Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Kenmochi, Nobuyuki Co-Author Distance Author ID: kenmochi.nobuyuki Published as: Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Kenmochi, N.; Kenmochi, Noboyuki; Ken mochi, Nobuyuki more...less Documents Indexed: 180 Publications since 1970 14 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 47 Co-Authors with 159 Joint Publications 1,239 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 36 single-authored 25 Niezgódka, Marek 22 Ito, Akio 19 Yamazaki, Noriaki 15 Kubo, Masahiro 13 Fukao, Takeshi 13 Kadoya, Atsushi 12 Shirakawa, Ken 11 Damlamian, Alain 10 Aiki, Toyohiko 10 Pawlow, Irena 9 Ôtani, Mitsuharu 7 Gokieli, Maria 7 Murase, Yusuke 7 Shirohzu, Jun 6 Aso, Masayasu 5 Kano, Risei 5 Sato, Naoki 4 Frémond, Michel 3 Colli, Pierluigi 3 Hoffmann, Karl-Heinz 3 Koyama, Tetsuya 3 Sprekels, Jürgen 3 Visintin, Augusto 2 Kawarada, Hideo 2 Minchev, Emil 2 Mizuta, Yoshihiro 2 Okazaki, Takanobu 2 Shinoda, Junichi 2 Takahashi, Tadayasu 2 Yanagihara, Niro 2 Zheng, Songmu 1 Brézis, Haïm 1 Furuya, Hiroyuki 1 Giga, Yoshikazu 1 Haraux, Alain 1 Hirano, Norimichi 1 Hulshof, Josephus 1 Ishii, Hitoshi 1 Kawashima, Shuichi 1 Kobayashi, Kazuo 1 Kröner, Dietmar 1 Meyer, Gunter H. 1 Mimura, Masayasu 1 Miyashiba, Koichi 1 Muntean, Adrian 1 Nagai, Toshitaka 1 Niedzgódka, M. 1 Nishida, Takaaki 1 Oharu, Shinnosuke 1 Primicerio, Mario 1 Stefanelli, Ulisse 1 Strzelecki, Paweł 1 Takahashi, Wataru 1 Uemi, Rentarō 1 Yamada, Naoki Yamada 1 Yotsuya, Shōji all top 5 Serials 30 Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 12 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 11 GAKUTO International Series. Mathematical Sciences and Applications 9 Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 7 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 6 Funkcialaj Ekvacioj. Serio Internacia 6 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 5 RIMS Kokyuroku 5 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 4 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 3 Control and Cybernetics 3 Journal of Differential Equations 2 Japan Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 Differential and Integral Equations 2 Mathematica Bohemica 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis 2 Proceedings of the Japan Academy 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 1 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 1 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 1 Analysis 1 Rendiconti della Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze Detta dei XL. Memorie di Matemàtica. Serie V 1 Bulletin of the Faculty of Education. Part 2 1 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1 Applications of Mathematics 1 Archiwum Automatyki i Robotyki 1 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VI. B 1 Journal of Partial Differential Equations 1 Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 1 Journal of Convex Analysis 1 Communications in Applied Analysis 1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 1 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Series V. B 1 Journal of Science of the Hiroshima University. Series A-I 1 Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences 1 RIMS Kokyuroku all top 5 Fields 163 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 53 Operator theory (47-XX) 38 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 31 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 22 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 17 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 15 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 13 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 10 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 9 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Functional analysis (46-XX) 5 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 132 Publications have been cited 1,069 times in 505 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Solvability of nonlinear evolution equations with time-dependent constraints and applications. Zbl 0662.35054 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 111 1981 Some nonlinear parabolic variational inequalities. Zbl 0327.49004 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 57 1976 Subdifferential operator approach to the Cahn-Hilliard equation with constraint. Zbl 0823.35073 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek; Pawłow, Irena 47 1995 Monotonicity and compactness methods for nonlinear variational inequalities. Zbl 1192.35083 Kenmochi, N. 40 2007 Nonlinear operators of monotone type in reflexive Banach spaces and nonlinear perturbations. Zbl 0284.47030 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 32 1974 Pseudomonotone operators and nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 0292.35034 Kenmochi, N. 28 1975 A class of nonlinear elliptic-parabolic equations with time-dependent constraints. Zbl 0635.35043 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Pawlow, Irena 27 1986 Evolution systems of nonlinear variational inequalities arising from phase change problems. Zbl 0827.35070 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 26 1994 A