Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Iksanov, Aleksander M. Co-Author Distance Author ID: iksanov.aleksander-m Published as: Iksanov, Alexander; Iksanov, Alex; Iksanov, Aleksander M.; Iksanov, O. M.; Iksanov, A. M.; Iksanov, Aleksandr M.; Iksanov, A.; Iksanov, Alexander M.; Iksanov, Aleksander; Iksanov, O. more...less External Links: MGP · Math-Net.Ru Documents Indexed: 131 Publications since 1998, including 1 Book and 13 Additional arXiv Preprints Reviewing Activity: 152 Reviews Co-Authors: 47 Co-Authors with 111 Joint Publications 826 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 20 single-authored 30 Marynych, Alexander V. 15 Meiners, Matthias 13 Buraczewski, Dariusz 13 Gnedin, Alexander V. 12 Kabluchko, Zakhar A. 9 Möhle, Martin 8 Alsmeyer, Gerold 7 Pilipenko, Andrey Yu. 7 Rösler, Uwe 5 Kotelnikova, Valeriya 5 Rashytov, Bohdan 4 Dong, Congzao 4 Dyszewski, Piotr 4 Jurek, Zbigniew J. 4 Kolesko, Konrad 4 Samoilenko, Igor V. 3 Jedidi, Wissem 3 Kim, Chesoong 3 Mallein, Bastien 3 Negadajlov, Pavlo 3 Vatutin, Vladimir Alekseevich 2 Bouzeffour, Fethi 2 Drmota, Michael 2 Marynych, Alex 2 Nikitin, Anatolii V. 2 Proskurin, Daniil P. 2 Roitershtein, Alexander 2 Schreiber, Bertram M. 2 Topchiĭ, Valentin Alekseevich 2 Wachtel, Vitali I. 1 Aurzada, Frank 1 Bohun, Vladyslav 1 Braganets, Oksana 1 Dovgay, Bohdan 1 Hu, Chinyuan 1 Kondratenko, Oleh 1 Kostohryz, Ruslan 1 Liang, Xingang 1 Lin, Gwo Dong 1 Liu, Quansheng 1 Polotskiy, Sergey 1 Polotskiy, Serguei 1 Povar, Ben 1 Raschel, Kilian 1 Shevchenko, Georgiy M. 1 Terletsky, Yurij 1 Zakusylo, Oleg K. all top 5 Serials 15 Journal of Applied Probability 14 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 8 Electronic Journal of Probability 8 Visnyk. Seriya: Fizyko-Matematychni Nauky. Kyïvs’kyĭ Universytet Imeni Tarasa Shevchenka 7 Statistics & Probability Letters 5 Theory of Stochastic Processes 4 Electronic Communications in Probability 4 Bernoulli 4 Teoriya Ĭmovirnosteĭ ta Matematychna Statystyka 3 Advances in Applied Probability 3 The Annals of Probability 3 Journal of Theoretical Probability 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 2 Ukraïns’kyĭ Matematychnyĭ Zhurnal 2 The Annals of Applied Probability 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 2 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 2 Stochastics 2 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 2 Modern Stochastics. Theory and Applications 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 1 Theory of Probability and its Applications 1 Journal of Number Theory 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 1 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Probability Theory and Related Fields 1 Random Structures & Algorithms 1 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 1 Opuscula Mathematica 1 Extremes 1 Stochastic Models 1 ProbStat Forum 1 Probability and its Applications 1 PLISKA. Studia Mathematica all top 5 Fields 116 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 6 Statistics (62-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 97 Publications have been cited 738 times in 337 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Renewal theory for perturbed random walks and similar processes. Zbl 1382.60004 Iksanov, Alexander 47 2016 A probabilistic proof of a weak limit law for the number of cuts needed to isolate the root of a random recursive tree. Zbl 1133.60012 Iksanov, Alex; Möhle, Martin 35 2007 On distributional properties of perpetuities. Zbl 1173.60309 Alsmeyer, Gerold; Iksanov, Alex; Rösler, Uwe 32 2009 A limiting distribution for the number of cuts needed to isolate the root of a random recursive tree. Zbl 1187.05068 Drmota, Michael; Iksanov, Alex; Moehle, Martin; Roesler, Uwe 31 2009 Elementary fixed points of the BRW smoothing transforms with infinite number of summands. Zbl 1081.60017 Iksanov, Aleksander M. 26 2004 Asymptotic results concerning the total branch length of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. Zbl 1129.60069 Drmota, Michael; Iksanov, Alex; Moehle, Martin; Roesler, Uwe 24 2007 A log-type moment result for perpetuities and its application to martingales in supercritical branching random walks. Zbl 1191.60098 Alsmeyer, Gerold; Iksanov, Alex 22 2009 Limit theorems for renewal shot noise processes with eventually decreasing response functions. Zbl 1335.60023 Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 20 2014 Functional limit theorems for renewal shot noise processes with