Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Katz, Matthew J. Co-Author Distance Author ID: katz.matthew-j Published as: Katz, Matthew J.; Katz, M. J.; Katz, Matthew; Katz, Matt more...less Homepage: https://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/~matya/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp Documents Indexed: 130 Publications since 1992, including 1 Book 3 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 87 Co-Authors with 131 Joint Publications 2,246 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 1 single-authored 39 Carmi, Paz 16 Sharir, Micha 15 Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 14 Aronov, Boris 14 Filtser, Omrit 13 Morgenstern, Gila 12 Abu-Affash, A. Karim 12 Segal, Michael 8 Aschner, Rom 7 Ashur, Stav 7 Ben-Moshe, Boaz 6 Banik, Aritra 6 de Berg, Mark Theodoor 6 Efrat, Alon 6 Overmars, Mark H. 6 van der Stappen, A. Frank 5 Agarwal, Pankaj Kumar 5 Arkin, Esther M. 5 Kaplan, Haim 5 Kedem, Klara 5 Saban, Rachel 4 Korman, Matias 4 Roeloffzen, Marcel 4 Simakov, Marina 4 Smorodinsky, Shakhar 4 van Renssen, André 4 Vleugels, Jules 3 Bose, Prosenjit K. 3 Citovsky, Gui 3 Krakovski, Roi 3 Lev-Tov, Nissan 3 Nielsen, Frank 3 Packer, Eli 3 Sheikhan, Khadijeh 2 Aigner-Horev, Elad 2 Bar-On, Gali 2 Ben Avraham, Rinat 2 Chaitman-Yerushalmi, Lilach 2 Chiu, Man-Kwun 2 Damian, Mirela 2 David, Haggai 2 de Carufel, Jean-Lou 2 Devillers, Olivier 2 Fan, Chenglin 2 Flatland, Robin Y. 2 Gudmundsson, Joachim 2 Hall-Holt, Olaf A. 2 Har-Peled, Sariel 2 Langerman, Stefan 2 Levcopoulos, Christos 2 Maheshwari, Anil 2 Nir, Yuval 2 Okamoto, Yoshio 2 Roisman, Gabriel S. 2 Shiitada, Taichi 2 Stein, Yael 2 Trabelsi, Yohai 2 Varadarajan, Kasturi R. 2 Zhu, Binhai 1 Aloupis, Greg 1 Assa, Eyal 1 Chew, L. Paul 1 Collette, Sébastien 1 Dinitz, Yefim 1 Dolev, Shlomi 1 Ezra, Esther E. 1 Farhana, Tsuri 1 Filtser, Arnold 1 Friedman, Eran 1 Geva, Kerem 1 Horton, Michael 1 Itai, Alon 1 Jia, Su 1 Kumar, Piyush 1 Löffler, Maarten 1 Lotker, Zvi 1 Mayer, Tyler 1 Morin, Pat 1 Nakamoto, Atsuhiro 1 Nielsen, Franck 1 Rosén, Adi 1 Sityon, Arik 1 Stenson, Catherine 1 Sulami, Elad 1 Wylie, Tim 1 Yedidsion, Harel 1 Yuditsky, Yelena all top 5 Serials 28 Computational Geometry 11 Algorithmica 8 Information Processing Letters 6 International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 5 Discrete & Computational Geometry 4 SIAM Journal on Computing 3 Discrete Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Computational Geometry 2 ACM Transactions on Algorithms 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 Journal of Algorithms 1 Computers & Operations Research 1 Journal of Integer Sequences 1 Journal of Discrete Algorithms 1 Student Mathematical Library 1 LIPIcs – Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics all top 5 Fields 117 Computer science (68-XX) 30 Combinatorics (05-XX) 23 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 17 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 15 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 101 Publications have been cited 744 times in 553 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Geometry helps in bottleneck matching and related problems. Zbl 0980.68101 Efrat, A.; Itai, A.; Katz, M. J. 46 2001 Realistic input models for geometric algorithms. Zbl 1017.68141 de Berg, Mark; van der Stappen, A. Frank; Vleugels, Jules; Katz, Matthew J. 32 2002 TSP with neighborhoods of varying size. Zbl 1101.68919 de Berg, Mark; Gudmundsson, Joachim; Katz, Matthew J.; Levcopoulos, Christos; Overmars, Mark H.; van der Stappen, A. Frank 24 2005 Efficient hidden surface removal for objects with small union size. Zbl 0774.68099 Katz, Matthew J.; Overmars, Mark H.; Sharir, Micha 23 1992 Covering points by unit disks of fixed location. Zbl 1193.68268 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Lev-Tov, Nissan 23 2007 Connectivity guarantees for wireless networks with directional antennas. Zbl 1233.05123 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Lotker, Zvi; Rosén, Adi 21 2011 An expander-based approach to geometric optimization. Zbl 0888.68116 Katz, Matthew J.; Sharir, Micha 20 1997 On guarding the vertices of rectilinear domains. Zbl 1149.65015 Katz, Matthew J.; Roisman, Gabriel S. 20 2008 Approximation schemes for covering and packing. Zbl 1379.68344 Aschner, Rom; Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila; Yuditsky, Yelena 19 2013 A constant-factor approximation algorithm for optimal 1.5D terrain guarding. Zbl 1154.68569 Ben-Moshe, Boaz; Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 19 2007 3-D vertical ray shooting and 2-D point enclosure, range searching, and