Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Khatri, Chinubhai Ghelabhai (b. 1931 d. 1989) Co-Author Distance Author ID: khatri.chinubhai-ghelabhai Published as: Khatri, C. G.; Khatri, Chinubhai Ghelabhai; Khatri, Chinubal G. more...less Homepage: https://www.insaindia.res.in/detail.php?id=N83-0373 Documents Indexed: 155 Publications since 1957, including 1 Book 3 Further Contributions Co-Authors: 31 Co-Authors with 77 Joint Publications 871 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 81 single-authored 13 Rao, Calyampudi Radhakrishna 11 Srivastava, Muni Shanker 10 Shah, Kirti R. 5 Jaiswal, M. C. 5 Pillai, K. C. Sreedharan 4 Bhavsar, C. D. 4 Mardia, Kanti V. 3 Bhargava, R. P. 3 Carter, Edward M. 3 Consul, Prem C. 3 Mitra, Sujit Kumar 3 Shah, B. K. 2 Cacoullos, Theophilos 2 Kemp, Adrienne W. 2 Kemp, C. David 2 Konishi, Sadanori 2 Kotz, Samuel 2 Krishnaiah, Paruchuri Rama 2 Mukerjee, Rahul 2 Ord, John Keith 2 Patel, Harji I. 2 Patil, Ganapati P. 2 Raghavarao, Damaraju 2 Sen, Pranab Kumar 1 Aczél, János Dezső 1 Agren, Anders 1 Ahsanullah, Mohammad 1 Anderson, Theodore Wilbur jun. 1 Bargmann, Rolf E. 1 Basu, Asit P. 1 Basu, Debabrata 1 Bechhofer, Robert Eric 1 Behboodian, Javad 1 Bell, C. B. 1 Berland, Richard 1 Bingham, Michael S. 1 Birnbaum, Zygmunt Wilhelm 1 Block, Henry W. 1 Bondesson, Lennart 1 Bowman, Kimiko O. 1 Brillinger, David R. 1 Carrol, J. Douglas 1 Dubman, Morton R. 1 Dugué, Daniel 1 Durling, F. C. 1 Dusenberry, W. E. 1 Dussauchoy, Alain E. 1 Feigin, Paul David 1 Frishman, F. A. 1 Fujikoshi, Yasunori 1 Gabriel, K. Ruben 1 Gajjar, Amrutbhal V. 1 Galambos, Janos 1 Gnanadesikan, Ramanathan 1 Godambe, Ashok V. 1 Gokhale, Dattaprabhakar Vinayak 1 Good, Irving John (Jack) 1 Goodman, N. R. 1 Gordon, F. S. 1 Gordon, P. S. 1 Govindarajulu, Zakkula 1 Gupta, Rameshwar D. 1 Gupta, Shanti Swarup 1 Gurland, John 1 Guttman, Irwin 1 Gyires, Béla 1 Hansen, Eldon Robert 1 Harkness, William L. 1 Harris, Bernard 1 Hettmansperger, Thomas P. 1 Huynen, J. R. 1 Hwang, Jenn Shin 1 Ito, Koichi 1 James, Alan T. 1 Janardan, Konanur G. 1 Jogdeo, Kumar 1 Joshi, S. W. 1 Kagan, Abram Meerovich 1 Kallianpur, Gopinath 1 Kaminsky, Kenneth S. 1 Khattree, Ravindra 1 Klebanov, Leo B. 1 Kotlarski, Ignacy Icchak 1 Kruskal, Joseph B. jun. 1 Lukacs, Eugene 1 Madansky, Albert 1 McNolty, Frank 1 Mercado, R. 1 Nelson, David L. 1 Nelson, Paul Irwin 1 Neville, A. M. 1 Okamoto, Masashi T. 1 Olkin, Ingram 1 Panchapakesan, Subrahmanian 1 Parzen, Emanuel 1 Patel, I. D. 1 Patel, I. R. 1 Pillai, K. C. O. 1 Prakasa Rao, B. L. S. 1 Press, S. James ...and 35 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 19 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 17 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 15 Annals of Mathematical Statistics 14 Sankhyā. Series A. Methods and Techniques 12 Gujarat Statistical Review 7 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 4 The Annals of Statistics 4 Journal of the American Statistical Association 4 Sankhyā. Series B. Methodological 4 South African Statistical Journal 4 Mathematics Today 4 Linear Algebra and its Applications 3 Calcutta Statistical Association. Bulletin 3 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 3 Metron 3 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 2 The Australian Journal of Statistics 2 Biometrika 2 Technometrics 2 Statistics & Probability Letters 2 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B 2 Communications in Statistics 2 NATO ASI Series. Series C. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 1 Psychometrika 1 Biometrics 1 Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences 1 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Sankhyā. Series C. Sample Surveys, Theory and Practice 1 The Aligarh Journal of Statistics 1 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 1 Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics all top 5 Fields 112 Statistics (62-XX) 17 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 12 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 111 Publications have been cited 1,483 times in 1,202 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ An introduction to multivariate statistics. Zbl 0421.62034 Srivastava, M. S.; Khatri, C. G. 213 1979 Hermitian and nonnegative definite solutions of linear matrix equations. Zbl 0359.65033 Khatri, C. G.; Mitra, Sujit Kumar 170 1976 A note on a Manova model applied to problems in growth curve. Zbl 0136.40704 Khatri, C. G. 106 1966 Classical statistical analysis based on a certain multivariate complex Gaussian distribution. Zbl 0135.19506 Khatri, C. G. 59 1965 Solutions to some functional equations and their applications to characterization of probability distributions. Zbl 0176.49004 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 58 1968 The von Mises-Fisher matrix distribution in orientation statistics. Zbl 0356.62044 Khatri, C. G.; Mardia, K. V. 57 1977 Estimation of location parameters from two linear models under normality. Zbl 0299.62021 Khatri, C. G.; Shah, K. R. 55 1974 On certain distribution problems based on positive definite quadratic functions in normal vectors. Zbl 0138.14502 Khatri, C. G. 51 1966 On certain inequalities for normal distributions and their applications to simultaneous confidence bounds. Zbl 0155.27103 Khatri, C. G. 44 1967 Some results for the singular normal multivariate regression models. Zbl 0177.22802 Khatri, C. G. 43 1968 Some extensions of the Kantorovich inequality and statistical applications. Zbl 0482.15010 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 22 1981 Distribution of the largest or the smallest characteristic root under null hypothesis concerning complex multivariate normal populations. Zbl 0128.13901 Khatri, C. G. 22 1964 On certain properties of power-series distributions. Zbl 0090.35604 Khatri, C. G. 22 1959 Some distribution problems connected with the characteristic roots of \(S_ 1 S_ 2^{-1}\). Zbl 0173.20603 Khatri, C. G. 21 1967 On the non-central distributions of two test criteria in multivariate analysis of variance. Zbl 0155.27102 Khatri, C. G.; Pillai, K. C. S. 21 1968 A test for reality of a covariance matrix in a certain complex Gaussian distribution. Zbl 0135.19505 Khatri, C. G. 19 1965 Quadratic forms in normal variables. Zbl 0465.62045 Khatri, C. G. 18 1980 On the exact finite series distribution of the smallest or the largest root of matrices in three situations. Zbl 0271.62060 Khatri, C. G. 17 1972 Distributions of order statistics for discrete case. Zbl 0114.11301 Khatri, C. G. 16 1962 The distribution of product of independent beta random variables with application to multivariate analysis. Zbl 0482.62042 Bhargava, R. P.; Khatri, C. G. 15 1981 Testing some covariance structures under a growth curve model. Zbl 0264.62019 Khatri, C. G. 15 1973 A note on Mitra’s paper ”A density free approach to the matrix variate beta distribution”. Zbl 0225.62016 Khatri, C. G. 15 1970 Non-central distributions of ith largest characteristic roots of three matrices concerning complex multivariate normal populations. Zbl 0244.62040 Khatri, C. G. 15 1969 A note on multiple and canonical correlation for a singular covariance matrix. Zbl 0381.62048 Khatri, C. G. 15 1976 Some generalizations of Kantorovich inequality. Zbl 0586.62095 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 14 1982 Uniform distribution on a Stiefel manifold. Zbl 0377.62029 Mardia, K. V.; Khatri, C. G. 14 1977 Asymptotic expansions of the non-null distributions of likelihood ratio criteria for covariance matrices. Zbl 0296.62037 Khatri, C. G.; Srivastava, M. S. 14 1974 On the moments of traces of two matrices in three situations for complex multivariate normal populations. Zbl 0203.51905 Khatri, C. G. 12 1970 Three classes of univariate discrete distributions. Zbl 0111.15904 Khatri, C. G.; Patel, I. R. 12 1961 On the mutual independence of certain statistics. Zbl 0098.33004 Khatri, C. G. 11 1959 A note on the joint distribution