Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Ji, Un Cig Co-Author Distance Author ID: ji.un-cig Published as: Ji, Un Cig; Ji, U. C.; Un Cig Ji more...less Homepage: http://web.chungbuk.ac.kr/~uncigji/ External Links: ORCID · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp Documents Indexed: 106 Publications since 1996, including 1 Book and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor Co-Authors: 41 Co-Authors with 98 Joint Publications 1,032 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 9 single-authored 24 Obata, Nobuaki 15 Chung, Dong Myung 14 Choi, Byoung Jin 12 Heo, Jaeseong 11 Accardi, Luigi 11 Saitô, Kimiaki 9 Kim, Young Yi 6 Sinha, Kalyan B. 4 Belavkin, Viacheslav 4 Lim, Yongdo 4 Park, Yoon Jung 3 Chung, Tae Su 3 Ma, Pengcheng 3 Ouerdiane, Habib 2 Lee, Mira 2 Sahu, Lingaraj 1 Barhoumi, Abdessatar 1 Bozejko, Marek 1 Choi, Jin Pil 1 Chung, Chang-Hoon 1 Dai, Tianjiao 1 Dong Myung Chung 1 Ella, Abdon Ebang 1 Hasegawa, Ai 1 Hiai, Fumio 1 Hong, Jang Pyo 1 Joiţa, Maria 1 Kim, Jaehee H. 1 Kim, Sejong 1 Kum, Sangho 1 Lim, Kyung Pil 1 Lu, Yun Gang 1 Lytvynov, Yevgen Vil’yamovych 1 Min, Byeong Su 1 Moslehian, Mohammad Sal 1 Pálfia, Miklós 1 Park, Su Hyung 1 Seitô, Kimiaki 1 Song, Lixin 1 Sun, Yan 1 Xuan, Haiyan all top 5 Serials 19 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 10 Journal of Mathematical Physics 6 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 5 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 5 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 4 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIS) 3 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 2 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 2 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 2 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 2 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 2 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2 Communications on Stochastic Analysis 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Constructive Approximation 1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 1 Optimization Methods & Software 1 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 1 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 1 RIMS Kokyuroku 1 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 1 Stochastics all top 5 Fields 77 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 63 Functional analysis (46-XX) 38 Quantum theory (81-XX) 23 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 76 Publications have been cited 459 times in 177 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Transforms on white noise functionals with their applications to Cauchy problems. Zbl 0903.60049 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig 28 1997 Analytic characterization of generalized Fock space operators as two-variable entire functions with growth condition. Zbl 1050.60070 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki; Ouerdiane, Habib 28 2002 Quantum stochastic analysis via white noise operators in weighted Fock space. Zbl 1027.60072 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 18 2002 Annihilation-derivative, creation-derivative and representation of quantum martingales. Zbl 1170.81032 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 17 2009 Transformation groups on white noise functionals and their applications. Zbl 1002.60557 Chung, D. M.; Ji, U. C. 15 1998 Cauchy problems associated with the Lévy Laplacian in white noise analysis. Zbl 0936.46033 Dong Myung Chung; Un Cig Ji; Seitô, Kimiaki 14 1999 Quantum extensions of Fourier–Gauss and Fourier–Mehler transforms. Zbl 1169.46020 Ji, Un Cig 12 2008 Exotic Laplacians and associated stochastic processes. Zbl 1172.60019 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 12 2009 Stochastic integral representation theorem for quantum semimartingales. Zbl 1036.60060 Ji, Un Cig 12 2003 The exotic (higher order Lévy) Laplacians generate the Markov processes given by distribution derivatives of white noise. Zbl 1285.60069 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 12 2013 Higher powers of quantum