Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Ivanov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich Co-Author Distance Author ID: ivanov.aleksandr-vladimirovich Published as: Ivanov, A. V.; Ivanov, O. V.; Ivanov, Alexander V.; Ivanov, Alexander; Ivanov, Aleksander; Iwanov, A. V.; Ivanov, A. more...less Further Spellings: Иванов Александр Владимирович External Links: ORCID · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · Math-Net.Ru Documents Indexed: 157 Publications since 1972, including 4 Books and 24 Additional arXiv Preprints 2 Further Contributions Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 35 Co-Authors with 87 Joint Publications 428 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 55 single-authored 18 Leonenko, Nikolai N. 14 Orlovsky, Igor V. 11 Bardadym, Tamara Alexeevna 6 Zwanzig, Silvelyn 4 Davidovich, S. S. 4 Matsak, Ivan K. 4 Savych, I. M. 3 Grigor’ev, Yuriĭ Dmitrievich 3 Ruiz-Medina, María Dolores 2 Borshchevskij, A. V. 2 Kaptur, N. V. 2 Moskvichova, K. K. 2 Moskvychova, Kateryna 2 Rozhkova, M. N. 2 Russkikh, M. A. 2 Savich, Irina N. 2 Zhurakovsky, B. M. 1 Afanas’eva, Larisa Grigor’evna 1 Akacevich, P. V. 1 Bardadim, T. O. 1 Bardadym, T. O. 1 Belishev, Mikhail Igorevitch 1 Bogopolski, Oleg 1 Boĭko, R. V. 1 Bondarenko, Ievgen V. 1 Bu The Hyu 1 Butsan, G. P. 1 Chorayan, O. G. 1 Derkachëv, Sergeĭ Èduardovich 1 Dorogovtsev, Anatoliĭ Yakovych 1 Drzewiecka, Monika 1 Dykyi, Oleksandr 1 Gadzhev, V. G. 1 Gusak, Dmytro V. 1 Hacet, S. V. 1 Hladun, Viktor 1 Ibramkhalilov, I. Sh. 1 Ivanitskaya, L. S. 1 Ivchenko, Grigoriĭ Ivanovich 1 Karpenko, L. D. 1 Knopov, Pavel S. 1 Kononchuk, L. P. 1 Kozachenko, Yuriĭ Vasyl’ovych 1 Kozlov, O. M. 1 Kuk, Yu. V. 1 Lysenko, T. M. 1 Malyar, O. V. 1 Mitrofanova, O. V. 1 Mokry, Bartosz 1 Moskvychova, K. K. 1 Nekrutkin, V. V. 1 Petunin, Yuriĭ Ivanovich 1 Pilar Frías, María 1 Pisanets, S. I. 1 Polotskiy, Sergiy 1 Portenko, Mykola Ivanovych 1 Prikhod’ko, V. V. 1 Prykhod’ko, V. V. 1 Rozhdestvensky, Yu. V. 1 Rudyi, S. S. 1 Rybin, Vladimir Vasil’evich 1 Semynin, M. S. 1 Shapiro, G. Sh. 1 Shcherbinin, D. P. 1 Shtatland, E. S. 1 Skorokhod, Anatoliĭ Volodymyrovych 1 Slobodenyuk, N. P. 1 Sobstyl, Ireneusz 1 Tur, N. I. 1 Yadrenko, Mykhaĭlo Ĭosypovych 1 Yuditskiĭ, M. I. 1 Zarzycki, Roland 1 Zwanzig, Z. all top 5 Serials 25 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 11 Theory of Stochastic Processes 10 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 8 Ukraïns’kyĭ Matematychnyĭ Zhurnal 6 Teoriya Ĭmovirnosteĭ ta Matematychna Statystyka 5 Modern Stochastics. Theory and Applications 3 Doklady Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoĭ SSR, Seriya A 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Visnyk. Seriya: Fizyko-Matematychni Nauky. Kyïvs’kyĭ Universytet Imeni Tarasa Shevchenka 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Kibernetika 2 Dopovidi Akademiï Nauk Ukraïns’koï RSR. Seriya A 2 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 2 Mathematical Methods of Statistics 2 Teoriya Sluchaĭnykh Protsessov 1 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 1 Nuclear Physics. B 1 Problems of Information Transmission 1 Theory of Probability and its Applications 1 The Annals of Probability 1 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Mathematische Operationsforschung und Statistik. Series Statistics 1 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 1 Cybernetics 1 Statistics 1 Siberian Advances in Mathematics 1 Discrete Mathematics and Applications 1 Litovskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Sbornik 1 Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 1 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 1 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 1 Obozrenie Prikladnoĭ i Promyshlennoĭ Matematiki 1 Chaos 1 Dopovidi Natsional’noï Akademiï Nauk