Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Khan, Akhtar Ali Co-Author Distance Author ID: khan.akhtar-ali Published as: Khan, Akhtar A.; Khan, A. A.; Khan, Akhtar; Khan, A.; Khan, Akhtar Ali more...less Homepage: https://people.rit.edu/aaksma/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · dblp Documents Indexed: 113 Publications since 1992, including 2 Books and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 11 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 14 Reviews Co-Authors: 75 Co-Authors with 120 Joint Publications 2,743 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 3 single-authored 44 Sama, Miguel 43 Jadamba, Baasansuren 28 Tammer, Christiane 13 Raciti, Fabio 9 Winkler, Brian C. 9 Zeng, Shengda 8 Gockenbach, Mark S. 8 Migórski, Stanisław 6 Jahn, Johannes 5 Li, Jinlu 5 Motreanu, Dumitru 4 Djafari Rouhani, Behzad 4 Yao, Jen-Chih 3 Chō, Muneo 3 Elster, Rosalind 3 Grecksch, Wilfried 3 Gwinner, Joachim 3 Kähler, Ralf 3 Köbis, Elisabeth 3 Richards, Michael 2 Ahmad, Khalil 2 Cen, Jinxia 2 Đinh Nho Hào 2 Giannessi, Franco 2 Hebestreit, Niklas 2 Isac, George 2 Kalashnikov, Vyacheslav Vitalievich 2 Oberai, Assad A. 2 Reich, Simeon 2 Starkloff, Hans-Jörg 2 Ward, Doug E. 2 Yang, Yidan 2 Zălinescu, Constantin 1 Baasansuren, J. 1 Babaniyi, Olalekan A. 1 Burachik, Regina Sandra 1 Bush, Nathan 1 Cahill, Nathan D. 1 Callejas, Antonio M. 1 Caruso, Andrea Orazio 1 Caya, P. 1 Chadli, Ouayl 1 Cheng, Li 1 Clason, Christian 1 Crossen, E. 1 Dambrine, Marc 1 Dippon, Jürgen 1 Doyley, M. M. 1 Durea, Marius 1 Eichfelder, Gabriele 1 Gibali, Aviv 1 Gong, Zi-Jia 1 Hawks, Rachel 1 Hernández, Elvira 1 Khan, Hammad Haider 1 Kolt, Quinn T. 1 Kong, Dezhou 1 Lisei, Hannelore 1 Löhne, Andreas 1 López, Ruben 1 Malysheva, Tetyana M. 1 Mohapatra, Ram Narayan 1 Nguyen, Mau Nam 1 Palma, Roberto 1 Pardalos, Panos M. 1 Paulhamus, M. 1 Rassias, Themistocles Michael 1 Riciti, F. 1 Rodriguez Marin, Luis 1 Rodriguez-Uría, J. 1 Shah, Farid ullah 1 Soleimani, Behnam 1 Truong, Bao 1 White, Luther W. 1 Nguyen Dong Yen 1 Zalinescu, Adrian 1 Zeilinger, Peter all top 5 Serials 15 Optimization 8 Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis 5 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 5 Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 4 Inverse Problems 4 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 4 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 4 Journal of Convex Analysis 4 Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 3 Optimization Letters 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 2 Journal of Global Optimization 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 2 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Analele Universității din Timișoara. Științe Matematice 1 Control and Cybernetics 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 1 Systems & Control Letters 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1 SIAM Review 1 Computational Optimization and Applications 1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 1 Boundary Value Problems 1 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science 1 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei) 1 Science China. Mathematics 1 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 1 Minimax Theory and its Applications 1 Springer Optimization and Its Applications 1 Applied Analysis and Optimization 1 Vector Optimization all top 5 Fields 77 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 46 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 44 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 36 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 21 Operator theory (47-XX) 18 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 12 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 11 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 11 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 91 Publications have been cited 1,530 times in 892 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Set-valued optimization. An introduction with applications. Zbl 1308.49004 Khan, Akhtar A.; Tammer, Christiane; Zălinescu, Constantin 327 2015 Nonlinear analysis and variational problems. In Honor of George Isac. Zbl 1178.49001 97 2010 Nonlinear quasi-hemivariational inequalities: existence and optimal control. Zbl 07332073 Zeng, Shengda; Migórski, Stanisław; Khan, Akhtar A. 85 2021 Inverse problems for nonlinear quasi-hemivariational inequalities with application to mixed boundary value problems. Zbl 1433.35462 Migórski, Stanisław; Khan, Akhtar A.; Zeng, Shengda 54 2020 Second-order optimality conditions in set optimization. Zbl 1071.49015 Jahn, J.; Khan, A. A.; Zeilinger, P. 51 2005 An abstract framework for elliptic inverse problems. I: An output least-squares approach. Zbl 1153.74021 Gockenbach, Mark S.; Khan, Akhtar A. 49 2007 Inverse problems for nonlinear quasi-variational inequalities with an application to implicit obstacle problems of \(p\)-Laplacian type. Zbl 1516.35530 Migórski, Stanisław; Khan, Akhtar A.; Zeng, Shengda 49 2019 Regularization of non-coercive quasi variational inequalities. Zbl 1006.49004 Giannessi, F.; Khan, A. A. 47 2000 Generalized contingent epiderivatives in set-valued optimization: Optimality conditions. Zbl 1134.90466 