Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Kim, Junseok Co-Author Distance Author ID: kim.junseok Published as: Kim, Junseok Homepage: https://pure.korea.ac.kr/en/persons/junseok-kim External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · GND Documents Indexed: 236 Publications since 2004, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint Co-Authors: 127 Co-Authors with 227 Joint Publications 1,216 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 8 single-authored 65 Li, Yibao 59 Jeong, Darae 57 Yang, Junxiang 43 Lee, Chaeyoung 42 Choi, Yongho 32 Kwak, Soobin 31 Lee, Hyun Geun 24 Ham, Seokjun 23 Kim, Hyundong 21 Kim, Sangkwon 20 Lee, Seunggyu 18 Hwang, Youngjin 17 Wang, Jian 16 Yoon, Sungha 15 Park, Jintae 14 Kang, Seungyoon 14 Shin, Jaemin 14 Xia, Qing 7 Hwang, Hyeongseok 7 Jang, Hanbyeol 7 Tan, Zhijun 7 Yoo, Minhyun 7 Yun, Ana 6 Lee, Dongsun 6 Lee, Gyeonggyu 5 Lee, Wonjin 5 Xia, Binhu 4 Han, Hyunsoo 4 Kim, Youngrock 4 Lowengrub, John Samuel 4 Yu, Qian 3 Kang, Kyungkeun 3 Lyu, Jisang 3 Seo, Seungsuk 3 Yoo, Changwoo 2 Chen, Mengxin 2 Choi, Jung-Il 2 Han, Ziwei 2 Heo, Youngjin 2 Huang, Menghao 2 Jiang, Wenjing 2 Kim, Sungki 2 Lee, Chang Hyeong 2 Lee, Wanho 2 Park, Eunchae 2 Song, Xin 2 Wee, In-Suk 2 Yang, Seong-Deog 1 An, Hyo-Rim 1 Baik, Hyungryul 1 Cheng, Jingjie 1 Choi, Jaewon 1 Choi, Jaeyong 1 Chung, Gene 1 Fang, Weiwei 1 Feng, Jiachen 1 Ha, Taeyoung 1 Ha, Youngsoo 1 Hua, Haobo 1 Hwang, Hyoungseok 1 Jeong, Daeun 1 Jeong, Darea 1 Jiang, Bing 1 Jin, Yuzi 1 Jo, Hong-Kwon 1 Jo, Jaehyun 1 Jo, Subeom 1 Jung, Eunok 1 Kang, Dooyoung 1 Kim, Hanrim 1 Kim, Ildoo 1 Kim, Jaeyeon 1 Kim, Kyoungmin 1 Kim, Myeonghyeon 1 Kim, Myoungnyoun 1 Kim, Taekkeun 1 Kim, Yangjin 1 Lai, Sijing 1 Lee, Doyoon 1 Lee, Gyeongyu 1 Lee, Heon-Ju 1 Lee, Jaehyun 1 Lee, Juwon 1 Lee, Sangmin 1 Lee, Seok-Min 1 Lee, Seongjin 1 Lee, Seri 1 Lee, Seunghyun 1 Lee, Soon-Hyuck 1 Lee, Taehee 1 Lee, Woong-Ki 1 Li, Zhengang 1 Lim, Joong Yeon 1 Liu, Yuehan 1 Luo, Chaojun 1 Moon, Kyoung-Sook 1 Myung, Sunghyun 1 Nam, Yunjae 1 Park, Hayeon 1 Park, Jinate ...and 28 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 21 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 18 Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 16 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 12 Journal of Computational Physics 9 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 8 Computer Physics Communications 8 Physica A 8 Applied Mathematics and Computation 8 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 7 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 7 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 6 Computers and Fluids 6 Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications 5 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 5 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 5 Applied Numerical Mathematics 5 Journal of Scientific Computing 5 Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education. Series B. The Pure and Applied Mathematics 4 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 4 Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 3 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 3 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 3 Communications in Computational Physics 3 Journal of Function Spaces 2 Acta Mechanica 2 International Journal of Engineering Science 2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Applied Mathematical Modelling 2 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 Electronic Research Archive 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Mathematical Biosciences 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 Automatica 1 Meccanica 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 European Journal of Operational Research 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science 1 Advances in Computational Mathematics 1 Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 1 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 1 Honam Mathematical Journal 1 Chaos 1 Interfaces and Free Boundaries 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 1 MATCH - Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 1 Communications in Mathematical Sciences 1 International Journal of Computational Methods 1 Advances in Difference Equations 1 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 1 Applied and Computational Mathematics all top 5 Fields 171 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 102 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 81 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 29 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 21 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 15 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 11 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 11 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 8 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 7 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 194 Publications have been cited 2,844 times in 1,273 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Phase-field models for multi-component fluid flows. Zbl 1373.76030 Kim, Junseok 218 2012 Conservative multigrid methods for Cahn–Hilliard fluids. Zbl 1109.76348 Kim, Junseok; Kang, Kyungkeun; Lowengrub, John 163 2004 Solving the regularized, strongly anisotropic Cahn-Hilliard equation by an adaptive nonlinear multigrid method. Zbl 1310.82044 Wise, Steven; Kim, Junseok; Lowengrub, John 101 2007 A continuous surface tension force formulation for diffuse-interface models. Zbl 1329.76103 Kim, Junseok 100 2005 An unconditionally stable hybrid numerical