arc shooting amidst convex fat objects. Zbl 0888.68115 Katz, Matthew J. 18 1997 Orthogonal segment stabbing. Zbl 1162.68751 Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B.; Nir, Yuval 16 2005 Optimal slope selection via expanders. Zbl 0797.68155 Katz, Matthew J.; Sharir, Micha 16 1993 Choice is hard. Zbl 1472.68061 Arkin, Esther M.; Banik, Aritra; Carmi, Paz; Citovsky, Gui; Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B.; Simakov, Marina 16 2015 Computing depth orders for fat objects and related problems. Zbl 0851.68102 Agarwal, Pankaj K.; Katz, Matthew J.; Sharir, Micha 15 1995 Guarding orthogonal art galleries with sliding cameras. Zbl 1216.65028 Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila 15 2011 Improved algorithms for placing undesirable facilities. Zbl 1259.90060 Katz, Matthew J.; Kedem, Klara; Segal, Michael 14 2002 Bounded-angle spanning tree: modeling networks with angular constraints. Zbl 1359.68229 Aschner, Rom; Katz, Matthew J. 13 2017 Bottleneck non-crossing matching in the plane. Zbl 1281.65025 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Trabelsi, Yohai 13 2014 Finding large sticks and potatoes in polygons. Zbl 1192.68746 Hall-Holt, Olaf; Katz, Matthew J.; Kumar, Piyush; Mitchell, Joseph S. B.; Sityon, Arik 13 2006 Polychromatic 4-coloring of cubic bipartite plane graphs. Zbl 1316.05044 Horev, Elad; Katz, Matthew J.; Krakovski, Roi; Nakamoto, Atsuhiro 13 2012 Symmetric connectivity with directional antennas. Zbl 1272.78014 Aschner, Rom; Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila 12 2013 Discrete rectilinear 2-center problems. Zbl 0952.68146 Katz, Matthew J.; Kedem, Klara; Segal, Michael 12 2000 Dynamic data structures for fat objects and their applications. Zbl 0952.68147 Efrat, Alon; Katz, Matthew J.; Nielsen, Frank; Sharir, Micha 12 2000 Power assignment in radio networks with two power levels. Zbl 1108.90015 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J. 11 2007 Tracking paths. Zbl 1468.68144 Banik, Aritra; Katz, Matthew J.; Packer, Eli; Simakov, Marina 10 2017 Minimum-cost load-balancing partitions. Zbl 1191.68754 Aronov, Boris; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J. 9 2009 Selecting and covering colored points. Zbl 1398.05212 Arkin, Esther M.; Banik, Aritra; Carmi, Paz; Citovsky, Gui; Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B.; Simakov, Marina 9 2018 Obnoxious facility location: complete service with minimal harm. Zbl 0970.68178 Ben-Moshe, Boaz; Katz, Matthew J.; Segal, Michael 9 2000 Conflict-free coloring of points on a line with respect to a set of intervals. Zbl 1248.05067 Katz, Matthew J.; Lev-Tov, Nissan; Morgenstern, Gila 9 2012 Guarding scenes against invasive hypercubes. Zbl 1048.65025 de Berg, Mark; David, Haggai; Katz, Matthew J.; Overmars, Mark; van der Stappen, A. Frank; Vleugels, Jules 9 2003 Computing the visibility graph of points within a polygon. Zbl 1373.68424 Ben-Moshe, Boaz; Hall-Holt, Olaf; Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 8 2004 Farthest neighbors and center points in the presence of rectangular obstacles. Zbl 1377.68260 Ben-Moshe, Boaz; Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 8 2001 Switching to directional antennas with constant increase in radius and hop distance. Zbl 1342.90043 Bose, Prosenjit; Carmi, Paz; Damian, Mirela; Flatland, Robin; Katz, Matthew J.; Maheshwari, Anil 7 2011 Tiling a \((2 \times n)\)-board with squares and dominoes. Zbl 1228.05062 Katz, Matt; Stenson, Catherine 7 2009 Maintenance of a piercing set for intervals with applications. Zbl 1045.68156 Katz, Matthew J.; Nielsen, Frank; Segal, Michael 7 2003 On the Fermat-Weber center of a convex object. Zbl 1082.65016 Carmi, Paz; Har-Peled, Sariel; Katz, Matthew J. 7 2005 Multi cover of a polygon minimizing the sum of areas. Zbl 1251.68276 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila 7 2011 Do directional antennas facilitate in reducing interferences? Zbl 1357.94005 Aschner, Rom; Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila 7 2012 Batched point location in SINR diagrams via algebraic tools. Zbl 1454.68152 Aronov, Boris; Katz, Matthew J. 6 2018 Switching to directional antennas with constant increase in radius and hop distance. Zbl 1360.68640 Bose, Prosenjit; Carmi, Paz; Damian, Mirela; Flatland, Robin; Katz, Matthew J.; Maheshwari, Anil 6 2014 Guarding rectangular partitions. Zbl 1186.65022 Dinitz, Yefim; Katz, Matthew J.; Krakovski, Roi 6 2009 Polychromatic 4-coloring of guillotine subdivisions. Zbl 1215.68254 Horev, Elad; Katz, Matthew J.; Krakovski, Roi; Löffler, Maarten 6 2009 A tight bound on the number of geometric permutations of