phase-field model with temperature dependent constraint. Zbl 0980.35074 Colli, Pierluigi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Kubo, Masahiro 25 2001 Parabolic PDEs with hysteresis and quasivariational inequalities. Zbl 0944.35044 Kenmochi, N.; Koyama, T.; Meyer, G. H. 19 1998 Evolution equations generated by subdifferentials in the dual space of \((H^1(\Omega))\). Zbl 0954.35098 Damlamian, A.; Kenmochi, N. 18 1999 Nonlinear evolution equations generated by subdifferentials with nonlocal constraints. Zbl 1178.35224 Kano, Risei; Murase, Yusuke; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 18 2009 Existence theorems for elliptic quasi-variational inequalities in Banach spaces. Zbl 1351.49010 Kano, Risei; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Murase, Yusuke 17 2008 Asymptotic behavior of solutions to a class of nonlinear evolution equations. Zbl 0563.47041 Furuya, Hiroyuki; Miyashiba, Koichi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 16 1986 Viscosity approach to modelling non-isothermal diffusive phase separation. Zbl 0865.35062 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 16 1996 Systems of nonlinear PDEs arising from dynamical phase transitions. Zbl 0824.35144 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 16 1994 Subdifferential operator approach to a class of nonlinear systems for Stefan problems with phase relaxation. Zbl 0820.35143 Damlamian, Alain; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Sato, Naoki 15 1994 Optimal control problems for models of phase-field type with hysteresis of play operator. Zbl 1287.49005 Hoffmann, Karl-Heinz; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Kubo, Masahiro; Yamazaki, Noriaki 15 2007 Systems of nonlinear parabolic equations for phase change problems. Zbl 0827.35015 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 14 1994 Weak solutions of nonlinear systems for non-isothermal phase transitions. Zbl 0930.35037 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Kubo, Masahiro 14 1999 One-dimensional heat conduction with a class of automatic heat-source controls. Zbl 0686.35054 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Primicerio, Mario 12 1988 Neumann problems for a class of nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations. Zbl 0724.35056 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 12 1990 Attractors of nonlinear evolution systems generated by time-dependent subdifferentials in Hilbert spaces. Zbl 1304.37057 Ito, Akio; Yamazaki, Noriaki; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 12 1998 A phase-field model of grain boundary motion. Zbl 1199.35138 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Yamazaki, Noriaki 12 2008 Asymptotic stability for evolution equations governed by subdifferentials. Zbl 0928.35179 Shirakawa, K.; Ito, A.; Yamazaki, N.; Kenmochi, N. 11 1998 Quasi-variational inequality approach to heat convection problems with temperature dependent velocity constraint. Zbl 1386.35218 Fukao, Takeshi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 11 2015 Parabolic-elliptic free boundary problems with time-dependent obstacles. Zbl 0689.35043 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Pawlow, Irena 10 1988 Asymptotic stability for nonlinear PDEs with hysteresis. Zbl 0805.35063 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Visintin, Augusto 10 1994 Non-isothermal phase transition models with Neumann boundary conditions. Zbl 1036.35068 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Kubo, Masahiro 10 2003 Ordinary differential systems describing hysteresis effects and numerical simulations. Zbl 1022.34038 Minchev, Emil; Okazaki, Takanobu; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 10 2002 Parabolic quasi-variational diffusion problems with gradient constraints. Zbl 1264.35132 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 10 2013 Global solvability of a model for grain boundary motion with constraint. Zbl 1246.35100 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Yamazaki, Noriaki 10 2012 Weak solutions of grain boundary motion model with singularity. Zbl 1183.35159 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Yamazaki, Noriaki 10 2009 Large-time behavior of solutions to a phase-field model of grain boundary motion with constraint. Zbl 1211.35048 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Yamazaki, Noriaki 9 2010 Phase change problems with temperature dependent constraints for the volume fraction velocities. Zbl 1058.35085 Aso, Masayasu; Frémond, Michel; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 9 2005 Nonlinear system for non-isothermal diffusive phase separation. Zbl 0810.35044 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 9 1994 Damage problems for viscous locking materials. Zbl 1158.74310 Frémond, Michel; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 9 2006 Periodic solutions to a class of nonlinear variational inequalities with time-dependent constraints. Zbl 0633.49003 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Kubo, Masahiro 8 1987 Quasi-variational inequalities in economic growth models with technological development. Zbl 1322.91037 Kadoya, Atsushi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 