Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Höhle, Ulrich Co-Author Distance Author ID: hohle.ulrich Published as: Höhle, Ulrich; Höhle, U. Documents Indexed: 102 Publications since 1976, including 2 Books and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 5 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 18 Co-Authors with 38 Joint Publications 250 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 70 single-authored 11 Gutiérrez García, Javier 11 Kubiak, Tomasz 5 Klement, Erich Peter 4 Rodabaugh, Stephen Ernest 4 Šostak, Alexander P. 3 Eklund, Patrik E. 3 Kortelainen, Jari 2 Cerruti, Umberto 2 Coulon, Jean-Louis 2 Weber, Siegfried 1 Blanchard, Nicole 1 Coulon, Josette 1 de Prada Vicente, María Angeles 1 Flüshöh, Wolfgang 1 Gottwald, Siegfried 1 Hájek, Petr 1 Porst, Hans-Eberhard 1 Pultr, Aleš 1 Stout, Lawrence Neff all top 5 Serials 26 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 6 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 5 Semigroup Forum 3 Manuscripta Mathematica 2 Quaestiones Mathematicae 2 Order 2 Theory and Decision Library. Series B: Mathematical and Statistical Methods 1 International Journal of General Systems 1 Algebra Universalis 1 Information Sciences 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Studia Logica 1 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 1 Topology and its Applications 1 Bulletin pour les Sous Ensembles Flous et Leurs Applications 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Aequationes Mathematicae 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 1 Applied Categorical Structures 1 Mathware & Soft Computing 1 Theory and Applications of Categories 1 Applied General Topology 1 Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 1 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 1 Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques 1 Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 The Handbook of Fuzzy Sets Series 1 Developments in Mathematics all top 5 Fields 51 General topology (54-XX) 46 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 44 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 36 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 19 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 8 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 7 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 93 Publications have been cited 2,032 times in 1,069 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Axiomatic foundations of fixed-basis fuzzy topology. Zbl 0977.54006 Höhle, U.; Šostak, A. P. 244 1999 Commutative, residuated \(l\)-monoids. Zbl 0838.06012 Höhle, Ulrich 209 1995 Mathematics of fuzzy sets. Logic, topology, and measure theory. Zbl 0942.00008 146 1999 Many valued topology and its applications. Zbl 0969.54002 Höhle, Ulrich 141 2001 Upper semicontinuous fuzzy sets and applications. Zbl 0462.54002 Höhle, Ulrich 100 1980 Probabilistic topologies induced by \(L\)-fuzzy uniformities. Zbl 1004.54500 Höhle, Ulrich 65 1982 Probabilistic metrization of fuzzy uniformities. Zbl 0494.54006 Höhle, Ulrich 62 1982 Probabilistic uniformization of fuzzy topologies. Zbl 0413.54002 Höhle, Ulrich 58 1978 On the fundamentals of fuzzy set theory. Zbl 0860.03038 Höhle, Ulrich 54 1996 \(M\)-valued sets and sheaves over integral commutative \(CL\)-monoids. Zbl 0766.03037 Höhle, Ulrich 53 1992 Quotients with respect to similarity relations. Zbl 0666.18002 Höhle, Ulrich 49 1988 Semigroups in complete lattices. Quantales, modules and related topics. Zbl 1491.06001 Eklund, Patrik; Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich; Kortelainen, Jari 