Edit Profile (opens in new tab) He, Ji-Huan Co-Author Distance Author ID: he.ji-huan Published as: He, Ji-Huan; He, Jihuan; He, J.-H.; He, J. H.; He, Ji Huan; He, Ji-huan; He, JiHuan more...less External Links: ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp · IdRef Documents Indexed: 222 Publications since 1996, including 2 Books and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 2 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 17 Reviews Co-Authors: 83 Co-Authors with 77 Joint Publications 4,352 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 144 single-authored 11 He, Chun-Hui 5 El-Dib, Yusry O. 5 Gepreel, Khaled A. 5 Wu, Xuhong 4 Anjum, Naveed 4 Liu, Hongyan 3 Lee, Eric Wai Ming 3 Li, Zhengbiao 3 Saeed, Tareq 3 Wang, ShanYuan 3 Yu, JianYong 3 Yu, Yanping 2 Ji, Feiyu 2 Kou, Shuai-Jia 2 Li, Zhimin 2 Liu, Chao 2 Liu, Gaolian 2 Liu, Wenyan 2 Sedighi, Hamid Mohammad 2 Shen, Yue 2 Wang, Shuqiang 2 Wu, Guocheng 2 Zhang, Jingjing 2 Zhang, Lina 2 Zhang, Zuowei 1 Abdou, Mohamed Aly Mohamed 1 Ain, Qura Tul 1 Ali, Faisal 1 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 1 Batool, Amreen 1 Cai, XuChu 1 Chen, Wen 1 Düz, Murat 1 Ellis, Grant 1 Fan, Jie 1 Feng, Weibing 1 Fu, Yuxi 1 Guo, Qian 1 Habib, Siddra 1 Hayat, Tasawar 1 Hou, Wei-Fan 1 Huang, Zhende 1 Islam, Asad 1 Jiao, Man-Li 1 Khan, Yasir 1 Limarchenko, Oleg S. 1 Liu, Hongmei 1 Liu, Yang-Shuai 1 Lu, Dianchen 1 Ma, Zong-fa 1 Men, Xing-Chen 1 Mostapha, Doaa R. 1 Nadeem, Akbar 1 Pan, Ning 1 Qie, Na 1 Rabbani, Mohsen 1 Ramzan, Muhammad Babar 1 Ren, Zhongfu 1 Shirazi, Ali H. 1 Shokri, Ali 1 Shou, Dahua 1 Si, Na 1 Skrzypacz, Piotr 1 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 1 Suleman, Muhammad Tahir 1 Sun, Chang 1 Tang, Jie 1 Tian, Dan 1 Ul Rahman, Jamshaid 1 Wan, Yu-Qin 1 Wazwaz, Abdul-Majid Abdul-Rahman 1 Wu, Lingye 1 Wu, Pinxia 1 Wu, Yue 1 Xie, Kongliang 1 Xu, Lan 1 Yang, Qian 1 Yang, Qin 1 Yang, Xiao-Jun 1 Yu, Aimin 1 Zeng, Deqiang 1 Zhang, Jun 1 Zhou, Lin-Hong 1 Zhu, Xingyu all top 5 Serials 18 Applied Mathematics and Computation 15 Physics Letters. A 15 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 14 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 13 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 12 Fractals 10 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 9 Applied Mathematics Letters 7 Facta Universitatis. Series Mechanics, Automatic Control and Robotics 6 International Journal of Modern Physics B 6 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 6 Journal of Shanghai University. Natural Science 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 Mechanics Research Communications 5 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 4 International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 4 Mathematical & Computational Applications 3 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 3 Meccanica 2 Acta Mechanica 2 International Journal of Engineering Science 2 Journal of Applied Mechanics 2 Journal of Sound and Vibration 2 Applied Mathematical Modelling 2 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 2 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 2 Matematychni Metody ta Fizyko-Mekhanichni Polya 2 Journal of Shanghai University 2 Engineering Transactions 2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics 2 JP Journal of Solids and Structures 2 Applied and Computational Mathematics 2 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 2 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 1 Archives of Mechanics 1 Astrophysics and Space Science 1 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1 Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 Information Sciences 1 International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 Archive of Applied Mechanics 1 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Journal of Vibration and Control 1 Vychislitel’nye Tekhnologii 1 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki 1 Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 1 Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences 1 Physica Scripta 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 1 International Journal of Computational and Numerical Analysis and Applications (IJCNAA) 1 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1 Mathematical Methods, Physical Methods and Simulation Science and Technology 1 TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Mathematics 1 Applied Analysis and Optimization all top 5 Fields 68 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 51 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 44 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 43 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 31 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 30 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 20 