Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Khovanskiĭ, Askold Georgievich Co-Author Distance Author ID: khovanskii.askold-g Published as: Khovanskij, A. G.; Khovanskii, A. G.; Khovanskii, Askold; Khovanskii, A.; Khovanskiĭ, A. G.; Khovanskii, Askold G.; Khovanskij, A.; Khovanski, A.; Khovanskiĭ, Askold Georgievich; Khovanskij, Askol’d G.; Khovanskiĭ, Askold; Khovanskij, Askold; Hovanskii, A. G.; Hovanskij, A. G. more...less Homepage: https://www.math.toronto.edu/askold/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Videos: carmin.tv Documents Indexed: 135 Publications since 1970, including 5 Books and 13 Additional arXiv Preprints 5 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 122 Co-Authors with 82 Joint Publications 3,774 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 58 single-authored 15 Kaveh, Kiumars 10 Varchenko, Alexander Nikolaevich 7 Il’yashenko, Yuliĭ Sergeevich 7 Vasil’ev, Viktor Anatol’evich 6 Arnol’d, Vladimir Igorevich 6 Lando, Sergei K. 6 Monin, Leonid V. 4 Bukhshtaber, Viktor Matveevich 4 Burda, Yuri 4 Gel’fond, O. A. 4 Kantorovich, Leonid Vital’evich 4 Novikov, Sergeĭ Petrovich 4 Pukhlikov, Aleksandr Valentinovich 4 Sosinskiĭ, Alekseĭ Bronislavovich 3 Arlazarov, Vladimir L’vovich 3 Kazarnovskiĭ, Boris Yakovlevich 3 Kozlov, Valeriĭ Vasil’evich 3 Novikov, Dmitry 2 Chmutov, Sergei V. 2 Chulkov, S. P. 2 Esterov, Alexander I. 2 Givental, Alexander Borisovich 2 Gromov, Mikhael Leonidovich 2 Harada, Megumi 2 Karev, Maksim V. 2 Kazaryan, Maxim Eduardovich 2 Khesin, Boris A. 2 Khovanskij, G. S. 2 Korkína, E. I. 2 Krasil’shchik, Joseph 2 Limonchenko, Ivan Yur’evich 2 Mnëv, Nikolai Evgen’evich 2 Panina, Gaiane Yu. 2 Scherbak, Inna 2 Semënov, Alekseĭ L’vovich 2 Timorin, Vladlen Anatol’evich 2 Tronsgard, Aaron 2 Tsfasman, Michael A. 2 Vershik, Anatoliĭ Moiseevich 2 Yakovenko, Sergei 2 Zhiyanov, V. I. 1 Abramov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich 1 Alekseev, Valeriĭ Borisovich 1 Anosov, Dmitriĭ Viktorovich 1 Aptekarev, Alexander Ivanovich 1 Bernshteĭn, D. N. 1 Berry, Michael 1 Bierstone, Edward 1 Bolsinov, Alexey V. 1 Braverman, Maxim 1 Bugaenko, V. O. 1 Burda, Yura 1 Cherkassky, Boris V. 1 Chirka, Evgeniĭ Mikhaĭlovich 1 Chulkov, Sergey 1 Danilov, Vladimir I. 1 Dinitz, E. A. 1 Dorichenko, S. A. 1 Faradzhev, Igor Aleksandrovich 1 Friedlander, Leonid 1 Fuchs, Dmitry Borisovich 1 Fukui, Toshizumi 1 Gabrielov, Andrei 1 Galgani, Luigi 1 Glutsyuk, Alexey A. 1 Gorodetskii, Anton Semenovich 1 Gusein-Zade, Sabir M. 1 Hofscheier, Johannes 1 Imaikin, Valery 1 Ivrii, Victor Ja. 1 Kaloshin, Vadim Yu. 1 Kanel’-Belov, Alekseĭ Yakovlevich 1 Kantor, Jean-Michel 1 Karpenko, S. M. 1 Karzanov, Aleksandr V. 1 Kashin, Boris Sergeevich 1 Kator, A. 1 Kesel’man, V. M. 1 Kirillov, Alexandre Aleksandrovich 1 Komarov, S. I. 1 Konstantinov, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich 1 Kontsevich, Maxim 1 Kordyukov, Yuri A. 1 Kozlova, E. G. 1 Krichever, Igor’ Moiseevich 1 Kronrod, M. A. 1 Kruzhilin, Nikolai Georgievich 1 Kuchment, Peter A. 1 Kushnirenko, A. G. 1 Kushnirenko, A. G. 1 Kuznetsov, Oleg P. 1 Lysov, Yu. P. 1 Makarov, Valeriĭ Leonidovich 1 Manin, Yuriĭ Ivanovich 1 Margulis, Grigoriĭ Aleksandrovich 1 Marsden, Jerrold Eldon 1 Maz’ya, Vladimir Gilelevich 1 Neĭshtadt, Anatoliĭ Iserovich 1 Nemirovskiĭ, Stefan Yur’evich 1 Okun, Lev B. ...and 24 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 18 Functional Analysis and its Applications 12 Moscow Mathematical Journal 10 Russian Mathematical Surveys 5 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 5 Arnold Mathematical Journal 4 Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk [N. S.] 4 Siberian Mathematical Journal 4 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 3 Funktsional’nyĭ Analiz i ego Prilozheniya 3 Sibirskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 3 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 2 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 2 Izvestiya: Mathematics 2 Doklady Mathematics 2 RIMS Kokyuroku 2 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 2 Oberwolfach Reports 2 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2 Translations. Series 2. American Mathematical Society 1 Soviet Scientific Reviews. Section C 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Kodai Mathematical Journal 1 Mathematics of the USSR. Izvestiya 1 Discrete & Computational Geometry 1 Algebra i Analiz 1 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 1 