method for solving the Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1202.65112 Li, Yibao; Lee, Hyun Geun; Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 82 2010 Phase field modeling and simulation of three-phase flows. Zbl 1100.35088 Kim, Junseok; Lowengrub, John 82 2005 A conservative Allen-Cahn equation with a space-time dependent Lagrange multiplier. Zbl 1425.65089 Kim, Junseok; Lee, Seunggyu; Choi, Yongho 72 2014 Phase field computations for ternary fluid flows. Zbl 1173.76423 Kim, Junseok 57 2007 A generalized continuous surface tension force formulation for phase-field models for multi-component immiscible fluid flows. Zbl 1229.76105 Kim, Junseok 56 2009 A numerical method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation with a variable mobility. Zbl 1118.35049 Kim, Junseok 54 2007 An efficient and stable compact fourth-order finite difference scheme for the phase field crystal equation. Zbl 1439.76122 Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok 49 2017 Conservative Allen-Cahn-Navier-Stokes system for incompressible two-phase fluid flows. Zbl 1390.76577 Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 48 2017 Conservative multigrid methods for ternary Cahn-Hilliard systems. Zbl 1085.65093 Kim, Junseok; Kang, Kyungkeun; Lowengrub, John 44 2004 An unconditionally energy-stable second-order time-accurate scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard equation on surfaces. Zbl 1510.82057 Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok; Wang, Nan 44 2017 Multiphase image segmentation using a phase-field model. Zbl 1228.94009 Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok 43 2011 Numerical investigation of falling bacterial plumes caused by bioconvection in a three-dimensional chamber. Zbl 1408.76608 Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 40 2015 Multi-component Cahn-Hilliard system with different boundary conditions in complex domains. Zbl 1415.65219 Li, Yibao; Choi, Jung-Il; Kim, Junseok 36 2016 A compact fourth-order finite difference scheme for the three-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1352.65244 Li, Yibao; Lee, Hyun Geun; Xia, Binhu; Kim, Junseok 36 2016 Computationally efficient adaptive time step method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1372.65235 Li, Yibao; Choi, Yongho; Kim, Junseok 33 2017 A phase-field fluid modeling and computation with interfacial profile correction term. Zbl 1461.76512 Li, Yibao; Choi, Jung-Il; Kim, Junseok 32 2015 Basic principles and practical applications of the Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1400.35157 Kim, Junseok; Lee, Seunggyu; Choi, Yongho; Lee, Seok-Min; Jeong, Darae 30 2016 Accurate contact angle boundary conditions for the Cahn-Hilliard equations. Zbl 1271.76078 Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 29 2011 A simple and efficient finite difference method for the phase-field crystal equation on curved surfaces. Zbl 1436.74084 Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 29 2016 An unconditionally stable second-order accurate method for systems of Cahn-Hilliard equations. Zbl 1455.76138 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 29 2020 A conservative numerical method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions in complex domains. Zbl 1268.65114 Li, Yibao; Jeong, Darae; Shin, Jaemin; Kim, Junseok 27 2013 On the long time simulation of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Zbl 1217.76043 Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Kyoungmin; Kim, Junseok 27 2011 An efficient linear second order unconditionally stable direct discretization method for the phase-field crystal equation on surfaces. Zbl 1481.82014 Li, Yibao; Luo, Chaojun; Xia, Binhu; Kim, Junseok 26 2019 An explicit hybrid finite difference scheme for the Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1432.65121 Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 26 2018 Comparison study of the conservative Allen-Cahn and the Cahn-Hilliard equations. Zbl 1540.82010 Lee, Dongsun; Kim, Junseok 26 2016 Two-dimensional Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities of multi-component fluids. Zbl 1408.76143 Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 25 2015 Motion by mean curvature of curves on surfaces using the Allen-Cahn Equation. Zbl 1425.65038 Choi, Yongho; Jeong, Darae; Lee, Seunggyu; Yoo, Minhyun; Kim, Junseok 25 2015 A variant of stabilized-scalar auxiliary variable (S-SAV) approach for a modified phase-field surfactant model. Zbl 07690861 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 25 2021 A conservative numerical method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation in complex domains. Zbl 1408.65056 Shin, Jaemin; Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 24 2011 A fourth-order spatial accurate and practically stable compact scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1395.65022 Lee, Chaeyoung; Jeong, Darae; Shin, Jaemin; Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok 23 2014 Regularized Dirac delta functions for phase field models. Zbl 1246.76148 Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 23 2012 A finite difference method for a conservative Allen-Cahn equation on non-flat surfaces. Zbl 1380.65159 Kim, Junseok; Jeong, Darae; Yang, Seong-Deog; Choi, Yongho 22 2017 A diffuse-interface model for axisymmetric immiscible two-phase flow. Zbl 1299.76043 Kim, Junseok 22 2005 A comparison study of the Boussinesq and the variable density models on buoyancy-driven flows. Zbl 1254.76085 Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 21 2012 A phase-field