Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Hammer, Peter Ladislaw (b. 1936 d. 2006) Co-Author Distance Author ID: hammer.peter-l Published as: Hammer, Peter L.; Hammer, P. L.; Ivănescu, P. L.; Ivanescu, P. L.; Ivănescu, P.; Ivănescu, Petru L.; Hammer, Peter; Hammer, L. P.; Ivanescu, Peter L.; Ivănescu, Peter L.; Ivănescu, Petru; Ivanescu, P.; Hammer, L. more...less External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 210 Publications since 1959, including 4 Books 13 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Reviewing Activity: 5 Reviews Biographic References: 6 Publications Co-Authors: 112 Co-Authors with 188 Joint Publications 3,912 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 32 single-authored 27 Boros, Endre 26 Simeone, Bruno 17 Crama, Yves 16 Rudeanu, Sergiu 15 Kogan, Alexander 14 Ibaraki, Toshihide 14 Peled, Uri N. 10 Balas, Egon 8 Benzaken, Claude 8 de Werra, Dominique 7 Ekin, Oya 7 Foldes, Stephan 7 Rosenberg, Ivo G. 6 Hansen, Pierre 6 Johnson, Ellis L. 6 Liu, Yanpei 6 Mahadev, N. V. R. 5 Alexe, Gabriela 5 Alexe, Sorin 5 Maffray, Frédéric 5 Vizvári, Béla 4 Foldes, Stephane 4 Rader, David J. jun. 3 Anthony, Martin H. G. 3 Gallo, Giorgio 3 Golumbic, Martin Charles 3 Gurvich, Vladimir A. 3 Kelmans, Alexander K. 3 Korte, Bernhard 3 Makino, Kazuhisa 3 Speckenmeyer, Ewald 3 Sun, Xiaorong 2 Bonates, Tibérius O. 2 Bourjolly, Jean-Marie 2 Brandstädt, Andreas 2 Franco, John V. 2 Granot, Frieda 2 Hellerstein, Lisa 2 Hooker, John N. jun. 2 Kleine Büning, Hans 2 Lozin, Vadim Vladislavovich 2 Shamir, Ron 2 Subasi, Ersoy 2 Subasi, Munevver Mine 2 Szedmak, Sandor 1 Beale, Evelyn Martin Lansdowne 1 Beare, G. C. 1 Bellman, Richard Ernest 1 Blackstone, Eugene H. 1 Boyd, Sylvia C. 1 Bradley, Gordon H. 1 Brauner, Nadia 1 Burdet, Claude-Alain 1 Burkard, Rainer E. 1 Butz, Lothar 1 Čepek, Ondřej 1 Chandru, Vijaya 1 Chvátal, Václav 1 Collatz, Lothar 1 Coullard, Collette R. 1 Csizmadia, Zsolt 1 Dahlhaus, Elias 1 Davoine, Thomas 1 Dearing, P. M. 1 Deleanu, Aristide 1 Dembo, Ron S. 1 Ding, Guoli 1 Duchet, Pierre 1 Ebenegger, Christian 1 Eckstein, Jonathan 1 Escoffier, Bruno 1 Ettinger, Alexander 1 Fishburn, Peter Clingerman 1 Fraenkel, Aviezri Siegmund 1 Giannessi, Franco 1 Glover, Fred W. 1 Godini, Gliceria 1 Goncalves, Amilcar S. 1 Hammer, A. B. 1 Hartmann, Mark E. 1 Haussmann, D. 1 Holzman, Ron 1 Ishwaran, Hemant 1 Jaumard, Brigitte 1 Kalantari, Bahman 1 Kas, Peter 1 Kawakami, Kazuhiko 1 Lauer, Michael S. 1 Lê Văn Băng 1 Lejeune, Miguel A. 1 Lemair, B. 1 Liebling, Thomas M. 1 Liu, Ying 1 Majlender, Péter 1 Minoux, Michel Andre 1 Montañez, Miguel 1 Muchnik, Ilya B. 1 Nediak, Mikhail S. 1 Nemhauser, George L. 1 Nguyen, Sang ...and 28 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 31 Discrete Applied Mathematics 10 Annals of Operations Research 9 Discrete Mathematics 5 Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition 5 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 5 Academia Republicii Populare Romîne, Studii și Cercetări Matematice 4 Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 4 Cahiers du Centre d’Études de Recherche Opérationnelle 3 INFOR 3 Mathematics of Operations Research 3 Mathematical Programming 3 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 3 Combinatorica 3 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 3 Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques 3 Matematichki Vesnik. New Series 3 Annals of Discrete Mathematics 2 IEEE Transactions on Computers 2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 2 Journal of Graph Theory 2 Mathematical Programming Study 2 Operations Research 2 SIAM Journal on Computing 2 Theoretical Computer Science 2 Zeitschrift für Operations Research. Serie A: Theorie 2 ZOR. Zeitschrift für Operations Research 2 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 2 Journal of Heuristics 2 Discrete Optimization 2 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 2 Comunicările Academiei Republicii Populare Romîne 2 Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 2 Académie de la République Populaire Roumaine, Revue de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 2 Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques et Physiques de la République Populaire Roumaine. Nouvelle Série 2 Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications 2 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2 Methods of Operations Research 1 Artificial Intelligence 1 Information Processing Letters 1 Israel Journal of Technology 1 Zastosowania Matematyki 1 Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Mathematica 1 Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de la République Socialiste de Roumanie. Nouvelle Série 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research 1 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 1 Networks 1 