Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas Co-Author Distance Author ID: kedukodi.babushri-srinivas Published as: Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Srinivas, Kedukodi Babushri; Kedukodi, B. S.; Kedukodi, Babushri S. more...less Homepage: https://manipal.edu/mit/department-faculty/faculty-list/kedukodi-babushri-sriniv... External Links: ORCID Documents Indexed: 56 Publications since 1976, including 1 Book 2 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 23 Co-Authors with 33 Joint Publications 671 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 2 single-authored 33 Kuncham, Syam Prasad 9 Fletcher, Clive A. J. 7 Bhavanari, Satyanarayana 7 Panackal, Harikrishnan 6 Sahoo, Tapatee 5 Koppula, Kavitha 4 Gururaja, J. 4 Harikrishnan, Panackal 3 Aishwarya, S. V. 3 Jagadeesha, B. 3 Nayak, Hamsa 2 Davvaz, Bijan 2 Juglal, S. 2 Prasad, Kamal Krishna 2 Salvankar, Rajani 2 Skeel, Robert D. 2 Tapatee, S. 1 Aravinda, C. S. 1 Armfield, Steven William 1 B., Jagadeesha 1 Badawi, Ayman 1 Booth, Geoffrey L. 1 Farag, Mark 1 Guruvaja, J. 1 Mandziuk, Margaret 1 Manimaran, P. 1 Mellen, Christopher P. 1 Meyer, Johannes Hendrik 1 Neuerburg, Kent M. 1 Pal, Mayukha 1 Rajani, Sharan 1 Rao, P. Madhusudana 1 Rathod, V. P. 1 Satish, B. N. V. 1 Schlick, Tamar 1 Shum, Kar-Ping 1 Suresh, Juglal 1 Varsha 1 Zdravistch, Franz all top 5 Serials 4 Soft Computing 3 Computers and Fluids 3 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 3 Journal of Computational Physics 2 Communications in Algebra 2 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 2 Matematički Vesnik 2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 2 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1 Indian Journal of Technology 1 Physica A 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 Information Sciences 1 Results in Mathematics 1 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 1 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 1 Soochow Journal of Mathematics 1 Hardy-Ramanujan Journal 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Quasigroups and Related Systems 1 Discussiones Mathematicae. General Algebra and Applications 1 Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 1 Miskolc Mathematical Notes 1 International Mathematical Forum 1 International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences 1 International Journal of Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Applications 1 Afrika Matematika 1 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 1 Kuwait Journal of Science 1 Algebraic Structures and their Applications 1 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics all top 5 Fields 28 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 20 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 7 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 38 Publications have been cited 125 times in 39 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Graph of a nearring with respect to an ideal. Zbl 1203.16034 Bhavanari, Satyanarayana; Kuncham, Syam Prasad; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas 18 2010 Nonlinear resonance artifacts in molecular dynamics simulations. Zbl 0905.65084 Schlick, Tamar; Mandziuk, Margaret; Skeel, Robert D.; Srinivas, K. 16 1998 Equiprime, 3-prime and c-prime fuzzy ideals of nearrings. Zbl 1180.16033 Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad; Bhavanari, Satyanarayana 12 2009 c-prime fuzzy ideals of nearrings. Zbl 1140.16020 Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Bhavanari, Satyanarayana; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 10 2007 Reference points and roughness. Zbl 1202.03059 Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad; Bhavanari, Satyanarayana 8 2010 An assessment of the quality of selected finite difference schemes for time dependent compressible flows. Zbl 0319.76046 Srinivas, K.; Gururaja, J.; Prasad, K. Krishna 8 1976 \(\Theta\Gamma N\)-group. Zbl 1474.16126 Nayak, Hamsa; Kuncham, Syam Prasad; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas 8 2018 Interval valued L-fuzzy cosets of nearrings and isomorphism theorems. Zbl 1377.16041 Kuncham, Syam Prasad; Jagadeesha, B.; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas 7 2016 Interval valued L-fuzzy ideals based on t-norms and t-conorms. Zbl 1352.16045 B., Jagadeesha; Srinivas, Kedukodi Babushri; Prasad, Kuncham Syam 7 2015 On prime strong ideals of a seminearring. Zbl 1474.16125 Koppula, Kavitha; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 7 2020 On the Diophantine equation \(cx^2+p^{2m}=4y^n\). Zbl 1480.11039 Chakraborty, K.; Hoque, A.; Srinivas, K. 6 2021 Graph with respect to superfluous elements in a lattice. Zbl 1513.06009 Sahoo, Tapatee; Panackal, Harikrishnan; Srinivas, Kedukodi Babushri; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 5 2022 Computational techniques for fluid dynamics. A solutions manual. Zbl 0761.76002 Srinivas, K.; Fletcher, C. A. J. 4 1992 Finite element solutions for laminar and turbulent compressible flow. Zbl 0552.76061 Srinivas, K.; Fletcher, C. A. J. 4 1984 On perfect ideals of seminearrings. Zbl 1491.16049 Koppula, Kavitha; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 4 2021 Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis of coding and non-coding DNA sequences through chaos-game representation. Zbl 1400.92408 Pal, Mayukha; Satish, B.; Srinivas, K.; Rao, P. Madhusudana; Manimaran, P. 4 2015 Interval valued L-fuzzy prime ideals, triangular norms and partially ordered groups. Zbl 1415.16042 Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad; Jagadeesha, B. 4 2019 Nonlinear stability analysis of area-preserving integrators. Zbl 0965.65140 Skeel, Robert D.; Srinivas, K. 4 2000 Different prime graphs of a nearring with respect to an ideal. Zbl 1365.16033 Srinivas, Kedukodi Babushri; Jagadeesha, B.; Prasad, Kuncham Syam; Suresh, Juglal 4 2017 On the role of mass operators in the group finite element formulation. Zbl 0598.76026 Fletcher, C. A. J.; Srinivas, K. 4 1984 Commutativity in 3-prime nearrings through permutation identities. Zbl 1501.16039 Aishwarya, S.; Srinivas, Kedukodi Babushri; Prasad, Kuncham Syam 4 2022 Stream function vorticity revisited. Zbl 0512.76037 Fletcher, C. A. J.; Srinivas, K. 3 1983 Markov chains and rough sets. Zbl 1418.60109 Koppula, Kavitha; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 3 2019 Nearrings, nearfields and related topics. Lecture notes of the 24th international conference, MIT, Manipal University, Manipal, India, July 5–12, 2015. Zbl 1359.16001 3 2017 \(c\)-prime fuzzy ideals of \(R^n[x]\). Zbl 1287.16039 Srinivas, Kedukodi Babushri; Prasad, Kuncham Syam; Satyanarayana, Bhavanari 3 2013 Generalization of prime ideals in \(M_n(N)\)-group \(N^n\). Zbl 1520.16034 Tapatee, S.; Kedukodi, B. S.; Juglal, S.; Harikrishnan, P. K.; Kuncham, S. P. 3 2023 Relative essential ideals in \(N\)-groups. Zbl 1527.16039 Sahoo, Tapatee; Davvaz, Bijan; Panackal, Harikrishnan; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 2 2023 Partial order in matrix nearrings. Zbl 1517.16041 Sahoo, Tapatee; Meyer, Johannes Hendrik; Panackal, Harikrishnan; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 2 2022 A three-level generalized-co-ordinate group finite-element method for compressible viscous flow. Zbl 0601.76080 Srinivas, K.; Fletcher, C. A. J. 2 1985 Extensions of Boolean rings and nearrings. Zbl 1532.16039 Nayak, Hamsa; Kuncham, Syam P.; Kedukodi, Babushri S. 2 2019 Superfluous ideals of \(N\)-groups. Zbl 1542.16040 Rajani, S.; Tapatee, S.; Harikrishnan, P.; Kedukodi, B. S.; Kuncham, S. P. 2 2023 On essential elements in a lattice and Goldie analogue theorem. Zbl 1489.06002 Sahoo, Tapatee; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Shum, Kar Ping; Panackal, Harikrishnan; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 2 2022 Time-split finite element method for compressible aerofoil trailing-edge flows. Zbl 0552.76058 Srinivas, K.; Fletcher, C. A. J. 1 1983 On the finite Goldie dimension of sum of two ideals of an \(R\)-group. Zbl 1538.16068 Sahoo, Tapatee; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Harikrishnan, Panackal; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 1 2023 On the first order local stability scheme for the numerical solution of time-dependent compressible flows. Zbl 0361.76049 Srinivas, K.; Gururaja, J.; Prasad, K. Krishna 1 1977 Markov frameworks and stock