Ukraïny. Matematyka, Pryrodoznavstvo, Tekhnichni Nauky 1 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 1 Mathematics and its Applications (Dordrecht) 1 Mathematics and Its Applications. Soviet Series 1 Statistics and Its Interface 1 Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Matematika i Mekhanika 1 Naukovyĭ Visnyk Uzhgorods’kogo Universytetu. Seriya Matematyka i Informatyka all top 5 Fields 115 Statistics (62-XX) 53 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 9 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 8 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 4 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Geometry (51-XX) 3 General topology (54-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 58 Publications have been cited 402 times in 239 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Statistical analysis of random fields. Transl. from the Russian by A. I. Kochubinsky. Transl. ed. by S. Kotz. Zbl 0713.62094 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N. 105 1989 Statistical analysis of random fields. (Statisticheskij analiz sluchajnykh polej.) Zbl 0721.62097 Leonenko, N. N.; Ivanov, A. V. 35 1986 Asymptotic theory of nonlinear regression. Zbl 0874.62070 Ivanov, Alexander V. 29 1997 Limit theorems for weighted nonlinear transformations of Gaussian stationary processes with singular spectra. Zbl 1329.60031 Ivanov, Alexander V.; Leonenko, Nikolai; Ruiz-Medina, María D.; Savich, Irina N. 28 2013 Quasilinear degenerate and nonuniformly elliptic and parabolic equations of second order. Transl. from the Russian by J. R. Schulenberger. Zbl 0544.35003 Ivanov, A. V. 20 1984 An asymptotic expansion for the distribution of the least squares estimator of the non-linear regression parameter. Zbl 0358.62060 Ivanov, A. V. 20 1976 Semiparametric analysis of long-range dependence in nonlinear regression. Zbl 1138.62310 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N. 18 2008 Estimation of harmonic component in regression with cyclically dependent errors. Zbl 1396.62162 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N.; Ruiz-Medina, M. D.; Zhurakovsky, B. M. 16 2015 Asymptotic theory of nonlinear regression with long-range dependence. Zbl 1132.62338 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N. 10 2004 Consistency of the least squares estimator of the amplitudes and angular frequencies of a sum of harmonic oscillations in models with long-range dependence. Zbl 1223.62145 Ivanov, A. V. 9 2009 Robust estimators in nonlinear regression models with long-range dependence. Zbl 1192.62041 Ivanov, A.; Leonenko, N. 9 2009 Asymptotic behavior of \(M\)-estimators in continuous time non-linear regression with long-range dependent errors. Zbl 1010.62022 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N. 8 2002 A solution of the problem of detecting hidden periodicities. Zbl 0485.60044 Ivanov, A. V. 6 1980 \(L_p\)-estimates in nonlinear regression with long-range dependence. Zbl 1063.62094 Ivanov, A. V.; Orlovsky, I. V. 5 2001 Convergence of distributions of functionals of measurable random fields. Zbl 0444.60042 Ivanov, A. V. 5 1980 Consistency of the least squares estimators of parameters in the texture surface sinusoidal model. Zbl 1412.62126 Ivanov, A. V.; Malyar, O. V. 5 2018 On the Whittle estimator of the parameter of spectral density of random noise in the nonlinear regression model. Zbl 1490.62167 Ivanov, O. V.; Prykhod’ko, V. V. 5 2016 An asymptotic expansion of the distribution of least squares estimators in the nonlinear regression model. Zbl 0529.62020 Ivanov, A. V.; Zwanzig, S. 4 1983 Asymptotic expansion of the moments of correlogram estimator for the random-noise covariance function in the nonlinear regression model. Zbl 1307.62172 Ivanov, O. V.; Moskvychova, K. K. 4 2014 Stochastic asymptotic expansion of correlogram