of correlated quadratic forms. Zbl 0379.62037 Khatri, C. G.; Krishnaiah, P. R.; Sen, P. K. 11 1977 Optimality of two and three factor designs. Zbl 0326.62055 Shah, K. R.; Raghavarao, D.; Khatri, C. G. 10 1976 On exact non-null distributions of likelihood ratio criteria for sphericity test and equality of two covariance matrices. Zbl 0242.62025 Khatri, C. G.; Srivastava, M. S. 10 1971 Distribution of a definite quadratic form for non-central normal variates. Zbl 0111.34105 Shah, B. K.; Khatri, C. G. 10 1961 Some properties of BLUE in a linear model and canonical correlations associated with linear transformations. Zbl 0731.62116 Khatri, C. G. 9 1990 A characterization of the inverse Gaussian distribution. Zbl 0109.13402 Khatri, C. G. 9 1962 Functional equations and characterization of probability laws through linear functions of random variables. Zbl 0259.62045 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 8 1972 Connectedness in row-column designs. Zbl 0271.62097 Shah, K. R.; Khatri, C. G. 8 1973 Some results on the non-central multivariate beta distribution and moments of traces of two matrices. Zbl 0133.42503 Khatri, C. G.; Pillai, K. C. S. 8 1965 Proof of conjectures about the expected values of the elementary symmetric functions of a noncentral Wishart matrix. Zbl 0285.62026 Shah, B. K.; Khatri, C. G. 7 1974 Unified treatment of Cramer-Rao bound for the nonregular density functions. Zbl 0454.62032 Khatri, C. G. 7 1980 Characterizations of multivariate normality: I. Through independence of some statistics. Zbl 0367.62059 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 7 1976 Powers of matrices and idempotency. Zbl 0443.15011 Khatri, C. G. 7 1980 Nonnull distribution of likelihood ratio criterion for reality of covariance matrix. Zbl 0345.62035 Carter, E. M.; Khatri, C. G.; Srivastava, M. S. 6 1976 Some characterizations of the gamma distribution. Zbl 0176.49003 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 6 1968 Series representations of distributions of quadratic form in the normal vectors and generalised variance. Zbl 0231.62067 Khatri, C. G. 6 1971 Quadratic forms and extension of Cochran’s theorem to normal vector variables. Zbl 0382.62014 Khatri, C. G. 6 1977 Test for a specified signal when the noise covariance matrix is unknown. Zbl 0637.62055 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 5 1987 Distribution of a quadratic form in noncentral normal vectors using generalised Laguerre polynomials. Zbl 0372.62013 Khatri, C. G. 5 1977 On the unbiased estimation of fixed effects in a mixed model for growth curves. Zbl 0449.62053 Khatri, C. G.; Shah, K. R. 5 1981 Exact variance of combined inter- and intra-block estimates in incomplete block designs. Zbl 0349.62049 Khatri, Chinubhai Ghelabhai; Shah, Kirti R. 5 1975 On the exact non-null distribution of likelihood ratio criteria for covariance matrices. Zbl 0373.62030 Khatri, C. G.; Srivastava, M. S. 4 1973 Interval estimation of the common mean. Zbl 0463.62028 Khatri, C. G.; Shah, K. R. 4 1981 Further contributions to some inequalities for normal distributions and their applications to simultaneous confidence bounds. Zbl 0294.62013 Khatri, C. G. 4 1970 On testing the equality of location parameters in k censored exponential distributions. Zbl 0349.62014 Khatri, C. G. 4 1974 A remark on the necessary and sufficient conditions for a quadratic form to be distributed as chi-squared. Zbl 0371.62024 Khatri, C. G. 4 1978 On monotonicity of the modified likelihood ratio test for the equality of two covariances. Zbl 0383.62028 Srivastava, M. S.; Khatri, C. G.; Carter, E. M. 4 1978 Inferences on interclass and intraclass correlations in multivariate familial data. Zbl 0719.62114 Konishi, Sadanori; Khatri, C. G. 4 1990 On the moments of elementary symmetric functions of the roots of two matrices and approximations to a distribution. Zbl 0165.21303 Khatri, C. G.; Pillai, K. C. S. 4 1968 Power function of the likelihood ratio test when range depends