44 2018 A general theory of fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0948.54003 Höhle, Ulrich; Šostak, Alexander 44 1995 A non-commutative and non-idempotent theory of quantale sets. Zbl 1226.06011 Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 44 2011 Foundations of fuzzy sets. Zbl 0725.03031 Höhle, Ulrich; Stout, Lawrence Neff 42 1991 Partial ordering in L-underdeterminate sets. Zbl 0576.06004 Höhle, Ulrich; Blanchard, Nicole 40 1985 Probabilistische Topologien. Zbl 0413.54003 Höhle, Ulrich 40 1978 Fuzzy sets and sheaves. I: Basic concepts. Zbl 1111.18003 Höhle, Ulrich 35 2007 Representation theorems for L-fuzzy quantities. Zbl 0448.03041 Höhle, Ulrich 30 1981 Lattice-valued frames, functor categories, and classes of sober spaces. (With an appendix by U. Höhle and S. E. Rodabaugh). Zbl 1052.54012 Pultr, A.; Rodabaugh, S. E. 28 2003 Entropy with respect to plausibility measures. Zbl 0549.94015 Höhle, Ulrich 24 1982 Characterization of \(L\)-topologies by \(L\)-valued neighborhoods. Zbl 1021.54004 Höhle, U. 23 1999 Fuzzy topologies and topological space objects in a topos. Zbl 0607.54004 Höhle, Ulrich 23 1986 Fuzzy real numbers as Dedekind cuts with respect to a multiple-valued logic. Zbl 0638.03051 Höhle, Ulrich 22 1987 Presheaves over GL-monoids. Zbl 0838.06013 Höhle, Ulrich 22 1995 Probabilistische Metriken auf der Menge der nicht negativen Verteilungsfunktionen. Zbl 0412.60020 Höhle, Ulrich 20 1978 Applications of category theory to fuzzy subsets. Based on the eleventh international seminar on fuzzy set theory, held in Linz, Austria, September 1989. Zbl 0741.00078 19 1992 Probabilistisch kompakte L-unscharfe Mengen. Zbl 0413.54004 Höhle, Ulrich 18 1979 Fuzzy sets and sheaves. II: Sheaf-theoretic foundations of fuzzy set theory with applications to algebra and topology. Zbl 1111.18004 Höhle, Ulrich 16 2007 Classification of subsheaves over \(GL\)-algebras. Zbl 0946.03080 Höhle, Ulrich 16 2000 Non-classical logics and their applications to fuzzy subsets. A handbook of the mathematical foundations of fuzzy set theory. Proceedings of the 14th Linz seminar on fuzzy set theory held at Linz, Austria in the second week of September 1992. Zbl 0814.00013 16 1995 Maße auf unscharfen Mengen. Zbl 0325.28013 Höhle, Ulrich 15 1976 Many valued topologies and lower semicontinuity. Zbl 1125.06006 Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 14 2007 \({\mathfrak G}\)-fuzzy topologies on algebraic structures. Zbl 0602.54006 Höhle, Ulrich 14 1985 An approach to uncertainty using algebras over a monoidal closed category. Zbl 0633.18002 Cerruti, Umberto; Höhle, Ulrich 13 1986 Topological representation of right-sided and idempotent quantales. Zbl 1412.06017 Höhle, Ulrich 12 2015 \(GL\)-quantales: \(Q\)-valued sets and their singletons. Zbl 0962.03061 Höhle, Ulrich 12 1998 Tensor products of complete lattices and their application in constructing quantales. Zbl 1393.06003 Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 11 2017 On lattice-valued frames: the completely distributive case. Zbl 1191.06006 Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich; de Prada Vicente, María Angeles 10 2010 Monoidal closed categories, weak topoi and generalized logics. Zbl 0734.03035 Höhle, Ulrich 10 1991 Categorical foundations of topology with applications to quantaloid enriched topological spaces. Zbl 1339.54009 Höhle, Ulrich 10 2014 Prime elements of non-integral quantales and their applications. Zbl 1329.06008 Höhle, Ulrich 10 2015 Uncertainty measures, realizations and entropies. Zbl 0892.60005 Höhle, Ulrich; Weber, Siegfried 9 1997 On conditioning operators. Zbl 1032.28009 