RAIRO. Recherche Opérationnelle 1 Studii și Cercetări Matematice 1 Theory and Decision 1 Utilitas Mathematica 1 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 1 Journal of Algorithms 1 Operations Research Letters 1 Optimization 1 Transportation Science 1 Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 1 European Journal of Operational Research 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 1 Computational Optimization and Applications 1 Optimization Methods & Software 1 Journal of Universal Computer Science 1 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Management Science. Ser. A, Theory Series 1 Revue Française d’Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle 1 Topics in Discrete Mathematics 1 Gazeta Matematică. Seria A all top 5 Fields 114 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 68 Combinatorics (05-XX) 42 Computer science (68-XX) 28 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 18 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 11 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 11 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 10 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 8 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 6 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 164 Publications have been cited 3,527 times in 2,297 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Split graphs. Zbl 0407.05071 Foldes, Stephane; Hammer, Peter L. 242 1977 Aggregation of inequalities in integer programming. Zbl 0384.90091 Chvatal, Vaclav; Hammer, Peter L. 237 1977 Boolean methods in operations research and related areas. With a preface by Richard Bellman. Zbl 0155.28001 Hammer, Peter L.; Rudeanu, Sergiu 203 1968 Boolean functions. Theory, algorithms, and applications. Zbl 1237.06001 163 2011 Pseudo-Boolean optimization. Zbl 1076.90032 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L. 150 2002 The splittance of a graph. Zbl 0492.05043 Hammer, Peter L.; Simeone, Bruno 116 1981 Quadratic knapsack problems. Zbl 0462.90068 Gallo, G.; Hammer, P. L.; Simeone, B. 112 1980 Facet of regular O-1 polytopes. Zbl 0314.90064 Hammer, P. L.; Johnson, E. L.; Peled, U. N. 96 1975 Roof duality, complementation and persistency in quadratic 0-1 optimization. Zbl 0574.90066 Hammer, P. L.; Hansen, P.; Simeone, B. 77 1984 Completely separable graphs. Zbl 0694.05060 Hammer, Peter L.; Maffray, Frédéric 71 1990 Cause-effect relationships and partially defined Boolean functions. Zbl 0709.03533 Crama, Yves; Hammer, Peter L.; Ibaraki, Toshihide 64 1988 Difference graphs. Zbl 0716.05032 Hammer, Peter L.; Peled, Uri N.; Sun, Xiaorong 63 1990 Time-minimizing transportation problems. Zbl 0197.45604 Hammer, Peter L. 61 1969 Logical analysis of numerical data. Zbl 0887.90179 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L.; Ibaraki, Toshihide; Kogan, Alexander 58 1997 Some network flow problems solved with pseudo-Boolean programming. Zbl 0132.13804 Ivanescu, Peter L. 50 1965 Stability in circular arc graphs. Zbl 0651.68083 Golumbic, Martin Charles; Hammer, Peter L. 49 1988 Approximations of pseudo-Boolean functions; applications to game theory. Zbl 0778.41009 Hammer, P. L.; Holzman, R. 44 1992 Some remarks on quadratic programming with 0-1 variables. Zbl 0211.52104 Hammer, P. L.; Rubin, A. A. 40 1970 Polynomial-time inference of all valid implications for Horn and related formulae. Zbl 0878.68105 Boros, E.; Crama, Y.; Hammer, P. L. 39 1990 Threshold sequences. Zbl 0499.05059 Hammer, P. L.; Ibaraki, T.; Simeone, B. 37 1981 Consensus algorithms for the generation of all maximal bicliques. Zbl 1056.05132 Alexe, Gabriela; Alexe, Sorin; Crama, Yves; Foldes, Stephan; Hammer, Peter L.; Simeone, Bruno 36 2004 The max-cut problem and quadratic 0-1 optimization; polyhedral aspects, relaxations and bounds. Zbl 0741.90077 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L. 35 1991 Dual subimplicants of positive Boolean functions. Zbl 0972.90048 Boros, Endre; Gurvich, Vladimir; Hammer, Peter L. 35 1998 Equational characterizations of Boolean function classes. Zbl 0947.06008 Ekin, Oya; Foldes, Stephan; Hammer, Peter L.; Hellerstein, Lisa 34 2000 Split graphs having dilworth number two. Zbl 0335.05130 Foldes, Stephane; Hammer, Peter L. 31 1977 Boolean models and methods in mathematics, computer science, and engineering. Zbl 1196.06001 30 2010 Laplacian spectra and spanning trees of threshold graphs. Zbl 0860.05055 Hammer, P. L.; Kelmans, A. K. 30 1996 Recognition of \(q\)-Horn formulae in linear time. Zbl 0821.68109 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L.; Sun, Xiaorong 30 1994 Optimal compression of propositional Horn knowledge bases: Complexity and approximation. Zbl 0935.68105 Hammer, Peter L.; Kogan, Alexander 30 1993 Pareto-optimal patterns in logical analysis of data. Zbl 1078.62504 Hammer, Peter