Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Iachello, Francesco Co-Author Distance Author ID: iachello.francesco Published as: Iachello, F.; Iachello, Francesco External Links: Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 31 Publications since 1963, including 3 Books 2 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 24 Co-Authors with 22 Joint Publications 178 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 11 single-authored 4 Caprio, Mark A. 3 Alhassid, Y. 3 Bijker, Roelof 3 Santopinto, Elena 2 Cejnar, Pavel 2 Gürsey, Feza 2 Pérez-Bernal, Francisco 1 Coane, Colin V. 1 Cortiñas, Rodrigo G. 1 Del Sol Mesa, Antonio 1 Giannini, Massimo 1 Gruber, Bruno J. 1 Kusnezov, Dimitri 1 Leviatan, Amiram 1 Li, Hui 1 Petrellis, D. 1 Ping, Jialun 1 Santos, Lea F. 1 Skrabacz, J. H. 1 Truini, Piero 1 Van Isacker, Pieter 1 Venkatraman, Jayameenakshi 1 Wang, Fan 1 Wu, Jianshi all top 5 Serials 8 Annals of Physics 4 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 2 Lecture Notes in Physics 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 1 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 1 Physical Review A, Third Series 1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics all top 5 Fields 26 Quantum theory (81-XX) 12 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 25 Publications have been cited 227 times in 171 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Group theory approach to scattering. Zbl 0526.22018 Alhassid, Y.; Guersey, F.; Iachello, F. 69 1983 Excited state quantum phase transitions in many-body systems. Zbl 1137.81050 Caprio, M. A.; Cejnar, P.; Iachello, F. 27 2008 Lie algebras and applications. Zbl 1156.17006 Iachello, Francesco 22 2006 Group theory approach to scattering. II: The Euclidean connection. Zbl 0601.22018 Alhassid, Y.; Gürsey, F.; Iachello, F. 20 1986 Algebraic approach to two-dimensional systems: shape phase transitions, monodromy, and thermodynamic quantities. Zbl 1255.82015 Pérez-Bernal, F.; Iachello, Francesco 13 2008 Group theoretical properties and band structure of the Lamé Hamiltonian. Zbl 1064.81504 Li, Hui; Kusnezov, Dimitri; Iachello, Francesco 10 2000 Algebraic theory of the three-body problem. Zbl 1113.81128 Iachello, F. 9 1995 The interacting boson-fermion model. 1st paperback ed. Zbl 1109.81004 Iachello, F.; Van Isacker, P. 9 2005 Group theory approach to scattering. III: Realistic models. Zbl 0658.22008 Wu, Jianshi; Iachello, F.; Alhassid, Y. 8 1987 Lie algebras and applications. 2nd ed. Zbl 1326.81005 Iachello, Francesco 8 2015 Phase structure of interacting boson models in arbitrary dimension. Zbl 1106.82011 Cejnar, Pavel; Iachello, Francesco 5 2007 Phase structure of a two-fluid bosonic system. Zbl 1071.82052 Caprio, M. A.; Iachello, F. 4 2005 A class of exactly solvable matrix models. Zbl 1073.81586 Iachello, F.; Del Sol Mesa, A. 4 1999 Algebraic theory. Zbl 0811.17033 Iachello, Francesco 3 1994 Transformation brackets between \(U(v+1)\supset U(v)\supset SO(v)\) and \(U(v+1)\supset SO(v+1)\supset SO(v)\). Zbl 0865.22012 Santopinto, Elena; Bijker, Roelof; Iachello, Francesco 3 1996 Algebraic treatment of the hyper-Coulomb problem. Zbl 0954.81064 Bijker, R.; Iachello, F.; Santopinto, E. 2 1998 Dual algebraic structures for the two-level pairing model. Zbl 1208.81074 Caprio, M. A.; Skrabacz, J. H.; Iachello, F. 2 2011 Quantum phase transitions in Bose-Fermi systems. Zbl 1214.82032 Petrellis, D.; Leviatan, A.; Iachello, F. 2 2011 Algebraic approach to the hyper-Coulomb problem. Zbl 0917.22011 Santopinto, E.; Giannini, M.; Iachello, F. 1 1995 Algebraic model of anharmonic polymer chains. Zbl 1042.82637 Iachello, Francesco; Truini, Piero 1 1999 Symmetries in science III. Papers from the symposium