model and its efficient numerical method for two-phase flows on arbitrarily curved surfaces in 3D space. Zbl 1506.76104 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 21 2020 A comparison study of ADI and operator splitting methods on option pricing models. Zbl 1270.91096 Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 20 2013 Three-dimensional volume-conserving immersed boundary model for two-phase fluid flows. Zbl 1286.76031 Li, Yibao; Yun, Ana; Lee, Dongsun; Shin, Jaemin; Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 18 2013 Linear and fully decoupled scheme for a hydrodynamics coupled phase-field surfactant system based on a multiple auxiliary variables approach. Zbl 07517738 Yang, Junxiang; Tan, Zhijun; Kim, Junseok 18 2022 An efficient and accurate numerical algorithm for the vector-valued Allen-Cahn equations. Zbl 1298.65144 Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 18 2012 Comparison of different numerical schemes for the Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1316.65075 Lee, Seunggyu; Lee, Chaeyoung; Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 17 2013 A practical and efficient numerical method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation in complex domains. Zbl 1464.65087 Jeong, Darae; Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 17 2019 Thermal-fluid topology optimization with unconditional energy stability and second-order accuracy via phase-field model. Zbl 1506.76034 Xia, Qing; Sun, Gangming; Yu, Qian; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 17 2023 An efficient numerical method for simulating multiphase flows using a diffuse interface model. Zbl 1395.76059 Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 16 2015 A hybrid FEM for solving the Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1336.65170 Shin, Jaemin; Park, Seong-Kwan; Kim, Junseok 16 2014 An improved scalar auxiliary variable (SAV) approach for the phase-field surfactant model. Zbl 1481.76088 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 16 2021 Direct discretization method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation on an evolving surface. Zbl 1407.65116 Li, Yibao; Qi, Xuelin; Kim, Junseok 16 2018 Buoyancy-driven mixing of multi-component fluids in two-dimensional tilted channels. Zbl 1408.76548 Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 15 2013 A phase-field approach for minimizing the area of triply periodic surfaces with volume constraint. Zbl 1216.65021 Yang, Seong-Deog; Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 15 2010 A new phase-field model for a water-oil-surfactant system. Zbl 1364.76038 Yun, Ana; Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok 15 2014 Numerical simulation of the zebra pattern formation on a three-dimensional model. Zbl 1400.35161 Jeong, Darae; Li, Yibao; Choi, Yongho; Yoo, Minhyun; Kang, Dooyoung; Park, Junyoung; Choi, Jaewon; Kim, Junseok 14 2017 Volume preserving immersed boundary methods for two-phase fluid flows. Zbl 1253.76077 Li, Yibao; Jung, Eunok; Lee, Wanho; Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 14 2012 Numerical study of the ternary Cahn-Hilliard fluids by using an efficient modified scalar auxiliary variable approach. Zbl 1497.65157 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 14 2021 Comparison study on the different dynamics between the Allen-Cahn and the Cahn-Hilliard equations. Zbl 1442.35202 Li, Yibao; Jeong, Darae; Kim, Hyundong; Lee, Chaeyoung; Kim, Junseok 14 2019 Unconditionally energy stable schemes for fluid-based topology optimization. Zbl 07526842 Li, Yibao; Wang, Kunyang; Yu, Qian; Xia, Qing; Kim, Junseok 14 2022 An unconditionally stable hybrid method for image segmentation. Zbl 1291.65187 Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok 13 2014 Modeling and simulation of multi-component immiscible flows based on a modified Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1495.76123 Xia, Qing; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 13 2022 Mathematical model and its fast numerical method for the tumor growth. Zbl 1326.92040 Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Yangjin; Kim, Junseok 12 2015 A numerical method for the ternary Cahn-Hilliard system with a degenerate mobility. Zbl 1171.65068 Kim, Junseok; Kang, Kyungkeun 12 2009 A conservative numerical method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation with generalized mobilities on curved surfaces in three-dimensional space. Zbl 1486.65107 Jeong, Darae; Li, Yibao; Lee, Chaeyoung; Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 12 2020 An unconditionally stable numerical method for the viscous Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1304.65205 Shin, Jaemin; Choi, Yongho; Kim, Junseok 12 2014 A benchmark problem for the two- and three-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equations. Zbl 1470.82025 Jeong, Darae; Choi, Yongho; Kim, Junseok 12 2018 Effective time step analysis of a nonlinear convex splitting scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1483.65138 Lee, Seunggyu; Kim, Junseok 11 2019 An efficient stabilized multiple auxiliary variables method for the Cahn-Hilliard-Darcy two-phase flow system. Zbl 1521.76377 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 11 2021 Shape transformation using the modified Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1440.65089 Kim, Hyundong; Yoon, Sungha; Wang, Jian; Lee, Chaeyoung; Kim, Sangkwon; Park, Jintae; Kim, Junseok 10 2020 A practical finite difference method for the three-dimensional Black-Scholes equation. Zbl 1346.91258 