Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Joyal, André Co-Author Distance Author ID: joyal.andre Published as: Joyal, André; Joyal, A.; Joyal, Andre more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · ResearchGate · dblp · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Videos: carmin.tv Documents Indexed: 60 Publications since 1967, including 3 Books and 3 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 22 Co-Authors with 47 Joint Publications 370 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 14 single-authored 8 Street, Ross H. 8 Tierney, Myles 7 Anel, Mathieu 6 Finster, Eric 6 Moerdijk, Ieke 5 Biedermann, Georg 5 Kock, Joachim 3 Bisson, Terrence Paul 2 Gambino, Nicola 2 Hu, Hongde 2 Reyes, Gonzalo E. 1 Aczel, Peter 1 Ahrens, Benedikt 1 Altenkirch, Thorsten 1 Angiuli, Carlo 1 Avigad, Jeremy 1 Awodey, Steve 1 Barras, Bruno 1 Batanin, Michael A. 1 Bauer, Andrej 1 Bertot, Yves 1 Bezem, Marc 1 Boileau, André 1 Bordg, Anthony 1 Brunerie, Guillaume 1 Cohen, Cyril 1 Constable, Robert Lee 1 Coquand, Thierry 1 Curien, Pierre-Louis 1 Dubuc, Eduardo J. 1 Dybjer, Peter 1 Garner, Richard 1 Gonthier, Georges 1 Grayson, Daniel Richard 1 Hales, Thomas Callister 1 Harper, Robert 1 Herbelin, Hugo 1 Hofmann, Martin 1 Hofstra, Pieter J. W. 1 Hötzel Escardó, Martín 1 Hou (Favonia), Kuen-Bang 1 Johnstone, Peter T. 1 Kapulkin, Krzysztof 1 Kraus, Nicolai 1 Labelle, Gilbert 1 Li, Nuo 1 Licata, Dan 1 Lumsdaine, Peter LeFanu 1 Luo, Zhaohui 1 Mahboubi, Assia 1 Martin-Löf, Per 1 Mascari, Jean-François 1 Melikhov, Sergey Aleksandrovich 1 Nahas, Michael 1 Nielsen, Mogens 1 Palmgren, Erik 1 Pelayo, Alvaro 1 Polonsky, Andrew 1 Rahman, Qazi Ibadur 1 Riehl, Emily 1 Rijke, Egbert 1 Scott, Dana Stewart 1 Scott, Philip J. 1 Shulman, Michael A. 1 Sojakova, Kristina 1 Solov’ëv, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 1 Sozeau, Matthieu 1 Spitters, Bas 1 Van den Berg, Benno 1 Verity, Dominic 1 Voevodskiĭ, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 1 Warren, Michael Alton 1 Winskel, Glynn 1 Wraith, Gavin C. 1 Zeilberger, Noam all top 5 Serials 12 Comptes Rendus Mathématiques de l’Académie des Sciences 7 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 6 Advances in Mathematics 2 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 2 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 2 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 2 Journal of Topology 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 American Journal of Mathematics 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Journal of Algebra 1 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 1 Information and Computation 1 Documenta Mathematica 1 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series all top 5 Fields 41 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 15 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 13 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 6 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 6 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 5 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 5 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 53 Publications have been cited 2,508 times in 2,050 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Braided tensor categories. Zbl 0817.18007 Joyal, André; Street, Ross 477 1993 An extension of the Galois theory of Grothendieck. Zbl 0541.18002 Joyal, André; Tierney, Myles 268 1984 Une théorie combinatoire des séries formelles. Zbl 0491.05007 Joyal, Andre 262 1981 Homotopy type theory. Univalent foundations of mathematics. Zbl 1298.03002 The Univalent Foundations Program 261 2013 The geometry of tensor calculus. I. Zbl 0738.18005 Joyal, André; Street, Ross 249 1991 Quasi-categories and Kan complexes. Zbl 1015.18008 Joyal, A. 159 2002 Traced monoidal categories. Zbl 0845.18005 Joyal, André; Street, Ross; Verity, Dominic 135 1996 Foncteurs analytiques et espèces de structures. (Analytic functors and species of structures). Zbl 0612.18002 Joyal, André 109 1986 Quasi-categories vs Segal spaces. Zbl 1138.55016 Joyal, André; Tierney, Myles 97 2007 Bisimulation from open maps. Zbl 0856.68067 Joyal, André; Nielsen, Mogens; Winskel, Glynn 82 1996 Tortile Yang-Baxter operators in tensor categories. Zbl 0726.18004 Joyal, André; Street, Ross 79 1991 On the location of zeros of polynomials. Zbl 0152.06102 Joyal, A.; Labelle, G.; Rahman, Q. I. 69 1967 An introduction to Tannaka duality