increasing response functions. Zbl 1302.60058 Iksanov, Alexander 18 2013 Functional limit theorems for the number of occupied boxes in the Bernoulli sieve. Zbl 1366.60069 Alsmeyer, Gerold; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 16 2017 On the number of jumps of random walks with a barrier. Zbl 1157.60041 Iksanov, Alex; Möhle, Martin 16 2008 On asymptotics of exchangeable coalescents with multiple collisions. Zbl 1159.60016 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alex; Möhle, Martin 15 2008 Local universality for real roots of random trigonometric polynomials. Zbl 1361.30009 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar; Marynych, Alexander 15 2016 Asymptotics of random processes with immigration. I: Scaling limits. Zbl 1386.60122 Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 14 2017 Limit theorems for the number of occupied boxes in the Bernoulli sieve. Zbl 1249.60029 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 13 2010 The Bernoulli sieve revisited. Zbl 1178.60019 Gnedin, Alexander V.; Iksanov, Alexander M.; Negadajlov, Pavlo; Rösler, Uwe 12 2009 The Bernoulli sieve: an overview. Zbl 1357.60026 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 12 2010 On \(\Lambda \)-coalescents with dust component. Zbl 1242.60077 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 11 2011 Small parts in the Bernoulli sieve. Zbl 1357.60096 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alex; Roesler, Uwe 11 2008 Asymptotics of random processes with immigration. II: Convergence to stationarity. Zbl 1377.60046 Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 11 2017 A central limit theorem and a law of the iterated logarithm for the Biggins martingale of the supercritical branching random walk. Zbl 1356.60055 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar 10 2016 On the number of collisions in beta(\(2, b\))-coalescents. Zbl 1208.60081 Iksanov, Alex; Marynych, Alex; Möhle, Martin 10 2009 Stable-like fluctuations of Biggins’ martingales. Zbl 1448.60172 Iksanov, Alexander; Kolesko, Konrad; Meiners, Matthias 10 2019 Exponential rate of almost-sure convergence of intrinsic martingales in supercritical branching random walks. Zbl 1203.60129 Iksanov, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 9 2010 Weak convergence of finite-dimensional distributions of the number of empty boxes in the Bernoulli sieve. Zbl 1350.60015 Iksanov, A. M.; Marynych, A. V.; Vatutin, V. A. 9 2015 Power and exponential moments of the number of visits and related quantities for perturbed random walks. Zbl 1318.60048 Alsmeyer, Gerold; Iksanov, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 9 2015 Exponential rate of \(L_p\)-convergence of intrinsic martingales in supercritical branching random walks. Zbl 1224.60086 Alsmeyer, G.; Iksanov, A.; Polotskiy, S.; Rösler, U. 9 2009 Fractionally integrated inverse stable subordinators. Zbl 1353.60032 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar; Marynych, Alexander; Shevchenko, Georgiy 9 2017 Regenerative compositions in the case of slow variation: a renewal theory approach. Zbl 1252.60025 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander 9 2012 On intermediate levels of nested occupancy scheme in random environment generated by stick-breaking I. Zbl 1469.60040 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Dovgay, Bohdan; Iksanov, Alexander 9 2020 \(\Lambda\)-coalescents: a survey. Zbl 1322.60152 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 9 2014 A new factorization property of the selfdecomposable probability measures. Zbl 1046.60002 Iksanov, Aleksander M.; Jurek, Zbigniew J.; Schreiber, Bertram M. 8 2004 Rate of convergence in the law of large numbers for supercritical general multi-type branching processes. Zbl 1327.60061 Iksanov, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 8 2015 Shot noise distributions and selfdecomposability. Zbl 1042.60026 Iksanov, Aleksander M.; Jurek, Zbigniew J. 7 2003 On the derivative martingale in a branching random walk. Zbl 1504.60073 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Iksanov, Alexander; Mallein, Bastien 7 2021 On nested infinite occupancy scheme in random environment. Zbl 1457.60013 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander 7 2020 A functional limit theorem for locally perturbed random walks. Zbl 1357.60035 Iksanov, A.; Pilipenko, A. 7 2016 Functional limit theorems for divergent perpetuities in the contractive case. Zbl 1307.60026 