Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Hilhorst, Danielle Co-Author Distance Author ID: hilhorst.danielle Published as: Hilhorst, D.; Hilhorst, Danielle Further Spellings: Hilhorst-Goldman, Danielle; Goldman-Hilhorst, Danielle Homepage: https://www.math.u-psud.fr/~hilhorst/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Google Scholar · dblp · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Documents Indexed: 172 Publications since 1979, including 4 Books and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 4 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 131 Co-Authors with 172 Joint Publications 3,683 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 3 single-authored 34 Mimura, Masayasu 16 Bertsch, Michiel 16 Eymard, Robert 13 Peletier, Lambertus Adrianus 9 Logak, Elisabeth 9 Matano, Hiroshi 7 Nguyen, Thanh Nam 6 Diekmann, Odo 6 Gurtin, Morton Edward 6 Henry, Marie 6 Issard-Roch, Françoise 6 Schatzle, Reiner 6 van der Hout, Rein 5 Brenner, Konstantin 5 Dancer, Edward Norman 5 Kim, Yongjung 5 Ninomiya, Hirokazu 5 Weidenfeld, Rémi 4 Alfaro, Matthieu 4 Berestycki, Henri 4 Brochet, D. 4 Crooks, Elaine C. M. 4 Feireisl, Eduard 4 Funaki, Tadahisa 4 Gallouët, Thierry 4 Gao, Yueyuan 4 Gutnic, Michaël 4 Herbin, Raphaèle 4 Kettani, Perla El 4 Merle, Frank 4 Pakdaman, Khashayar 4 Park, Hyunjoon 4 van Duijn, Cornelis Johannes 4 Vohralík, Martin 3 Abergel, Frédéric 3 Bonami, Aline 3 Chen, Xinfu 3 Dupaix, Cédric 3 Eliaš, Ján 3 Hulshof, Josephus 3 Iida, Masato 3 Izuhara, Hirofumi 3 Nishiura, Yasumasa 3 Olech, Michał 3 Peletier, Mark Adriaan 3 Seidman, Thomas I. 3 Vu Do, Huy Cuong 2 Cancès, Clément 2 Chipot, Michel 2 Colli, Pierluigi 2 Daïm, Fatima-Zohra 2 Gilardi, Gianni 2 Goncerzewicz, Jan 2 Hong, J. R. Chan 2 Kang, Seungmin 2 Kersner, Robert 2 Kim, Ho-Youn 2 Kinderlehrer, David 2 King, John Robert 2 Laurençot, Philippe 2 Martin, Sébastien 2 Morita, Yoshihisa 2 Murakawa, Hideki 2 Novick-Cohen, Amy 2 Ohnishi, Isamu 2 Petzeltová, Hana 2 Radkevich, Evgeniĭ Vladimirovich 2 Röger, Matthias 2 Roux, Pierre 2 Rybka, Piotr 2 Scheid, Jean-François 2 Sethuraman, Sunder 2 Takáč, Peter 2 Wakasa, Tohru 2 Weber, Hendrik 1 Angelini, Ophélie 1 Audusse, Emmanuel 1 Bates, Peter W. 1 Beneš, Michal 1 Biler, Piotr 1 Bothe, Dieter 1 Bouguezzi, M. 1 Bouillard, Nicolas 1 Boussaïd, Samira 1 Boyaval, Sébastien 1 Bronsard, Lia 1 Celiński, Rafał 1 Chan Hong, J. R. 1 Contento, Lorenzo 1 Decarreau, Andrée 1 Demongeot, Jacques 1 Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso 1 Droniou, Jérôme 1 Fekken, A. 1 Fife, Paul C. 1 Garcke, Harald 1 Girardin, Léo 1 Goto, Yukie 1 Hilhorst, Hendrik Jan 1 Hongfei, Zhang ...and 33 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 9 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 8 Journal of Differential Equations 6 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 6 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 5 Applied Mathematics Letters 5 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 5 Networks and Heterogeneous Media 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Journal of Mathematical Biology 4 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 3 Applicable Analysis 3 Journal of Statistical Physics 3 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 3 Advances in Differential Equations 3 Interfaces and Free Boundaries 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 2 Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 2 Numerische Mathematik 2 Differential and Integral Equations 2 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 2 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 2 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 2 Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 2 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Proceedings 2 Computational Geosciences 2 Differential Equations and Applications 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Hokkaido Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 1 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 Asymptotic Analysis 1 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1 SIAM Journal on Optimization 1 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 1 Simulation Practice and Theory 1 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences. University of Tokyo 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Computing and Visualization in Science 1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Study 1 Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIS) 1 Journal of Evolution Equations 1 Advanced Nonlinear Studies 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 1 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 1 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 1 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Proceedings and Surveys 1 Tunisian Journal of Mathematics 1 Electronic Research Archive all top 5 Fields 154 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 47 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 35 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 21 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 17 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 7 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 7 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 6 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 5 Differential geometry (53-XX) 5 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 142 Publications