convex fat objects in \(\mathbb{R}^d\). Zbl 1020.52003 Katz, M. J.; Varadarajan, K. R. 6 2001 Computing Euclidean bottleneck matchings in higher dimensions. Zbl 0997.05075 Efrat, Alon; Katz, Matthew J. 6 2000 Tracking paths. Zbl 1441.05122 Banik, Aritra; Katz, Matthew J.; Packer, Eli; Simakov, Marina 5 2020 On the union of \(\kappa\)-curved objects. Zbl 0947.65017 Efrat, Alon; Katz, Matthew J. 5 1999 Polynomial-time approximation schemes for piercing and covering with applications in wireless networks. Zbl 1152.65066 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Lev-Tov, Nissan 5 2008 Stable roommates spanner. Zbl 1254.05072 Bose, Prosenjit; Carmi, Paz; Chaitman-Yerushalmi, Lilach; Collette, Sébastien; Katz, Matthew J.; Langerman, Stefan 5 2013 The discrete and semicontinuous Fréchet distance with shortcuts via approximate distance counting and selection. Zbl 1398.68609 Avraham, Rinat Ben; Filtser, Omrit; Kaplan, Haim; Katz, Matthew J.; Sharir, Micha 5 2015 Geographic quorum system approximations. Zbl 1065.68100 Carmi, Paz; Dolev, Shlomi; Har-Peled, Sariel; Katz, Matthew J.; Segal, Michael 4 2005 Bounded-angle spanning tree: modeling networks with angular constraints. Zbl 1410.68275 Aschner, Rom; Katz, Matthew J. 4 2014 The Euclidean bottleneck Steiner path problem and other applications of \((\alpha ,\beta )\)-pair decomposition. Zbl 1311.68095 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Segal, Michael 4 2014 Minimum-cost load-balancing partitions. Zbl 1153.68360 Aronov, Boris; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J. 4 2006 An introduction to Ramsey theory. Fast functions, infinity, and metamathematics. Zbl 1404.05210 Katz, Matthew; Reimann, Jan 4 2018 The minimum-area spanning tree problem. Zbl 1102.65020 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 3 2006 Improved bounds on the average distance to the Fermat-Weber center of a convex object. Zbl 1193.68261 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Katz, Matthew J. 3 2009 A constant-factor approximation algorithm for optimal terrain guarding. Zbl 1297.68260 Ben-Moshe, Boaz; Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 3 2005 Batched point location in SINR diagrams via algebraic tools. Zbl 1440.68312 Aronov, Boris; Katz, Matthew J. 3 2015 Terrain-like graphs: PTASs for guarding weakly-visible polygons and terrains. Zbl 1540.68252 Ashur, Stav; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J.; Saban, Rachel 3 2020 Optimal line bipartitions of point sets. Zbl 1026.65011 Devillers, Olivier; Katz, Matthew J. 3 1999 Improved PTASs for convex barrier coverage. Zbl 1504.68249 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Saban, Rachel; Stein, Yael 3 2018 Multi cover of a polygon minimizing the sum of areas. Zbl 1317.68268 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila 3 2011 Computing fair and bottleneck matchings in geometric graphs. Zbl 1522.68646 Efrat, Alon; Katz, Matthew J. 3 1996 Balanced line separators of unit disk graphs. Zbl 1433.68483 Carmi, Paz; Chiu, Man Kwun; Katz, Matthew J.; Korman, Matias; Okamoto, Yoshio; van Renssen, André; Roeloffzen, Marcel; Shiitada, Taichi; Smorodinsky, Shakhar 2 2020 Efficient nearest-neighbor query and clustering of planar curves. Zbl 1534.68237 Aronov, Boris; Filtser, Omrit; Horton, Michael; Katz, Matthew J.; Sheikhan, Khadijeh 2 2019 Models and motion planning. Zbl 1116.68604 de Berg, Mark; Katz, Matthew J.; Overmars, Mark H.; van der Stappen, A. Frank; Vleugels, Jules 2 2002 3-piercing of \(d\)-dimensional boxes and homothetic triangles. Zbl 0949.68151 Assa, Eyal; Katz, Matthew J. 2 1999 Computing all large sums-of-pairs in \(\mathbb R^n\) and the discrete planar two-watchtower problem. Zbl 1178.68606 Ben-Moshe, Boaz; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J. 2 2004 Spiderman graph: visibility in urban regions. Zbl 1304.65104 Carmi, Paz; Friedman, Eran; Katz, Matthew J. 2 2015 Terrain-like graphs: PTASs for guarding weakly-visible polygons and terrains. Zbl 1497.68516 Ashur, Stav; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J.; Saban, Rachel 2 2022 On the chain pair simplification problem. Zbl 1451.68300 Fan, Chenglin; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J.; Wylie, Tim; Zhu, Binhai 2 2015 A 4-approximation of the \(\frac{2\pi }{3} \)-MST. Zbl 07498673 Ashur, Stav; Katz, Matthew J. 2 2021 Algorithms for the discrete Fréchet distance under translation. Zbl 1477.68469 Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J. 2 2020 Algorithms for the discrete Fréchet distance under translation. Zbl 1477.68468 Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J. 2 2018 Models and motion