Kim, Junseok; Kim, Taekkeun; Jo, Jaehyun; Choi, Yongho; Lee, Seunggyu; Hwang, Hyeongseok; Yoo, Minhyun; Jeong, Darae 10 2016 Adaptive mesh refinement for simulation of thin film flows. Zbl 1347.76034 Li, Yibao; Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 10 2014 Totally decoupled implicit-explicit linear scheme with corrected energy dissipation law for the phase-field fluid vesicle model. Zbl 1507.76149 Yang, Junxiang; Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok 10 2022 An unconditionally energy stable method for binary incompressible heat conductive fluids based on the phase-field model. Zbl 1524.76143 Xia, Qing; Kim, Junseok; Xia, Binhu; Li, Yibao 10 2022 Energy dissipation-preserving time-dependent auxiliary variable method for the phase-field crystal and the Swift-Hohenberg models. Zbl 07496469 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 10 2022 Linear, second-order accurate, and energy stable scheme for a ternary Cahn-Hilliard model by using Lagrange multiplier approach. Zbl 1465.65081 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 10 2021 A stable second-order BDF scheme for the three-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw system. Zbl 1464.76127 Li, Yibao; Yu, Qian; Fang, Weiwei; Xia, Binhu; Kim, Junseok 10 2021 A fast and accurate numerical method for medical image segmentation. Zbl 1280.92031 Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok 9 2010 An unconditionally stable numerical method for bimodal image segmentation. Zbl 1309.65026 Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok 9 2012 Numerical approximation of the square phase-field crystal dynamics on the three-dimensional objects. Zbl 07605611 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 9 2022 Modified diffuse interface fluid model and its consistent energy-stable computation in arbitrary domains. Zbl 07696979 Yang, Junxiang; Tan, Zhijun; Wang, Jian; Kim, Junseok 9 2023 An augmented projection method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in arbitrary domains. Zbl 1089.76042 Kim, Junseok 8 2005 Binary thermal fluids computation over arbitrary surfaces with second-order accuracy and unconditional energy stability based on phase-field model. Zbl 07715666 Xia, Qing; Liu, Yuehan; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 8 2023 An immersed boundary method for simulating a single axisymmetric cell growth and division. Zbl 1252.92017 Li, Yibao; Yun, Ana; Kim, Junseok 8 2012 A practical finite difference scheme for the Navier-Stokes equation on curved surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). Zbl 1436.76048 Yang, Junxiang; Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok 8 2020 A conservative Allen-Cahn equation with a curvature-dependent Lagrange multiplier. Zbl 1524.65663 Kwak, Soobin; Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 8 2022 A phase-field method for two-phase fluid flow in arbitrary domains. Zbl 1443.65150 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 8 2020 A second-order unconditionally stable method for the anisotropic dendritic crystal growth model with an orientation-field. Zbl 1505.65257 Li, Yibao; Qin, Kang; Xia, Qing; Kim, Junseok 8 2023 Efficient IMEX and consistently energy-stable methods of diffuse-interface models for incompressible three-component flows. Zbl 07692504 Yang, Junxiang; Wang, Jian; Tan, Zhijun; Kim, Junseok 8 2023 High-order time-accurate, efficient, and structure-preserving numerical methods for the conservative Swift-Hohenberg model. Zbl 1524.65426 Yang, Junxiang; Tan, Zhijun; Kim, Junseok 7 2021 Numerical study of incompressible binary fluids on 3D curved surfaces based on the conservative Allen-Cahn-Navier-Stokes model. Zbl 1521.76599 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 7 2021 A practical numerical scheme for the ternary Cahn-Hilliard system with a logarithmic free energy. Zbl 1400.76050 Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 7 2016 Numerical implementation of the two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equation. Zbl 1327.93074 Choi, Yongho; Jeong, Darae; Lee, Seunggyu; Kim, Junseok 7 2015 An operator splitting method for pricing the ELS option. Zbl 1237.91231 Jeong, Darae; Wee, In-Suk; Kim, Junseok 7 2010 A multigrid solution for the Cahn-Hilliard equation on nonuniform grids. Zbl 1411.65107 Choi, Yongho; Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 7 2017 Pattern formation in reaction-diffusion systems on evolving surfaces. Zbl 1453.65223 Kim, Hyundong; Yun, Ana; Yoon, Sungha; Lee, Chaeyoung; Park, Jintae; Kim, Junseok 7 2020 An unconditionally stable scheme for the Allen-Cahn equation with high-order polynomial free energy. Zbl 1459.65147 Lee, Chaeyoung; Kim, Hyundong; Yoon, Sungha; Kim, Sangkwon; Lee, Dongsun; Park, Jinate; Kwak, Soobin; Yang, Junxiang; Wang, Jian; Kim, Junseok 7 2021 Stability analysis for a maximum principle preserving explicit scheme of the Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1540.65293 Ham, Seokjun; Kim, Junseok 7 2023 Efficient 3D volume reconstruction from a point cloud using a phase-field method. Zbl 1427.94018 Jeong, Darae; Li, Yibao; Lee, Heon Ju; Lee, Sang Min; Yang, Junxiang; Park, Seungwoo; Kim, Hyundong; Choi, Yongho; Kim, Junseok 7 2018 Triply periodic minimal surfaces based topology optimization for the hydrodynamic and convective heat transfer. Zbl 1533.65131 Xia, Qing; Zhu, Junxia; Yu, Qian; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 7 2024 A conservative finite difference scheme for the \(N\)-component Cahn-Hilliard system on curved surfaces in 3D. Zbl 1436.65115 Yang, Junxiang; Li, Yibao; Lee, Chaeyoung; Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 