Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Hentzel, Irvin Roy Co-Author Distance Author ID: hentzel.irvin-roy Published as: Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Hentzel, Irvin R.; Hentzel, I. R.; Hentzel, Irvin; Hentzel, I. more...less Documents Indexed: 115 Publications since 1968, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 1 Further Contribution Reviewing Activity: 41 Reviews Co-Authors: 44 Co-Authors with 92 Joint Publications 930 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 18 single-authored 25 Peresi, Luiz Antonio 14 Correa, Ivan 11 Bremner, Murray R. 10 Labra, Alicia 10 Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria 9 Smith, Harry F. 6 Kleinfeld, Erwin 5 Behn, Antonio 4 Driessel, Kenneth R. 4 Hogben, Leslie 4 Pokrass Jacobs, David 3 Samanta, Dhabalendu 2 Arenas, Manuel J. 2 DeAlba, Luz Maria 2 Muddana, Sekhar V. 2 Usefi, Hamid 2 Yen, Chente 1 Abian, Alexander 1 Ashlock, Daniel Abram 1 Backhouse, Nigel B. 1 Beck, Robert E. 1 Belinfante, Johan Gijsbertus Frederik 1 Bondari, Siamack 1 Carini, Luisa 1 Conatser, C. W. 1 Floyd, Denis R. 1 Giuliani, Osmar Francisco 1 Gregorac, Robert J. 1 Harary, Frank 1 Hardy, Timothy L. 1 Hentzel, Robert Roy 1 Holgate, Philip 1 Huddleston, P. L. 1 Jacobs, D. Pokrass 1 Jacobs, David P. 1 Julca, Pedro Pablo 1 Juriaans, Stanley Orlando 1 Kolman, Bernard 1 Luks, Eugene M. 1 Mcdonald, Judith Joanne 1 McKay, W. G. 1 Mikkelson, Rana 1 Patera, Jiří 1 Pokrass, David J. 1 Pryporova, Olga 1 Rúa, Ignacio Fernández 1 Sankoff, David 1 Shader, Bryan L. 1 Smith, Brian T. 1 So, Wasin 1 Stewart, Ian Nicholas 1 Sverchkov, Sergei Robertovich 1 Tvalavadze, Marina V. 1 Vander Meulen, Kevin N. 1 Vander Velden, Kent A. 1 Wangsness, Amy 1 Wos, Lawrence Thomas 1 Zassenhaus, Hans Julius all top 5 Serials 19 Journal of Algebra 18 Communications in Algebra 11 Linear Algebra and its Applications 6 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 4 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 4 Algebras, Groups and Geometries 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Journal of Symbolic Computation 3 Experimental Mathematics 2 Comptes Rendus Mathématiques de l’Académie des Sciences 2 International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Portugaliae Mathematica 1 SIAM Journal on Computing 1 SIGSAM Bulletin 1 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 1 Soochow Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Algorithms 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Journal of Recreational Mathematics 1 Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 1 Algebra Colloquium 1 Caribbean Journal of Mathematical and Computing Sciences 1 Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Congressus Numerantium 1 Resenhas do Instituto do Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo 1 Matemática Contemporânea 1 East-West Journal of Mathematics 1 JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications 1 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 1 Proyecciones 1 International Electronic Journal of Algebra (IEJA) 1 São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences all top 5 Fields 102 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 9 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 7 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 82 Publications have been cited 434 times in 298 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The characterization of (-1,1) rings. Zbl 0284.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 23 1974 Nil semi-simple (-1,1) rings. Zbl 0248.17002 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 22 1972 Primitivity of finite semifields with 64 and 81 elements. Zbl 1143.17009 Hentzel, I. R.; Rúa, I. F. 16 2007 On the solvability of the commutative power-associative nilalgebras of dimension 6. Zbl 1109.17302 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 15 2003 Spectrally arbitrary patterns: Reducibility and the \(2n\) conjecture for \(n = 5\). Zbl 1118.15007 DeAlba, Luz M.; Hentzel, Irvin R.; Hogben, Leslie; McDonald, Judith; Mikkelson, Rana; Pryporova, Olga; Shader, Bryan; Vander Meulen, Kevin N. 15 2007 Identities of Cayley-Dickson algebras. Zbl 0890.17001 Hentzel, Irvin R.; Peresi, Luiz A. 14 1997 Degree four identities not implied by commutativity. Zbl 0641.17001 Carini, Luisa; Hentzel, Irvin