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 1 Reviews in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 1 Fields Institute Communications 1 Translations of Mathematical Monographs 1 Functional Analysis and Other Mathematics 1 Communications in Mathematics 1 Springer Monographs in Mathematics all top 5 Fields 64 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 29 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 22 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 20 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 15 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 14 History and biography (01-XX) 12 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 12 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 9 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 9 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 7 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 7 Geometry (51-XX) 7 Differential geometry (53-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 88 Publications have been cited 1,286 times in 983 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Newton-Okounkov bodies, semigroups of integral points, graded algebras and intersection theory. Zbl 1270.14022 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, A. G. 184 2012 Fewnomials. Transl. from the Russian by Smilka Zdravkovska. Zbl 0728.12002 Khovanskij, A. G. 113 1991 Newton polyhedra and toroidal varieties. Zbl 0445.14019 Khovanskii, A. G. 93 1978 Newton polyhedra and the genus of complete intersections. Zbl 0406.14035 Khovanskij, A. G. 67 1978 A Riemann-Roch theorem for integrals and sums of quasipolynomials over virtual polytopes. Zbl 0798.52010 Pukhlikov, A. V.; Khovanskii, A. G. 59 1992 Newton polyhedra and an algorithm for computing Hodge-Deligne numbers. Zbl 0669.14012 Danilov, V. I.; Khovanskij, A. G. 58 1987 Real analytic varieties with the finiteness property and complex abelian integrals. Zbl 0584.32016 Khovanskij, A. G. 44 1984 Fewnomials of Pfaff manifolds. Zbl 0586.51015 Khovanskiĭ, A. G. 39 1984 A class of systems of transcendental equations. Zbl 0569.32004 Khovanskiĭ, A. G. 38 1980 Algebraic equations and convex bodies. Zbl 1316.52011 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, Askold 37 2012 Newtonsche Polyeder und das Geschlecht vollständiger Durchschnitte. Zbl 0387.14012 Hovanskii, A. G. 36 1978 Finitely additive measures of virtual polytopes. Zbl 0791.52010 Pukhlikov, A. V.; Khovanskij, A. G. 34 1992 Convex bodies and multiplicities of ideals. Zbl 1315.13013 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, Askold 29 2014 Newton polyhedron, Hilbert polynomial, and sums of finite sets. Zbl 0809.13012 Khovanskij, A. G. 28 1992 Newton polyhedra. (Newtonsche Polyeder.) Zbl 0354.14001 Bernshteĭn, D. N.; Kushnirenko, A. G.; Khovanskiĭ, A. G. 23 1976 Finitely additive measures of virtual polytopes. Zbl 0778.52006 Pukhlikov, A. V.; Khovanskij, A. G. 22 1992 Elimination theory and Newton polytopes. Zbl 1192.14038 Esterov, A.; Khovanskii, A. 21 2008 An application of the combinatorial Riemann-Roch theorem to the Ehrhart polynomial of integral polytopes in \(\mathbb{R}^ d\). (Une application du théorème de Riemann-Roch combinatoire au polynôme d’Ehrhart des polytopes entier de \(\mathbb{R}^ d\).) Zbl 0791.52012 Kantor, Jean-Michel; Khovanskij, Askold 20 1993 Convex bodies associated to actions of reductive groups. Zbl 1284.14061 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, Askold G. 18 2012 Hyperplane sections of polyhedra, toroidal manifolds, and discrete groups in Lobachevskij space. Zbl 0597.51014 Khovanskij, A. G. 17 1986 Multiplicity of a Noetherian intersection. Zbl 0916.32008 Gabrielov, Andrei; Khovanskii, Askold 16 1998 Branched covers of \(S^ 2\) and braid groups. Zbl 0865.57001 Khovanskij, A. G.; Zdravkovska, Smilka 15 1996 Asymptotics of integrals over vanishing cycles and the Newton polyhedron. Zbl 0595.32012 Varchenko, A. N.; Khovanskij, A. G. 14 1985 Mixed volume and an extension of intersection theory of divisors. Zbl 1287.14001 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, A. G. 14 2010 On the theory of coconvex bodies. Zbl 1397.52003 Khovanskiĭ, Askold; Timorin, Vladlen 13 2014 Sums of finite sets, orbits of commutative semigroups, and Hilbert functions. Zbl 0855.13011 Khovanskij, A. G. 11 1995 Index of a polynomial vector field. Zbl 0422.57009 Khovanskij, A. G. 11 1979 Generalized Rolle theorem in \({\mathbb{R}}^n\) and \({\mathbb{C}}\). Zbl 0941.26009 Khovanskii, A.; Yakovenko, S. 11 1996 Newton polyhedra (resolution of singularities). Zbl 0544.14006 Khovanskiĭ, A. G. 10 1984 Topological Galois theory. Solvability and unsolvability of equations in finite terms. Translated from the Russian by Valentina Kirichenko, Lucy Kadets and Vladen Timorin. Appendices C and D written jointly with Yura Burda. Translation based on the Russian original 2008. Zbl 1331.12001 Khovanskii, Askold 9 2014 Galois groups, Stokes operators and a theorem of Ramis. Zbl 0719.34013 Il’yashenko, Yu. S.; Khovanskij, A. G. 9 1990 Newton polyhedra, a new formula for mixed volume, product of roots of a system of equations. Zbl 0965.14025 Khovanskii, A. 8 1999 Newton polytopes and irreducible components of complete intersections. Zbl 1370.14043 Khovanskii, A. G. 8 2016 Toric geometry and Grothendieck residues. Zbl 1044.14029 Gelfond, O. A.; Khovanskii, A. G. 8 2002 Newton polyhedra and the Euler-Jacobi formula. Zbl 0442.14020 Khovanskij, A. G. 6 1978 Newton polyhedra and the Euler-Jacobi formula. Zbl 0449.14010 Khovanskij, A. G. 6 1978 Three lectures on fewnomials and Noetherian intersections. Zbl 1055.14059 Khovanskii, A. 6 2003 Index of a polynomial field. Zbl 0437.57012 Khovanskij, A. G. 5 1979 On the rectification of circles. Zbl 0454.53001 Khovanskij, A. G. 5 1980 Abel’s theorem in problems and solutions. Based on the lectures of Professor V. I. Arnold. With a preface and an appendix by Arnold and an appendix by A. Khovanskii. Zbl 1065.12001 Alekseev, V. B. 5 2004 Integral transforms based on Euler characteristic and their applications. Zbl 0824.57017 Khovanskij, Askol’d G.; Pukhlikov, Alexander V. 5 1993 Topological obstructions to the representability of functions by quadratures. Zbl 1071.34521 Khovanskii, A. G. 5 1995 Complete intersections in spherical varieties. Zbl 1378.14050 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, A. G. 5 2016 Newton polytopes and tropical geometry. Zbl 1476.14087 Kazarnovskii, Boris Ya; Khovanskii, Askold G.; Esterov, Alexander I. 5 2021 Newton polytopes for horospherical spaces. Zbl 1270.14023 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, A. G. 5 2011 On the solvability and unsolvability of equations in explicit form. Zbl 1069.34133 Khovanskij, A. G. 4 2004 Combinatorics of sections of polytopes and Coxeter groups in Lobachevsky spaces. Zbl 1151.14333 Khovanskii, Askold 4 2006 The Hilbert polynomial for systems of linear partial differential equations with analytic coefficients. Zbl 1104.13009 Khovanskii, A. G.; Chulkov, S. P. 4 2006 Sur les racines complexes des systèmes d’équations algébriques comportant peu de termes. Zbl 0488.32001 Khovansky, Askold 4 1981 Analogues of the Aleksandrov-Fenchel inequalities for hyperbolic forms. Zbl 0599.15009 Khovanskij, A. G. 4 1984 Note on the Grothendieck group of subspaces of rational functions and Shokurov’s Cartier \(b\)-divisors. Zbl 1325.14020 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, A. G. 4 2014 Cycles of dynamical systems on the plane and Rolle’s theorem. Zbl 0581.14023 Khovanskij, A. G. 4 1984 Degree of rational mappings, and the theorems of Sturm and Tarski. Zbl 1159.14032 Khovanskii, A.; Burda, Y. 3 2008 Real Liouville functions. Zbl 0493.30004 Gel’fond, O. A.; Khovanskij, A. G. 3 1980 Logarithmic functional and reciprocity laws. Zbl 1221.11151 Khovanskii, Askold 3 2008 The representability of algebroidal functions by superpositions of analytic functions and algebroidal functions of one variable. Zbl 0219.14004 Khovanskij, A. G. 3 1970 Geometry of differential equations. Dedicated to V. I. Arnold on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Zbl 0896.00014 3 1998 Moment polytopes, semigroup of representations and Kazarnovskii’s theorem. Zbl 1205.14059 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, A. G. 3 2010 The resultant of developed systems of Laurent polynomials. Zbl 1411.14056 Khovanskii, A. G.; Monin, Leonid 3 2017 Über reelle Liouvillesche Funktionen. Zbl 0468.30006 Gel’fond, O. A.; Khovanskij, A. G. 2 1980 The representability of functions by quadratures. Zbl 0235.30007 Khovanskij, A. G. 2 1971 Tropical noetherity and Gröbner bases. Zbl 1329.13051 Kazarnovskiĭ, Boris Yakovlevich; Khovanskiĭ, Askold Georgievich 2 2015 Completions of convex families of convex bodies. Zbl 1287.52010 Khovanskii, A. G. 2 2012 Singularities of functions, wave fronts, caustics and multidimensional integrals. Zbl 0546.58007 