Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Herrlich, Horst (b. 1937 d. 2015) Co-Author Distance Author ID: herrlich.horst Published as: Herrlich, Horst; Herrlich, H. External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef Member of Collective: Rhineghost, Y. T. Documents Indexed: 191 Publications since 1965, including 11 Books 13 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 167 Reviews Biographic References: 5 Publications Co-Authors: 61 Co-Authors with 129 Joint Publications 1,085 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 74 single-authored 27 Bentley, Herschel Lamar 23 Strecker, George E. 18 Keremedis, Kyriakos 13 Adámek, Jiří 13 Tachtsis, Eleftherios 9 Hušek, Miroslav 6 Howard, Paul E. 5 Preuß, Gerhard 4 Rajagopalan, Minakshisundaram 4 Rosický, Jiří 4 Schröder, Lutz 4 Tholen, Walter 3 Bargenda, Hubertus W. 3 Colebunders, Eva 3 Giuli, Eraldo 3 Salicrup, Graciela 2 Banaschewski, Bernhard 2 de Groot, Johannes 2 Felgner, Ulrich 2 Gähler, Werner 2 Hausdorff, Felix 2 Kannan, V. 2 Kanovei, Vladimir G. 2 Koepke, Peter 2 Lowen, Robert 2 Porst, Hans-Eberhard 2 Purkert, Walter 2 Scholz, Erhard 2 Vázquez, Roberto 2 Wattel, Evert 2 Zhang, Dexue 1 Beattie, Ronald 1 Binz, Ernst 1 Brieskorn, Egbert 1 Brümmer, Guillaume C. L. 1 Butzmann, Heinz-Peter 1 Carlson, John W. 1 Chatterji, Srishti Dhar 1 Comfort, William Wistar 1 Ehrig, Hartmut 1 El Bashir, Robert 1 Epple, Moritz 1 Gilmour, Christopher R. A. 1 Hoffmann, Rudolf- Eberhard 1 Hunsaker, Worthen N. 1 Kreowski, Hans-Jörg 1 Kronheimer, Erwin H. 1 Meyer, Walter J. 1 Mikusiński, Jan Stefan 1 Mossakowski, Till 1 Nakagawa, Ryosuke 1 Nel, Louis Daniel 1 Novák, Josef 1 Prieto, Carlos 1 Pultr, Aleš 1 Rhineghost, Y. T. 1 Ringel, Claus Michael 1 Robertson, W. A. 1 Steprāns, Juris 1 Titcomb, Timothy 1 Trompelt, C. 1 van der Slot, J. 1 Wischnewsky, Manfred Bernd all top 5 Serials 22 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 16 Quaestiones Mathematicae 16 Topology and its Applications 12 Applied Categorical Structures 8 Mathematische Zeitschrift 7 General Topology and its Applications 5 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 4 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 4 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 3 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 3 Fundamenta Mathematicae 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 3 Berliner Studienreihe zur Mathematik 3 Sigma Series in Pure Mathematics 2 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 2 Duke Mathematical Journal 2 Indian Journal of Mathematics 2 Mathematische Annalen 2 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics 2 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 2 Mathematical Research 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Algebra Universalis 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Archivum Mathematicum 1 Compositio Mathematica 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Rostocker Mathematisches Kolloquium 1 Topology Proceedings 1 Serdica Mathematical Journal 1 Reprints in Theory and Applications of Categories 1 Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae 1 Aportaciones Matemáticas. Notas de Investigación 1 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1 Research and Exposition in Mathematics 1 Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings. Series A. Indagationes Mathematicae 1 Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR all top 5 Fields 130 General topology (54-XX) 109 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 43 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 9 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 6 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 5 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 167 Publications have been cited 2,930 times in 1,994 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Abstract and concrete categories. The joy of cats. Zbl 0695.18001 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 836 1990 Category theory. An introduction. Zbl 0265.18001 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 218 1973 Category theory. An introduction. 