6 2019 An efficient linear and unconditionally stable numerical scheme for the phase field sintering model. Zbl 07759113 Cheng, Jingjie; Xia, Qing; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 6 2023 Triply periodic minimal surfaces based topology optimization for the hydrodynamic and convective heat transfer. Zbl 1533.65131 Xia, Qing; Zhu, Junxia; Yu, Qian; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 7 2024 On the phase field based model for the crystalline transition and nucleation within the Lagrange multiplier framework. Zbl 07880845 Xia, Qing; Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 6 2024 Efficient second-order accurate scheme for fluid-surfactant systems on curved surfaces with unconditional energy stability. Zbl 07861492 Jiang, Bing; Xia, Qing; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 6 2024 A structure-preserving projection method with formal second-order accuracy for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 07827653 Yang, Junxiang; Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok 4 2024 A practical algorithm for the design of multiple-sized porous scaffolds with triply periodic structures. Zbl 1540.65072 Li, Yibao; Xia, Qing; Kang, Seungyoon; Kwak, Soobin; Kim, Junseok 4 2024 An unconditional energy stable data assimilation scheme for Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard equations with local discretized observed data. Zbl 07853320 Song, Xin; Xia, Qing; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 3 2024 An efficient and fast adaptive numerical method for a novel phase-field model of crystal growth. Zbl 1534.65135 Ham, Seokjun; Li, Yibao; Kwak, Soobin; Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 2 2024 Design of the shell-infill structures using a phase field-based topology optimization method. Zbl 07897557 Xie, Wenxuan; Feng, Jiachen; Xia, Qing; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 2 2024 Unconditionally maximum principle-preserving linear method for a mass-conserved Allen-Cahn model with local Lagrange multiplier. Zbl 1547.65169 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 2 2024 Shape transformation on curved surfaces using a phase-field model. Zbl 07827646 Kim, Hyundong; Kang, Seungyoon; Lee, Gyeonggyu; Yoon, Sungha; Kim, Junseok 1 2024 Phase-field modeling and linearly energy-stable Runge-Kutta algorithm of colloidal crystals on curved surfaces. Zbl 07834868 Yang, Junxiang; Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok 1 2024 An efficient and explicit local image inpainting method using the Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1534.35412 Wang, Jian; Han, Ziwei; Kim, Junseok 1 2024 Hybrid numerical method for the Allen-Cahn equation on nonuniform grids. Zbl 07813461 Kim, Hyundong; Lee, Gyeonggyu; Kang, Seungyoon; Ham, Seokjun; Hwang, Youngjin; Kim, Junseok 1 2024 Thermal-fluid topology optimization with unconditional energy stability and second-order accuracy via phase-field model. Zbl 1506.76034 Xia, Qing; Sun, Gangming; Yu, Qian; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 17 2023 Modified diffuse interface fluid model and its consistent energy-stable computation in arbitrary domains. Zbl 07696979 Yang, Junxiang; Tan, Zhijun; Wang, Jian; Kim, Junseok 9 2023 Binary thermal fluids computation over arbitrary surfaces with second-order accuracy and unconditional energy stability based on phase-field model. Zbl 07715666 Xia, Qing; Liu, Yuehan; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 8 2023 A second-order unconditionally stable method for the anisotropic dendritic crystal growth model with an orientation-field. Zbl 1505.65257 Li, Yibao; Qin, Kang; Xia, Qing; Kim, Junseok 8 2023 Efficient IMEX and consistently energy-stable methods of diffuse-interface models for incompressible three-component flows. Zbl 07692504 Yang, Junxiang; Wang, Jian; Tan, Zhijun; Kim, Junseok 8 2023 Stability analysis for a maximum principle preserving explicit scheme of the Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1540.65293 Ham, Seokjun; Kim, Junseok 7 2023 An efficient linear and unconditionally stable numerical scheme for the phase field sintering model. Zbl 07759113 Cheng, Jingjie; Xia, Qing; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 6 2023 Modified multi-phase diffuse-interface model for compound droplets in contact with solid. Zbl 07771262 Yang, Junxiang; Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok 5 2023 Phase-field simulation of multiple fluid vesicles with a consistently energy-stable implicit-explicit method. Zbl 1539.76245 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 5 2023 Maximum principle preserving and unconditionally stable scheme for a conservative Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1521.65072 Choi, Yongho; Kim, Junseok 5 2023 An efficient time-dependent auxiliary variable approach for the three-phase conservative Allen-Cahn fluids. Zbl 1510.76114 Tan, Zhijun; Yang, Junxiang; Chen, Jianjun; Kim, Junseok 4 2023 An efficient data assimilation algorithm using the Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1537.65110 Xia, Binhu; Yu, Rongrong; Song, Xin; Zhang, Xiaoyun; Kim, Junseok 4 2023 A fast, efficient, and explicit phase-field model for 3D mesh denoising. Zbl 1528.94019 Wang, Jian; Han, Ziwei; Jiang, Wenjing; Kim, Junseok 3 2023 Linear and conservative IMEX Runge-Kutta finite difference schemes with provable energy stability for the Cahn-Hilliard model in arbitrary domains. Zbl 1538.65248 Kim, Junseok; Tan, Zhijun; Yang, Junxiang 2 2023 A simple and efficient numerical method for the Allen-Cahn