Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Kaplansky, Irving (b. 1917 d. 2006) Co-Author Distance Author ID: kaplansky.irving Published as: Kaplansky, Irving; Kaplansky, I. Further Spellings: Капланский Ирвинг Homepage: https://math.berkeley.edu/people/faculty/irving-kaplansky External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Member of Collective: Schark, I. J. Documents Indexed: 161 Publications since 1939, including 27 Books 2 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 2 Publications Co-Authors: 28 Co-Authors with 26 Joint Publications 958 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 135 single-authored 3 Jagy, William C. 3 Riordan, John F. 2 Cohen, Irvin Sol 2 Erdős, Pál 1 Albert, Abraham Adrian 1 Arens, Richard Friederich 1 Benkart, Georgia McClure 1 Bergman, George M. 1 Brudno, Simcha 1 Bussemaker, Frans C. 1 Butler, William H. 1 Fortet, Robert M. 1 Freund, Peter George Oliver 1 Hall, Marshall jun. 1 Herstein, Israel Nathan 1 Hewitt, Edwin 1 Kibler, Robert E. 1 Lima, Elon Lages 1 Mackey, George Whitelaw 1 McCrimmon, Kevin 1 McKay, Brendan D. 1 Pollard, Harry 1 Postnikov, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich 1 Saltman, David J. 1 Santharoubane, L. J. 1 Schiemann, Alexander 1 Schilling, Otto Franz Georg 1 Seidel, Jacob 1 Seligman, George B. 1 Shaker, Richard J. all top 5 Serials 10 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 8 Duke Mathematical Journal 8 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 7 American Journal of Mathematics 7 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 6 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 5 American Mathematical Monthly 4 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of Algebra 4 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 3 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 3 Normat 3 Linear Algebra and its Applications 3 Scripta Mathematica 3 Annals of Mathematical Statistics 2 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 2 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Mathematika 2 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 2 Regional Conference Series in Mathematics 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Studia Mathematica 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 The Mathematical Intelligencer 1 Acta Arithmetica 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Journal of the American Statistical Association 1 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 1 Journal of Number Theory 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Portugaliae Mathematica 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 1 Order 1 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 1 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica 1 Experimental Mathematics 1 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 1 Springer Collected Works in Mathematics 1 Mathematics Lecture Note Series 1 Summa Brasiliensis Mathematicae all top 5 Fields 19 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 18 Number theory (11-XX) 17 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 15 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 13 History and biography (01-XX) 11 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 10 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 Functional analysis (46-XX) 5 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 140 Publications have been cited 6,053 times in 5,305 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Commutative rings. Zbl 0203.34601 Kaplansky, Irving 607 1970 Commutative rings. 