Arnol’d, V. I.; Varchenko, A. N.; Givental’, A. B.; Khovanskij, A. G. 2 1984 Galois theory, coverings, and Riemann surfaces. Translated from the Russian by Valentina Kiritchenko and Vladlen Timorin. Zbl 1293.12001 Khovanskii, Askold 2 2013 Singularities of functions, wave fronts, caustics and multidimensional integrals. Zbl 1255.58002 Arnold, V. I.; Varchenko, A. N.; Givental, A. B.; Khovanskii, A. G. 2 2012 Three lectures on Newton polyhedra. Zbl 0992.14506 Khovanskii, A. 2 2001 On algebraic functions integrable in finite terms. Zbl 1327.30047 Khovanskii, A. G. 2 2015 Integrability in finite terms and actions of Lie groups. Zbl 1473.12007 Khovanskii, Askold 2 2019 Rectification of circles. Zbl 0461.53002 Khovanskij, A. G. 1 1981 Hilbert and Hilbert-Samuel polynomials and partial differential equations. Zbl 1075.35005 Khovanskii, A. G.; Chulkov, S. P. 1 2005 The principle of differential optimization in application to a one-product dynamic model of the economy. Zbl 0402.90025 Makarov, V. L.; Kantorovich, L. V.; Zhiyanov, V. I.; Khovanskii, A. G. 1 1978 An analog of determinant related to Parshin-Kato theory and integer polytopes. Zbl 1109.14036 Khovanskii, A. G. 1 2006 On the superposition of holomorphic functions with radicals. Zbl 0221.32001 Hovanskij, A. G. 1 1971 Boundary indices of polynomial 1-forms with homogeneous components. Zbl 0990.37040 Khovanskij, A. G. 1 1998 Preface to “Topics in singularity theory”. Zbl 0900.58002 Khovanskij, A.; Varchenko, A.; Vassiliev, V. 1 1997 Consistent partitions of polytopes and polynomial measures. Zbl 0890.52008 Khovanskij, A. 1 1997 Newtonian polyhedra and Grothendieck residues. Zbl 0898.32004 Gel’fond, O. A.; Khovanskij, A. G. 1 1996 Polynomials invertible in \(k\)-radicals. Zbl 1393.12004 Burda, Y.; Khovanskii, A. 1 2016 Okounkov bodies and applications. Abstracts from the workshop held May 25–31, 2014. Zbl 1349.00183 1 2014 Geometry of the semigroup \(Z_{(\geq 0)}^n\) and its applications to combinatorics, algebra and differential equations. Translated by the first author (to appear). Zbl 06234389 Chulkov, Sergey; Khovanskii, Askold 1 2027 Intersection theory and Hilbert function. Zbl 1271.13033 Khovanskii, A. G. 1 2011 Branching data for algebraic functions and representability by radicals. Zbl 1268.12002 Burda, Y.; Khovanskii, A. 1 2011 Mapping degree and Euler characteristic. Zbl 1109.58019 Fukui, T.; Khovanskii, A. 1 2006 Nikolai Nikolaevich Nekhoroshev (obituary). Zbl 1175.01064 Abramov, A. M.; Arnol’d, V. I.; Bolsinov, A. V.; Varchenko, A. N.; Galgani, L.; Zhilinskii, B. I.; Il’yashenko, Yu. S.; Kozlov, Valerii V.; Neishtadt, Anatolii I.; Piterbarg, Vladimir I.; Khovanskii, Askold G.; Yashchenko, Valerii V. 1 2009 Variations on the theme of solvability by radicals. Zbl 1182.30009 Khovanskii, A. G. 1 2007 Intersections of hypersurfaces and ring of conditions of a spherical homogeneous space. Zbl 1439.14148 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, Askold G. 1 2020 Solvability of equations by quadratures and Newton’s theorem. Zbl 1423.12006 Khovanskii, Askold 1 2018 Geometry of the semigroup \(Z_{(\geq 0)}^n\) and its applications to combinatorics, algebra and differential equations. Translated by the first author (to appear). Zbl 06234389 Chulkov, Sergey; Khovanskii, Askold 1 2027 Newton polytopes and tropical geometry. Zbl 1476.14087 Kazarnovskii, Boris Ya; Khovanskii, Askold G.; Esterov, Alexander I. 5 2021 Intersections of hypersurfaces and ring of conditions of a spherical homogeneous space. Zbl 1439.14148 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, Askold G. 1 2020 Integrability in finite terms and actions of Lie groups. Zbl 1473.12007 Khovanskii, Askold 2 2019 Solvability of equations by quadratures and Newton’s theorem. Zbl 1423.12006 Khovanskii, Askold 1 2018 The resultant of developed systems of Laurent polynomials. Zbl 1411.14056 Khovanskii, A. G.; Monin, Leonid 3 2017 Newton polytopes and irreducible components of complete intersections. Zbl 1370.14043 Khovanskii, A. G. 8 2016 Complete intersections in spherical varieties. Zbl 1378.14050 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, A. G. 5 2016 Polynomials invertible in \(k\)-radicals. Zbl 1393.12004 Burda, Y.; Khovanskii, A. 1 2016 Tropical noetherity and Gröbner bases. Zbl 1329.13051 Kazarnovskiĭ, Boris Yakovlevich; Khovanskiĭ, Askold Georgievich 2 2015 On algebraic functions integrable in finite terms. Zbl 1327.30047 Khovanskii, A. G. 2 2015 Convex bodies and multiplicities of ideals. Zbl 