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 12 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 11 History and biography (01-XX) 11 Measure and integration (28-XX) 8 Real functions (26-XX) 6 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 5 Integral equations (45-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Geophysics (86-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 186 Publications have been cited 13,185 times in 4,116 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Homotopy perturbation technique. Zbl 0956.70017 He, Jihuan 998 1999 Variational iteration method – a kind of non-linear analytical technique: Some examples. Zbl 1342.34005 He, Ji-Huan 858 1999 Some asymptotic methods for strongly nonlinear equations. Zbl 1102.34039 He, Ji-Huan 845 2006 Exp-function method for nonlinear wave equations. Zbl 1141.35448 He, Ji-Huan; Wu, Xu-Hong 654 2006 A coupling method of a homotopy technique and a perturbation technique for nonlinear problems. Zbl 1068.74618 He, Jihuan 642 2000 Approximate analytical solution for seepage flow with fractional derivatives in porous media. Zbl 0942.76077 He, Jihuan 558 1998 Homotopy perturbation method: a new nonlinear analytical technique. Zbl 1030.34013 He, Ji-Huan 519 2003 Application of homotopy perturbation method to nonlinear wave equations. Zbl 1072.35502 He, Ji-Huan 490 2005 Variational iteration method for autonomous ordinary differential systems. Zbl 1027.34009 He, Ji-Huan 443 2000 Homotopy perturbation method for solving boundary value problems. Zbl 1195.65207 He, Ji-Huan 388 2006 Homotopy perturbation method for bifurcation of nonlinear problems. Zbl 1401.65085 He, Ji-Huan 371 2005 The homotopy perturbation method for nonlinear oscillators with discontinuities. Zbl 1039.65052 He, Ji-Huan 349 2004 Construction of solitary solution and compacton-like solution by variational iteration method. Zbl 1147.35338 He, Ji-Huan; Wu, Xu-Hong 326 2006 Variational iteration method – some recent results and new interpretations. Zbl 1119.65049 He, Ji-Huan 319 2007 Variational principles for some nonlinear partial differential equations with variable coefficients. Zbl 1135.35303 He, Ji-Huan 250 2004 Variational iteration method: New development and applications. Zbl 1141.65372 He, Ji-Huan; Wu, Xu-Hong 240 2007 Approximate solution of nonlinear differential equations with convolution product nonlinearities. Zbl 0932.65143 He, Jihuan 214 1998 Comparison of homotopy perturbation method and homotopy analysis method. Zbl 1062.65074 He, Jihuan 212 2004 New periodic solutions for nonlinear evolution equations using Exp-function method. Zbl 1152.35441 He, Ji-Huan; Abdou, M. A. 209 2007 A new approach to nonlinear partial differential equations. Zbl 0923.35046 He, Jihuan 194 1997 An elementary introduction to recently developed asymptotic methods and nanomechanics in textile engineering. Zbl 1149.76607 He, Jihuan 156 2008 Limit cycle and bifurcation of nonlinear problems. Zbl 1093.34520 He, Ji-Huan 153 2005 Variational iteration method for delay differential equations. Zbl 0924.34063 He, Jihuan 135 1997 A tutorial review on fractal spacetime and fractional calculus. Zbl 1312.83028 He, Ji-Huan 126 2014 Solitary solutions, periodic solutions and compacton-like solutions using the Exp-function method. Zbl 1143.35360 Wu, Xu-Hong (Benn); He, Ji-Huan 121 2007 Variational approach for nonlinear oscillators. Zbl 1152.34327 He, Ji-Huan 112 2007 Geometrical explanation of the fractional complex transform and derivative chain rule for fractional calculus. Zbl 1255.26002 He, Ji-Huan; Elagan, S. K.; Li, Z. B. 110 2012 Modified Lindstedt-Poincaré methods for some strongly nonlinear oscillations. I: Expansion of a constant. Zbl 1116.34320 He, Ji-Huan 104 2002 Asymptotic methods for solitary solutions and compactons. Zbl 1257.35158 He, Ji-Huan 104 2012 Asymptotology by homotopy perturbation method. Zbl 1061.65040 He, J.-H. 101 2004 Fractional complex transform for fractional differential equations. Zbl 1215.35164 Li, Zheng-Biao; He, Ji-Huan 93 2010 Generalized solitary solution and compacton-like solution of the Jaulent-Miodek equations using the Exp-function method. Zbl 1217.35152 He, Ji-Huan; Zhang, Li-Na 90 2008 Exp-function method and its application to nonlinear equations. Zbl 1153.35384 Wu, Xu-Hong (Benn); He, Ji-Huan 85 2008 Preliminary report on the energy balance for nonlinear oscillations. Zbl 1048.70011 He, Jihuan 84 2002 Fractional calculus for nanoscale flow and heat transfer. Zbl 1356.80018 Liu, Hong-Yan; He, Ji-Huan; Li, Zheng-Biao 77 2014 Recent development of the homotopy perturbation method. Zbl 1159.34333 He, Ji-Huan 76 2008 A review on some new recently developed nonlinear analytical techniques. Zbl 0966.65056 He, Ji-Huan 74 2000 An approximate solution technique depending on an artificial parameter: A special example. Zbl 0921.35009 He, Jihuan 