R.; Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria 14 1988 Alternative rings with idempotent. Zbl 0441.17010 Hentzel, I. R.; Kleinfeld, E.; Smith, H. F. 14 1980 Semi-prime Bernstein algebras. Zbl 0643.17018 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 13 1989 Solvability of the ideal of all weight zero elements in Bernstein algebras. Zbl 0818.17037 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Jacobs, David Pokrass; Peresi, Luiz Antonio; Sverchkov, Sergei Robertovich 13 1994 Almost Jordan rings. Zbl 0716.17033 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 13 1988 On the Andrunakievich lemma for alternative rings. Zbl 0272.17007 Hentzel, I. R.; Slater, M. 13 1973 Simple (\(\gamma\delta\)) algebras are associative. Zbl 0356.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria 10 1977 Minimum rank and maximum eigenvalue multiplicity of symmetric tree sign patterns. Zbl 1106.05059 DeAlba, Luz Maria; Hardy, Timothy L.; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Hogben, Leslie; Wangsness, Amy 9 2006 Commutative finitely generated algebras satisfying \(((yx)x)x=0\) are solvable. Zbl 1323.17001 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 9 2009 Invariant nonassociative algebra structures on irreducible representations of simple Lie algebras. Zbl 1139.17300 Bremner, Murray; Hentzel, Irvin 8 2004 Identities for generalized Lie and Jordan products on totally associative triple systems. Zbl 0999.17044 Bremner, Murray; Hentzel, Irvin 8 2000 A note on the analogue of Oppenheim’s inequality for permanents. Zbl 0621.15012 Gregorac, R. J.; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 8 1987 \((-1,1)\) rings. Zbl 0177.05403 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 8 1969 On the nilpotence of the multiplication operator in commutative right nil algebras. Zbl 1080.17002 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Labra, Alicia 7 2002 A basis for free assosymmetric algebras. Zbl 0856.17003 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Jacobs, David Pokrass; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 7 1996 Nilpotency of commutative finitely generated algebras satisfying \(L_x^3+\gamma\, L_{x^3}\), \(\gamma =1,0\). Zbl 1246.17001 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Labra, Alicia 7 2011 On left nilalgebras of left nilindex four satisfying an identity of degree four. Zbl 1137.17004 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Labra, Alicia 7 2007 Identities for algebras of matrices over the octonions. Zbl 1057.17001 Bremner, Murray; Hentzel, Irvin 6 2004 Left centralizers on rings that are not semiprime. Zbl 1233.16034 Hentzel, Irvin R.; Tammam El-Sayiad, M. S. 6 2011 On \(k\)th-order Bernstein algebras and stability at the \(k+1\) generation in polyploids. Zbl 0726.17040 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio; Holgate, Philip 5 1990 Identities for the associator in alternative algebras. Zbl 0997.17021 Bremner, Murray; Hentzel, Irvin 5 2002 Degree three, four, and five identities of quadratic algebras. Zbl 0915.17003 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 5 1998 Dimension formulas for the free nonassociative algebra. Zbl 1145.17300 Bremner, Murray R.; Hentzel, Irvin R.; Peresi, Luiz A. 5 2005 Minimal identities of Bernstein algebras. Zbl 0794.17017 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 4 1994 A dynamic programming method for building free algebras. Zbl 0753.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Jacobs, David Pokrass 4 1991 A nonzero element of degree 7 in the center of the free alternative algebra. Zbl 1025.17011 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 4 2003 Degree three identities. Zbl 0563.17004 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria 4 1984 Identities for algebras obtained from the Cayley-Dickson process. Zbl 1097.17004 Bremner, Murray; Hentzel, Irvin 4 2001 Idempotents in plenary train algebras. Zbl 1252.17017 Behn, Antonio; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 4 2010 Special identities for Bol algebras. Zbl 1258.17006 Hentzel, Irvin R.; Peresi, Luiz A. 4 2012 The nucleus of the free alternative algebra. Zbl 1147.17006 Hentzel, I. R.; Peresi, L. A. 4 2006 Special Jordan identities. Zbl 0424.17010 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 4 1979 Right alternative rings with idempotents. Zbl 0218.17011 Hentzel, I. R. 4 1971 A note on generalizing alternative rings. Zbl 0335.