2nd revised ed. Zbl 0296.13001 Kaplansky, Irving 435 1974 Infinite abelian groups. Zbl 0057.01901 Kaplansky, Irving 353 1954 An introduction to differential algebra. Zbl 0083.03301 Kaplansky, Irving 240 1957 Rings of operators. Zbl 0174.18503 Kaplansky, Irving 224 1968 Projective modules. Zbl 0083.25802 Kaplansky, Irving 207 1958 Infinite abelian groups. Revised edition. Zbl 0194.04402 Kaplansky, Irving 203 1969 Elementary divisors and modules. Zbl 0036.01903 Kaplansky, Irving 203 1949 Modules over operator algebras. Zbl 0051.09101 Kaplansky, Irving 164 1953 Modules over Dedekind rings and valuation rings. Zbl 0046.25701 Kaplansky, Irving 146 1952 Maximal fields with valuations. Zbl 0063.03135 Kaplansky, Irving 137 1942 Projections in Banach algebras. Zbl 0042.12402 Kaplansky, Irving 133 1951 Topological rings. Zbl 0034.16604 Kaplansky, Irving 131 1947 Linear Algebra and geometry. A second course. Zbl 0184.24201 Kaplansky, Irving 130 1969 The structure of certain operator algebras. Zbl 0042.34901 Kaplansky, Irving 105 1951 Fields and rings. Second Impression. Zbl 0238.16001 Kaplansky, Irving 101 1970 Fields and rings. 2nd ed. Zbl 1001.16500 Kaplansky, Irving 101 1972 Rings with a polynomial identity. Zbl 0032.00701 Kaplansky, Irving 100 1948 Topological representation of algebras. Zbl 0032.00702 Arens, Richard F.; Kaplansky, Irving 86 1948 Normed algebras. Zbl 0033.18701 Kaplansky, Irving 86 1949 Composition of binary quadratic forms. Zbl 0212.39101 Kaplansky, I. 74 1968 Algebraic and analytic aspects of operator algebras. Zbl 0217.44902 Kaplansky, I. 73 1970 Lie algebras and locally compact groups. Zbl 0223.17001 Kaplansky, Irving 63 1971 Algebras of type I. Zbl 0047.35701 Kaplansky, Irving 63 1952 Topological representation of algebras. II. Zbl 0035.30301 Kaplansky, Irving 63 1950 Lattices of continuous functions. Zbl 0031.21902 Kaplansky, Irving 53 1947 A contribution to von Neumann’s theory of games. Zbl 0063.03139 Kaplansky, Irving 53 1945 Bialgebras. Zbl 1311.16029 Kaplansky, Irving 53 1975 Any orthocomplemented complete modular lattice is a continuous geometry. Zbl 0065.01801 Kaplansky, Irving 51 1955 ’Problems in the theory of rings’ revisited. Zbl 0208.29701 Kaplansky, I. 50 1970 Rings for which every module is a direct sum of cyclic modules. Zbl 0043.26702 Cohen, I. S.; Kaplansky, Irving 49 1951 Simple supersymmetries. Zbl 0399.17005 Freund, Peter G. O.; Kaplansky, Irving 48 1976 Dual rings. Zbl 0031.34401 Kaplansky, Irving 46 1948 Maximal fields with valuations. I, II. Zbl 0061.05506 Kaplansky, Irving 44 1942 Harish-Chandra modules over the Virasoro algebra. Zbl 0589.17013 Kaplansky, Irving; Santharoubane, L. J. 42 1985 The problem of the rooks and its applications. Zbl 0060.02903 Kaplansky, Irving; Riordan, John 41 1946 There are 913 regular ternary forms. Zbl 0923.11060 Jagy, William C.; Kaplansky, Irving; Schiemann, Alexander 40 1997 Infinite-dimensional quadratic forms admitting composition. Zbl 0052.11004 Kaplansky, Irving 39 1953 A theorem on rings of operators. Zbl 0043.11502 Kaplansky, Irving 38 1951 The Virasoro algebra. Zbl 0515.17007 Kaplansky, Irving 37 1982 Solution of the ’Problème des ménages’. Zbl 0060.02904 Kaplansky, Irving 37 1943 Groups with representations of bounded degree. Zbl 0037.01603 Kaplansky, Irving 37 1949 A theorem on division rings. Zbl 0043.03701 Kaplansky, Irving 35 1951 The Weierstrass theorem in fields with valuations. Zbl 0038.07002 Kaplansky, Irving 35 1950 Topics in commutative ring theory. Zbl 0348.13001 Kaplansky, Irving 35 1974 Semi -automorphisms of rings. Zbl 0029.24801 Kaplansky, Irving 34 1947 Topological methods in valuation theory. Zbl 0030.01004 Kaplansky, Irving 28 1947 Ring isomorphisms of Banach algebras. Zbl 0058.10505 Kaplansky, Irving 28 1954 Locally compact rings. Zbl 0036.02203 Kaplansky, Irving 28 1948 