market decision making. Zbl 1491.91131 Koppula, Kavitha; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 1 2020 A generalized coordinate time-split finite element method for compressible viscous flow. Zbl 0598.76083 Srinivas, K.; Fletcher, C. A. J. 1 1984 On central Boolean rings and Boolean type fuzzy ideals. Zbl 1488.16147 Nayak, Hamsa; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 1 2019 Generalization of prime ideals in \(M_n(N)\)-group \(N^n\). Zbl 1520.16034 Tapatee, S.; Kedukodi, B. S.; Juglal, S.; Harikrishnan, P. K.; Kuncham, S. P. 3 2023 Relative essential ideals in \(N\)-groups. Zbl 1527.16039 Sahoo, Tapatee; Davvaz, Bijan; Panackal, Harikrishnan; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 2 2023 Superfluous ideals of \(N\)-groups. Zbl 1542.16040 Rajani, S.; Tapatee, S.; Harikrishnan, P.; Kedukodi, B. S.; Kuncham, S. P. 2 2023 On the finite Goldie dimension of sum of two ideals of an \(R\)-group. Zbl 1538.16068 Sahoo, Tapatee; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Harikrishnan, Panackal; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 1 2023 Graph with respect to superfluous elements in a lattice. Zbl 1513.06009 Sahoo, Tapatee; Panackal, Harikrishnan; Srinivas, Kedukodi Babushri; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 5 2022 Commutativity in 3-prime nearrings through permutation identities. Zbl 1501.16039 Aishwarya, S.; Srinivas, Kedukodi Babushri; Prasad, Kuncham Syam 4 2022 Partial order in matrix nearrings. Zbl 1517.16041 Sahoo, Tapatee; Meyer, Johannes Hendrik; Panackal, Harikrishnan; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 2 2022 On essential elements in a lattice and Goldie analogue theorem. Zbl 1489.06002 Sahoo, Tapatee; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Shum, Kar Ping; Panackal, Harikrishnan; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 2 2022 On the Diophantine equation \(cx^2+p^{2m}=4y^n\). Zbl 1480.11039 Chakraborty, K.; Hoque, A.; Srinivas, K. 6 2021 On perfect ideals of seminearrings. Zbl 1491.16049 Koppula, Kavitha; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 4 2021 On prime strong ideals of a seminearring. Zbl 1474.16125 Koppula, Kavitha; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 7 2020 Markov frameworks and stock market decision making. Zbl 1491.91131 Koppula, Kavitha; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 1 2020 Interval valued L-fuzzy prime ideals, triangular norms and partially ordered groups. Zbl 1415.16042 Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad; Jagadeesha, B. 4 2019 Markov chains and rough sets. Zbl 1418.60109 Koppula, Kavitha; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 3 2019 Extensions of Boolean rings and nearrings. Zbl 1532.16039 Nayak, Hamsa; Kuncham, Syam P.; Kedukodi, Babushri S. 2 2019 On central Boolean rings and Boolean type fuzzy ideals. Zbl 1488.16147 Nayak, Hamsa; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 1 2019 \(\Theta\Gamma N\)-group. Zbl 1474.16126 Nayak, Hamsa; Kuncham, Syam Prasad; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas 8 2018 Different prime graphs of a nearring with respect to an ideal. Zbl 1365.16033 Srinivas, Kedukodi Babushri; Jagadeesha, B.; Prasad, Kuncham Syam; Suresh, Juglal 4 2017 Nearrings, nearfields and related topics. Lecture notes of the 24th international conference, MIT, Manipal University, Manipal, India, July 5–12, 2015. Zbl 1359.16001 3 2017 Interval valued L-fuzzy cosets of nearrings and isomorphism theorems. Zbl 1377.16041 Kuncham, Syam Prasad; Jagadeesha, B.; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas 7 2016 Interval valued L-fuzzy ideals based on t-norms and t-conorms. Zbl 1352.16045 B., Jagadeesha; Srinivas, Kedukodi Babushri; Prasad, Kuncham Syam 7 2015 Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis of coding and non-coding DNA sequences through chaos-game representation. Zbl 1400.92408 Pal, Mayukha; Satish, B.; Srinivas, K.; Rao, P. Madhusudana; Manimaran, P. 4 2015 \(c\)-prime fuzzy ideals of \(R^n[x]\). Zbl 1287.16039 Srinivas, Kedukodi Babushri; Prasad, Kuncham Syam; Satyanarayana, Bhavanari 3 2013 Graph of a nearring with respect to an ideal. Zbl 1203.16034 Bhavanari, Satyanarayana; Kuncham, Syam