1315.13013 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, Askold 29 2014 On the theory of coconvex bodies. Zbl 1397.52003 Khovanskiĭ, Askold; Timorin, Vladlen 13 2014 Topological Galois theory. Solvability and unsolvability of equations in finite terms. Translated from the Russian by Valentina Kirichenko, Lucy Kadets and Vladen Timorin. Appendices C and D written jointly with Yura Burda. Translation based on the Russian original 2008. Zbl 1331.12001 Khovanskii, Askold 9 2014 Note on the Grothendieck group of subspaces of rational functions and Shokurov’s Cartier \(b\)-divisors. Zbl 1325.14020 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, A. G. 4 2014 Okounkov bodies and applications. Abstracts from the workshop held May 25–31, 2014. Zbl 1349.00183 1 2014 Galois theory, coverings, and Riemann surfaces. Translated from the Russian by Valentina Kiritchenko and Vladlen Timorin. Zbl 1293.12001 Khovanskii, Askold 2 2013 Newton-Okounkov bodies, semigroups of integral points, graded algebras and intersection theory. Zbl 1270.14022 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, A. G. 184 2012 Algebraic equations and convex bodies. Zbl 1316.52011 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, Askold 37 2012 Convex bodies associated to actions of reductive groups. Zbl 1284.14061 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, Askold G. 18 2012 Completions of convex families of convex bodies. Zbl 1287.52010 Khovanskii, A. G. 2 2012 Singularities of functions, wave fronts, caustics and multidimensional integrals. Zbl 1255.58002 Arnold, V. I.; Varchenko, A. N.; Givental, A. B.; Khovanskii, A. G. 2 2012 Newton polytopes for horospherical spaces. Zbl 1270.14023 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, A. G. 5 2011 Intersection theory and Hilbert function. Zbl 1271.13033 Khovanskii, A. G. 1 2011 Branching data for algebraic functions and representability by radicals. Zbl 1268.12002 Burda, Y.; Khovanskii, A. 1 2011 Mixed volume and an extension of intersection theory of divisors. Zbl 1287.14001 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, A. G. 14 2010 Moment polytopes, semigroup of representations and Kazarnovskii’s theorem. Zbl 1205.14059 Kaveh, Kiumars; Khovanskii, A. G. 3 2010 Nikolai Nikolaevich Nekhoroshev (obituary). Zbl 1175.01064 Abramov, A. M.; Arnol’d, V. I.; Bolsinov, A. V.; Varchenko, A. N.; Galgani, L.; Zhilinskii, B. I.; Il’yashenko, Yu. S.; Kozlov, Valerii V.; Neishtadt, Anatolii I.; Piterbarg, Vladimir I.; Khovanskii, Askold G.; Yashchenko, Valerii V. 1 2009 Elimination theory and Newton polytopes. Zbl 1192.14038 Esterov, A.; Khovanskii, A. 21 2008 Degree of rational mappings, and the theorems of Sturm and Tarski. Zbl 1159.14032 Khovanskii, A.; Burda, Y. 3 2008 Logarithmic functional and reciprocity laws. Zbl 1221.11151 Khovanskii, Askold 3 2008 Variations on the theme of solvability by radicals. Zbl 1182.30009 Khovanskii, A. G. 1 2007 Combinatorics of sections of polytopes and Coxeter groups in Lobachevsky spaces. Zbl 1151.14333 Khovanskii, Askold 4 2006 The Hilbert polynomial for systems of linear partial differential equations with analytic coefficients. Zbl 1104.13009 Khovanskii, A. G.; Chulkov, S. P. 4 2006 An analog of determinant related to Parshin-Kato theory and integer polytopes. Zbl 1109.14036 Khovanskii, A. G. 1 2006 Mapping degree and Euler characteristic. Zbl 1109.58019 Fukui, T.; Khovanskii, A. 1 2006 Hilbert and Hilbert-Samuel polynomials and partial differential equations. Zbl 1075.35005 Khovanskii, A. G.; Chulkov, S. P. 1 2005 Abel’s theorem in problems and solutions. Based on the lectures of Professor V. I. Arnold. With a preface and an appendix by Arnold and an appendix by A. Khovanskii. Zbl 1065.12001 Alekseev, V. B. 5 2004 On the solvability and unsolvability of equations in explicit form. Zbl 1069.34133 Khovanskij, A. G. 4 2004 Three lectures on fewnomials and Noetherian intersections. Zbl 1055.14059 Khovanskii, A. 6 2003 Toric geometry and Grothendieck residues. Zbl 1044.14029 Gelfond, O. A.; Khovanskii, A. G. 8 2002 Three lectures on Newton polyhedra. Zbl 0992.14506 Khovanskii, A. 2 2001 Newton polyhedra, a new formula for mixed volume, product of roots of a system of equations. Zbl 0965.14025 Khovanskii, A. 8 1999 Multiplicity of a Noetherian intersection. Zbl 0916.32008 Gabrielov, Andrei; Khovanskii, Askold 16 1998 Geometry of differential equations. Dedicated to V. I. Arnold on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Zbl 