Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Hogg, Robert V. Co-Author Distance Author ID: hogg.robert-v Published as: Hogg, Robert V.; Hogg, R. V. External Links: MGP · Wikidata · IdRef Documents Indexed: 42 Publications since 1951, including 6 Books 5 Further Contributions Biographic References: 2 Publications Co-Authors: 19 Co-Authors with 25 Joint Publications 138 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 17 single-authored 9 Randles, Ronald Herman 5 Craig, Allen T. 3 Broffitt, James D. 3 Tanis, Elliot A. 2 Huber, Peter Jost 2 Ramberg, John S. 2 Yuh, Lianng 1 Agee, William S. 1 Albers, Donald J. 1 Andrews, David F. 1 Beekman, John A. 1 Boggs, Paul T. 1 Box, George Edward Pelham 1 Boyle, Phelim P. 1 Bril, Gordon K. 1 Brunk, Hugh D. 1 Davenport, Alan S. 1 David, Herbert Aron 1 Edwards, Harold Mortimer jun. 1 Effron, B. 1 Finney, Ross L. 1 Fisher, Doris M. 1 Fligner, Michael A. 1 Franck, Wallace E. jun. 1 Fraser, Donald A. S. 1 Gastwirth, Joseph Lewis 1 Gerber, Hans U. 1 Groat, Giuliana 1 Halmos, Paul Richard 1 Hanson, David L. 1 Harter, Herman Leon 1 Hilton, Peter John 1 Johns, Milton Vernon jun. 1 Johnson, Norman Lloyd 1 Kaufmann-Bühler, Walter 1 Killeen, Timothy J. 1 King, Jerry P. 1 Koblitz, Neal I. 1 Launer, Robert L. 1 Lax, Anneli 1 Ledolter, Johannes 1 Lenth, Russell V. 1 Lucas, William F. 1 Luckner, Warren 1 Miles, Ernest P. jun. 1 Miller, George M. 1 Parzen, Emanuel 1 Peters, Alice 1 Peters, Klaus-Heinrich 1 Poiani, Eileen L. 1 Poston, Timothy 1 Pour-El, Marian Boykan 1 Prescott, Philip 1 Ralston, Anthony 1 Robertson, Tim 1 Rogers, Hartley jun. 1 Schafer, Alice Turner 1 Seely, Justus F. 1 Shenitzer, Abe 1 Spanier, Jerome 1 Steen, Lynn Arthur 1 Thompson, Maynard 1 Tucker, Alan C. 1 Tukey, John Wilder 1 Turner, Robert H. 1 Uthoff, Vincent A. 1 Vandelinde, V. David all top 5 Serials 16 Journal of the American Statistical Association 6 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 4 Annals of Mathematical Statistics 2 The American Statistician 2 Technometrics 1 Biometrics 1 Statistical Science 1 North American Actuarial Journal 1 Communications in Statistics 1 Sankhyā 1 Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics all top 5 Fields 31 Statistics (62-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 44 Publications have been cited 555 times in 442 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Adaptive robust procedures: A partial review and some suggestions for future applications and theory. With comments by H. Leon Harter, Joseph L. Gastwirth, Peter J. Huber, Robert V. Hogg. Zbl 0305.62030 Hogg, Robert V. 88 1974 Introduction to mathematical statistics. 2nd augmented ed. Zbl 0192.25603 Hogg, R. V.; Craig, A. T. 86 1965 A two-sample adaptive distribution-free test. Zbl 0308.62030 Hogg, Robert V.; Fisher, Doris M.; Randles, Ronald H. 45 1975 Maximum likelihood estimation of the distributions of two stochastically ordered random variables. Zbl 0146.40101 Brunk, H. D.; Franck, W. E.; Hanson, D. L.; Hogg, R. V. 32 1966 A review of some adaptive statistical techniques. Zbl 0552.62019 Hogg, Robert V.; Lenth, Russell V. 25 1984 On models hypotheses with restricted alternatives. Zbl 0134.15104 Hogg, R. V. 21 1965 Generalized linear and quadratic discriminant functions using robust estimates. Zbl 0391.62040 Randles, Ronald H.; Broffitt, James D.; Ramberg, John S.; Hogg, Robert V. 21 1978 Statistical robustness: One view of its use in applications today. Zbl 0419.62034 Hogg, Robert V. 17 1979 Adaptive distribution-free tests. Zbl 0266.62029 Randles, Ronald H.; Hogg, Robert V. 17 1973 Introduction to mathematical statistics. Zbl 0089.14402 Hogg, Robert