8 2014 Parabolic quasi-variational inequalities with nonlocal constraints. Zbl 1206.35155 Kano, Risei; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Murase, Yusuke 8 2009 Asymptotic behavior of solutions to a multi-phase Stefan problem. Zbl 0619.35053 Damlamian, Alain; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 7 1986 Difference approximation of nonlinear evolution equations and semigroups of nonlinear operators. Zbl 0305.47030 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Oharu, Sinnosuke 7 1974 The semi-discretisation method and nonlinear time-dependent parabolic variational inequalities. Zbl 0335.49004 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 7 1974 Existence theorems for certain nonlinear equations. Zbl 0262.47043 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 7 1971 Parabolic variational inequalities with weakly time-dependent constraints. Zbl 1300.34145 Fukao, Takeshi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 7 2013 On a system of nonlinear PDEs with diffusion and hysteresis effects. Zbl 1082.35174 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Minchev, Emil; Okazaki, Takanobu 7 2004 On the quasi-linear heat equation with time-dependent obstacles. Zbl 0458.35053 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 7 1981 Asymptotic behavior of periodic systems generated by time-dependent subdifferential operators. Zbl 0629.35051 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Ôtani, Mitsuharu 6 1986 A new proof of the uniqueness of solutions to two-phase Stefan problems for nonlinear parabolic equations. Zbl 0738.35101 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 6 1990 A class of nonlinear parabolic systems with environmental constraints. Zbl 1242.35138 Kadoya, Atsushi; Murase, Yusuke; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 6 2010 Periodic stability of flow in partially saturated porous media. Zbl 0733.35055 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Kubo, Masahiro 6 1990 Nonautonomous differential equations in Banach spaces. Zbl 0452.34053 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Takahashi, Tadayasu 6 1980 Phase separation model of Penrose-Fife type with Signorini boundary condition. Zbl 1140.35501 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 6 2007 Elliptic quasi-variational inequalities and applications. Zbl 1187.35114 Murase, Yusuke; Kano, Risei; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 6 2009 Periodicity and almost periodicity of solutions to a multiphase Stefan problem in several space variables. Zbl 0673.35103 Damlamian, Alain; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 5 1988 Asymptotic behavior of solutions to some degenerate parabolic equations. Zbl 0781.35008 Haraux, Alain; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 5 1991 Global existence of solutions of two-phase Stefan problems with nonlinear flux conditions described by time-dependent subdifferentials. Zbl 0754.35191 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 5 1990 Asymptotic convergence in models for phase change problems. Zbl 0873.35012 Shirohzu, J.; Sato, N.; Kenmochi, N. 5 1995 Evolution equations associated with non-isothermal phase separation: Subdifferential approach. Zbl 0954.35007 Damlamian, Alain; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 5 1999 Evolution equations associated with non-isothermal phase transitions. Zbl 0912.35085 Damlamian, Alain; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 5 1998 Remarks on the m-accretiveness of nonlinear operators. Zbl 0266.47056 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 5 1973 Non-isothermal phase separation models: Weak well-posedness and global estimates. Zbl 0966.35132 Kubo, Masahiro; Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 5 2000 On a class of variational inequalities with memory terms. Zbl 0821.35087 Kenmochi, N.; Koyama, T.; Visintin, A. 5 1992 Asymptotic stability for parabolic variational inequalities with hysteresis. Zbl 0835.35081 Kenmochi, N.; Visintin, A. 5 1993 Existence for a class of nonlocal quasivariational evolution problems. Zbl 1157.49014 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Stefanelli, Ulisse 5 2008 Variational inequalities of Navier-Stokes type with time dependent constraints. Zbl 1359.35153 Gokieli, Maria; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 5 2017 A thermohydraulics model with temperature dependent constraint on velocity fields. Zbl 1272.35130 Fukao, Takeshi; Kenmochi, Noboyuki 5 2014 Stefan problems with convection governed by Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1098.80002 Fukao, Takesi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 5 2005 On the global existence of solutions of differential equations on closed subsets of a Banach space. Zbl 0345.34047 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Takahashi, Tadayasu 5 1975 Behavior of solutions to two-phase Stefan problems for nonlinear parabolic equations. Zbl 0761.35112 Aiki, Toyohiko; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 4 1991 Asymptotic behavior of solutions to parabolic-elliptic variational inequalities. Zbl 0718.35014 