equation on effective symmetric triangular meshes. Zbl 1532.65051 Hwang, Youngjin; Ham, Seokjun; Lee, Chaeyoung; Lee, Gyeonggyu; Kang, Seungyoon; Kim, Junseok 1 2023 A second-order time-accurate unconditionally stable method for a gradient flow for the Modica-Mortola functional. Zbl 1518.65116 Ham, Seokjun; Kwak, Soobin; Lee, Chaeyoung; Lee, Gyeonggyu; Kim, Junseok 1 2023 Linear and fully decoupled scheme for a hydrodynamics coupled phase-field surfactant system based on a multiple auxiliary variables approach. Zbl 07517738 Yang, Junxiang; Tan, Zhijun; Kim, Junseok 18 2022 Unconditionally energy stable schemes for fluid-based topology optimization. Zbl 07526842 Li, Yibao; Wang, Kunyang; Yu, Qian; Xia, Qing; Kim, Junseok 14 2022 Modeling and simulation of multi-component immiscible flows based on a modified Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1495.76123 Xia, Qing; Kim, Junseok; Li, Yibao 13 2022 Totally decoupled implicit-explicit linear scheme with corrected energy dissipation law for the phase-field fluid vesicle model. Zbl 1507.76149 Yang, Junxiang; Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok 10 2022 An unconditionally energy stable method for binary incompressible heat conductive fluids based on the phase-field model. Zbl 1524.76143 Xia, Qing; Kim, Junseok; Xia, Binhu; Li, Yibao 10 2022 Energy dissipation-preserving time-dependent auxiliary variable method for the phase-field crystal and the Swift-Hohenberg models. Zbl 07496469 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 10 2022 Numerical approximation of the square phase-field crystal dynamics on the three-dimensional objects. Zbl 07605611 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 9 2022 A conservative Allen-Cahn equation with a curvature-dependent Lagrange multiplier. Zbl 1524.65663 Kwak, Soobin; Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 8 2022 An unconditionally stable splitting method for the Allen-Cahn equation with logarithmic free energy. Zbl 1489.65134 Park, Jintae; Lee, Chaeyoung; Choi, Yongho; Lee, Hyun Geun; Kwak, Soobin; Hwang, Youngjin; Kim, Junseok 6 2022 Three-dimensional volume reconstruction from multi-slice data using a shape transformation. Zbl 1504.65178 Kim, Hyundong; Lee, Chaeyoung; Kwak, Soobin; Hwang, Youngjin; Kim, Sangkwon; Choi, Yongho; Kim, Junseok 6 2022 Original variables based energy-stable time-dependent auxiliary variable method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation. Zbl 1521.76600 Yang, Junxiang; Tan, Zhijun; Kim, Junseok 6 2022 An explicit stable finite difference method for the Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1500.65043 Lee, Chaeyoung; Choi, Yongho; Kim, Junseok 5 2022 Benchmark problems for the numerical schemes of the phase-field equations. Zbl 1490.65154 Hwang, Youngjin; Lee, Chaeyoung; Kwak, Soobin; Choi, Yongho; Ham, Seokjun; Kang, Seungyoon; Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 5 2022 Effective time step analysis for the Allen-Cahn equation with a high-order polynomial free energy. Zbl 1529.65013 Lee, Seunggyu; Yoon, Sungha; Lee, Chaeyoung; Kim, Sangkwon; Kim, Hyundong; Yang, Junxiang; Kwak, Soobin; Hwang, Youngjin; Kim, Junseok 3 2022 Phase-field computations of anisotropic ice crystal growth on a spherical surface. Zbl 1524.65362 Lee, Chaeyoung; Yoon, Sungha; Park, Jintae; Kim, Hyundong; Li, Yibao; Jeong, Darae; Kim, Sangkwon; Kwak, Soobin; Kim, Junseok 3 2022 An adaptive time-stepping algorithm for the Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1497.65129 Lee, Chaeyoung; Park, Jintae; Kwak, Soobin; Kim, Sangkwon; Choi, Yongho; Ham, Seokjun; Kim, Junseok 3 2022 Numerical simulation and analysis of the Swift-Hohenberg equation by the stabilized Lagrange multiplier approach. Zbl 1509.65078 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 2 2022 An explicit adaptive finite difference method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1497.65123 Ham, Seokjun; Li, Yibao; Jeong, Darae; Lee, Chaeyoung; Kwak, Soobin; Hwang, Youngjin; Kim, Junseok 2 2022 Calibration of the temporally varying volatility and interest rate functions. Zbl 1496.91091 Park, Eunchae; Lyu, Jisang; Kim, Sangkwon; Lee, Chaeyoung; Lee, Wonjin; Choi, Yongho; Kwak, Soobin; Yoo, Changwoo; Hwang, Hyeongseok; Kim, Junseok 1 2022 A variant of stabilized-scalar auxiliary variable (S-SAV) approach for a modified phase-field surfactant model. Zbl 07690861 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 25 2021 An improved scalar auxiliary variable (SAV) approach for the phase-field surfactant model. Zbl 1481.76088 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 16 2021 Numerical study of the ternary Cahn-Hilliard fluids by using an efficient modified scalar auxiliary variable approach. Zbl 1497.65157 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 14 2021 An efficient stabilized multiple auxiliary variables method for the Cahn-Hilliard-Darcy two-phase flow system. Zbl 1521.76377 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 11 2021 Linear, second-order accurate, and energy stable scheme for a ternary Cahn-Hilliard model by using Lagrange multiplier approach. Zbl 1465.65081 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 10 2021 A stable second-order BDF scheme for the three-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw system. Zbl 1464.76127 Li, Yibao; Yu, Qian; Fang, Weiwei; Xia, Binhu; Kim, Junseok 10 2021 High-order time-accurate, efficient, and structure-preserving numerical methods for the conservative Swift-Hohenberg model. Zbl 1524.65426 Yang, Junxiang; Tan, Zhijun; Kim, Junseok 7 2021 Numerical study of incompressible