have been cited 1,750 times in 1,184 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Spatial segregation limit of a competition-diffusion system. Zbl 0982.92031 Dancer, E. N.; Hilhorst, D.; Mimura, M.; Peletier, L. A. 69 1999 Finite dimensional exponential attractor for the phase field model. Zbl 0790.35052 Brochet, D.; Hilhorst, D.; Chen, Xinfu 67 1993 On a Cahn-Hilliard type phase field system related to tumor growth. Zbl 1342.35407 Colli, Pierluigi; Gilardi, Gianni; Hilhorst, Danielle 65 2015 A combined finite volume-nonconforming/mixed-hybrid finite element scheme for degenerate parabolic problems. Zbl 1108.65099 Eymard, Robert; Hilhorst, Danielle; Vohralík, Martin 63 2006 Mass conserving Allen-Cahn equation and volume preserving mean curvature flow. Zbl 1219.35018 Chen, Xinfu; Hilhorst, Danielle; Logak, Elisabeth 59 2010 The finite volume method for Richards equation. Zbl 0953.76060 Eymard, Robert; Gutnic, Michaël; Hilhorst, Danielle 56 1999 Formal asymptotic limit of a diffuse-interface tumor-growth model. Zbl 1317.35123 Hilhorst, Danielle; Kampmann, Johannes; Nguyen, Thanh Nam; van der Zee, Kristoffer George 54 2015 A competition-diffusion system approximation to the classical two-phase Stefan problem. Zbl 0980.35178 Hilhorst, Danielle; Iida, Masato; Mimura, Masayasu; Ninomiya, Hirokazu 47 2001 Spatial segregation limit of a competition-diffusion system with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1079.35008 Crooks, E. C. M.; Dancer, E. N.; Hilhorst, D.; Mimura, M.; Ninomiya, H. 46 2004 Existence and nonexistence of solutions for a model of gravitational interaction of particles. II. Zbl 0832.35015 Biler, Piotr; Hilhorst, Danielle; Nadzieja, Tadeusz 44 1994 On interacting populations that disperse to avoid crowding: preservation of segregation. Zbl 0596.35074 Bertsch, M.; Gurtin, M. E.; Hilhorst, D.; Peletier, L. A. 43 1985 The singular limit of the Allen-Cahn equation and the FitzHugh-Nagumo system. Zbl 1154.35006 Alfaro, Matthieu; Hilhorst, Danielle; Matano, Hiroshi 42 2008 A nonlinear parabolic-hyperbolic system for contact inhibition of cell-growth. Zbl 1238.35161 Bertsch, Michiel; Hilhorst, Danielle; Izuhara, Hirofumi; Mimura, Masayasu 39 2012 A reaction-diffusion system with fast reversible reaction. Zbl 1039.35013 Bothe, D.; Hilhorst, D. 38 2003 Vanishing latent heat limit in a Stefan-like problem arising in biology. Zbl 1049.92035 Hilhorst, Danielle; Mimura, Masayasu; Schätzle, Reiner 38 2003 The fast reaction limit for a reaction-diffusion system. Zbl 0865.35063 Hilhorst, D.; van der Hout, R.; Peletier, L. A. 35 1996 Finite volume approximation for an immiscible two-phase flow in porous media with discontinuous capillary pressure. Zbl 1392.76035 Brenner, Konstantin; Cancès, Clément; Hilhorst, Danielle 33 2013 Maximal attractor and inertial sets for a conserved phase field model. Zbl 0853.35052 Brochet, D.; Hilhorst, D.; Novick-Cohen, A. 27 1996 On the slow dynamics for the Cahn-Hilliard equation in one space dimension. Zbl 0777.35007 Bronsard, Lia; Hilhorst, Danielle 26 1992 A density dependent diffusion equation in population dynamics: stabilization to equilibrium. Zbl 0607.35052 Bertsch, M.; Hilhorst, D. 24 1986 Dual methods in entropy maximization. Application to some problems in crystallography. Zbl 0805.49022 Decarreau, Andrée; Hilhorst, Danielle; Lemaréchal, Claude; Navaza, Jorge 23 1992 The Nishiura-Ohnishi free boundary problem in the 1D case. Zbl 1077.35121 Fife, Paul C.; Hilhorst, Danielle 22 2001 A finite volume method on general meshes for a degenerate parabolic convection-reaction-diffusion equation. Zbl 1259.65132 Angelini, Ophélie; Brenner, Konstantin; Hilhorst, Danielle 21 2013 On interacting populations that disperse to avoid crowding: The effect of a sedentary colony. Zbl 0538.92020 Bertsch, M.; Gurtin, M. E.; Hilhorst, D.; Peletier, L. A. 21 1984 Finite-dimensional exponential attractor for a model for order-disorder and phase separation. Zbl 0803.35076 Brochet, D.; Hilhorst, D.; Novick-Cohen, A. 21 1994 Disappearing interfaces in nonlinear diffusion. Zbl 0891.35071 Guedda, M.; Hilhorst, D.; Peletier, M. A. 21 1997 Nonlinear diffusion in the presence of fast reaction. Zbl 0963.35103 Hilhorst, D.; van der Hout, R.; Peletier, L. A. 21 2000 Finite volumes and nonlinear diffusion equations. Zbl 0914.65101 Eymard, R.; Gallouët, T.; Hilhorst, D.; Naït Slimane, Y. 21 1998 Numerical approximation of an elliptic-parabolic equation arising in environment. Zbl 1060.76075 Eymard, R.; Gallouët, T.; Gutnic, M.; Herbin, R.; Hilhorst, D. 20 2000 On a degenerate diffusion equation of the form \(c(z)_ t=\phi (z_ x)_ x\) with application to population dynamics. Zbl 0624.35049 Bertsch, M.; Gurtin, M. E.; Hilhorst, D. 19 1987 On interacting populations that disperse to avoid crowding: The case of equal dispersal velocities. Zbl 0646.92018 Bertsch, M.; Gurtin, M. E.; Hilhorst, D. 19 1987 A combined finite volume-finite element scheme for the discretization of strongly nonlinear convection-diffusion-reaction problems on nonmatching grids. Zbl 1192.65117 Eymard, Robert; Hilhorst, Danielle; Vohralík, Martin 18 2010 Asymptotic behavior of solutions of an Allen-Cahn equation with a nonlocal term. Zbl 0883.35013 Chen, Xinfu; Hilhorst, Danielle; Logak, Elisabeth 18 1997 Fast reaction limit of competition-diffusion systems. Zbl 1191.35004 Hilhorst, Danielle; Mimura, Masayasu; Ninomiya, Hirokazu 16 2009 Diffusion in the presence of fast reaction: The case of a general monotone reaction term. Zbl 0905.35045 Hilhorst, D.; van der Hout, R.; Peletier, L. A. 16 1997 Well-posedness of a moving boundary problem arising in a dissolution- growth process. Zbl 0714.35088 Conrad, F.; Hilhorst, D.; Seidman, T. I. 15 1990 Singular limit of a reaction-diffusion equation with a spatially inhomogeneous reaction term. Zbl 0936.35091 Nakamura, K.