Höhle, U.; Weber, S. 9 1999 MV-algebra valued filter theory. Zbl 0865.54004 Höhle, Ulrich 9 1996 Many-valued preorders. I: The basis of many-valued mathematics. Zbl 1383.06001 Höhle, Ulrich 9 2015 Conuclei and many valued topology. Zbl 0988.54001 Höhle, U. 8 2000 A general theory of fuzzy plausibility measures. Zbl 0649.60002 Höhle, Ulrich 8 1987 A note on the hypergraph functor. Zbl 1010.18004 Höhle, Ulrich 8 2002 Compact \({\mathcal G}\)-fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0572.54005 Höhle, Ulrich 7 1984 Editorial to the “Special issue on fuzzy topology”. Zbl 0867.54003 Höhle, U.; Rodabaugh, S. E.; Šostak, A. 7 1995 Many-valued equalities and their representation. Zbl 1076.03034 Höhle, Ulrich 6 2005 Minkowski functionals of L-fuzzy sets. Zbl 0611.54006 Höhle, Ulrich 6 1980 The Poincaré paradox and non-classical logics. Zbl 0955.03012 Höhle, Ulrich 5 1999 A note on Hausdorff separation in \(L\)-TOP. Zbl 1177.54001 Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 4 2008 Classification of extremal subobjects of algebras over SM-SET. Zbl 0761.18005 Coulon, J.-L.; Höhle, Ulrich 4 1992 Limit structures and many valued topologies. Zbl 0961.54003 Höhle, Ulrich 4 2000 Categorical axioms of neighborhood systems. Zbl 0891.54002 Höhle, Ulrich 3 1997 Approximating orders in meet-continuous lattices and regularity axioms in many valued topology. Zbl 1146.06004 Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 3 2008 Fuzzy plausibility measures. Zbl 0498.28002 Höhle, Ulrich 3 1981 Plausibility measures. A general framework for possibility and fuzzy probability measures. Zbl 0562.60003 Höhle, Ulrich; Klement, Erich Peter 3 1984 Fuzzy measures as extensions of stochastic measures. Zbl 0525.60005 Höhle, Ulrich 3 1983 Many valued topologies and Borel probability measures. Zbl 1037.54004 Höhle, U. 3 2003 Covariant presheaves and subalgebras. Zbl 1230.06008 Höhle, Ulrich 3 2011 Separated presheaves of normed spaces and \(\varOmega\)-valued norms. Zbl 1045.46049 Höhle, Ulrich 3 2003 Entropy with respect to plausibility measures. Zbl 0522.94009 Höhle, Ulrich 3 1982 Topological aspects of non-convergent sequences – a comment on Burgin’s concept of fuzzy limits. Zbl 1092.26023 Höhle, Ulrich 3 2005 On regularity of sup-preserving maps: generalizing Zareckiĭ’s theorem. Zbl 1253.06011 Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 3 2011 On the equivalence between \(\beta\)-algebras and compact Hausdorff spaces in the framework of Łukasiewicz logic. Zbl 0803.54006 Höhle, Ulrich 2 1992 Fuzzy plausibility measures. Zbl 0503.60004 Höhle, Ulrich 2 1981 Many valued logic and sheaf theory. Zbl 1160.03006 Höhle, U. 2 2008 Upper semicontinuous fuzzy sets and their applications. Zbl 0469.60005 Höhle, Ulrich 2 1980 Fuzzy filters - a generalization of credibility measures. Zbl 0552.54002 Höhle, Ulrich 2 1984 Categorial foundations of fuzzy set theory with applications to algebra and topology. Zbl 0586.18002 Cerruti, Umberto; Höhle, Ulrich 2 1986 The Poincaré paradox and the cluster problem. Zbl 0697.18002 Höhle, Ulrich 2 1990 Editorial. Zbl 1335.00151 2 2014 Enriched topologies and topological representation of semi-unital and semi-integral quantales. Zbl 1439.18008 Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich 2 2020 Introductory note to chapter 3. Zbl 0961.54005 Höhle, U. 2 1999 A survey on the categorical term construction with applications. Zbl 1386.18014 Eklund, Patrik; Höhle, Ulrich; Kortelainen, Jari 2 2016 Fuzzy sets as two-sorted algebras. Zbl 1368.03056 Höhle, Ulrich 2 2015 Probabilistic metrization of generalized topologies. Zbl 0365.54014 Höhle, Ulrich 2 1977 