planning. Zbl 1502.68313 de Berg, Mark; Katz, Matthew J.; Overmars, Mark; van der Stappen, A. Frank; Vleugels, Jules 2 1998 Stabbing pairwise intersecting disks by four points. Zbl 1537.52009 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Morin, Pat 2 2023 A tight bound on the number of geometric permutations of convex fat objects in \(\mathbb{R}^d\). Zbl 1376.68151 Katz, Matthew J.; Varadarajan, Kasturi 2 2001 Walking around fat obstacles. Zbl 1043.68101 Chew, L. Paul; David, Haggai; Katz, Matthew J.; Kedem, Klara 2 2002 The discrete Fréchet distance with shortcuts via approximate distance counting and selection. Zbl 1395.68290 Ben Avraham, Rinat; Filtser, Omrit; Kaplan, Haim; Katz, Matthew J.; Sharir, Micha 2 2014 Optimal cover of points by disks in a simple polygon. Zbl 1234.68443 Kaplan, Haim; Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila; Sharir, Micha 2 2011 On the general chain pair simplification problem. Zbl 1398.68230 Fan, Chenglin; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J.; Zhu, Binhai 2 2016 Symmetric connectivity with directional antennas. Zbl 1351.68296 Aschner, Rom; Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila 2 2013 Dynamic data structures for fat objects and their applications. Zbl 1497.68525 Efrat, Alon; Katz, Matthew J.; Nielsen, Franck; Sharir, Micha 2 1997 Computing depth orders and related problems. Zbl 1502.68294 Agarwal, Pankaj K.; Katz, Matthew J.; Sharir, Micha 2 1994 Network optimization on partitioned pairs of points. Zbl 1457.68199 Arkin, Esther M.; Banik, Aritra; Carmi, Paz; Citovsky, Gui; Jia, Su; Katz, Matthew J.; Mayer, Tyler; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 1 2017 Resolving SINR queries in a dynamic setting. Zbl 1497.68136 Aronov, Boris; Bar-On, Gali; Katz, Matthew J. 1 2018 Bottleneck Steiner tree with bounded number of Steiner vertices. Zbl 1320.68225 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J. 1 2015 A constant-factor approximation algorithm for vertex guarding a WV-polygon. Zbl 1522.68626 Ashur, Stav; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew 1 2021 Constrained square-center problems. Zbl 1502.68327 Katz, Matthew J.; Kedem, Klara; Segal, Michael 1 1998 Optimal line bipartitions of point sets. Zbl 1512.68412 Devillers, Olivier; Katz, Matthew J. 1 1996 The Euclidean bottleneck Steiner path problem. Zbl 1283.68336 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Segal, Michael 1 2011 Power assignment in radio networks with two power levels. Zbl 1095.68505 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J. 1 2004 On guarding rectilinear domains. Zbl 1141.68631 Katz, Matthew J.; Roisman, Gabriel S. 1 2006 Settling the bound on the rectilinear link radius of a simple rectilinear polygon. Zbl 1260.68418 Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila 1 2011 Visibility preserving terrain simplification, an experimental study. Zbl 1414.68110 Ben-Moshe, Boaz; Mitchell, Joseph S. B.; Katz, Matthew J.; Nir, Yuval 1 2002 Bottleneck non-crossing matching in the plane. Zbl 1365.68432 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Trabelsi, Yohai 1 2012 Bipartite diameter and other measures under translation. Zbl 1547.68775 Aronov, Boris; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J.; Sheikhan, Khadijeh 1 2019 Intersection queries for flat semi-algebraic objects in three dimensions and related problems. Zbl 07849002 Agarwal, Pankaj K.; Aronov, Boris; Ezra, Esther; Katz, Matthew J.; Sharir, Micha 1 2022 Approximate nearest neighbor for curves: simple, efficient, and deterministic. Zbl 07680782 Filtser, Arnold; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J. 1 2023 Stabbing pairwise intersecting disks by four points. Zbl 1537.52009 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Morin, Pat 2 2023 Approximate nearest neighbor for curves: simple, efficient, and deterministic. Zbl 07680782 Filtser, Arnold; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J. 1 2023 The unweighted and weighted reverse shortest path problem for disk graphs. Zbl 07961912 Kaplan, Haim; Katz, Matthew J.; Saban, Rachel; Sharir, Micha 1 2023 Terrain-like graphs: PTASs for guarding weakly-visible polygons and terrains. Zbl 1497.68516 Ashur, Stav; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J.; Saban, Rachel 2 2022 Intersection queries for flat semi-algebraic objects in three dimensions and related problems. Zbl 07849002 Agarwal, Pankaj K.; Aronov, Boris; Ezra, Esther; Katz, Matthew J.; Sharir, Micha 1 2022 A 4-approximation of the \(\frac{2\pi }{3} \)-MST. Zbl 07498673 Ashur, Stav; Katz, Matthew J. 2 2021 A constant-factor approximation algorithm for