and quantum groups. Zbl 0745.57001 Joyal, André; Street, Ross 67 1991 Algebraic set theory. Zbl 0847.03025 Joyal, A.; Moerdijk, I. 42 1995 Continuous categories and exponentiable toposes. Zbl 0487.18003 Johnstone, Peter; Joyal, Andre 35 1982 La logique des topos. Zbl 0544.03035 Boileau, André; Joyal, André 34 1981 Strong stacks and classifying spaces. Zbl 0748.18009 Joyal, André; Tierney, Myles 31 1991 \(\delta\)-anneaux et vecteurs de Witt. (\(\delta\)-rings and Witt vectors). Zbl 0594.13023 Joyal, André 27 1985 Les théoremes de Chevalley-Tarski et remarques sur l’algèbre constructive. Zbl 0354.02038 Joyal, Andre 25 1976 Pullbacks equivalent to pseudopullbacks. Zbl 0780.18004 Joyal, André; Street, Ross 19 1993 Polynomial functors and opetopes. Zbl 1221.18001 Kock, Joachim; Joyal, André; Batanin, Michael; Mascari, Jean-François 19 2010 Feynman graphs, and nerve theorem for compact symmetric multicategories (extended abstract). Zbl 1348.81242 Joyal, André; Kock, Joachim 18 2011 Règle des signes en algèbre combinatoire. (The sign rule in combinatorial algebra). Zbl 0605.20009 Joyal, André 17 1985 A completeness theorem for open maps. Zbl 0809.18005 Joyal, A.; Moerdijk, I. 16 1994 The category of representations of the general linear groups over a finite field. Zbl 0833.18004 Joyal, André; Street, Ross 15 1995 Free bicomplete categories. Zbl 0847.18001 Joyal, André 13 1995 A generalized Blakers-Massey theorem. Zbl 1456.18017 Anel, Mathieu; Biedermann, Georg; Finster, Eric; Joyal, André 13 2020 On operads, bimodules and analytic functors. Zbl 1393.18007 Gambino, Nicola; Joyal, André 12 2017 Weak units and homotopy 3-types. Zbl 1137.18004 Joyal, André; Kock, Joachim 9 2007 On the zeros of a polynomial and its derivative. Zbl 0204.38902 Joyal, A. 9 1969 Free lattices, communication and money games. Zbl 0897.90203 Joyal, A. 9 1997 On the homotopy theory of sheaves of simplicial groupoids. Zbl 0866.55023 Joyal, André; Tierney, Myles 8 1996 Goodwillie’s calculus of functors and higher topos theory. Zbl 1423.18009 Anel, M.; Biedermann, G.; Finster, E.; Joyal, A. 8 2018 Coherence completions of categories. Zbl 0974.03052 Hu, Hongde; Joyal, Andre 7 1999 Coherence for weak units. Zbl 1319.18001 Joyal, André; Kock, Joachim 7 2013 Toposes as homotopy groupoids. Zbl 0783.18004 Joyal, A.; Moerdijk, I. 6 1990 \(Q\)-rings and the homology of the symmetric groups. Zbl 0877.55011 Bisson, Terrence P.; Joyal, André 5 1997 Classifying spaces for sheaves of simplicial groupoids. Zbl 0784.18005 Joyal, André; Tierney, Myles 5 1993 Free bicompletion of enriched categories. Zbl 0847.18002 Joyal, André 5 1995 \(\delta\)-anneaux et \(\lambda\)-anneaux. (\(\delta\)-rings and \(\lambda\)- rings). Zbl 0583.13004 Joyal, André 5 1985 Separably real closed local rings. Zbl 0604.18003 Joyal, André; Reyes, Gonzalo E. 5 1986 Calcul intégral combinatoire et homologie des groupes symétriques. (Integral combinatorial calculus and homology of symmetric groups). Zbl 0645.20031 Joyal, André 4 1985 Coherence completions of categories and their enriched softness. Zbl 0911.68111 Hu, Hongde; Joyal, André 4 1997 Toposes are cohomologically equivalent to spaces. Zbl 0713.18004 Joyal, A.; Moerdijk, I. 4 1990 Topo-logie. Zbl 1477.18008 Anel, Mathieu; Joyal, André 4 2021 A categorical theory of cumulative hierarchies of sets. Zbl 0729.18002 Joyal, A.; Moerdijk, I. 3 1991 Strong stacks and classifying spaces. Zbl 0733.18011 Joyal, André; Tierney, Myles 3 1991 Nishida relations in bordism and homology. (Extended Abstract). Zbl 0849.55007 Bisson, Terrence; Joyal, André 2 1995 Eilenberg-MacLane toposes and cohomology. Zbl 0538.18003 Joyal, A.; Wraith, G. 2 1984 Left-exact localizations of \(\infty\)-topoi. I: Higher sheaves. Zbl 1498.18009 Anel, Mathieu; Biedermann, Georg; Finster, Eric; Joyal, André 2 2022 The Dyer-Lashof algebra in bordism. (Extended abstract). Zbl 0849.55006 Bisson, Terrence; Joyal, André 1 1995 A completeness theorem for open maps. Zbl 0731.18004 Joyal, A.; Moerdijk, I. 1 1990 Separably real closed local rings. Zbl 0617.18004 Joyal, André; Reyes, Gonzalo E. 1 1985 Left-exact localizations of \(\infty\)-topoi. I: Higher sheaves. Zbl 1498.18009 Anel, Mathieu; Biedermann, Georg; Finster, Eric; Joyal, André 2 2022 Topo-logie. Zbl 1477.18008 Anel, Mathieu; Joyal, André 4 2021 A generalized Blakers-Massey theorem. Zbl 1456.18017 Anel, Mathieu; Biedermann, Georg; Finster, Eric; Joyal, André 13 2020 Goodwillie’s calculus of functors