held in Vorarlberg, Austria, July 25-28, 1988. Zbl 0821.00014 1 1989 Spectrum generating algebras and dynamic symmetries in physics. Zbl 0977.81024 Iachello, F. 1 1999 The algebraic cluster model: Three-body clusters. Zbl 1022.81058 Bijker, R.; Iachello, F. 1 2002 The beauty of mathematics in science. The intellectual path of J. Q. Chen. Zbl 1047.00018 1 2004 Symmetries of the squeeze-driven Kerr oscillator. Zbl 1536.81092 Iachello, Francesco; Cortiñas, Rodrigo G.; Pérez-Bernal, Francisco; Santos, Lea F. 1 2023 Symmetries of the squeeze-driven Kerr oscillator. Zbl 1536.81092 Iachello, Francesco; Cortiñas, Rodrigo G.; Pérez-Bernal, Francisco; Santos, Lea F. 1 2023 Lie algebras and applications. 2nd ed. Zbl 1326.81005 Iachello, Francesco 8 2015 Dual algebraic structures for the two-level pairing model. Zbl 1208.81074 Caprio, M. A.; Skrabacz, J. H.; Iachello, F. 2 2011 Quantum phase transitions in Bose-Fermi systems. Zbl 1214.82032 Petrellis, D.; Leviatan, A.; Iachello, F. 2 2011 Excited state quantum phase transitions in many-body systems. Zbl 1137.81050 Caprio, M. A.; Cejnar, P.; Iachello, F. 27 2008 Algebraic approach to two-dimensional systems: shape phase transitions, monodromy, and thermodynamic quantities. Zbl 1255.82015 Pérez-Bernal, F.; Iachello, Francesco 13 2008 Phase structure of interacting boson models in arbitrary dimension. Zbl 1106.82011 Cejnar, Pavel; Iachello, Francesco 5 2007 Lie algebras and applications. Zbl 1156.17006 Iachello, Francesco 22 2006 The interacting boson-fermion model. 1st paperback ed. Zbl 1109.81004 Iachello, F.; Van Isacker, P. 9 2005 Phase structure of a two-fluid bosonic system. Zbl 1071.82052 Caprio, M. A.; Iachello, F. 4 2005 The beauty of mathematics in science. The intellectual path of J. Q. Chen. Zbl 1047.00018 1 2004 The algebraic cluster model: Three-body clusters. Zbl 1022.81058 Bijker, R.; Iachello, F. 1 2002 Group theoretical properties and band structure of the Lamé Hamiltonian. Zbl 1064.81504 Li, Hui; Kusnezov, Dimitri; Iachello, Francesco 10 2000 A class of exactly solvable matrix models. Zbl 1073.81586 Iachello, F.; Del Sol Mesa, A. 4 1999 Algebraic model of anharmonic polymer chains. Zbl 1042.82637 Iachello, Francesco; Truini, Piero 1 1999 Spectrum generating algebras and dynamic symmetries in physics. Zbl 0977.81024 Iachello, F. 1 1999 Algebraic treatment of the hyper-Coulomb problem. Zbl 0954.81064 Bijker, R.; Iachello, F.; Santopinto, E. 2 1998 Transformation brackets between \(U(v+1)\supset U(v)\supset SO(v)\) and \(U(v+1)\supset SO(v+1)\supset SO(v)\). Zbl 0865.22012 Santopinto, Elena; Bijker, Roelof; Iachello, Francesco 3 1996 Algebraic theory of the three-body problem. Zbl 1113.81128 Iachello, F. 9 1995 Algebraic approach to the hyper-Coulomb problem. Zbl 0917.22011 Santopinto, E.; Giannini, M.; Iachello, F. 1 1995 Algebraic theory. Zbl 0811.17033 Iachello, Francesco 3 1994 Symmetries in science III. Papers from the symposium held in Vorarlberg, Austria, July 25-28, 1988. Zbl 0821.00014 1 1989 Group theory approach to scattering. III: Realistic models. Zbl 0658.22008 Wu, Jianshi; Iachello, F.; Alhassid, Y. 8 1987 Group theory approach to scattering. II: The Euclidean connection. Zbl 0601.22018 Alhassid, Y.; Gürsey, F.; Iachello, F. 20 1986 Group theory approach to scattering. Zbl 0526.22018 Alhassid, Y.; Guersey, F.; Iachello, F. 69 1983 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 300 Authors 9 Iachello, Francesco 7 Calixto, Manuel 7 Cejnar, Pavel 6 Stránský, Pavel 5 Castaños, Octavio 5 Pérez-Bernal, Francisco 4 Alhassid, Y. 4 Bagchi, Bijan Kumar 4 Caprio, Mark A. 4 del Olmo, Mariano A. 4 Macek, Michal 4 Núñez-Valdés, Juan 4 Tenorio, Ángel F. 3 Bastarrachea-Magnani, Miguel A. 3 Bentaiba, Mustapha 3 