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Pawlow, Irena 4 1989 Periodic behavior of solutions to parabolic-elliptic free boundary problems. Zbl 0685.35104 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Kubo, Masahiro 4 1989 Uniqueness of the solution to a nonlinear system arising in phase transition. Zbl 0873.35040 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 4 1995 Stability for a parabolic variational inequality associated with total variation functional. Zbl 1142.35340 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Shirakawa, Ken 4 2001 Abstract theory of variational inequalities with Lagrange multipliers and application to nonlinear PDEs. Zbl 1340.34216 Fukao, Takeshi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 4 2014 Weak solvability for parabolic variational inclusions and application to quasi-variational problems. Zbl 1483.34084 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 4 2016 Attractors of semigroups associated with nonlinear systems for diffusive phase separation. Zbl 0933.35189 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 3 1996 Abstract theory of variational inequalities and Lagrange multipliers. Zbl 1331.47081 Fukao, Takeshi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 3 2013 Optimal control problems for quasi-variational inequalities and its numerical approximation. Zbl 1306.49045 Murase, Yusuke; Kadoya, Atsushi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 3 2011 Some models for shape memory alloys. Zbl 1036.74042 Aiki, Toyohiko; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 3 2001 Phase-field systems with vectorial order parameters including diffusional hysteresis effects. Zbl 1028.35063 Kenmochi, N.; Sprekels, J. 3 2002 A variational inequality for total variation functional with constraint. Zbl 1003.49007 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Shirakawa, Ken 3 2001 Quasi-variational evolution problems for irreversible phase change. Zbl 1061.35032 Aso, Masayasu; Frémond, Michel; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 3 2004 Nonlinear evolution equations with variable domains in Hilbert spaces. Zbl 0397.47035 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 3 1977 Le problème de Stefan avec conditions laterales variables. Zbl 0443.35080 Damlamian, Alain; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 3 1980 Weak solutions for certain nonlinear time-dependent parabolic variational inequalities. Zbl 0348.35051 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Nagai, Toshitaka 3 1975 Quasivariational evolution inequalities for a class of reaction-diffusion systems. Zbl 1224.35185 Aso, Masayasu; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 3 2005 Mathematical modeling of biofilm development. Zbl 1516.35332 Gokieli, Maria; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 3 2018 Global attractor of a non-isothermal model for phase separation. Zbl 0838.73005 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek; Zheng, Songmu 2 1995 Phase field equations with constraints. Zbl 0875.35155 Damlamian, Alain; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Sato, Naoki 2 1993 Nonlinear evolution equations governed by subdifferential operators with almost periodic time-dependence. Zbl 0623.34045 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Otani, Mitsuharu 2 1986 Instability of periodic solutions of some evolution equations governed by time-dependent subdifferential operators. Zbl 0562.34028 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Ôtani, Mitsuharu 2 1985 Periodic stability for some degenerate parabolic equations with nonlinear flux conditions. Zbl 0762.35051 Aiki, Toyohiko; Shinoda, Junichi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 2 1991 Two-phase Stefan problems with feedback controls. Zbl 0699.35268 Hoffmann, K.-H.; Kenmochi, N. 2 1989 Global attractor of the semigroup associated to a phase-field model with constraint. Zbl 0866.35140 Kenmochi, N. 2 1996 Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to non-isothermal phase separation model with constraint in one-dimensional space. Zbl 0907.35022 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 2 1998 Accretive mappings in Banach spaces. Zbl 0267.47037 Ken mochi, Nobuyuki 2 1972 Attractors of periodic systems generated by time-dependent subdifferentials. Zbl 0933.35116 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Yamazaki, Noriaki 2 1999 Proceedings of the international conference on free boundary problems: theory and applications, Chiba, Japan, November 7–13, 1999. I. Zbl 0941.00020 2 2000 Inertial set for a phase transition model of Penrose-Fife type. Zbl 0955.35011 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 2 2000 Parabolic quasi-variational inequalities. I: Semimonotone operator approach. Zbl 1492.35101 Gokieli, Maria; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 1 2022 Doubly nonlinear evolution inclusions of time-dependent subdifferentials-quasi-variational approach. Zbl 07377905 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Shirakawa, Ken; Yamazaki, Noriaki 1 2020 Parabolic quasi-variational inequalities. II: Remarks on continuity of solutions. Zbl 1470.35210 