hana; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Ivrii, Alexander 3 2017 Reasoning about rationality. Zbl 1393.91015 Bjorndahl, A.; Halpern, J. Y.; Pass, R. 1 2017 From type spaces to probability frames and back, via language. Zbl 1483.68370 Bjorndahl, Adam; Halpern, Joseph Y. 1 2017 Updating probability: tracking statistics as criterion. Zbl 1400.62022 van Fraassen, Bas C.; Halpern, Joseph Y. 1 2017 Actual causality. Zbl 1370.03004 Halpern, Joseph Y. 26 2016 Rational consensus (extended abstract). Zbl 1373.68100 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Vilaça, Xavier 3 2016 Appropriate causal models and the stability of causation. Zbl 1383.03026 Halpern, Joseph Y. 3 2016 Translucent players: explaining cooperative behavior in social dilemmas. Zbl 1484.91019 Capraro, Valerio; Halpern, Joseph Y. 2 2016 Minimizing regret in dynamic decision problems. Zbl 1378.91065 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Leung, Samantha 1 2016 Maxmin weighted expected utility: a simpler characterization. Zbl 1378.91088 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Leung, Samantha 1 2016 Substantive rationality and backward induction. Zbl 1386.03031 Halpern, Joseph Y. 1 2016 Bayesian games with intentions. Zbl 1484.91068 Bjorndahl, Adam; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pass, Rafael 1 2016 Handbook of epistemic logic. Zbl 1392.03009 67 2015 Algorithmic rationality: game theory with costly computation. Zbl 1311.91090 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pass, Rafael 14 2015 Graded causation and defaults. Zbl 1432.03015 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Hitchcock, Christopher 9 2015 Ambiguous language and common priors. Zbl 1318.91137 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Kets, Willemien 3 2015 Weighted sets of probabilities and minimax weighted expected regret: a new approach for representing uncertainty and making decisions. Zbl 1378.91064 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Leung, Samantha 1 2015 Extensive games with possibly unaware players. Zbl 1294.91023 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Rêgo, Leandro C. 48 2014 A logic for reasoning about ambiguity. Zbl 1334.68207 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Kets, Willemien 7 2014 Conditional belief types. Zbl 1302.91030 Di Tillio, Alfredo; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Samet, Dov 5 2014 Not just an empty threat: subgame-perfect equilibrium in repeated games played by computationally bounded players. Zbl 1404.91024 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pass, Rafael; Seeman, Lior 1 2014 Reasoning about knowledge of unawareness revisited. Zbl 1278.03039 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Rêgo, Leandro C. 15 2013 Distributed protocols for leader election: a game-theoretic perspective. Zbl 1321.68055 Abraham, Ittai; Dolev, Danny; Halpern, Joseph Y. 10 2013 From causal models to counterfactual structures. Zbl 1272.03021 Halpern, Joseph Y. 7 2013 Conservative belief and rationality. Zbl 1281.91032 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pass, Rafael 3 2013 Generalized solution concepts in games with possibly unaware players. Zbl 1247.91031 Rêgo, Leandro C.; Halpern, Joseph Y. 29 2012 Iterated regret minimization: a new solution concept. Zbl 1278.91039 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pass, Rafael 18 2012 Optimizing scrip systems: crashes, altruists, hoarders, sybils and collusion. Zbl 1256.68017 Kash, Ian A.; Friedman, Eric J.; Halpern, Joseph Y. 11 2012 No justified complaints: on fair sharing of multiple resources. Zbl 1348.91197 Dolev, Danny; Feitelson, Dror G.; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Kupferman, Raz; Linial, Nathan 10 2012 Modeling adversaries in a logic for security protocol analysis. Zbl 1238.94029 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pucella, Riccardo 5 2012 Dealing with logical omniscience: expressiveness and pragmatics. Zbl 1216.68267 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pucella, Riccardo 20 2011 Making decisions using sets of probabilities: updating, time consistency, and calibration. Zbl 1234.68386 Grunwald, Peter D.; Halpern, Joseph Y. 5 2011 Multiagent learning in large anonymous games. Zbl 1216.68304 Kash, I. A.; Friedman, E. J.; Halpern, J. Y. 4 2011 Beyond Nash equilibrium: solution concepts for the 21st century. Zbl 1229.91073 Halpern, Joseph Y. 1 2011 Beyond Nash equilibrium: solution concepts for the 21st century. Zbl 1349.91078 Halpern, Joseph Y. 1 2011 Lexicographic probability, conditional probability, and nonstandard probability. Zbl 1208.60005 Halpern, Joseph Y. 42 2010 Actual causation and the art of modeling. Zbl 1269.03009 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Hitchcock, Christopher 9 2010 Heuristics, probability and causality. A tribute to Judea Pearl. Zbl 1202.00091 3 2010 On spectrum sharing games. Zbl 1267.91007 Halldórsson, Magnús M.; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Li, Li Erran; Mirrokni, Vahab S. 2 2010 Erratum for “What causes a system to satisfy a specification?”