white noises in terms of integral kernel operators. Zbl 0928.60088 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 11 1998 Relations among the first variation, the convolutions and the generalized Fourier-Gauss transforms. Zbl 1227.44003 Im, Man Kyu; Ji, Un Cig; Park, Yoon Jung 11 2011 Some Cauchy problems in white noise analysis and associated semigroups of operators. Zbl 0967.60069 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig 10 1999 Quantum white noise calculus. Zbl 1046.81070 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 10 2002 A characterization theorem for operators on white noise functionals. Zbl 0935.46039 Chung, Dong Myung; Chung, Tae Su; Ji, Un Cig 10 1999 Implementation problem for the canonical commutation relation in terms of quantum white noise derivatives. Zbl 1314.81180 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 10 2010 Quantum stochastic integral representations of Fock space operators. Zbl 1178.81146 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 9 2009 Generalized white noise operator fields and quantum white noise derivatives. Zbl 1181.60110 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 9 2008 Convergence rates for weighted sums in noncommutative probability space. Zbl 1323.46041 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig 9 2014 A similarity between the Gross Laplacian and the Lévy Laplacian. Zbl 1118.60057 Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 9 2007 A unified characterization theorem in white noise theory. Zbl 1044.60056 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 9 2003 Exotic laplacians and derivatives of white noise. Zbl 1213.60114 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 9 2011 On KSGNS representations on Krein \(C^{\ast}\)-modules. Zbl 1310.46048 Heo, Jaeseong; Hong, Jang Pyo; Ji, Un Cig 9 2010 A simple proof of analytic characterization theorem for operator symbols. Zbl 0907.46037 Chung, Dong Myung; Chung, Tae Su; Ji, Un Cig 8 1997 Monotone quantum stochastic processes and covariant dynamical hemigroups. Zbl 1250.46044 Heo, Jaeseong; Belavkin, Viacheslav P.; Ji, Un Cig 7 2011 Higher order multi-dimensional extensions of Cesàro theorem. Zbl 1345.40004 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 7 2015 The proximal point algorithm in uniformly convex metric spaces. Zbl 1376.49043 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig 7 2016 Radon-Nikodým type theorem for {\(\alpha\)}-completely positive maps. Zbl 1314.46065 Heo, Jaeseong; Ji, Un Cig 7 2010 Quantum stochastic processes for maps on Hilbert \(C^{\ast}\)-modules. Zbl 1317.81183 Heo, Jaeseong; Ji, Un Cig 7 2011 Transformations on white noise functions associated with second order differential operators of diagonal type. Zbl 0912.60084 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 6 1998 Notes on a \(C_0\)-group generated by the Lévy Laplacian. Zbl 0989.60063 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 6 2002 Convergences of alternating projections in \(\mathrm{CAT}(\kappa)\) spaces. Zbl 1390.90572 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig; Lim, Yongdo 6 2018 Exponential convergence rates for weighted sums in noncommutative probability space. Zbl 1370.46040 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig 5 2016 Quantum white noise calculus and applications. Zbl 1334.60134 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 5 2014 Admissible white noise operators and their quantum white noise derivatives. Zbl 1111.81107 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 5 2005 Quantum Lévy Laplacian and associated heat equation. Zbl 1134.35105 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki; Ouerdiane, Habib 5 2007 Integral representation of quantum martingales. Zbl 1082.81055 Ji, Un Cig; Sinha, Kalyan B. 5 2005 Convex feasibility problems on uniformly convex metric spaces. Zbl 07136207 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig; Lim, Yongdo 5 2020 Reconstruction theorem for stationary monotone quantum Markov processes. Zbl 1245.46051 Heo, Jaeseong; Belavkin, Viacheslav P.; Ji, Un Cig 4 2012 Quantum stochastic