0896.00014 3 1998 Boundary indices of polynomial 1-forms with homogeneous components. Zbl 0990.37040 Khovanskij, A. G. 1 1998 Preface to “Topics in singularity theory”. Zbl 0900.58002 Khovanskij, A.; Varchenko, A.; Vassiliev, V. 1 1997 Consistent partitions of polytopes and polynomial measures. Zbl 0890.52008 Khovanskij, A. 1 1997 Branched covers of \(S^ 2\) and braid groups. Zbl 0865.57001 Khovanskij, A. G.; Zdravkovska, Smilka 15 1996 Generalized Rolle theorem in \({\mathbb{R}}^n\) and \({\mathbb{C}}\). Zbl 0941.26009 Khovanskii, A.; Yakovenko, S. 11 1996 Newtonian polyhedra and Grothendieck residues. Zbl 0898.32004 Gel’fond, O. A.; Khovanskij, A. G. 1 1996 Sums of finite sets, orbits of commutative semigroups, and Hilbert functions. Zbl 0855.13011 Khovanskij, A. G. 11 1995 Topological obstructions to the representability of functions by quadratures. Zbl 1071.34521 Khovanskii, A. G. 5 1995 An application of the combinatorial Riemann-Roch theorem to the Ehrhart polynomial of integral polytopes in \(\mathbb{R}^ d\). (Une application du théorème de Riemann-Roch combinatoire au polynôme d’Ehrhart des polytopes entier de \(\mathbb{R}^ d\).) Zbl 0791.52012 Kantor, Jean-Michel; Khovanskij, Askold 20 1993 Integral transforms based on Euler characteristic and their applications. Zbl 0824.57017 Khovanskij, Askol’d G.; Pukhlikov, Alexander V. 5 1993 A Riemann-Roch theorem for integrals and sums of quasipolynomials over virtual polytopes. Zbl 0798.52010 Pukhlikov, A. V.; Khovanskii, A. G. 59 1992 Finitely additive measures of virtual polytopes. Zbl 0791.52010 Pukhlikov, A. V.; Khovanskij, A. G. 34 1992 Newton polyhedron, Hilbert polynomial, and sums of finite sets. Zbl 0809.13012 Khovanskij, A. G. 28 1992 Finitely additive measures of virtual polytopes. Zbl 0778.52006 Pukhlikov, A. V.; Khovanskij, A. G. 22 1992 Fewnomials. Transl. from the Russian by Smilka Zdravkovska. Zbl 0728.12002 Khovanskij, A. G. 113 1991 Galois groups, Stokes operators and a theorem of Ramis. Zbl 0719.34013 Il’yashenko, Yu. S.; Khovanskij, A. G. 9 1990 Newton polyhedra and an algorithm for computing Hodge-Deligne numbers. Zbl 0669.14012 Danilov, V. I.; Khovanskij, A. G. 58 1987 Hyperplane sections of polyhedra, toroidal manifolds, and discrete groups in Lobachevskij space. Zbl 0597.51014 Khovanskij, A. G. 17 1986 Asymptotics of integrals over vanishing cycles and the Newton polyhedron. Zbl 0595.32012 Varchenko, A. N.; Khovanskij, A. G. 14 1985 Real analytic varieties with the finiteness property and complex abelian integrals. Zbl 0584.32016 Khovanskij, A. G. 44 1984 Fewnomials of Pfaff manifolds. Zbl 0586.51015 Khovanskiĭ, A. G. 39 1984 Newton polyhedra (resolution of singularities). Zbl 0544.14006 Khovanskiĭ, A. G. 10 1984 Analogues of the Aleksandrov-Fenchel inequalities for hyperbolic forms. Zbl 0599.15009 Khovanskij, A. G. 4 1984 Cycles of dynamical systems on the plane and Rolle’s theorem. Zbl 0581.14023 Khovanskij, A. G. 4 1984 Singularities of functions, wave fronts, caustics and multidimensional integrals. Zbl 0546.58007 Arnol’d, V. I.; Varchenko, A. N.; Givental’, A. B.; Khovanskij, A. G. 2 1984 Sur les racines complexes des systèmes d’équations algébriques comportant peu de termes. Zbl 0488.32001 Khovansky, Askold 4 1981 Rectification of circles. Zbl 0461.53002 Khovanskij, A. G. 1 1981 A class of systems of transcendental equations. Zbl 0569.32004 Khovanskiĭ, A. G. 38 1980 On the rectification of circles. Zbl 0454.53001 Khovanskij, A. G. 5 1980 Real Liouville functions. Zbl 0493.30004 Gel’fond, O. A.; Khovanskij, A. G. 3 1980 Über reelle Liouvillesche Funktionen. Zbl 0468.30006 Gel’fond, O. A.; Khovanskij, A. G. 2 1980 Index of a polynomial vector field. Zbl 0422.57009 Khovanskij, A. G. 11 1979 Index of a polynomial field. Zbl 0437.57012 Khovanskij, A. G. 5 1979 Newton polyhedra and toroidal varieties. Zbl 0445.14019 Khovanskii, A. G. 93 1978 Newton polyhedra and the genus of complete intersections. Zbl 0406.14035 Khovanskij, A. G. 67 1978 Newtonsche Polyeder und das Geschlecht vollständiger Durchschnitte. Zbl 0387.14012 Hovanskii, A. G. 36 1978 Newton polyhedra and the Euler-Jacobi formula. Zbl 0442.14020 Khovanskij, A. G. 6 1978 Newton polyhedra and the Euler-Jacobi formula. Zbl 0449.14010 Khovanskij, A. G. 6 1978 The principle of differential optimization in application to a one-product dynamic model of the economy. Zbl 0402.90025 Makarov, V. L.; Kantorovich, L. V.; Zhiyanov, V. I.; Khovanskii, A. G. 1 1978 Newton