upon the parameter. Zbl 0181.45601 Jaiswal, M. C.; Khatri, C. G. 4 1969 Progressively censored samples from log-normal and logistic distributions. Zbl 0183.48601 Gajjar, A. V.; Khatri, C. G. 4 1969 Distribution of the ’generalised’ multiple correlation matrix in the dual case. Zbl 0128.13902 Khatri, C. G. 4 1964 Some asymptotic inferential problems connected with elliptical distributions. Zbl 0659.62034 Khatri, C. G. 4 1988 Some remarks on the spherical distributions and linear models. Zbl 0614.62062 Khatri, C. G. 3 1985 Characterization of normality within the class of elliptical contoured distributions. Zbl 0609.62071 Khatri, C. G.; Mukerjee, Rahul 3 1987 Tables for obtaining confidence bounds for realized signal to noise ratio with an estimated discriminant function. Zbl 0616.62071 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna; Sun, Y. N. 3 1986 Estimation of the common location parameters for the two linear models. Zbl 0521.62045 Khatri, C. G. 3 1983 A modern course on statistical distributions in scientific work. Vol. 3: Characterizations and applications. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, held at the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 29-August 10, 1974. Zbl 0308.60003 3 1975 A study of redundancy of some variables in covariate discriminant analysis. Zbl 0743.62050 Fujikoshi, Yasunori; Khatri, Chinubal G. 3 1990 Multivariate linear model with latent variables: Problems of estimation. Zbl 0781.62070 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 3 1991 Characterizations of multivariate normality II. Through linear regressions. Zbl 0427.62027 Khatri, C. G. 3 1979 Inferences on multivariate measures of interclass and intraclass correlations in familial data. Zbl 0800.62740 Konishi, Sadanori; Khatri, C. G. 3 1991 Testing the equality of parameters in the distributions when the range depends upon the parameter. Zbl 0181.45404 Khatri, C. G.; Jaiswal, M. C. 3 1969 Testing intraclass correlation coefficients. Zbl 0695.62135 Khatri, C. G.; Pukkila, T. M.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 3 1989 On conditions for the forms of the type XAX’ to be distributed independently or to obey wishart distribution. Zbl 0133.41303 Khatri, C. G. 3 1959 On the moments of traces of two matrices in multivariate analysis. Zbl 0161.38201 Khatri, C. G.; Pillai, K. C. S. 3 1967 A method of fitting the regression curve \(E(y) =\alpha +\delta x+\beta\rho^ x\). Zbl 0137.13101 Shah, B. K.; Khatri, C. G. 3 1965 Orthogonality in multiway classifications. Zbl 0601.62097 Khatri, C. G.; Shah, K. R. 2 1986 A generalization of Lavoie’s inequality concerning the sum of idempotent matrices. Zbl 0526.15010 Khatri, C. G. 2 1983 Study of F-tests under dependent model. Zbl 0509.62056 Khatri, C. G. 2 1981 Minimum variance quadratic unbiased estimate of variance under ANOVA model. Zbl 0431.62041 Khatri, C. G. 2 1978 The effect of inequality of variances on the t-test. Zbl 0489.62021 Carter, E. M.; Khatri, C. G.; Srivastava, M. S. 2 1979 A Bayesian approach to some problems involving the detection of spuriosity. Zbl 0331.62027 Guttman, Irwin; Khatri, C. G. 2 1975 Empirical hierarchical Bayes estimation. Zbl 0825.62341 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 2 1992 Multivariate discrete exponential family of distributions and their properties. Zbl 0514.62057 Khatri, C. G. 2 1983 On characterization of gamma and multivariate normal distributions by solving some functional equations in vector variables. Zbl 0219.60014 Khatri, C. G. 2 1971 On some characterizations of statistics. Zbl 0188.51901 Basu, D.; Khatri, C. G. 2 1969 On certain tests and monotonicity of their power for the parameters involved in the nonregular density functions. Zbl 0255.62023 Jaiswal, M. C.; Khatri, C. G. 2 1971 Robustness study for a linear growth model. Zbl 0664.62053 Khatri, C. G. 2 1988 Estimation of parameters of a truncated bivariate normal distribution. Zbl 0119.15301 Khatri, C. G.; Jaiswal, M. C. 2 