estimator of the correlation function of random noise in nonlinear regression model. Zbl 1346.60043 Ivanov, O. V.; Moskvichova, K. K. 4 2015 Properties of the statistical estimate of the entropy of a random vector with a probability density. Zbl 0529.62002 Ivanov, A. V.; Rozhkova, M. N. 3 1982 On the invariance principle for the correlation function estimation of a homogeneous random field. Zbl 0453.62072 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N. 3 1980 On the convergence of the distributions of functionals of the correlation function estimation. Zbl 0406.60024 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N. 3 1978 Limit theorems for the maximal residuals in linear and nonlinear regression models. Zbl 1312.60069 Ivanov, A. V.; Matsak, I. K. 3 2013 Asymptotic properties of Ibragimov’s estimator for a parameter of the spectral density of the random noise in a nonlinear regression model. Zbl 1357.62231 Ivanov, A. V.; Prikhod’ko, V. V. 3 2016 Large deviations of regression parameter estimator in continuous-time models with sub-Gaussian noise. Zbl 1391.60100 Ivanov, Alexander V.; Orlovskyi, Igor V. 3 2018 Asymptotic inference for a nonlinear regression with a long-range dependence. Zbl 0988.62015 Ivanov, O. V.; Leonenko, M. M. 2 2000 Asymptotic properties of \(L_p\)-estimators. Zbl 1196.62114 Ivanov, Alexander V. 2 2008 Consistency of M-estimates in general nonlinear regression models. Zbl 1153.62052 Ivanov, Alexander V.; Orlovsky, Igor V. 2 2007 A limit theorem for correlation function estimation. Zbl 0406.62063 Ivanov, A. V. 2 1978 Large deviations of regression parameter estimate in the models with stationary sub-Gaussian noise. Zbl 1390.60109 Ivanov, A. V. 2 2017 Limit theorems for extremal residuals in a regression model with heavy tails of observation errors. Zbl 1312.60070 Ivanov, O. V.; Matsak, I. K. 2 2014 Asymptotic normality of the correlogram estimator of the covariance function of a random noise in the nonlinear regression model. Zbl 1346.60018 Ivanov, O. V.; Moskvichova, K. K. 2 2015 On the least squares estimator asymptotic normality of the multivariate symmetric textured surface parameters. Zbl 07450429 Ivanov, A. V.; Savych, I. M. 2 2021 On the Whittle estimator for linear random noise spectral density parameter in continuous-time nonlinear regression models. Zbl 1436.62429 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N.; Orlovskyi, I. V. 2 2020 On the consistency of \(l_ \alpha\)-estimators of parameters of a regression function. Zbl 0748.62035 Ivanov, A. V. 1 1990 Saddlepoint approximation in nonlinear regression. Zbl 0892.62035 Ivanov, Alexander V.; Zwanzig, Silvelyn 1 1996 Asymptotic expansions for quadratic functionals of the least squares estimator of a nonlinear regression parameter. Zbl 0816.62016 Grigor’ev, Yu. D.; Ivanov, A. V. 1 1993 Decomposable statistics in inverse urn problems. Zbl 0840.60016 Ivchenko, G. I.; Ivanov, A. V. 1 1995 Saddlepoint expansions in linear regression. Zbl 1043.62007 Ivanov, Alexander V.; Zwanzig, Silvelyn 1 2002 Asymptotic normality of M-estimates in the classical nonlinear regression model. Zbl 1196.62026 Ivanov, O. V.; Orlovs’kyj, I. V. 1 2008 Two theorems on the consistency of the least squares estimate. Zbl 0526.62057 Ivanov, A. V. 1 1983 On the asymptotic distribution of the Koenker-Bassett estimator for a parameter of the nonlinear model of regression with strongly dependent noise. Zbl 1490.62074 Ivanov, O. V.; Savych, I. M. 1 2012 Asymptotic expansion of the least squares estimator for a vector parameter of a nonlinear regression. Zbl 0515.62061 Ivanov, A. V.; Zwanzig, S. 1 1983 A solution of the hidden periodicities exposure problem. Zbl 0407.60071 Ivanov, A. V. 1 1979 Über die Konvergenz von Verteilungen von Funktionalen meßbarer Zufallsfelder. Zbl 0427.60054 Ivanov, A. V. 1 1980 On consistency of minimum contrast