Prasad; Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas 18 2010 Reference points and roughness. Zbl 1202.03059 Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad; Bhavanari, Satyanarayana 8 2010 Equiprime, 3-prime and c-prime fuzzy ideals of nearrings. Zbl 1180.16033 Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Kuncham, Syam Prasad; Bhavanari, Satyanarayana 12 2009 c-prime fuzzy ideals of nearrings. Zbl 1140.16020 Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas; Bhavanari, Satyanarayana; Kuncham, Syam Prasad 10 2007 Nonlinear stability analysis of area-preserving integrators. Zbl 0965.65140 Skeel, Robert D.; Srinivas, K. 4 2000 Nonlinear resonance artifacts in molecular dynamics simulations. Zbl 0905.65084 Schlick, Tamar; Mandziuk, Margaret; Skeel, Robert D.; Srinivas, K. 16 1998 Computational techniques for fluid dynamics. A solutions manual. Zbl 0761.76002 Srinivas, K.; Fletcher, C. A. J. 4 1992 A three-level generalized-co-ordinate group finite-element method for compressible viscous flow. Zbl 0601.76080 Srinivas, K.; Fletcher, C. A. J. 2 1985 Finite element solutions for laminar and turbulent compressible flow. Zbl 0552.76061 Srinivas, K.; Fletcher, C. A. J. 4 1984 On the role of mass operators in the group finite element formulation. Zbl 0598.76026 Fletcher, C. A. J.; Srinivas, K. 4 1984 A generalized coordinate time-split finite element method for compressible viscous flow. Zbl 0598.76083 Srinivas, K.; Fletcher, C. A. J. 1 1984 Stream function vorticity revisited. Zbl 0512.76037 Fletcher, C. A. J.; Srinivas, K. 3 1983 Time-split finite element method for compressible aerofoil trailing-edge flows. Zbl 0552.76058 Srinivas, K.; Fletcher, C. A. J. 1 1983 On the first order local stability scheme for the numerical solution of time-dependent compressible flows. Zbl 0361.76049 Srinivas, K.; Gururaja, J.; Prasad, K. Krishna 1 1977 An assessment of the quality of selected finite difference schemes for time dependent compressible flows. Zbl 0319.76046 Srinivas, K.; Gururaja, J.; Prasad, K. Krishna 8 1976 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 57 Authors 26 Kuncham, Syam Prasad 22 Kedukodi, Babushri Srinivas 6 Panackal, Harikrishnan 5 Koppula, Kavitha 4 Sahoo, Tapatee 3 Aishwarya, S. V. 3 Bhavanari, Satyanarayana 3 Harikrishnan, Panackal 2 Estaji, Ali Akbar 2 Jagadeesha, B. 2 Khan, Waheed Ahmad 2 Nayak, Hamsa 2 Salvankar, Rajani 2 Taouti, Abdelghani 1 Al Tahan, Madeline 1 B., Jagadeesha 1 Bahrami, Solmaz 1 Bera, Sudip 1 Bhatta, Vadiraja G. R. 1 Bhuniya, Anjan Kumar 1 Chakraborty, Kamalika 1 Cho, Yeol Je 1 Davvaz, Bijan 1 Deepak Shetty, M. 1 Fan, Yingying 1 Groenewald, Nico Johannes 1 Harikrishnan, Gopadi Panackal 1 Harsha, A. J. 1 Khodaii, Somayeh 1 Lafuerza Guillén, Bernardo 1 Leerawat, Utsanee 1 Liao, Zhenyu 1 Liao, Zuhua 1 Mukherjee, Rajlaxmi 1 Pallavi, Panjarike 1 Panjarike, Pallavi 1 Paruchuri, Venugopala Rao 1 Patra, Kuntala 1 Pourkhandani, Rahimeh 1 Rajani, Sharan 1 Ramananda, H. S. 1 Ravindran, K. T. 1 Rehman, Abdul 1 Sahoo, Taptee 1 Sardar, Sujit Kumar 1 Sarmah, Moytri 1 Setthanarak, Benya 1 Shabnam, Salma 1 Shang, Yilun 1 Shum, Kar-Ping 1 Tapatee, S. 1 Vadiraja, Gopadi Ramachandra Bhatta 1 Varsha 1 Vatandoost, Mehdi 1 Wen, Qiaoyan 1 Yi, Lihua 1 Zhu, Ping all top 5 Cited in 22 Serials 5 Soft Computing 3 Information Sciences 3 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 2 Communications in Algebra 2 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 2 Matematički Vesnik 2 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 2 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 2 AIMS Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Algebra Colloquium 1 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography 1 Quasigroups and Related Systems 1 JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications 1 Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 1 Afrika Matematika 1 Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 1 Algebraic Structures and their Applications 1 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics all top 5 Cited in 14 Fields 27 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 6 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year