vertex guarding a WV-polygon. Zbl 1522.68626 Ashur, Stav; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew 1 2021 Tracking paths. Zbl 1441.05122 Banik, Aritra; Katz, Matthew J.; Packer, Eli; Simakov, Marina 5 2020 Terrain-like graphs: PTASs for guarding weakly-visible polygons and terrains. Zbl 1540.68252 Ashur, Stav; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J.; Saban, Rachel 3 2020 Balanced line separators of unit disk graphs. Zbl 1433.68483 Carmi, Paz; Chiu, Man Kwun; Katz, Matthew J.; Korman, Matias; Okamoto, Yoshio; van Renssen, André; Roeloffzen, Marcel; Shiitada, Taichi; Smorodinsky, Shakhar 2 2020 Algorithms for the discrete Fréchet distance under translation. Zbl 1477.68469 Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J. 2 2020 Efficient nearest-neighbor query and clustering of planar curves. Zbl 1534.68237 Aronov, Boris; Filtser, Omrit; Horton, Michael; Katz, Matthew J.; Sheikhan, Khadijeh 2 2019 Bipartite diameter and other measures under translation. Zbl 1547.68775 Aronov, Boris; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J.; Sheikhan, Khadijeh 1 2019 Selecting and covering colored points. Zbl 1398.05212 Arkin, Esther M.; Banik, Aritra; Carmi, Paz; Citovsky, Gui; Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B.; Simakov, Marina 9 2018 Batched point location in SINR diagrams via algebraic tools. Zbl 1454.68152 Aronov, Boris; Katz, Matthew J. 6 2018 An introduction to Ramsey theory. Fast functions, infinity, and metamathematics. Zbl 1404.05210 Katz, Matthew; Reimann, Jan 4 2018 Improved PTASs for convex barrier coverage. Zbl 1504.68249 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Saban, Rachel; Stein, Yael 3 2018 Algorithms for the discrete Fréchet distance under translation. Zbl 1477.68468 Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J. 2 2018 Resolving SINR queries in a dynamic setting. Zbl 1497.68136 Aronov, Boris; Bar-On, Gali; Katz, Matthew J. 1 2018 Bounded-angle spanning tree: modeling networks with angular constraints. Zbl 1359.68229 Aschner, Rom; Katz, Matthew J. 13 2017 Tracking paths. Zbl 1468.68144 Banik, Aritra; Katz, Matthew J.; Packer, Eli; Simakov, Marina 10 2017 Network optimization on partitioned pairs of points. Zbl 1457.68199 Arkin, Esther M.; Banik, Aritra; Carmi, Paz; Citovsky, Gui; Jia, Su; Katz, Matthew J.; Mayer, Tyler; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 1 2017 On the general chain pair simplification problem. Zbl 1398.68230 Fan, Chenglin; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J.; Zhu, Binhai 2 2016 Choice is hard. Zbl 1472.68061 Arkin, Esther M.; Banik, Aritra; Carmi, Paz; Citovsky, Gui; Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B.; Simakov, Marina 16 2015 The discrete and semicontinuous Fréchet distance with shortcuts via approximate distance counting and selection. Zbl 1398.68609 Avraham, Rinat Ben; Filtser, Omrit; Kaplan, Haim; Katz, Matthew J.; Sharir, Micha 5 2015 Batched point location in SINR diagrams via algebraic tools. Zbl 1440.68312 Aronov, Boris; Katz, Matthew J. 3 2015 Spiderman graph: visibility in urban regions. Zbl 1304.65104 Carmi, Paz; Friedman, Eran; Katz, Matthew J. 2 2015 On the chain pair simplification problem. Zbl 1451.68300 Fan, Chenglin; Filtser, Omrit; Katz, Matthew J.; Wylie, Tim; Zhu, Binhai 2 2015 Bottleneck Steiner tree with bounded number of Steiner vertices. Zbl 1320.68225 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J. 1 2015 Bottleneck non-crossing matching in the plane. Zbl 1281.65025 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Trabelsi, Yohai 13 2014 Switching to directional antennas with constant increase in radius and hop distance. Zbl 1360.68640 Bose, Prosenjit; Carmi, Paz; Damian, Mirela; Flatland, Robin; Katz, Matthew J.; Maheshwari, Anil 6 2014 Bounded-angle spanning tree: modeling networks with angular constraints. Zbl 1410.68275 Aschner, Rom; Katz, Matthew J. 4 2014 The Euclidean bottleneck Steiner path problem and other applications of \((\alpha ,\beta )\)-pair decomposition. Zbl 1311.68095 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Segal, Michael 4 2014 The discrete Fréchet distance with shortcuts via approximate distance counting and selection. Zbl 1395.68290 Ben Avraham, Rinat; Filtser, Omrit; Kaplan, Haim; Katz, Matthew J.; Sharir, Micha 2 2014 Approximation schemes for covering and packing. Zbl 1379.68344 Aschner, Rom; Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila; Yuditsky, Yelena 19 2013 Symmetric connectivity with directional antennas. Zbl 1272.78014 Aschner, Rom; Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila 12 2013 Stable roommates spanner. Zbl 1254.05072 