estimators in the case of nonidentically distributed observations. Zbl 0476.62030 Ivanov, A. V.; Kozlov, O. M. 1 1980 Asymptotic expansions connected with an estimator of the variance of the observation error for a model of “signal plus noise”. Zbl 0632.62089 Bardadym, T. A.; Ivanov, A. V. 1 1986 Consistency and asymptotic normality of least absolute value estimates. Zbl 0567.62014 Ivanov, A. V. 1 1984 Asymptotic normality of \(L_p\)-estimators in nonlinear regression models with weak dependence. Zbl 1223.62110 Ivanov, O. V.; Orlovs’kyj, I. V. 1 2008 Asymptotic normality of Koenker-Basset estimates in nonlinear regression models. Zbl 1125.62064 Ivanov, O. V.; Orlovs’kyj, I. V. 1 2005 Asymptotic expansions in propagation of chaos for Boltzmann type equations. Zbl 0968.60078 Ivanov, A. V.; Nekrutkin, V. V.; Tur, N. I. 1 1998 Large deviations of the correlogram estimator of the random noise covariance function in the nonlinear regression model. Zbl 07531809 Ivanov, Alexander; Kozachenko, Yuriy; Moskvychova, Kateryna 1 2021 Racah coefficients for the group \(\operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{R} )\). Zbl 1537.22032 Derkachev, S. E.; Ivanov, A. V. 1 2023 Quantum field theory on the example of the simplest cubic model. Zbl 1537.81144 Ivanov, A. V.; Russkikh, M. A. 1 2023 Consistency of LSE for the many-dimensional symmetric textured surface parameters. Zbl 1517.62072 Dykyi, Oleksandr; Ivanov, Alexander 1 2023 Extreme residuals in regression model. Minimax approach. Zbl 1352.60033 Ivanov, Aleksander; Matsak, Ivan; Polotskiy, Sergiy 1 2015 Asymptotic properties of \(M\)-estimators of parameters of a nonlinear regression model with a random noise whose spectrum is singular. Zbl 1357.62230 Ivanov, A. V.; Orlovskyi, I. V. 1 2016 Racah coefficients for the group \(\operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{R} )\). Zbl 1537.22032 Derkachev, S. E.; Ivanov, A. V. 1 2023 Quantum field theory on the example of the simplest cubic model. Zbl 1537.81144 Ivanov, A. V.; Russkikh, M. A. 1 2023 Consistency of LSE for the many-dimensional symmetric textured surface parameters. Zbl 1517.62072 Dykyi, Oleksandr; Ivanov, Alexander 1 2023 On the least squares estimator asymptotic normality of the multivariate symmetric textured surface parameters. Zbl 07450429 Ivanov, A. V.; Savych, I. M. 2 2021 Large deviations of the correlogram estimator of the random noise covariance function in the nonlinear regression model. Zbl 07531809 Ivanov, Alexander; Kozachenko, Yuriy; Moskvychova, Kateryna 1 2021 On the Whittle estimator for linear random noise spectral density parameter in continuous-time nonlinear regression models. Zbl 1436.62429 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N.; Orlovskyi, I. V. 2 2020 Consistency of the least squares estimators of parameters in the texture surface sinusoidal model. Zbl 1412.62126 Ivanov, A. V.; Malyar, O. V. 5 2018 Large deviations of regression parameter estimator in continuous-time models with sub-Gaussian noise. Zbl 1391.60100 Ivanov, Alexander V.; Orlovskyi, Igor V. 3 2018 Large deviations of regression parameter estimate in the models with stationary sub-Gaussian noise. Zbl 1390.60109 Ivanov, A. V. 2 2017 On the Whittle estimator of the parameter of spectral density of random noise in the nonlinear regression model. Zbl 1490.62167 Ivanov, O. V.; Prykhod’ko, V. V. 5 2016 Asymptotic properties of Ibragimov’s estimator for a parameter of the spectral density of the random noise in a nonlinear regression model. Zbl 1357.62231 Ivanov, A. V.; Prikhod’ko, V. V. 3 2016 Asymptotic properties of \(M\)-estimators of parameters of a nonlinear regression model with a random noise whose spectrum is singular. Zbl 1357.62230 Ivanov, A. V.; Orlovskyi, I. V. 1 2016 Estimation of harmonic component in regression with cyclically dependent errors. Zbl 1396.62162 