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Iksanov, Alexander 7 2015 Null recurrence and transience of random difference equations in the contractive case. Zbl 1400.60093 Alsmeyer, Gerold; Buraczewski, Dariusz; Iksanov, Alexander 6 2017 Functional limit theorems for the number of busy servers in a \(\mathrm{G}/\mathrm{G}/\infty\) queue. Zbl 1396.60035 Iksanov, Alexander; Jedidi, Wissem; Bouzeffour, Fethi 6 2018 Fixed points of multivariate smoothing transforms with scalar weights. Zbl 1341.60022 Iksanov, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 6 2015 Fluctuations of Biggins’ martingales at complex parameters. Zbl 1479.60177 Iksanov, Alexander; Kolesko, Konrad; Meiners, Matthias 6 2020 On the number of empty boxes in the Bernoulli sieve. I. Zbl 1295.60029 Iksanov, Alexander 6 2013 On the number of empty boxes in the Bernoulli sieve. II. Zbl 1251.60021 Iksanov, Alexander 6 2012 The Hurwitz zeta distribution. Zbl 1118.60011 Hu, Chin-Yuan; Iksanov, Aleksander M.; Lin, Gwo Dong; Zakusylo, Oleg K. 5 2006 On perpetuities with gamma-like tails. Zbl 1401.60127 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Dyszewski, Piotr; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 5 2018 On fixed points of Poisson shot noise transforms. Zbl 1030.60011 Iksanov, Aleksander M.; Jurek, Zbigniew J. 5 2002 A functional limit theorem for the profile of random recursive trees. Zbl 1406.60051 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar 5 2018 Weak convergence of renewal shot noise processes in the case of slowly varying normalization. Zbl 1337.60021 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar; Marynych, Alexander 5 2016 On asymptotics of the beta coalescents. Zbl 1323.60021 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Möhle, Martin 5 2014 Functional limit theorems for the maxima of perturbed random walk and divergent perpetuities in the \(M_1\)-topology. Zbl 1379.60037 Iksanov, Alexander; Pilipenko, Andrey; Samoilenko, Igor 5 2017 A generalization of the Erdős-Turán law for the order of random permutation. Zbl 1248.60014 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 5 2012 On the rate of convergence of a regular martingale related to a branching random walk. Zbl 1097.60013 Iksanov, O. M. 5 2006 On \(L^p\)-convergence of the Biggins martingale with complex parameter. Zbl 1440.60078 Iksanov, Alexander; Liang, Xingang; Liu, Quansheng 5 2019 Weak convergence of random processes with immigration at random times. Zbl 1434.60068 Dong, Congzao; Iksanov, Alexander 5 2020 A functional limit theorem for general shot noise processes. Zbl 1434.60106 Iksanov, Alexander; Rashytov, Bohdan 5 2020 A law of the iterated logarithm for the number of occupied boxes in the Bernoulli sieve. Zbl 1386.60107 Iksanov, Alexander; Jedidi, Wissem; Bouzeffour, Fethi 4 2017 Regular variation in the branching random walk. Zbl 1142.60340 Iksanov, Aleksander; Polotskiy, Sergey 4 2006 Functional limit theorems for random walks perturbed by positive alpha-stable jumps. Zbl 1534.60041 Iksanov, Alexander; Pilipenko, Andrey; Povar, Ben 4 2023 Random walks in a moderately sparse random environment. Zbl 1467.60085 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Dyszewski, Piotr; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Roitershtein, Alexander 4 2019 On positive distributions of the class \(L\) of self-decompsable laws. Zbl 0998.60014 Iksanov, O. M. 3 2001 On a Pitman-Yor problem. Zbl 1063.60014 Iksanov, Aleksander M.; Kim, Che-Soong 3 2004 New explicit examples of fixed points of Poisson shot noise transforms. Zbl 1071.60008 Iksanov, Aleksander; Kim, Che Soong 3 2004 Renewal theory for iterated perturbed random walks on a general branching process tree: intermediate generations. Zbl 1496.60107 Bohun, Vladyslav; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Rashytov, Bohdan 3 2022 On the maximum of a perturbed random walk. Zbl 1294.60059 Iksanov, Alexander; Pilipenko, Andrey 3 2014 Some moment results about the limit of a martingale related to the supercritical branching random walk and perpetuities. Zbl 1124.60065 Iksanov, A. M.; Rösler, U. 3 2006 Exponential moments of first passage times and related quantities for random walks. Zbl 1235.60118 Iksanov, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 3 2010 Moments of random sums and Robbins’ problem of optimal stopping. Zbl 1250.62041 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander 3 2011 Exponential moments of first passage times