73 1998 Periodic solutions and bifurcations of delay-differential equations. Zbl 1195.34116 He, Ji-Huan 70 2005 Cantor-type cylindrical-coordinate method for differential equations with local fractional derivatives. Zbl 1298.35243 Yang, Xiao-Jun; Srivastava, H. M.; He, Ji-Huan; Baleanu, Dumitru 69 2013 Modified Lindstedt-Poincaré methods for some strongly nonlinear oscillations. II: A new transformation. Zbl 1116.34321 He, Ji-Huan 66 2002 Variational approach to \((2+1)\)-dimensional dispersive long water equations. Zbl 1123.37319 He, Ji-Huan 64 2005 A simple perturbation approach to Blasius equation. Zbl 1028.65085 He, Ji-Huan 58 2003 A short remark on fractional variational iteration method. Zbl 1252.49027 He, Ji-Huan 53 2011 Variational iteration method for solving integro-differential equations. Zbl 1209.65152 Wang, Shu-Qiang; He, Ji-Huan 52 2007 Variational theory for linear magneto-electro-elasticity. Zbl 1083.74526 He, Jihuan 51 2001 An iteration formulation for normalized diode characteristics. Zbl 1169.94352 He, Ji-Huan; Wan, Yu-Qin; Guo, Qian 51 2004 Nonlinear oscillator with discontinuity by parameter-expansion method. Zbl 1210.70023 Wang, Shuqiang; He, Jihuan 50 2008 Modified Lindstedt-Poincaré methods for some strongly nonlinear oscillations. III: Double series expansion. Zbl 1072.34507 He, Jihuan 49 2001 Hamiltonian approach to nonlinear oscillators. Zbl 1237.70036 He, Ji-Huan 49 2010 Laplace transform: making the variational iteration method easier. Zbl 1414.34014 Anjum, Naveed; He, Ji-Huan 45 2019 Variational approach to the Lane–Emden equation. Zbl 1022.65076 He, Jihuan 44 2003 Bookkeeping parameter in perturbation methods. Zbl 1072.34508 He, Jihuan 42 2001 A new iteration method for solving algebraic equations. Zbl 1023.65039 He, Ji-Huan 41 2003 An elementary introduction to the homotopy perturbation method. Zbl 1165.65374 He, Ji-Huan 41 2009 The variational iteration method for eighth-order initial-boundary value problems. Zbl 1134.34307 He, Ji-Huan 40 2007 Homotopy perturbation method with an auxiliary term. Zbl 1235.65096 He, Ji-Huan 37 2012 Generalized variational principles in fluids. Zbl 1054.76001 He, Ji Huan 35 2003 Approximate analytical solution of Blasius’ equation. Zbl 0918.34016 He, Jihuan 34 1998 Beyond Adomian method: the variational iteration method for solving heat-like and wave-like equations with variable coefficients. Zbl 1217.35091 Shou, Da-Hua; He, Ji-Huan 34 2008 Taylor series solution for Lane-Emden equation. Zbl 1429.34027 He, Ji-Huan; Ji, Fei-Yu 32 2019 Homotopy perturbation method for Fangzhu oscillator. Zbl 1470.34050 He, Ji-Huan; El-Dib, Yusry O. 32 2020 Newton-like iteration method for solving algebraic equations. Zbl 0918.65034 He, Jihuan 30 1998 A variational principle for a thin film equation. Zbl 1462.76021 He, Ji-Huan; Sun, Chang 30 2019 Iteration perturbation method for strongly nonlinear oscillations. Zbl 1015.70019 He, Jihuan 30 2001 A generalized variational principle in micromorphic thermoelasticity. Zbl 1091.74012 He, Jihuan 29 2005 Exp-function method for fractional differential equations. Zbl 1401.35317 He, Ji-Huan 28 2013 Some new approaches to the Duffing equation with strongly and high-order nonlinearity. II: Parametrized perturbation technique. Zbl 0932.34058 He, Jihuan 27 1999 A new perturbation technique which is also valid for large parameters. Zbl 1235.70139 He, Ji-Huan 27 2000 On a strong minimum condition of a fractal variational principle. Zbl 1538.49025 He, Ji-Huan; Qie, Na; He, Chun-hui; Saeed, Tareq 27 2021 The reducing rank method to solve third-order Duffing equation with the homotopy perturbation. Zbl 07776044 He, Ji-Huan; El-Dib, Yusry O. 26 2021 Fractal oscillation and its frequency-amplitude property. Zbl 1489.34014 He, Ji-Huan; Kou, Shuai-Jia; He, Chun-Hui; Zhang, Zuo-Wei; Gepreel, Khaled A. 24 2021 Variational approach to the sixth-order boundary value problems. Zbl 1025.65043 He, Jihuan 22 2003 Homotopy perturbation method with three expansions. Zbl 1495.34028 He, Ji-Huan; El-Dib, Yusry O. 22 2021 Two-scale fractal theory for the population dynamics. Zbl 1481.92098 Anjum, Naveed; He, Chun-Hui; He, Ji-Huan 22 2021 Approximate analytical solution of Blasius’ equation. Zbl 0932.34005 He, Jihuan 21 1999 Variational approach to the Thomas-Fermi equation. Zbl 1022.65083 He, Jihuan 21 2003 A fractal Boussinesq equation for nonlinear transverse vibration of a nanofiber-reinforced concrete pillar. Zbl 1481.74266 Ji, Fei-Yu; He, Chun-Hui; Zhang, Jing-Jing; He, Ji-Huan 21 2020 Solution of nonlinear equations by an ancient Chinese algorithm. Zbl 1049.65039 He, Ji-Huan 20 2004 Amplitude-frequency relationship for conservative nonlinear oscillators with odd nonlinearities. Zbl 1397.34093 He, Ji-Huan 20 2017 Coupled variational principles of piezoelectricity. Zbl 1210.74175 He, Ji-Huan 20 2001 Variational theory for one-dimensional longitudinal beam dynamics. Zbl 1187.74108 He, Ji-Huan 18 2006 A modified perturbation technique depending upon an artificial parameter. Zbl 0986.70016 He, Jihuan 17 2000 Low frequency property of a fractal vibration model for a concrete beam. Zbl 1482.74083 He, Chun-Hui; Liu, Chao; He, Ji-Huan; Gepreel, Khaled A. 17 2021 Generalized Hellinger-Reissner principle. Zbl 1110.74473 He, J.