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N.; Ruiz-Medina, M. D.; Zhurakovsky, B. M. 16 2015 Stochastic asymptotic expansion of correlogram estimator of the correlation function of random noise in nonlinear regression model. Zbl 1346.60043 Ivanov, O. V.; Moskvichova, K. K. 4 2015 Asymptotic normality of the correlogram estimator of the covariance function of a random noise in the nonlinear regression model. Zbl 1346.60018 Ivanov, O. V.; Moskvichova, K. K. 2 2015 Extreme residuals in regression model. Minimax approach. Zbl 1352.60033 Ivanov, Aleksander; Matsak, Ivan; Polotskiy, Sergiy 1 2015 Asymptotic expansion of the moments of correlogram estimator for the random-noise covariance function in the nonlinear regression model. Zbl 1307.62172 Ivanov, O. V.; Moskvychova, K. K. 4 2014 Limit theorems for extremal residuals in a regression model with heavy tails of observation errors. Zbl 1312.60070 Ivanov, O. V.; Matsak, I. K. 2 2014 Limit theorems for weighted nonlinear transformations of Gaussian stationary processes with singular spectra. Zbl 1329.60031 Ivanov, Alexander V.; Leonenko, Nikolai; Ruiz-Medina, María D.; Savich, Irina N. 28 2013 Limit theorems for the maximal residuals in linear and nonlinear regression models. Zbl 1312.60069 Ivanov, A. V.; Matsak, I. K. 3 2013 On the asymptotic distribution of the Koenker-Bassett estimator for a parameter of the nonlinear model of regression with strongly dependent noise. Zbl 1490.62074 Ivanov, O. V.; Savych, I. M. 1 2012 Consistency of the least squares estimator of the amplitudes and angular frequencies of a sum of harmonic oscillations in models with long-range dependence. Zbl 1223.62145 Ivanov, A. V. 9 2009 Robust estimators in nonlinear regression models with long-range dependence. Zbl 1192.62041 Ivanov, A.; Leonenko, N. 9 2009 Semiparametric analysis of long-range dependence in nonlinear regression. Zbl 1138.62310 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N. 18 2008 Asymptotic properties of \(L_p\)-estimators. Zbl 1196.62114 Ivanov, Alexander V. 2 2008 Asymptotic normality of M-estimates in the classical nonlinear regression model. Zbl 1196.62026 Ivanov, O. V.; Orlovs’kyj, I. V. 1 2008 Asymptotic normality of \(L_p\)-estimators in nonlinear regression models with weak dependence. Zbl 1223.62110 Ivanov, O. V.; Orlovs’kyj, I. V. 1 2008 Consistency of M-estimates in general nonlinear regression models. Zbl 1153.62052 Ivanov, Alexander V.; Orlovsky, Igor V. 2 2007 Asymptotic normality of Koenker-Basset estimates in nonlinear regression models. Zbl 1125.62064 Ivanov, O. V.; Orlovs’kyj, I. V. 1 2005 Asymptotic theory of nonlinear regression with long-range dependence. Zbl 1132.62338 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N. 10 2004 Asymptotic behavior of \(M\)-estimators in continuous time non-linear regression with long-range dependent errors. Zbl 1010.62022 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N. 8 2002 Saddlepoint expansions in linear regression. Zbl 1043.62007 Ivanov, Alexander V.; Zwanzig, Silvelyn 1 2002 \(L_p\)-estimates in nonlinear regression with long-range dependence. Zbl 1063.62094 Ivanov, A. V.; Orlovsky, I. V. 5 2001 Asymptotic inference for a nonlinear regression with a long-range dependence. Zbl 0988.62015 Ivanov, O. V.; Leonenko, M. M. 2 2000 Asymptotic expansions in propagation of chaos for Boltzmann type equations. Zbl 0968.60078 Ivanov, A. V.; Nekrutkin, V. V.; Tur, N. I. 1 1998 Asymptotic theory of nonlinear regression. Zbl 0874.62070 Ivanov, Alexander V. 29 1997 Saddlepoint approximation in nonlinear regression. Zbl 0892.62035 Ivanov, Alexander V.; Zwanzig, Silvelyn 1 1996 Decomposable statistics in inverse urn problems. Zbl 0840.60016 Ivchenko, G. I.; Ivanov, A. V. 1 1995 Asymptotic expansions for quadratic functionals of the least squares estimator of a nonlinear regression