V.; Craig, Allen T. 16 1959 Probability and statistical inference. Zbl 0363.62001 Hogg, Robert V.; Tanis, Elliot A. 15 1977 Necessary analysis and adaptive inference. Comments. Zbl 0346.62004 Fraser, D. A. S. 14 1976 On the resolution of statistical hypotheses. Zbl 0104.13103 Hogg, Robert V. 13 1961 Sufficient statistics in elementary distribution theory. Zbl 0074.35106 Hogg, Robert V.; Craig, Allen T. 11 1956 An iterated procedure for testing the equality of several exponential distributions. Zbl 0116.37204 Hogg, R. V.; Tanis, E. A. 11 1963 More light on the kurtosis and related statistics. Zbl 0237.62019 Hogg, Robert V. 11 1972 A new dimension to nonparametric tests. Zbl 0364.62046 Hogg, Robert V. 11 1976 Iterated tests of the equality of several distributions. Zbl 0108.32102 Hogg, R. V. 10 1962 On adaptive M-regression. Zbl 0707.62076 Yuh, Lianng; Hogg, Robert V. 9 1988 Certain uncorrelated and independent rank statistics. Zbl 0243.62032 Randles, Ronald H.; Hogg, Robert V. 9 1971 Robustness in statistics. Proceedings of a workshop, sponsored by the Mathematics Division, Army Research Office, held at Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Weiss Building, April 11-12, 1978. Zbl 0441.62033 8 1979 Probability and statistical inference. 3rd ed. Zbl 0732.62002 Hogg, Robert V.; Tanis, Elliot A. 7 1989 On the distribution of the likelihood ratio. Zbl 0071.13303 Hogg, Robert V. 7 1956 Mathematics tomorrow. Zbl 0463.00034 7 1981 Adaptive distribution-free regression methods and their applications. Zbl 0324.62051 Hogg, Robert V.; Randles, Ronald H. 7 1975 Applied statistics for engineers and physical scientists. 2. ed. Zbl 0776.62002 Hogg, Robert V.; Ledolter, Johannes 6 1992 Symmetrically distributed and unbiased estimators in linear models. Zbl 0516.62053 Seely, Justus; Hogg, Robert V. 6 1982 Distribution-free partial discriminant analysis. Zbl 0336.62047 Broffitt, James D.; Randles, Ronald H.; Hogg, Robert V. 6 1976 On conditional expectations of location statistics. Zbl 0099.14103 Hogg, Robert V. 5 1960 Discriminant analysis based on ranks. Zbl 0399.62062 Randles, Ronald H.; Broffitt, James D.; Hogg, Robert V. 5 1979 An adaptive procedure for selecting the population with largest location parameter. Zbl 0269.62023 Randles, Ronald H.; Ramberg, John S.; Hogg, Robert V. 5 1973 On the origins of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Zbl 0955.01557 Hogg, Robert V. 4 1986 Certain uncorrelated statistics. Zbl 0092.36904 Hogg, Robert V. 4 1960 On adaptive statistical inferences. Zbl 0498.62037 Hogg, Robert V. 4 1982 On ratios of certain algebraic forms. Zbl 0043.34301 Hogg, Robert V. 3 1951 On the independence of certain Wishart variables. Zbl 0124.10207 Hogg, R. V. 3 1963 An introduction to robust procedures. Zbl 0365.62048 Hogg, Robert V. 3 1977 Some distribution-free rank-like statistics having the Mann-Whitney- Wilcoxon null distribution. Zbl 0371.62061 Fligner, Michael A.; Hogg, Robert V.; Killeen, Timothy J. 2 1976 On the selection of the underlying distribution and adaptive estimation. Zbl 0249.62028 Hogg, Robert V.; Uthoff, Vincent A.; Randles, Ronald H.; Davenport, Alan S. 2 1972 An argument for adaptive robust estimation. Zbl 0672.62049 Hogg, Robert V.; Bril, Gordon K.; Han, Sang M.; Yuh, Lianng 1 1988 On adaptive robust inferences. Zbl 0482.62021 Hogg, Robert V. 1 1981 Trimmed and outer means and their variances. Zbl 0375.62031 Prescott, P.; Hogg, R. V. 1 1977 On the decomposition of certain \(\chi^2\)-variables. Zbl 0086.34104 Hogg, Robert V.; Craig, Allen T. 1 1958 Introduction to mathematical statistics. 3rd ed. Zbl 0249.62002 Hogg, Robert V.; Craig, Allen T. 1 1971 Applied statistics for engineers and physical scientists. 