2nd ed. Zbl 0437.18001 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 144 1979 Abstract and concrete categories: the joy of cats. Zbl 1113.18001 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 123 2006 Topological functors. Zbl 0288.54003 Herrlich, Horst 96 1974 Topologische Reflexionen und Coreflexionen. Zbl 0182.25302 Herrlich, Horst 95 1968 Axiom of choice. Zbl 1102.03049 Herrlich, Horst 87 2006 A concept of nearness. Zbl 0288.54004 Herrlich, Horst 61 1974 Cartesian closed topological categories. Zbl 0318.18011 Herrlich, Horst 45 1974 Categorical topology 1971-1981. Zbl 0502.54001 Herrlich, Horst 39 1983 Subcategories defined by implications. Zbl 0344.18002 Banaschewski, B.; Herrlich, Horst 38 1976 Factorizations, denseness, separation, and relatively compact objects. Zbl 0629.18003 Herrlich, Horst; Salicrup, G.; Strecker, George E. 37 1987 Weak factorization systems and topological functors. Zbl 0997.18002 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Rosický, Jiří; Tholen, Walter 34 2002 Category theory. An introduction. 3rd ed. Zbl 1125.18300 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 31 2007 Topological structures. Zbl 0311.54003 Herrlich, Horst 30 1974 Initial completions. Zbl 0319.18001 Herrlich, Horst 27 1976 Epireflections which are completions. Zbl 0760.18004 Brümmer, G. C. L.; Giuli, E.; Herrlich, Horst 26 1992 On a generalized small-object argument for the injective subcategory problem. Zbl 1002.18002 Adámek, J.; Herrlich, H.; Rosický, J.; Tholen, W. 25 2002 Regular categories and regular functors. Zbl 0255.18002 Herrlich, Horst 25 1974 Semi-universal maps and universal initial completions. Zbl 0379.18008 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 23 1979 Categorical topology. Zbl 0215.51501 Herrlich, Horst 23 1971 Cartesian closed topological hulls. Zbl 0361.18006 Herrlich, Horst; Nel, L. D. 22 1977 Wann sind alle stetigen Abbildungen in \(Y\) konstant? (When are all continuous mappings in \(Y\) constant?). Zbl 0131.20402 Herrlich, Horst 21 1965 Dispersed factorization structures. Zbl 0435.18003 Herrlich, Horst; Salicrup, Graciela; Vazquez, Roberto 21 1979 \(T_\nu\)-Abgeschlossenheit und \(T_\nu\)-Minimalität. (\(T_\nu\)-closedness and \(T_\nu\)-minimality). Zbl 0139.40203 Herrlich, Horst 20 1965 Fortsetzbarkeit stetiger Abbildungen und Kompaktheitsgrad topologischer Räume. (Extendability of continuous mappings and compactness degree of topological spaces). Zbl 0149.19501 Herrlich, Horst 20 1967 E-kompakte Räume. (E-compact spaces). Zbl 0162.26501 Herrlich, Horst 20 1967 \(H\)-closed spaces and reflective subcategories. Zbl 0157.29104 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 19 1968 Coreflective subcategories. Zbl 0224.18003 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 19 1971 Properties which are closely related to compactness. Zbl 0153.24501 Herrlich, Horst; van der Slot, J. 17 1967 On the concept of reflections in general topology. Zbl 0182.25301 Herrlich, Horst 17 1969 Improving Top: PrTop and PsTop. Zbl 0753.18003 Herrlich, Horst; Lowen-Colebunders, E.; Schwarz, F. 16 1991 Ordnungsfähigkeit total-diskontinuierlicher Räume. Zbl 0136.19804 Herrlich, Horst 15 1965 On simultaneously reflective and coreflective subconstructs. Zbl 0986.18005 Herrlich, Horst; Lowen, Robert 15 1999 Topological improvements of categories of structured sets. Zbl 0632.54008 Herrlich, Horst 14 1987 Injective hulls are not natural. Zbl 1061.18010 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Rosický, Jiří; Tholen, Walter 13 2002 Epireflective subcategories of TOP need not be cowell-powered. Zbl 0312.54004 Herrlich, Horst 13 1975 Are there convenient subcategories of Top? Zbl 0538.18004 Herrlich, Horst 12 1983 Universal topology. Zbl 0548.18004 Herrlich, Horst 12 1984 Equivalence of topologically-algebraic and semi-topological functors. Zbl 0435.18002 Herrlich, Horst; Nakagawa, R.; Strecker, George E.; Titcomb, T. 12 1980 Convenient categories for topologists. Zbl 0327.54001 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst; Robertson, W. A. 12 1976 Limit-operators and topological coreflections. Zbl 0194.54201 Herrlich, Horst 12 1969 Topologie II: Uniforme Räume. Mit zwei Zeichnungen von Volker Kühn. Zbl 0644.54001 Herrlich, Horst 11 1988 Monadic decompositions. Zbl 0675.18001 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Tholen, Walter 11 1989 Galois connections categorically. Zbl 0718.18001 Herrlich, Horst; Hušek, Miroslav 11 1990 Coreflective subcategories in general topology. Zbl 0231.18008 