parameter. Zbl 0816.62016 Grigor’ev, Yu. D.; Ivanov, A. V. 1 1993 On the consistency of \(l_ \alpha\)-estimators of parameters of a regression function. Zbl 0748.62035 Ivanov, A. V. 1 1990 Statistical analysis of random fields. Transl. from the Russian by A. I. Kochubinsky. Transl. ed. by S. Kotz. Zbl 0713.62094 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N. 105 1989 Statistical analysis of random fields. (Statisticheskij analiz sluchajnykh polej.) Zbl 0721.62097 Leonenko, N. N.; Ivanov, A. V. 35 1986 Asymptotic expansions connected with an estimator of the variance of the observation error for a model of “signal plus noise”. Zbl 0632.62089 Bardadym, T. A.; Ivanov, A. V. 1 1986 Quasilinear degenerate and nonuniformly elliptic and parabolic equations of second order. Transl. from the Russian by J. R. Schulenberger. Zbl 0544.35003 Ivanov, A. V. 20 1984 Consistency and asymptotic normality of least absolute value estimates. Zbl 0567.62014 Ivanov, A. V. 1 1984 An asymptotic expansion of the distribution of least squares estimators in the nonlinear regression model. Zbl 0529.62020 Ivanov, A. V.; Zwanzig, S. 4 1983 Two theorems on the consistency of the least squares estimate. Zbl 0526.62057 Ivanov, A. V. 1 1983 Asymptotic expansion of the least squares estimator for a vector parameter of a nonlinear regression. Zbl 0515.62061 Ivanov, A. V.; Zwanzig, S. 1 1983 Properties of the statistical estimate of the entropy of a random vector with a probability density. Zbl 0529.62002 Ivanov, A. V.; Rozhkova, M. N. 3 1982 A solution of the problem of detecting hidden periodicities. Zbl 0485.60044 Ivanov, A. V. 6 1980 Convergence of distributions of functionals of measurable random fields. Zbl 0444.60042 Ivanov, A. V. 5 1980 On the invariance principle for the correlation function estimation of a homogeneous random field. Zbl 0453.62072 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N. 3 1980 Über die Konvergenz von Verteilungen von Funktionalen meßbarer Zufallsfelder. Zbl 0427.60054 Ivanov, A. V. 1 1980 On consistency of minimum contrast estimators in the case of nonidentically distributed observations. Zbl 0476.62030 Ivanov, A. V.; Kozlov, O. M. 1 1980 A solution of the hidden periodicities exposure problem. Zbl 0407.60071 Ivanov, A. V. 1 1979 On the convergence of the distributions of functionals of the correlation function estimation. Zbl 0406.60024 Ivanov, A. V.; Leonenko, N. N. 3 1978 A limit theorem for correlation function estimation. Zbl 0406.62063 Ivanov, A. V. 2 1978 An asymptotic expansion for the distribution of the least squares estimator of the non-linear regression parameter. Zbl 0358.62060 Ivanov, A. V. 20 1976 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 272 Authors 44 Leonenko, Nikolai N. 29 Ivanov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich 22 Olenko, Andriy Yakovych 12 Ruiz-Medina, María Dolores 8 Anh, Vo V. 6 De Filippis, Cristiana 6 Mingione, Giuseppe 6 Sakhno, Lyudmyla Mykhaĭlivna 6 Spodarev, Evgueni 5 Yeh, Li-Ming 4 Alodat, Tareq 4 Knopov, Pavel S. 4 Liu, Gi-Ren 4 Orlovsky, Igor V. 4 Vaskovych, Volodymyr 3 Angulo, José Miguel 3 Beran, Jan 3 Bila, G. D. 3 Frías, María P. 3 Hu, Shuhe 3 Kozachenko, Yuriĭ Vasyl’ovych 3 Marinucci, Domenico 3 Matsak, Ivan K. 3 Mikhaĭlov, Gennadiĭ Alekseevich 3 Omari, Dareen 3 Prakasa Rao, B. L. S. 3 Tempel’man, Arkadĭ Aleksandrovich 3 Troshki, Viktor B. 3 Vidotto, Anna 3 Wang, Lihong 3 Yang, Wenzhi 2 Ambos, Andrey Yu. 2 Avram, Florin 2 Ayache, Antoine 2 Bradley, Richard C. jun. 2 Ciuperca, Gabriela 2 Donhauzer, Illia 2 Durastanti, Claudio 2 El-Bassiouny, Ahmed H. 2 Espejo, Rosa M. 2 Fazekas, István 2 Fradon, Myriam 2 Francos, Joseph M. 2 Ivanov, Oleg Vladimirovich 2 Kasitskaya, Evgeniya J. 2 Kelbert, Mark Ya. 2 Knopov, O. P. 2 Kolesnik, Alexander D. 2 Kukush, Oleksandr Georgiĭovych 2 Lan, Xiaohong 2 Le Phe Do 2 Lymar, O. V. 2 Miao, Yu 