Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Hu, Tienchung Co-Author Distance Author ID: hu.tienchung Published as: Hu, Tien-Chung; Hu, Tien Chung; Hu, Tien-chung; Hu, Tienchung more...less Documents Indexed: 73 Publications since 1987 Co-Authors: 47 Co-Authors with 70 Joint Publications 1,888 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 3 single-authored 32 Volodin, Andrei I. 15 Rosalsky, Andrew 8 Chen, Pingyan 7 Ordóñez Cabrera, Manuel H. 6 Sung, Soohak 6 Taylor, Robert Lee 6 Wang, Xuejun 4 Weber, Neville C. 3 Chang, Hen-Chao 3 Fan, Jianqing 3 Giuliano Antonini, Rita 3 Wang, Kuo-Lung 3 Wu, Yi 3 Wu, Yongfeng 2 Hu, Shuhe 2 Li, Wei 2 Szynal, Dominik 1 Chandra, Tapas Kumar 1 Chiang, Chen-Yu 1 Dai, Hongshuai 1 Do The Son 1 Giap, Duong Xuan 1 Gijbels, Irène 1 Guan, Zongping 1 Hall, Peter Gavin 1 Huang, Chiung-Yu 1 Huang, Li-Shan 1 Kozachenko, Yuriĭ Vasyl’ovych 1 Kruglov, Victor M. 1 Lee, June-Yung 1 Lisawadi, Supranee 1 Liu, Xiangdong 1 Marron, James Stephen 1 Móricz, Ferenc 1 Nam, Eunwoo 1 Nam, Trinh Hoai 1 Ngoc, Bui Nguyen Tram 1 Nguyen Van Huan 1 Nguyen Van Quang 1 Peng, Jiangyan 1 Qiu, Dehua 1 Quang, Nguyen Van 1 Truong, Young K. 1 Wang, Chunnan 1 Xu, Chen 1 Ye, Xiaoqin 1 Zhang, Sen all top 5 Serials 15 Statistics & Probability Letters 8 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 4 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 4 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 4 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2 Stochastics 2 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 2 Sankhyā. Series A 1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 1 Theory of Probability and its Applications 1 The Annals of Statistics 1 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 The Mathematical Scientist 1 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 1 Soochow Journal of Mathematics 1 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Note di Matematica 1 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Statistics 1 Test 1 Journal of Convex Analysis 1 Statistica Sinica 1 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Journal of the Italian Statistical Society 1 Journal of Probability and Statistics 1 Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications Fields 68 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 15 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 60 Publications have been cited 822 times in 616 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ On complete convergence for widely orthant-dependent random variables and its applications in nonparametric regression models. Zbl 1307.60024 Wang, Xuejun; Xu, Chen; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei; Hu, Shuhe 115 2014 Robust nonparametric function estimation. Zbl 0810.62038 Fan, Jianqing; Hu, Tien-Chung; Truong, Young K. 94 1994 Strong laws of large numbers for arrays of row-wise independent random variables. Zbl 0685.60032 Hu, Tien-Chung; Móricz, F.; Taylor, R. L. 61 1989 Limiting behaviour of moving average processes under \(\varphi \)-mixing assumption. Zbl 1154.60026 Chen, Pingyan; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 42 2009 Improved variable window kernel estimates of probability densities. Zbl 0822.62026 Hall, Peter; Hu, Tien Chung; Marron, J. S. 32 1995 Complete convergence for weighted sums and arrays of rowwise extended negatively dependent random variables. Zbl 1276.60036 Wang, Xuejun; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei; Hu, Shuhe 32 2013 Complete convergence theorems for extended negatively dependent random variables. Zbl 1317.60027 Hu, Tien-Chung; Wang, Kuo-Lung; Rosalsky, Andrew 29 2015 More on complete convergence for arrays. Zbl 1087.60030 Sung, Soo Hak; Volodin, Andrei I.; Hu, Tien-Chung 28 2005 A note on complete convergence for arrays. Zbl 0910.60017 Hu, Tien-Chung; Szynal, Dominik; Volodin, Andrei I. 28 1998 A study of variable bandwidth selection for local polynomial