Jahn, Johannes; Khan, Akhtar A. 40 2002 Existence theorems for elliptic and evolutionary variational and quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 1337.49012 Khan, Akhtar A.; Motreanu, Dumitru 37 2015 A new convex inversion framework for parameter identification in saddle point problems with an application to the elasticity imaging inverse problem of predicting tumor location. Zbl 1330.35533 Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A.; Rus, G.; Sama, M.; Winkler, B. 35 2014 Regularization of quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 1337.49005 Khan, Akhtar A.; Tammer, Christiane; Zalinescu, Constantin 33 2015 On the inverse problem of identifying Lamé coefficients in linear elasticity. Zbl 1155.74352 Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A.; Raciti, F. 29 2008 Identification in variational and quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 1391.49012 Gwinner, Joachim; Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 28 2018 Inverse problems for quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 1387.35620 Khan, Akhtar A.; Motreanu, Dumitru 28 2018 Inverse problems for generalized quasi-variational inequalities with application to elliptic mixed boundary value systems. Zbl 1487.49045 Cen, Jinxia; Khan, Akhtar A.; Motreanu, Dumitru; Zeng, Shengda 27 2022 An abstract framework for elliptic inverse problems. II: An augmented Lagrangian approach. Zbl 1197.74048 Gockenbach, Mark S.; Khan, Akhtar A. 24 2009 Optimal control of multivalued quasi variational inequalities. Zbl 1236.49019 Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 21 2012 The existence of contingent epiderivatives for set-valued maps. Zbl 1040.49025 Jahn, J.; Khan, A. A. 20 2003 Inverse problems for multi-valued quasi variational inequalities and noncoercive variational inequalities with noisy data. Zbl 1426.49040 Khan, Akhtar A.; Migorski, Stanislaw; Sama, Miguel 20 2019 Regularization of stochastic variational inequalities and a comparison of an \(L_p\) and a sample-path approach. Zbl 1287.49010 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Raciti, Fabio 18 2014 Identification of Lamé parameters in linear elasticity: a fixed point approach. Zbl 1085.35127 Gockenbach, Mark S.; Khan, Akhtar A. 18 2005 Some calculus rules for contingent epiderivatives. Zbl 1032.49021 Jahn, Johannes; Khan, Akhtar A. 18 2003 An equation error approach for the elasticity imaging inverse problem for predicting tumor location. Zbl 1352.92087 Crossen, E.; Gockenbach, M. S.; Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A.; Winkler, B. 18 2014 Equation error approach for elliptic inverse problems with an application to the identification of Lamé parameters. Zbl 1258.74087 Gockenbach, M. S.; Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A. 16 2008 Uncertainty quantification in variational inequalities. Theory, numerics, and applications. Zbl 1479.49002 Gwinner, Joachim; Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Raciti, Fabio 15 2022 A new conical regularization for some optimization and optimal control problems: convergence analysis and finite element discretization. Zbl 1275.49054 Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 13 2013 Inverse problems of parameter identification in partial differential equations. Zbl 1262.65160 Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A.; Sama, M. 12 2011 Evolutionary quasi-variational-hemivariational inequalities. I: Existence and optimal control. Zbl 07528375 Zeng, Shengda; Motreanu, Dumitru; Khan, Akhtar A. 11 2022 Numerical estimation of discontinuous coefficients by the method of equation error. Zbl 1111.35110 Gockenbach, M. S.; Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A. 11 2006 A new energy inversion for parameter identification in saddle point problems with an application to the elasticity imaging inverse problem of predicting tumor location. Zbl 1296.49032 Doyley, M. M.; Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A.; Sama, M.; Winkler, B. 11 2014 First-order and second-order adjoint methods for parameter identification problems with an application to the elasticity imaging inverse problem. Zbl 1387.92057 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Oberai, Assad A.; Sama, Miguel 11 2017 Second-order optimality conditions in set-valued optimization by a new tangential derivative. Zbl 1180.90246 Isac, G.; Khan, A. A. 10 2009 A multiplier rule in set-valued optimisation. Zbl 1168.90574 Khan, Akhtar A.; Raciti, Fabio 10 2003 Iterative regularization for elliptic inverse problems. Zbl 1151.35102 Khan, A. A.; Rouhani, B. D. 10 2007 A convex optimization framework for the inverse problem of identifying a random parameter in a stochastic partial differential equation. Zbl 1471.35332 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Starkloff, Hans-Jorg; Tammer, Christiane 10 2021 Dubovitskii-Milyutin approach in set-valued optimization. Zbl 1155.90015 Isac, G.; Khan, A. A. 10 2008 A first-order adjoint and a second-order hybrid method for an energy output least-squares elastography inverse problem of identifying tumor location. Zbl 1292.35323 Cahill, Nathan D.; Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Winkler, Brian C. 10 2013 Generalized solutions of quasi variational