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria 4 1976 Semi-prime generalized right alternative rings. Zbl 0344.17002 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria 4 1976 On solvability of noncommutative power-associative nilalgebras. Zbl 0972.17002 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 3 2001 Some nilpotent, tridiagonal matrices with a special sign pattern. Zbl 1243.15019 Behn, Antonio; Driessel, Kenneth R.; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Vander Velden, Kent A.; Wilson, James 3 2012 Alternating triple systems with simple Lie algebras of derivations. Zbl 1330.17006 Bremner, Murray R.; Hentzel, Irvin R. 3 2006 Central elements of minimal degree in the free alternative algebra. Zbl 1360.17034 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 3 2006 Nilpotent linear transformations and the solvability of power-associative nilalgebras. Zbl 1066.17001 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Julca, Pedro Pablo; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 3 2005 Nuclear elements of degree 6 in the free alternative algebra. Zbl 1208.17024 Hentzel, I. R.; Peresi, L. A. 3 2008 Albert’s construction for semifields of even order. Zbl 1200.12006 Wene, G. P.; Hentzel, Irvin R. 3 2010 Centers of alternative rings. Zbl 0537.17004 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 3 1984 Simple locally (-1,1) nil rings. Zbl 0588.17022 Hentzel, I. R.; Smith, H. F. 3 1986 Computers in nonassociative rings and algebras. Special session, 82nd Annual Meeting Amer. Math. Soc., San Antonio, Tex., 1976. Zbl 0372.17001 3 1977 Alternators of a right alternative algebra. Zbl 0405.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 3 1978 Universal enveloping algebras of the four-dimensional Malcev algebra. Zbl 1209.17028 Bremner, Murray R.; Hentzel, Irvin R.; Peresi, Luiz A.; Usefi, Hamid 3 2009 Alternative rings without nilpotent elements. Zbl 0253.17018 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 3 1974 Generalization of right alternative rings. Zbl 0307.17002 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Cattaneo, Giulia Maria Piacentini 3 1975 Generalized right alternative rings. Zbl 0336.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 3 1975 Applying group representation to nonassociative algebras. Zbl 0356.17002 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 3 1977 Experimenting with the identity \((xy)z=y(zx)\). Zbl 0792.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Jacobs, David P.; Muddana, Sekhar V. 2 1993 Digitizing sum graphs over the reals. Zbl 0835.05075 Harary, F.; Hentzel, I. R.; Jacobs, D. P. 2 1991 On flexible algebras satisfying \(x(yz) = y(zx)\). Zbl 1211.17001 Behn, Antonio; Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 2 2010 On nilpotence of commutative right nilalgebras of low dimension. Zbl 1053.17002 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Labra, Alicia 2 2003 The commuting nucleus of right alternative rings. Zbl 0972.17022 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 2 2000 Enveloping algebras of Malcev algebras. Zbl 1224.17034 Bremner, M. R.; Hentzel, I. R.; Peresi, L. A.; Tvalavadze, M. V.; Usefi, H. 2 2010 \((-1,1)\) algebras. Zbl 0188.08102 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 2 1970 Semiprimality and nilpotency of nonassociative rings satisfying \(x(yz) = y(zx)\). Zbl 1204.17001 Behn, Antonio; Correa, Iván; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 2 2008 A note on modules and radicals. Zbl 0169.05003 Hentzel, I. R. 2 1968 Alternator and associator ideal algebras. Zbl 0354.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria; Floyd, Denis 2 1977 Rings with \((a,b,c)=(a,c,b)\) and \((a,[b,c],d)=0\): a case study using ALBERT. Zbl 0791.