1963 On testing the equality of parameters in \(k\)-rectangular populations. Zbl 0104.37606 Khatri, C. G. 2 1960 Simultaneous confidence bounds on the departures from a particular kind of multicollinearity. Zbl 0116.37603 Khatri, C. G. 2 1962 On the solutions of two generalized Cauchy functional equations. Zbl 0619.62015 Talwalker, Sheela; Khatri, C. G. 1 1986 A note on idempotent matrices. Zbl 0594.15003 Khatri, C. G. 1 1985 Some converses of the Gauss-Markov theorem. Zbl 0369.62067 Khatri, C. G.; Mitra, Sujit Kumar 1 1977 A note on characterization of some laws by the symmetrical distribution of one linear function given another. Zbl 0374.62015 Khatri, C. G. 1 1974 Distribution of regression estimate in double sampling. Zbl 0314.62017 Khatri, C. G.; Bhargava, R. P.; Shah, K. R. 1 1974 Some asymptotic inferential problems connected with complex elliptical distribution. Zbl 0723.62016 Khatri, C. G.; Bhavsar, C. D. 1 1990 Asymptotic distribution of test statistics for covariance matrices concerning complex elliptical distributions. Zbl 0712.62016 Khatri, C. G.; Bhavsar, C. D. 1 1989 Correcting remarks on ”Characterization of normality within the class of elliptical contoured distributions”. Zbl 0746.62053 Cacoullos, T.; Khatri, C. G. 1 1991 Empirical hierarchical Bayes estimation. Zbl 0825.62341 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 2 1992 Multivariate linear model with latent variables: Problems of estimation. Zbl 0781.62070 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 3 1991 Inferences on multivariate measures of interclass and intraclass correlations in familial data. Zbl 0800.62740 Konishi, Sadanori; Khatri, C. G. 3 1991 Correcting remarks on ”Characterization of normality within the class of elliptical contoured distributions”. Zbl 0746.62053 Cacoullos, T.; Khatri, C. G. 1 1991 Some properties of BLUE in a linear model and canonical correlations associated with linear transformations. Zbl 0731.62116 Khatri, C. G. 9 1990 Inferences on interclass and intraclass correlations in multivariate familial data. Zbl 0719.62114 Konishi, Sadanori; Khatri, C. G. 4 1990 A study of redundancy of some variables in covariate discriminant analysis. Zbl 0743.62050 Fujikoshi, Yasunori; Khatri, Chinubal G. 3 1990 Some asymptotic inferential problems connected with complex elliptical distribution. Zbl 0723.62016 Khatri, C. G.; Bhavsar, C. D. 1 1990 Testing intraclass correlation coefficients. Zbl 0695.62135 Khatri, C. G.; Pukkila, T. M.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 3 1989 Asymptotic distribution of test statistics for covariance matrices concerning complex elliptical distributions. Zbl 0712.62016 Khatri, C. G.; Bhavsar, C. D. 1 1989 Some asymptotic inferential problems connected with elliptical distributions. Zbl 0659.62034 Khatri, C. G. 4 1988 Robustness study for a linear growth model. Zbl 0664.62053 Khatri, C. G. 2 1988 Test for a specified signal when the noise covariance matrix is unknown. Zbl 0637.62055 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 5 1987 Characterization of normality within the class of elliptical contoured distributions. Zbl 0609.62071 Khatri, C. G.; Mukerjee, Rahul 3 1987 Characterization of bijective and bimeasurable transformations of normal variates. Zbl 0654.62040 Khatri, C. G. 1 1987 Tables for obtaining confidence bounds for realized signal to noise ratio with an estimated discriminant function. Zbl 0616.62071 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna; Sun, Y. N. 3 1986 Orthogonality in multiway classifications. Zbl 0601.62097 Khatri, C. G.; Shah, K. R. 2 1986 On the solutions of two generalized Cauchy functional equations. Zbl 0619.62015 Talwalker, Sheela; Khatri, C. G. 1 1986 Some remarks on the spherical distributions and linear models. Zbl 0614.62062 Khatri, C. G. 3 1985 A note on idempotent matrices. Zbl 0594.15003 Khatri, C. G. 1 1985 Estimation of the common location parameters for the two linear models. Zbl 0521.62045 Khatri, C. G. 3 