2. ed. Zbl 0776.62002 Hogg, Robert V.; Ledolter, Johannes 6 1992 Probability and statistical inference. 3rd ed. Zbl 0732.62002 Hogg, Robert V.; Tanis, Elliot A. 7 1989 On adaptive M-regression. Zbl 0707.62076 Yuh, Lianng; Hogg, Robert V. 9 1988 An argument for adaptive robust estimation. Zbl 0672.62049 Hogg, Robert V.; Bril, Gordon K.; Han, Sang M.; Yuh, Lianng 1 1988 On the origins of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Zbl 0955.01557 Hogg, Robert V. 4 1986 A review of some adaptive statistical techniques. Zbl 0552.62019 Hogg, Robert V.; Lenth, Russell V. 25 1984 Symmetrically distributed and unbiased estimators in linear models. Zbl 0516.62053 Seely, Justus; Hogg, Robert V. 6 1982 On adaptive statistical inferences. Zbl 0498.62037 Hogg, Robert V. 4 1982 Mathematics tomorrow. Zbl 0463.00034 7 1981 On adaptive robust inferences. Zbl 0482.62021 Hogg, Robert V. 1 1981 Statistical robustness: One view of its use in applications today. Zbl 0419.62034 Hogg, Robert V. 17 1979 Robustness in statistics. Proceedings of a workshop, sponsored by the Mathematics Division, Army Research Office, held at Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Weiss Building, April 11-12, 1978. Zbl 0441.62033 8 1979 Discriminant analysis based on ranks. Zbl 0399.62062 Randles, Ronald H.; Broffitt, James D.; Hogg, Robert V. 5 1979 Generalized linear and quadratic discriminant functions using robust estimates. Zbl 0391.62040 Randles, Ronald H.; Broffitt, James D.; Ramberg, John S.; Hogg, Robert V. 21 1978 Probability and statistical inference. Zbl 0363.62001 Hogg, Robert V.; Tanis, Elliot A. 15 1977 An introduction to robust procedures. Zbl 0365.62048 Hogg, Robert V. 3 1977 Trimmed and outer means and their variances. Zbl 0375.62031 Prescott, P.; Hogg, R. V. 1 1977 Necessary analysis and adaptive inference. Comments. Zbl 0346.62004 Fraser, D. A. S. 14 1976 A new dimension to nonparametric tests. Zbl 0364.62046 Hogg, Robert V. 11 1976 Distribution-free partial discriminant analysis. Zbl 0336.62047 Broffitt, James D.; Randles, Ronald H.; Hogg, Robert V. 6 1976 Some distribution-free rank-like statistics having the Mann-Whitney- Wilcoxon null distribution. Zbl 0371.62061 Fligner, Michael A.; Hogg, Robert V.; Killeen, Timothy J. 2 1976 A two-sample adaptive distribution-free test. Zbl 0308.62030 Hogg, Robert V.; Fisher, Doris M.; Randles, Ronald H. 45 1975 Adaptive distribution-free regression methods and their applications. Zbl 0324.62051 Hogg, Robert V.; Randles, Ronald H. 7 1975 Adaptive robust procedures: A partial review and some suggestions for future applications and theory. With comments by H. Leon Harter, Joseph L. Gastwirth, Peter J. Huber, Robert V. Hogg. Zbl 0305.62030 Hogg, Robert V. 88 1974 Adaptive distribution-free tests. Zbl 0266.62029 Randles, Ronald H.; Hogg, Robert V. 17 1973 An adaptive procedure for selecting the population with largest location parameter. Zbl 0269.62023 Randles, Ronald H.; Ramberg, John S.; Hogg, Robert V. 5 1973 More light on the kurtosis and related statistics. Zbl 0237.62019 Hogg, Robert V. 11 1972 On the selection of the underlying distribution and adaptive estimation. Zbl 0249.62028 Hogg, Robert V.; Uthoff, Vincent A.; Randles, Ronald H.; Davenport, Alan S. 2 1972 Certain uncorrelated and independent rank statistics. Zbl 0243.62032 Randles, Ronald H.; Hogg, Robert V. 9 1971 Introduction to mathematical statistics. 3rd ed. Zbl 0249.62002 Hogg, Robert V.; Craig, Allen T. 1 1971 Maximum likelihood estimation of the distributions of two stochastically ordered random variables. Zbl 0146.40101 Brunk, H. D.; Franck, W. E.; Hanson, D. L.; Hogg, R. V. 32 1966 Introduction to mathematical statistics. 