-H. 16 2000 Hamilton principle and generalized variational principles of linear thermopiezoelectricity. Zbl 1110.74474 He, Ji-Huan 16 2001 Higher-order homotopy perturbation method for conservative nonlinear oscillators generally and microelectromechanical systems’ oscillators particularly. Zbl 1454.34032 Anjum, Naveed; He, Ji-Huan 16 2020 Fractal derivative model for air permeability in hierarchic porous media. Zbl 1255.76131 Fan, Jie; He, Jihuan 16 2012 Generalized variational principles for buckling analysis of circular cylinders. Zbl 1434.74058 He, Ji-Huan 16 2020 The fractional complex transform: a novel approach to the time-fractional Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1494.35153 Ain, Qura Tul; He, Ji-Huan; Anjum, Naveed; Ali, Muhammad 15 2020 Generalized variational principles for thermopiezoelectricity. Zbl 1032.74025 He, J.-H. 14 2002 Ancient Chinese algorithm: The ying buzu shu (method of surplus and deficiency) vs Newton iteration method. Zbl 1023.01002 He, Jihuan 14 2002 Linearized perturbation technique and its applications to strongly nonlinear oscillators. Zbl 1035.65070 He, Ji-Huan 14 2003 Variational principle for two-dimensional incompressible inviscid flow. Zbl 1209.76025 He, Ji-Huan 14 2007 On the fractal variational principle for the telegraph equation. Zbl 1482.35005 He, Ji-Huan 14 2021 A tutorial introduction to the two-scale fractal calculus and its application to the fractal Zhiber-Shabat oscillator. Zbl 1506.35200 He, Ji-Huan; El-Dib, Yusry O. 14 2021 He Chengtian’s inequality and its applications. Zbl 1043.01004 He, Jihuan 13 2004 He-Laplace variational iteration method for solving the nonlinear equations arising in chemical kinetics and population dynamics. Zbl 1472.35009 Nadeem, Muhammad; He, Ji-Huan 13 2021 Preface to the special issue on “The variational iteration method: reliable, efficient, and promising”. Zbl 1138.65301 He, Ji-Huan; Wazwaz, Abdul-Majid; Xu, Lan 13 2007 Hamilton’s principle for dynamical elasticity. Zbl 1462.74080 He, Ji-Huan 13 2017 Homotopy perturbation method for strongly nonlinear oscillators. Zbl 1540.65263 He, Ji-Huan; Jiao, Man-Li; Gepreel, Khaled A.; Khan, Yasir 8 2023 Some computational convergent iterative algorithms to solve nonlinear problems. Zbl 07695267 Rabbani, Mohsen; He, Ji Huan; Düz, Murat 4 2023 A fractal model for the internal temperature response of a porous concrete. Zbl 07601677 He, Chun-Hui; Liu, Chao; He, Ji-Huan; Sedighi, H. M.; Shokri, A.; Gepreel, K. A. 6 2022 A numerical solution of nonlinear fractional Newell-Whitehead-Segel equation using natural transform. Zbl 07791997 Nadeem, Muhammad; He, Ji-Huan; He, Chun-Hui; Sedighi, Hamid M.; Shirazi, Ali H. 5 2022 Dynamic pull-in and oscillations of current-carrying filaments in magnetic micro-electro-mechanical system. Zbl 07840950 Skrzypacz, Piotr; Ellis, Grant; He, Ji-Huan; He, Chun-Hui 2 2022 Fractal boundary layer and its basic properties. Zbl 1516.76020 Kou, Shuai-Jia; He, Chun-Hui; Men, Xing-Chen; He, Ji-Huan 1 2022 On a strong minimum condition of a fractal variational principle. Zbl 1538.49025 He, Ji-Huan; Qie, Na; He, Chun-hui; Saeed, Tareq 27 2021 The reducing rank method to solve third-order Duffing equation with the homotopy perturbation. Zbl 07776044 He, Ji-Huan; El-Dib, Yusry O. 26 2021 Fractal oscillation and its frequency-amplitude property. Zbl 1489.34014 He, Ji-Huan; Kou, Shuai-Jia; He, Chun-Hui; Zhang, Zuo-Wei; Gepreel, Khaled A. 24 2021 Homotopy perturbation method with three expansions. Zbl 1495.34028 He, Ji-Huan; El-Dib, Yusry O. 22 2021 Two-scale fractal theory for the population dynamics. Zbl 1481.92098 Anjum, Naveed; He, Chun-Hui; He, Ji-Huan 22 2021 Low frequency property of a fractal vibration model for a concrete beam. Zbl 1482.74083 He, Chun-Hui; Liu, Chao; He, Ji-Huan; Gepreel, Khaled A. 17 2021 On the fractal variational principle for the telegraph equation. Zbl 1482.35005 He, Ji-Huan 14 2021 A tutorial introduction to the two-scale fractal calculus and its application to the fractal Zhiber-Shabat oscillator. Zbl 1506.35200 He, Ji-Huan; El-Dib, Yusry O. 14 2021 He-Laplace variational iteration method for solving the nonlinear equations arising in chemical kinetics and population dynamics. Zbl 1472.35009 Nadeem, Muhammad; He, Ji-Huan 13 2021 A fractal modification of Chen-Lee-Liu equation and its fractal variational principle. Zbl 1489.81025 He, Ji-Huan; He, Chun-Hui; Saeed, Tareq 7 2021 Homotopy perturbation method with three