regression. Zbl 0840.62041 Fan, Jianqing; Gijbels, Irène; Hu, Tien-Chung; Huang, Li-Shan 27 1996 On the strong law for arrays and for the bootstrap mean and variance. Zbl 0883.60024 Hu, Tien-Chung; Taylor, R. L. 26 1997 On complete convergence for arrays of rowwise independent random elements in Banach spaces. Zbl 0940.60032 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew; Szynal, Dominik; Volodin, Andrej I. 24 1999 Complete \(f\)-moment convergence for extended negatively dependent random variables. Zbl 1415.60030 Wu, Yi; Wang, Xuejun; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 22 2019 On convergence properties of sums of dependent random variables under second moment and covariance restrictions. Zbl 1283.60049 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew; Volodin, Andrei 20 2008 On complete convergence for arrays. Zbl 1100.60014 Kruglov, Victor M.; Volodin, Andrei I.; Hu, Tien-Chung 20 2006 On complete convergence for arrays of rowwise \(m\)-negatively associated random variables. Zbl 1238.60041 Hu, Tien-Chung; Chiang, Chen-Yu; Taylor, Robert L. 17 2009 Complete convergence for arrays of rowwise independent random variables. Zbl 1101.60324 Hu, Tien-Chung; Ordóñez Cabrera, Manuel; Sung, Soo Hak; Volodin, Andrei 15 2003 Strong laws of large numbers for arrays of row-wise independent random elements. Zbl 0628.60011 Taylor, Robert Lee; Hu, Tien-Chung 14 1987 Convergence of randomly weighted sums of Banach space valued random elements and uniform integrability concerning the random weights. Zbl 0984.60012 Hu, Tien-Chung; Ordóñez Cabrera, Manuel; Volodin, Andrei I. 14 2001 Limiting behaviour for arrays of row-wise END random variables under conditions of \(h\)-integrability. Zbl 1325.60036 Wu, Yongfeng; Peng, Jiangyan; Hu, Tien-Chung 11 2015 A complete convergence theorem for row sums from arrays of rowwise independent random elements in Rademacher type \(p\) Banach spaces. Zbl 1237.60022 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew; Volodin, Andrei 11 2012 On the rate of convergence in the strong law of large numbers for arrays. Zbl 0739.60025 Hu, Tien-Chung; Weber, N. C. 10 1992 Bias correction and higher order kernel functions. Zbl 0741.62048 Fan, Jianqing; Hu, Tien-Chung 9 1992 Complete convergence and complete moment convergence for weighted sums of \(m\)-NA random variables. Zbl 1379.60034 Wu, Yongfeng; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 9 2015 A note on the de La Vallée Poussin criterion for uniform integrability. Zbl 1205.60008 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew 9 2011 Convergence rate of the dependent bootstrapped means. Zbl 1158.62036 Volodin, Andrei I.; Ordóñez Cabrera, Manuel H.; Hu, Tien Chung 8 2006 Limiting behaviour for arrays of rowwise widely orthant dependent random variables under conditions of \(R\)-\(h\)-integrability and its applications. Zbl 1495.60014 Wu, Yi; Wang, Xuejun; Hu, Tien-Chung; Ordonez Cabrera, Manuel; Volodin, Andrei 7 2019 On laws of large numbers for exchangeable random variables. Zbl 0625.60033 Taylor, Robert Lee; Hu, Tien-Chung 6 1987 An application of \(\varphi\)-subgaussian technique to Fourier analysis. Zbl 1334.42015 Giuliano Antonini, Rita; Hu, Tien-Chung; Kozachenko, Yuriy; Volodin, Andrei 6 2013 A note on the rate of complete convergence for maximums of partial sums for moving average processes in Rademacher type Banach spaces. Zbl 1112.60023 Chen, Pingyan; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 6 2006 On pairwise independent and independent exchangeable random variables. Zbl 0873.60025 Hu, Tien-Chung 5 1997 On the weak laws for arrays of random variables. Zbl 1087.60023 Sung, Soo Hak; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 5 2005 A complete convergence theorem for row sums from arrays of rowwise independent random elements in Rademacher type \(p\) Banach spaces. II. Zbl 1469.60092 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew; Volodin, Andrei; Zhang, Sen 