gradients. Zbl 1181.81083 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 4 2009 \(\alpha\)-completely positive maps on locally \(C^{\ast }\)-algebras, Krein modules and Radon-Nikodým theorem. Zbl 1270.46052 Heo, Jaeseong; Ji, Un Cig; Kim, Young Yi 4 2013 Inequalities for positive module operators on von Neumann algebras. Zbl 1401.46039 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig; Lim, Yongdo 4 2018 Unitarity of Kuo’s Fourier-Mehler transform. Zbl 1079.60065 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 3 2004 Projective covariant representations of locally \(C^*\)-dynamical systems. Zbl 1286.46058 Heo, Jaeseong; Ji, Un Cig; Kim, Young Yi 3 2013 Quantum Laplacians on generalized operators on boson Fock space. Zbl 1260.60136 Accardi, Luigi; Barhoumi, Abdessatar; Ji, Un Cig 3 2011 KSGNS type constructions for \(\alpha\)-completely positive maps on Krein \(C^\ast\)-modules. Zbl 1354.46054 Moslehian, Mohammad Sal; Joiţa, Maria; Ji, Un Cig 3 2016 Calculating normal-ordered forms in Fock space by quantum white noise derivatives. Zbl 1295.60081 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 3 2013 An implementation problem for boson fields and quantum Girsanov transform. Zbl 1344.81179 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 3 2016 Analytic characterizations of infinite dimensional distributions. Zbl 1366.60092 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 3 2017 Unitarity of generalized Fourier-Gauss transforms. Zbl 1115.60067 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 2 2006 Uniqueness of integrands in quantum stochastic integral. Zbl 1107.60319 Ji, Un Cig; Sinha, Kalyan B. 2 2006 A role of Bargmann-Segal spaces in characterization and expansion of operators on Fock space. Zbl 1087.46022 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 2 2004 Convolutions of white noise operators. Zbl 1239.60067 Ji, Un Cig; Kim, Young Yi 2 2011 Covariant representations on Krein \(C^\ast\)-modules associated to pairs of two maps. Zbl 1270.46051 Heo, Jaeseong; Ji, Un Cig; Kim, Young Yi 2 2013 Convolutions of generalized white noise functionals. Zbl 1309.60076 Ji, Un Cig; Kim, Young Yi; Park, Yoon Jung 2 2013 Initial value problem for white noise operators and quantum stochastic processes. Zbl 0991.60055 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 2 2000 Multi-parameter transformation groups on white noise functionals. Zbl 1006.46031 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig 2 2000 White noise delta functions and infinite-dimensional Laplacians. Zbl 1461.60060 Accardi, Luigi; Hasegawa, Ai; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 2 2020 Noncommutative Fuk-Nagaev inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1402.46043 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig 2 2018 Law of large numbers for weighted inductive means in a Hadamard space. Zbl 1395.60032 Choi, Byoung Jin; Heo, Jaeseong; Ji, Un Cig 2 2017 An approach to the log-Euclidean mean via the Karcher mean on symmetric cones. Zbl 1357.47020 Kim, Sejong; Ji, Un Cig; Kum, Sangho 1 2016 Yeh convolution of white noise functionals. Zbl 1274.60224 Ji, Un Cig; Kim, Young Yi; Park, Yoon Jung 1 2013 Quantum white noise analysis and quantum stochastic equations. Zbl 1244.81036 Belavkin, V. P.; Heo, Jaeseong; Ji, Un Cig 1 2011 Precise asymptotics of partial sums of noncommutative random variables. Zbl 1335.60033 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig 1 2015 Quantum stochastic process associated with quantum Lévy Laplacian. Zbl 1328.60167 Ji, Un Cig; Ouerdiane, Habib; Saitô, Kimiaki 1 2007 Characterization of unitary processes with independent increments. Zbl 1331.60079 Ji, Un Cig; Sahu, Lingaraj; Sinha, Kalyan B. 1 2010 Normal-ordered white noise differential equations. II: Regularity properties of solutions. Zbl 0991.60054 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 1 1999 Quantum white noise derivatives and associated differential equations for white noise operators. Zbl 1208.81127 Ji, U. C.; Obata, Nobuaki 1 2010 Fractional Langevin type equations for white noise distributions. Zbl 1498.60298 