expansions for Helmholtz-Fangzhu oscillator. Zbl 1494.34075 He, Ji-Huan; El-Dib, Yusry O. 7 2021 On the frequency-amplitude formulation for nonlinear oscillators with general initial conditions. Zbl 1492.34035 He, Ji-Huan 4 2021 Variational approach to fractal solitary waves. Zbl 1482.35249 He, Ji-Huan; Hou, Wei-Fan; He, Chun-Hui; Saeed, Tareq; Hayat, Tasawar 3 2021 Study of nonlinear Hirota-Satsuma coupled KdV and coupled mKdV system with time fractional derivative. Zbl 07465629 Habib, Siddra; Batool, Amreen; Islam, Asad; Nadeem, Muhammad; Gepreel, Khaled A.; He, Ji-Huan 3 2021 New optimal fourth-order iterative method based on linear combination technique. Zbl 1499.65196 Nadeem, Akbar; Ali, Faisal; He, Ji-Huan 2 2021 Evidence integration credal classification algorithm versus missing data distributions. Zbl 1531.68122 Zhang, Zuo-wei; Liu, Zhe; Ma, Zong-fa; He, Ji-huan; Zhu, Xing-yu 1 2021 Insight into the significance of Hall current and Joule heating on the dynamics of Darcy-Forchheimer peristaltic flow of Rabinowitsch fluid. Zbl 1477.76108 He, Ji-Huan; Mostapha, Doaa R. 1 2021 Homotopy perturbation method for Fangzhu oscillator. Zbl 1470.34050 He, Ji-Huan; El-Dib, Yusry O. 32 2020 A fractal Boussinesq equation for nonlinear transverse vibration of a nanofiber-reinforced concrete pillar. Zbl 1481.74266 Ji, Fei-Yu; He, Chun-Hui; Zhang, Jing-Jing; He, Ji-Huan 21 2020 Higher-order homotopy perturbation method for conservative nonlinear oscillators generally and microelectromechanical systems’ oscillators particularly. Zbl 1454.34032 Anjum, Naveed; He, Ji-Huan 16 2020 Generalized variational principles for buckling analysis of circular cylinders. Zbl 1434.74058 He, Ji-Huan 16 2020 The fractional complex transform: a novel approach to the time-fractional Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1494.35153 Ain, Qura Tul; He, Ji-Huan; Anjum, Naveed; Ali, Muhammad 15 2020 Variational principle for a generalized KdV equation in a fractal space. Zbl 1441.35009 Shen, Yue; He, Ji-Huan 7 2020 Laplace transform: making the variational iteration method easier. Zbl 1414.34014 Anjum, Naveed; He, Ji-Huan 45 2019 Taylor series solution for Lane-Emden equation. Zbl 1429.34027 He, Ji-Huan; Ji, Fei-Yu 32 2019 A variational principle for a thin film equation. Zbl 1462.76021 He, Ji-Huan; Sun, Chang 30 2019 He-Elzaki method for spatial diffusion of biological population. Zbl 1434.35277 Ul Rahman, Jamshaid; Lu, Dianchen; Suleman, Muhammad; He, Ji-Huan; Ramzan, Muhammad 7 2019 Some analytical methods for singular boundary value problem in a fractal space: a review. Zbl 1440.34025 Zhang, Jingjing; Shen, Yue; He, Jihuan 5 2019 A remark on Samuelson’s variational principle in economics. Zbl 1408.91135 Wu, Yue; He, Ji-Huan 7 2018 Amplitude-frequency relationship for conservative nonlinear oscillators with odd nonlinearities. Zbl 1397.34093 He, Ji-Huan 20 2017 Hamilton’s principle for dynamical elasticity. Zbl 1462.74080 He, Ji-Huan 13 2017 Generalized equilibrium equations for shell derived from a generalized variational principle. Zbl 1388.74069 He, Ji-Huan 9 2017 An alternative approach to establishment of a variational principle for the torsional problem of piezoelastic beams. Zbl 1330.74061 He, Ji-Huan 4 2016 A short remark on Chien’s variational principle of maximum power losses for viscous fluids. Zbl 1356.76058 Liu, H. Y.; Si, Na; He, Ji-Huan 2 2016 A tutorial review on fractal spacetime and fractional calculus. Zbl 1312.83028 He, Ji-Huan 126 2014 Fractional calculus for nanoscale flow and heat transfer. Zbl 1356.80018 Liu, Hong-Yan; He, Ji-Huan; Li, Zheng-Biao 77 2014 Cantor-type cylindrical-coordinate method for differential equations with local fractional derivatives. Zbl 1298.35243 Yang, Xiao-Jun; Srivastava, H. M.; He, Ji-Huan; Baleanu, Dumitru 69 2013 Exp-function method for fractional differential equations. Zbl 1401.35317 He, Ji-Huan 28 2013 Lagrangian for nonlinear perturbed heat and wave equations. Zbl 1270.35321 He, Ji-Huan 1 2013 Lagrangians for self-adjoint and non-self-adjoint equations. Zbl 1259.35109 He, Ji-Huan 1 2013 Periodic solution of the hematopoiesis equation. Zbl 1417.34162 He, Ji-Huan 1 2013 Geometrical explanation of the fractional complex transform and derivative chain rule for fractional calculus. Zbl 1255.26002 He, Ji-Huan; Elagan, S. K.; Li, Z. B. 110 2012 Asymptotic methods for solitary solutions and compactons. Zbl 1257.35158 He, Ji-Huan 104 2012 Homotopy perturbation method with an auxiliary term. Zbl 1235.65096 He, Ji-Huan 37 2012 Fractal derivative model for air permeability in hierarchic porous media. Zbl 1255.76131 Fan, Jie; He, Jihuan 16 2012 Notes on the optimal variational iteration method. Zbl 1253.65085 He, Ji-Huan 8 2012 A remark on “A nonlinear mathematical model of the corneal shape”. Zbl 1257.34010 He, Ji-Huan 5 2012 Comment on “Variational iteration