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 11 1972 Hyperconvex hulls of metric spaces. Zbl 0759.54015 Herrlich, Horst 10 1992 Nearness, subfitness and sequential regularity. Zbl 0978.54001 Herrlich, Horst; Pultr, A. 10 2000 Cartesian closed categories, quasitopoi and topological universes. Zbl 0601.18003 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst 10 1986 Improving constructions in topology. Zbl 0753.18002 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst; Lowen, R. 10 1991 Algebra \(\bigcap\) topology = compactness. Zbl 0231.18007 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 10 1971 Essentially algebraic categories. Zbl 0605.18004 Herrlich, Horst 9 1986 Hereditary topological constructs. Zbl 0662.18003 Herrlich, Horst 9 1988 Extensions of topological spaces. Zbl 0345.54027 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst 9 1976 The historical development of uniform, proximal, and nearness concepts in topology. Zbl 0936.54028 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst; Hušek, Miroslav 9 1998 Countable choice and pseudometric spaces. Zbl 0922.03068 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst 9 1998 When is \(\mathbb N\) Lindelöf? Zbl 0938.54008 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 9 1997 Nicht alle \(T_ 2\)-minimalen Räume sind von 2. Kategorie. (Not all \(T_ 2\)-minimal spaces are of second category). Zbl 0142.20803 Herrlich, Horst 9 1966 Compactness and the axiom of choice. Partially reprinted from the journal Applied Categorical Structures 4, No. 1 (1996). Zbl 0881.54027 Herrlich, Horst 9 1996 Some open categorical problems in Top. Zbl 0791.54012 Herrlich, Horst; Hušek, Miroslav 8 1993 Almost reflective subcategories of \(\mathbf T \mathbf o \mathbf p\). Zbl 0805.54016 Herrlich, Horst 8 1993 Convergence. Zbl 0741.54006 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst; Lowen-Colebunders, E. 8 1990 Categorical properties of probabilistic convergence spaces. Zbl 0917.54003 Herrlich, Horst; Zhang, Dexue 8 1998 Least and largest initial completions. I. Zbl 0404.18005 Adamek, J.; Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 8 1979 Completion as reflection. Zbl 0407.54020 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst 8 1978 Quotienten geordneter Räume und Folgenkonvergenz. Zbl 0158.41103 Herrlich, Horst 8 1967 Factorizations of morphisms \(f:B\to FA\). Zbl 0182.34502 Herrlich, Horst 8 1970 Categorical topology. Zbl 0797.54023 Herrlich, Horst; Hušek, Miroslav 7 1992 Productivity of coreflective classes of topological groups. Zbl 1009.54041 Herrlich, Horst; Hušek, Miroslav 7 1999 The structure of initial completions. Zbl 0436.18001 Adamek, J.; Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 7 1979 On the number of Russell’s socks or \(2+2+2+\dots=?\). Zbl 1150.03017 Herrlich, Horst; Tachtsis, Eleftherios 7 2006 Compact \(T_ 0\)-spaces and \(T_ 0\)-compactification. Zbl 0796.54034 Herrlich, Horst 6 1993 Filter convergence via sequential convergence. Zbl 0591.54003 Beattie, R.; Butzmann, Heinz-Peter; Herrlich, Horst 6 1986 Cartesian closed topological hulls as injective hulls. Zbl 0614.18003 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 6 1986 Categorical topology – its origins, as exemplified by the unfolding of the theory of topological reflections and coreflections before 1971. Zbl 0906.54001 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George 6 1997 Remarks on the Stone spaces of the integers and the reals without AC. Zbl 1242.03072 Herrlich, Horst; Keremedis, Kyriakos; Tachtsis, Eleftherios 6 2011 Universal completions of concrete categories. Zbl 0494.18003 Herrlich, Horst 6 1982 Perfect subcategories and factorizations. Zbl 0335.54011 Herrlich, Horst 6 1974 Light factorization structures. Zbl 0407.54006 Herrlich, Horst; Salicrup, Graciela; Vazquez, Roberto 6 1979 Identities in categories. Zbl 0243.18009 Herrlich, Horst; Ringel, Claus Michael 6 1972 On the extendibility of continuous functions. Zbl 0288.54023 Herrlich, Horst 6 1974 Essentially equational categories. Zbl 0659.18010 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Rosický, Jiří 5 1988 The finite and the infinite. Zbl 1236.18004 Herrlich, Horst 5 2011 Recent developments of general topology and its applications. International conference in memory of Felix Hausdorff (1868 - 1942), held in