An extension of the fuzzy unit interval to a tensor product with completely distributive first factor. Zbl 1423.06030 Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 2 2019 A remark on entropies with respect to plausibility measures. Zbl 0528.94010 Höhle, Ulrich 1 1982 L-fuzzy contiguity relations and L-fuzzy closure operators in the case of completely distributive, complete lattices L. Zbl 0716.54005 Flüshöh, Wolfgang; Höhle, Ulrich 1 1990 Correction to: “Some characterizations of the tensor product of complete lattices with applications to quantales”. Zbl 1453.06006 Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 1 2020 Fuzzy functions: A fuzzy extension of the category SET and some related categories. Zbl 0977.03028 Höhle, Ulrich; Porst, Hans-E.; Šostak, Alexander P. 1 2000 Injectivité dans la catégorie des ensembles fortement \(M\)-valués complets. (Injectivity in the category of complete strong \(M\)-valued sets). Zbl 0761.18006 Coulon, Jean-Louis; Coulon, Josette; Höhle, Ulrich 1 1992 Fuzzy presubsets as non-idempotent and non-commutative classifications of subalgebras. Zbl 1268.03071 Höhle, Ulrich 1 2012 Many-valued preorders. II: The symmetry axiom and probabilistic geometry. Zbl 1375.06002 Höhle, Ulrich 1 2015 Basic concepts of quantale-enriched topologies. Zbl 1477.18025 Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 1 2021 Modules in the category Sup. Zbl 1429.03169 Höhle, Ulrich 1 2018 Invariance of projective modules in \(\mathsf{Sup}\) under self-duality. Zbl 1457.18006 Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 1 2021 Fuzzy sets and subobjects. Zbl 0593.18003 Höhle, Ulrich 1 1986 Basic concepts of quantale-enriched topologies. Zbl 1477.18025 Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 1 2021 Invariance of projective modules in \(\mathsf{Sup}\) under self-duality. Zbl 1457.18006 Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 1 2021 Enriched topologies and topological representation of semi-unital and semi-integral quantales. Zbl 1439.18008 Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich 2 2020 Correction to: “Some characterizations of the tensor product of complete lattices with applications to quantales”. Zbl 1453.06006 Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 1 2020 An extension of the fuzzy unit interval to a tensor product with completely distributive first factor. Zbl 1423.06030 Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 2 2019 Semigroups in complete lattices. Quantales, modules and related topics. Zbl 1491.06001 Eklund, Patrik; Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich; Kortelainen, Jari 44 2018 Modules in the category Sup. Zbl 1429.03169 Höhle, Ulrich 1 2018 Tensor products of complete lattices and their application in constructing quantales. Zbl 1393.06003 Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 11 2017 A survey on the categorical term construction with applications. Zbl 1386.18014 Eklund, Patrik; Höhle, Ulrich; Kortelainen, Jari 2 2016 Topological representation of right-sided and idempotent quantales. Zbl 1412.06017 Höhle, Ulrich 12 2015 Prime elements of non-integral quantales and their applications. Zbl 1329.06008 Höhle, Ulrich 10 2015 Many-valued preorders. I: The basis of many-valued mathematics. Zbl 1383.06001 Höhle, Ulrich 9 2015 Fuzzy sets as two-sorted algebras. Zbl 1368.03056 Höhle, Ulrich 2 2015 Many-valued preorders. II: The symmetry axiom and probabilistic geometry. Zbl 1375.06002 Höhle, Ulrich 1 2015 Categorical foundations of topology with applications to quantaloid enriched topological spaces. Zbl 1339.54009 Höhle, Ulrich 10 2014 Editorial. Zbl 