L.; Kogan, Alexander; Simeone, Bruno; Szedmák, Sándor 28 2004 Cut-polytopes, Boolean quadric polytopes and nonnegative quadratic pseudo- Boolean functions. Zbl 0778.90041 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L. 27 1993 Bipartite dimensions and bipartite degrees of graphs. Zbl 0861.05035 Fishburn, Peter C.; Hammer, Peter L. 26 1996 Pseudo-Boolean functions and stability of graphs. Zbl 0567.05031 Ebenegger, Ch.; Hammer, P. L.; de Werra, Dominique 25 1984 Vertices belonging to all or to no maximum stable sets of a graph. Zbl 0496.90056 Hammer, P. L.; Hansen, P.; Simeone, B. 24 1982 Threshold numbers and threshold completions. Zbl 0482.05060 Hammer, P. L.; Ibaraki, T.; Peled, U. N. 24 1981 Pseudo-Boolean functions and game theory. I: Core elements and Shapley value. Zbl 0362.90143 Hammer, P. L.; Peled, U. N.; Sorensen, S. 24 1977 The maximum box problem and its application to data analysis. Zbl 1028.90039 Eckstein, Jonathan; Hammer, Peter L.; Liu, Ying; Nediak, Mikhail; Simeone, Bruno 24 2002 Spanned patterns for the logical analysis of data. Zbl 1090.68094 Alexe, Gabriela; Hammer, Peter L. 23 2006 Coefficient redcuction for inequalities in 0-1 variables. Zbl 0292.90038 Bradley, Gordon H.; Hammer, Peter L.; Wolsey, Laurence 22 1974 Cutting and surrogate constraint analysis for improved multidimensional knapsack solutions. Zbl 1028.90042 Osorio, María A.; Glover, Fred; Hammer, Peter 22 2002 On determining the minima of a pseudoboolean function. (Sur la détermination des minima des fonctions pseudo-booléennes.) Zbl 0131.18503 Ivănescu, P.; Rosenberg, Ivo; Rudeanu, S. 22 1963 Linear separation of dominating sets in graphs. Zbl 0375.05043 Benzaken, C.; Hammer, P. L. 21 1978 Polynomial-time recognition of 2-monotonic positive Boolean functions given by an oracle. Zbl 0868.68095 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L.; Ibaraki, Toshihide; Kawakami, Kazuhiko 21 1997 Chvátal cuts and odd cycle inequalities in quadratic 0-1 optimization. Zbl 0761.90069 Boros, E.; Crama, Y.; Hammer, P. L. 21 1992 Accelerated algorithm for pattern detection in logical analysis of data. Zbl 1090.68095 Alexe, Sorin; Hammer, Peter L. 21 2006 The struction of a graph: Application to CN-free graphs. Zbl 0582.05051 Hammer, P. L.; Mahadev, N. V. R.; de Werra, Dominique 21 1985 Logical analysis of data – an overview: from combinatorial optimization to medical applications. Zbl 1104.92034 Hammer, Peter L.; Bonates, Tibérius O. 20 2006 A complexity index for satisfiability problems. Zbl 0793.90038 Boros, E.; Crama, Y.; Hammer, P. L.; Saks, M. 20 1994 Coronary risk prediction by logical analysis of data. Zbl 1026.62119 Alexe, Sorin; Blackstone, Eugene; Hammer, Peter L.; Ishwaran, Hemant; Lauer, Michael S.; Pothier Snader, Claire E. 20 2003 On a class of matroid-producing graphs. Zbl 0395.05021 Földes, S.; Hammer, P. L. 19 1978 Efficient methods for solving quadratic 0-1 knapsack problems. Zbl 0888.90121 Hammer, Peter L.; Rader, David J. jun. 18 1997 Horn functions and their DNFs. Zbl 0794.68148 Hammer, Peter L.; Kogan, Alexander 18 1992 Bisplit graphs. Zbl 1073.05059 Brandstädt, Andreas; Hammer, Peter L.; Le, Van Bang; Lozin, Vadim V. 18 2005 Upper-bounds for quadratic 0-1 maximization. Zbl 0699.90073 Boros, E.; Crama, Y.; Hammer, P. L. 18 1990 Communication on ”The bottleneck transportation problem” and ”Some remarks on the time transportation problem”. Zbl 0253.90031 Hammer, P. L. 18 1972 Maximum patterns in datasets. Zbl 1140.68457 Bonates, T. O.; Hammer, Peter L.; Kogan, A. 18 2008 A Max-flow approach to improved lower bounds for quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO). Zbl 1170.90454 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L.; Sun, Richard; Tavares, Gabriel 17 2008 The Dilworth number of a graph. Zbl 0389.05048 Foldes, Stephane; Hammer, Peter L. 17 1978 On renamable Horn and generalized Horn functions. Zbl 0878.68106 Chandru, Vijaya; Coullard, Collette R.; Hammer, Peter L.; Montañez, Miguel; Sun, Xiaorong 17 1990 Stability in CAN-free graphs. Zbl 0558.05053 Hammer, P. L.; Mahadev, N. V. R.; de Werra, Dominique 16 1985 Node-weighted graphs having the König-Egerváry property. Zbl 0558.05054 Bourjolly, J.