Bose, Prosenjit; Carmi, Paz; Chaitman-Yerushalmi, Lilach; Collette, Sébastien; Katz, Matthew J.; Langerman, Stefan 5 2013 Symmetric connectivity with directional antennas. Zbl 1351.68296 Aschner, Rom; Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila 2 2013 Polychromatic 4-coloring of cubic bipartite plane graphs. Zbl 1316.05044 Horev, Elad; Katz, Matthew J.; Krakovski, Roi; Nakamoto, Atsuhiro 13 2012 Conflict-free coloring of points on a line with respect to a set of intervals. Zbl 1248.05067 Katz, Matthew J.; Lev-Tov, Nissan; Morgenstern, Gila 9 2012 Do directional antennas facilitate in reducing interferences? Zbl 1357.94005 Aschner, Rom; Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila 7 2012 Bottleneck non-crossing matching in the plane. Zbl 1365.68432 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Trabelsi, Yohai 1 2012 Connectivity guarantees for wireless networks with directional antennas. Zbl 1233.05123 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Lotker, Zvi; Rosén, Adi 21 2011 Guarding orthogonal art galleries with sliding cameras. Zbl 1216.65028 Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila 15 2011 Switching to directional antennas with constant increase in radius and hop distance. Zbl 1342.90043 Bose, Prosenjit; Carmi, Paz; Damian, Mirela; Flatland, Robin; Katz, Matthew J.; Maheshwari, Anil 7 2011 Multi cover of a polygon minimizing the sum of areas. Zbl 1251.68276 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila 7 2011 Multi cover of a polygon minimizing the sum of areas. Zbl 1317.68268 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila 3 2011 Optimal cover of points by disks in a simple polygon. Zbl 1234.68443 Kaplan, Haim; Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila; Sharir, Micha 2 2011 The Euclidean bottleneck Steiner path problem. Zbl 1283.68336 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Segal, Michael 1 2011 Settling the bound on the rectilinear link radius of a simple rectilinear polygon. Zbl 1260.68418 Katz, Matthew J.; Morgenstern, Gila 1 2011 Minimum-cost load-balancing partitions. Zbl 1191.68754 Aronov, Boris; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J. 9 2009 Tiling a \((2 \times n)\)-board with squares and dominoes. Zbl 1228.05062 Katz, Matt; Stenson, Catherine 7 2009 Guarding rectangular partitions. Zbl 1186.65022 Dinitz, Yefim; Katz, Matthew J.; Krakovski, Roi 6 2009 Polychromatic 4-coloring of guillotine subdivisions. Zbl 1215.68254 Horev, Elad; Katz, Matthew J.; Krakovski, Roi; Löffler, Maarten 6 2009 Improved bounds on the average distance to the Fermat-Weber center of a convex object. Zbl 1193.68261 Abu-Affash, A. Karim; Katz, Matthew J. 3 2009 On guarding the vertices of rectilinear domains. Zbl 1149.65015 Katz, Matthew J.; Roisman, Gabriel S. 20 2008 Polynomial-time approximation schemes for piercing and covering with applications in wireless networks. Zbl 1152.65066 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Lev-Tov, Nissan 5 2008 Covering points by unit disks of fixed location. Zbl 1193.68268 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Lev-Tov, Nissan 23 2007 A constant-factor approximation algorithm for optimal 1.5D terrain guarding. Zbl 1154.68569 Ben-Moshe, Boaz; Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 19 2007 Power assignment in radio networks with two power levels. Zbl 1108.90015 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J. 11 2007 Finding large sticks and potatoes in polygons. Zbl 1192.68746 Hall-Holt, Olaf; Katz, Matthew J.; Kumar, Piyush; Mitchell, Joseph S. B.; Sityon, Arik 13 2006 Minimum-cost load-balancing partitions. Zbl 1153.68360 Aronov, Boris; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J. 4 2006 The minimum-area spanning tree problem. Zbl 1102.65020 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 3 2006 On guarding rectilinear domains. Zbl 1141.68631 Katz, Matthew J.; Roisman, Gabriel S. 1 2006 TSP with neighborhoods of varying size. Zbl 1101.68919 de Berg, Mark; Gudmundsson, Joachim; Katz, Matthew J.; Levcopoulos, Christos; Overmars, Mark H.; van der Stappen, A. Frank 24 2005 Orthogonal segment stabbing. Zbl 1162.68751 Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B.; Nir, Yuval 16 2005 On the Fermat-Weber center of a convex object. Zbl 1082.65016 Carmi, Paz; Har-Peled, Sariel; Katz, Matthew J. 7 2005 Geographic quorum system approximations. Zbl 1065.68100 Carmi, Paz; Dolev, Shlomi; Har-Peled, Sariel; Katz, Matthew J.; Segal, Michael 4 2005 A constant-factor approximation algorithm for optimal terrain guarding. Zbl 1297.68260 Ben-Moshe, Boaz; Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 