Berlin, Germany, March 22-28, 1992. Zbl 0781.00012 5 1992 Is the construct of \(L\)-topological spaces a co-tower extension of some simpler construct? Zbl 0986.54020 Herrlich, Horst; Zhang, Dexue 5 2001 Some topological theorems which fail to be true. Zbl 0344.54002 Herrlich, Horst 5 1976 Least and largest initial completions. II. Zbl 0404.18006 Adamek, J.; Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 5 1979 Products of Lindelöf \(T_2\)-spaces are Lindelöf – in some models of ZF. Zbl 1072.03029 Herrlich, Horst 5 2002 Separation axioms and direct limits. Zbl 0179.51103 Herrlich, Horst 5 1969 Compactness as an operator. Zbl 0186.55902 de Groot, J.; Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E.; Wattel, E. 5 1969 An example in category theory. Zbl 0179.32102 Herrlich, Horst 5 1970 The category of Cauchy spaces is Cartesian closed. Zbl 0634.54009 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst; Lowen-Colebunders, E. 4 1987 On a certain notion of finite and a finiteness class in set theory without choice. Zbl 1356.03081 Herrlich, Horst; Howard, Paul; Tachtsis, Eleftherios 4 2015 The axiom of choice holds iff maximal closed filters exist. Zbl 1027.03039 Herrlich, Horst 4 2003 Galois connections. Zbl 0615.06002 Herrlich, Horst; Hušek, Miroslav 4 1986 Free adjunction of morphisms. Zbl 0977.18001 Schröder, Lutz; Herrlich, Horst 4 2000 Merotopological spaces. Zbl 1052.54022 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, H. 4 2004 Ordnungsfähigkeit zusammenhängender Räume. Zbl 0134.40801 Herrlich, Horst 4 1965 Completeness for nearness spaces. Zbl 0463.54022 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst 4 1979 Strengthening Alexander’s subbase theorem. Zbl 0169.25001 Strecker, George E.; Wattel, E.; Herrlich, Horst; de Groot, J. 4 1968 On extensions of countable filterbases to ultrafilters and ultrafilter compactness. Zbl 1436.03254 Herrlich, Horst; Howard, Paul; Keremedis, Kyriakos 1 2018 On the solvability of systems of linear equations over the ring \(\mathbb{Z}\) of integers. Zbl 1463.03017 Herrlich, Horst; Tachtsis, Eleftherios 1 2017 Finiteness classes and small violations of choice. Zbl 1436.03255 Herrlich, Horst; Howard, Paul; Tachtsis, Eleftherios 2 2016 On preimages of ultrafilters in ZF. Zbl 1389.03010 Herrlich, Horst; Howard, Paul; Keremedis, Kyriakos 1 2016 On a certain notion of finite and a finiteness class in set theory without choice. Zbl 1356.03081 Herrlich, Horst; Howard, Paul; Tachtsis, Eleftherios 4 2015 On the metric reflection of a pseudometric space in ZF. Zbl 1340.54045 Herrlich, Horst; Keremedis, Kyriakos 3 2015 Separable connected metric spaces need not have continuum size in \(\mathbf{ZF}\). Zbl 1283.54020 Herrlich, Horst; Keremedis, Kyriakos 1 2014 On special partitions of Dedekind- and Russell-sets. Zbl 1249.05018 Herrlich, Horst; Howard, Paul; Tachtsis, Eleftherios 4 2012 Remarks on the Stone spaces of the integers and the reals without AC. Zbl 1242.03072 Herrlich, Horst; Keremedis, Kyriakos; Tachtsis, Eleftherios 6 2011 The finite and the infinite. Zbl 1236.18004 Herrlich, Horst 5 2011 The cardinal inequality \(\alpha^2<2^{\alpha}\). Zbl 1274.03068 Herrlich, Horst; Howard, Paul; Tachtsis, Eleftherios 4 2011 Remarks on the space \(\aleph_{1}\) in \(\mathbf {ZF}\). Zbl 1211.54038 Herrlich, Horst; Keremedis, Kyriakos 2 2011 Extending compact topologies to compact Hausdorff topologies in \(\mathbf {ZF}\). Zbl 1231.03039 Herrlich, Horst; Keremedis, Kyriakos 1 2011 On Russell and anti Russell-cardinals. Zbl 1274.03071 Herrlich, Horst; Keremedis, Kyriakos; Tachtsis, Eleftherios 2 2010 Odd-sized partitions of Russell-sets. Zbl 1201.03040 Herrlich, Horst; Tachtsis, Eleftherios 1 2010 On super second countable and super separable metric spaces. Zbl 1169.03039 Herrlich, Horst; Keremedis, Kyriakos; Tachtsis, Eleftherios 2 2009 Canonical subbase-compactness of topological products. Zbl 1173.03039 Herrlich, Horst 1 2009 Collected works. Vol. III: Set theory (1927, 1935). Descriptive set theory and topology. Edited by U. Felgner, H. Herrlich, M. Hušek, V. Kanovei, P. Koepke, G. Preuß, W. Purkert und E. Scholz. (Gesammelte Werke. Band III: Mengenlehre (1927, 1935). Deskriptive Mengenlehre und Topologie.) Zbl 1149.01022 Hausdorff, Felix 4 2008 Category theory. An introduction. 