polyhedra. (Newtonsche Polyeder.) Zbl 0354.14001 Bernshteĭn, D. N.; Kushnirenko, A. G.; Khovanskiĭ, A. G. 23 1976 The representability of functions by quadratures. Zbl 0235.30007 Khovanskij, A. G. 2 1971 On the superposition of holomorphic functions with radicals. Zbl 0221.32001 Hovanskij, A. G. 1 1971 The representability of algebroidal functions by superpositions of analytic functions and algebroidal functions of one variable. Zbl 0219.14004 Khovanskij, A. G. 3 1970 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,079 Authors 26 Khovanskiĭ, Askold Georgievich 15 Kaveh, Kiumars 13 Novikov, Dmitry 12 Binyamini, Gal 12 Sottile, Frank 12 Yau, Stephen Shing-Toung 11 Cutkosky, Steven Dale 11 Esterov, Alexander I. 11 Llibre, Jaume 10 Fujita, Naoki 9 Manon, Christopher 9 Rojas, J. Maurice 9 Vorob’ëv, Nikolaĭ N. jun. 9 Zuo, Huaiqing 8 Fang, Xin 8 Küronya, Alex 8 Lang, Lionel 8 Phạm Tiên So’n 8 Rousseau, Christiane 7 Chen, Huayi 7 Glutsyuk, Alexey A. 7 Grigor’ev, Dmitriĭ Yur’evich 7 Jeronimo, Gabriela 7 Littelmann, Peter 7 Maclean, Catriona 7 Soprunov, Ivan 7 Takeuchi, Kiyoshi 7 Valls Anglés, Cláudia 6 Batyrev, Victor V. 6 Bihan, Frédéric 6 Dickenstein, Alicia M. 6 Lion, Jean-Marie 6 Monin, Leonid V. 6 Park, Jinhyung 6 Roé, Joaquim 6 Sabia, Juan 6 Yakovenko, Sergei 6 Yomdin, Yosef 5 Alesker, Semyon 5 Blum, Harold 5 Bossinger, Lara 5 Botero, Ana María 5 Boucksom, Sébastien 5 Castryck, Wouter 5 Choi, Sung Rak 5 Cid-Ruiz, Yairon 5 Emiris, Ioannis Z. 5 Fourier, Ghislain 5 Gasull, Armengol 5 Harada, Megumi 5 Hussain, Naveed 5 Leĭnartas, Evgeniĭ Konstantinovich 5 Moussu, Robert 5 Némethi, András 5 Panina, Gaiane Yu. 5 Petronio, Carlo 5 Stapledon, Alan 5 Weimann, Martin 5 Won, Joonyeong 4 Braun, Andreas P. 4 Cools, Filip 4 Dinh, Si Tiep 4 El Hilany, Boulos 4 Eur, Christopher 4 Gabrielov, Andrei 4 Galindo Pastor, Carlos 4 Hà Huy Vui 4 Haase, Christian Alexander 4 Hajto, Zbigniew 4 Hauenstein, Jonathan D. 4 Herrero, María Isabel 4 Ilten, Nathan Owen 4 Il’yashenko, Yuliĭ Sergeevich 4 Kazarnovskiĭ, Boris Yakovlevich 4 Kiritchenko, Valentina 4 Liu, Yuchen 4 Lyapin, Alexander Petrovich 4 Malajovich, Gregorio 4 Matsui, Yutaka 4 Mehta, Dhagash 4 Monserrat, Francisco 4 Nathanson, Melvyn Bernard 4 Pukhlikov, Aleksandr Valentinovich 4 Robins, Sinai 4 Sanz Sánchez, Fernando 4 Schaller, Karin 4 Schneider, Rolf G. 4 Seppänen, Henrik 4 Shapiro, Boris Zalmanovich 4 Timorin, Vladlen Anatol’evich 4 Tsigaridas, Elias P. 4 van der Hoeven, Joris 4 Vergne, Michèle 4 Yger, Alain 3 Aluffi, Paolo 3 Aroca, Fuensanta 3 Aĭzenberg, Anton Andreevich 3 Bajbar, Tomáš 3 Barbagallo, María Laura 3 Beck, Matthias ...and 979 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 269 Serials 42 Advances in Mathematics 28 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 24 Mathematische Zeitschrift 23 Journal of Symbolic Computation 21 Discrete & Computational Geometry 20 Arnold Mathematical Journal 19 Duke Mathematical Journal 19 Journal of Algebra 18 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 18 Journal of High Energy Physics 15 Functional Analysis and its Applications 15 Journal of Differential Equations 14 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 14 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 14 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 13 Mathematische Annalen 11 Compositio Mathematica 11 Theoretical Computer Science 11 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 10 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 9 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 9 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 9 Advances in Applied Mathematics 9 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 8 Inventiones Mathematicae 8 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 8 Manuscripta Mathematica 8 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 8 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 8 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 8 SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 7 Israel Journal of Mathematics 7 Journal of Functional Analysis 7 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 7 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 6 Geometriae Dedicata 6 Journal of Number Theory 6 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 5 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 5 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 5 Michigan Mathematical Journal 5 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 