binary fluids on 3D curved surfaces based on the conservative Allen-Cahn-Navier-Stokes model. Zbl 1521.76599 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 7 2021 An unconditionally stable scheme for the Allen-Cahn equation with high-order polynomial free energy. Zbl 1459.65147 Lee, Chaeyoung; Kim, Hyundong; Yoon, Sungha; Kim, Sangkwon; Lee, Dongsun; Park, Jinate; Kwak, Soobin; Yang, Junxiang; Wang, Jian; Kim, Junseok 7 2021 A practical adaptive grid method for the Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1527.65072 Jeong, Darae; Li, Yibao; Choi, Yongho; Lee, Chaeyoung; Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 6 2021 The stabilized-trigonometric scalar auxiliary variable approach for gradient flows and its efficient schemes. Zbl 07443651 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 6 2021 Numerical investigation to the effect of initial guess for phase-field models. Zbl 1475.65086 Yoon, Sungha; Wang, Jian; Lee, Chaeyoung; Yang, Junxiang; Park, Jintae; Kim, Hyundong; Kim, Junseok 4 2021 Robust and accurate construction of the local volatility surface using the Black-Scholes equation. Zbl 1498.91450 Kim, Sangkwon; Kim, Junseok 4 2021 Explicit hybrid numerical method for the Allen-Cahn type equations on curved surfaces. Zbl 1488.65229 Choi, Yongho; Li, Yibao; Lee, Chaeyoung; Kim, Hyundong; Kim, Junseok 4 2021 Modeling and simulation of droplet evaporation using a modified Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1508.76079 Lee, Hyun Geun; Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Sangkwon; Kim, Junseok 3 2021 An unconditionally stable positivity-preserving scheme for the one-dimensional Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov equation. Zbl 1486.65219 Kim, Sangkwon; Lee, Chaeyoung; Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Hyundong; Kwak, Soobin; Hwang, Youngjin; Kang, Seungyoon; Ham, Seokjun; Kim, Junseok 2 2021 Unconditionally energy stable second-order numerical scheme for the Allen-Cahn equation with a high-order polynomial free energy. Zbl 1494.65077 Kim, Junseok; Lee, Hyun Geun 2 2021 Optimal non-uniform finite difference grids for the Black-Scholes equations. Zbl 1524.91144 Lyu, Jisang; Park, Eunchae; Kim, Sangkwon; Lee, Wonjin; Lee, Chaeyoung; Yoon, Sungha; Park, Jintae; Kim, Junseok 2 2021 A simple benchmark problem for the numerical methods of the Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1465.65077 Li, Yibao; Lee, Chaeyoung; Wang, Jian; Yoon, Sungha; Park, Jintae; Kim, Junseok 2 2021 On the evolutionary dynamics of the Cahn-Hilliard equation with cut-off mass source. Zbl 1488.65253 Lee, Chaeyoung; Kim, Hyundong; Yoon, Sungha; Park, Jintae; Kim, Sangkwon; Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 2 2021 Side wall boundary effect on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Zbl 1479.76040 Yang, Junxiang; Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 2 2021 Nonuniform finite difference scheme for the three-dimensional time-fractional Black-Scholes equation. Zbl 07452511 Kim, Sangkwon; Lee, Chaeyoung; Lee, Wonjin; Kwak, Soobin; Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 1 2021 An energy stable second-order accurate scheme for microphase separation of periodic diblock copolymers. Zbl 07437353 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 1 2021 Linear and energy stable schemes for the Swift-Hohenberg equation with quadratic-cubic nonlinearity based on a modified scalar auxiliary variable approach. Zbl 07443407 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 1 2021 Phase-field modeling and numerical simulation for ice melting. Zbl 1488.80011 Wang, Jian; Lee, Chaeyoung; Lee, Hyun Geun; Zhang, Qimeng; Yang, Junxiang; Yoon, Sungha; Park, Jintae; Kim, Junseok 1 2021 Efficient and accurate finite difference method for the four underlying asset ELS. Zbl 1501.91181 Hwang, Hyeongseok; Choi, Yongho; Kwak, Soobin; Hwang, Youngjin; Kim, Sangkwon; Kim, Junseok 1 2021 Fast pricing of four asset equity-linked securities using Brownian bridge. Zbl 1497.91342 Yoo, Changwoo; Choi, Yongho; Kim, Sangkwon; Kwak, Soobin; Hwang, Youngjin; Kim, Junseok 1 2021 An unconditionally stable second-order accurate method for systems of Cahn-Hilliard equations. Zbl 1455.76138 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 29 2020 A phase-field model and its efficient numerical method for two-phase flows on arbitrarily curved surfaces in 3D space. Zbl 1506.76104 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 21 2020 A conservative numerical method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation with generalized mobilities on curved surfaces in three-dimensional space. Zbl 1486.65107 Jeong, Darae; Li, Yibao; Lee, Chaeyoung; Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 12 2020 Shape transformation using the modified Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1440.65089 Kim, Hyundong; Yoon, Sungha; Wang, Jian; Lee, Chaeyoung; Kim, Sangkwon; Park, Jintae; Kim, Junseok 10 2020 A practical finite difference scheme for the Navier-Stokes equation on curved surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). Zbl 1436.76048 Yang, Junxiang; Li, Yibao; Kim, Junseok 8 2020 A phase-field method for two-phase fluid flow in arbitrary domains. Zbl 1443.65150 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 8 2020 Pattern formation in reaction-diffusion systems on evolving surfaces. Zbl 1453.65223 Kim, Hyundong; Yun, Ana; Yoon, Sungha; Lee, Chaeyoung; Park, Jintae; Kim, Junseok 7 2020 Effect of space dimensions on equilibrium solutions of Cahn-Hilliard and conservative Allen-Cahn equations. Zbl 1463.35299 Lee, Hyun