3rd ed. Zbl 1125.18300 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 31 2007 Binary partitions in the absence of choice or rearranging Russell’s socks. Zbl 1138.05003 Herrlich, Horst 2 2007 Abstract and concrete categories: the joy of cats. Zbl 1113.18001 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 123 2006 Axiom of choice. Zbl 1102.03049 Herrlich, Horst 87 2006 On the number of Russell’s socks or \(2+2+2+\dots=?\). Zbl 1150.03017 Herrlich, Horst; Tachtsis, Eleftherios 7 2006 Countable sums and products of Loeb and selective metric spaces. Zbl 1121.03063 Herrlich, Horst; Keremedis, Kyriakos; Tachtsis, Eleftherios 1 2005 Graph-coloring and choice. A note on a note by Shelah and Soifer. Zbl 1079.03037 Herrlich, Horst; Rhineghost, Y. T. 1 2005 Merotopological spaces. Zbl 1052.54022 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, H. 4 2004 The axiom of choice holds iff maximal closed filters exist. Zbl 1027.03039 Herrlich, Horst 4 2003 Weak factorization systems and topological functors. Zbl 0997.18002 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Rosický, Jiří; Tholen, Walter 34 2002 On a generalized small-object argument for the injective subcategory problem. Zbl 1002.18002 Adámek, J.; Herrlich, H.; Rosický, J.; Tholen, W. 25 2002 Injective hulls are not natural. Zbl 1061.18010 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Rosický, Jiří; Tholen, Walter 13 2002 Products of Lindelöf \(T_2\)-spaces are Lindelöf – in some models of ZF. Zbl 1072.03029 Herrlich, Horst 5 2002 A characterization of the prime closed filter compactification of a topological space. Zbl 1036.54007 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, H. 2 2002 Collected works. Vol. II: Foundations of set theory. (Gesammelte Werke. Band II: Grundzüge der Mengenlehre. Herausgegeben von E. Brieskorn, S. D. Chatterji, M. Epple, U. Felgner, H. Herrlich, M. Hušek, V. Kanovei, P. Koepke, G. Preuß, W. Purkert und E. Scholz.) Zbl 1010.01031 Hausdorff, Felix 2 2002 Is the construct of \(L\)-topological spaces a co-tower extension of some simpler construct? Zbl 0986.54020 Herrlich, Horst; Zhang, Dexue 5 2001 On the strict completion of a nearness space. Zbl 0974.54017 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst 2 2001 Free factorizations. Zbl 1005.18002 Schröder, Lutz; Herrlich, Horst 2 2001 Abelian groups: simultaneously reflective and coreflective subcategories versus modules. Zbl 0988.20046 El Bashir, Robert; Herrlich, Horst; Hušek, Miroslav 1 2001 Nearness, subfitness and sequential regularity. Zbl 0978.54001 Herrlich, Horst; Pultr, A. 10 2000 Free adjunction of morphisms. Zbl 0977.18001 Schröder, Lutz; Herrlich, Horst 4 2000 The Baire category theorem and choice. Zbl 0991.54036 Herrlich, Horst; Keremedis, Kyriakos 3 2000 On countable products of finite Hausdorff spaces. Zbl 0959.03033 Herrlich, Horst; Keremedis, Kyriakos 3 2000 On simultaneously reflective and coreflective subconstructs. Zbl 0986.18005 Herrlich, Horst; Lowen, Robert 15 1999 Productivity of coreflective classes of topological groups. Zbl 1009.54041 Herrlich, Horst; Hušek, Miroslav 7 1999 Products, the Baire category theorem, and the axiom of dependent choice. Zbl 1010.03037 Herrlich, Horst; Keremedis, Kyriakos 2 1999 Powers of 2. Zbl 1058.03050 Keremedis, Kyriakos; Herrlich, Horst 2 1999 Proceedings of the symposium on categorical topology, SoCaT 94, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa, November 1994. Festschrift on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Guillaume Brümmer. Zbl 0974.00041 1 1999 The historical development of uniform, proximal, and nearness concepts in topology. Zbl 0936.54028 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst; Hušek, Miroslav 9 1998 Countable choice and pseudometric spaces. Zbl 0922.03068 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst 9 1998 Categorical properties of probabilistic convergence spaces. Zbl 0917.54003 Herrlich, Horst; Zhang, Dexue 8 1998 Doitchinov’s construct of supertopological spaces is topological. Zbl 0940.54016 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst 1 1998 Morita-extensions and nearness-completions. Zbl 0894.54022 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst 1 1998 When is \(\mathbb N\) Lindelöf? Zbl 0938.54008 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 9 1997 Categorical topology – its origins, as exemplified by the unfolding of the theory