-I.; Matano, H.; Hilhorst, D.; Schätzle, R. 15 1999 Universal attractor and inertial sets for the phase field model. Zbl 0773.35028 Brochet, D.; Hilhorst, D. 15 1991 On a nonlocal diffusion equation with discontinuous reaction. Zbl 0990.35058 Hilhorst, Danielle; Rodrigues, José-Francisco 13 2000 \(\Gamma\)-limit for the extended Fisher-Kolmogorov equation. Zbl 1001.35010 Hilhorst, D.; Peletier, L. A.; Schätzle, R. 13 2002 An elliptic-parabolic problem in combustion theory: Convergence to travelling waves. Zbl 0761.35114 Hilhorst, D.; Hulshof, J. 13 1991 Fast reaction limit and long time behavior for a competition-diffusion system with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1139.35049 Crooks, E. C. M.; Dancer, E. N.; Hilhorst, D. 13 2007 On a doubly nonlinear diffusion equation in hydrology. Zbl 0654.35049 van Duyn, C. J.; Hilhorst, D. 13 1987 Motion by anisotropic mean curvature as sharp interface limit of an inhomogeneous and anisotropic Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1204.35026 Alfaro, Matthieu; Garcke, Harald; Hilhorst, Danielle; Matano, Hiroshi; Schätzle, Reiner 12 2010 A free boundary problem arising in some reacting-diffusing system. Zbl 0752.35093 Hilhorst, D.; Nishiura, Y.; Mimura, M. 12 1991 Existence of a solution for two phase flow in porous media: the case that the porosity depends on the pressure. Zbl 1110.35033 Daïm, F. Z.; Eymard, R.; Hilhorst, D. 12 2007 The viscous Cahn-Hilliard equation as a limit of the phase field model: Lower semicontinuity of the attractor. Zbl 0935.35018 Dupaix, C.; Hilhorst, D.; Kostin, I. N. 11 1999 Mathematical analysis of a model describing the invasion of bacteria in burn wounds. Zbl 1117.35036 Hilhorst, D.; King, J. R.; Röger, M. 11 2007 Approximation by the finite volume method of an elliptic-parabolic equation arising in environmental studies. Zbl 1173.76359 Eymard, R.; Gallouët, T.; Herbin, R.; Gutnic, M.; Hilhorst, D. 10 2001 A reaction-diffusion system approximation of a one-phase Stefan problem. Zbl 1054.35019 Eymard, R.; Hilhorst, D.; van der Hout, R.; Peletier, L. A. 10 2001 The interface between regions where u \(<\) 0 and u \(>\) 0 in the porous medium equation. Zbl 0675.76094 Bertsch, M.; Hilhorst, D. 10 1991 A stochastic mass conserved reaction-diffusion equation with nonlinear diffusion. Zbl 1401.60122 Kettani, Perla El; Hilhorst, Danielle; Lee, Kai 10 2018 Convergence to a viscosity solution for an advection-reaction-diffusion equation arising from a chemotaxis-growth model. Zbl 1157.35405 Henry, Marie; Hilhorst, Danielle; Schätzle, Reiner 9 1999 Singular limit of a chemotaxis-growth model. Zbl 1016.35034 Bonami, A.; Hilhorst, D.; Logak, E.; Mimura, M. 9 2001 Singular limit of a spatially inhomogeneous Lotka-Volterra competition-diffusion system. Zbl 1133.35057 Hilhorst, D.; Karali, G.; Matano, H.; Nakashima, K. 9 2007 A mathematical study of the one-dimensional Keller and Rubinow model for Liesegang bands. Zbl 1180.35287 Hilhorst, D.; van der Hout, R.; Mimura, M.; Ohnishi, I. 8 2009 Singular limit of a competition-diffusion system with large interspecific interaction. Zbl 1236.35208 Hilhorst, Danielle; Martin, Sébastien; Mimura, Masayasu 8 2012 A posteriori error estimates for combined finite volume-finite element discretizations of reactive transport equations on nonmatching grids. Zbl 1225.76212 Hilhorst, Danielle; Vohralík, Martin 8 2011 Fast reaction limits and Liesegang bands. Zbl 1119.35330 Hilhorst, D.; van der Hout, R.; Mimura, M.; Ohnishi, I. 8 2007 On long-time dynamics for competition-diffusion systems with inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1146.35014 Crooks, Elaine C. M.; Dancer, E. Norman; Hilhorst, Danielle 8 2007 Interface dynamics of the Fisher equation with degenerate diffusion. Zbl 1173.35075 Hilhorst, D.; Kersner, R.; Logak, E.; Mimura, M. 8 2008 Diffusive and inviscid traveling waves of the Fisher equation and nonuniqueness of wave speed. Zbl 1381.35088 Hilhorst, Danielle; Kim, Yong-Jung 8 2016 Relative compactness in \(L^p\) of solutions of some \(2m\) components competition-diffusion systems. Zbl 1149.35361 Hilhorst, Danielle; Iida, Masato; Mimura, Masayasu; Ninomiya, Hirokazu 8 2008 The well-posedness of a free boundary problem for Burgers’ equation. Zbl 0822.35115 Bertsch, M.; Hilhorst, D.; Schmidt-Lainé, Cl. 7 1994 A free boundary problem arising in a chemotaxis model. Zbl 0869.35115 Bonami, A.; Hilhorst, D.; Logak, E.; Mimura, M. 7 1996 Mean curvature interface limit from Glauber+Zero-range interacting particles. Zbl 1502.60157 Kettani, Perla El; Funaki, Tadahisa; Hilhorst, Danielle; Park, Hyunjoon; Sethuraman, Sunder 7 2022 Singular limit for a reaction-diffusion-ODE system in a Neolithic transition model. Zbl 1475.35351 Eliaš, Ján; Hilhorst, Danielle; Mimura, Masayasu; Morita, Yoshihisa 6 2021 On a dissolution-growth problem with surface tension in the neighborhood of a stationary solution. Zbl 0812.35053 Abergel, F.; Hilhorst, D.; Issard-Roch, F. 6 1993 A free boundary focusing problem. Zbl 0805.35164 Hilhorst, Danielle; Hulshof, Josephus 6 1994 On a reaction-diffusion system for a population of hunters and farmers. Zbl 