1983 A generalization of Lavoie’s inequality concerning the sum of idempotent matrices. Zbl 0526.15010 Khatri, C. G. 2 1983 Multivariate discrete exponential family of distributions and their properties. Zbl 0514.62057 Khatri, C. G. 2 1983 Some generalizations of Kantorovich inequality. Zbl 0586.62095 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 14 1982 A theorem on quadratic forms for normal variables. Zbl 0487.62042 Khatri, C. G. 1 1982 Some extensions of the Kantorovich inequality and statistical applications. Zbl 0482.15010 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 22 1981 The distribution of product of independent beta random variables with application to multivariate analysis. Zbl 0482.62042 Bhargava, R. P.; Khatri, C. G. 15 1981 On the unbiased estimation of fixed effects in a mixed model for growth curves. Zbl 0449.62053 Khatri, C. G.; Shah, K. R. 5 1981 Interval estimation of the common mean. Zbl 0463.62028 Khatri, C. G.; Shah, K. R. 4 1981 Study of F-tests under dependent model. Zbl 0509.62056 Khatri, C. G. 2 1981 Quadratic forms in normal variables. Zbl 0465.62045 Khatri, C. G. 18 1980 Unified treatment of Cramer-Rao bound for the nonregular density functions. Zbl 0454.62032 Khatri, C. G. 7 1980 Powers of matrices and idempotency. Zbl 0443.15011 Khatri, C. G. 7 1980 An introduction to multivariate statistics. Zbl 0421.62034 Srivastava, M. S.; Khatri, C. G. 213 1979 Characterizations of multivariate normality II. Through linear regressions. Zbl 0427.62027 Khatri, C. G. 3 1979 The effect of inequality of variances on the t-test. Zbl 0489.62021 Carter, E. M.; Khatri, C. G.; Srivastava, M. S. 2 1979 A remark on the necessary and sufficient conditions for a quadratic form to be distributed as chi-squared. Zbl 0371.62024 Khatri, C. G. 4 1978 On monotonicity of the modified likelihood ratio test for the equality of two covariances. Zbl 0383.62028 Srivastava, M. S.; Khatri, C. G.; Carter, E. M. 4 1978 Minimum variance quadratic unbiased estimate of variance under ANOVA model. Zbl 0431.62041 Khatri, C. G. 2 1978 The von Mises-Fisher matrix distribution in orientation statistics. Zbl 0356.62044 Khatri, C. G.; Mardia, K. V. 57 1977 Uniform distribution on a Stiefel manifold. Zbl 0377.62029 Mardia, K. V.; Khatri, C. G. 14 1977 A note on the joint distribution of correlated quadratic forms. Zbl 0379.62037 Khatri, C. G.; Krishnaiah, P. R.; Sen, P. K. 11 1977 Quadratic forms and extension of Cochran’s theorem to normal vector variables. Zbl 0382.62014 Khatri, C. G. 6 1977 Distribution of a quadratic form in noncentral normal vectors using generalised Laguerre polynomials. Zbl 0372.62013 Khatri, C. G. 5 1977 Some converses of the Gauss-Markov theorem. Zbl 0369.62067 Khatri, C. G.; Mitra, Sujit Kumar 1 1977 Hermitian and nonnegative definite solutions of linear matrix equations. Zbl 0359.65033 Khatri, C. G.; Mitra, Sujit Kumar 170 1976 A note on multiple and canonical correlation for a singular covariance matrix. Zbl 0381.62048 Khatri, C. G. 15 1976 Optimality of two and three factor designs. Zbl 0326.62055 Shah, K. R.; Raghavarao, D.; Khatri, C. G. 10 1976 Characterizations of multivariate normality: I. Through independence of some statistics. Zbl 0367.62059 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 7 1976 Nonnull distribution of likelihood ratio criterion for reality of covariance matrix. Zbl 0345.62035 Carter, E. M.; Khatri, C. G.; Srivastava, M. S. 6 1976 Exact variance of combined inter- and intra-block estimates in incomplete block designs. Zbl 0349.62049 Khatri, Chinubhai Ghelabhai; Shah, Kirti R. 5 1975 A modern course on statistical distributions in scientific work. Vol. 3: Characterizations and applications. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, held at the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 29-August 10, 1974. Zbl 0308.60003 3 1975 A Bayesian approach to some problems involving the detection of spuriosity. Zbl 0331.62027 Guttman, Irwin; Khatri, C. G. 2 1975 Estimation of location parameters from two linear models under normality. Zbl 0299.62021 Khatri, C. G.; Shah, K. R. 55 1974 Asymptotic expansions of the non-null distributions of likelihood ratio criteria for covariance matrices. Zbl 0296.62037 Khatri, C. G.; Srivastava, M. S. 14 1974 Proof of conjectures about the expected values of the elementary symmetric functions of a noncentral Wishart matrix. Zbl 0285.62026 Shah, B. K.; Khatri, C. G. 7 1974 On testing the equality of location parameters in k censored exponential distributions. Zbl 0349.62014 Khatri, C. G. 4 1974 A note on characterization of some laws by the symmetrical distribution of one linear function given another. Zbl 0374.62015 Khatri, C. G. 1 1974 Distribution of regression estimate in double sampling. Zbl 0314.62017 Khatri, C. G.; Bhargava, R. P.; Shah, K. R. 1 1974 Testing some covariance structures under a growth curve model. Zbl 0264.62019 Khatri, C. G. 15 1973 Connectedness in row-column designs. Zbl 0271.62097 Shah, K. R.; Khatri, C. G. 8 1973 On the exact non-null distribution of likelihood ratio criteria for covariance matrices. Zbl 0373.62030 Khatri, C. G.; Srivastava, M. S. 4 1973 On the exact finite series distribution of the smallest or the largest root of matrices in three situations. Zbl 0271.62060 Khatri, C. G. 17 1972 Functional equations and characterization of probability laws through linear functions of random variables. Zbl 0259.62045 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 8 1972 On integers which are ratios of two triangular numbers. Zbl 0248.10014 Khatri, C. G.; Vaidya, A. M. 1 1972 On exact non-null distributions of likelihood ratio criteria for sphericity test and equality of two covariance matrices. Zbl 0242.62025 Khatri, C. G.; Srivastava, M. S. 10 1971 Series representations of distributions of quadratic form in the normal vectors and generalised variance. Zbl 0231.62067 Khatri, C. G. 6 1971 On characterization of gamma and multivariate normal distributions by solving some functional equations in vector variables. Zbl 0219.60014 Khatri, C. G. 2 1971 On certain tests and monotonicity of their power for the parameters involved in the nonregular density functions. Zbl 0255.62023 Jaiswal, M. C.; Khatri, C. G. 2 1971 A note on Mitra’s paper ”A density free approach to the matrix variate beta distribution”. Zbl 0225.62016 Khatri, C. G. 15 1970 On the moments of traces of two matrices in three situations for complex multivariate normal populations. Zbl 0203.51905 Khatri, C. G. 12 1970 Further contributions to some inequalities for normal distributions and their applications to simultaneous confidence bounds. Zbl 0294.62013 Khatri, C. G. 4 1970 Non-central distributions of ith largest characteristic roots of three matrices concerning complex multivariate normal populations. Zbl 0244.62040 Khatri, C. G. 15 1969 Power function of the likelihood ratio test when range depends upon the parameter. Zbl 0181.45601 Jaiswal, M. C.; Khatri, C. G. 4 1969 Progressively censored samples from log-normal and logistic distributions. Zbl 0183.48601 Gajjar, A. V.; Khatri, C. G. 4 1969 Testing the equality of parameters in the distributions when the range depends upon the parameter. Zbl 0181.45404 Khatri, C. G.; Jaiswal, M. C. 3 1969 On some characterizations of statistics. Zbl 0188.51901 Basu, D.; Khatri, C. G. 2 1969 Characterization of some univariate distributions. Zbl 0186.53101 Khatri, C. G. 1 1969 Multivariate analysis. II. Proceedings of the second international symposium on multivariate analysis held at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, June 17–22, 1968. Zbl 0212.22005 1 1969 Solutions to some functional equations and their applications to characterization of probability distributions. Zbl 0176.49004 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 58 1968 Some results for the singular normal multivariate regression models. Zbl 0177.22802 Khatri, C. G. 43 1968 On the non-central distributions of two test criteria