of topological reflections and coreflections before 1971. Zbl 0906.54001 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George 6 1997 Maximal filters, continuity and choice principles. Zbl 0905.03033 Herrlich, Horst; Steprāns, Juris 3 1997 Choice principles in elementary topology and analysis. Zbl 0938.54007 Herrlich, Horst 3 1997 The Ascoli theorem is equivalent to the Boolean prime ideal theorem. Zbl 0880.54005 Herrlich, Horst 1 1997 Compactness and the axiom of choice. Partially reprinted from the journal Applied Categorical Structures 4, No. 1 (1996). Zbl 0881.54027 Herrlich, Horst 9 1996 Compactness and the axiom of choice. Zbl 0881.54026 Herrlich, Horst 2 1996 Some open categorical problems in Top. Zbl 0791.54012 Herrlich, Horst; Hušek, Miroslav 8 1993 Almost reflective subcategories of \(\mathbf T \mathbf o \mathbf p\). Zbl 0805.54016 Herrlich, Horst 8 1993 Compact \(T_ 0\)-spaces and \(T_ 0\)-compactification. Zbl 0796.54034 Herrlich, Horst 6 1993 Epireflections which are completions. Zbl 0760.18004 Brümmer, G. C. L.; Giuli, E.; Herrlich, Horst 26 1992 Hyperconvex hulls of metric spaces. Zbl 0759.54015 Herrlich, Horst 10 1992 Categorical topology. Zbl 0797.54023 Herrlich, Horst; Hušek, Miroslav 7 1992 Recent developments of general topology and its applications. International conference in memory of Felix Hausdorff (1868 - 1942), held in Berlin, Germany, March 22-28, 1992. Zbl 0781.00012 5 1992 Convenient topological constructs. Zbl 0772.54008 Herrlich, Horst 3 1992 Compactness = completeness \(\cap\) total boundedness – A natural example of a non-reflective intersection of reflective subcategories. Zbl 0790.54008 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst 2 1992 Improving Top: PrTop and PsTop. Zbl 0753.18003 Herrlich, Horst; Lowen-Colebunders, E.; Schwarz, F. 16 1991 Improving constructions in topology. Zbl 0753.18002 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst; Lowen, R. 10 1991 Algebra \(\cup\) Topology. Zbl 0748.18002 Herrlich, Horst; Mossakowski, T.; Strecker, George E. 1 1991 Category theory at work. With cartoons by Marcel Erné. Proceedings of a workshop, held at the University of Bremen (Germany), July 16-17, 1990. Zbl 0732.00006 1 1991 Abstract and concrete categories. The joy of cats. Zbl 0695.18001 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 836 1990 Galois connections categorically. Zbl 0718.18001 Herrlich, Horst; Hušek, Miroslav 11 1990 Convergence. Zbl 0741.54006 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst; Lowen-Colebunders, E. 8 1990 A characterization of concrete quasitopoi by injectivity. Zbl 0732.18002 Adámek, J.; Herrlich, Horst 2 1990 Remarks on categories of algebras defined by a proper class of operations. Zbl 0733.18004 Herrlich, Horst 2 1990 Monadic decompositions. Zbl 0675.18001 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Tholen, Walter 11 1989 Categorical methods in computer science. With aspects from topology. International workshop, September 1988, Berlin (West). Proceedings. Zbl 0734.68010 1 1989 Realizations of topologies and closure operators by set systems and by neighbourhoods. Zbl 0705.54001 Herrlich, Horst 1 1989 Topologie II: Uniforme Räume. Mit zwei Zeichnungen von Volker Kühn. Zbl 0644.54001 Herrlich, Horst 11 1988 Hereditary topological constructs. Zbl 0662.18003 Herrlich, Horst 9 1988 Essentially equational categories. Zbl 0659.18010 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Rosický, Jiří 5 1988 On the representability of partial morphisms in Top and in related constructs. Zbl 0662.18004 Herrlich, Horst 3 1988 Factorizations, denseness, separation, and relatively compact objects. Zbl 0629.18003 Herrlich, Horst; Salicrup, G.; Strecker, George E. 37 1987 Topological improvements of categories of structured sets. Zbl 0632.54008 Herrlich, Horst 14 1987 The category of Cauchy spaces is Cartesian closed. Zbl 0634.54009 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst; Lowen-Colebunders, E. 4 1987 Cartesian closed categories, quasitopoi and topological universes. Zbl 0601.18003 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst 10 1986 Essentially algebraic categories. Zbl 0605.18004 Herrlich, Horst 9 1986 Filter convergence via sequential convergence. Zbl 0591.54003 Beattie, R.; Butzmann, Heinz-Peter; Herrlich, Horst 6 1986 Cartesian closed topological hulls as injective hulls. Zbl 0614.18003 Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. 