1057.35075 Hilhorst, Danielle; Mimura, Masayasu; Weidenfeld, Rémi 6 2003 Singular limit of a second order nonlocal parabolic equation of conservative type arising in the micro-phase separation of diblock copolymers. Zbl 1041.35008 Henry, M.; Hilhorst, D.; Nishiura, Y. 6 2003 On a nonlinear diffusion system with resource-consumer interaction. Zbl 1053.35060 Feireisl, E.; Hilhorst, D.; Mimura, M.; Weidenfeld, R. 6 2003 Global attractor and inertial sets for a nonlocal Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. Zbl 1060.35021 Hilhorst, D.; Peletier, L. A.; Rotariu, A. I.; Sivashinsky, G. 6 2004 Convergence to steady state for the solutions of a nonlocal reaction-diffusion equation. Zbl 1433.35190 Boussaïd, Samira; Hilhorst, Danielle; Nguyen, Thanh Nam 6 2015 Dispersal towards food: the singular limit of an Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1392.92013 Hilhorst, Danielle; Kim, Yong-Jung; Kwon, Dohyun; Nguyen, Thanh Nam 6 2018 Long time convergence for a class of variational phase-field models. Zbl 1178.35065 Colli, Pierluigi; Hilhorst, Danielle; Issard-Roch, Françoise; Schimperna, Giulio 5 2009 Contraction in \(L^{1}\) for a system arising in chemical reactions and molecular motors. Zbl 1171.35408 Chipot, Michel; Hilhorst, Danielle; Kinderlehrer, David; Olech, Michał 5 2009 Existence theorem for a model of dryland vegetation. Zbl 1230.35140 Goto, Yukie; Hilhorst, Danielle; Meron, Ehud; Temam, Roger 5 2011 A reaction-diffusion system approximation to the two-phase Stefan problem. Zbl 1042.35572 Hilhorst, Danielle; Iida, Masato; Mimura, Masayasu; Ninomiya, Hirokazu 5 2001 Travelling wave solutions of a parabolic-hyperbolic system for contact inhibition of cell-growth. Zbl 1383.92023 Bertsch, M.; Hilhorst, D.; Izuhara, H.; Mimura, M.; Wakasa, T. 5 2015 On a free-boundary problem for Burgers equation: The large-time behaviour. Zbl 0890.35060 Bertsch, M.; Hilhorst, D. 5 1997 Mathematical analysis of variable density flows in porous media. Zbl 1376.35090 Feireisl, Eduard; Hilhorst, Danielle; Petzeltová, Hana; Takáč, Peter 5 2016 Upper-semicontinuity of the attractor for a singularly perturbed phase field model. Zbl 0905.35015 Dupaix, C.; Hilhorst, D.; Laurençot, Ph. 5 1998 On the large time behavior of the solutions of a nonlocal ordinary differential equation with mass conservation. Zbl 1350.35032 Hilhorst, Danielle; Matano, Hiroshi; Nguyen, Thanh Nam; Weber, Hendrik 5 2016 A convergent finite volume scheme for two-phase flows in porous media with discontinuous capillary pressure field. Zbl 1246.76145 Brenner, K.; Cancès, C.; Hilhorst, D. 4 2011 Generation of interface for an Allen-Cahn equation with nonlinear diffusion. Zbl 1201.35118 Alfaro, M.; Hilhorst, D. 4 2010 The one-dimensional porous medium equation with convection: Continuous differentiability of interfaces after the waiting time. Zbl 0777.35033 Guedda, M.; Hilhorst, D.; Picard, C. 4 1992 Numerical approximation of a reaction-diffusion system with fast reversible reaction. Zbl 1206.35018 Eymard, Robert; Hilhorst, Danielle; Murakawa, Hideki; Olech, Michal 4 2010 A nonlinear parabolic-hyperbolic system for contact inhibition and a degenerate parabolic Fisher-KPP equation. Zbl 1435.35126 Bertsch, Michiel; Hilhorst, Danielle; Izuhara, Hirofumi; Mimura, Masayasu; Wakasa, Tohru 4 2020 A gradient scheme for the discretization of Richards equation. Zbl 1426.76341 Brenner, Konstantin; Hilhorst, Danielle; Vu Do, Huy Cuong 4 2014 Self-similar fast-reaction limits for reaction-diffusion systems on unbounded domains. Zbl 1375.35254 Crooks, E. C. M.; Hilhorst, D. 4 2016 Instantaneous and noninstantaneous dissolution: Approximation by the finite volume method. Zbl 1020.65052 Eymard, R.; Gallouët, T.; Herbin, R.; Hilhorst, D.; Mainguy, M. 4 1999 The generalized finite volume SUSHI scheme for the discretization of Richards equation. Zbl 1348.35093 Brenner, Konstantin; Hilhorst, Danielle; Vu-Do, Huy-Cuong 4 2016 Mathematical treatment of PDE model of chemotactic E. coli colonies. Zbl 1457.35089 Celiński, Rafał; Hilhorst, Danielle; Karch, Grzegorz; Mimura, Masayasu; Roux, Pierre 3 2021 The finite volume method for an elliptic-parabolic equation. Zbl 0930.35082 Eymard, R.; Gutnic, M.; Hilhorst, D. 3 1998 Travelling-wave analysis of a model describing tissue degradation by bacteria. Zbl 1130.92031 Hilhorst, D.; King, J. R.; Röger, M. 3 2007 Singular limit of a two-phase flow problem in porous medium as the air viscosity tends to zero. Zbl 1364.35118 Eymard, Robert; Henry, Marie; Hilhorst, Danielle 3 2012 The interface between fresh and salt groundwater: A numerical study. Zbl 0676.76086 Chan Hong, J. R.; van Duijn, C. J.; Hilhorst, D.; van Kester, J. 3 1989 Convergence of a finite volume scheme for a stochastic conservation law involving a \(Q\)-Brownian motion. Zbl 1395.65038 Funaki, Tadahisa; Gao, Yueyuan; Hilhorst, Danielle 3 2018 A fast precipitation and dissolution reaction for a reaction-diffusion system arising in a porous medium. Zbl 1167.35396 Bouillard, N.; Eymard, R.; Henry, M.; Herbin, R.; Hilhorst, D. 3 2009 Fick’s law selects the Neumann boundary condition. Zbl 1542.35027 Hilhorst, Danielle; Kang, Seung-Min; Kim, Ho-Youn; Kim, Yong-Jung 1 2024 Convergence to a self-similar solution for a one-phase Stefan problem arising in corrosion theory. Zbl 07930487 Bouguezzi, M.; Hilhorst, D.; Miyamoto, Y.; Scheid, J.