. Zbl 1370.68197 Chockler, Hana; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Kupferman, Orna 2 2010 Reasoning about knowledge of unawareness. Zbl 1189.03023 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Rêgo, Leandro C. 37 2009 Defining knowledge in terms of belief: the modal logic perspective. Zbl 1186.03030 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Samet, Dov; Segev, Ella 17 2009 A nonstandard characterization of sequential equilibrium, perfect equilibrium, and proper equilibrium. Zbl 1211.91017 Halpern, Joseph Y. 5 2009 Redoing the foundations of decision theory. Zbl 1419.03016 Blume, Lawrence E.; Easley, David A.; Halpern, Joseph Y. 3 2009 On definability in multimodal logic. Zbl 1190.03020 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Samet, Dov; Segev, Ella 1 2009 Interactive unawareness revisited. Zbl 1138.03312 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Rêgo, Leandro Chaves 46 2008 An almost-surely terminating polynomial protocol for asynchronous Byzantine agreement with optimal resilience. Zbl 1301.68047 Abraham, Ittai; Dolev, Danny; Halpern, Joseph Y. 21 2008 Lower bounds on implementing robust and resilient mediators. Zbl 1162.94332 Abraham, Ittai; Dolev, Danny; Halpern, Joseph Y. 17 2008 What causes a system to satisfy a specification? Zbl 1367.68185 Chockler, Hana; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Kupferman, Orna 12 2008 Beyond Nash equilibrium: solution concepts for the 21st century. Zbl 1301.91008 Halpern, Joseph Y. 10 2008 Intransitivity and vagueness. Zbl 1198.03011 Halpern, Joseph Y. 6 2008 Great expectations. I: On the customizability of generalized expected utility. Zbl 1133.91359 Chu, Francis C.; Halpern, Joseph Y. 2 2008 Characterizing the NP-PSPACE gap in the satisfiability problem for modal logic. Zbl 1126.03024 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Chaves Rêgo, Leandros 9 2007 Characterizing and reasoning about probabilistic and non-probabilistic expectation. Zbl 1292.68140 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pucella, Riccardo 1 2007 A logic for reasoning about evidence. Zbl 1182.68244 Halpern, J. Y.; Pucella, R. 17 2006 Causes and explanations: a structural-model approach. I: Causes. Zbl 1092.03003 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pearl, Judea 69 2005 Causes and explanations: a structural-model approach. II: Explanations. Zbl 1096.03005 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pearl, Judea 31 2005 Probabilistic algorithmic knowledge. Zbl 1125.68116 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Pucella, Riccardo 3 2005 Knowledge-based synthesis of distributed systems using event structures. Zbl 1108.68491 Bickford, Mark; Constable, Robert C.; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Petride, Sabina 2 2005 A knowledge-theoretic analysis of uniform distributed coordination and failure detectors. Zbl 1264.68028 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Ricciardi, Aleta 2 2005 Complete axiomatizations for reasoning about knowledge and time. Zbl 1059.68127 Halpern, Joseph Y.; van der Meyden, Ron; Vardi, Moshe Y. 50 2004 Rational secret sharing and multiparty computation. Zbl 1192.94119 Halpern, Joseph; Teague, Vanessa 44 2004 Responsibility and blame: a structural-model approach. Zbl 1080.68680 Chockler, Hana; Halpern, Joseph Y. 31 2004 Reasoning about common knowledge with infinitely many agents. Zbl 1078.03014 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Shore, Richard A. 11 2004 Representation dependence in probabilistic inference. Zbl 1080.68686 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Koller, Daphne 8 2004 Great expectations. II: Generalized expected utility as a universal decision rule. Zbl 1086.91016 Chu, Francis C.; Halpern, Joseph Y. 4 2004 On spectrum sharing games. Zbl 1322.91014 Halldórsson, Magnús M.; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Li, Li (Erran); Mirrokni, Vahab S. 2 2004 Reasoning about uncertainty. Zbl 1090.68105 Halpern, Joseph Y. 168 2003 Common knowledge revisited. Zbl 1060.03008 Fagin, R.; Halpern, J. Y.; Moses, Y.; Vardi, M. Y. 27 2003 Updating probabilities. Zbl 1076.68579 