Gokieli, Maria; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 1 2020 Mathematical modeling of biofilm development. Zbl 1516.35332 Gokieli, Maria; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 3 2018 A new compactness theorem for variational inequalities of parabolic type. Zbl 1391.35188 Gokieli, Maria; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 2 2018 Variational and quasi-variational inequalities of Navier-Stokes type with velocity constraints. Zbl 1470.35211 Gokieli, M.; Kenmochi, N.; Niezgódka, M. 1 2018 Variational inequalities of Navier-Stokes type with time dependent constraints. Zbl 1359.35153 Gokieli, Maria; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 5 2017 New class of doubly nonlinear evolution equations governed by time-dependent subdifferentials. Zbl 06844734 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Shirakawa, Ken; Yamazaki, Noriaki 1 2017 Weak solvability for parabolic variational inclusions and application to quasi-variational problems. Zbl 1483.34084 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 4 2016 Quasi-variational inequality approach to heat convection problems with temperature dependent velocity constraint. Zbl 1386.35218 Fukao, Takeshi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 11 2015 Quasi-variational inequalities in economic growth models with technological development. Zbl 1322.91037 Kadoya, Atsushi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 8 2014 A thermohydraulics model with temperature dependent constraint on velocity fields. Zbl 1272.35130 Fukao, Takeshi; Kenmochi, Noboyuki 5 2014 Abstract theory of variational inequalities with Lagrange multipliers and application to nonlinear PDEs. Zbl 1340.34216 Fukao, Takeshi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 4 2014 Parabolic quasi-variational diffusion problems with gradient constraints. Zbl 1264.35132 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 10 2013 Parabolic variational inequalities with weakly time-dependent constraints. Zbl 1300.34145 Fukao, Takeshi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 7 2013 Abstract theory of variational inequalities and Lagrange multipliers. Zbl 1331.47081 Fukao, Takeshi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 3 2013 Lagrange multipliers in variational inequalities for nonlinear operators of monotone type. Zbl 1300.47081 Fukao, Takeshi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 2 2013 Global solvability of a model for grain boundary motion with constraint. Zbl 1246.35100 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Yamazaki, Noriaki 10 2012 Optimal control problems for quasi-variational inequalities and its numerical approximation. Zbl 1306.49045 Murase, Yusuke; Kadoya, Atsushi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 3 2011 Large-time behavior of solutions to a phase-field model of grain boundary motion with constraint. Zbl 1211.35048 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Yamazaki, Noriaki 9 2010 A class of nonlinear parabolic systems with environmental constraints. Zbl 1242.35138 Kadoya, Atsushi; Murase, Yusuke; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 6 2010 Nonlinear evolution equations generated by subdifferentials with nonlocal constraints. Zbl 1178.35224 Kano, Risei; Murase, Yusuke; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 18 2009 Weak solutions of grain boundary motion model with singularity. Zbl 1183.35159 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Yamazaki, Noriaki 10 2009 Parabolic quasi-variational inequalities with nonlocal constraints. Zbl 1206.35155 Kano, Risei; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Murase, Yusuke 8 2009 Elliptic quasi-variational inequalities and applications. Zbl 1187.35114 Murase, Yusuke; Kano, Risei; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 6 2009 Existence theorems for elliptic quasi-variational inequalities in Banach spaces. Zbl 1351.49010 Kano, Risei; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Murase, Yusuke 17 2008 A phase-field model of grain boundary motion. Zbl 1199.35138 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Yamazaki, Noriaki 12 2008 Existence for a class of nonlocal quasivariational evolution problems. Zbl 1157.49014 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Stefanelli, Ulisse 5 2008 Monotonicity and compactness methods for nonlinear variational inequalities. Zbl 1192.35083 Kenmochi, N. 40 2007 Optimal control problems for models of phase-field type with hysteresis of play operator. Zbl 1287.49005 Hoffmann, Karl-Heinz; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Kubo, Masahiro; Yamazaki, Noriaki 15 2007 Phase separation model of Penrose-Fife type with Signorini boundary condition. Zbl 1140.35501 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 6 2007 Parabolic systems with the unknown dependent constraints arising in phase transitions. Zbl 1114.35087 Aso, Masayasu; Frémond, Michel; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 2 2007 Damage problems for viscous locking materials. Zbl 1158.74310 Frémond, Michel; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 9 2006 Phase change problems with temperature dependent constraints for the