5 2021 Almost sure lim sup behavior of dependent bootstrap means. Zbl 1115.62044 Hu, Tien-Chung; Cabrera, Manuel Ordóñez; Volodin, Andrei 5 2006 Strong limit theorems for weighted sums of widely orthant dependent random variables. Zbl 1313.60045 Qiu, Dehua; Hu, Tienchung 5 2014 Complete convergence for moving average processes associated to heavy-tailed distributions and applications. Zbl 1294.60051 Li, Wei; Chen, Pingyan; Hu, Tien-Chung 5 2014 On the law of the iterated logarithm for arrays of random variables. Zbl 0900.60031 Hu, Tien-chung 3 1991 A note on random variables with an infinite absolute first moment. Zbl 1314.60071 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew 3 2015 A note on the growth rate in the Fazekas-Klesov general law of large numbers and on the weak law of large numbers for tail series. Zbl 1199.60088 Sung, Soo Hak; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 3 2008 A note on strong convergence of sums of dependent random variables. Zbl 1205.60064 Hu, Tien-Chung; Weber, Neville C. 2 2009 On the golden ratio, strong law, and first passage problem. Zbl 1098.60033 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew; Volodin, Andrei I. 2 2005 On complete convergence for arrays of rowwise independent random elements. Zbl 1134.60006 Sung, Soo Hak; Cabrera, Manuel Ordóñez; Hu, Tien-Chung 2 2007 Maximal inequalities and strong law of large numbers for sequences of \(m\)-asymptotically almost negatively associated random variables. Zbl 1362.60030 Nam, Trinh Hoai; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 2 2017 Complete convergence theorems for weighted row sums from arrays of random elements in Rademacher type \(p\) and martingale type \(p\) Banach spaces. Zbl 1423.60057 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew; Volodin, Andrei 2 2019 Some strong laws of large numbers for double arrays of random sets with gap topology. Zbl 1480.60070 Quang, Nguyen Van; Giap, Duong Xuan; Ngoc, Bui Nguyen Tram; Hu, Tien-Chung 2 2019 Operator fractional Brownian motion and martingale differences. Zbl 1474.60107 Dai, Hongshuai; Hu, Tien-Chung; Lee, June-Yung 1 2014 Strong consistencies of the bootstrap moments. Zbl 0746.62013 Hu, Tien-Chung 1 1991 Limiting behavior for random elements with heavy tail. Zbl 1236.60033 Chen, Ping Yan; Hu, Tien Chung 1 2012 Stability for randomly weighted sums of random elements. Zbl 0961.60009 Hu, Tien-Chung; Chang, Hen-Chao 1 1999 Strong laws of large numbers for arrays of random elements. Zbl 0861.60014 Hu, Tien-Chung; Chang, Hen-Chao 1 1994 Some complete convergence results for row sums from arrays of rowwise independent random elements in Rademacher type \(p\) Banach spaces. Zbl 1256.60013 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew; Wang, Kuo-Lung 1 2011 An application of the Ryll-Nardzewski-Woyczyński theorem to a uniform weak law for tail series of weighted sums of random elements in Banach spaces. Zbl 0959.60016 Hu, Tien-Chung; Nam, Eunwoo; Rosalsky, Andrew; Volodin, Andrei I. 1 2000 Complete convergence and the law of large numbers for arrays of random elements. Zbl 0905.60022 Hu, Tien-Chung; Chang, Hen-Chao 1 1997 A strong law and a law of the single logarithm for arrays of rowwise independent random variables. Zbl 1336.60062 Chen, Pingyan; Ye, Xiaoqin; Hu, Tien-Chung 1 2016 On uniform nonintegrability for a sequence of random variables. Zbl 1342.60081 Chandra, Tapas K.; Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew 1 2016 Asymptotic probability for the bootstrapped means deviations from the sample mean. Zbl 1070.62010 Hu, Tien-Chung; Ordóñez Cabrera, Manuel; Volodin, Andrei 1 2005 A remark on the strong law for \(b\)-valued arrays of random elements. Zbl 1196.60014 Hu, Tien-Chung; Chen, Ping Yan; Weber, N. C. 1 2010 On the invariance principle for exchangeable random variables. Zbl 1446.60031 Hu, Tien-Chung; Weber, N. C. 1 1994 On the concentration phenomenon for \(\varphi\)-subgaussian