1335.00151 2 2014 Fuzzy presubsets as non-idempotent and non-commutative classifications of subalgebras. Zbl 1268.03071 Höhle, Ulrich 1 2012 A non-commutative and non-idempotent theory of quantale sets. Zbl 1226.06011 Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 44 2011 Covariant presheaves and subalgebras. Zbl 1230.06008 Höhle, Ulrich 3 2011 On regularity of sup-preserving maps: generalizing Zareckiĭ’s theorem. Zbl 1253.06011 Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 3 2011 On lattice-valued frames: the completely distributive case. Zbl 1191.06006 Gutiérrez García, Javier; Höhle, Ulrich; de Prada Vicente, María Angeles 10 2010 A note on Hausdorff separation in \(L\)-TOP. Zbl 1177.54001 Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 4 2008 Approximating orders in meet-continuous lattices and regularity axioms in many valued topology. Zbl 1146.06004 Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 3 2008 Many valued logic and sheaf theory. Zbl 1160.03006 Höhle, U. 2 2008 Fuzzy sets and sheaves. I: Basic concepts. Zbl 1111.18003 Höhle, Ulrich 35 2007 Fuzzy sets and sheaves. II: Sheaf-theoretic foundations of fuzzy set theory with applications to algebra and topology. Zbl 1111.18004 Höhle, Ulrich 16 2007 Many valued topologies and lower semicontinuity. Zbl 1125.06006 Höhle, Ulrich; Kubiak, Tomasz 14 2007 Many-valued equalities and their representation. Zbl 1076.03034 Höhle, Ulrich 6 2005 Topological aspects of non-convergent sequences – a comment on Burgin’s concept of fuzzy limits. Zbl 1092.26023 Höhle, Ulrich 3 2005 Lattice-valued frames, functor categories, and classes of sober spaces. (With an appendix by U. Höhle and S. E. Rodabaugh). Zbl 1052.54012 Pultr, A.; Rodabaugh, S. E. 28 2003 Many valued topologies and Borel probability measures. Zbl 1037.54004 Höhle, U. 3 2003 Separated presheaves of normed spaces and \(\varOmega\)-valued norms. Zbl 1045.46049 Höhle, Ulrich 3 2003 A note on the hypergraph functor. Zbl 1010.18004 Höhle, Ulrich 8 2002 Many valued topology and its applications. Zbl 0969.54002 Höhle, Ulrich 141 2001 Classification of subsheaves over \(GL\)-algebras. Zbl 0946.03080 Höhle, Ulrich 16 2000 Conuclei and many valued topology. Zbl 0988.54001 Höhle, U. 8 2000 Limit structures and many valued topologies. Zbl 0961.54003 Höhle, Ulrich 4 2000 Fuzzy functions: A fuzzy extension of the category SET and some related categories. Zbl 0977.03028 Höhle, Ulrich; Porst, Hans-E.; Šostak, Alexander P. 1 2000 Axiomatic foundations of fixed-basis fuzzy topology. Zbl 0977.54006 Höhle, U.; Šostak, A. P. 244 1999 Mathematics of fuzzy sets. Logic, topology, and measure theory. Zbl 0942.00008 146 1999 Characterization of \(L\)-topologies by \(L\)-valued neighborhoods. Zbl 1021.54004 Höhle, U. 23 1999 On conditioning operators. Zbl 1032.28009 Höhle, U.; Weber, S. 9 1999 The Poincaré paradox and non-classical logics. Zbl 0955.03012 Höhle, Ulrich 5 1999 Introductory note to chapter 3. Zbl 0961.54005 Höhle, U. 2 1999 \(GL\)-quantales: \(Q\)-valued sets and their singletons. Zbl 0962.03061 Höhle, Ulrich 12 1998 Uncertainty measures, realizations and entropies. Zbl 0892.60005 Höhle, Ulrich; Weber, Siegfried 9 1997 Categorical axioms of neighborhood systems. Zbl 0891.54002 Höhle, Ulrich 3 1997 On the fundamentals of fuzzy set theory. Zbl 0860.03038 Höhle, Ulrich 54 1996 MV-algebra valued filter theory. Zbl 0865.54004 Höhle, Ulrich 9 1996 Commutative, residuated \(l\)-monoids. Zbl 0838.06012 Höhle, Ulrich 209 1995 A general theory of fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0948.54003 Höhle, Ulrich; Šostak, Alexander 44 1995 Presheaves over