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Jacobs, D. P.; Kleinfeld, Erwin 1 1993 On rings in the join of associative and commutative. Zbl 0755.17001 Hentzel, Irvin R.; Kleinfeld, Erwin; Smith, Harry F. 1 1992 On matrix structures invariant under Toda-like isospectral flows. Zbl 0870.15005 Ashlock, Daniel A.; Driessel, Kenneth R.; Hentzel, Irvin R. 1 1997 A computational and graph theoretic approach to nonassociative algebras. Zbl 0671.17001 Hentzel, I. R.; Pokrass, D. J. 1 1988 Bernstein algebras given by symmetric bilinear forms. Zbl 0723.17029 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 1 1991 The Andrunakievich lemma for alternative rings. Zbl 0687.17011 Hentzel, I. R. 1 1989 Solvability of commutative right-nilalgebras satisfying \((b(aa))a = b((aa)a)\). Zbl 1215.17004 Correa, Iván; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Labra, Alicia 1 2010 Third power associative, antiflexible rings satisfying \((a,b,ac)=a(a,b,c)\). Zbl 1448.17002 Samanta, Dhabalendu; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 1 2018 Semiprime locally (-1,1) rings with minimal condition. Zbl 0577.17015 Hentzel, I. R.; Smith, H. F. 1 1985 Complexity and unsolvability properties of nilpotency. Zbl 0708.68022 Hentzel, I. R.; Jacobs, D. Pokrass 1 1990 A generalization of anti-commutative rings arising from 2-varieties. Zbl 0377.17001 Hentzel, Irvin 1 1978 Flexible derivation alternator rings. Zbl 0442.17001 Hentzel, I. R.; Hogben, L.; Smith, H. F. 1 1980 Exhaustive checking of sparse algebras. Zbl 0465.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Hogben, Leslie 1 1981 The nucleus in alternative rings with idempotent. Zbl 0405.17014 Hentzel, I.; Kleinfeld, E.; Smith, H. 1 1979 Nonassociative rings satisfying \(a(bc)=b(ca)\) and \((a,a,b)=(b,a,a)\). Zbl 1453.17001 Samanta, Dhabalendu; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 1 2019 Nonassociative rings satisfying \(a(bc)=b(ca)\) and \((a,a,b)=(b,a,a)\). Zbl 1453.17001 Samanta, Dhabalendu; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 1 2019 Third power associative, antiflexible rings satisfying \((a,b,ac)=a(a,b,c)\). Zbl 1448.17002 Samanta, Dhabalendu; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 1 2018 Special identities for Bol algebras. Zbl 1258.17006 Hentzel, Irvin R.; Peresi, Luiz A. 4 2012 Some nilpotent, tridiagonal matrices with a special sign pattern. Zbl 1243.15019 Behn, Antonio; Driessel, Kenneth R.; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Vander Velden, Kent A.; Wilson, James 3 2012 Nilpotency of commutative finitely generated algebras satisfying \(L_x^3+\gamma\, L_{x^3}\), \(\gamma =1,0\). Zbl 1246.17001 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Labra, Alicia 7 2011 Left centralizers on rings that are not semiprime. Zbl 1233.16034 Hentzel, Irvin R.; Tammam El-Sayiad, M. S. 6 2011 Idempotents in plenary train algebras. Zbl 1252.17017 Behn, Antonio; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 4 2010 Albert’s construction for semifields of even order. Zbl 1200.12006 Wene, G. P.; Hentzel, Irvin R. 3 2010 On flexible algebras satisfying \(x(yz) = y(zx)\). Zbl 1211.17001 Behn, Antonio; Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 2 2010 Enveloping algebras of Malcev algebras. Zbl 1224.17034 Bremner, M. R.; Hentzel, I. R.; Peresi, L. A.; Tvalavadze, M. V.; Usefi, H. 2 2010 Solvability of commutative right-nilalgebras satisfying \((b(aa))a = b((aa)a)\). Zbl 1215.17004 Correa, Iván; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Labra, Alicia 1 2010 Commutative finitely generated algebras satisfying \(((yx)x)x=0\) are solvable. Zbl 1323.17001 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 9 2009 Universal enveloping algebras of the four-dimensional Malcev algebra. Zbl 1209.17028 Bremner, Murray R.; Hentzel, Irvin R.; Peresi, Luiz A.; Usefi, Hamid 3 2009 Nuclear elements of degree 6 in the free alternative algebra. Zbl 1208.17024 Hentzel, I. R.; Peresi, L. A. 3 2008 Semiprimality and nilpotency of nonassociative rings satisfying \(x(yz) = y(zx)\). Zbl 1204.17001 Behn, Antonio; Correa, Iván; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 2 2008 Primitivity of finite semifields with 64 and 81 elements. Zbl 1143.17009 Hentzel, I. R.; Rúa, I. F. 16 2007 Spectrally arbitrary patterns: Reducibility and the \(2n\) conjecture for \(n = 5\). Zbl 1118.15007 DeAlba, Luz M.; Hentzel, Irvin R.; Hogben, Leslie; McDonald, Judith; Mikkelson, Rana; Pryporova, Olga; Shader, Bryan; Vander Meulen, Kevin N. 15 2007 On left nilalgebras of left nilindex four satisfying an identity of degree four. Zbl 1137.17004 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Labra, Alicia 7 2007 Minimum rank and maximum eigenvalue multiplicity of symmetric tree sign patterns. Zbl 1106.05059 DeAlba, Luz Maria; Hardy, Timothy