Submodules of quaternion algebras. Zbl 0212.39102 Kaplansky, I. 26 1969 Problems in the theory of rings. Zbl 0095.25602 Kaplansky, Irving 24 1957 Symbolic solution of certain problems in permutations. Zbl 0063.03136 Kaplansky, Irving 23 1944 The homological dimension of a quotient field. Zbl 0145.27803 Kaplansky, Irving 23 1966 Linear algebra and geometry. A second course. Reprint of the 1974 revised 2nd ed. Zbl 1040.15001 Kaplansky, Irving 22 2003 Quadratic forms. Zbl 0051.02902 Kaplansky, Irving 22 1953 Lie algebras and locally compact groups. (Algebry Li i lokal’no kompaktnye gruppy.) Übersetzung aus dem Englischen von E. A. Gorin. Zbl 0294.17003 Kaplansky, Irving 21 1974 Superalgebras. Zbl 0438.17003 Kaplansky, Irving 21 1980 On the dimension of modules and algebras. X: A right hereditary ring which is not left hereditary. Zbl 0084.26603 Kaplansky, Irving 20 1958 A generalization of Ulm’s theorem. Zbl 0054.01803 Kaplansky, Irving; Mackey, George W. 20 1951 Dual modules over a valuation ring. I. Zbl 0053.35305 Kaplansky, Irving 19 1953 Some results on Abelian groups. Zbl 0047.25804 Kaplansky, Irving 19 1952 The asymptotic number of Latin rectangles. Zbl 0060.02808 Erdős, Paul; Kaplansky, Irving 19 1946 Topological rings. Zbl 0031.19902 Kaplansky, Irving 18 1948 Lattices of continuous functions. II. Zbl 0037.20301 Kaplansky, Irving 18 1948 Lie algebras of characteristic \(p\). Zbl 0082.25103 Kaplansky, Irving 18 1958 Group algebras in the large. Zbl 0044.32803 Kaplansky, Irving 16 1951 Regular Banach algebras. Zbl 0032.28401 Kaplansky, Irving 15 1948 Ternary positive quadratic forms that represent all odd positive integers. Zbl 0817.11024 Kaplansky, Irving 14 1995 Set theory and metric spaces. 2nd ed. Zbl 0397.54002 Kaplansky, Irving 14 1977 Primary ideals in group algebras. Zbl 0032.02902 Kaplansky, Irving 14 1949 Fröhlich’s local quadratic forms. Zbl 0238.15011 Kaplansky, Irving 13 1969 The asymptotic distribution of runs of consecutive elements. Zbl 0063.03137 Kaplansky, Irving 13 1945 \(R\)-sequences and homological dimensions. Zbl 0106.25702 Kaplansky, Irving 13 1962 Matters mathematical. 2nd ed. Zbl 0386.00001 Herstein, I. N.; Kaplansky, I. 13 1978 The Engel-Kolchin theorem revisited. Zbl 0364.15008 Kaplansky, Irving 12 1977 Rings with a finite number of primes. I. Zbl 0060.07002 Cohen, I. S.; Kaplansky, Irving 12 1946 Functional analysis. Zbl 0087.31102 Kaplansky, Irving 12 1958 A characterization of Prüfer rings. Zbl 0118.27202 Kaplansky, Irving 12 1961 An introduction to differential algebra. Translation from the English by G. I. Kleĭnerman. Edited by M. M. Postnikov. (Введение в дифференциальную алгебру.) Zbl 0089.02301 Kaplansky, Irving 12 1959 An introduction to differential algebra. 2nd ed. Zbl 0954.12500 Kaplansky, Irving 12 1996 Fields and rings. Reprint of the second edition 1972. Zbl 1001.16501 Kaplansky, Irving 12 1995 Commutative rings. Zbl 0254.13003 Kaplansky, Irving 11 1973 A quasi-commutative ring that is not neo-commutative. Zbl 0814.16032 Kaplansky, Irving 11 1994 Semisimple alternative rings. Zbl 0042.26204 Kaplansky, Irving 11 1951 The splitting of modules over integral domains. Zbl 0108.26302 Kaplansky, Irving 11 1962 Products of normal operators. Zbl 0050.34101 Kaplansky, Irving 10 1953 The probleme des menages. Zbl 0060.02905 Kaplansky, Irving; Riordan, John 10 1946 Some simple Lie algebras of characteristic 2. Zbl 0493.17005 Kaplansky, Irving 9 1982 Selected papers and other writings. Zbl 0826.01039 Kaplansky, Irving 9 1995 A common error concerning kurtosis. Zbl 0060.30004 Kaplansky, Irving 9 1945 On a problem of Kurosch and Jacobson. Zbl 0060.07403 Kaplansky, Irving 9 1946 Algebraic polar decomposition. Zbl 0698.15006 Kaplansky, Irving 