GL-monoids. Zbl 0838.06013 Höhle, Ulrich 22 1995 Non-classical logics and their applications to fuzzy subsets. A handbook of the mathematical foundations of fuzzy set theory. Proceedings of the 14th Linz seminar on fuzzy set theory held at Linz, Austria in the second week of September 1992. Zbl 0814.00013 16 1995 Editorial to the “Special issue on fuzzy topology”. Zbl 0867.54003 Höhle, U.; Rodabaugh, S. E.; Šostak, A. 7 1995 \(M\)-valued sets and sheaves over integral commutative \(CL\)-monoids. Zbl 0766.03037 Höhle, Ulrich 53 1992 Applications of category theory to fuzzy subsets. Based on the eleventh international seminar on fuzzy set theory, held in Linz, Austria, September 1989. Zbl 0741.00078 19 1992 Classification of extremal subobjects of algebras over SM-SET. Zbl 0761.18005 Coulon, J.-L.; Höhle, Ulrich 4 1992 On the equivalence between \(\beta\)-algebras and compact Hausdorff spaces in the framework of Łukasiewicz logic. Zbl 0803.54006 Höhle, Ulrich 2 1992 Injectivité dans la catégorie des ensembles fortement \(M\)-valués complets. (Injectivity in the category of complete strong \(M\)-valued sets). Zbl 0761.18006 Coulon, Jean-Louis; Coulon, Josette; Höhle, Ulrich 1 1992 Foundations of fuzzy sets. Zbl 0725.03031 Höhle, Ulrich; Stout, Lawrence Neff 42 1991 Monoidal closed categories, weak topoi and generalized logics. Zbl 0734.03035 Höhle, Ulrich 10 1991 The Poincaré paradox and the cluster problem. Zbl 0697.18002 Höhle, Ulrich 2 1990 L-fuzzy contiguity relations and L-fuzzy closure operators in the case of completely distributive, complete lattices L. Zbl 0716.54005 Flüshöh, Wolfgang; Höhle, Ulrich 1 1990 Quotients with respect to similarity relations. Zbl 0666.18002 Höhle, Ulrich 49 1988 Fuzzy real numbers as Dedekind cuts with respect to a multiple-valued logic. Zbl 0638.03051 Höhle, Ulrich 22 1987 A general theory of fuzzy plausibility measures. Zbl 0649.60002 Höhle, Ulrich 8 1987 Fuzzy topologies and topological space objects in a topos. Zbl 0607.54004 Höhle, Ulrich 23 1986 An approach to uncertainty using algebras over a monoidal closed category. Zbl 0633.18002 Cerruti, Umberto; Höhle, Ulrich 13 1986 Categorial foundations of fuzzy set theory with applications to algebra and topology. Zbl 0586.18002 Cerruti, Umberto; Höhle, Ulrich 2 1986 Fuzzy sets and subobjects. Zbl 0593.18003 Höhle, Ulrich 1 1986 Partial ordering in L-underdeterminate sets. Zbl 0576.06004 Höhle, Ulrich; Blanchard, Nicole 40 1985 \({\mathfrak G}\)-fuzzy topologies on algebraic structures. Zbl 0602.54006 Höhle, Ulrich 14 1985 Compact \({\mathcal G}\)-fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0572.54005 Höhle, Ulrich 7 1984 Plausibility measures. A general framework for possibility and fuzzy probability measures. Zbl 0562.60003 Höhle, Ulrich; Klement, Erich Peter 3 1984 Fuzzy filters - a generalization of credibility measures. Zbl 0552.54002 Höhle, Ulrich 2 1984 Fuzzy measures as extensions of stochastic measures. Zbl 0525.60005 Höhle, Ulrich 3 1983 Probabilistic topologies induced by \(L\)-fuzzy uniformities. Zbl 1004.54500 Höhle, Ulrich 65 1982 Probabilistic metrization of fuzzy uniformities. Zbl 0494.54006 Höhle, Ulrich 62 1982 Entropy with respect to plausibility measures. Zbl 0549.94015 Höhle, Ulrich 24 1982 Entropy with respect to plausibility measures. Zbl 0522.94009 Höhle, Ulrich 3 1982 A remark on entropies with respect to plausibility measures. Zbl 0528.94010 Höhle, Ulrich 1 1982 Representation theorems for L-fuzzy quantities. Zbl 0448.03041 Höhle, Ulrich 30 1981 Fuzzy plausibility measures. Zbl 0498.28002 Höhle, Ulrich 3 1981 Fuzzy plausibility measures. Zbl 0503.60004 Höhle, Ulrich 