L.; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Hogben, Leslie; Wangsness, Amy 9 2006 The nucleus of the free alternative algebra. Zbl 1147.17006 Hentzel, I. R.; Peresi, L. A. 4 2006 Alternating triple systems with simple Lie algebras of derivations. Zbl 1330.17006 Bremner, Murray R.; Hentzel, Irvin R. 3 2006 Central elements of minimal degree in the free alternative algebra. Zbl 1360.17034 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 3 2006 Dimension formulas for the free nonassociative algebra. Zbl 1145.17300 Bremner, Murray R.; Hentzel, Irvin R.; Peresi, Luiz A. 5 2005 Nilpotent linear transformations and the solvability of power-associative nilalgebras. Zbl 1066.17001 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Julca, Pedro Pablo; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 3 2005 Invariant nonassociative algebra structures on irreducible representations of simple Lie algebras. Zbl 1139.17300 Bremner, Murray; Hentzel, Irvin 8 2004 Identities for algebras of matrices over the octonions. Zbl 1057.17001 Bremner, Murray; Hentzel, Irvin 6 2004 On the solvability of the commutative power-associative nilalgebras of dimension 6. Zbl 1109.17302 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 15 2003 A nonzero element of degree 7 in the center of the free alternative algebra. Zbl 1025.17011 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 4 2003 On nilpotence of commutative right nilalgebras of low dimension. Zbl 1053.17002 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Labra, Alicia 2 2003 On the nilpotence of the multiplication operator in commutative right nil algebras. Zbl 1080.17002 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Labra, Alicia 7 2002 Identities for the associator in alternative algebras. Zbl 0997.17021 Bremner, Murray; Hentzel, Irvin 5 2002 Identities for algebras obtained from the Cayley-Dickson process. Zbl 1097.17004 Bremner, Murray; Hentzel, Irvin 4 2001 On solvability of noncommutative power-associative nilalgebras. Zbl 0972.17002 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 3 2001 Identities for generalized Lie and Jordan products on totally associative triple systems. Zbl 0999.17044 Bremner, Murray; Hentzel, Irvin 8 2000 The commuting nucleus of right alternative rings. Zbl 0972.17022 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 2 2000 Degree three, four, and five identities of quadratic algebras. Zbl 0915.17003 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 5 1998 Identities of Cayley-Dickson algebras. Zbl 0890.17001 Hentzel, Irvin R.; Peresi, Luiz A. 14 1997 On matrix structures invariant under Toda-like isospectral flows. Zbl 0870.15005 Ashlock, Daniel A.; Driessel, Kenneth R.; Hentzel, Irvin R. 1 1997 A basis for free assosymmetric algebras. Zbl 0856.17003 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Jacobs, David Pokrass; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 7 1996 Solvability of the ideal of all weight zero elements in Bernstein algebras. Zbl 0818.17037 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Jacobs, David Pokrass; Peresi, Luiz Antonio; Sverchkov, Sergei Robertovich 13 1994 Minimal identities of Bernstein algebras. Zbl 0794.17017 Correa, Ivan; Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 4 1994 Experimenting with the identity \((xy)z=y(zx)\). Zbl 0792.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Jacobs, David P.; Muddana, Sekhar V. 2 1993 Rings with \((a,b,c)=(a,c,b)\) and \((a,[b,c],d)=0\): a case study using ALBERT. Zbl 0791.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Jacobs, D. P.; Kleinfeld, Erwin 1 1993 On rings in the join of associative and commutative. Zbl 0755.17001 Hentzel, Irvin R.; Kleinfeld, Erwin; Smith, Harry F. 1 1992 A dynamic programming method for building free algebras. Zbl 0753.