Ji, Un Cig; Lee, Mi Ra; Ma, Peng Cheng 1 2021 Toeplitz lemma in geodesic metric space and convergence of inductive means. Zbl 1401.40002 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig 1 2018 One-parameter groups and cosine families of operators on white noise functions. Zbl 0967.60068 Chung, Chang-Hoon; Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig 1 2000 Cauchy problems for a partial differential equation in white noise analysis. Zbl 0891.46021 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig 1 1996 Quantum stochastic calculus associated with quadratic quantum noises. Zbl 1332.81106 Ji, Un Cig; Sinha, Kalyan B. 1 2016 Quantum stochastic differential equations associated with square of annihilation and creation processes. Zbl 1380.81182 Ji, Un Cig; Sinha, Kalyan B. 1 2018 Evolution systems and continuity equations for white noise functionals. Zbl 1507.60091 Ji, Un Cig 1 2022 Shifted generalized Mehler semigroups on white noise functionals. Zbl 07855503 Ji, Un Cig; Lee, Mi Ra 1 2023 Shifted generalized Mehler semigroups on white noise functionals. Zbl 07855503 Ji, Un Cig; Lee, Mi Ra 1 2023 Evolution systems and continuity equations for white noise functionals. Zbl 1507.60091 Ji, Un Cig 1 2022 Fractional Langevin type equations for white noise distributions. Zbl 1498.60298 Ji, Un Cig; Lee, Mi Ra; Ma, Peng Cheng 1 2021 Convex feasibility problems on uniformly convex metric spaces. Zbl 07136207 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig; Lim, Yongdo 5 2020 White noise delta functions and infinite-dimensional Laplacians. Zbl 1461.60060 Accardi, Luigi; Hasegawa, Ai; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 2 2020 Convergences of alternating projections in \(\mathrm{CAT}(\kappa)\) spaces. Zbl 1390.90572 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig; Lim, Yongdo 6 2018 Inequalities for positive module operators on von Neumann algebras. Zbl 1401.46039 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig; Lim, Yongdo 4 2018 Noncommutative Fuk-Nagaev inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1402.46043 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig 2 2018 Toeplitz lemma in geodesic metric space and convergence of inductive means. Zbl 1401.40002 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig 1 2018 Quantum stochastic differential equations associated with square of annihilation and creation processes. Zbl 1380.81182 Ji, Un Cig; Sinha, Kalyan B. 1 2018 Analytic characterizations of infinite dimensional distributions. Zbl 1366.60092 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 3 2017 Law of large numbers for weighted inductive means in a Hadamard space. Zbl 1395.60032 Choi, Byoung Jin; Heo, Jaeseong; Ji, Un Cig 2 2017 The proximal point algorithm in uniformly convex metric spaces. Zbl 1376.49043 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig 7 2016 Exponential convergence rates for weighted sums in noncommutative probability space. Zbl 1370.46040 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig 5 2016 KSGNS type constructions for \(\alpha\)-completely positive maps on Krein \(C^\ast\)-modules. Zbl 1354.46054 Moslehian, Mohammad Sal; Joiţa, Maria; Ji, Un Cig 3 2016 An implementation problem for boson fields and quantum Girsanov transform. Zbl 1344.81179 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 3 2016 An approach to the log-Euclidean mean via the Karcher mean on symmetric cones. Zbl 1357.47020 Kim, Sejong; Ji, Un Cig; Kum, Sangho 1 2016 Quantum stochastic calculus associated with quadratic quantum noises. Zbl 1332.81106 Ji, Un Cig; Sinha, Kalyan B. 1 2016 Higher order multi-dimensional extensions of Cesàro theorem. Zbl 1345.40004 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 7 2015 Precise asymptotics of partial sums of noncommutative random variables. Zbl 1335.60033 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig 1 2015 Convergence rates for weighted sums in noncommutative probability space. Zbl 1323.46041 Choi, Byoung Jin; Ji, Un Cig 9 2014 Quantum white noise calculus and applications. Zbl 1334.60134 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 