-M.; Hammer, P. L.; Simeone, B. 16 1984 On the use of Boolean functions in 0-1 programming. Zbl 0253.90038 Granot, Frieda; Hammer, Peter L. 16 1972 A note on Hamiltonian split graphs. Zbl 0403.05058 Burkard, Rainer E.; Hammer, Peter L. 15 1980 A reduction algorithm for knapsack problems. Zbl 0439.90060 Dembo, R. S.; Hammer, P. L. 15 1980 On clustering problems with connected optima in Euclidean spaces. Zbl 0665.62062 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L. 15 1989 Decomposability of partially defined Boolean functions. Zbl 0833.68090 Boros, Endre; Gurvich, Vladimir; Hammer, Peter L.; Ibaraki, Toshihide; Kogan, Alexander 15 1995 Bithreshold graphs. Zbl 0579.05052 Hammer, P. L.; Mahadev, N. V. R. 15 1985 Plant-location - a pseudo-Boolean approach. Zbl 0238.90045 Hammer, P. L. 14 1968 Split graphs of Dilworth number 2. Zbl 0573.05047 Benzaken, C.; Hammer, P. L.; de Werra, Dominique 14 1985 On the stability number of claw-free \(P_5\)-free and more general graphs. Zbl 1113.05308 Brandstädt, Andreas; Hammer, Peter L. 14 1999 Comprehensive vs. comprehensible classifiers in logical analysis of data. Zbl 1142.62365 Alexe, Gabriela; Alexe, Sorin; Hammer, Peter L.; Kogan, Alexander 14 2008 Threshold characterization of graphs with Dilworth number two. Zbl 0583.05048 Benzaken, C.; Hammer, P. L.; de Werra, Dominique 14 1985 Degree sequences of threshold graphs. Zbl 0417.05054 Hammer, P. L.; Ibaraki, T.; Simeon, P. 12 1978 On the generalized transportation problem. Zbl 0133.42505 Balas, E.; Ivanescu, P. L. 12 1964 Pseudo-Boolean programming. Zbl 0172.43903 Hammer, P. L.; Rudeanu, S. 11 1969 Variable and term removal from Boolean formulae. Zbl 0879.94041 Crama, Yves; Ekin, Oya; Hammer, Peter L. 10 1997 Submodularity, supermodularity, and higher-order monotonicities of pseudo-Boolean functions. Zbl 1082.90064 Foldes, Stephan; Hammer, Peter L. 10 2005 Maximizing the product of two linear functions in 0-1 variables. Zbl 1006.65065 Hammer, Peter L.; Hansen, Pierre; Pardalos, Panos M.; Rader, David J. jun. 10 2002 Logical analysis of data: classification with justification. Zbl 1230.68165 Boros, Endre; Crama, Yves; Hammer, Peter L.; Ibaraki, Toshihide; Kogan, Alexander; Makino, Kazuhisa 9 2011 Logical relations in quadratic 0-1 programming. Zbl 0457.90052 Hammer, Peter L.; Hansen, Pierre 9 1981 Regular 0-1 programs. Zbl 0304.90081 Hammer, P. L.; Johnson, E. L.; Peled, U. N. 9 1974 Horn functions and submodular Boolean functions. Zbl 0895.06008 Ekin, Oya; Hammer, Peter L.; Peled, Uri N. 9 1997 Struction revisited. Zbl 1029.05076 Alexe, Gabriela; Hammer, Peter L.; Lozin, Vadim V.; de Werra, Dominique 9 2003 Logical analysis of Chinese labor productivity patterns. Zbl 0923.90022 Hammer, A. B.; Hammer, P. L.; Muchnik, I. 9 1999 From linear separability to unimodality: A hierarchy of pseudo-Boolean functions. Zbl 0668.05061 Hammer, P. L.; Simeone, B.; Liebling, Th. M.; de Werra, Dominique 9 1988 Strong unimodularity for matrices and hypergraphs. Zbl 0647.05042 Crama, Yves; Hammer, Peter L.; Ibaraki, Toshihide 9 1986 Predicting cause-effect relationships from incomplete discrete observations. Zbl 0815.62047 Boros, E.; Hammer, P. L.; Hooker, J. N. 9 1994 Modeling country risk ratings using partial orders. Zbl 1142.91724 Hammer, P. L.; Kogan, A.; Lejeune, M. A. 8 2006 Disjunctive and conjunctive normal forms of pseudo-Boolean functions. Zbl 0965.06015 Foldes, Stephan; Hammer, Peter L. 8 2000 Saturated systems of homogeneous boxes and the logical analysis of numerical data. Zbl 1078.62503 Hammer, P. L.; Liu, Y.; Simeone, B.; Szedmák, S. 8 2004 On connected Boolean functions. Zbl 0937.06014 Ekin, Oya; Hammer, Peter L.; Kogan, Alexander 8 1999 Some remarks on conflict graphs of quadratic pseudo-boolean functions. Zbl 0455.90063 Benzaken, Cl.; Hammer, P. L.; Simeone, B. 7 1980 Quasimonotone Boolean functions and bistellar graphs. Zbl 0455.05049 Hammer, Peter L. 7 1980 Pattern-based feature selection in genomics and proteomics. Zbl 1104.92020 Alexe, Gabriela; Alexe, Sorin; Hammer, Peter L.; Vizvari, Bela 7 2006 An algorithm to dualize a regular switching function. Zbl 0394.94036 Hammer, P. L.; Peled, Uri N.; Pollatschek, M. A. 7 1979 On split graphs and some related questions. Zbl 0413.05059 Foldes, Stephane; Hammer, Peter L. 7 1978 Optimal cell flipping to minimize channel density in VLSI design and pseudo-Boolean optimization. Zbl 0913.68103 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L.; Minoux, Michel; Rader, David J. jun. 7 1999 Order relations of variables in 0-1 programming. Zbl 0621.90051 Hammer, Peter L.; Simeone, Bruno 7 1987 Reduction methods for the vertex packing problem. Zbl 0588.05020 Butz, L.; Hammer, P. L.; Haussmann, D. 7 1984 On universal threshold graphs. Zbl 0808.05063 Hammer, P. L.; Kelmans, A. K. 6 1994 Boolean functions. Theory, algorithms, and applications. Zbl 1237.06001 163 2011 Logical analysis of data: classification with justification. Zbl 1230.68165 Boros, Endre; Crama, Yves; Hammer, Peter L.; Ibaraki, Toshihide; Kogan, Alexander; Makino, Kazuhisa 9 2011 Boolean models and methods in mathematics, computer science, and engineering. Zbl 1196.06001 30 2010 Using a similarity measure for credible classification. Zbl 1186.68394 Subasi, M.; Subasi, E.; Anthony, M.; Hammer, P. L. 3 2009 Maximum patterns in datasets. Zbl 1140.68457 Bonates, T. O.; Hammer, Peter L.; Kogan, A. 18 2008 A Max-flow approach to improved lower bounds for quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO). Zbl 1170.90454 