random elements. Zbl 1094.60019 Giuliano Antonini, Rita; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 1 2006 Some improved results on Berry-Esséen bounds for strong mixing random variables and applications. Zbl 07709749 Wu, Yi; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei; Wang, Xuejun 1 2023 Some improved results on Berry-Esséen bounds for strong mixing random variables and applications. Zbl 07709749 Wu, Yi; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei; Wang, Xuejun 1 2023 A complete convergence theorem for row sums from arrays of rowwise independent random elements in Rademacher type \(p\) Banach spaces. II. Zbl 1469.60092 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew; Volodin, Andrei; Zhang, Sen 5 2021 Complete \(f\)-moment convergence for extended negatively dependent random variables. Zbl 1415.60030 Wu, Yi; Wang, Xuejun; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 22 2019 Limiting behaviour for arrays of rowwise widely orthant dependent random variables under conditions of \(R\)-\(h\)-integrability and its applications. Zbl 1495.60014 Wu, Yi; Wang, Xuejun; Hu, Tien-Chung; Ordonez Cabrera, Manuel; Volodin, Andrei 7 2019 Complete convergence theorems for weighted row sums from arrays of random elements in Rademacher type \(p\) and martingale type \(p\) Banach spaces. Zbl 1423.60057 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew; Volodin, Andrei 2 2019 Some strong laws of large numbers for double arrays of random sets with gap topology. Zbl 1480.60070 Quang, Nguyen Van; Giap, Duong Xuan; Ngoc, Bui Nguyen Tram; Hu, Tien-Chung 2 2019 Maximal inequalities and strong law of large numbers for sequences of \(m\)-asymptotically almost negatively associated random variables. Zbl 1362.60030 Nam, Trinh Hoai; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 2 2017 A strong law and a law of the single logarithm for arrays of rowwise independent random variables. Zbl 1336.60062 Chen, Pingyan; Ye, Xiaoqin; Hu, Tien-Chung 1 2016 On uniform nonintegrability for a sequence of random variables. Zbl 1342.60081 Chandra, Tapas K.; Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew 1 2016 Complete convergence theorems for extended negatively dependent random variables. Zbl 1317.60027 Hu, Tien-Chung; Wang, Kuo-Lung; Rosalsky, Andrew 29 2015 Limiting behaviour for arrays of row-wise END random variables under conditions of \(h\)-integrability. Zbl 1325.60036 Wu, Yongfeng; Peng, Jiangyan; Hu, Tien-Chung 11 2015 Complete convergence and complete moment convergence for weighted sums of \(m\)-NA random variables. Zbl 1379.60034 Wu, Yongfeng; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 9 2015 A note on random variables with an infinite absolute first moment. Zbl 1314.60071 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew 3 2015 On complete convergence for widely orthant-dependent random variables and its applications in nonparametric regression models. Zbl 1307.60024 Wang, Xuejun; Xu, Chen; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei; Hu, Shuhe 115 2014 Strong limit theorems for weighted sums of widely orthant dependent random variables. Zbl 1313.60045 Qiu, Dehua; Hu, Tienchung 5 2014 Complete convergence for moving average processes associated to heavy-tailed distributions and applications. Zbl 1294.60051 Li, Wei; Chen, Pingyan; Hu, Tien-Chung 5 2014 Operator fractional Brownian motion and martingale differences. Zbl 1474.60107 Dai, Hongshuai; Hu, Tien-Chung; Lee, June-Yung 1 2014 Complete convergence for weighted sums and arrays of rowwise extended negatively dependent random variables. Zbl 1276.60036 Wang, Xuejun; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei; Hu, Shuhe 32 2013 An application of \(\varphi\)-subgaussian technique to Fourier analysis. Zbl 1334.42015 Giuliano Antonini, Rita; Hu, Tien-Chung; Kozachenko, Yuriy; Volodin, Andrei 6 2013 A complete convergence theorem for row sums from arrays of rowwise independent random