2nd augmented ed. Zbl 0192.25603 Hogg, R. V.; Craig, A. T. 86 1965 On models hypotheses with restricted alternatives. Zbl 0134.15104 Hogg, R. V. 21 1965 An iterated procedure for testing the equality of several exponential distributions. Zbl 0116.37204 Hogg, R. V.; Tanis, E. A. 11 1963 On the independence of certain Wishart variables. Zbl 0124.10207 Hogg, R. V. 3 1963 Iterated tests of the equality of several distributions. Zbl 0108.32102 Hogg, R. V. 10 1962 On the resolution of statistical hypotheses. Zbl 0104.13103 Hogg, Robert V. 13 1961 On conditional expectations of location statistics. Zbl 0099.14103 Hogg, Robert V. 5 1960 Certain uncorrelated statistics. Zbl 0092.36904 Hogg, Robert V. 4 1960 Introduction to mathematical statistics. Zbl 0089.14402 Hogg, Robert V.; Craig, Allen T. 16 1959 On the decomposition of certain \(\chi^2\)-variables. Zbl 0086.34104 Hogg, Robert V.; Craig, Allen T. 1 1958 Sufficient statistics in elementary distribution theory. Zbl 0074.35106 Hogg, Robert V.; Craig, Allen T. 11 1956 On the distribution of the likelihood ratio. Zbl 0071.13303 Hogg, Robert V. 7 1956 On ratios of certain algebraic forms. Zbl 0043.34301 Hogg, Robert V. 3 1951 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 704 Authors 11 Büning, Herbert 10 Kössler, Wolfgang 8 El Barmi, Hammou 8 O’Gorman, Thomas W. 6 Kovačević, Branko D. 5 Mukerjee, Hari 5 Wilcox, Rand R. 4 Bar-Lev, Shaul K. 4 Padmanabhan, Appaswamy Ramanathan 4 Punzo, Antonio 4 Randles, Ronald Herman 3 Agresti, Alan 3 Bagnato, Luca 3 Croux, Christophe 3 Davidov, Ori 3 Gehrlein, William V. 3 Kochar, Subhash C. 3 Kumar, Narinder 3 Lee, Chu-In Charles 3 Lipovetsky, Stan 3 Malik, Henrick John 3 Mukherjee, Amitava 3 Murakami, Hidetoshi 3 Phillips, Garry D. A. 2 Abebe, Asheber 2 Aoki, Masanao 2 Arslan, Olcay 2 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 2 Balanda, Kevin P. 2 Banerjee, Tathagata 2 Bareiss, Erwin H. 2 Barlow, Jesse L. 2 Boukai, Benzion 2 Chen, E. Jack 2 Coelho, Carlos Agra 2 Desu, M. Mahamunulu 2 Đurović, Željko M. 2 Dykstra, Richard L. 2 Filipović, Vojislav Ž. 2 Fishburn, Peter Clingerman 2 Gel, Yulia R. 2 Gupta, Arjun Kumar 2 Han, Chien-Pai 2 Hawkins, Doyle L. 2 Hogg, Robert V. 2 Hu, Xiaomi 2 Jin, Jiao 2 Joossens, Kristel 2 Kabe, Dattatraya Govind 2 Kappenman, Russell F. 2 Kelton, W. David 2 Khan, Khushnood A. 2 Ledwina, Teresa 2 Macgillivray, H. L. 2 Marques, Filipe J. 2 Matis, James H. 2 McCabe, Brendan P. M. 2 McDonald, James B. 2 McKean, Joseph W. 2 Mehta, Jatinder Singh 2 Mudholkar, Govind S. 2 Mukhopadhyay, Nitis 2 Nagarsenker, Brahmanand N. 2 Nagarsenker, Panna B. 2 Nievergelt, Yves 2 Nudurupati, Sai V. 2 Olkin, Ingram 2 Pandey, Brahma Nand 2 Peng, Jianan 2 Phillips, Robert F. 2 Robertson, Tim 2 Rosenbaum, Paul Richard 2 Ruberg, Stephen J. 2 Salmaso, Luigi 2 Samaniego, Francisco J. 2 Solari, Aldo 2 Tan, Wai-Yuan 2 Taylor, Jeremy M. G. 2 Thas, Olivier 2 Tian, Lili 2 Tracy, Derrick Shannon 2 Wang, Weizhen 2 Wolfe, Douglas A. 2 Wu, Mingxin 2 Zuo, Yijun 1 Aadland, David M. 1 Abd-el. Moemen, Mitwali 1 Abdelzaher, Tarek F. 1 Abdous, Belkacem 1 Abdullah, Mokhtar B. 1 Achalakul, Tiranee 1 Adam, Mohd Bakri 1 Adichie, J. N. 1 Adke, S. R. 1 Ahmed, Syed Ejaz 1 Ahsanullah, Mohammad 1 Akhil, P. T. 1 Ali, Mir Masoom 1 Altunkaynak, Bulent 1 Amin, Muhammad Shoib ...and 604 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 130 Serials 48 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 29 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 25 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 22 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 