in multivariate analysis of variance. Zbl 0155.27102 Khatri, C. G.; Pillai, K. C. S. 21 1968 Some characterizations of the gamma distribution. Zbl 0176.49003 Khatri, C. G.; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 6 1968 On the moments of elementary symmetric functions of the roots of two matrices and approximations to a distribution. Zbl 0165.21303 Khatri, C. G.; Pillai, K. C. S. 4 1968 On certain inequalities for normal distributions and their applications to simultaneous confidence bounds. Zbl 0155.27103 Khatri, C. G. 44 1967 Some distribution problems connected with the characteristic roots of \(S_ 1 S_ 2^{-1}\). Zbl 0173.20603 Khatri, C. G. 21 1967 On the moments of traces of two matrices in multivariate analysis. Zbl 0161.38201 Khatri, C. G.; Pillai, K. C. S. 3 1967 Estimation of parameters for the selected samples from bivariate normal populations. Zbl 0162.21804 Jaiswal, M. C.; Khatri, C. G. 1 1967 A note on a Manova model applied to problems in growth curve. Zbl 0136.40704 Khatri, C. G. 106 1966 On certain distribution problems based on positive definite quadratic functions in normal vectors. Zbl 0138.14502 Khatri, C. G. 51 1966 On the moments of the trace of a matrix and approximations to its non- central distribution. Zbl 0149.15804 Khatri, C. G.; Pillai, K. C. S. 1 1966 Classical statistical analysis based on a certain multivariate complex Gaussian distribution. Zbl 0135.19506 Khatri, C. G. 59 1965 A test for reality of a covariance matrix in a certain complex Gaussian distribution. Zbl 0135.19505 Khatri, C. G. 19 1965 Some results on the non-central multivariate beta distribution and moments of traces of two matrices. Zbl 0133.42503 Khatri, C. G.; Pillai, K. C. S. 8 1965 A method of fitting the regression curve \(E(y) =\alpha +\delta x+\beta\rho^ x\). Zbl 0137.13101 Shah, B. K.; Khatri, C. G. 3 1965 A note on the confidence bounds for the characteristic roots of dispersion matrices of normal variates. Zbl 0134.14904 Khatri, C. G. 1 1965 Distribution of the largest or the smallest characteristic root under null hypothesis concerning complex multivariate normal populations. Zbl 0128.13901 Khatri, C. G. 22 1964 Distribution of the ’generalised’ multiple correlation matrix in the dual case. Zbl 0128.13902 Khatri, C. G. 4 1964 Estimation of parameters of a truncated bivariate normal distribution. Zbl 0119.15301 Khatri, C. G.; Jaiswal, M. C. 2 1963 Distributions of order statistics for discrete case. Zbl 0114.11301 Khatri, C. G. 16 1962 ...and 11 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,303 Authors 51 Srivastava, Muni Shanker 36 Khatri, Chinubhai Ghelabhai 33 von Rosen, Dietrich 31 Díaz-García, José Antonio 27 Wang, Qingwen 20 Gupta, Arjun Kumar 19 Kubokawa, Tatsuya 18 Gutiérrez-Jáimez, Ramón 17 Nadarajah, Saralees 14 Nagar, Daya K. 14 Takane, Yoshio 13 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 13 Chikuse, Yasuko 13 Fujikoshi, Yasunori 13 Tian, Yongge 11 Pillai, K. C. Sreedharan 11 Richards, Donald St. P. 10 Hashiguchi, Hiroki 10 Kabe, Dattatraya Govind 10 Liu, Shuangzhe 10 Sinha, Bimal Kumar 10 Song, Guangjing 10 Wang, Songgui 10 Yuan, Yongxin 9 Caro-Lopera, Francisco José 9 Krishnaiah, Paruchuri Rama 8 González-Farías, Graciela M. 8 Hayakawa, Takesi 8 Hu, Jianhua 8 Liu, Xifu 8 Shah, Kirti R. 8 Tripathy, Manas Ranjan 8 Yanai, Haruo 8 Yang, Hu 8 Yu, Shaowen 7 Baksalary, Jerzy K. 7 Fang, Kai-Tai 7 Hamid, Jemila Seid 7 He, ZhuoHeng 7 Kyrchei, Ivan I. 7 Puntanen, Simo 7 Singull, Martin 7 Young, Dean Max 6 Dong, Changzhou 6 Mardia, Kanti V. 6 Mathew, Thomas 6 Nagarsenker, Brahmanand N. 6 Pan, Jianxin 6 Rao, Calyampudi Radhakrishna 6 Saleh, A. K. Md. Ehsanes 6 Shimizu, Koki 6 Žežula, Ivan 5 Arashi, Mohammad 5 Cvetković-Ilić, Dragana S. 5 Guo, Wenbin 5 Khattree, Ravindra 5 Kollo, Tõnu 5 Li, Ying 5 Liu, Lina 5 Liu, Xin 5 Liu, Yonghui 5 Ma, Changfeng 5 Nagaraja, Haikady Navada 5 Provost, Serge B. 5 Sinha, Bikas Kumar 5 Styan, George P. 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