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L.; Sun, Richard; Tavares, Gabriel 17 2008 Comprehensive vs. comprehensible classifiers in logical analysis of data. Zbl 1142.62365 Alexe, Gabriela; Alexe, Sorin; Hammer, Peter L.; Kogan, Alexander 14 2008 Approximation of the quadratic set covering problem. Zbl 1157.90484 Escoffier, Bruno; Hammer, Peter L. 5 2007 Weighted stability number of graphs and weighted satisfiability: the two facets of pseudo-Boolean optimization. Zbl 1213.90016 De Werra, D.; Hammer, P. L. 1 2007 Spanned patterns for the logical analysis of data. Zbl 1090.68094 Alexe, Gabriela; Hammer, Peter L. 23 2006 Accelerated algorithm for pattern detection in logical analysis of data. Zbl 1090.68095 Alexe, Sorin; Hammer, Peter L. 21 2006 Logical analysis of data – an overview: from combinatorial optimization to medical applications. Zbl 1104.92034 Hammer, Peter L.; Bonates, Tibérius O. 20 2006 Modeling country risk ratings using partial orders. Zbl 1142.91724 Hammer, P. L.; Kogan, A.; Lejeune, M. A. 8 2006 Pattern-based feature selection in genomics and proteomics. Zbl 1104.92020 Alexe, Gabriela; Alexe, Sorin; Hammer, Peter L.; Vizvari, Bela 7 2006 A Boolean measure of similarity. Zbl 1106.94025 Anthony, Martin; Hammer, Peter L. 5 2006 Bisplit graphs. Zbl 1073.05059 Brandstädt, Andreas; Hammer, Peter L.; Le, Van Bang; Lozin, Vadim V. 18 2005 Submodularity, supermodularity, and higher-order monotonicities of pseudo-Boolean functions. Zbl 1082.90064 Foldes, Stephan; Hammer, Peter L. 10 2005 Construction of a maximum stable set with \(k\)-extensions. Zbl 1063.05106 Hammer, Peter L.; Zverovich, Igor E. 2 2005 Consensus algorithms for the generation of all maximal bicliques. Zbl 1056.05132 Alexe, Gabriela; Alexe, Sorin; Crama, Yves; Foldes, Stephan; Hammer, Peter L.; Simeone, Bruno 36 2004 Pareto-optimal patterns in logical analysis of data. Zbl 1078.62504 Hammer, Peter L.; Kogan, Alexander; Simeone, Bruno; Szedmák, Sándor 28 2004 Saturated systems of homogeneous boxes and the logical analysis of numerical data. Zbl 1078.62503 Hammer, P. L.; Liu, Y.; Simeone, B.; Szedmák, S. 8 2004 Disjunctive analogues of submodular and supermodular pseudo-Boolean functions. Zbl 1051.06010 Foldes, S.; Hammer, P. L. 2 2004 Coronary risk prediction by logical analysis of data. Zbl 1026.62119 Alexe, Sorin; Blackstone, Eugene; Hammer, Peter L.; Ishwaran, Hemant; Lauer, Michael S.; Pothier Snader, Claire E. 20 2003 Struction revisited. Zbl 1029.05076 Alexe, Gabriela; Hammer, Peter L.; Lozin, Vadim V.; de Werra, Dominique 9 2003 A heuristic for Boolean optimization problems. Zbl 1035.90069 Davoine, Thomas; Hammer, Peter L.; Vizvári, Béla 3 2003 Pseudo-Boolean optimization. Zbl 1076.90032 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L. 150 2002 The maximum box problem and its application to data analysis. Zbl 1028.90039 Eckstein, Jonathan; Hammer, Peter L.; Liu, Ying; Nediak, Mikhail; Simeone, Bruno 24 2002 Cutting and surrogate constraint analysis for improved multidimensional knapsack solutions. Zbl 1028.90042 Osorio, María A.; Glover, Fred; Hammer, Peter 22 2002 Maximizing the product of two linear functions in 0-1 variables. Zbl 1006.65065 Hammer, Peter L.; Hansen, Pierre; Pardalos, Panos M.; Rader, David J. jun. 10 2002 Disjunctive and conjunctive representations in finite lattices and convexity spaces. Zbl 1008.06005 Foldes, Stephan; Hammer, Peter L. 4 2002 A satisfiability formulation of problems on level graphs. Zbl 0990.90530 Randerath, Bert; Speckenmeyer, Ewald; Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter; Kogan, Alex; Makino, Kazuhisa; Simeone, Bruno; Cepek, Ondrej 6 2001 Equational characterizations of Boolean function classes. Zbl 0947.06008 Ekin, Oya; Foldes, Stephan; Hammer, Peter L.; Hellerstein, Lisa 34 2000 Disjunctive and conjunctive normal forms of pseudo-Boolean functions. Zbl 0965.06015 Foldes, Stephan; Hammer, Peter L. 8 2000 Convexity and logical analysis of data. Zbl 0945.68082 Ekin, O.; Hammer, P. L.; Kogan, A. 6 2000 Evaluation, strength, and relevance of variables of Boolean functions. Zbl 0954.06010 Hammer, Peter L.; Kogan, Alexander; Rothblum, Uriel G. 5 2000 Monotone, Horn and quadratic pseudo-Boolean functions. Zbl 0963.06014 Foldes, Stephan; Hammer, Peter L. 4 2000 Boolean normal forms, shellability, and reliability computations. Zbl 0957.90035 Boros, Endre; Crama, Yves; Ekin, Oya; Hammer, Peter L.; Ibaraki, Toshihide 3 2000 On the stability number of claw-free \(P_5\)-free and more general graphs. Zbl 1113.05308 Brandstädt, Andreas; Hammer, Peter L. 14 1999 Logical analysis of Chinese labor productivity patterns. Zbl 0923.90022 Hammer, A. B.; Hammer, P. L.; Muchnik, I. 9 1999 On connected Boolean functions. Zbl 0937.06014 Ekin, Oya; Hammer, Peter L.; Kogan, Alexander 8 1999 Optimal cell flipping to minimize channel density in VLSI design and pseudo-Boolean optimization. Zbl 0913.68103 