Grunwald, P. D.; Halpern, J. Y. 17 2003 A computer scientist looks at game theory. Zbl 1124.91315 Halpern, Joseph Y. 9 2003 LICS 2001 special issue. Zbl 1365.00062 2 2003 Characterizing the common prior assumption. Zbl 1042.91062 Halpern, Joseph Y. 12 2002 A logic for reasoning about upper probabilities. Zbl 1029.68134 Halpern, J. Y.; Pucella, R. 7 2002 Alternative semantics for unawareness. Zbl 1001.03015 Halpern, Joseph Y. 57 2001 Plausibility measures and default reasoning. Zbl 1127.68438 Friedman, Nir; Halpern, Joseph Y. 39 2001 Multi-agent only knowing. Zbl 0984.03016 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Lakemeyer, Gerhard 17 2001 Substantive rationality and backward induction. Zbl 1027.91011 Halpern, Joseph Y. 16 2001 A characterization of eventual Byzantine agreement. Zbl 1017.68007 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Moses, Yoram; Waarts, Orli 16 2001 Analysis of a cone-based distributed topology control algorithm for wireless multi-hop networks. Zbl 1333.68147 Li, Li; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Bahl, Paramvir; Wang, Yi-Min; Wattenhofer, Rogert 11 2001 On the unusual effectiveness of logic in computer science. Zbl 0979.03033 Halpern, Joseph Y.; Harper, Robert; Immerman, Neil; Kolaitis, Phokion G.; Vardi, Moshe Y.; Vianu, Victor 7 2001 On the NP-completeness of finding an optimal strategy in games with common payoffs. Zbl 1052.91004 Chu, Francis; Halpern, Joseph 5 2001 Conditional plausibility measures and Bayesian networks. Zbl 0976.60003 Halpern, J. Y. 2 2001 Axiomatizing causal reasoning. Zbl 0943.68016 Halpern, J. Y. 34 2000 First-order conditional logic for default reasoning revisited. Zbl 1365.68404 Friedman, Nir; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Koller, Daphne 3 2000 Reasoning about noisy sensors and effectors in the situation calculus. Zbl 0996.68192 Bacchus, Fahiem; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Levesque, Hector J. 32 1999 The hierarchical approach to modeling knowledge and common knowledge. Zbl 1061.68556 Fagin, Ronald; Geanakoplos, John; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Vardi, Moshe Y. 28 1999 Belief revision: A critique. Zbl 0949.03017 Friedman, Nir; Halpern, Joseph Y. 23 1999 A counterexample to theorems of Cox and Fine. Zbl 0922.60009 Halpern, Joseph Y. 13 1999 Modeling belief in dynamic systems. II: Revision and update. Zbl 0915.68136 Friedman, Nir; Halpern, Joseph Y. 11 1999 Hypothetical knowledge and counterfactual reasoning. Zbl 0952.91011 Halpern, Joseph Y. 9 1999 Common knowledge revisited. Zbl 0923.03008 Fagin, Ronald; Halpern, Joseph Y.; Moses, Yoram; Vardi, Moshe Y. 9 1999 ...and 75 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,042 Authors 79 Halpern, Joseph Yehuda 47 van Ditmarsch, Hans Pieter 35 Montanari, Angelo 31 Moses, Yoram 30 Ognjanović, Zoran 28 van der Hoek, Wiebe 26 Bozzelli, Laura 26 Sciavicco, Guido 23 Vardi, Moshe Ya’akov 22 Dubois, Didier 21 Ågotnes, Thomas 21 Lorini, Emiliano 21 van Benthem, Johan F. A. K. 21 Wooldridge, Michael J. 20 Sala, Pietro 20 Wang, Yanjing 19 Balbiani, Philippe 19 Murano, Aniello 19 Vantaggi, Barbara 18 Peron, Adriano 18 Smets, Sonja J. L. 17 Baltag, Alexandru 17 Dixon, Clare 17 Rybakov, Vladimir Vladimirovich 16 Bresolin, Davide 16 Pacuit, Eric 16 Velázquez-Quesada, Fernando Raymundo 15 Coletti, Giulianella 15 Doder, Dragan 15 Godo, Lluís 15 Goranko, Valentin F. 15 Prade, Henri M. 14 Flaminio, Tommaso 14 Perović, Aleksandar 14 Schipper, Burkhard C. 14 Schwarzmann, Alexander A. 13 Bonanno, Giacomo 13 Herzig, Andreas 13 Kooi, Barteld Pieter 13 Kowalski, Dariusz R. 13 Lukasiewicz, Thomas 13 Schwarzentruber, François 12 Demri, Stéphane P. 12 Fisher, Michael 12 Lange, Martin 12 Levesque, Hector J. 12 Naumov, Pavel G. 12 Pass, Rafael 12 Petturiti, Davide 11 Belardinelli, Francesco 11 Della Monica, Dario 11 Fagin, Ronald 11 Heifetz, Aviad 11 Lomuscio, Alessio 11 Molinari, Alberto 11 Rašković, Miodrag D. 11 Studer, Thomas 10 Belle, Vaishak 10 French, Tim 10 Hustadt, Ullrich 10 Kupferman, Orna 10 Pinchinat, Sophie 10 Reynolds, Mark Alexander 10 Samet, Dov 10 Tao, Jia 9 Artemov, Sergei 9 Benevides, Mario R. F. 9 Choudhary, Ashish 9 Frittella, Sabine 9 Gagliardi Cozman, Fabio 9 Guelev, Dimitar P. 9 Meier, Martin 9 Mogavero, Fabio 9 Sedlár, Igor 9 Shenoy, Prakash P. 9 van der Meyden, Ron 8 Abraham, Ittai 8 Aucher, Guillaume 8 Bolotov, Alexander 8 Chlebus, Bogdan Stanislaw 8 Cozman, Fabio G. 8 Dolev, Danny 8 Eiter, Thomas 8 Hosni, Hykel 8 Ikodinović, Nebojša 8 Kern-Isberner, Gabriele 8 Lakemeyer, Gerhard 8 Li, Yanjun 8 Liau, Churn-Jung 8 Parikh, Rohit 8 Patra, Arpita 8 Perelli, Giuseppe 8 Quiggin, John 8 Schmid, Ulrich 8 