6 1986 Galois connections. Zbl 0615.06002 Herrlich, Horst; Hušek, Miroslav 4 1986 Einführung in die Topologie. Unter Mitarb. von H. Bargenda und C. Trompelt. Zbl 0628.54001 Herrlich, Horst 3 1986 Topologie I. Topologische Räume. Unter Mitarb. von H. Bargenda. Zbl 0628.54002 Herrlich, Horst 2 1986 Topological structures and injectivity. Zbl 0589.54018 Herrlich, Horst 1 1986 Cartesian closed categories, quasitopoi and topological universes. Zbl 0597.18002 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst 1 1986 Ascoli’s theorem for a class of merotopic spaces. Zbl 0576.54020 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst 2 1985 Convergence structures 1984. Proceedings of the Conference on Convergence held in Bechyně, Czechoslovakia, September 24-28, 1984. Zbl 0572.00013 1 1985 Universal topology. Zbl 0548.18004 Herrlich, Horst 12 1984 Categorical topology 1971-1981. Zbl 0502.54001 Herrlich, Horst 39 1983 Are there convenient subcategories of Top? Zbl 0538.18004 Herrlich, Horst 12 1983 ...and 67 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,365 Authors 50 Tholen, Walter 49 Herrlich, Horst 37 Hager, Anthony W. 35 Rosický, Jiří 34 Adámek, Jiří 33 Tachtsis, Eleftherios 32 Solovyov, Sergey A. 30 Lowen, Robert 29 Keremedis, Kyriakos 25 Colebunders, Eva 25 Hušek, Miroslav 24 Porst, Hans-Eberhard 24 Zhang, Dexue 23 Hofmann, Dirk 22 Zhao, Bin 21 Šlapal, Josef 20 Giuli, Eraldo 19 Castellini, Gabriele 19 Pultr, Aleš 18 Clementino, Maria Manuel 18 Wajch, Eliza 17 Erné, Marcel 17 Strecker, George E. 16 Dikranjan, Dikran N. 16 Sioen, Mark 15 Bentley, Herschel Lamar 15 Ehrig, Hartmut 15 Pang, Bin 15 Schröder, Lutz 14 Fay, Temple H. 14 Höhle, Ulrich 14 Holgate, David B. 14 Martinez, Jorge 14 Shi, Fu-Gui 13 Cagliari, Francesca 13 Fang, Jinming 13 Paseka, Jan 12 Han, Shengwei 12 Hosseini, Seyed Naser 12 Schauerte, Anneliese 12 Trnková, Věra 12 Zhang, Xia 11 Alderton, Ian W. 11 Dimov, Georgi D. 11 Frith, John L. 11 Hoffmann, Rudolf- Eberhard 11 Li, Shenggang 11 Mantovani, Sandra 11 Mašulović, Dragan 11 Picado, Jorge 10 Bezhanishvili, Guram 10 Brown, Lawrence Michael 10 Carrera, Ricardo E. 10 Demirci, Mustafa 10 Rodabaugh, Stephen Ernest 10 Sousa, Lurdes 10 Wischnewsky, Manfred Bernd 9 Ahsanullah, T. M. G. 9 Ball, Richard N. 9 Jäger, Gunther 9 Künzi, Hans-Peter A. 9 Mynard, Frédéric 9 Nel, Louis Daniel 9 Srivastava, Arun Kamar 9 Xia, Changchun 9 Yue, Yueli 8 Bayoumi, Fatma 8 Börger, Reinhard 8 Gutiérrez García, Javier 8 Koubek, Vaclav 8 Tiwari, Surabhi 8 Tozzi, Anna 8 Wang, Kaiyun 8 Yao, Wei 7 Banaschewski, Bernhard 7 Chirvăsitu, Alexandru 7 Činčura, Juraj 7 Diaconescu, Răzvan 7 Dost, Şenol 7 Frič, Roman 7 Hegner, Stephen J. 7 Howard, Paul E. 7 Iragi, Minani 7 Kreowski, Hans-Jörg 7 Kula, Muammer 7 Li, Lingqiang 7 Lowe, Michael J. S. 7 Mirhosseinkhani, Ghasem 7 Morsi, Nehad Nashaat 7 Sichler, Jiří Jan 7 Šostak, Alexander P. 7 Stephenson, Robert M. jun. 7 Walls, Gary Lee 7 Wuyts, P. 7 Xu, Luoshan 7 Yildiz, Filiz 6 Ardizzoni, Alessandro 6 Bezhanishvili, Nick 6 Corradini, Andrea 6 Eklund, Patrik E. ...and 1,265 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 225 Serials 255 Topology and its Applications 216 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 152 Applied Categorical Structures 100 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 91 Quaestiones Mathematicae 73 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 59 Theoretical Computer Science 52 Algebra Universalis 34 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 30 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 26 Theory and Applications of Categories 25 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 24 Communications in Algebra 20 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 19 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 18 Journal of Algebra 18 Soft Computing 17 Advances in Mathematics 15 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 15 Mathematische Zeitschrift 14 Semigroup Forum 14 Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications 13 Archiv der Mathematik 13 Manuscripta Mathematica 13 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 13 Logical Methods in Computer Science 12 Mathematische Nachrichten 12 Mathematica Slovaca 12 Filomat 11 Studia Logica 11 