8 1990 A contribution to von Neumann’s theory of games. II. Zbl 0854.90143 Kaplansky, Irving 8 1995 The first nontrivial genus of positive definite ternary forms. Zbl 0826.11015 Kaplansky, Irving 8 1995 Locally compact rings. II. Zbl 0045.16102 Kaplansky, Irving 7 1951 Some aspects of analysis and probability. Zbl 0086.00102 Kaplansky, Irving; Hewitt, Edwin; Hall, Marshall jun.; Fortet, Robert 7 1958 Three-dimensional division algebras. II. Zbl 0355.17007 Kaplansky, Irving 7 1975 Quelques résultats sur les anneaux d’opérateurs. Zbl 0037.20501 Kaplansky, Irving 6 1950 Derivations of Banach algebras. Zbl 0096.08301 Kaplansky, Irving 6 1958 Infinite abelian groups. Reprint of the 1969 revised edition published by University of Michigan Press. Zbl 1405.20001 Kaplansky, Irving 6 2018 Infinite abelian groups. Reprint of the 1969 revised edition published by University of Michigan Press. Zbl 1405.20001 Kaplansky, Irving 6 2018 Selected papers and other writings. Reprint of the 1995 original. Zbl 1282.01003 Kaplansky, Irving 2 2013 Linear algebra and geometry. A second course. Reprint of the 1974 revised 2nd ed. Zbl 1040.15001 Kaplansky, Irving 22 2003 The forms \(x+32y^2\) and \(x+64y^2\). Zbl 1055.11026 Kaplansky, Irving 4 2003 Indefinite binary quadratic forms with Markov ratio exceeding 9. Zbl 1084.11036 Jagy, William C.; Kaplansky, Irving 1 2003 There are 913 regular ternary forms. Zbl 0923.11060 Jagy, William C.; Kaplansky, Irving; Schiemann, Alexander 40 1997 Determinants of matrices of the conference type. Zbl 0878.15001 Bussemaker, Frans; Kaplansky, Irving; McKay, Brendan; Seidel, Jacob 4 1997 An introduction to differential algebra. 2nd ed. Zbl 0954.12500 Kaplansky, Irving 12 1996 Ternary positive quadratic forms that represent all odd positive integers. Zbl 0817.11024 Kaplansky, Irving 14 1995 Fields and rings. Reprint of the second edition 1972. Zbl 1001.16501 Kaplansky, Irving 12 1995 Selected papers and other writings. Zbl 0826.01039 Kaplansky, Irving 9 1995 A contribution to von Neumann’s theory of games. II. Zbl 0854.90143 Kaplansky, Irving 8 1995 The first nontrivial genus of positive definite ternary forms. Zbl 0826.11015 Kaplansky, Irving 8 1995 Sums of squares, cubes, and higher powers. Zbl 0867.11066 Jagy, William C.; Kaplansky, Irving 3 1995 Never too late. Zbl 0842.15005 Kaplansky, Irving 1 1995 A quasi-commutative ring that is not neo-commutative. Zbl 0814.16032 Kaplansky, Irving 11 1994 To Harold Widom on his 60th birthday. Zbl 0809.01026 Kaplansky, Irving 1 1994 Algebraic polar decomposition. Zbl 0698.15006 Kaplansky, Irving 8 1990 Nilpotent elements in Lie algebras. Zbl 0707.17010 Kaplansky, Irving 3 1990 Abraham Adrian Albert. Zbl 0667.01014 Kaplansky, Irving 1 1989 CCR-rings. Zbl 0674.16012 Kaplansky, Irving 1 1989 Algebras with many derivations. Zbl 0592.17005 Kaplansky, Irving 5 1986 Harish-Chandra modules over the Virasoro algebra. Zbl 0589.17013 Kaplansky, Irving; Santharoubane, L. J. 42 1985 A cofinal coloring theorem for partially ordered algebras. Zbl 0559.06001 Bergman, George M.; Kaplansky, Irving 2 1985 The Virasoro algebra. Zbl 0515.17007 Kaplansky, Irving 37 1982 Some simple Lie algebras of characteristic 2. Zbl 0493.17005 Kaplansky, Irving 9 1982 Superalgebras. Zbl 0438.17003 Kaplansky, Irving 21 1980 Jacobson’s lemma revisited. Zbl 0425.16020 Kaplansky, Irving 2 1980 Saunders Mac Lane: Selected papers. Zbl 0459.01024 4 1979 Matters mathematical. 2nd ed. Zbl 0386.00001 Herstein, I. N.; Kaplansky, I. 13 1978 Five theorems on Abelian groups. Zbl 0398.20057 Kaplansky, Irving 2 1978 Set theory and metric spaces. 