elements in Rademacher type \(p\) Banach spaces. Zbl 1237.60022 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew; Volodin, Andrei 11 2012 Limiting behavior for random elements with heavy tail. Zbl 1236.60033 Chen, Ping Yan; Hu, Tien Chung 1 2012 A note on the de La Vallée Poussin criterion for uniform integrability. Zbl 1205.60008 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew 9 2011 Some complete convergence results for row sums from arrays of rowwise independent random elements in Rademacher type \(p\) Banach spaces. Zbl 1256.60013 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew; Wang, Kuo-Lung 1 2011 A remark on the strong law for \(b\)-valued arrays of random elements. Zbl 1196.60014 Hu, Tien-Chung; Chen, Ping Yan; Weber, N. C. 1 2010 Limiting behaviour of moving average processes under \(\varphi \)-mixing assumption. Zbl 1154.60026 Chen, Pingyan; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 42 2009 On complete convergence for arrays of rowwise \(m\)-negatively associated random variables. Zbl 1238.60041 Hu, Tien-Chung; Chiang, Chen-Yu; Taylor, Robert L. 17 2009 A note on strong convergence of sums of dependent random variables. Zbl 1205.60064 Hu, Tien-Chung; Weber, Neville C. 2 2009 On convergence properties of sums of dependent random variables under second moment and covariance restrictions. Zbl 1283.60049 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew; Volodin, Andrei 20 2008 A note on the growth rate in the Fazekas-Klesov general law of large numbers and on the weak law of large numbers for tail series. Zbl 1199.60088 Sung, Soo Hak; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 3 2008 On complete convergence for arrays of rowwise independent random elements. Zbl 1134.60006 Sung, Soo Hak; Cabrera, Manuel Ordóñez; Hu, Tien-Chung 2 2007 On complete convergence for arrays. Zbl 1100.60014 Kruglov, Victor M.; Volodin, Andrei I.; Hu, Tien-Chung 20 2006 Convergence rate of the dependent bootstrapped means. Zbl 1158.62036 Volodin, Andrei I.; Ordóñez Cabrera, Manuel H.; Hu, Tien Chung 8 2006 A note on the rate of complete convergence for maximums of partial sums for moving average processes in Rademacher type Banach spaces. Zbl 1112.60023 Chen, Pingyan; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 6 2006 Almost sure lim sup behavior of dependent bootstrap means. Zbl 1115.62044 Hu, Tien-Chung; Cabrera, Manuel Ordóñez; Volodin, Andrei 5 2006 On the concentration phenomenon for \(\varphi\)-subgaussian random elements. Zbl 1094.60019 Giuliano Antonini, Rita; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 1 2006 More on complete convergence for arrays. Zbl 1087.60030 Sung, Soo Hak; Volodin, Andrei I.; Hu, Tien-Chung 28 2005 On the weak laws for arrays of random variables. Zbl 1087.60023 Sung, Soo Hak; Hu, Tien-Chung; Volodin, Andrei 5 2005 On the golden ratio, strong law, and first passage problem. Zbl 1098.60033 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew; Volodin, Andrei I. 2 2005 Asymptotic probability for the bootstrapped means deviations from the sample mean. Zbl 1070.62010 Hu, Tien-Chung; Ordóñez Cabrera, Manuel; Volodin, Andrei 1 2005 Complete convergence for arrays of rowwise independent random variables. Zbl 1101.60324 Hu, Tien-Chung; Ordóñez Cabrera, Manuel; Sung, Soo Hak; Volodin, Andrei 15 2003 Convergence of randomly weighted sums of Banach space valued random elements and uniform integrability concerning the random weights. Zbl 0984.60012 Hu, Tien-Chung; Ordóñez Cabrera, Manuel; Volodin, Andrei I. 14 2001 An application of the Ryll-Nardzewski-Woyczyński theorem to a uniform weak law for tail series of weighted sums of random elements in Banach spaces. Zbl 0959.60016 Hu, Tien-Chung; Nam, Eunwoo; Rosalsky, Andrew; Volodin, Andrei I. 1 2000 On complete convergence for arrays of rowwise independent random elements in Banach spaces. Zbl 0940.60032 Hu, Tien-Chung; Rosalsky, Andrew; Szynal, Dominik; Volodin, Andrej I. 24 1999 