and higher topos theory. Zbl 1423.18009 Anel, M.; Biedermann, G.; Finster, E.; Joyal, A. 8 2018 On operads, bimodules and analytic functors. Zbl 1393.18007 Gambino, Nicola; Joyal, André 12 2017 Homotopy type theory. Univalent foundations of mathematics. Zbl 1298.03002 The Univalent Foundations Program 261 2013 Coherence for weak units. Zbl 1319.18001 Joyal, André; Kock, Joachim 7 2013 Feynman graphs, and nerve theorem for compact symmetric multicategories (extended abstract). Zbl 1348.81242 Joyal, André; Kock, Joachim 18 2011 Polynomial functors and opetopes. Zbl 1221.18001 Kock, Joachim; Joyal, André; Batanin, Michael; Mascari, Jean-François 19 2010 Quasi-categories vs Segal spaces. Zbl 1138.55016 Joyal, André; Tierney, Myles 97 2007 Weak units and homotopy 3-types. Zbl 1137.18004 Joyal, André; Kock, Joachim 9 2007 Quasi-categories and Kan complexes. Zbl 1015.18008 Joyal, A. 159 2002 Coherence completions of categories. Zbl 0974.03052 Hu, Hongde; Joyal, Andre 7 1999 Free lattices, communication and money games. Zbl 0897.90203 Joyal, A. 9 1997 \(Q\)-rings and the homology of the symmetric groups. Zbl 0877.55011 Bisson, Terrence P.; Joyal, André 5 1997 Coherence completions of categories and their enriched softness. Zbl 0911.68111 Hu, Hongde; Joyal, André 4 1997 Traced monoidal categories. Zbl 0845.18005 Joyal, André; Street, Ross; Verity, Dominic 135 1996 Bisimulation from open maps. Zbl 0856.68067 Joyal, André; Nielsen, Mogens; Winskel, Glynn 82 1996 On the homotopy theory of sheaves of simplicial groupoids. Zbl 0866.55023 Joyal, André; Tierney, Myles 8 1996 Algebraic set theory. Zbl 0847.03025 Joyal, A.; Moerdijk, I. 42 1995 The category of representations of the general linear groups over a finite field. Zbl 0833.18004 Joyal, André; Street, Ross 15 1995 Free bicomplete categories. Zbl 0847.18001 Joyal, André 13 1995 Free bicompletion of enriched categories. Zbl 0847.18002 Joyal, André 5 1995 Nishida relations in bordism and homology. (Extended Abstract). Zbl 0849.55007 Bisson, Terrence; Joyal, André 2 1995 The Dyer-Lashof algebra in bordism. (Extended abstract). Zbl 0849.55006 Bisson, Terrence; Joyal, André 1 1995 A completeness theorem for open maps. Zbl 0809.18005 Joyal, A.; Moerdijk, I. 16 1994 Braided tensor categories. Zbl 0817.18007 Joyal, André; Street, Ross 477 1993 Pullbacks equivalent to pseudopullbacks. Zbl 0780.18004 Joyal, André; Street, Ross 19 1993 Classifying spaces for sheaves of simplicial groupoids. Zbl 0784.18005 Joyal, André; Tierney, Myles 5 1993 The geometry of tensor calculus. I. Zbl 0738.18005 Joyal, André; Street, Ross 249 1991 Tortile Yang-Baxter operators in tensor categories. Zbl 0726.18004 Joyal, André; Street, Ross 79 1991 An introduction to Tannaka duality and quantum groups. Zbl 0745.57001 Joyal, André; Street, Ross 67 1991 Strong stacks and classifying spaces. Zbl 0748.18009 Joyal, André; Tierney, Myles 31 1991 A categorical theory of cumulative hierarchies of sets. Zbl 0729.18002 Joyal, A.; Moerdijk, I. 3 1991 Strong stacks and classifying spaces. Zbl 0733.18011 Joyal, André; Tierney, Myles 3 1991 Toposes as homotopy groupoids. Zbl 0783.18004 Joyal, A.; Moerdijk, I. 6 1990 Toposes are cohomologically equivalent to spaces. Zbl 0713.18004 Joyal, A.; Moerdijk, I. 4 1990 A completeness theorem for open maps. Zbl 0731.18004 Joyal, A.; Moerdijk, I. 1 1990 Foncteurs analytiques et espèces de structures. (Analytic functors and species of structures). Zbl 0612.18002 Joyal, André 109 1986 Separably real closed local rings. Zbl 0604.18003 Joyal, André; Reyes, Gonzalo E. 5 1986 \(\delta\)-anneaux et vecteurs de Witt. (\(\delta\)-rings and Witt vectors). Zbl 0594.13023 Joyal, André 27 1985 Règle des signes en algèbre combinatoire. (The sign rule in combinatorial algebra). Zbl 0605.20009 Joyal, André 17 1985 \(\delta\)-anneaux et \(\lambda\)-anneaux. (\(\delta\)-rings and \(\lambda\)- rings). Zbl 0583.13004 Joyal, André 5 1985 Calcul intégral combinatoire et homologie des groupes symétriques. (Integral combinatorial calculus and homology of symmetric groups). Zbl 0645.20031 Joyal, André 4 1985 Separably real closed local rings. Zbl 0617.18004 Joyal, André; Reyes, Gonzalo E. 1 1985 An extension of the Galois theory of Grothendieck. Zbl 0541.18002 Joyal, André; Tierney, Myles 268 1984 Eilenberg-MacLane toposes and cohomology. Zbl 0538.18003 Joyal, A.; Wraith, G. 2 1984 Continuous categories and exponentiable toposes. Zbl 0487.18003 Johnstone, Peter; Joyal, Andre 