inequalities. Zbl 1259.90143 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 9 2012 Second-order optimality conditions in set-valued optimization via asymptotic derivatives. Zbl 1273.90159 Khan, Akhtar A.; Tammer, Christiane 9 2013 Continuity results for a class of variational inequalities with applications to time-dependent network problems. Zbl 1189.47061 Caruso, A. O.; Khan, A. A.; Raciti, F. 9 2009 Gradient and extragradient methods for the elasticity imaging inverse problem using an equation error formulation: a comparative numerical study. Zbl 1354.92041 Gibali, A.; Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A.; Raciti, F.; Winkler, B. 9 2016 Contingent derivatives and regularization for noncoercive inverse problems. Zbl 1422.90060 Clason, Christian; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Tammer, Christiane 9 2019 Regularization for state constrained optimal control problems by half spaces based decoupling. Zbl 1250.49004 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 9 2012 First and second order optimality conditions in set optimization. Zbl 1196.90098 Kalashnikov, V.; Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A. 7 2006 A variational inequality based stochastic approximation for inverse problems in stochastic partial differential equations. Zbl 1472.35451 Hawks, Rachel; Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Yang, Yidan 7 2021 Error estimates for integral constraint regularization of state-constrained elliptic control problems. Zbl 1373.49041 Jadamba, B.; Khan, A.; Sama, M. 7 2017 Proximal methods for the elastography inverse problem of tumor identification using an equation error approach. Zbl 1319.35297 Gockenbach, Mark S.; Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Tammer, Christiane; Winkler, Brian 6 2015 Existence theorems and characterizations of generalized contingent epiderivatives. Zbl 1107.90440 Jahn, Johannes; Khan, Akhtar A. 6 2002 On the embedding of variational inequalities. Zbl 1047.47045 Rouhani, B. Djafari; Khan, A. A. 6 2003 Penalization and regularization for multivalued pseudo-monotone variational inequalities with Mosco approximation on constraint sets. Zbl 1149.49014 Rouhani, B. Djafari; Khan, Akhtar A.; Raciti, Fabio 5 2008 Local minimizers versus \(X\)-local minimizers. Zbl 1266.49041 Khan, Akhtar A.; Motreanu, Dumitru 5 2013 Existence theorems and regularization methods for non-coercive vector variational and vector quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 1472.49015 Khan, Akhtar A.; Hebestreit, Niklas; Köbis, Elisabeth; Tammer, Christiane 5 2019 Generalized projections on general Banach spaces. Zbl 1515.41014 Khan, Akhtar A.; Li, Jinlu; Reich, Simeon 5 2023 A variational inequality based stochastic approximation for estimating the flexural rigidity in random fourth-order models. Zbl 1489.35312 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Raciti, Fabio; Sama, Miguel 5 2022 Computation formulas and multiplier rules for graphical derivatives in separable Banach spaces. Zbl 1176.90541 Hernández, E.; Khan, A. A.; Rodríguez-Marín, L.; Sama, M. 4 2009 On convex modified output least-squares for elliptic inverse problems: stability, regularization, applications, and numerics. Zbl 1400.90303 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Tammer, Christiane 4 2017 A convex inversion framework for identifying parameters in saddle point problems with applications to inverse incompressible elasticity. Zbl 1508.65153 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Richards, Michael; Sama, Miguel 4 2020 First-order and second-order adjoint methods for the inverse problem of identifying non-linear parameters in pdes. Zbl 1396.49028 Cho, M.; Jadamba, B.; Kahler, R.; Khan, A. A.; Sama, M. 3 2017 An iteratively regularized stochastic gradient method for estimating a random parameter in a stochastic PDE. A variational inequality approach. Zbl 07557729 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Yang, Yidan 3 2021 Conical regularization for multi-objective optimization problems. Zbl 1418.90247 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; López, Rubén; Sama, Miguel 3 2019 Stable conical regularization by constructible dilating cones with an application to \(L^{p}\)-constrained optimization problems. Zbl 1423.90167 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 3 2019 Variational analysis and set optimization. Developments and applications in decision making. Zbl 1416.49001 3 2019 Identification of flexural rigidity in a Kirchhoff plates model using a convex objective and continuous Newton method. Zbl 1394.74100 Jadamba, B.; Kahler, R.; Khan, A. A.; Raciti, F.; Winkler, B. 3 2015 Inverse problems for a class of elliptic obstacle problems involving multivalued convection term and weighted \((p,q)\)-Laplacian. Zbl 1509.35385 Zeng, Shengda; Migórski, Stanisław; Khan, Akhtar A.; Yao, Jen-Chih 3 2023 Inverse generalized vector variational inequalities with respect to variable domination structures and applications to vector approximation problems. Zbl 1485.46005 Elster, Rosalind; Hebestreit, Niklas; Khan, Akhtar A.; Tammer, Christiane 3 2018 A multiplier rule for stable problems in vector optimization. Zbl 1251.49031 Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 3 2012 Generalized