and related quantities for Lévy processes. Zbl 1330.60063 Aurzada, Frank; Iksanov, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 3 2015 Moment convergence of first-passage times in renewal theory. Zbl 1350.60091 Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 3 2016 Random walks in a strongly sparse random environment. Zbl 1434.60306 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Dyszewski, Piotr; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 3 2020 On a skew stable Lévy process. Zbl 1504.60055 Iksanov, Alexander; Pilipenko, Andrey 3 2023 On perpetuities related to the size-biased distributions. Zbl 1026.60016 Iksanov, Aleksandr M. 2 2002 A two-type Bellman-Harris process initiated by a large number of particles. Zbl 1321.60180 Vatutin, Vladimir; Iksanov, Alexander; Topchii, Valentin 2 2015 Weak convergence of the number of vertices at intermediate levels of random recursive trees. Zbl 1405.60031 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar 2 2018 A result on power moments of Lévy-type perpetuities and its application to the \(L_p\)-convergence of Biggins’ martingales in branching Lévy processes. Zbl 1406.60063 Iksanov, Alexander; Mallein, Bastien 2 2019 Functional limit theorems for Galton-Watson processes with very active immigration. Zbl 1375.60075 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar 2 2018 Infinite divisibility of infinite sums of lower records: a simple proof. Zbl 1062.60009 Iksanov, Aleksander M. 2 2004 The interpolation between the classical and monotone independence given by the twisted CCR. Zbl 1106.46051 Proskurin, Daniil P.; Iksanov, Aleksander M. 2 2003 Small counts in nested Karlin’s occupancy scheme generated by discrete Weibull-like distributions. Zbl 1498.60132 Iksanov, Alexander; Kotelnikova, Valeriya 2 2022 Asymptotics of arithmetic functions of GCD and LCM of random integers in hyperbolic regions. Zbl 1503.11128 Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Raschel, Kilian 2 2022 A functional limit theorem for nested Karlin’s occupancy scheme generated by discrete Weibull-like distributions. Zbl 1479.60028 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar; Kotelnikova, Valeriya 2 2022 Gaussian fluctuations and a law of the iterated logarithm for Nerman’s martingale in the supercritical general branching process. Zbl 1483.60127 Iksanov, Alexander; Kolesko, Konrad; Meiners, Matthias 2 2021 On an integro-functional equation related to fixed points of the smoothing transforms. Zbl 1164.60319 Iksanov, O. M. 1 2007 The generalized CCR: representations and enveloping \(C^ *\)-algebra. Zbl 1090.46053 Kim, Che Soong; Proskurin, Daniil P.; Iksanov, Aleksander M.; Kabluchko, Zakhar A. 1 2003 Parameter estimation for the radioactive contamination process. Zbl 1008.62662 Iksanov, A. M. 1 2001 A note on non-regular martingales. Zbl 1181.60065 Iksanov, Alex; Marynych, Alex 1 2008 On asymptotic behavior of certain recursions with random indices of linear growth. Zbl 1178.60020 Iksanov, Alex; Terletsky, Yurij 1 2008 Tail behaviour of suprema of perturbed random walks. Zbl 1363.60068 Iksanov, Alexander; Polotskiy, Serguei 1 2016 On the supremum of martingale connected with branching random walk. Zbl 1150.60429 Iksanov, O.; Negadajlov, P. 1 2006 The collision spectrum of \(\Lambda\)-coalescents. Zbl 1404.60104 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Möhle, Martin 1 2018 Critical branching processes in a sparse random environment. Zbl 1534.60118 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Dong, Congzao; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 1 2023 Functional limit theorems for discounted exponential functional of random walk and discounted convergent perpetuity. Zbl 1476.60066 Iksanov, Alexander; Kondratenko, Oleh 1 2021 On intermediate levels of a nested occupancy scheme in a random environment generated by stick-breaking. II. Zbl 1503.60027 Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Samoilenko, Igor 1 2022 Late levels of nested occupancy scheme in random environment. Zbl 1494.60031 Iksanov, Alexander; Mallein, Bastien 1 2022 Central limit theorem for the least common multiple of a uniformly sampled \(m\)-tuple of integers. Zbl 1483.11166 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 1 2022 Limit theorems for discounted convergent perpetuities. Zbl 1483.60049 Iksanov, Alexander; Nikitin, Anatolii; Samoilenko, Igor 1 2021 Functional limit theorems for random walks perturbed by positive alpha-stable