Stability for randomly weighted sums of random elements. Zbl 0961.60009 Hu, Tien-Chung; Chang, Hen-Chao 1 1999 A note on complete convergence for arrays. Zbl 0910.60017 Hu, Tien-Chung; Szynal, Dominik; Volodin, Andrei I. 28 1998 On the strong law for arrays and for the bootstrap mean and variance. Zbl 0883.60024 Hu, Tien-Chung; Taylor, R. L. 26 1997 On pairwise independent and independent exchangeable random variables. Zbl 0873.60025 Hu, Tien-Chung 5 1997 Complete convergence and the law of large numbers for arrays of random elements. Zbl 0905.60022 Hu, Tien-Chung; Chang, Hen-Chao 1 1997 A study of variable bandwidth selection for local polynomial regression. Zbl 0840.62041 Fan, Jianqing; Gijbels, Irène; Hu, Tien-Chung; Huang, Li-Shan 27 1996 Improved variable window kernel estimates of probability densities. Zbl 0822.62026 Hall, Peter; Hu, Tien Chung; Marron, J. S. 32 1995 Robust nonparametric function estimation. Zbl 0810.62038 Fan, Jianqing; Hu, Tien-Chung; Truong, Young K. 94 1994 Strong laws of large numbers for arrays of random elements. Zbl 0861.60014 Hu, Tien-Chung; Chang, Hen-Chao 1 1994 On the invariance principle for exchangeable random variables. Zbl 1446.60031 Hu, Tien-Chung; Weber, N. C. 1 1994 On the rate of convergence in the strong law of large numbers for arrays. Zbl 0739.60025 Hu, Tien-Chung; Weber, N. C. 10 1992 Bias correction and higher order kernel functions. Zbl 0741.62048 Fan, Jianqing; Hu, Tien-Chung 9 1992 On the law of the iterated logarithm for arrays of random variables. Zbl 0900.60031 Hu, Tien-chung 3 1991 Strong consistencies of the bootstrap moments. Zbl 0746.62013 Hu, Tien-Chung 1 1991 Strong laws of large numbers for arrays of row-wise independent random variables. Zbl 0685.60032 Hu, Tien-Chung; Móricz, F.; Taylor, R. L. 61 1989 Strong laws of large numbers for arrays of row-wise independent random elements. Zbl 0628.60011 Taylor, Robert Lee; Hu, Tien-Chung 14 1987 On laws of large numbers for exchangeable random variables. Zbl 0625.60033 Taylor, Robert Lee; Hu, Tien-Chung 6 1987 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 735 Authors 91 Wang, Xuejun 45 Volodin, Andrei I. 38 Wu, Yi 32 Shen, Aiting 31 Hu, Tienchung 26 Sung, Soohak 25 Rosalsky, Andrew 24 Chen, Pingyan 24 Hu, Shuhe 14 Deng, Xin 13 Wang, Rui 13 Wu, Yongfeng 10 Li, Xiaoqin 10 Ordóñez Cabrera, Manuel H. 10 Yan, Jigao 9 Wu, Qunying 9 Yang, Wenzhi 9 Zhou, Xingcai 8 Miao, Yu 7 Kuczmaszewska, Anna 7 Lu, Chao 7 Wang, Xinghui 6 Chen, Ling 6 Huang, Haiwu 6 Lê Vǎn Thành 6 Lita da Silva, João 6 Ould-Saïd, Elias 6 Qiu, Dehua 6 Xi, Mengmei 6 Yu, Wei 5 Gan, Shixin 5 Lang, Junjun 5 Liang, Hanying 5 Lin, Jinguan 5 Lu, Dawei 5 Taylor, Robert Lee 5 Urmeneta, Henar 5 Wang, Miaomiao 5 Xu, Shoufang 5 Yu, Keming 5 Zhou, Jinyu 4 Bozorgnia, Abolghasem 4 Cheng, Dongya 4 de Uña-Álvarez, Jacobo 4 Ding, Liwang 4 Fan, Jianqing 4 Fazekas, István 4 Guo, Mingle 4 Laksaci, Ali 4 Li, Wei 4 Li, Yongming 4 Lin, Zhengyan 4 Liu, Xiangdong 4 Nguyen Van Quang 4 Ning, Mingming 4 Shen, Yan 4 Song, Mingzhu 4 Tian, Maozai 4 Ünver, Mehmet 4 Wang, Dingcheng 4 Wu, Caoqing 4 Zhang, Fei 4 Zhu, Liping 4 Zhu, Lixing 3 Adler, André Bruce 3 Baek, Jong-Il 3 Bravo, Francesco 3 Bulinskiĭ, Aleksandr Vadimovich 3 Cai, Zongwu 3 Cheng, Lu 3 Giuliano Antonini, Rita 3 Hazelton, Martin L. 3 He, Yongping 3 Hernández, Victor M. 3 Jones, Michael Chris 3 Ko, Mi-Hwa 3 Kozachenko, Yuriĭ Vasyl’ovych 3 Lu, Zudi 3 Meng, Bing 3 Olenko, Andriy Yakovych 3 Paindaveine, Davy 3 Quang, Nguyen Van 3 Sang, Hailin 3 Saracco, Jérôme 3 Wang, Chunhua 3 Wang, Kuo-Lung 3 Wang, Min 3 Wang, Wenjuan 3 Wang, Yuebao 3 Wang, Zhaojun 3 Wang, Zijian 3 Weber, Neville C. 3 Xia, Hao 3 Xu, Chen 3 Yao, Chi 3 Yoshida, Takuma 3 Zhang, Li-Xin 3 Zhang, Lu 3 Zhang, Qingxia 3 Zhang, Yu ...and 635 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 143 Serials 52 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 47 Statistics & Probability Letters 39 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 