Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Häufle, Daniel F. B. Co-Author Distance Author ID: haufle.daniel-f-b Published as: Haeufle, Daniel F. B.; Häufle, Daniel F. B.; Haeufle, D. F. B.; Häufle, D. more...less Documents Indexed: 9 Publications since 2012 Co-Authors: 8 Co-Authors with 9 Joint Publications 88 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 0 single-authored 9 Günther, Michael 9 Schmitt, Syn 2 Walter, Johannes R. 1 Bayer, Alexandra 1 Götz, Thomas 1 Rockenfeller, Robert 1 Röhrle, Oliver 1 Weihmann, Tom Serials 3 Journal of Theoretical Biology 2 Biological Cybernetics 2 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine 1 Mathematical Biosciences 1 GAMM-Mitteilungen Fields 9 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 4 Publications have been cited 10 times in 7 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Spreading out muscle mass within a Hill-type model: a computer simulation study. Zbl 1256.92011 Günther, Michael; Röhrle, Oliver; Haeufle, Daniel F. B.; Schmitt, Syn 4 2012 The basic mechanical structure of the skeletal muscle machinery: one model for linking microscopic and macroscopic scales. Zbl 1406.92027 Günther, Michael; Haeufle, Daniel F. B.; Schmitt, Syn 3 2018 The dynamics of the skeletal muscle: a systems biophysics perspective on muscle modeling with the focus on Hill-type muscle models. Zbl 1541.92021 Schmitt, Syn; Günther, Michael; Häufle, Daniel F. B. 2 2019 Tailoring anatomical muscle paths: a sheath-like solution for muscle routing in musculoskeletal computer models. Zbl 1425.92017 Hammer, M.; Günther, M.; Haeufle, D. F. B.; Schmitt, S. 1 2019 The dynamics of the skeletal muscle: a systems biophysics perspective on muscle modeling with the focus on Hill-type muscle models. Zbl 1541.92021 Schmitt, Syn; Günther, Michael; Häufle, Daniel F. B. 2 2019 Tailoring anatomical muscle paths: a sheath-like solution for muscle routing in musculoskeletal computer models. Zbl 1425.92017 Hammer, M.; Günther, M.; Haeufle, D. F. B.; Schmitt, S. 1 2019 The basic mechanical structure of the skeletal muscle machinery: one model for linking microscopic and macroscopic scales. Zbl 1406.92027 Günther, Michael; Haeufle, Daniel F. B.; Schmitt, Syn 3 2018 Spreading out muscle mass within a Hill-type model: a computer simulation study. Zbl 1256.92011 Günther, Michael; Röhrle, Oliver; Haeufle, Daniel F. B.; Schmitt, Syn 4 2012 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 30 Authors 3 Günther, Michael 3 Häufle, Daniel F. B. 3 Schmitt, Syn 2 Götz, Thomas 2 Rockenfeller, Robert 1 Almonacid, Javier A. 1 Ambrósio, Jorge A. C. 1 Ao, Yingfang 1 Domínguez-Rivera, Sebastián A. 1 Ernst, Jennifer 1 Göddeke, Dominik 1 Guo, Jianqiao 1 Herold, J. L. 1 Homs-Pons, Carme 1 Huang, Hongshi 1 Konno, Ryan N. 1 Lautenschlager, Robin 1 Liang, Zixuan 1 Nigam, Nilima 1 Ren, Gexue 1 Röhrle, Oliver 1 Ross, Stephanie A. 1 Schmid, Laura 1 Schulte, Miriam 1 Tam, Cassidy 1 Wakeling, James M. 1 Walter, Johannes R. 1 Weihmann, Tom 1 Yu, Yuanyuan 1 Zhao, ZhiHua all top 5 Cited in 6 Serials 2 GAMM-Mitteilungen 1 Biological Cybernetics 1 Mathematical Biosciences 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1 Multibody System Dynamics 1 Journal of Theoretical Biology Cited in 5 Fields 6 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) Citations by Year