-F. 1 2023 Hyperbolic limit for a biological invasion. Zbl 1521.35013 Hilhorst, Danielle; Kim, Yongjung; Nguyen, Thanh Nam; Park, Hyunjoon 1 2023 Mean curvature interface limit from Glauber+Zero-range interacting particles. Zbl 1502.60157 Kettani, Perla El; Funaki, Tadahisa; Hilhorst, Danielle; Park, Hyunjoon; Sethuraman, Sunder 7 2022 Singular limit of an Allen-Cahn equation with nonlinear diffusion. Zbl 1507.35018 El Kettani, Perla; Funaki, Tadahisa; Hilhorst, Danielle; Park, Hyunjoon; Sethuraman, Sunder 2 2022 Singular limit for a reaction-diffusion-ODE system in a Neolithic transition model. Zbl 1475.35351 Eliaš, Ján; Hilhorst, Danielle; Mimura, Masayasu; Morita, Yoshihisa 6 2021 Mathematical treatment of PDE model of chemotactic E. coli colonies. Zbl 1457.35089 Celiński, Rafał; Hilhorst, Danielle; Karch, Grzegorz; Mimura, Masayasu; Roux, Pierre 3 2021 A parabolic system with strong absorption modeling dry-land vegetation. Zbl 1461.35123 Diaz, Jesús Ildefonso; Hilhorst, Danielle; Kyriazopoulos, Paris 1 2021 A hyperbolic-elliptic-parabolic PDE model describing chemotactic E. coli colonies. Zbl 1479.35139 Hilhorst, Danielle; Roux, Pierre 1 2021 A nonlinear parabolic-hyperbolic system for contact inhibition and a degenerate parabolic Fisher-KPP equation. Zbl 1435.35126 Bertsch, Michiel; Hilhorst, Danielle; Izuhara, Hirofumi; Mimura, Masayasu; Wakasa, Tohru 4 2020 Generation of interface for solutions of the mass conserved Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1447.35029 Hilhorst, Danielle; Matano, Hiroshi; Nguyen, Thanh Nam; Weber, Hendrik 1 2020 Existence and uniqueness of the entropy solution of a stochastic conservation law with a \(Q\)-Brownian motion. Zbl 1451.60065 Funaki, Tadahisa; Gao, Yueyuan; Hilhorst, Danielle 1 2020 A stochastic mass conserved reaction-diffusion equation with nonlinear diffusion. Zbl 1401.60122 Kettani, Perla El; Hilhorst, Danielle; Lee, Kai 10 2018 Dispersal towards food: the singular limit of an Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1392.92013 Hilhorst, Danielle; Kim, Yong-Jung; Kwon, Dohyun; Nguyen, Thanh Nam 6 2018 Convergence of a finite volume scheme for a stochastic conservation law involving a \(Q\)-Brownian motion. Zbl 1395.65038 Funaki, Tadahisa; Gao, Yueyuan; Hilhorst, Danielle 3 2018 Large time behaviour of the solution of a nonlinear diffusion problem in anthropology. Zbl 1424.35218 Elias, Jan; Hilhorst, Danielle; Mimura, Masayasu 2 2018 Ecological invasion in competition-diffusion systems when the exotic species is either very strong or very weak. Zbl 1406.35425 Contento, Lorenzo; Hilhorst, Danielle; Mimura, Masayasu 2 2018 A multiple scale pattern formation cascade in reaction-diffusion systems of activator-inhibitor type. Zbl 1393.35098 Henry, Marie; Hilhorst, Danielle; Muratov, Cyrill B. 1 2018 Diffusive and inviscid traveling waves of the Fisher equation and nonuniqueness of wave speed. Zbl 1381.35088 Hilhorst, Danielle; Kim, Yong-Jung 8 2016 Mathematical analysis of variable density flows in porous media. Zbl 1376.35090 Feireisl, Eduard; Hilhorst, Danielle; Petzeltová, Hana; Takáč, Peter 5 2016 On the large time behavior of the solutions of a nonlocal ordinary differential equation with mass conservation. Zbl 1350.35032 Hilhorst, Danielle; Matano, Hiroshi; Nguyen, Thanh Nam; Weber, Hendrik 5 2016 Self-similar fast-reaction limits for reaction-diffusion systems on unbounded domains. Zbl 1375.35254 Crooks, E. C. M.; Hilhorst, D. 4 2016 The generalized finite volume SUSHI scheme for the discretization of Richards equation. Zbl 1348.35093 Brenner, Konstantin; Hilhorst, Danielle; Vu-Do, Huy-Cuong 4 2016 On a Cahn-Hilliard type phase field system related to tumor growth. Zbl 1342.35407 Colli, Pierluigi; Gilardi, Gianni; Hilhorst, Danielle 65 2015 Formal asymptotic limit of a diffuse-interface tumor-growth model. Zbl 1317.35123 Hilhorst, Danielle; Kampmann, Johannes; Nguyen, Thanh Nam; van der Zee, Kristoffer George 54 2015 Convergence to steady state for the solutions of a nonlocal reaction-diffusion equation. Zbl 1433.35190 Boussaïd, Samira; Hilhorst, Danielle; Nguyen, Thanh Nam 6 2015 Travelling wave solutions of a parabolic-hyperbolic system for contact inhibition of cell-growth. Zbl 1383.92023 Bertsch, M.; Hilhorst, D.; Izuhara, H.; Mimura, M.; Wakasa, T. 5 2015 Numerical simulations of the inviscid Burgers equation with periodic boundary conditions and stochastic forcing. Zbl 1334.35445 Audusse, Emmanuel; Boyaval, Sébastien; Gao, Yueyuan; Hilhorst, Danielle 2 2015 A gradient scheme for the discretization of Richards equation. Zbl 1426.76341 Brenner, Konstantin; Hilhorst, Danielle; Vu Do, Huy Cuong 4 2014 Front propagation in nonlinear parabolic equations. Zbl 1315.35018 Feireisl, Eduard; Hilhorst, Danielle; Petzeltová, Hana; Takáč, Peter 2 2014 Singular limit analysis of a reaction-diffusion system with precipitation and dissolution in a porous medium. Zbl 1307.35138 Hilhorst, Danielle; Murakawa, Hideki 2 2014 Singular limit of a damped wave equation with a bistable nonlinearity. Zbl 1308.35022 Hilhorst, Danielle; Nara, Mitsunori 2 2014 Finite volume approximation for an immiscible two-phase flow in porous media with discontinuous capillary pressure. Zbl 1392.76035 Brenner, Konstantin; Cancès, Clément; Hilhorst, Danielle 33 2013 A finite volume method on general meshes for a degenerate parabolic convection-reaction-diffusion equation. Zbl 1259.65132 Angelini, Ophélie; Brenner, Konstantin; Hilhorst, Danielle 21 2013 A nonlinear parabolic-hyperbolic system for contact inhibition of cell-growth. Zbl 1238.35161 Bertsch, Michiel; Hilhorst, Danielle; Izuhara, Hirofumi; Mimura, Masayasu 