3 2005 Computing the visibility graph of points within a polygon. Zbl 1373.68424 Ben-Moshe, Boaz; Hall-Holt, Olaf; Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 8 2004 Computing all large sums-of-pairs in \(\mathbb R^n\) and the discrete planar two-watchtower problem. Zbl 1178.68606 Ben-Moshe, Boaz; Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J. 2 2004 Power assignment in radio networks with two power levels. Zbl 1095.68505 Carmi, Paz; Katz, Matthew J. 1 2004 Guarding scenes against invasive hypercubes. Zbl 1048.65025 de Berg, Mark; David, Haggai; Katz, Matthew J.; Overmars, Mark; van der Stappen, A. Frank; Vleugels, Jules 9 2003 Maintenance of a piercing set for intervals with applications. Zbl 1045.68156 Katz, Matthew J.; Nielsen, Frank; Segal, Michael 7 2003 Realistic input models for geometric algorithms. Zbl 1017.68141 de Berg, Mark; van der Stappen, A. Frank; Vleugels, Jules; Katz, Matthew J. 32 2002 Improved algorithms for placing undesirable facilities. Zbl 1259.90060 Katz, Matthew J.; Kedem, Klara; Segal, Michael 14 2002 Models and motion planning. Zbl 1116.68604 de Berg, Mark; Katz, Matthew J.; Overmars, Mark H.; van der Stappen, A. Frank; Vleugels, Jules 2 2002 Walking around fat obstacles. Zbl 1043.68101 Chew, L. Paul; David, Haggai; Katz, Matthew J.; Kedem, Klara 2 2002 Visibility preserving terrain simplification, an experimental study. Zbl 1414.68110 Ben-Moshe, Boaz; Mitchell, Joseph S. B.; Katz, Matthew J.; Nir, Yuval 1 2002 Geometry helps in bottleneck matching and related problems. Zbl 0980.68101 Efrat, A.; Itai, A.; Katz, M. J. 46 2001 Farthest neighbors and center points in the presence of rectangular obstacles. Zbl 1377.68260 Ben-Moshe, Boaz; Katz, Matthew J.; Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 8 2001 A tight bound on the number of geometric permutations of convex fat objects in \(\mathbb{R}^d\). Zbl 1020.52003 Katz, M. J.; Varadarajan, K. R. 6 2001 A tight bound on the number of geometric permutations of convex fat objects in \(\mathbb{R}^d\). Zbl 1376.68151 Katz, Matthew J.; Varadarajan, Kasturi 2 2001 Discrete rectilinear 2-center problems. Zbl 0952.68146 Katz, Matthew J.; Kedem, Klara; Segal, Michael 12 2000 Dynamic data structures for fat objects and their applications. Zbl 0952.68147 Efrat, Alon; Katz, Matthew J.; Nielsen, Frank; Sharir, Micha 12 2000 Obnoxious facility location: complete service with minimal harm. Zbl 0970.68178 Ben-Moshe, Boaz; Katz, Matthew J.; Segal, Michael 9 2000 Computing Euclidean bottleneck matchings in higher dimensions. Zbl 0997.05075 Efrat, Alon; Katz, Matthew J. 6 2000 On the union of \(\kappa\)-curved objects. Zbl 0947.65017 Efrat, Alon; Katz, Matthew J. 5 1999 Optimal line bipartitions of point sets. Zbl 1026.65011 Devillers, Olivier; Katz, Matthew J. 3 1999 3-piercing of \(d\)-dimensional boxes and homothetic triangles. Zbl 0949.68151 Assa, Eyal; Katz, Matthew J. 2 1999 Models and motion planning. Zbl 1502.68313 de Berg, Mark; Katz, Matthew J.; Overmars, Mark; van der Stappen, A. Frank; Vleugels, Jules 2 1998 Constrained square-center problems. Zbl 1502.68327 Katz, Matthew J.; Kedem, Klara; Segal, Michael 1 1998 An expander-based approach to geometric optimization. Zbl 0888.68116 Katz, Matthew J.; Sharir, Micha 20 1997 3-D vertical ray shooting and 2-D point enclosure, range searching, and arc shooting amidst convex fat objects. Zbl 0888.68115 Katz, Matthew J. 18 1997 Dynamic data structures for fat objects and their applications. Zbl 1497.68525 Efrat, Alon; Katz, Matthew J.; Nielsen, Franck; Sharir, Micha 2 1997 Computing fair and bottleneck matchings in geometric graphs. Zbl 1522.68646 Efrat, Alon; Katz, Matthew J. 3 1996 Optimal line bipartitions of point sets. Zbl 1512.68412 Devillers, Olivier; Katz, Matthew J. 1 1996 Computing depth orders for fat objects and related problems. Zbl 0851.68102 Agarwal, Pankaj K.; Katz, Matthew J.; Sharir, Micha 15 1995 Computing depth orders and related problems. Zbl 1502.68294 Agarwal, Pankaj K.; Katz, Matthew J.; Sharir, Micha 2 1994 Optimal slope selection via expanders. Zbl 0797.68155 Katz, Matthew J.; Sharir, Micha 16 1993 ...and 1 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 826 Authors 45 Katz, Matthew J. 24 de Berg, Mark Theodoor 21 Carmi, Paz 16 Sharir, Micha 14 Löffler, Maarten 13 Cabello, Sergio 12 Aronov, Boris 11 Banik, Aritra 11 Choudhary, Pratibha 11 Wang, Haitao 10 Abu-Affash, A. Karim 10 Dumitrescu, Adrian 10 van Kreveld, Marc J. 9 Das, Sandip 9 Filtser, Omrit 9 Maheshwari, Anil 9 Mehrabi, Saeed 9 Nandy, Subhas Chandra 9 Raman, Venkatesh 9 Saurabh, Saket 9 Segal, Michael 8 Ahn, Hee-Kap 8 Buchin, Kevin 8 Chan, Timothy Moon-Yew 