solutions of multi-valued monotone quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 1229.90233 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Raciti, Fabio; Djafari Rouhani, Behzad 2 2010 Analyzing the role of the inf-sup condition for parameter identification in saddle point problems with application in elasticity imaging. Zbl 1458.35476 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Richards, Michael; Sama, Miguel; Tammer, Christiane 2 2020 Inverse problems in variational inequalities by minimizing energy. Zbl 1458.35475 Hao, Dinh Nho; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Tammer, Christiane 2 2019 Toward second-order sensitivity analysis in set-valued optimization. Zbl 1262.90136 Khan, A. A.; Ward, D. E. 2 2012 Generalized Dubovitskii-Milyutin approach in set-valued optimization. Zbl 1302.90159 Khan, Akhtar A.; Tammer, Christiane 2 2012 Deterministic and stochastic optimal control and inverse problems. Zbl 1483.93002 2 2022 Identification of a parameter in fourth-order partial differential equations by an equation error approach. Zbl 1363.35376 Bush, Nathan; Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Raciti, Fabio 2 2015 Approximating properties of metric and generalized metric projections in uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach spaces. Zbl 1535.41009 Khan, Akhtar A.; Li, Jinlu 2 2024 Inverse problem of estimating the stochastic flexural rigidity in fourth-order models. Zbl 1482.35274 Grecksch, Wilfried; Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Tammer, Christiane 2 2021 Optimality conditions in nonlinear vector optimization with variable ordering structures. Zbl 1478.90118 Jahn, Johannes; Khan, Akhtar A. 2 2021 Regularization methods for scalar and vector control problems. Zbl 1429.49026 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Tammer, Christiane 2 2019 Stochastic elliptic inverse problems. Solvability, convergence rates, discretization, and applications. Zbl 1522.35577 Dambrine, Marc; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Starkloff, Hans-Jörg 2 2023 Second-order optimality conditions in set-valued optimization with variable ordering structure. Zbl 1375.90240 Khan, Akhtar A.; Soleimani, Behnam; Tammer, Christiane 2 2017 A convex objective functional for elliptic inverse problems. Zbl 1158.35103 Gockenbach, M. S.; Khan, A. A. 1 2006 Regularized auxiliary problem principle for variational inequalities. Zbl 0960.49004 Baasansuren, J.; Khan, A. A. 1 2000 A regularization approach for variational inequalities with pseudo-monotone operators. Zbl 1005.90061 Kalashnikov, Vyacheslav; Khan, Akhtar Ali 1 2000 A regularization approach for variational inequalities. Zbl 0980.49010 Khan, A. A. 1 2001 On the envelope of a variational inequality. Zbl 1184.49010 Giannessi, F.; Khan, A. A. 1 2010 Stability analysis of conically perturbed linearly constrained least-squares problems by optimizing the regularized trajectories. Zbl 1475.90052 Khan, A.; Sama, M. 1 2021 On time dependent vector equilibrium problems. Zbl 1098.90065 Khan, A.; Riciti, F. 1 2005 Characterizations of the metric and generalized metric projections on subspaces of Banach spaces. Zbl 07852473 Khan, Akhtar A.; Li, Jinlu 1 2024 A new class of generalized quasi-variational inequalities with applications to Oseen problems under nonsmooth boundary conditions. Zbl 07803268 Zeng, Shengda; Khan, Akhtar A.; Migórski, Stanisław 1 2024 A new regularized stochastic approximation framework for stochastic inverse problems. Zbl 1519.35367 Dippon, Jürgen; Gwinner, Joachim; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 1 2023 Estimating random coefficients in mixed variational problems with an application to the stochastic elasticity imaging inverse problem for tumor identification. Zbl 07977105 Gong, Zi-Jia; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Zălinescu, Adrian 1 2025 Estimating random coefficients in mixed variational problems with an application to the stochastic elasticity imaging inverse problem for tumor identification. Zbl 07977105 Gong, Zi-Jia; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Zălinescu, Adrian 1 2025 Approximating properties of metric and generalized metric projections in uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach spaces. Zbl 1535.41009 Khan, Akhtar A.; Li, Jinlu 2 2024 Characterizations of the metric and generalized metric projections on subspaces of Banach spaces. Zbl 07852473 Khan, Akhtar A.; Li, Jinlu 1 2024 A new class of generalized quasi-variational inequalities with applications to Oseen problems under nonsmooth boundary conditions. Zbl 07803268 Zeng, Shengda; Khan, Akhtar A.; Migórski, Stanisław 1 2024 Generalized projections on general Banach spaces. Zbl 1515.41014 Khan, Akhtar A.; Li, Jinlu; Reich, Simeon 5 2023 Inverse problems for a class of elliptic obstacle problems involving multivalued convection term and weighted \((p,q)\)-Laplacian. Zbl 1509.35385 Zeng, Shengda; Migórski, Stanisław; Khan, Akhtar A.; Yao, Jen-Chih 3 2023 Stochastic elliptic inverse problems. Solvability, convergence rates, discretization, and applications. Zbl 1522.35577 Dambrine, Marc; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Starkloff, Hans-Jörg 2 2023 A new regularized stochastic approximation framework for