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L.; Minoux, Michel; Rader, David J. jun. 7 1999 Distance-based classification methods. Zbl 07677597 Ekin, Oya; Hammer, Peter L.; Kogan, Alexander; Winter, Pawel 1 1999 Dual subimplicants of positive Boolean functions. Zbl 0972.90048 Boros, Endre; Gurvich, Vladimir; Hammer, Peter L. 35 1998 Logical analysis of numerical data. Zbl 0887.90179 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L.; Ibaraki, Toshihide; Kogan, Alexander 58 1997 Polynomial-time recognition of 2-monotonic positive Boolean functions given by an oracle. Zbl 0868.68095 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L.; Ibaraki, Toshihide; Kawakami, Kazuhiko 21 1997 Efficient methods for solving quadratic 0-1 knapsack problems. Zbl 0888.90121 Hammer, Peter L.; Rader, David J. jun. 18 1997 Variable and term removal from Boolean formulae. Zbl 0879.94041 Crama, Yves; Ekin, Oya; Hammer, Peter L. 10 1997 Horn functions and submodular Boolean functions. Zbl 0895.06008 Ekin, Oya; Hammer, Peter L.; Peled, Uri N. 9 1997 Matroids arisen from matrogenic graphs. Zbl 0871.05011 Ding, Guoli; Hammer, Peter L. 2 1997 Laplacian spectra and spanning trees of threshold graphs. Zbl 0860.05055 Hammer, P. L.; Kelmans, A. K. 30 1996 Bipartite dimensions and bipartite degrees of graphs. Zbl 0861.05035 Fishburn, Peter C.; Hammer, Peter L. 26 1996 Decomposability of partially defined Boolean functions. Zbl 0833.68090 Boros, Endre; Gurvich, Vladimir; Hammer, Peter L.; Ibaraki, Toshihide; Kogan, Alexander 15 1995 Boolean regression. Zbl 0836.90120 Boros, E.; Hammer, P. L.; Hooker, J. N. 5 1995 On domination elimination orderings and domination graphs (extended abstract). Zbl 1530.05142 Dahlhaus, Elias; Hammer, Peter; Maffray, Frédéric; Olariu, Stephan 4 1995 Recognition of \(q\)-Horn formulae in linear time. Zbl 0821.68109 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L.; Sun, Xiaorong 30 1994 A complexity index for satisfiability problems. Zbl 0793.90038 Boros, E.; Crama, Y.; Hammer, P. L.; Saks, M. 20 1994 Predicting cause-effect relationships from incomplete discrete observations. Zbl 0815.62047 Boros, E.; Hammer, P. L.; Hooker, J. N. 9 1994 On universal threshold graphs. Zbl 0808.05063 Hammer, P. L.; Kelmans, A. K. 6 1994 Balancing problems in acyclic networks. Zbl 0811.90108 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L.; Hartmann, Mark E.; Shamir, Ron 4 1994 Optimal compression of propositional Horn knowledge bases: Complexity and approximation. Zbl 0935.68105 Hammer, Peter L.; Kogan, Alexander 30 1993 Cut-polytopes, Boolean quadric polytopes and nonnegative quadratic pseudo- Boolean functions. Zbl 0778.90041 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L. 27 1993 Preperfect graphs. Zbl 0780.05024 Hammer, Peter L.; Maffray, Frédéric 3 1993 Bipartite bithreshold graphs. Zbl 0790.05082 Hammer, Peter L.; Mahadev, N. V. R.; Peled, Uri N. 2 1993 Approximations of pseudo-Boolean functions; applications to game theory. Zbl 0778.41009 Hammer, P. L.; Holzman, R. 44 1992 Chvátal cuts and odd cycle inequalities in quadratic 0-1 optimization. Zbl 0761.90069 Boros, E.; Crama, Y.; Hammer, P. L. 21 1992 Horn functions and their DNFs. Zbl 0794.68148 Hammer, Peter L.; Kogan, Alexander 18 1992 Boolean and graph theoretic formulations of the simple plant location problem. Zbl 0795.90036 Dearing, P. M.; Hammer, P. L.; Simeone, B. 6 1992 A polynomial algorithm for balancing acyclic data flow graphs. Zbl 1395.68141 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L.; Shamir, Ron 1 1992 The max-cut problem and quadratic 0-1 optimization; polyhedral aspects, relaxations and bounds. Zbl 0741.90077 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L. 35 1991 Cut-threshold graphs. Zbl 0725.05075 Hammer, Peter L.; Maffray, Frédéric; Queyranne, Maurice 2 1991 Completely separable graphs. Zbl 0694.05060 Hammer, Peter L.; Maffray, Frédéric 71 1990 Difference graphs. Zbl 0716.05032 Hammer, Peter L.; Peled, Uri N.; Sun, Xiaorong 63 1990 Polynomial-time inference of all valid implications for Horn and related formulae. Zbl 0878.68105 Boros, E.; Crama, Y.; Hammer, P. L. 39 1990 Upper-bounds for quadratic 0-1 maximization. Zbl 0699.90073 Boros, E.; Crama, Y.; Hammer, P. L. 18 1990 On renamable Horn and generalized Horn functions. Zbl 0878.68106 Chandru, Vijaya; Coullard, Collette R.; Hammer, Peter L.; Montañez, Miguel; Sun, Xiaorong 17 1990 More characterizations of triangulated graphs. Zbl 0721.05056 Benzaken, Claude; Crama, Yves; Duchet, Pierre; Hammer, Peter L.; Maffray, Frédéric 6 1990 Horn logic, search and satisfiability. A collection of papers in memory of Robert G. Jeroslow. Zbl 0869.00014 3 1990 Boolean approach to combinatorial optimization. Zbl 0785.90070 Hammer, P. L.; Liu, Yanpei; Simeone, B. 1 1990 On clustering problems with connected optima in Euclidean spaces. Zbl 