23 Statistical Papers 22 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 19 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 18 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 15 Stochastics 13 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 13 Statistics 12 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 11 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 10 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 10 Test 9 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 9 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 9 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 8 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 8 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 8 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 8 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 7 Metrika 7 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 6 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 6 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 6 Theory of Probability and its Applications 6 Journal of Theoretical Probability 6 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 6 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 6 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 5 The Annals of Statistics 5 Journal of Econometrics 5 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 5 Applications of Mathematics 5 Filomat 5 Stochastic Models 4 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Mathematica Slovaca 4 Computational Statistics 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 3 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 3 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 3 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 3 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Bernoulli 3 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 3 Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences (WUJNS) 3 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 3 Electronic Journal of Statistics 3 Journal of Probability and Statistics 3 Sankhyā. Series A 2 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 2 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 2 Collectanea Mathematica 2 International Statistical Review 2 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics 2 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 2 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 2 Statistical Methodology 2 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 2 Science China. Mathematics 2 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 2 Quantitative Economics 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 2 Open Mathematics 2 Stat 1 International Journal of Modern Physics B 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Physica A 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Automatica 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 Information Sciences 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of the American Statistical Association 1 Journal of Applied Probability 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1 Statistica Neerlandica 1 Systems & Control Letters 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 1 Journal of Time Series Analysis 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Probability Theory and Related Fields 1 Sequential Analysis 1 Econometric Reviews 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Asymptotic Analysis ...and 43 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 29 Fields 398 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 327 Statistics (62-XX) 21 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 9 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 7 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 6 Functional analysis (46-XX) 6 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 4 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year