jumps. Zbl 1534.60041 Iksanov, Alexander; Pilipenko, Andrey; Povar, Ben 4 2023 On a skew stable Lévy process. Zbl 1504.60055 Iksanov, Alexander; Pilipenko, Andrey 3 2023 Critical branching processes in a sparse random environment. Zbl 1534.60118 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Dong, Congzao; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 1 2023 Renewal theory for iterated perturbed random walks on a general branching process tree: intermediate generations. Zbl 1496.60107 Bohun, Vladyslav; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Rashytov, Bohdan 3 2022 Small counts in nested Karlin’s occupancy scheme generated by discrete Weibull-like distributions. Zbl 1498.60132 Iksanov, Alexander; Kotelnikova, Valeriya 2 2022 Asymptotics of arithmetic functions of GCD and LCM of random integers in hyperbolic regions. Zbl 1503.11128 Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Raschel, Kilian 2 2022 A functional limit theorem for nested Karlin’s occupancy scheme generated by discrete Weibull-like distributions. Zbl 1479.60028 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar; Kotelnikova, Valeriya 2 2022 On intermediate levels of a nested occupancy scheme in a random environment generated by stick-breaking. II. Zbl 1503.60027 Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Samoilenko, Igor 1 2022 Late levels of nested occupancy scheme in random environment. Zbl 1494.60031 Iksanov, Alexander; Mallein, Bastien 1 2022 Central limit theorem for the least common multiple of a uniformly sampled \(m\)-tuple of integers. Zbl 1483.11166 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 1 2022 On the derivative martingale in a branching random walk. Zbl 1504.60073 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Iksanov, Alexander; Mallein, Bastien 7 2021 Gaussian fluctuations and a law of the iterated logarithm for Nerman’s martingale in the supercritical general branching process. Zbl 1483.60127 Iksanov, Alexander; Kolesko, Konrad; Meiners, Matthias 2 2021 Functional limit theorems for discounted exponential functional of random walk and discounted convergent perpetuity. Zbl 1476.60066 Iksanov, Alexander; Kondratenko, Oleh 1 2021 Limit theorems for discounted convergent perpetuities. Zbl 1483.60049 Iksanov, Alexander; Nikitin, Anatolii; Samoilenko, Igor 1 2021 On intermediate levels of nested occupancy scheme in random environment generated by stick-breaking I. Zbl 1469.60040 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Dovgay, Bohdan; Iksanov, Alexander 9 2020 On nested infinite occupancy scheme in random environment. Zbl 1457.60013 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander 7 2020 Fluctuations of Biggins’ martingales at complex parameters. Zbl 1479.60177 Iksanov, Alexander; Kolesko, Konrad; Meiners, Matthias 6 2020 Weak convergence of random processes with immigration at random times. Zbl 1434.60068 Dong, Congzao; Iksanov, Alexander 5 2020 A functional limit theorem for general shot noise processes. Zbl 1434.60106 Iksanov, Alexander; Rashytov, Bohdan 5 2020 Random walks in a strongly sparse random environment. Zbl 1434.60306 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Dyszewski, Piotr; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 3 2020 Stable-like fluctuations of Biggins’ martingales. Zbl 1448.60172 Iksanov, Alexander; Kolesko, Konrad; Meiners, Matthias 10 2019 On \(L^p\)-convergence of the Biggins martingale with complex parameter. Zbl 1440.60078 Iksanov, Alexander; Liang, Xingang; Liu, Quansheng 5 2019 Random walks in a moderately sparse random environment. Zbl 1467.60085 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Dyszewski, Piotr; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Roitershtein, Alexander 4 2019 A result on power moments of Lévy-type perpetuities and its application to the \(L_p\)-convergence of Biggins’ martingales in branching Lévy processes. Zbl 1406.60063 Iksanov, Alexander; Mallein, Bastien 2 2019 Functional limit theorems for the number of busy servers in a \(\mathrm{G}/\mathrm{G}/\infty\) queue. Zbl 1396.60035 Iksanov, Alexander; Jedidi, Wissem; Bouzeffour, Fethi 6 2018 On perpetuities with gamma-like tails. Zbl 1401.60127 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Dyszewski, Piotr; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 5 2018 A functional limit theorem for the profile of random recursive trees. Zbl 1406.60051 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar 5 2018 Weak convergence