volume fraction velocities. Zbl 1058.35085 Aso, Masayasu; Frémond, Michel; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 9 2005 Stefan problems with convection governed by Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1098.80002 Fukao, Takesi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 5 2005 Quasivariational evolution inequalities for a class of reaction-diffusion systems. Zbl 1224.35185 Aso, Masayasu; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 3 2005 A class of doubly nonlinear quasi-variational evolution problems. Zbl 1173.34339 Aso, Masayasu; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 1 2005 On a system of nonlinear PDEs with diffusion and hysteresis effects. Zbl 1082.35174 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Minchev, Emil; Okazaki, Takanobu 7 2004 Quasi-variational evolution problems for irreversible phase change. Zbl 1061.35032 Aso, Masayasu; Frémond, Michel; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 3 2004 A new class of doubly nonlinear evolution equations. Zbl 1073.35142 Aso, Masayasu; Fukao, Takesi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 2 2004 Non-isothermal phase transition models with Neumann boundary conditions. Zbl 1036.35068 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Kubo, Masahiro 10 2003 Transmission-Stefan problems arising in Czochralski process of crystal growth. Zbl 1045.35109 Fukao, Takesi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Pawłow, Irena 1 2003 Stability for a phase field model with the total variation functional as the interfacial energy. Zbl 1012.35006 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Shirakawa, Ken 1 2003 Ordinary differential systems describing hysteresis effects and numerical simulations. Zbl 1022.34038 Minchev, Emil; Okazaki, Takanobu; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 10 2002 Phase-field systems with vectorial order parameters including diffusional hysteresis effects. Zbl 1028.35063 Kenmochi, N.; Sprekels, J. 3 2002 Models for shape memory alloys described by subdifferentials of indicator functions. Zbl 1028.35172 Aiki, Toyohiko; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 1 2002 Global attractors for multivalued flows associated with subdifferentials. Zbl 1031.35029 Kenmochi, Noboyuki; Yamazaki, Noriaki 1 2002 A phase-field model with temperature dependent constraint. Zbl 0980.35074 Colli, Pierluigi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Kubo, Masahiro 25 2001 Stability for a parabolic variational inequality associated with total variation functional. Zbl 1142.35340 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Shirakawa, Ken 4 2001 Some models for shape memory alloys. Zbl 1036.74042 Aiki, Toyohiko; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 3 2001 A variational inequality for total variation functional with constraint. Zbl 1003.49007 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Shirakawa, Ken 3 2001 Transmission problems arising in Czochralski process of crystal growth. Zbl 1205.74137 Fukao, Takeshi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Pawlow, Irena 2 2001 Non-isothermal phase separation models: Weak well-posedness and global estimates. Zbl 0966.35132 Kubo, Masahiro; Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 5 2000 Proceedings of the international conference on free boundary problems: theory and applications, Chiba, Japan, November 7–13, 1999. I. Zbl 0941.00020 2 2000 Inertial set for a phase transition model of Penrose-Fife type. Zbl 0955.35011 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 2 2000 Proceedings of the international conference on free boundary problems: theory and applications, Chiba, Japan, November 7–13, 1999. II. Zbl 0941.00021 1 2000 Evolution equations generated by subdifferentials in the dual space of \((H^1(\Omega))\). Zbl 0954.35098 Damlamian, A.; Kenmochi, N. 18 1999 Weak solutions of nonlinear systems for non-isothermal phase transitions. Zbl 0930.35037 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Kubo, Masahiro 14 1999 Evolution equations associated with non-isothermal phase separation: Subdifferential approach. Zbl 0954.35007 Damlamian, Alain; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 5 1999 Attractors of periodic systems generated by time-dependent subdifferentials. Zbl 0933.35116 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Yamazaki, Noriaki 2 1999 Well-posedness for a phase-field model with constraint. Zbl 0929.35189 Kenmochi, N.; Kubo, M. 1 1999 Parabolic PDEs with hysteresis and quasivariational inequalities. Zbl 0944.35044 Kenmochi, N.; Koyama, T.; Meyer, G. H. 19 1998 Attractors of nonlinear evolution systems generated by time-dependent subdifferentials in Hilbert spaces. Zbl 1304.37057 Ito, Akio; Yamazaki, Noriaki; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 12 1998 Asymptotic stability for evolution equations governed by subdifferentials. Zbl 0928.35179 Shirakawa, K.; Ito, A.; Yamazaki, N.; Kenmochi, N. 11 1998 Evolution equations associated with non-isothermal phase transitions. Zbl 0912.35085 Damlamian, Alain; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 5 1998 Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to