method for fractional calculus using He’s polynomials”. Zbl 1256.65091 He, Ji-Huan 4 2012 An approximation to solution of space and time fractional telegraph equations by the variational iteration method. (An aproximation to solution of space and time fractional telegraph equations by the variational iteration method.) Zbl 1264.65172 He, Ji-Huan 3 2012 Solitary-solution formulation for differential-difference equations using an ancient Chinese algorithm. Zbl 1247.34018 He, Ji-Huan; Elagan, S. K.; Wu, Guo-Cheng 1 2012 A short remark on fractional variational iteration method. Zbl 1252.49027 He, Ji-Huan 53 2011 Asymptotic methods: the next frontier towards nonlinear science. Zbl 1219.65004 2 2011 Variational approach to foam drainage equation. Zbl 1271.76341 He, Ji-Huan 2 2011 Fractional complex transform for fractional differential equations. Zbl 1215.35164 Li, Zheng-Biao; He, Ji-Huan 93 2010 Hamiltonian approach to nonlinear oscillators. Zbl 1237.70036 He, Ji-Huan 49 2010 The variational approach coupled with an ancient Chinese mathematical method to the relativistic oscillator. Zbl 1371.34053 Zhou, Lin-Hong; He, J. H. 4 2010 Solitary wavenumber-frequency formulation using an ancient Chinese arithmetic. Zbl 1218.34041 He, Ji-Huan; Yang, Qin 3 2010 Study on the stability of Steiner tree structure of explosion-proof textiles. Zbl 1371.74075 Wu, Ling-Ye; He, Ji-Huan 1 2010 An elementary introduction to the homotopy perturbation method. Zbl 1165.65374 He, Ji-Huan 41 2009 A simple approach to nonlinear oscillators. Zbl 1233.70009 Ren, Zhong-Fu; He, Ji-Huan 9 2009 Application of He Chengtian’s interpolation to Bethe equation. Zbl 1189.65025 He, Ji-Huan 9 2009 Variational principle for the differential-difference system arising in stratified hydrostatic flows. Zbl 1229.76038 He, Ji-Huan; Lee, E. W. M. 8 2009 A constrained variational principle for heat conduction. Zbl 1231.35087 He, Ji-Huan; Lee, E. W. M. 3 2009 New analytical methods for cleaning up the solution of nonlinear equations. Zbl 1189.65012 He, J.-H.; Lee, E. W. M. 1 2009 Nonlinearity as a sensitive informative marker in the ENSO model. Zbl 1189.65165 He, Ji-Huan; Xu, Fei 1 2009 Two exact solutions to the general relativistic Binet’s equation. Zbl 1176.85006 He, Ji-Huan; Zeng, De-Qiang 1 2009 An elementary introduction to recently developed asymptotic methods and nanomechanics in textile engineering. Zbl 1149.76607 He, Jihuan 156 2008 Generalized solitary solution and compacton-like solution of the Jaulent-Miodek equations using the Exp-function method. Zbl 1217.35152 He, Ji-Huan; Zhang, Li-Na 90 2008 Exp-function method and its application to nonlinear equations. Zbl 1153.35384 Wu, Xu-Hong (Benn); He, Ji-Huan 85 2008 Recent development of the homotopy perturbation method. Zbl 1159.34333 He, Ji-Huan 76 2008 Nonlinear oscillator with discontinuity by parameter-expansion method. Zbl 1210.70023 Wang, Shuqiang; He, Jihuan 50 2008 Beyond Adomian method: the variational iteration method for solving heat-like and wave-like equations with variable coefficients. Zbl 1217.35091 Shou, Da-Hua; He, Ji-Huan 34 2008 Variational iteration method – some recent results and new interpretations. Zbl 1119.65049 He, Ji-Huan 319 2007 Variational iteration method: New development and applications. Zbl 1141.65372 He, Ji-Huan; Wu, Xu-Hong 240 2007 New periodic solutions for nonlinear evolution equations using Exp-function method. Zbl 1152.35441 He, Ji-Huan; Abdou, M. A. 209 2007 Solitary solutions, periodic solutions and compacton-like solutions using the Exp-function method. Zbl 1143.35360 Wu, Xu-Hong (Benn); He, Ji-Huan 121 2007 Variational approach for nonlinear oscillators. Zbl 1152.34327 He, Ji-Huan 112 2007 Variational iteration method for solving integro-differential equations. Zbl 1209.65152 Wang, Shu-Qiang; He, Ji-Huan 52 2007 The variational iteration method for eighth-order initial-boundary value problems. Zbl 1134.34307 He, Ji-Huan 40 2007 Variational principle for two-dimensional incompressible inviscid flow. Zbl 1209.76025 He, Ji-Huan 14 2007 Preface to the special issue on “The variational iteration method: reliable, efficient, and promising”. Zbl 1138.65301 He, Ji-Huan; Wazwaz, Abdul-Majid; Xu, Lan 13 2007 Resonance in Sirospun yarn spinning using a variational iteration method. Zbl 1141.65373 Zhang, Li-Na; He, Ji-Huan 8 2007 Some asymptotic methods for strongly nonlinear equations. Zbl 1102.34039 He, Ji-Huan 845 2006 Exp-function method for nonlinear wave equations. Zbl 1141.35448 He, Ji-Huan; Wu, Xu-Hong 654 2006 Homotopy perturbation method for solving boundary value problems. Zbl 1195.65207 He, Ji-Huan 388 2006 Construction of solitary solution and compacton-like solution by variational iteration method. Zbl 1147.35338 He, Ji-Huan; Wu, Xu-Hong 326 2006 Variational theory for one-dimensional longitudinal beam dynamics. Zbl 1187.74108 