stochastic inverse problems. Zbl 1519.35367 Dippon, Jürgen; Gwinner, Joachim; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 1 2023 Inverse problems for generalized quasi-variational inequalities with application to elliptic mixed boundary value systems. Zbl 1487.49045 Cen, Jinxia; Khan, Akhtar A.; Motreanu, Dumitru; Zeng, Shengda 27 2022 Uncertainty quantification in variational inequalities. Theory, numerics, and applications. Zbl 1479.49002 Gwinner, Joachim; Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Raciti, Fabio 15 2022 Evolutionary quasi-variational-hemivariational inequalities. I: Existence and optimal control. Zbl 07528375 Zeng, Shengda; Motreanu, Dumitru; Khan, Akhtar A. 11 2022 A variational inequality based stochastic approximation for estimating the flexural rigidity in random fourth-order models. Zbl 1489.35312 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Raciti, Fabio; Sama, Miguel 5 2022 Deterministic and stochastic optimal control and inverse problems. Zbl 1483.93002 2 2022 Nonlinear quasi-hemivariational inequalities: existence and optimal control. Zbl 07332073 Zeng, Shengda; Migórski, Stanisław; Khan, Akhtar A. 85 2021 A convex optimization framework for the inverse problem of identifying a random parameter in a stochastic partial differential equation. Zbl 1471.35332 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Starkloff, Hans-Jorg; Tammer, Christiane 10 2021 A variational inequality based stochastic approximation for inverse problems in stochastic partial differential equations. Zbl 1472.35451 Hawks, Rachel; Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Yang, Yidan 7 2021 An iteratively regularized stochastic gradient method for estimating a random parameter in a stochastic PDE. A variational inequality approach. Zbl 07557729 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Yang, Yidan 3 2021 Inverse problem of estimating the stochastic flexural rigidity in fourth-order models. Zbl 1482.35274 Grecksch, Wilfried; Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Tammer, Christiane 2 2021 Optimality conditions in nonlinear vector optimization with variable ordering structures. Zbl 1478.90118 Jahn, Johannes; Khan, Akhtar A. 2 2021 Stability analysis of conically perturbed linearly constrained least-squares problems by optimizing the regularized trajectories. Zbl 1475.90052 Khan, A.; Sama, M. 1 2021 Inverse problems for nonlinear quasi-hemivariational inequalities with application to mixed boundary value problems. Zbl 1433.35462 Migórski, Stanisław; Khan, Akhtar A.; Zeng, Shengda 54 2020 A convex inversion framework for identifying parameters in saddle point problems with applications to inverse incompressible elasticity. Zbl 1508.65153 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Richards, Michael; Sama, Miguel 4 2020 Analyzing the role of the inf-sup condition for parameter identification in saddle point problems with application in elasticity imaging. Zbl 1458.35476 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Richards, Michael; Sama, Miguel; Tammer, Christiane 2 2020 Inverse problems for nonlinear quasi-variational inequalities with an application to implicit obstacle problems of \(p\)-Laplacian type. Zbl 1516.35530 Migórski, Stanisław; Khan, Akhtar A.; Zeng, Shengda 49 2019 Inverse problems for multi-valued quasi variational inequalities and noncoercive variational inequalities with noisy data. Zbl 1426.49040 Khan, Akhtar A.; Migorski, Stanislaw; Sama, Miguel 20 2019 Contingent derivatives and regularization for noncoercive inverse problems. Zbl 1422.90060 Clason, Christian; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Tammer, Christiane 9 2019 Existence theorems and regularization methods for non-coercive vector variational and vector quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 1472.49015 Khan, Akhtar A.; Hebestreit, Niklas; Köbis, Elisabeth; Tammer, Christiane 5 2019 Conical regularization for multi-objective optimization problems. Zbl 1418.90247 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; López, Rubén; Sama, Miguel 3 2019 Stable conical regularization by constructible dilating cones with an application to \(L^{p}\)-constrained optimization problems. Zbl 1423.90167 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 3 2019 Variational analysis and set optimization. Developments and applications in decision making. Zbl 1416.49001 3 2019 Inverse problems in variational inequalities by minimizing energy. Zbl 1458.35475 Hao, Dinh Nho; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Tammer, Christiane 2 2019 Regularization methods for scalar and vector control problems. Zbl 1429.49026 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Tammer, Christiane 2 2019 Identification in variational and quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 1391.49012 Gwinner, Joachim; Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 28 2018 Inverse problems for quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 1387.35620 Khan, Akhtar A.; Motreanu, Dumitru 28 2018 Inverse generalized vector variational inequalities with respect to variable domination structures and applications to vector approximation problems. Zbl 1485.46005 Elster, Rosalind; Hebestreit, Niklas; Khan, Akhtar A.; Tammer, Christiane 