5 2014 The exotic (higher order Lévy) Laplacians generate the Markov processes given by distribution derivatives of white noise. Zbl 1285.60069 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 12 2013 \(\alpha\)-completely positive maps on locally \(C^{\ast }\)-algebras, Krein modules and Radon-Nikodým theorem. Zbl 1270.46052 Heo, Jaeseong; Ji, Un Cig; Kim, Young Yi 4 2013 Projective covariant representations of locally \(C^*\)-dynamical systems. Zbl 1286.46058 Heo, Jaeseong; Ji, Un Cig; Kim, Young Yi 3 2013 Calculating normal-ordered forms in Fock space by quantum white noise derivatives. Zbl 1295.60081 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 3 2013 Covariant representations on Krein \(C^\ast\)-modules associated to pairs of two maps. Zbl 1270.46051 Heo, Jaeseong; Ji, Un Cig; Kim, Young Yi 2 2013 Convolutions of generalized white noise functionals. Zbl 1309.60076 Ji, Un Cig; Kim, Young Yi; Park, Yoon Jung 2 2013 Yeh convolution of white noise functionals. Zbl 1274.60224 Ji, Un Cig; Kim, Young Yi; Park, Yoon Jung 1 2013 Reconstruction theorem for stationary monotone quantum Markov processes. Zbl 1245.46051 Heo, Jaeseong; Belavkin, Viacheslav P.; Ji, Un Cig 4 2012 Relations among the first variation, the convolutions and the generalized Fourier-Gauss transforms. Zbl 1227.44003 Im, Man Kyu; Ji, Un Cig; Park, Yoon Jung 11 2011 Exotic laplacians and derivatives of white noise. Zbl 1213.60114 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 9 2011 Monotone quantum stochastic processes and covariant dynamical hemigroups. Zbl 1250.46044 Heo, Jaeseong; Belavkin, Viacheslav P.; Ji, Un Cig 7 2011 Quantum stochastic processes for maps on Hilbert \(C^{\ast}\)-modules. Zbl 1317.81183 Heo, Jaeseong; Ji, Un Cig 7 2011 Quantum Laplacians on generalized operators on boson Fock space. Zbl 1260.60136 Accardi, Luigi; Barhoumi, Abdessatar; Ji, Un Cig 3 2011 Convolutions of white noise operators. Zbl 1239.60067 Ji, Un Cig; Kim, Young Yi 2 2011 Quantum white noise analysis and quantum stochastic equations. Zbl 1244.81036 Belavkin, V. P.; Heo, Jaeseong; Ji, Un Cig 1 2011 Implementation problem for the canonical commutation relation in terms of quantum white noise derivatives. Zbl 1314.81180 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 10 2010 On KSGNS representations on Krein \(C^{\ast}\)-modules. Zbl 1310.46048 Heo, Jaeseong; Hong, Jang Pyo; Ji, Un Cig 9 2010 Radon-Nikodým type theorem for {\(\alpha\)}-completely positive maps. Zbl 1314.46065 Heo, Jaeseong; Ji, Un Cig 7 2010 Characterization of unitary processes with independent increments. Zbl 1331.60079 Ji, Un Cig; Sahu, Lingaraj; Sinha, Kalyan B. 1 2010 Quantum white noise derivatives and associated differential equations for white noise operators. Zbl 1208.81127 Ji, U. C.; Obata, Nobuaki 1 2010 Annihilation-derivative, creation-derivative and representation of quantum martingales. Zbl 1170.81032 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 17 2009 Exotic Laplacians and associated stochastic processes. Zbl 1172.60019 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 12 2009 Quantum stochastic integral representations of Fock space operators. Zbl 1178.81146 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 9 2009 Quantum stochastic gradients. Zbl 1181.81083 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 4 2009 Quantum extensions of Fourier–Gauss and Fourier–Mehler transforms. Zbl 1169.46020 Ji, Un Cig 12 2008 Generalized white noise operator fields and quantum white noise derivatives. Zbl 1181.60110 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 9 2008 A similarity between the Gross Laplacian and the Lévy Laplacian. Zbl 1118.60057 Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 9 2007 Quantum Lévy Laplacian and associated heat equation. Zbl 1134.35105 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki; Ouerdiane, Habib 5 2007 Quantum stochastic process associated with quantum Lévy Laplacian. Zbl 1328.60167 Ji, Un Cig; Ouerdiane, Habib; Saitô, Kimiaki 1 2007 Unitarity of generalized Fourier-Gauss transforms. Zbl 1115.60067 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 