2 1981 Upper semicontinuous fuzzy sets and applications. Zbl 0462.54002 Höhle, Ulrich 100 1980 Minkowski functionals of L-fuzzy sets. Zbl 0611.54006 Höhle, Ulrich 6 1980 Upper semicontinuous fuzzy sets and their applications. Zbl 0469.60005 Höhle, Ulrich 2 1980 Probabilistisch kompakte L-unscharfe Mengen. Zbl 0413.54004 Höhle, Ulrich 18 1979 Probabilistic uniformization of fuzzy topologies. Zbl 0413.54002 Höhle, Ulrich 58 1978 Probabilistische Topologien. Zbl 0413.54003 Höhle, Ulrich 40 1978 Probabilistische Metriken auf der Menge der nicht negativen Verteilungsfunktionen. Zbl 0412.60020 Höhle, Ulrich 20 1978 Probabilistic metrization of generalized topologies. Zbl 0365.54014 Höhle, Ulrich 2 1977 Maße auf unscharfen Mengen. Zbl 0325.28013 Höhle, Ulrich 15 1976 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 792 Authors 43 Höhle, Ulrich 30 Gutiérrez García, Javier 29 Fang, Jinming 28 Zhang, Dexue 27 Demirci, Mustafa 27 Morsi, Nehad Nashaat 27 Shi, Fu-Gui 24 Jäger, Gunther 22 Solovyov, Sergey A. 22 Šostak, Alexander P. 20 Kubiak, Tomasz 19 Fang, Jinxuan 19 Kim, Yong Chan 19 Pang, Bin 19 Rodabaugh, Stephen Ernest 19 Yue, Yueli 17 Bělohlávek, Radim 17 Klement, Erich Peter 16 Lai, Hongliang 15 Li, Lingqiang 15 Tepavčević, Andreja 14 de Prada Vicente, María Angeles 14 Mesiar, Radko 14 Šešelja, Branimir 14 Yan, Conghua 13 Abbas, Salah El-Deen 13 Ćirić, Miroslav D. 13 Ignjatović, Jelena 13 Yao, Wei 12 Lowen, Robert 12 Močkoř, Jiří 12 Novák, Vilém 12 Shen, Lili 12 Zhao, Bin 11 Ahsanullah, T. M. G. 11 El-Saady, Kamal 11 Jin, Qiu 11 Zhang, Huapeng 10 De Baets, Bernard 10 Esteva, Francesc 9 Han, Shengwei 9 Hashem, Khaled A. 9 Hu, Baoqing 9 Kerre, Etienne E. 8 Deschrijver, Glad 8 Dubois, Didier 8 Godo, Lluís 8 Katsaras, Athanasios K. 8 Ko, Jung Mi 8 Li, Shenggang 8 Mardones-Pérez, Iraide 8 Perfilieva, Irina G. 8 Prade, Henri M. 8 Richardson, Gary D. 8 Uļjane, Ingrǐda 8 Weber, Siegfried 7 Bodenhofer, Ulrich 7 Cornelis, Chris 7 Guido, Cosimo 7 Li, Qingguo 7 Ramadan, Ahmed Abd El-Kader 6 Aygün, Halis 6 Bogdanović, Stojan M. 6 Denniston, Jeffrey T. 6 Eklund, Patrik E. 6 Ghareeb, A. 6 Paseka, Jan 6 Tiwari, S. P. 6 Vychodil, Vilém 5 Abd El-Latif, Ahmed Aref 5 Al-Mufarrij, Jawaher 5 Al-Thukair, Fawzi A. 5 Gottwald, Siegfried 5 Jenei, Sándor 5 Karaçal, Funda 5 Klawonn, Frank 5 Luo, Maokang 5 Melton, Austin C. jun. 5 Qiao, Junsheng 5 Qiu, Daowen 5 Sayed, Osama Rashed 5 Van Gasse, Bart 4 Abd-Allah, Mohammed Azab 4 Bayoumi, Fatma 4 Běhounek, Libor 4 Chen, Piwei 4 Cintula, Petr 4 Dan, Yexing 4 El-Zekey, Moataz Saleh 4 Fan, Lei 4 Kortelainen, Jari 4 Li, Sanjiang 4 Noguera, Carles 4 Recasens, Jordi 4 Riečanová, Zdenka 4 Rodríguez-López, Jesús 4 Romaguera Bonilla, Salvador 4 Saminger-Platz, Susanne 4 Santocanale, Luigi 4 Stubbe, Isar ...and 692 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 103 Serials 545 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 65 Information Sciences 28 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 28 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 23 Soft Computing 22 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 19 Quaestiones Mathematicae 14 International Journal of General Systems 13 Filomat 12 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 12 Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 11 Topology and its Applications 8 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 8 Archive for Mathematical Logic 8 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 7 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 7 Kybernetika 7 Studia Logica 7 New Mathematics and Natural Computation 6 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 