2nd ed. Zbl 0397.54002 Kaplansky, Irving 14 1977 The Engel-Kolchin theorem revisited. Zbl 0364.15008 Kaplansky, Irving 12 1977 Simple supersymmetries. Zbl 0399.17005 Freund, Peter G. O.; Kaplansky, Irving 48 1976 Three-dimensional division algebras. Zbl 0355.17006 Kaplansky, Irving 4 1976 Bialgebras. Zbl 1311.16029 Kaplansky, Irving 53 1975 Three-dimensional division algebras. II. Zbl 0355.17007 Kaplansky, Irving 7 1975 Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras. II. Zbl 0341.17005 Kaplansky, Irving; Kibler, Robert E. 1 1975 Commutative rings. 2nd revised ed. Zbl 0296.13001 Kaplansky, Irving 435 1974 Topics in commutative ring theory. Zbl 0348.13001 Kaplansky, Irving 35 1974 Lie algebras and locally compact groups. (Algebry Li i lokal’no kompaktnye gruppy.) Übersetzung aus dem Englischen von E. A. Gorin. Zbl 0294.17003 Kaplansky, Irving 21 1974 Equal sums of sixth powers. Zbl 0291.10018 Brudno, Simcha; Kaplansky, Irving 2 1974 Commutative rings. Zbl 0254.13003 Kaplansky, Irving 11 1973 Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras. Zbl 0267.17016 Kaplansky, Irving 2 1973 Fields and rings. 2nd ed. Zbl 1001.16500 Kaplansky, Irving 101 1972 Commutative rings. Zbl 0264.13001 Kaplansky, Irving 5 1972 Adjacent prime ideals. Zbl 0229.13003 Kaplansky, Irving 4 1972 Set theory and metric spaces. Zbl 0242.00006 Kaplansky, Irving 4 1972 Lie algebras and locally compact groups. Zbl 0223.17001 Kaplansky, Irving 63 1971 Commutative rings. Zbl 0203.34601 Kaplansky, Irving 607 1970 Fields and rings. Second Impression. Zbl 0238.16001 Kaplansky, Irving 101 1970 Algebraic and analytic aspects of operator algebras. Zbl 0217.44902 Kaplansky, I. 73 1970 ’Problems in the theory of rings’ revisited. Zbl 0208.29701 Kaplansky, I. 50 1970 Infinite abelian groups. Revised edition. Zbl 0194.04402 Kaplansky, Irving 203 1969 Linear Algebra and geometry. A second course. Zbl 0184.24201 Kaplansky, Irving 130 1969 Submodules of quaternion algebras. Zbl 0212.39102 Kaplansky, I. 26 1969 Fröhlich’s local quadratic forms. Zbl 0238.15011 Kaplansky, Irving 13 1969 Abstract quadratic forms. Zbl 0238.15010 Kaplansky, Irving; Shaker, Richard J. 4 1969 Rings of operators. Zbl 0174.18503 Kaplansky, Irving 224 1968 Composition of binary quadratic forms. Zbl 0212.39101 Kaplansky, I. 74 1968 The homological dimension of a quotient field. Zbl 0145.27803 Kaplansky, Irving 23 1966 The theory of homological dimension. Zbl 0189.04003 Kaplansky, Irving 2 1966 Lie algebras. Zbl 0147.28303 Kaplansky, Irving 4 1963 \(R\)-sequences and homological dimensions. Zbl 0106.25702 Kaplansky, Irving 13 1962 The splitting of modules over integral domains. Zbl 0108.26302 Kaplansky, Irving 11 1962 Decomposability of modules. Zbl 0118.27302 Kaplansky, Irving 3 1962 A characterization of Prüfer rings. Zbl 0118.27202 Kaplansky, Irving 12 1961 An introduction to differential algebra. Translation from the English by G. I. Kleĭnerman. Edited by M. M. Postnikov. (Введение в дифференциальную алгебру.) Zbl 0089.02301 Kaplansky, Irving 12 1959 Topological algebra. Zbl 0092.32002 Kaplansky, Irving 3 1959 Projective modules. Zbl 0083.25802 Kaplansky, Irving 207 1958 On the dimension of modules and algebras. X: A right hereditary ring which is not left hereditary. Zbl 0084.26603 Kaplansky, Irving 20 1958 Lie algebras of characteristic \(p\). Zbl 0082.25103 Kaplansky, Irving 18 1958 Functional analysis. Zbl 0087.31102 Kaplansky, Irving 12 1958 Some aspects of analysis and probability. Zbl 0086.00102 Kaplansky, Irving; Hewitt, Edwin; Hall, Marshall jun.; Fortet, Robert 7 1958 Derivations of Banach algebras. Zbl 0096.08301 Kaplansky, Irving 6 1958 An introduction to differential algebra. Zbl 0083.03301 Kaplansky, Irving 240 1957 Problems in the theory of rings. Zbl 0095.25602 Kaplansky, Irving 24 1957 Any orthocomplemented complete modular