He, Ji-Huan 18 2006 Application of \(E\)-infinity theory to biology. Zbl 1079.92002 He, Ji-Huan 7 2006 A novel model for allometric scaling laws for different organs. Zbl 1079.92020 He, Ji-Huan; Huang, Zhende 6 2006 A modified Hodgkin-Huxley model. Zbl 1138.92303 He, Ji-Huan 4 2006 An allometric scaling law between gray matter and white matter of cerebral cortex. Zbl 1079.92012 He, Ji-Huan 3 2006 Cell size and cell number as links between noncoding DNA and metabolic rate scaling. Zbl 1095.92029 He, Ji-Huan 1 2006 Application of homotopy perturbation method to nonlinear wave equations. Zbl 1072.35502 He, Ji-Huan 490 2005 Homotopy perturbation method for bifurcation of nonlinear problems. Zbl 1401.65085 He, Ji-Huan 371 2005 ...and 86 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 4,766 Authors 133 He, Ji-Huan 115 Ganji, Davood Domiri 88 Yıldırım, Ahmet 65 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 59 Mohyud-Din, Syed Tauseef 51 Zhang, Sheng 46 Bekir, Ahmet 45 Hashim, Ishak 45 Noor, Muhammad Aslam 38 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 38 Momani, Shaher M. 37 Yang, Xiao-Jun 36 Biazar, Jafar 36 Inc, Mustafa 31 Odibat, Zaid M. 30 Khan, Yasir 30 Noorani, Mohd Salmi Mohd 30 Wang, Kangle 29 Wang, Kang-Jia 28 Jafari, Hossein 27 Abdou, Mohamed Aly Mohamed 26 Khalique, Chaudry Masood 26 Wazwaz, Abdul-Majid Abdul-Rahman 24 Zayed, Elsayed M. E. 23 Abbasbandy, Saeid 23 Aminikhah, Hossein 23 Seadawy, Aly R. 23 Vázquez-Leal, Héctor 22 Khader, Mohamed M. 22 Kumar, Devendra 21 Aslan, İsmail 21 Javidi, Mohammad 20 Ali Akbar, M. 20 Golbabai, Ahmad 20 Manafian Heris, Jalil 20 Ozis, Turgut 20 Rashidi, Mohammad Mehdi 19 El-Dib, Yusry O. 19 Gepreel, Khaled A. 19 Salas, Alvaro H. 19 Singh, Jagdev 18 Kiliçman, Adem 18 Marinca, Vasile 18 Yusufoğlu (Agadjanov), Elçin 17 Akgül, Ali 16 Biswas, Anjan 16 Güner, Özkan 16 Herişanu, Nicolae 16 Islam, Saeed 16 Ramos, Juan I. 16 Roul, Pradip 16 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 16 Sweilam, Nasser Hassan 15 Atangana, Abdon 15 Babolian, Esmail 15 Beléndez, Augusto 15 Chowdhury, M. S. H. 15 Dai, Zhengde 15 Noor, Khalida Inayat 14 Ahmad, Hijaz 14 Baskonus, Haci Mehmet 14 Cattani, Carlo 14 Chun, Changbum 14 Khani, Farzad 14 Rezazadeh, Hadi 13 Darvishi, Mohammad Taghi 13 Geng, Fazhan 13 He, Chun-Hui 13 Saha Ray, Santanu 13 Siddiqui, Abdul Majeed 13 Wang, Guodong 12 Askari, Hassan Randjbar 12 Ebaid, Abdelhalim 12 Elías-Zúñiga, Alex 12 Eslami, Mostafa 12 Filobello-Nino, Uriel A. 12 Ganji, S. S. 12 Liao, Shijun 12 Rui, Weiguo 12 Soliman, Ahmed Abo-Elmagd 12 Wu, Guocheng 12 Zhang, Hongqing 12 Zhao, Yang 11 Ganji, Z. Z. 11 Kumar, Sunil 11 Parand, Kourosh 11 Prakash, Amit 11 Rabbani, Mohsen 11 Rajendran, L. 11 Tian, Lixin 10 Alquran, Marwan Taiseer 10 Bataineh, Ahmad Sami 10 Chakraverty, Snehashish 10 Chu, Yuming 10 Cveticanin, Livija 10 Dinarvand, Saeed 10 El-Tawil, Magdy A. 10 Faraz, Naeem 10 Ghazvini, H. 10 Ghorbani, Asghar ...and 4,666 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 339 Serials 324 Applied Mathematics and Computation 291 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 217 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 159 Physics Letters. A 142 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 139 Abstract and Applied Analysis 120 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 106 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 105 Applied Mathematical Modelling 98 Fractals 86 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 82 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 80 Advances in Difference Equations 71 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 67 Journal of Applied Mathematics 61 Nonlinear Dynamics 57 Advances in Mathematical Physics 55 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 54 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 51 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 48 Applied Mathematics Letters 47 International Journal of Modern Physics B 47 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 40 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 38 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 36 Computational and Applied Mathematics 34 Acta Mechanica 34 International Journal of Differential Equations 33 Waves in Random and Complex Media 33 Journal of Function Spaces 29 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 27 Physica A 27 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 26 AIMS Mathematics 25 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 24 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 24 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 23 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei) 21 International Journal of Biomathematics 21 Communications in Theoretical Physics 19 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 19 