6 Order 6 Applied Mathematics Letters 6 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 5 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 5 Mathematica Slovaca 5 Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 5 Theory and Applications of Categories 4 Algebra Universalis 4 Manuscripta Mathematica 4 Semigroup Forum 4 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 4 European Journal of Operational Research 4 Journal of Mathematics 4 Open Mathematics 4 Korean Journal of Mathematics 3 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 3 Journal of Algebra 3 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 3 Pattern Recognition 3 Applied Categorical Structures 3 Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education. Series B. The Pure and Applied Mathematics 3 Applied General Topology 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics 3 Afrika Matematika 3 Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 3 Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications 2 Artificial Intelligence 2 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 2 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 2 Applied Mathematical Modelling 2 Complexity 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis 2 South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Journal of Applied Logic 2 Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 2 Applications and Applied Mathematics 2 Advances in Fuzzy Systems 2 Fuzzy Information and Engineering 1 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 INFOR 1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 Kybernetes 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 1 Aequationes Mathematicae 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 1 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 1 Fundamenta Informaticae 1 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 1 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 1 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 1 Thai Journal of Mathematics 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 1 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 Proyecciones 1 Logical Methods in Computer Science 1 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 1 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Mathematica 1 Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Mathematica 1 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 1 TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Symmetry 1 Mathematical Sciences 1 Mathematics 1 Journal of Function Spaces ...and 3 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 37 Fields 484 General topology (54-XX) 389 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 298 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 167 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 132 Computer science (68-XX) 45 Functional analysis (46-XX) 34 Measure and integration (28-XX) 32 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 31 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 26 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 23 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 22 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 18 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 16 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 13 Real functions (26-XX) 13 Statistics (62-XX) 13 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 12 Quantum theory (81-XX) 5 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 4 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) Citations by Year