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 10 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 10 Information Sciences 10 Archive for Mathematical Logic 10 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 9 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 9 Monatshefte für Mathematik 9 Order 9 Information and Computation 8 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 8 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 8 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 7 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 7 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 7 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 7 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 7 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 7 Open Mathematics 6 Israel Journal of Mathematics 6 Mathematische Annalen 6 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 6 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 6 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 6 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 6 Topology Proceedings 6 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 6 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 6 Applied General Topology 5 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 5 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 5 Kybernetika 5 Mathematical Systems Theory 5 Synthese 5 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 5 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 4 Discrete Mathematics 4 Mathematical Notes 4 Demonstratio Mathematica 4 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 4 Results in Mathematics 4 European Journal of Combinatorics 4 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 3 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 3 Houston Journal of Mathematics 3 Journal of Philosophical Logic 3 Matematički Vesnik 3 Journal of Symbolic Computation 3 Aequationes Mathematicae 3 Linear Algebra and its Applications 3 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 3 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 Positivity 3 Algebras and Representation Theory 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 3 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 3 New Mathematics and Natural Computation 3 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 3 Mathematics in Computer Science 3 Formalized Mathematics 3 Arabian Journal of Mathematics 3 Computability 3 Mathematics for Applications 3 Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra 3 Journal of Algebraic Systems 2 Acta Informatica 2 Communications in Mathematical Physics 2 Journal of Geometry and Physics 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 Annales Scientifiques de l’Université de Clermont-Ferrand II. Mathématiques ...and 125 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 47 Fields 1,059 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 990 General topology (54-XX) 424 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 343 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 225 Computer science (68-XX) 133 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 95 Functional analysis (46-XX) 73 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 64 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 57 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 52 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 42 Combinatorics (05-XX) 22 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 19 Quantum theory (81-XX) 13 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 13 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 12 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 11 Measure and integration (28-XX) 11 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Real functions (26-XX) 10 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 9 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 8 History and biography (01-XX) 8 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 8 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Operator theory (47-XX) 8 Differential geometry (53-XX) 7 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 7 Geometry (51-XX) 5 Number theory (11-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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