of the number of vertices at intermediate levels of random recursive trees. Zbl 1405.60031 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar 2 2018 Functional limit theorems for Galton-Watson processes with very active immigration. Zbl 1375.60075 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar 2 2018 The collision spectrum of \(\Lambda\)-coalescents. Zbl 1404.60104 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Möhle, Martin 1 2018 Functional limit theorems for the number of occupied boxes in the Bernoulli sieve. Zbl 1366.60069 Alsmeyer, Gerold; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 16 2017 Asymptotics of random processes with immigration. I: Scaling limits. Zbl 1386.60122 Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 14 2017 Asymptotics of random processes with immigration. II: Convergence to stationarity. Zbl 1377.60046 Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 11 2017 Fractionally integrated inverse stable subordinators. Zbl 1353.60032 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar; Marynych, Alexander; Shevchenko, Georgiy 9 2017 Null recurrence and transience of random difference equations in the contractive case. Zbl 1400.60093 Alsmeyer, Gerold; Buraczewski, Dariusz; Iksanov, Alexander 6 2017 Functional limit theorems for the maxima of perturbed random walk and divergent perpetuities in the \(M_1\)-topology. Zbl 1379.60037 Iksanov, Alexander; Pilipenko, Andrey; Samoilenko, Igor 5 2017 A law of the iterated logarithm for the number of occupied boxes in the Bernoulli sieve. Zbl 1386.60107 Iksanov, Alexander; Jedidi, Wissem; Bouzeffour, Fethi 4 2017 Renewal theory for perturbed random walks and similar processes. Zbl 1382.60004 Iksanov, Alexander 47 2016 Local universality for real roots of random trigonometric polynomials. Zbl 1361.30009 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar; Marynych, Alexander 15 2016 A central limit theorem and a law of the iterated logarithm for the Biggins martingale of the supercritical branching random walk. Zbl 1356.60055 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar 10 2016 A functional limit theorem for locally perturbed random walks. Zbl 1357.60035 Iksanov, A.; Pilipenko, A. 7 2016 Weak convergence of renewal shot noise processes in the case of slowly varying normalization. Zbl 1337.60021 Iksanov, Alexander; Kabluchko, Zakhar; Marynych, Alexander 5 2016 Moment convergence of first-passage times in renewal theory. Zbl 1350.60091 Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 3 2016 Tail behaviour of suprema of perturbed random walks. Zbl 1363.60068 Iksanov, Alexander; Polotskiy, Serguei 1 2016 Weak convergence of finite-dimensional distributions of the number of empty boxes in the Bernoulli sieve. Zbl 1350.60015 Iksanov, A. M.; Marynych, A. V.; Vatutin, V. A. 9 2015 Power and exponential moments of the number of visits and related quantities for perturbed random walks. Zbl 1318.60048 Alsmeyer, Gerold; Iksanov, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 9 2015 Rate of convergence in the law of large numbers for supercritical general multi-type branching processes. Zbl 1327.60061 Iksanov, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 8 2015 Functional limit theorems for divergent perpetuities in the contractive case. Zbl 1307.60026 Buraczewski, Dariusz; Iksanov, Alexander 7 2015 Fixed points of multivariate smoothing transforms with scalar weights. Zbl 1341.60022 Iksanov, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 6 2015 Exponential moments of first passage times and related quantities for Lévy processes. Zbl 1330.60063 Aurzada, Frank; Iksanov, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 3 2015 A two-type Bellman-Harris process initiated by a large number of particles. Zbl 1321.60180 Vatutin, Vladimir; Iksanov, Alexander; Topchii, Valentin 2 2015 Limit theorems for renewal shot noise processes with eventually decreasing response functions. Zbl 1335.60023 Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 20 2014 \(\Lambda\)-coalescents: a survey. Zbl 1322.60152 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 9 2014 On asymptotics of the beta coalescents. Zbl 1323.60021 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander; Möhle, Martin 5 2014 On the maximum of a perturbed random walk. Zbl 1294.60059 Iksanov, Alexander; Pilipenko, Andrey 3 2014 Functional limit theorems for renewal shot noise processes with increasing response functions. Zbl 1302.60058 