2 2006 Uniqueness of integrands in quantum stochastic integral. Zbl 1107.60319 Ji, Un Cig; Sinha, Kalyan B. 2 2006 Admissible white noise operators and their quantum white noise derivatives. Zbl 1111.81107 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 5 2005 Integral representation of quantum martingales. Zbl 1082.81055 Ji, Un Cig; Sinha, Kalyan B. 5 2005 Unitarity of Kuo’s Fourier-Mehler transform. Zbl 1079.60065 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 3 2004 A role of Bargmann-Segal spaces in characterization and expansion of operators on Fock space. Zbl 1087.46022 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 2 2004 Stochastic integral representation theorem for quantum semimartingales. Zbl 1036.60060 Ji, Un Cig 12 2003 A unified characterization theorem in white noise theory. Zbl 1044.60056 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 9 2003 Analytic characterization of generalized Fock space operators as two-variable entire functions with growth condition. Zbl 1050.60070 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki; Ouerdiane, Habib 28 2002 Quantum stochastic analysis via white noise operators in weighted Fock space. Zbl 1027.60072 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 18 2002 Quantum white noise calculus. Zbl 1046.81070 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 10 2002 Notes on a \(C_0\)-group generated by the Lévy Laplacian. Zbl 0989.60063 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 6 2002 Initial value problem for white noise operators and quantum stochastic processes. Zbl 0991.60055 Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 2 2000 Multi-parameter transformation groups on white noise functionals. Zbl 1006.46031 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig 2 2000 One-parameter groups and cosine families of operators on white noise functions. Zbl 0967.60068 Chung, Chang-Hoon; Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig 1 2000 Cauchy problems associated with the Lévy Laplacian in white noise analysis. Zbl 0936.46033 Dong Myung Chung; Un Cig Ji; Seitô, Kimiaki 14 1999 Some Cauchy problems in white noise analysis and associated semigroups of operators. Zbl 0967.60069 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig 10 1999 A characterization theorem for operators on white noise functionals. Zbl 0935.46039 Chung, Dong Myung; Chung, Tae Su; Ji, Un Cig 10 1999 Normal-ordered white noise differential equations. II: Regularity properties of solutions. Zbl 0991.60054 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 1 1999 Transformation groups on white noise functionals and their applications. Zbl 1002.60557 Chung, D. M.; Ji, U. C. 15 1998 Higher powers of quantum white noises in terms of integral kernel operators. Zbl 0928.60088 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 11 1998 Transformations on white noise functions associated with second order differential operators of diagonal type. Zbl 0912.60084 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig; Obata, Nobuaki 6 1998 Transforms on white noise functionals with their applications to Cauchy problems. Zbl 0903.60049 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig 28 1997 A simple proof of analytic characterization theorem for operator symbols. Zbl 0907.46037 Chung, Dong Myung; Chung, Tae Su; Ji, Un Cig 8 1997 Cauchy problems for a partial differential equation in white noise analysis. Zbl 0891.46021 Chung, Dong Myung; Ji, Un Cig 1 1996 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 139 Authors 50 Ji, Un Cig 18 Ouerdiane, Habib 17 Rguigui, Hafedh 14 Obata, Nobuaki 14 Saitô, Kimiaki 13 Choi, Byoung Jin 12 Heo, Jaeseong 10 Accardi, Luigi 10 Volkov, Boris O. 9 Chung, Hyun Soo 8 Horrigue, Samah 8 Izuchukwu, Chinedu 8 Wang, Caishi 7 Mewomo, Oluwatosin Temitope 6 Barhoumi, Abdessatar 6 Chang, Seung Jun 6 Ettaieb, Aymen 6 Moslehian, Mohammad Sal 5 Chung, Dong Myung 4 Sinha, Kalyan B. 4 Ugwunnadi, Godwin Chidi 3 da Silva, José Luís 3 Do The Son 3 Huang, Zhiyuan 3 Joiţa, Maria 3 Lee, Mira 3 Lim, Yongdo 3 Ma, Pengcheng 3 Nguyen Van Quang 2 Altoum, Sami