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Jacobs, David Pokrass 4 1991 Digitizing sum graphs over the reals. Zbl 0835.05075 Harary, F.; Hentzel, I. R.; Jacobs, D. P. 2 1991 Bernstein algebras given by symmetric bilinear forms. Zbl 0723.17029 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 1 1991 On \(k\)th-order Bernstein algebras and stability at the \(k+1\) generation in polyploids. Zbl 0726.17040 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio; Holgate, Philip 5 1990 Complexity and unsolvability properties of nilpotency. Zbl 0708.68022 Hentzel, I. R.; Jacobs, D. Pokrass 1 1990 Semi-prime Bernstein algebras. Zbl 0643.17018 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 13 1989 The Andrunakievich lemma for alternative rings. Zbl 0687.17011 Hentzel, I. R. 1 1989 Degree four identities not implied by commutativity. Zbl 0641.17001 Carini, Luisa; Hentzel, Irvin R.; Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria 14 1988 Almost Jordan rings. Zbl 0716.17033 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Peresi, Luiz Antonio 13 1988 A computational and graph theoretic approach to nonassociative algebras. Zbl 0671.17001 Hentzel, I. R.; Pokrass, D. J. 1 1988 A note on the analogue of Oppenheim’s inequality for permanents. Zbl 0621.15012 Gregorac, R. J.; Hentzel, Irvin Roy 8 1987 Simple locally (-1,1) nil rings. Zbl 0588.17022 Hentzel, I. R.; Smith, H. F. 3 1986 Semiprime locally (-1,1) rings with minimal condition. Zbl 0577.17015 Hentzel, I. R.; Smith, H. F. 1 1985 Degree three identities. Zbl 0563.17004 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria 4 1984 Centers of alternative rings. Zbl 0537.17004 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 3 1984 Exhaustive checking of sparse algebras. Zbl 0465.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Hogben, Leslie 1 1981 Alternative rings with idempotent. Zbl 0441.17010 Hentzel, I. R.; Kleinfeld, E.; Smith, H. F. 14 1980 Flexible derivation alternator rings. Zbl 0442.17001 Hentzel, I. R.; Hogben, L.; Smith, H. F. 1 1980 Special Jordan identities. Zbl 0424.17010 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 4 1979 The nucleus in alternative rings with idempotent. Zbl 0405.17014 Hentzel, I.; Kleinfeld, E.; Smith, H. 1 1979 Alternators of a right alternative algebra. Zbl 0405.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 3 1978 A generalization of anti-commutative rings arising from 2-varieties. Zbl 0377.17001 Hentzel, Irvin 1 1978 Simple (\(\gamma\delta\)) algebras are associative. Zbl 0356.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria 10 1977 Computers in nonassociative rings and algebras. Special session, 82nd Annual Meeting Amer. Math. Soc., San Antonio, Tex., 1976. Zbl 0372.17001 3 1977 Applying group representation to nonassociative algebras. Zbl 0356.17002 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 3 1977 Alternator and associator ideal algebras. Zbl 0354.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria; Floyd, Denis 2 1977 A note on generalizing alternative rings. Zbl 0335.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria 4 1976 Semi-prime generalized right alternative rings. Zbl 0344.17002 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria 4 1976 Generalization of right alternative rings. Zbl 0307.17002 Hentzel, Irvin Roy; Cattaneo, Giulia Maria Piacentini 3 1975 Generalized right alternative rings. Zbl 0336.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 3 1975 The characterization of (-1,1) rings. Zbl 0284.17001 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 23 1974 Alternative rings without nilpotent elements. Zbl 0253.17018 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 3 1974 On the Andrunakievich lemma for alternative rings. Zbl 0272.17007 Hentzel, I. R.; Slater, M. 13 1973 Nil semi-simple (-1,1) rings. Zbl 0248.17002 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 22 1972 Right alternative rings with idempotents. Zbl 0218.17011 Hentzel, I. R. 4 1971 \((-1,1)\) algebras. Zbl 0188.08102 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 2 1970 \((-1,1)\) rings. Zbl 0177.05403 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 8 1969 A note on modules and radicals. Zbl 0169.05003 Hentzel, I. R. 2 1968 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 266 Authors 36 Hentzel, Irvin Roy 18 Peresi, Luiz Antonio 16 Pchelintsev, Sergeĭ Valentinovich 15 Bremner, Murray R. 15 Labra, Alicia 14 Shestakov, Ivan Pavlovich 13 Kaygorodov, Ivan 12 Ferreira, Bruno Leonardo Macedo 10 Correa, Ivan 10 Guzzo, Henrique jun. 10 Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria 9 Gutiérrez Fernández, Juan Carlos 9 Kleinfeld, Erwin 7 Rúa, Ignacio Fernández 7 Smith, Harry F. 5 Arenas, Manuel J. 5 Bayara, Joseph 5 Combarro, Elías F. 5 Elduque, Alberto 5 Hogben, Leslie 5 Ouattara, Moussa 5 Zitan, Fouad 4 Behn, Antonio 4 Cavers, Michael S. 4 Gardner, Barry James 4 González, Santos 