3 2018 First-order and second-order adjoint methods for parameter identification problems with an application to the elasticity imaging inverse problem. Zbl 1387.92057 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Oberai, Assad A.; Sama, Miguel 11 2017 Error estimates for integral constraint regularization of state-constrained elliptic control problems. Zbl 1373.49041 Jadamba, B.; Khan, A.; Sama, M. 7 2017 On convex modified output least-squares for elliptic inverse problems: stability, regularization, applications, and numerics. Zbl 1400.90303 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Tammer, Christiane 4 2017 First-order and second-order adjoint methods for the inverse problem of identifying non-linear parameters in pdes. Zbl 1396.49028 Cho, M.; Jadamba, B.; Kahler, R.; Khan, A. A.; Sama, M. 3 2017 Second-order optimality conditions in set-valued optimization with variable ordering structure. Zbl 1375.90240 Khan, Akhtar A.; Soleimani, Behnam; Tammer, Christiane 2 2017 Gradient and extragradient methods for the elasticity imaging inverse problem using an equation error formulation: a comparative numerical study. Zbl 1354.92041 Gibali, A.; Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A.; Raciti, F.; Winkler, B. 9 2016 Set-valued optimization. An introduction with applications. Zbl 1308.49004 Khan, Akhtar A.; Tammer, Christiane; Zălinescu, Constantin 327 2015 Existence theorems for elliptic and evolutionary variational and quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 1337.49012 Khan, Akhtar A.; Motreanu, Dumitru 37 2015 Regularization of quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 1337.49005 Khan, Akhtar A.; Tammer, Christiane; Zalinescu, Constantin 33 2015 Proximal methods for the elastography inverse problem of tumor identification using an equation error approach. Zbl 1319.35297 Gockenbach, Mark S.; Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Tammer, Christiane; Winkler, Brian 6 2015 Identification of flexural rigidity in a Kirchhoff plates model using a convex objective and continuous Newton method. Zbl 1394.74100 Jadamba, B.; Kahler, R.; Khan, A. A.; Raciti, F.; Winkler, B. 3 2015 Identification of a parameter in fourth-order partial differential equations by an equation error approach. Zbl 1363.35376 Bush, Nathan; Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Raciti, Fabio 2 2015 A new convex inversion framework for parameter identification in saddle point problems with an application to the elasticity imaging inverse problem of predicting tumor location. Zbl 1330.35533 Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A.; Rus, G.; Sama, M.; Winkler, B. 35 2014 Regularization of stochastic variational inequalities and a comparison of an \(L_p\) and a sample-path approach. Zbl 1287.49010 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Raciti, Fabio 18 2014 An equation error approach for the elasticity imaging inverse problem for predicting tumor location. Zbl 1352.92087 Crossen, E.; Gockenbach, M. S.; Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A.; Winkler, B. 18 2014 A new energy inversion for parameter identification in saddle point problems with an application to the elasticity imaging inverse problem of predicting tumor location. Zbl 1296.49032 Doyley, M. M.; Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A.; Sama, M.; Winkler, B. 11 2014 A new conical regularization for some optimization and optimal control problems: convergence analysis and finite element discretization. Zbl 1275.49054 Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 13 2013 A first-order adjoint and a second-order hybrid method for an energy output least-squares elastography inverse problem of identifying tumor location. Zbl 1292.35323 Cahill, Nathan D.; Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel; Winkler, Brian C. 10 2013 Second-order optimality conditions in set-valued optimization via asymptotic derivatives. Zbl 1273.90159 Khan, Akhtar A.; Tammer, Christiane 9 2013 Local minimizers versus \(X\)-local minimizers. Zbl 1266.49041 Khan, Akhtar A.; Motreanu, Dumitru 5 2013 Optimal control of multivalued quasi variational inequalities. Zbl 1236.49019 Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 21 2012 Generalized solutions of quasi variational inequalities. Zbl 1259.90143 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 9 2012 Regularization for state constrained optimal control problems by half spaces based decoupling. Zbl 1250.49004 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 9 2012 A multiplier rule for stable problems in vector optimization. Zbl 1251.49031 Khan, Akhtar A.; Sama, Miguel 3 2012 Toward second-order sensitivity analysis in set-valued optimization. Zbl 1262.90136 Khan, A. A.; Ward, D. E. 2 2012 Generalized Dubovitskii-Milyutin approach in set-valued optimization. Zbl 1302.90159 Khan, Akhtar A.; Tammer, Christiane 2 2012 Inverse problems of parameter identification in partial differential equations. Zbl 1262.65160 Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A.; Sama, M. 12 2011 Nonlinear analysis and variational problems. In Honor of George Isac. Zbl 1178.49001 97 2010 Generalized solutions of multi-valued monotone quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 1229.90233 