Ceballos, Manuel 3 Dong, Shihai 3 Fakhri, Hossein 3 Hasebe, Kazuki 3 Hirsch, Jorge G. 3 Jia, Jiteng 3 Kerimov, G. A. 3 Lerma-Hernández, Sergio 3 Leviatan, Amiram 3 Mandal, Bhabani Prasad 3 Romera, Elvira 3 Santos, Lea F. 3 Sun, Guohua 3 Wu, Jianshi 3 Yahiaoui, Sid-Ahmed 2 Arias, José-Miguel 2 Brauner, Tomáš 2 Celeghini, Enrico 2 Chávez-Carlos, Jorge 2 Chen, Jinquan 2 Sobreira de Araujo Corrêa, Francisco Julio 2 Dukelsky, Jorge 2 Frank, Alejandro 2 Ghazouani, Sami 2 González-López, Artemio 2 Gruber, Bruno J. 2 Guerrero, Julio 2 Gürsey, Feza 2 Hatami, Omid 2 Ioffe, Mikhail V. 2 Kamran, Niky 2 Khare, Avinash 2 Kloc, Michal 2 Kong, Qiongxiang 2 Kopylov, Wassilij 2 Kumari, Nisha 2 Kuru, Şengül 2 López-Peña, Ramón 2 Mladenov, Ivaĭlo M. 2 Mladenova, Clementina D. 2 Negro, Javier 2 Nieto, Luis Miguel 2 Olver, Peter John 2 Pérez-Romero, Emilio 2 Ping, Jialun 2 Plyushchay, Mikhail S. 2 Quesne, Christiane 2 Rodríguez, Miguel Angel 2 Ruan, Dong 2 Schnetz, Oliver 2 Setare, Mohammad Reza 2 Sever, Ramazan 2 Thies, Michael 2 Truini, Piero 2 Urlichs, Konrad 2 Winternitz, Pavel 2 Wolf, Kurt Bernardo 2 Yadav, Rajesh Kumar 2 Zabrodin, Anton V. 1 Abou-Salem, L. I. 1 Ahmadain, Amr 1 Airault, Hélène 1 Akçay, Hüseyin 1 Antoine, Jean-Pierre 1 Arjika, Sama 1 Atakishiev, Natig M. 1 Axenides, Minos 1 Bakhshi, Zahra 1 Baran, S. A. 1 Barea, J. 1 Barut, Asim Orhan 1 Bedoya Fierro, D. 1 Benjumea, Juan Carlos 1 Biedenharn, Lawrence C. jun. 1 Bisbo, Asmus K. 1 Blasone, Massimo 1 Böhm, Manfred 1 Bonatsos, Dennis 1 Brandes, Tobias 1 Braun, Petr A. 1 Breuer, Heinz-Peter 1 Calzada, Juan A. 1 Campoamor-Stursberg, Rutwig 1 Chabab, Mohamed 1 Chakraborty, Arindam ...and 200 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 44 Serials 33 Journal of Mathematical Physics 28 Annals of Physics 17 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 11 Physics Letters. A 7 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 6 Nuclear Physics. B 5 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 5 Journal of High Energy Physics 3 Modern Physics Letters A 3 Communications in Mathematical Physics 3 Physics Letters. B 3 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 3 Physical Review Letters 3 SciPost Physics 2 Computer Physics Communications 2 Journal of Statistical Physics 2 Physica A 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 New Journal of Physics 2 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 2 Advances in High Energy Physics 1 International Journal of Modern Physics A 1 Physics Reports 1 Reports on Mathematical Physics 1 Reviews of Modern Physics 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 Fortschritte der Physik 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 1 Chaos 1 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 1 International Journal of Modern Physics C 1 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 1 Quantum Information Processing 1 Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics 1 Foundations of Physics 1 Communications in Theoretical Physics 1 Physical Review A, Third Series 1 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 1 Control Theory and Technology all top 5 Cited in 37 Fields 132 Quantum theory (81-XX) 32 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 30 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 29 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 12 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 11 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 10 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 7 Special functions (33-XX) 7 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 6 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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