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 18 Meccanica 18 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 18 Mathematical Sciences 18 Computational Methods for Differential Equations 17 Numerical Algorithms 17 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 16 Computer Physics Communications 16 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 15 International Journal of Computational Methods 15 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 14 Journal of Mathematical Physics 14 Applied Numerical Mathematics 14 Computational Mathematics and Modeling 13 Boundary Value Problems 13 Journal of Mathematics 12 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 11 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 11 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal 10 Computers and Fluids 10 Journal of the Franklin Institute 10 Journal of Geometry and Physics 10 Complexity 10 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 10 Chaos 10 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 10 GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics 10 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 9 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 9 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 9 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 8 Modern Physics Letters B 8 International Journal of Engineering Science 8 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 8 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 8 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 8 Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 8 Open Mathematics 7 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 7 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 7 Reports on Mathematical Physics 7 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 7 Mechanics Research Communications 7 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 7 Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 7 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 7 International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 7 Afrika Matematika 7 Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 6 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 6 Archive of Applied Mechanics 6 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 6 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 6 Filomat 6 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences 6 Journal of Vibration and Control 6 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 6 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A: Science 6 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering ...and 239 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 54 Fields 1,950 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1,620 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 936 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 473 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 335 Real functions (26-XX) 268 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 225 Integral equations (45-XX) 225 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 209 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 126 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 99 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 97 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 86 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 71 Measure and integration (28-XX) 71 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 69 Special functions (33-XX) 69 Operator theory (47-XX) 61 Quantum theory (81-XX) 56 Computer science (68-XX) 54 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 51 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 44 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 42 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 33 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 29 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 28 Geophysics (86-XX) 25 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 22 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 20 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 16 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 16 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 12 Functional analysis (46-XX) 11 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 9 Differential geometry (53-XX) 9 Statistics (62-XX) 8 History and biography (01-XX) 8 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 7 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 5 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 5 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 4 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 3 General topology (54-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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