lattice is a continuous geometry. Zbl 0065.01801 Kaplansky, Irving 51 1955 Infinite abelian groups. Zbl 0057.01901 Kaplansky, Irving 353 1954 Ring isomorphisms of Banach algebras. Zbl 0058.10505 Kaplansky, Irving 28 1954 Modules over operator algebras. Zbl 0051.09101 Kaplansky, Irving 164 1953 Infinite-dimensional quadratic forms admitting composition. Zbl 0052.11004 Kaplansky, Irving 39 1953 Quadratic forms. Zbl 0051.02902 Kaplansky, Irving 22 1953 Dual modules over a valuation ring. I. Zbl 0053.35305 Kaplansky, Irving 19 1953 Products of normal operators. Zbl 0050.34101 Kaplansky, Irving 10 1953 Completely continuous normal operators with property \(L\). Zbl 0051.09201 Kaplansky, Irving 2 1953 Modules over Dedekind rings and valuation rings. Zbl 0046.25701 Kaplansky, Irving 146 1952 Algebras of type I. Zbl 0047.35701 Kaplansky, Irving 63 1952 Some results on Abelian groups. Zbl 0047.25804 Kaplansky, Irving 19 1952 Representations of separable algebras. Zbl 0046.11904 Kaplansky, Irving 5 1952 Symmetry of Banach algebras. Zbl 0047.11002 Kaplansky, Irving 4 1952 Locally compact rings. III. Zbl 0048.02503 Kaplansky, Irving 3 1952 Orthogonal similarity in infinite-dimensional spaces. Zbl 0047.10703 Kaplansky, Irving 2 1952 Projections in Banach algebras. Zbl 0042.12402 Kaplansky, Irving 133 1951 The structure of certain operator algebras. Zbl 0042.34901 Kaplansky, Irving 105 1951 Rings for which every module is a direct sum of cyclic modules. Zbl 0043.26702 Cohen, I. S.; Kaplansky, Irving 49 1951 A theorem on rings of operators. Zbl 0043.11502 Kaplansky, Irving 38 1951 A theorem on division rings. Zbl 0043.03701 Kaplansky, Irving 35 1951 A generalization of Ulm’s theorem. Zbl 0054.01803 Kaplansky, Irving; Mackey, George W. 20 1951 Group algebras in the large. Zbl 0044.32803 Kaplansky, Irving 16 1951 ...and 40 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 4,508 Authors 73 Dobbs, David Earl 35 Moussavi, Ahmad 34 Birkenmeier, Gary Francis 34 Heinzer, William J. 32 Anderson, Daniel D. 32 Fontana, Marco 27 Chang, Gyu Whan 26 Vasconcelos, Wolmer V. 25 Behboodi, Mahmood 24 Kuhlmann, Franz-Viktor 23 Jarboui, Noômen 22 Danchev, Peter Vassilev 21 Anderson, David Fenimore 21 Goldsmith, Brendan 21 Park, Jae Keol 21 Zafrullah, Muhammad 20 Kabbaj, Salah-Eddine 20 Rizvi, Syed Tariq 18 Lee, Yang 18 Lim, Jung Wook 18 Mahdou, Najib 18 Tercan, Adnan 17 Brešar, Matej 17 Fuchs, László 17 Gilmer, Robert W. jun. 17 Kaplansky, Irving 17 Tribak, Rachid 17 Tuganbaev, Askar Akanovich 17 Visweswaran, Subramanian 17 Zabavsky, Bogdan Volodymyrovych 16 Hashemi, Ebrahim 16 Hill, Paul D. 16 Shapiro, Jay Allen 16 Wang, Fanggui 15 Kang, Byung Gyun 15 Salce, Luigi 15 Warner, Seth 15 Zanardo, Paolo 14 Chekhlov, Andreĭ Rostislavovich 14 Facchini, Alberto 14 Göbel, Rüdiger 14 Goodearl, Kenneth R. 14 Mimouni, Abdeslam 14 Wiegand, Roger Allen 14 Zel’manov, Efim Isaakovich 13 Bazzoni, Silvana 13 Cohen, Jo-Ann D. 13 Faith, Carl C. 13 Hu, Kui 13 Juett, Jason Robert 13 Moradzadeh-Dehkordi, Ali 13 Ovchinnikov, Alexey Igorevich 13 Rangaswamy, Kulumani M. 13 Ratliff, Louis J. jun. 12 Bouchiba, Samir 12 Braun, Amiram 12 Crivei, Septimiu 12 Foulis, David James 12 Kara, Yeliz 12 McAdam, Stephen J. 12 Mikhalëv, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 12 Paykan, Kamal 12 Radjavi, Heydar 12 Šemrl, Peter 12 Ursul, Mihail I. 12 Zhou, Dechuan 11 Beidar, Konstantin Igorevich 11 Đoković, Dragomir Ž. 11 Hou, Jinchuan 11 Kim, Hwankoo 11 Koh, Kwangil 11 Lam, Tsit-Yuen 11 Oh, Byeong-Kweon 11 Park, Mi Hee 11 Picavet, Gabriel 11 Pulmannová, Sylvia 11 Rodríguez Palacios, Angel 11 Rush, David E. 11 Saitô, Kazuyuki 11 Smith, Patrick Fleming 10 Phạm Ngọc Ánh 10 Ben Nasr, Mabrouk 10 Brewer, James W. 10 Handelman, David