35 1982 Une théorie combinatoire des séries formelles. Zbl 0491.05007 Joyal, Andre 262 1981 La logique des topos. Zbl 0544.03035 Boileau, André; Joyal, André 34 1981 Les théoremes de Chevalley-Tarski et remarques sur l’algèbre constructive. Zbl 0354.02038 Joyal, Andre 25 1976 On the zeros of a polynomial and its derivative. Zbl 0204.38902 Joyal, A. 9 1969 On the location of zeros of polynomials. Zbl 0152.06102 Joyal, A.; Labelle, G.; Rahman, Q. I. 69 1967 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,726 Authors 30 Labelle, Gilbert 27 Street, Ross H. 26 Moerdijk, Ieke 21 Pultr, Aleš 20 Runkel, Ingo 19 Kock, Joachim 17 Resende, Pedro 16 Cegarra, Antonio Martínez 16 Coecke, Bob 15 Alonso Álvarez, José Nicanor 15 Höhle, Ulrich 15 Sobociński, Paweł 14 Garner, Richard 14 González Rodríguez, Ramón 14 Rovelli, Martina 13 Cockett, J. Robin B. 13 Fernández Vilaboa, José Manuel 13 Hackney, Philip 13 Joyal, André 13 Kissinger, Aleks 13 Lack, Stephen 13 Riehl, Emily 12 Davydov, Alekseĭ Aleksandrovich 12 Govil, Narendra Kumar 12 Gutiérrez García, Javier 12 Leroux, Pierre 12 Vicary, Jamie 12 Wang, Shuanhong 11 Gadducci, Fabio 11 Picado, Jorge 11 Santocanale, Luigi 11 Zanasi, Fabio 10 Francis, John 10 Gambino, Nicola 10 Johnstone, Peter T. 10 Niefield, Susan B. 10 Ozornova, Viktoriya 10 Schweigert, Christoph 10 Scott, Philip J. 10 Stufler, Benedikt 9 Ayala, David 9 Baez, John C. 9 Blute, Richard F. 9 Bulacu, Daniel 9 Coquand, Thierry 9 Dubuc, Eduardo J. 9 Heunen, Chris 9 Kubiak, Tomasz 9 Majid, Shahn 9 Méndez, Miguel A. 9 Mir, Abdullah 9 Schuster, Peter Michael 9 Spivak, David I. 9 Winskel, Glynn 8 Awodey, Steve 8 Bergner, Julie 8 Bourke, John 8 Bunge, Marta Cavallo 8 Fiore, Marcelo P. 8 Fuchs, Jürgen 8 Garzón, Antonio R. 8 Haugseng, Rune 8 Labelle, Jacques 8 Tholen, Walter 8 Townsend, Christopher F. 8 Zargar, Bashir Ahmad 7 Abramsky, Samson 7 Bichon, Julien 7 Bonchi, Filippo 7 Dubut, Jérémy 7 Fritz, Tobias 7 Gurski, Nick 7 Hasegawa, Masahito 7 Kaarsgaard, Robin 7 Katsumata, Shin-ya 7 Kong, Liang 7 Liman, Abdul 7 Milius, Stefan 7 Rosenthal, Kimmo I. 7 Rosický, Jiří 7 Schauenburg, Peter 7 Shulman, Michael A. 7 Vasilakopoulou, Christina 7 Verity, Dominic 7 Vickers, Steven 7 Yeh, Yeong-Nan 6 Banerjee, Abhishek 6 Bergeron, François 6 Borger, James M. 6 Buium, Alexandru 6 Dotsenko, Vladimir Viktorovich 6 Fong, Brendan 6 Gessel, Ira Martin 6 Haghverdi, Esfandiar 6 Hamano, Masahiro 6 Henry, Simon 6 Hermida, Claudio 6 Jacobs, Bart 6 Kock, Anders Jungersen 6 López Franco, Ignacio L. ...and 1,626 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 284 Serials 196 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 141 Advances in Mathematics 85 Applied Categorical Structures 77 Journal of Algebra 71 Theoretical Computer Science 57 Theory and Applications of Categories 54 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 42 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 37 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 35 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 34 Communications in Algebra 34 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 34 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 30 Communications in Mathematical Physics 30 Discrete Mathematics 23 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 22 Higher Structures 21 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 20 Journal of Mathematical Physics 20 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 19 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 18 Topology and its Applications 18 Logical Methods in Computer Science 17 Mathematische Zeitschrift 17 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 15 Information and Computation 14 Advances in Applied Mathematics 13 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 12 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 12 Journal of Topology 11 Algebras and Representation Theory 10 Algebra Universalis 9 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 8 Israel Journal of Mathematics 8 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 8 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 7 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 7 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 7 Semigroup Forum 7 Archive for Mathematical Logic 7 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 7 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 6 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 