39 2012 Singular limit of a competition-diffusion system with large interspecific interaction. Zbl 1236.35208 Hilhorst, Danielle; Martin, Sébastien; Mimura, Masayasu 8 2012 Singular limit of a two-phase flow problem in porous medium as the air viscosity tends to zero. Zbl 1364.35118 Eymard, Robert; Henry, Marie; Hilhorst, Danielle 3 2012 A finite volume method for density driven flows in porous media. Zbl 1329.76207 Hilhorst, Danielle; Do, Huy Cuong Vu; Wang, Yushan 2 2012 A posteriori error estimates for combined finite volume-finite element discretizations of reactive transport equations on nonmatching grids. Zbl 1225.76212 Hilhorst, Danielle; Vohralík, Martin 8 2011 Existence theorem for a model of dryland vegetation. Zbl 1230.35140 Goto, Yukie; Hilhorst, Danielle; Meron, Ehud; Temam, Roger 5 2011 A convergent finite volume scheme for two-phase flows in porous media with discontinuous capillary pressure field. Zbl 1246.76145 Brenner, K.; Cancès, C.; Hilhorst, D. 4 2011 A reaction-diffusion approximation to an area preserving mean curvature flow coupled with a bulk equation. Zbl 1207.35189 Henry, Marie; Hilhorst, Danielle; Mimura, Masayasu 2 2011 Mass conserving Allen-Cahn equation and volume preserving mean curvature flow. Zbl 1219.35018 Chen, Xinfu; Hilhorst, Danielle; Logak, Elisabeth 59 2010 A combined finite volume-finite element scheme for the discretization of strongly nonlinear convection-diffusion-reaction problems on nonmatching grids. Zbl 1192.65117 Eymard, Robert; Hilhorst, Danielle; Vohralík, Martin 18 2010 Motion by anisotropic mean curvature as sharp interface limit of an inhomogeneous and anisotropic Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1204.35026 Alfaro, Matthieu; Garcke, Harald; Hilhorst, Danielle; Matano, Hiroshi; Schätzle, Reiner 12 2010 Generation of interface for an Allen-Cahn equation with nonlinear diffusion. Zbl 1201.35118 Alfaro, M.; Hilhorst, D. 4 2010 Numerical approximation of a reaction-diffusion system with fast reversible reaction. Zbl 1206.35018 Eymard, Robert; Hilhorst, Danielle; Murakawa, Hideki; Olech, Michal 4 2010 Fast reaction limit of competition-diffusion systems. Zbl 1191.35004 Hilhorst, Danielle; Mimura, Masayasu; Ninomiya, Hirokazu 16 2009 A mathematical study of the one-dimensional Keller and Rubinow model for Liesegang bands. Zbl 1180.35287 Hilhorst, D.; van der Hout, R.; Mimura, M.; Ohnishi, I. 8 2009 Long time convergence for a class of variational phase-field models. Zbl 1178.35065 Colli, Pierluigi; Hilhorst, Danielle; Issard-Roch, Françoise; Schimperna, Giulio 5 2009 Contraction in \(L^{1}\) for a system arising in chemical reactions and molecular motors. Zbl 1171.35408 Chipot, Michel; Hilhorst, Danielle; Kinderlehrer, David; Olech, Michał 5 2009 A fast precipitation and dissolution reaction for a reaction-diffusion system arising in a porous medium. Zbl 1167.35396 Bouillard, N.; Eymard, R.; Henry, M.; Herbin, R.; Hilhorst, D. 3 2009 Peak solutions for the Dirichlet problem of an elliptic system. Zbl 1178.35365 Dancer, Edward N.; Hilhorst, Danielle; Yan, Shusen 2 2009 The singular limit of the Allen-Cahn equation and the FitzHugh-Nagumo system. Zbl 1154.35006 Alfaro, Matthieu; Hilhorst, Danielle; Matano, Hiroshi 42 2008 Interface dynamics of the Fisher equation with degenerate diffusion. Zbl 1173.35075 Hilhorst, D.; Kersner, R.; Logak, E.; Mimura, M. 8 2008 Relative compactness in \(L^p\) of solutions of some \(2m\) components competition-diffusion systems. Zbl 1149.35361 Hilhorst, Danielle; Iida, Masato; Mimura, Masayasu; Ninomiya, Hirokazu 8 2008 Fast reaction limit and long time behavior for a competition-diffusion system with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1139.35049 Crooks, E. C. M.; Dancer, E. N.; Hilhorst, D. 13 2007 Existence of a solution for two phase flow in porous media: the case that the porosity depends on the pressure. Zbl 1110.35033 Daïm, F. Z.; Eymard, R.; Hilhorst, D. 12 2007 Mathematical analysis of a model describing the invasion of bacteria in burn wounds. Zbl 1117.35036 Hilhorst, D.; King, J. R.; Röger, M. 11 2007 Singular limit of a spatially inhomogeneous Lotka-Volterra competition-diffusion system. Zbl 1133.35057 Hilhorst, D.; Karali, G.; Matano, H.; Nakashima, K. 9 2007 Fast reaction limits and Liesegang bands. Zbl 1119.35330 Hilhorst, D.; van der Hout, R.; Mimura, M.; Ohnishi, I. 8 2007 On long-time dynamics for competition-diffusion systems with inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1146.35014 Crooks, Elaine C. M.; Dancer, E. Norman; Hilhorst, Danielle 8 2007 Travelling-wave analysis of a model describing tissue degradation by bacteria. Zbl 1130.92031 Hilhorst, D.; King, J. R.; Röger, M. 3 2007 A combined finite volume-nonconforming/mixed-hybrid finite element scheme for degenerate parabolic problems. Zbl 1108.65099 Eymard, Robert; Hilhorst, Danielle; Vohralík, Martin 63 2006 Spatial segregation limit of a competition-diffusion system with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1079.35008 Crooks, E. C. M.; Dancer, E. N.; Hilhorst, D.; Mimura, M.; Ninomiya, H. 46 2004 Global attractor and inertial sets for a nonlocal Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. Zbl 1060.35021 Hilhorst, D.; Peletier, L. A.; Rotariu, A. I.; Sivashinsky, G. 6 2004 Interface dynamics for an anisotropic Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1066.35015 Beneš, Michal; Hilhorst, Danielle; Weidenfeld, Rémi 2 2004 Large time behavior of the