4 Martínez López, Consuelo 4 Mcdonald, Judith Joanne 4 Ranilla, José 4 Roomel’di, R. E. 4 Shader, Bryan L. 4 Sverchkov, Sergei Robertovich 4 van den Driessche, Pauline 3 Abbasi, Adnan 3 Beites, Patrícia Damas 3 Dar, Nadeem Ahmad 3 de Oliveira Andrade, Aline Jaqueline 3 Elgendy, Hader A. 3 Ferreira, Ruth Nascimento 3 Garcia, Claudia I. 3 Khudoyberdiyev, Abror Kh. 3 Kleinfeld, Margaret Humm 3 Kravtsova, Ol’ga Vadimovna 3 Mashurov, Farukh A. 3 Nicolás, Alejandro P. 3 Pérez-Izquierdo, José María 3 Pozhidaev, Aleksandr Petrovich 3 Quintero Vanegas, E. O. 3 Rahman Mozumder, Muzibur 3 Samanta, Dhabalendu 3 Vander Meulen, Kevin N. 3 Varro, Richard 3 Zusmanovich, Pasha 2 Ali, Shakir 2 Benito, Pilar 2 Berman, Abraham S. 2 Boudi, Nadia 2 Catral, Minerva 2 Chuvakov, V. P. 2 Costa, Roberto Celso Fabricio 2 Da Motta Ferreira, João Carlos 2 Dembega, Abdoulaye 2 Draper, Cristina 2 Dzhumadil’daev, Askar Serkulovich 2 Fallat, Shaun M. 2 Garnett, Colin 2 Giuliani, Osmar Francisco 2 Grishkov, Alexander Nikolaevich 2 Huang, Ting-Zhu 2 Il’tyakov, A. V. 2 Issa, A. Nourou 2 Jumaniyozov, Doston 2 Juriaans, Stanley Orlando 2 Khrypchenko, Mykola S. 2 Kim, In-Jae 2 Konkobo, Amidou 2 Li, Zhongshan 2 Mallol, Cristián 2 Micali, Artibano 2 Murakami, Lucia S. I. 2 Olesky, D. Dale 2 Pokrass Jacobs, David 2 Pokrass, David J. 2 Rojas-Bruna, Carlos 2 Saraiva, Paulo 2 Thedy, Armin 2 Wei, Feng 2 Zhang, Fuzhen 2 Zhukavets, Natalia 1 Abdioğlu, Cihat 1 Abdurasulov, Kobiljon K. 1 Abdykassymova, Saule A. 1 Alshehri, Noura Omair 1 Anderson, Tim 1 Ashraf, Mohammad 1 Attan, Sylvain 1 Baeza Vega, R. 1 Bahturin, Yuri 1 Bai, Chengming 1 Barreiro, Elisabete ...and 166 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 77 Serials 58 Communications in Algebra 33 Journal of Algebra 32 Linear Algebra and its Applications 22 Algebra and Logic 13 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 8 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 7 Siberian Mathematical Journal 5 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 4 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 4 Special Matrices 3 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Mathematical Notes 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Journal of Symbolic Computation 3 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Finite Fields and their Applications 3 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 3 Proyecciones 3 São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2 Advances in Mathematics 2 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 2 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 2 Algebra Colloquium 2 Algebras and Representation Theory 2 JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications 2 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 2 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 2 Afrika Matematika 2 Communications in Mathematics 2 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 2 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana 1 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1 Information Processing Letters 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Geometriae Dedicata 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matemàtico e Fisico di Milano 1 Ricerche di Matematica 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 1 Russian Mathematics 1 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 1 Journal of Lie Theory 1 Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 1 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 1 Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 1 International Electronic Journal of Algebra (IEJA) 1 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Commutative Algebra 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 1 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma all top 5 Cited in 26 Fields 235 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 37 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 33 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 26 Combinatorics (05-XX) 16 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 13 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 10 Geometry (51-XX) 7 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 4 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 3 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year