Jadamba, Baasansuren; Khan, Akhtar A.; Raciti, Fabio; Djafari Rouhani, Behzad 2 2010 On the envelope of a variational inequality. Zbl 1184.49010 Giannessi, F.; Khan, A. A. 1 2010 An abstract framework for elliptic inverse problems. II: An augmented Lagrangian approach. Zbl 1197.74048 Gockenbach, Mark S.; Khan, Akhtar A. 24 2009 Second-order optimality conditions in set-valued optimization by a new tangential derivative. Zbl 1180.90246 Isac, G.; Khan, A. A. 10 2009 Continuity results for a class of variational inequalities with applications to time-dependent network problems. Zbl 1189.47061 Caruso, A. O.; Khan, A. A.; Raciti, F. 9 2009 Computation formulas and multiplier rules for graphical derivatives in separable Banach spaces. Zbl 1176.90541 Hernández, E.; Khan, A. A.; Rodríguez-Marín, L.; Sama, M. 4 2009 On the inverse problem of identifying Lamé coefficients in linear elasticity. Zbl 1155.74352 Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A.; Raciti, F. 29 2008 Equation error approach for elliptic inverse problems with an application to the identification of Lamé parameters. Zbl 1258.74087 Gockenbach, M. S.; Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A. 16 2008 Dubovitskii-Milyutin approach in set-valued optimization. Zbl 1155.90015 Isac, G.; Khan, A. A. 10 2008 Penalization and regularization for multivalued pseudo-monotone variational inequalities with Mosco approximation on constraint sets. Zbl 1149.49014 Rouhani, B. Djafari; Khan, Akhtar A.; Raciti, Fabio 5 2008 An abstract framework for elliptic inverse problems. I: An output least-squares approach. Zbl 1153.74021 Gockenbach, Mark S.; Khan, Akhtar A. 49 2007 Iterative regularization for elliptic inverse problems. Zbl 1151.35102 Khan, A. A.; Rouhani, B. D. 10 2007 Numerical estimation of discontinuous coefficients by the method of equation error. Zbl 1111.35110 Gockenbach, M. S.; Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A. 11 2006 First and second order optimality conditions in set optimization. Zbl 1196.90098 Kalashnikov, V.; Jadamba, B.; Khan, A. A. 7 2006 A convex objective functional for elliptic inverse problems. Zbl 1158.35103 Gockenbach, M. S.; Khan, A. A. 1 2006 Second-order optimality conditions in set optimization. Zbl 1071.49015 Jahn, J.; Khan, A. A.; Zeilinger, P. 51 2005 Identification of Lamé parameters in linear elasticity: a fixed point approach. Zbl 1085.35127 Gockenbach, Mark S.; Khan, Akhtar A. 18 2005 On time dependent vector equilibrium problems. Zbl 1098.90065 Khan, A.; Riciti, F. 1 2005 The existence of contingent epiderivatives for set-valued maps. Zbl 1040.49025 Jahn, J.; Khan, A. A. 20 2003 Some calculus rules for contingent epiderivatives. Zbl 1032.49021 Jahn, Johannes; Khan, Akhtar A. 18 2003 A multiplier rule in set-valued optimisation. Zbl 1168.90574 Khan, Akhtar A.; Raciti, Fabio 10 2003 On the embedding of variational inequalities. Zbl 1047.47045 Rouhani, B. Djafari; Khan, A. A. 6 2003 Generalized contingent epiderivatives in set-valued optimization: Optimality conditions. Zbl 1134.90466 Jahn, Johannes; Khan, Akhtar A. 40 2002 Existence theorems and characterizations of generalized contingent epiderivatives. Zbl 1107.90440 Jahn, Johannes; Khan, Akhtar A. 6 2002 A regularization approach for variational inequalities. Zbl 0980.49010 Khan, A. A. 1 2001 Regularization of non-coercive quasi variational inequalities. Zbl 1006.49004 Giannessi, F.; Khan, A. A. 47 2000 Regularized auxiliary problem principle for variational inequalities. Zbl 0960.49004 Baasansuren, J.; Khan, A. A. 1 2000 A regularization approach for variational inequalities with pseudo-monotone operators. Zbl 1005.90061 Kalashnikov, Vyacheslav; Khan, Akhtar Ali 1 2000 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 886 Authors 62 Khan, Akhtar Ali 52 Zeng, Shengda 44 Sama, Miguel 42 Migórski, Stanisław 36 Li, Shengjie 32 Jadamba, Baasansuren 31 Tammer, Christiane 26 Huang, Nan-Jing 25 Raciti, Fabio 23 Liu, Zhenhai 22 Yao, Jen-Chih 20 Xiao, Yibin 18 Anh, Nguyen Le Hoang 17 Phan Quôc Khánh 16 Lalitha, C. S. 15 Cen, Jinxia 15 Nguyen Van Thien 15 Novo-Sanjurjo, Vicente 13 Wang, Qilin 13 Winkert, Patrick 12 Qin, Xiaolong 11 Gutiérrez, César 11 Shehu, Yekini 11 Tung, Nguyen Minh 10 Bai, Yunru 10 Eichfelder, Gabriele 10 Gwinner, Joachim 10 Jiménez, Bienvenido 10 Mordukhovich, Boris S. 10 Rădulescu, Vicenţiu D. 10 Yu, Guolin 9 Chen, Chunrong 9 Köbis, Elisabeth 9 López, Ruben 9 Motreanu, Dumitru 9 Passacantando, Mauro 9 Rodriguez Marin, Luis 9 Sofonea, Mircea 9 Wei, Hongzhi 8 Chen, Jiawei 8 Han, Yu 8 Huerga, Lidia 8 Peng, Zijia 8 Su, Tran Van 8 Tan, Bing 8 Zhang, Chuangliang 7 Ansari, Qamrul Hasan 7 Barbagallo, Annamaria 7 Durea, Marius 7 Nam, Nguyen Mau 7 Noor, Muhammad Aslam 7 Wangkeeree, Rabian 7 Winkler, Brian C. 7 Zhu, Shengkun 6 Anh, Lam Quoc 6 Cai, Dong-ling 6 Chadli, Ouayl 6 Dinh, Nguyen 6 Dudek, Sylwia 6 Eslamian, Mohammad 6 Gunther, Christian 6 Hernández, Elvira 6 Hung, Nguyen Van 6 Khludnev, Aleksandr Mikhaĭlovich 6 Kovtunenko, Viktor Anatolievich 6 Li, Jinlu 6 Liu, Yongjian 6 Noor, Khalida Inayat 6 Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S. 6 Peng, Zhenhua 6 Sharma, Pradeep Kumar 6 Teo, Kok Lay 6 Tung, Le Thanh 6 Vatul’yan, Aleksandr Ovanesovich 6 Wen, Chingfeng 6 Zălinescu, Constantin 6 Zeng, Biao 5 Ceng, Lu-Chuan 5 Chen, Tao 