0665.62062 Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter L. 15 1989 Some properties of 2-threshold graphs. Zbl 0671.05059 Hammer, P. L.; Mahadev, N. V. R.; Peled, U. N. 5 1989 A bound on the roof-duality gap. Zbl 0679.90040 Hammer, P. L.; Kalantari, B. 5 1989 Recognition of quadratic graphs and adjoints of bidirected graphs. Zbl 0744.05060 Crama, Yves; Hammer, Peter L. 4 1989 Quadratic functions of binary variables. Zbl 0714.90070 Hammer, Peter L.; Simeone, Bruno 3 1989 Bimatroidal independence systems. Zbl 0681.05016 Crama, Y.; Hammer, P. L. 2 1989 Cause-effect relationships and partially defined Boolean functions. Zbl 0709.03533 Crama, Yves; Hammer, Peter L.; Ibaraki, Toshihide 64 1988 Stability in circular arc graphs. Zbl 0651.68083 Golumbic, Martin Charles; Hammer, Peter L. 49 1988 From linear separability to unimodality: A hierarchy of pseudo-Boolean functions. Zbl 0668.05061 Hammer, P. L.; Simeone, B.; Liebling, Th. M.; de Werra, Dominique 9 1988 Order relations of variables in 0-1 programming. Zbl 0621.90051 Hammer, Peter L.; Simeone, Bruno 7 1987 Product form parametric representation of the solutions to a quadratic Boolean equation. Zbl 0638.90070 Crama, Y.; Hammer, P. L.; Jaumard, B.; Simeone, B. 2 1987 Strong unimodularity for matrices and hypergraphs. Zbl 0647.05042 Crama, Yves; Hammer, Peter L.; Ibaraki, Toshihide 9 1986 The struction of a graph: Application to CN-free graphs. Zbl 0582.05051 Hammer, P. L.; Mahadev, N. V. R.; de Werra, Dominique 21 1985 Stability in CAN-free graphs. Zbl 0558.05053 Hammer, P. L.; Mahadev, N. V. R.; de Werra, Dominique 16 1985 Bithreshold graphs. Zbl 0579.05052 Hammer, P. L.; Mahadev, N. V. R. 15 1985 Split graphs of Dilworth number 2. Zbl 0573.05047 Benzaken, C.; Hammer, P. L.; de Werra, Dominique 14 1985 Threshold characterization of graphs with Dilworth number two. Zbl 0583.05048 Benzaken, C.; Hammer, P. L.; de Werra, Dominique 14 1985 Boolean techniques for matroidal decomposition of independence systems and applications to graphs. Zbl 0575.05019 Benzaken, C.; Hammer, P. L. 4 1985 Intershold graphs. Zbl 0535.05048 Hammer, P. L.; Mahadev, N. V. R. 1 1985 Roof duality, complementation and persistency in quadratic 0-1 optimization. Zbl 0574.90066 Hammer, P. L.; Hansen, P.; Simeone, B. 77 1984 Pseudo-Boolean functions and stability of graphs. Zbl 0567.05031 Ebenegger, Ch.; Hammer, P. L.; de Werra, Dominique 25 1984 Node-weighted graphs having the König-Egerváry property. Zbl 0558.05054 Bourjolly, J.-M.; Hammer, P. L.; Simeone, B. 16 1984 ...and 64 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,016 Authors 67 Hammer, Peter Ladislaw 49 Boros, Endre 48 Lozin, Vadim Vladislavovich 33 Makino, Kazuhisa 30 Brandstädt, Andreas 26 Ibaraki, Toshihide 23 Crama, Yves 23 Glover, Fred W. 22 Milanič, Martin 22 Paulusma, Daniël 21 de Werra, Dominique 21 Grabisch, Michel 20 Gurvich, Vladimir A. 20 Simeone, Bruno 19 Peled, Uri N. 17 Couceiro, Miguel 16 Billionnet, Alain 16 Golumbic, Martin Charles 16 Hansen, Pierre 15 Čepek, Ondřej 15 Kogan, Alexander 15 Kučera, Petr 15 Lê Văn Băng 15 Lehtonen, Erkko 15 Letchford, Adam N. 15 Maffray, Frédéric 14 Mosca, Raffaele 14 Punnen, Abraham P. 13 Barrus, Michael D. 13 Hell, Pavol 13 Kochenberger, Gary A. 13 Petreschi, Rossella 13 Prokopyev, Oleg Alexan 13 Szwarcfiter, Jayme Luiz 12 Lejeune, Miguel A. 12 Marichal, Jean-Luc 11 Anthony, Martin H. G. 11 Levit, Vadim E. 11 Pardalos, Panos M. 10 Dabrowski, Konrad Kazimierz 10 Golovach, Petr A. 10 Hao, Jin-Kao 10 Heggernes, Pinar 10 Monnot, Jérôme 10 Pisinger, David 10 Rendl, Franz 10 Ryoo, Hong Seo 9 Fernau, Henning 9 Hertz, Alain 9 Johnson, Matthew 9 Mandrescu, Eugen 8 Bonomo-Braberman, Flavia 8 Bruni, Renato 8 Calamoneri, Tiziana 8 Chang, Maw-Shang 8 Durán, Guillermo Alfredo 8 Eiter, Thomas 8 Elbassioni, Khaled M. 8 Laurent, Monique 8 Paschos, Vangelis Th. 8 Puri, Munish C. 8 Szeider, Stefan 8 Van Leeuwen, Erik Jan 8 Wolsey, Laurence Alexander 8 Zamaraev, Victor A. 8 Živný, Stanislav 7 Alecu, Bogdan 7 Cohen, David A. 7 Cozzens, Margaret Barry 7 de Figueiredo, Celina M. Herrera 7 Dragan, Feodor F. 7 Ekim, Tınaz 7 Elloumi, Sourour 7 Freixas, Josep 7 Hojny, Christopher 7 Jeavons, Peter G. 7 Klein, Sulamita 7 Labreuche, Christophe 7 Liers, Frauke 7 Liu, Yanpei 7 Movsisyan, Yuri Movses 7 Otachi, Yota 7 Peng, Sheng-Lung 7 Rawitz, Dror 7 Ries, Bernard 7 Sherali, Hanif D. 7 Tura, Fernando Colman 7 Wang, Haibo 6 Adams, Warren Philips 6 Alexe, Gabriela 6 Alidaee, Bahram 6 Atamtürk, Alper 6 Atminas, Aistis 6 Casel, Katrin 6 Chernyak, Arkady A. 6 Chudnovsky, Maria 6 del Vecchio, Renata Raposo 6 Di Stefano, Gabriele 6 Faigle, Ulrich 6 Goldengorin, Boris I. ...and 2,916 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 303 Serials 382 Discrete Applied Mathematics 186 Discrete Mathematics 130 European Journal of Operational Research 89 Theoretical Computer Science 74 Annals