5 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 5 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 5 Journal of Algebraic Geometry 5 Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 5 Transformation Groups 5 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 5 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 5 Advances in Geometry 5 Oberwolfach Reports 4 Communications in Algebra 4 Journal of Geometry and Physics 4 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 4 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 4 Mathematische Nachrichten 4 Topology and its Applications 4 Journal of Complexity 4 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 4 International Journal of Mathematics 4 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 4 Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 4 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 4 Izvestiya: Mathematics 4 Geometry & Topology 4 Revista Matemática Complutense 4 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 4 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 4 Mathematics in Computer Science 4 Forum of Mathematics, Pi 4 European Journal of Mathematics 3 Communications in Mathematical Physics 3 Nonlinearity 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 3 Annales Polonici Mathematici 3 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 3 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 3 Results in Mathematics 3 European Journal of Combinatorics 3 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 3 Physica D 3 Differential Geometry and its Applications 3 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 3 Linear Algebra and its Applications 3 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 3 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 3 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 3 Finite Fields and their Applications 3 Sbornik: Mathematics 3 Moscow Mathematical Journal 3 Central European Journal of Mathematics 3 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 2 American Mathematical Monthly 2 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 2 Letters in Mathematical Physics 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 Mathematics of Computation ...and 169 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 56 Fields 518 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 226 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 169 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 123 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 101 Number theory (11-XX) 99 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 84 Combinatorics (05-XX) 64 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 62 Computer science (68-XX) 60 Differential geometry (53-XX) 46 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 44 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 43 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 41 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 37 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 37 Quantum theory (81-XX) 36 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 29 Real functions (26-XX) 24 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 23 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 18 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 17 Geometry (51-XX) 16 Special functions (33-XX) 13 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 11 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 11 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 9 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 9 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 9 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 8 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Operator theory (47-XX) 8 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 7 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 7 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 6 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 6 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 6 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 6 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 5 Measure and integration (28-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 5 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 4 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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