H. 2 Ammou, Bilel Kacem Ben 2 Aremu, Kazeem Olalekan 2 Bogdansky, Yu. V. 2 Erraoui, Mohamed 2 Jørgensen, Palle E. T. 2 Khalifa, Narjess Turki 2 Khan, Abdul Rahim 2 Kim, Young Yi 2 Lu, Yun Gang 2 Quang, Nguyen Van 2 Sadeghi, Ghadir 2 Skoug, David 2 Talebi, Ali 2 Tsoi, Allanus H. 2 Wang, Chun 2 Wang, Xiangjun 2 Xu, Tianzhou 1 Abass, Hammed Anuoluwapo 1 Abbas, Mujahid 1 Alhussain, Ziyad Ali 1 Alpay, Daniel Aron 1 Aphane, Maggie 1 Atia, George K. 1 Berman, Stephen A. 1 Bernstein, Swanhild 1 Bikchentaev, Aĭrat Midkhatovich 1 Böck, Maximilian 1 Bock, Wolfgang 1 Boukas, Andreas 1 Chaipunya, Parin 1 Chammam, Wathek 1 Choi, Jae Gil 1 Crismale, Vitonofrio 1 da Cruz Neto, João Xavier 1 Dadkhah, Ali 1 de Brito, José Márcio Machado 1 Dey, Santanu 1 Dong Myung Chung 1 Draouil, Olfa 1 Duong Xuan Giap 1 Ettaieb, Amine 1 Fidaleo, Francesco 1 Ghanmii, Abdeljabbar 1 Ghatak, Anindya 1 Gheryani, Soumaya 1 Haapasalo, Erkka Theodor 1 Harada, Kei 1 Hasegawa, Ai 1 Hu, Tienchung 1 Hwang, Jinmi 1 Ivan’shin, Pëtr Nikolaevich 1 Kachanovsky, Nikolai A. 1 Karakaya, Vatan 1 Kian, Mohsen 1 Kim, Byoung Soo 1 Kim, Jaehee H. 1 Kim, Jaehun 1 Kim, Sejong 1 Kitagawa, Issei 1 Knefati, Mohammad 1 Kouba, Omran 1 Kumam, Poom 1 Kuo, Hui-Hsiung 1 Kusraev, Anatoliĭ Georgievich 1 Le Hong Son 1 Levanony, David 1 Lewis, Adrian S. 1 López Acedo, Genaro 1 Luo, Shunlong 1 Mebawondu, Akindele Adebayo ...and 39 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 70 Serials 36 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 9 Journal of Mathematical Physics 8 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 8 Stochastics 6 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 6 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 5 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 4 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 4 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 3 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 3 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 3 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 3 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 3 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 2 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 2 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 Journal of Theoretical Probability 2 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 2 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Thai Journal of Mathematics 2 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 2 Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Statistics & Probability Letters 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Science in China. Series A 1 Neural Computation 1 Journal of Global Optimization 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 SIAM Journal on Optimization 1 Potential Analysis 1 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Journal of Applied Analysis 1 Optimization Methods & Software 1 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1 Positivity 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Quantum Information Processing 1 Fixed Point Theory 1 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 1 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1 Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki 1 São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 \(p\)-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications 1 Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 1 Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization 1 Carpathian Mathematical Publications 1 Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Function Spaces 1 Advances in Operator Theory 1 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana all top 5 Cited in 35 Fields 104 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 95 Functional analysis (46-XX) 45 Quantum theory (81-XX) 44 Operator theory (47-XX) 12 Measure and integration (28-XX) 11 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 7 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 6 General topology (54-XX) 5 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year