non-isothermal phase separation model with constraint in one-dimensional space. Zbl 0907.35022 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 2 1998 Global attractors of time-dependent double obstacle problems. Zbl 0913.35074 Yamazaki, Noriaki; Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 1 1998 Asymptotic stability for evolution systems associated with phase transition. Zbl 0922.35083 Shirakawa, K.; Ito, A.; Yamazaki, N.; Kenmochi, N. 1 1998 Viscosity approach to modelling non-isothermal diffusive phase separation. Zbl 0865.35062 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 16 1996 Attractors of semigroups associated with nonlinear systems for diffusive phase separation. Zbl 0933.35189 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 3 1996 Global attractor of the semigroup associated to a phase-field model with constraint. Zbl 0866.35140 Kenmochi, N. 2 1996 Asymptotic behavior and periodic forcing in time for the solutions of a nonlinear system representing a phase change with dissipation. Zbl 0849.35150 Damlamian, Alain; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 1 1996 Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to phase field models with constraints. Zbl 0862.35054 Ito, Akio; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 1 1996 Subdifferential operator approach to the Cahn-Hilliard equation with constraint. Zbl 0823.35073 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek; Pawłow, Irena 47 1995 Asymptotic convergence in models for phase change problems. Zbl 0873.35012 Shirohzu, J.; Sato, N.; Kenmochi, N. 5 1995 Uniqueness of the solution to a nonlinear system arising in phase transition. Zbl 0873.35040 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 4 1995 Global attractor of a non-isothermal model for phase separation. Zbl 0838.73005 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek; Zheng, Songmu 2 1995 Large-time behaviour of non-isothermal models for phase separation. Zbl 0838.35053 Ito, A.; Kenmochi, N.; Niezgódka, M. 1 1995 Evolution systems of nonlinear variational inequalities arising from phase change problems. Zbl 0827.35070 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 26 1994 Systems of nonlinear PDEs arising from dynamical phase transitions. Zbl 0824.35144 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 16 1994 Subdifferential operator approach to a class of nonlinear systems for Stefan problems with phase relaxation. Zbl 0820.35143 Damlamian, Alain; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Sato, Naoki 15 1994 Systems of nonlinear parabolic equations for phase change problems. Zbl 0827.35015 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 14 1994 Asymptotic stability for nonlinear PDEs with hysteresis. Zbl 0805.35063 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Visintin, Augusto 10 1994 Nonlinear system for non-isothermal diffusive phase separation. Zbl 0810.35044 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Niezgódka, Marek 9 1994 Asymptotic stability for parabolic variational inequalities with hysteresis. Zbl 0835.35081 Kenmochi, N.; Visintin, A. 5 1993 Phase field equations with constraints. Zbl 0875.35155 Damlamian, Alain; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Sato, Naoki 2 1993 On a class of variational inequalities with memory terms. Zbl 0821.35087 Kenmochi, N.; Koyama, T.; Visintin, A. 5 1992 System of variational inequalities arising in nonlinear diffusion with phase change. Zbl 0819.35152 Kenmochi, N.; Niezgodka, M. 1 1992 Asymptotic behavior of solutions to some degenerate parabolic equations. Zbl 0781.35008 Haraux, Alain; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 5 1991 Behavior of solutions to two-phase Stefan problems for nonlinear parabolic equations. Zbl 0761.35112 Aiki, Toyohiko; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 4 1991 Periodic stability for some degenerate parabolic equations with nonlinear flux conditions. Zbl 0762.35051 Aiki, Toyohiko; Shinoda, Junichi; Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 2 1991 Nonlinear functional variational inequalities governed by time-dependent subdifferentials. Zbl 0764.49010 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Koyama, Tetsuya 1 1991 Neumann problems for a class of nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations. Zbl 0724.35056 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 12 1990 A new proof of the uniqueness of solutions to two-phase Stefan problems for nonlinear parabolic equations. Zbl 0738.35101 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 6 1990 Periodic stability of flow in partially saturated porous media. Zbl 0733.35055 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Kubo, Masahiro 6 1990 Global existence of solutions of two-phase Stefan problems with nonlinear flux conditions described by time-dependent subdifferentials. Zbl 0754.35191 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 5 1990 Asymptotic behavior of solutions to parabolic-elliptic variational inequalities. Zbl 0718.35014 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Pawlow, Irena 4 1989 Periodic behavior of solutions to parabolic-elliptic free boundary problems. Zbl 0685.35104 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Kubo, Masahiro 4 1989 Two-phase Stefan problems with feedback controls. Zbl 0699.35268 Hoffmann, K.