E. 10 Kabbaj, Samir 10 Keskin Tutuncu, Derya 10 Kuhlmann, Salma 10 Novacoski, Josnei Antonio 10 Okoh, Frank 10 Peralta, Antonio M. 10 Rossafi, Mohamed 10 Shchedryk, Volodymyr P. 10 Spirito, Dario 10 Vámos, Peter 10 Wiegand, Sylvia M. 10 Zhao, Kaiming 9 Ara, Pere 9 Azarang, Alborz 9 Brown, Kenneth Alexander 9 Dugas, Manfred H. ...and 4,408 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 508 Serials 622 Journal of Algebra 328 Communications in Algebra 317 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 252 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 241 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 146 Linear Algebra and its Applications 136 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 111 Mathematische Zeitschrift 91 Archiv der Mathematik 69 Mathematische Annalen 64 Advances in Mathematics 59 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 57 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 54 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 53 Journal of Functional Analysis 50 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 49 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 46 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 42 Manuscripta Mathematica 41 Israel Journal of Mathematics 41 Topology and its Applications 40 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 38 Journal of Mathematical Physics 37 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 34 Mathematical Notes 34 Journal of Number Theory 31 Results in Mathematics 30 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 28 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 26 Algebra Universalis 25 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 25 Proceedings of the Japan Academy 24 Inventiones Mathematicae 24 Journal of Commutative Algebra 23 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 23 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 23 Compositio Mathematica 23 Algebras and Representation Theory 21 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 21 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 21 Quaestiones Mathematicae 21 Semigroup Forum 21 Siberian Mathematical Journal 21 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 19 Communications in Mathematical Physics 19 Forum Mathematicum 18 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 17 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 17 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 17 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 17 Journal of Symbolic Computation 16 Discrete Mathematics 16 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 16 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 Monatshefte für Mathematik 16 Ricerche di Matematica 16 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 14 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 14 Algebra and Logic 14 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 14 Filomat 14 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 14 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 13 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 13 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 13 European Journal of Combinatorics 13 Advances in Applied Mathematics 13 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 12 Arkiv för Matematik 12 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 12 Mathematische Nachrichten 12 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 12 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 12 Positivity 12 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 12 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 11 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 