8 Das, Gautam Kumar 8 Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 8 Ray, Saurabh 8 Tóth, Csaba D. 8 van der Stappen, A. Frank 7 Agarwal, Pankaj Kumar 7 Bae, Sang Won 7 Biniaz, Ahmad 7 Bose, Prosenjit K. 7 Cheong, Otfried 7 Díaz-Báñez, Jose Miguel 7 Har-Peled, Sariel 6 Basappa, Manjanna 6 Chen, Danny Ziyi 6 Durocher, Stephane 6 Elbassioni, Khaled M. 6 Ezra, Esther E. 6 Fekete, Sándor P. 6 Korman, Matias 6 Mulzer, Wolfgang Johann Heinrich 6 Mustafa, Nabil Hassan 6 Nakamoto, Atsuhiro 6 Smid, Michiel H. M. 5 Abam, Mohammad Ali 5 Agrawal, Akanksha 5 Carlsson, John Gunnar 5 Gray, Chris 5 Keikha, Vahideh 5 Klamroth, Kathrin 5 Knauer, Christian 5 Morgenstern, Gila 5 Mudgal, Apurva 5 Pandit, Supantha 5 Roy, Sasanka 5 Saumell, Maria 5 Silveira, Rodrigo I. 5 Smorodinsky, Shakhar 5 Speckmann, Bettina 5 Tan, Xuehou 5 Urrutia Galicia, Jorge L. 5 Vigneron, Antoine 5 Zehavi, Meirav 5 Zhu, Binhai 4 Acharyya, Ankush 4 Aigner-Horev, Elad 4 Ashur, Stav 4 Bandyapadhyay, Sayan 4 Basu Roy, Aniket 4 Bentert, Matthias 4 Bereg, Sergey N. 4 Bhore, Sujoy Kumar 4 Biedl, Therese C. 4 Daescu, Ovidiu 4 Damian, Mirela 4 De, Minati 4 Driemel, Anne 4 Fraser, Robert 4 Ghodsi, Mohammad 4 Goaoc, Xavier 4 Gudmundsson, Joachim 4 Huynh, Dung T. 4 Inkulu, Rajasekhar 4 Jiang, Bo 4 Kedem, Klara 4 Krakovski, Roi 4 Matsumoto, Naoki 4 Meijer, Henk 4 Mondal, Debajyoti 4 Montecchiani, Fabrizio 4 Morin, Pat 4 Mukherjee, Joydeep 4 Nichterlein, André 4 Overmars, Mark H. 4 Raman, Rajiv 4 Sadhu, Sanjib 4 Sahlot, Vibha ...and 726 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 72 Serials 87 Computational Geometry 40 Theoretical Computer Science 40 Discrete & Computational Geometry 39 Algorithmica 28 International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 24 Information Processing Letters 15 Discrete Applied Mathematics 13 Discrete Mathematics 11 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 9 European Journal of Operational Research 8 SIAM Journal on Computing 8 Journal of Discrete Algorithms 7 Computers & Operations Research 7 Annals of Operations Research 5 Journal of Global Optimization 5 Theory of Computing Systems 4 Graphs and Combinatorics 4 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 4 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 3 Operations Research Letters 3 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 3 INFORMS Journal on Computing 3 Journal of Integer Sequences 3 ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 3 Discrete Optimization 3 ACM Transactions on Algorithms 2 Journal of Graph Theory 2 Naval Research Logistics 2 Automation and Remote Control 2 Computational Optimization and Applications 2 Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 2 CGT. Computing in Geometry and Topology 1 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 1 Journal of Mathematical Economics 1 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 Mathematics of Operations Research 1 Networks 1 Topology and its Applications 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Order 1 Journal of Symbolic Computation 1 Information and Computation 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 1 Georgian Mathematical Journal 1 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 1 International Journal of Shape Modeling 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. DMTCS 1 Integers 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 1 MATCH - Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 1 Networks and Spatial Economics 1 Parallel Processing Letters 1 Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 1 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 1 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 1 Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 1 Matematicheskaya Teoriya Igr i eë Prilozheniya 1 Izvestiya Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematika 1 Computer Science Review 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 1 Journal of Applied and Computational Topology 1 DML. Discrete Mathematics Letters 1 TheoretiCS all top 5 Cited in 24 Fields 400 Computer science (68-XX) 126 Combinatorics (05-XX) 123 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 76 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 46 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 10 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 8 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 7 Geometry (51-XX) 6 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 Number theory (11-XX) 5 Statistics (62-XX) 4 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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