-H.; Kenmochi, N. 2 1989 One-dimensional heat conduction with a class of automatic heat-source controls. Zbl 0686.35054 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Primicerio, Mario 12 1988 ...and 32 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 382 Authors 39 Kenmochi, Nobuyuki 27 Colli, Pierluigi 21 Shirakawa, Ken 20 Kubo, Masahiro 18 Timoshin, Sergey A. 18 Yamazaki, Noriaki 17 Schimperna, Giulio 16 Aiki, Toyohiko 16 Akagi, Goro 16 Rocca, Elisabetta 15 Fukao, Takeshi 14 Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S. 14 Tolstonogov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 13 Ito, Akio 12 Gilardi, Gianni 11 Tarzia, Domingo Alberto 10 Asfaw, Teffera M. 9 Grasselli, Maurizio 9 Khan, Akhtar Ali 9 Le, Vy Khoi 9 Miranville, Alain M. 8 Attouch, Hedy 8 Ôtani, Mitsuharu 7 Azzam-Laouir, Dalila 7 Kartsatos, Athanassios G. 7 Krejčí, Pavel 7 Minchev, Emil 7 Moroşanu, Costică N. 7 Sprekels, Jürgen 7 Wang, Yifu 7 Watanabe, Hiroshi 7 Zheng, Jiashan 6 Briozzo, Adriana C. 6 Niezgódka, Marek 6 Saïdi, Soumia 6 Wu, Hao 5 Bonetti, Elena 5 Damlamian, Alain 5 Gokieli, Maria 5 Liu, Zhenhai 5 Rautenberg, Carlos N. 5 Stefanelli, Ulisse 5 Visintin, Augusto 5 Zeng, Shengda 4 Adhikari, Dhruba Raj 4 Aizicovici, Sergiu 4 Castaing, Charles 4 Cominetti, Roberto 4 Frémond, Michel 4 Gal, Ciprian Gheorghe Sorin 4 Giga, Yoshikazu 4 Halidias, Nikolaos 4 Hintermüller, Michael 4 Igbida, Noureddine 4 Kumazaki, Kota 4 Kurima, Shunsuke 4 Marinoschi, Gabriela 4 Migórski, Stanisław 4 Moll, Salvador 4 Monteiro Marques, Manuel D. P. 4 Motreanu, Dumitru 4 Muntean, Adrian 4 Natale, María Fernanda 4 Pawlow, Irena 4 Rodrigues, José Francisco 4 Sama, Miguel 4 Santos, Lisa 4 Zelik, Sergey V. 3 Alphonse, Amal 3 Antil, Harbir 3 Betz, Livia M. 3 Bin, Chen 3 Bollati, Julieta 3 Boukrouche, Mahdi 3 Colturato, Michele 3 Czarnecki, Marc-Olivier 3 Fabrizio, Mauro 3 Giorgini, Andrea 3 Hokkanen, Veli-Matti 3 Imai, Hitoshi 3 Kopfová, Jana 3 Koyama, Tetsuya 3 Nakayashiki, Ryota 3 Peng, Zijia 3 Peszyńska, Małgorzata 3 Rădulescu, Vicenţiu D. 3 Recupero, Vincenzo 3 Rossi, Riccarda 3 Ruiz Galán, Manuel 3 Segatti, Antonio 3 Tsuzuki, Yutaka 3 Uchida, Shun 3 Yamada, Yoshio 3 Yokota, Tomomi 2 Abels, Helmut 2 Affane, Doria 2 Agosti, Abramo 2 Alhammali, Azhar 2 Alvarez, Felipe 2 Aso, Masayasu ...and 282 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 148 Serials 51 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 39 Journal of Differential Equations 33 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 24 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 18 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 15 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 9 Journal of Convex Analysis 8 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 8 Applications of Mathematics 7 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 7 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 6 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 6 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 6 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis 6 Journal of Evolution Equations 6 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 5 Israel Journal of Mathematics 5 Physica D 5 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 5 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 5 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 5 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 5 AIMS Mathematics 4 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 4 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Journal of Functional Analysis 4 Mathematische Annalen 4 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 4 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 4 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 4 Optimization 4 Japan Journal of Applied Mathematics 4 Journal of Global Optimization 4 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 4 Boundary Value Problems 4 Mathematical Control and Related Fields 3 Applicable Analysis 3 Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 3 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 3 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 3 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 3 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 3 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Manuscripta Mathematica 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 2 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 2 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Série V. Mathématiques 2 Systems & Control Letters 2 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 2 Asymptotic Analysis 2 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 2 Sugaku Expositions 2 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 2 Journal of Nonlinear Science 2 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 2 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 2 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. 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