5 Khazayel, Bahareh 5 Köbis, Markus Arthur 5 Li, Xiaobing 5 Mahmudov, Elimhan Nadir 5 Oussarhan, Abdessamad 5 Srivastava, Manjari K. 5 Strugariu, Radu 5 Tang, Guoji 4 Amahroq, Tijani 4 Bao, Nguyen Xuan Duy 4 Cao, Jinde 4 Costea, Nicuşor 4 Das, Koushik 4 Djafari Rouhani, Behzad 4 Duy, Tran Quoc 4 Gasiński, Leszek 4 Geoffroy, Michel H. 4 Gockenbach, Mark S. 4 Gupta, Meenakshi 4 Güvenç, İlknur Atasever 4 Hang, Dinh Dieu ...and 786 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 169 Serials 87 Optimization 85 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 80 Journal of Global Optimization 46 Optimization Letters 31 Positivity 27 Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis 26 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 22 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 16 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 15 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 15 Journal of Convex Analysis 14 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 13 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 13 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 12 SIAM Journal on Optimization 11 Applicable Analysis 11 Inverse Problems 11 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 11 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 10 Computational and Applied Mathematics 8 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 7 Applied Mathematics and Computation 7 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 7 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 7 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 6 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 6 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics 6 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 6 Minimax Theory and its Applications 5 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 5 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 5 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 5 Thai Journal of Mathematics 4 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 4 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 4 European Journal of Operational Research 4 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 4 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 4 Open Mathematics 3 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 3 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 3 Journal of Differential Equations 3 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 3 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 3 Operations Research Letters 3 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 3 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 3 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 3 Computational Optimization and Applications 3 Filomat 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 3 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 3 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 3 Fixed Point Theory 3 Computational Management Science 3 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 3 Science China. Mathematics 2 Control and Cybernetics 2 Demonstratio Mathematica 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 2 Applied Numerical Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Annals of Operations Research 2 YUJOR. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 Top 2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 2 Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 2 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 2 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 2 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 2 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series A. Mathematical Analysis 2 Analysis and Applications (Singapore) 2 Inverse Problems and Imaging 2 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 2 Afrika Matematika 2 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 2 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 2 Advances in Operator Theory 2 Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Journal of Computational Physics 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Kybernetika 1 Le Matematiche 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ...and 69 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 38 Fields 474 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 455 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 182 Operator theory (47-XX) 153 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 104 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 86 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 50 General topology (54-XX) 46 Functional analysis (46-XX) 37 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 36 Real functions (26-XX) 35 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 25 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 20 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 12 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 9 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 9 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 7 Measure and integration (28-XX) 7 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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