Valencia, Frank D. 8 Verbrugge, Rineke 7 Banerjee, Mohua 7 Baral, Chitta R. 7 Bjorndahl, Adam 7 Conradie, Willem ...and 2,942 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 203 Serials 194 Artificial Intelligence 120 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 118 Synthese 116 Theoretical Computer Science 85 Journal of Philosophical Logic 75 Games and Economic Behavior 74 Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 68 Information and Computation 66 Studia Logica 54 Journal of Applied Logic 49 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 46 Journal of Logic, Language and Information 44 Distributed Computing 40 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 35 Journal of Economic Theory 35 The Review of Symbolic Logic 29 Mathematical Social Sciences 25 Theory and Decision 24 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 23 Journal of Automated Reasoning 22 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 22 Information Sciences 21 Journal of Mathematical Economics 19 Information Processing Letters 19 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 18 Economic Theory 18 Erkenntnis 18 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 17 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 International Journal of Game Theory 16 Formal Aspects of Computing 16 Formal Methods in System Design 13 Acta Informatica 13 Logical Methods in Computer Science 12 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 The B. E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 11 International Game Theory Review 11 Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 9 Theory of Computing Systems 9 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 8 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 8 Siberian Mathematical Journal 8 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 8 Soft Computing 8 Quantum Information Processing 8 Games 7 Logica Universalis 6 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 6 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 6 Applied Mathematics and Computation 6 Journal of Cryptology 6 Annals of Operations Research 6 Machine Learning 6 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 6 European Journal of Operational Research 6 Logic and Logical Philosophy 5 Discrete Applied Mathematics 5 Algebra and Logic 5 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 5 Mathematical Systems Theory 5 Operations Research 5 Programming and Computer Software 5 JETAI. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 5 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 5 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 5 Nôus 4 International Journal of General Systems 4 Kybernetika 4 Social Choice and Welfare 4 Algorithmica 4 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 4 Archive for Mathematical Logic 4 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 4 Foundations of Physics 4 Theoretical Economics 4 Frontiers of Computer Science 4 Logicheskie Issledovaniya 3 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 3 The Annals of Statistics 3 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 3 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 3 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 3 Constraints 3 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 3 Sādhanā 3 Journal of Discrete Algorithms 3 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Physica A 2 Computing 2 Econometrica 2 Journal of Econometrics 2 Kybernetes 2 Bulletin of the Section of Logic 2 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 2 Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2 New Generation Computing 2 Real-Time Systems 2 Economics Letters ...and 103 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 37 Fields 1,633 Computer science (68-XX) 1,517 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 492 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 100 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 86 Statistics (62-XX) 81 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 48 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 34 Quantum theory (81-XX) 29 Combinatorics (05-XX) 27 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 27 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 18 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 13 History and biography (01-XX) 12 Measure and integration (28-XX) 5 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 5 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 5 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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