solutions to a one-dimensional Stefan problem with a kinetic condition at the free boundary. Zbl 1072.35205 Hilhorst, D.; Issard-Roch, F.; Roquejoffre, J. M. 2 2004 Combined nonconforming/mixed-hybrid finite element-finite volume scheme for degenerate parabolic problems. Zbl 1056.65078 Eymard, Robert; Hilhorst, Danielle; Vohralík, Martin 1 2004 A reaction-diffusion system with fast reversible reaction. Zbl 1039.35013 Bothe, D.; Hilhorst, D. 38 2003 Vanishing latent heat limit in a Stefan-like problem arising in biology. Zbl 1049.92035 Hilhorst, Danielle; Mimura, Masayasu; Schätzle, Reiner 38 2003 On a reaction-diffusion system for a population of hunters and farmers. Zbl 1057.35075 Hilhorst, Danielle; Mimura, Masayasu; Weidenfeld, Rémi 6 2003 Singular limit of a second order nonlocal parabolic equation of conservative type arising in the micro-phase separation of diblock copolymers. Zbl 1041.35008 Henry, M.; Hilhorst, D.; Nishiura, Y. 6 2003 On a nonlinear diffusion system with resource-consumer interaction. Zbl 1053.35060 Feireisl, E.; Hilhorst, D.; Mimura, M.; Weidenfeld, R. 6 2003 Convergence of a finite-volume mixed finite-element method for an elliptic-hyperbolic system. Zbl 1040.76034 Droniou, J.; Eymard, R.; Hilhorst, D.; Zhou, X. D. 2 2003 Singular limit of a class of non-cooperative reaction-diffusion systems. Zbl 1153.35344 Hilhorst, D.; Mimura, M.; Weidenfeld, R. 2 2003 \(\Gamma\)-limit for the extended Fisher-Kolmogorov equation. Zbl 1001.35010 Hilhorst, D.; Peletier, L. A.; Schätzle, R. 13 2002 On some reaction-diffusion systems with nonlinear diffusion arising in biology. Zbl 1074.35047 Feireisl, E.; Mimura, M.; Hilhorst, D.; Weidenfeld, R. 1 2002 A competition-diffusion system approximation to the classical two-phase Stefan problem. Zbl 0980.35178 Hilhorst, Danielle; Iida, Masato; Mimura, Masayasu; Ninomiya, Hirokazu 47 2001 The Nishiura-Ohnishi free boundary problem in the 1D case. Zbl 1077.35121 Fife, Paul C.; Hilhorst, Danielle 22 2001 Approximation by the finite volume method of an elliptic-parabolic equation arising in environmental studies. Zbl 1173.76359 Eymard, R.; Gallouët, T.; Herbin, R.; Gutnic, M.; Hilhorst, D. 10 2001 A reaction-diffusion system approximation of a one-phase Stefan problem. Zbl 1054.35019 Eymard, R.; Hilhorst, D.; van der Hout, R.; Peletier, L. A. 10 2001 Singular limit of a chemotaxis-growth model. Zbl 1016.35034 Bonami, A.; Hilhorst, D.; Logak, E.; Mimura, M. 9 2001 A reaction-diffusion system approximation to the two-phase Stefan problem. Zbl 1042.35572 Hilhorst, Danielle; Iida, Masato; Mimura, Masayasu; Ninomiya, Hirokazu 5 2001 Regularity of interfaces for an inhomogeneous filtration equation. Zbl 1056.35094 Guedda, M.; Hilhorst, D.; Shmarev, S. I. 1 2001 Nonlinear diffusion in the presence of fast reaction. Zbl 0963.35103 Hilhorst, D.; van der Hout, R.; Peletier, L. A. 21 2000 Numerical approximation of an elliptic-parabolic equation arising in environment. Zbl 1060.76075 Eymard, R.; Gallouët, T.; Gutnic, M.; Herbin, R.; Hilhorst, D. 20 2000 On a nonlocal diffusion equation with discontinuous reaction. Zbl 0990.35058 Hilhorst, Danielle; Rodrigues, José-Francisco 13 2000 On some asymptotic limits of the Fisher equation with degenerate diffusion. Zbl 0979.35076 Hilhorst, D.; Kersner, R.; Logak, E.; Mimura, M. 2 2000 Modified motion by mean curvature: local existence and uniqueness and qualitative properties. Zbl 0994.35053 Bonami, A.; Hilhorst, D.; Logak, E. 1 2000 Convergence to travelling waves in a reaction-diffusion system arising in contaminant transport. Zbl 0963.35020 Hilhorst, D.; Peletier, M. A. 1 2000 The classical Verigin-Muskat problem, the regularization problem, and inner layers. Zbl 0979.35081 Vasil’eva, O. A.; Radkevich, E. V.; Hilhorst, D. 1 2000 Large time behaviour of a class of solutions of second order conservation laws. Zbl 0957.35075 Goncerzewicz, Jan; Hilhorst, Danielle 1 2000 Global existence for a non-local mean curvature flow as a limit of a parabolic-elliptic phase transition model. Zbl 0960.35103 Hilhorst, D.; Logak, E.; Schätzle, R. 1 2000 Spatial segregation limit of a competition-diffusion system. Zbl 0982.92031 Dancer, E. N.; Hilhorst, D.; Mimura, M.; Peletier, L. A. 69 1999 The finite volume method for Richards equation. Zbl 0953.76060 Eymard, Robert; Gutnic, Michaël; Hilhorst, Danielle 56 1999 Singular limit of a reaction-diffusion equation with a spatially inhomogeneous reaction term. Zbl 0936.35091 Nakamura, K.-I.; Matano, H.; Hilhorst, D.; Schätzle, R. 15 1999 The viscous Cahn-Hilliard equation as a limit of the phase field model: Lower semicontinuity of the attractor. Zbl 0935.35018 Dupaix, C.; Hilhorst, D.; Kostin, I. N. 11 1999 Convergence to a viscosity solution for an advection-reaction-diffusion equation arising from a chemotaxis-growth model. Zbl 1157.35405 Henry, Marie; Hilhorst, Danielle; Schätzle, Reiner 9 1999 Instantaneous and noninstantaneous dissolution: Approximation by the finite volume method. Zbl 1020.65052 Eymard, R.; Gallouët, T.; Herbin, R.; Hilhorst, D.; Mainguy, M. 4 1999 ...and 42 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,498 Authors 65 Hilhorst, Danielle 36 Miranville, Alain M. 25 Rocca, Elisabetta 21 Mimura, Masayasu 20 Eymard, Robert 17 Cancès, Clément 16 Garcke, Harald 16 Pop, Iuliu Sorin 16 Signori, Andrea 15 Radu, Florin Adrian 15 Saad, Mazen 14 Colli, Pierluigi 14 Sprekels, Jürgen 13 Brenner, Konstantin 13 Jüngel, Ansgar 12 Bertsch, Michiel 12 Lou, Bendong 12 Vohralík, Martin 12 