of Operations Research 67 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 49 Computers & Operations Research 42 Linear Algebra and its Applications 40 Information Processing Letters 37 Operations Research Letters 35 Graphs and Combinatorics 29 Discrete Optimization 28 Algorithmica 23 Journal of Global Optimization 23 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 21 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 20 Artificial Intelligence 20 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 19 Mathematical Programming 18 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 18 Journal of Graph Theory 15 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 14 Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 13 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 12 Computing 12 Optimization 12 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 12 Optimization Letters 11 Information Sciences 11 European Journal of Combinatorics 11 Computational Optimization and Applications 11 Quantum Information Processing 10 INFORMS Journal on Computing 9 Networks 9 Discussiones Mathematicae. Graph Theory 9 4OR 8 Applied Mathematics and Computation 8 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 8 SIAM Journal on Optimization 7 International Journal of Game Theory 7 Naval Research Logistics 7 SIAM Journal on Computing 7 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 7 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 7 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 7 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 6 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 6 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 6 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 6 Theory and Decision 6 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 6 Order 6 Information and Computation 6 Zeitschrift für Operations Research. Serie A: Theorie 6 International Journal of Computer Vision 6 Optimization Methods & Software 6 RAIRO. Operations Research 6 Journal of Discrete Algorithms 6 Mathematical Programming Computation 5 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 5 Kybernetika 5 Combinatorica 5 Games and Economic Behavior 5 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 5 Top 5 Journal of Heuristics 5 Trudy Instituta Matematiki 5 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 4 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 4 Opsearch 4 Cybernetics 4 Mathematical Social Sciences 4 Social Choice and Welfare 4 Applied Mathematical Modelling 4 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 4 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 4 International Transactions in Operational Research 4 Constraints 4 Theory of Computing Systems 4 Soft Computing 4 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography 4 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 4 Cryptography and Communications 3 Journal of Mathematical Economics 3 Journal of Automated Reasoning 3 Neural Networks 3 Automation and Remote Control 3 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 3 ZOR. Zeitschrift für Operations Research 3 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 3 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 3 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 3 Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 3 Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 3 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 3 Diskretnyĭ Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsiĭ 3 Statistics and Computing ...and 203 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 41 Fields 950 Combinatorics (05-XX) 894 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 693 Computer science (68-XX) 157 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 133 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 128 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 84 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 63 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 58 Statistics (62-XX) 54 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 37 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 35 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 24 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 23 Number theory (11-XX) 21 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 19 Quantum theory (81-XX) 15 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 14 Measure and integration (28-XX) 12 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 11 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 9 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 7 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 6 Geometry (51-XX) 6 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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