Iksanov, Alexander 18 2013 On the number of empty boxes in the Bernoulli sieve. I. Zbl 1295.60029 Iksanov, Alexander 6 2013 Regenerative compositions in the case of slow variation: a renewal theory approach. Zbl 1252.60025 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander 9 2012 On the number of empty boxes in the Bernoulli sieve. II. Zbl 1251.60021 Iksanov, Alexander 6 2012 A generalization of the Erdős-Turán law for the order of random permutation. Zbl 1248.60014 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 5 2012 On \(\Lambda \)-coalescents with dust component. Zbl 1242.60077 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 11 2011 Moments of random sums and Robbins’ problem of optimal stopping. Zbl 1250.62041 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander 3 2011 Limit theorems for the number of occupied boxes in the Bernoulli sieve. Zbl 1249.60029 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 13 2010 The Bernoulli sieve: an overview. Zbl 1357.60026 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alexander; Marynych, Alexander 12 2010 Exponential rate of almost-sure convergence of intrinsic martingales in supercritical branching random walks. Zbl 1203.60129 Iksanov, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 9 2010 Exponential moments of first passage times and related quantities for random walks. Zbl 1235.60118 Iksanov, Alexander; Meiners, Matthias 3 2010 On distributional properties of perpetuities. Zbl 1173.60309 Alsmeyer, Gerold; Iksanov, Alex; Rösler, Uwe 32 2009 A limiting distribution for the number of cuts needed to isolate the root of a random recursive tree. Zbl 1187.05068 Drmota, Michael; Iksanov, Alex; Moehle, Martin; Roesler, Uwe 31 2009 A log-type moment result for perpetuities and its application to martingales in supercritical branching random walks. Zbl 1191.60098 Alsmeyer, Gerold; Iksanov, Alex 22 2009 The Bernoulli sieve revisited. Zbl 1178.60019 Gnedin, Alexander V.; Iksanov, Alexander M.; Negadajlov, Pavlo; Rösler, Uwe 12 2009 On the number of collisions in beta(\(2, b\))-coalescents. Zbl 1208.60081 Iksanov, Alex; Marynych, Alex; Möhle, Martin 10 2009 Exponential rate of \(L_p\)-convergence of intrinsic martingales in supercritical branching random walks. Zbl 1224.60086 Alsmeyer, G.; Iksanov, A.; Polotskiy, S.; Rösler, U. 9 2009 On the number of jumps of random walks with a barrier. Zbl 1157.60041 Iksanov, Alex; Möhle, Martin 16 2008 On asymptotics of exchangeable coalescents with multiple collisions. Zbl 1159.60016 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alex; Möhle, Martin 15 2008 Small parts in the Bernoulli sieve. Zbl 1357.60096 Gnedin, Alexander; Iksanov, Alex; Roesler, Uwe 11 2008 A note on non-regular martingales. Zbl 1181.60065 Iksanov, Alex; Marynych, Alex 1 2008 On asymptotic behavior of certain recursions with random indices of linear growth. Zbl 1178.60020 Iksanov, Alex; Terletsky, Yurij 1 2008 A probabilistic proof of a weak limit law for the number of cuts needed to isolate the root of a random recursive tree. Zbl 1133.60012 Iksanov, Alex; Möhle, Martin 35 2007 Asymptotic results concerning the total branch length of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. Zbl 1129.60069 Drmota, Michael; Iksanov, Alex; Moehle, Martin; Roesler, Uwe 24 2007 On an integro-functional equation related to fixed points of the smoothing transforms. Zbl 1164.60319 Iksanov, O. M. 1 2007 The Hurwitz zeta distribution. Zbl 1118.60011 Hu, Chin-Yuan; Iksanov, Aleksander M.; Lin, Gwo Dong; Zakusylo, Oleg K. 5 2006 On the rate of convergence of a regular martingale related to a branching random walk. Zbl 1097.60013 Iksanov, O. M. 5 2006 Regular variation in the branching random walk. Zbl 1142.60340 Iksanov, Aleksander; Polotskiy, Sergey 4 2006 Some moment results about the limit of a martingale related to the supercritical branching random walk and perpetuities. Zbl 1124.60065 Iksanov, A. M.; Rösler, U. 3 2006 On the supremum of martingale connected with branching random walk. Zbl 1150.60429 Iksanov, O.; Negadajlov, P. 1 2006 Elementary fixed points of the BRW smoothing transforms with infinite number of summands. Zbl 1081.60017 Iksanov, Aleksander M. 26 2004 A new factorization property of the selfdecomposable probability measures. Zbl 1046.60002 Iksanov, Aleksander M.; Jurek, Zbigniew J.; Schreiber, Bertram M. 8 2004 On a Pitman-Yor problem. Zbl 1063.60014 Iksanov, Aleksander M.; Kim, Che-Soong 3 2004 New explicit examples of fixed