18 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 17 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 14 Statistics & Probability Letters 12 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 12 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 11 Psychometrika 10 European Journal of Operational Research 9 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 6 Applied Mathematics and Computation 6 Journal of Econometrics 6 Computers & Operations Research 5 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 5 Mathematical Biosciences 5 The Annals of Statistics 5 Statistical Science 5 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 5 Journal of Applied Statistics 4 International Journal of Control 4 Metrika 4 Statistical Papers 4 Electronic Journal of Statistics 3 Automatica 3 Biometrical Journal 3 Biometrics 3 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 3 Statistica Neerlandica 3 Statistics 3 Annals of Operations Research 3 Economics Letters 3 Test 2 International Journal of Systems Science 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 2 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 2 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2 Computing 2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2 International Statistical Review 2 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 2 Metron 2 Theoretical Population Biology 2 Trabajos de Estadistica y de Investigacion Operativa 2 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 2 Physica D 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 2 Linear Algebra and its Applications 2 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 2 Computers and Mathematics with Applications. Part A 2 Lifetime Data Analysis 2 Bernoulli 2 Sādhanā 2 Statistical Methodology 2 The European Physical Journal B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 2 Sankhyā. Series A 1 The American Statistician 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 1 Information Processing Letters 1 Journal of Computational Physics 1 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Physica A 1 The Mathematical Intelligencer 1 Aplikace Matematiky 1 BIT 1 British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Economic Theory 1 The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Jnanabha 1 Statistische Hefte. Neue Folge 1 Statistica 1 Synthese 1 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 1 OR Spektrum 1 Mathematical Social Sciences 1 Revue de Statistique Appliquée 1 International Journal of Production Research 1 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 1 Journal of Classification 1 Sequential Analysis 1 Journal of Complexity 1 Journal of Computer Science and Technology 1 Information and Computation 1 Econometric Reviews 1 Real-Time Systems 1 Neural Computation 1 Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 1 Applications of Mathematics 1 Computational Statistics 1 Automation and Remote Control 1 Pattern Recognition 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ...and 30 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 29 Fields 360 Statistics (62-XX) 57 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 46 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 26 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 25 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 18 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 15 Computer science (68-XX) 11 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 7 History and biography (01-XX) 6 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. Updates and corrections should be made in Wikidata.