11 International Electronic Journal of Algebra (IEJA) 11 São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences 11 Moroccan Journal of Algebra and Geometry with Applications 10 Acta Mathematica 10 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 10 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 10 Order 10 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 10 Algebra Colloquium 10 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 10 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 10 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 9 Mathematica Slovaca 9 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 9 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 9 Theoretical Computer Science 9 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 9 Expositiones Mathematicae 9 Korean Journal of Mathematics 9 Journal of Algebraic Systems 8 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 8 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 8 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems ...and 408 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 58 Fields 1,500 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1,337 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 572 Functional analysis (46-XX) 523 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 360 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 359 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 310 Operator theory (47-XX) 309 Number theory (11-XX) 274 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 259 Combinatorics (05-XX) 234 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 222 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 222 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 181 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 151 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 126 General topology (54-XX) 86 Quantum theory (81-XX) 76 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 72 Computer science (68-XX) 62 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 53 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 51 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 37 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 36 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 35 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 34 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 34 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 34 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 31 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 30 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 30 Differential geometry (53-XX) 27 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 25 Geometry (51-XX) 24 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 24 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 23 History and biography (01-XX) 20 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 17 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 17 Statistics (62-XX) 16 Special functions (33-XX) 16 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 15 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 15 Measure and integration (28-XX) 15 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 14 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 13 Real functions (26-XX) 11 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 10 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 8 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 7 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Mathematics education (97-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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