Wu, Changhong 11 Lam, Kei Fong 11 Matano, Hiroshi 11 Ninomiya, Hirokazu 11 Ren, Xiaofeng 10 Abels, Helmut 10 Funaki, Tadahisa 10 Herbin, Raphaèle 10 Lin, Zhigui 10 Masson, Roland 10 Quenjel, EL Houssaine 10 Quintanilla de Latorre, Ramón 10 Wei, Juncheng 9 Chen, Xinfu 9 Gilardi, Gianni 9 Grasselli, Maurizio 9 Kim, Yongjung 9 Murakawa, Hideki 9 Schmidtchen, Markus 8 Biler, Piotr 8 Droniou, Jérôme 8 Guichard, Cindy 8 Izuhara, Hirofumi 8 Perthame, Benoît 8 Vazquez, Juan Luis 8 Yang, Xiaofeng 7 Carrillo de la Plata, José Antonio 7 Hulshof, Josephus 7 Kim, Inwon Christina 7 Nguyen, Thanh Nam 7 Novick-Cohen, Amy 7 Punzo, Fabio 7 Wang, Mingxin 6 Conti, Monica C. 6 Ebenbeck, Matthias 6 Folino, Raffaele 6 Galiano Casas, Gonzalo 6 Gallouët, Thierry 6 Knopf, Patrik 6 Makki, Ahmad 6 Nürnberg, Robert 6 Schimperna, Giulio 6 Shmarev, Sergey I. 6 Wu, Hao 5 Alfaro, Matthieu 5 Amaziane, Brahim 5 Andreianov, Boris 5 Bates, Peter W. 5 Bonfoh, Ahmed S. 5 Bothe, Dieter 5 Bozorgnia, Farid 5 Burger, Martin 5 Chainais-Hillairet, Claire 5 Desvillettes, Laurent 5 Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso 5 Garrione, Maurizio 5 Gatti, Stefania 5 Girardin, Léo 5 Kettani, Perla El 5 Kühn, Christian 5 Kuto, Kousuke 5 Liu, Zuhan 5 Muntean, Adrian 5 Nadzieja, Tadeusz 5 Nagai, Toshitaka 5 Park, Hyunjoon 5 Radkevich, Evgeniĭ Vladimirovich 5 Scarpa, Luca 5 Soresina, Cinzia 5 Tsujikawa, Tohru 5 van Duijn, Cornelis Johannes 5 Zhang, Hongfei 5 Zhang, Shan 5 Zhao, Jihong 5 Zhou, Ling 5 Zurek, Antoine 4 Alikakos, Nicholas D. 4 Arakelyan, Avetik 4 Brauner, Claude-Michel 4 Bretin, Elie 4 Choi, Sun-Ho 4 Crooks, Elaine C. M. ...and 1,398 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 235 Serials 70 Journal of Differential Equations 43 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 35 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 30 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 29 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 28 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 25 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 23 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 21 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 20 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 20 Physica D 19 Journal of Mathematical Biology 18 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 18 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 18 Computational Geosciences 18 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 17 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 17 Numerische Mathematik 16 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 16 Applied Numerical Mathematics 16 Applied Mathematics Letters 16 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 16 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 15 Applicable Analysis 15 Journal of Computational Physics 14 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 14 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 14 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 14 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 13 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 11 Journal of Functional Analysis 11 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 11 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 10 Journal of Nonlinear Science 9 Journal of Statistical Physics 9 Applied Mathematics and Computation 9 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 9 Asymptotic Analysis 9 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 9 Interfaces and Free Boundaries 9 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 8 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 8 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 7 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 7 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 7 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 7 Journal of Scientific Computing 7 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 7 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 6 Nonlinearity 6 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 6 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 6 Applications of Mathematics 6 Journal of Theoretical Biology 6 AIMS Mathematics 5 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 5 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 5 Mathematics of Computation 5 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 5 Journal of Evolution Equations 5 Networks and Heterogeneous Media 5 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 5 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 4 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 4 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 4 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 4 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 4 Boundary Value Problems 4 Kinetic and Related Models 4 Science China. Mathematics 4 International Journal on Finite Volumes 3 Advances in Mathematics 3 Mathematische Zeitschrift 3 Numerical Algorithms 3 Applied Mathematical Modelling 3 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 3 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 3 Advances in Computational Mathematics 3 Electronic Journal of Probability 3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3 Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 3 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. 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