6 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 6 Random Structures & Algorithms 6 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 6 Documenta Mathematica 6 Geometry & Topology 6 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 6 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 6 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 5 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 5 Journal of Geometry and Physics 5 Compositio Mathematica 5 Duke Mathematical Journal 5 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 5 Studies in Applied Mathematics 5 Synthese 5 European Journal of Combinatorics 5 International Journal of Mathematics 5 Linear Algebra and its Applications 5 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 5 Annales Henri Poincaré 5 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 5 Quantum Topology 5 Journal of Classical Analysis 5 Algebraic Combinatorics 4 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Letters in Mathematical Physics 4 Nuclear Physics. B 4 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 4 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 4 Journal of Approximation Theory 4 Manuscripta Mathematica 4 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 4 Quaestiones Mathematicae 4 Order 4 Journal of the ACM 4 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 4 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 4 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 4 Science China. Mathematics 4 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 4 Korean Journal of Mathematics 3 Discrete Applied Mathematics 3 Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 3 Probability Theory and Related Fields 3 Science in China. Series A 3 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 3 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 3 Transformation Groups 3 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 3 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 3 South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 3 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 3 Journal of Applied Logic 3 Foundations of Physics 3 Algebra & Number Theory ...and 184 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 54 Fields 1,204 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 327 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 309 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 287 Computer science (68-XX) 282 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 236 Combinatorics (05-XX) 206 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 195 Quantum theory (81-XX) 139 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 136 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 108 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 108 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 96 General topology (54-XX) 69 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 67 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 64 Functional analysis (46-XX) 56 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 39 Number theory (11-XX) 35 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 31 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 24 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 23 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 23 Differential geometry (53-XX) 22 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 19 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 17 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 17 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 16 Real functions (26-XX) 14 Special functions (33-XX) 13 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 11 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 11 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 11 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 10 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 9 History and biography (01-XX) 9 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 9 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 8 Statistics (62-XX) 6 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 5 Measure and integration (28-XX) 5 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 5 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 Geometry (51-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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