2 Moskvichova, K. K. 2 Moskvychova, Kateryna 2 Parkhomenko, Victoria N. 2 Pipiras, Vladas 2 Prigarin, Sergei M. 2 Pronzato, Luc 2 Sabirov, Sh. O. 2 Savich, Irina N. 2 Savych, I. M. 2 Schmidt, Volker 2 Sheu, Yuan-Chung 2 Shieh, Narn-Rueih 2 Surgailis, Donatas 2 Šuvak, Nenad 2 Taufer, Emanuele 2 Weiershäuser, Arno 2 Wu, Hau-Tieng 2 Zhurakovsky, B. M. 2 Zwanzig, Silvelyn 1 Abadir, Karim M. 1 Abry, Patrice 1 Aga, Mosisa 1 Ahn, V. V. 1 Alomari, Huda Mohammed 1 Bagdonavičius, Vilijandas B. 1 Bellomo, Nicola 1 Benšić, Mirta 1 Bertsch, Michiel 1 Bhootna, Niharika 1 Bole, Velimir 1 Borshchevskij, A. V. 1 Bouzebda, Salim 1 Brandão, Helena 1 Broadbridge, Philip 1 Buldygin, Valeriĭ Volodymyrovych 1 Bulinskiĭ, Aleksandr Vadimovich 1 Cai, Haiyan 1 Carmona, Jean-Claude 1 Chiu, Grace S. 1 Choi, Jongeun 1 Christakos, George 1 Clayton, Murray K. 1 Cohen, Guy 1 Consiglieri, Luisa 1 Corbier, Christophe 1 Cremers, Heinz 1 Cui, Hengjian ...and 172 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 82 Serials 22 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 18 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 11 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 10 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 10 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 9 Statistics & Probability Letters 8 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 8 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 8 Bernoulli 6 Statistics 6 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 6 Modern Stochastics. Theory and Applications 5 Journal of Applied Probability 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Journal of Statistical Physics 4 Journal of Differential Equations 4 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 4 Stochastics 3 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 3 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 3 The Annals of Applied Probability 3 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics 3 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 2 Advances in Applied Probability 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 2 Metrika 2 Physica A 2 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 2 Cybernetics 2 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 2 Test 2 Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling 2 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2 Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2 Electronic Journal of Statistics 1 Nonlinearity 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 The Annals of Probability 1 The Annals of Statistics 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 1 Automatica 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of Econometrics 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 Probability Theory and Related Fields 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 1 Mathematical Methods of Statistics 1 Statistical Papers 1 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1 Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 1 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki 1 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 1 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 1 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 1 Science China. Mathematics 1 Sankhyā. Series B 1 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 1 Carpathian Mathematical Publications 1 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana all top 5 Cited in 28 Fields 142 Statistics (62-XX) 137 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 28 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 12 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 6 Special functions (33-XX) 6 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 5 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year