points of Poisson shot noise transforms. Zbl 1071.60008 Iksanov, Aleksander; Kim, Che Soong 3 2004 Infinite divisibility of infinite sums of lower records: a simple proof. Zbl 1062.60009 Iksanov, Aleksander M. 2 2004 Shot noise distributions and selfdecomposability. Zbl 1042.60026 Iksanov, Aleksander M.; Jurek, Zbigniew J. 7 2003 The interpolation between the classical and monotone independence given by the twisted CCR. Zbl 1106.46051 Proskurin, Daniil P.; Iksanov, Aleksander M. 2 2003 The generalized CCR: representations and enveloping \(C^ *\)-algebra. Zbl 1090.46053 Kim, Che Soong; Proskurin, Daniil P.; Iksanov, Aleksander M.; Kabluchko, Zakhar A. 1 2003 On fixed points of Poisson shot noise transforms. Zbl 1030.60011 Iksanov, Aleksander M.; Jurek, Zbigniew J. 5 2002 On perpetuities related to the size-biased distributions. Zbl 1026.60016 Iksanov, Aleksandr M. 2 2002 On positive distributions of the class \(L\) of self-decompsable laws. Zbl 0998.60014 Iksanov, O. M. 3 2001 Parameter estimation for the radioactive contamination process. Zbl 1008.62662 Iksanov, A. M. 1 2001 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 351 Authors 67 Iksanov, Aleksander M. 30 Marynych, Alexander V. 17 Meiners, Matthias 17 Möhle, Martin 14 Alsmeyer, Gerold 14 Buraczewski, Dariusz 12 Holmgren, Cecilia Ingrid 10 Gnedin, Alexander V. 10 Kabluchko, Zakhar A. 9 Kersting, Götz-Dietrich 9 Liu, Quansheng 9 Mallein, Bastien 8 Bertoin, Jean 8 Olvera-Cravioto, Mariana 8 Siri-Jegousse, Arno 7 Huang, Chunmao 7 Kolesko, Konrad 6 Cai, Xing Shi 6 Dyszewski, Piotr 6 Liang, Xingang 6 Pilipenko, Andrey Yu. 6 Poly, Guillaume 5 Angst, Jürgen 5 Kapica, Rafał 5 Rashytov, Bohdan 5 Rösler, Uwe 5 Samoilenko, Igor V. 4 Behme, Anita Diana 4 Bohun, Vladyslav 4 Damek, Ewa 4 Dong, Congzao 4 Freund, Fabian 4 Kevei, Péter 4 Kołodziejek, Bartosz 4 Ojeda, Gabriel Berzunza 4 Pang, Guodong 4 Pitman, Jim William 4 Wang, Xiaoqiang 3 Aoyama, Takahiro 3 Baur, Erich 3 Dahmer, Iulia 3 Delmas, Jean-François 3 Devroye, Luc P. J. A. 3 Drmota, Michael 3 Hitczenko, Paweł 3 Jelenković, Predrag R. 3 Jurek, Zbigniew J. 3 Kotelnikova, Valeriya 3 Lindner, Alexander M. 3 Maejima, Makoto 3 Mahmoud, Hosam M. 3 Maillard, Pascal 3 Nguyen, Hoi H. 3 Nguyen, Oanh 3 Ren, Yanxia 3 Roitershtein, Alexander 3 Schweinsberg, Jason Ross 3 Skerman, Fiona 3 Song, Renming 3 Wakolbinger, Anton 2 Addario-Berry, Louigi 2 Aurzada, Frank 2 Basrak, Bojan 2 Biggins, J. D. 2 Bose, Arup 2 Bouzeffour, Fethi 2 Boxma, Onno Johan 2 Broutin, Nicolas 2 Comets, Francis M. 2 de Blasi, Pierpaolo 2 Diehl, Christina S. 2 Dovgay, Bohdan 2 Flasche, Hendrik 2 Formanov, Shakir Kasimovich 2 Gangopadhyay, Sreela 2 Haas, Bénédicte 2 Hambly, Ben M. 2 Hénard, Olivier 2 Huillet, Thierry E. 2 Jedidi, Wissem 2 Jones, Owen Dafydd 2 Kalpathy, Ravi 2 Komorek, Dawid 2 Lehtomaa, Jaakko 2 Mandjes, Michel Robertus Hendrikus 2 Mentemeier, Sebastian 2 Morawiec, Janusz 2 Nikitin, Anatolii V. 2 Pavlyukevich, Ilya 2 Proskurin, Daniil P. 2 Prünster, Igor 2 Samorodnitsky, Gennady Pinkhosovich 2 Sato, Ken-iti 2 Shklyaev, Aleksandr V. 2 Tang, Wenpin 2 Topchiĭ, Valentin Alekseevich 2 Trapman, Pieter 2 Ueda, Yohei 2 Vatutin, Vladimir Alekseevich 2 Wang, Xin ...and 251 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 81 Serials 43 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 28 Journal of Applied Probability 21 Electronic Journal of Probability 19 The Annals of Applied Probability 18 Advances in Applied Probability 11 Bernoulli 10 Statistics & Probability Letters 9 Random Structures & Algorithms 9 Electronic Communications in Probability 9 ALEA. 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Mathematics 1 Stochastic Systems 1 Bayesian Analysis 1 JSIAM Letters 1 Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications 1 Discrete Analysis 1 Annales Henri Lebesgue all top 5 Cited in 28 Fields 313 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 36 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 35 Combinatorics (05-XX) 18 Statistics (62-XX) 14 Real functions (26-XX) 12 Computer science (68-XX) 11 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 10 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 9 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 9 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 8 Number theory (11-XX) 7 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 7 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 6 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) Citations by Year