Geun; Yang, Junxiang; Park, Jintae; Kim, Junseok 5 2020 A novel Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes model with a nonstandard variable mobility for two-phase incompressible fluid flow. Zbl 1521.76598 Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 4 2020 Pinning boundary conditions for phase-field models. Zbl 1452.65163 Lee, Hyun Geun; Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 2 2020 Uniformly distributed circular porous pattern generation on surface for 3D printing. Zbl 1474.65041 Yoon, Sungha; Lee, Chaeyoung; Park, Jintae; Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 2 2020 Conservative Allen-Cahn equation with a nonstandard variable mobility. Zbl 1435.35316 Yang, Junxiang; Li, Yibao; Lee, Chaeyoung; Kim, Junseok 1 2020 Fast Android implementation of Monte Carlo simulation for pricing equity-linked securities. Zbl 1458.91227 Jang, Hanbyeol; Kim, Hyundong; Jo, Subeom; Kim, Hanrim; Lee, Seri; Lee, Juwon; Kim, Junseok 1 2020 Domain of influence of local volatility function on the solutions of the general Black-Scholes equation. Zbl 1452.91327 Kim, Hyundong; Kim, Sangkwon; Han, Hyunsoo; Jang, Hanbyeol; Lee, Chaeyoung; Kim, Junseok 1 2020 Periodic travelling wave solutions for a reaction-diffusion system on landscape fitted domains. Zbl 1490.35203 Kim, Sangkwon; Park, Jintae; Lee, Chaeyoung; Jeong, Darae; Choi, Yongho; Kwak, Soobin; Kim, Junseok 1 2020 An efficient linear second order unconditionally stable direct discretization method for the phase-field crystal equation on surfaces. Zbl 1481.82014 Li, Yibao; Luo, Chaojun; Xia, Binhu; Kim, Junseok 26 2019 A practical and efficient numerical method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation in complex domains. Zbl 1464.65087 Jeong, Darae; Yang, Junxiang; Kim, Junseok 17 2019 Comparison study on the different dynamics between the Allen-Cahn and the Cahn-Hilliard equations. Zbl 1442.35202 Li, Yibao; Jeong, Darae; Kim, Hyundong; Lee, Chaeyoung; Kim, Junseok 14 2019 Effective time step analysis of a nonlinear convex splitting scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1483.65138 Lee, Seunggyu; Kim, Junseok 11 2019 A conservative finite difference scheme for the \(N\)-component Cahn-Hilliard system on curved surfaces in 3D. Zbl 1436.65115 Yang, Junxiang; Li, Yibao; Lee, Chaeyoung; Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 6 2019 Fast and accurate adaptive finite difference method for dendritic growth. Zbl 1527.82060 Jeong, Darae; Kim, Junseok 4 2019 Verification of convergence rates of numerical solutions for parabolic equations. Zbl 1435.65121 Jeong, Darae; Li, Yibao; Lee, Chaeyoung; Yang, Junxiang; Choi, Yongho; Kim, Junseok 2 2019 Android application for pricing two-and three-asset equity-linked securities. Zbl 1431.91436 Jang, Hanbyeol; Han, Hyunsoo; Park, Hayeon; Lee, Wonjin; Lyu, Jisang; Park, Jintae; Kim, Hyundong; Lee, Chaeyoung; Kim, Sangkwon; Choi, Yongho; Kim, Junseok 2 2019 Finite difference method for the two-dimensional Black-Scholes equation with a hybrid boundary condition. Zbl 1431.91434 Heo, Youngjin; Han, Hyunsoo; Jang, Hanbyeol; Choi, Yongho; Kim, Junseok 2 2019 The Cahn-Hilliard equation with generalized mobilities in complex geometries. Zbl 1435.35339 Shin, Jaemin; Choi, Yongho; Kim, Junseok 1 2019 ...and 94 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,820 Authors 175 Kim, Junseok 73 Yang, Junxiang 70 Li, Yibao 48 Yang, Xiaofeng 37 Lee, Hyun Geun 36 Jeong, Darae 30 Lee, Chaeyoung 29 Kwak, Soobin 27 Choi, Yongho 27 Wise, Steven M. 26 Feng, Xinlong 24 Lowengrub, John Samuel 23 Zhao, Jia 22 Ham, Seokjun 21 Wang, Cheng 20 Tan, Zhijun 20 Xia, Qing 18 Kim, Hyundong 18 Lee, Seunggyu 18 Xiao, Xufeng 17 Hwang, Youngjin 17 Shin, Jaemin 16 Shen, Jie 15 Gong, Yuezheng 15 Han, Daozhi 15 Jia, Hongen 15 Wang, Qi 15 Zhang, Hong 14 Kang, Seungyoon 14 Kim, Sangkwon 14 Kou, Jisheng 14 Sun, Shuyu 14 Wang, Xiaoming 13 Chen, Wenbin 13 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 13 Ju, Lili 13 Qian, Xu 13 Song, Songhe 13 Wang, Jian 13 Zhang, Jun 12 Dong, Suchuan 12 Yu, Qian 11 Gao, Yali 11 He, Xiaoming 11 Huang, Yunqing 11 Li, Xiaoli 11 Weng, Zhifeng 11 Yoon, Sungha 11 Zhai, Shuying 10 Gal, Ciprian Gheorghe Sorin 10 Grasselli, Maurizio 10 Lee, Dongsun 10 Wang, Danxia 9 Garcke, Harald 9 Lee, June-Yub 9 Liu, Zhengguang 9 Xia, Binhu 8 Chen, Chuanjun 8 Ding, Hang 8 Gómez, Héctor J. 8 Macías-Díaz, Jorge Eduardo 8 Nürnberg, Robert 8 Park, Jintae 8 Qiao, Zhonghua 8 Xu, Chuanju 7 Chen, Yaoyao 7 Cheng, Kelong 7 Frigeri, Sergio 7 Guo, Zhenlin 7 Huang, Ziyang 7 Lee, Gyeonggyu 7 Lin, Ping 7 Miranville, Alain M. 7 Mohammadi, Vahid 7 Roccon, Alessio 7 Shu, Chang 7 Soldati, Alfredo 7 Wu, Jingwen 7 Yi, Nianyu 6 Chai, Zhenhua 6 Forbes, Lawrence K. 6 Ganapathysubramanian, Baskar 6 Garai, Gobinda 6 Guan, Zhen 6 Guillén González, Francisco M. 6 Hintermüller, Michael 6 Hong, Qi 6 Jing, Jianyu 6 Mei, Liquan 6 Nestler, Britta 6 Qi, Longzhao 6 Shah, Abdullah 6 Shi, Baochang 6 Tachim Medjo, Theodore 5 Aland, Sebastian 5 Ardekani, Arezoo M. 5 Calo, Victor Manuel 5 Cristini, Vittorio 5 Hou, Yanren 5 Hughes, Thomas J. R. ...and 1,720 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 176 Serials 204 Journal of Computational Physics 91 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 73 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 60 Journal of Scientific Computing 58 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 52 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 31 Computers and Fluids 30 Applied Numerical Mathematics 27 Applied Mathematics and Computation 26 Communications in Computational Physics 25 Computer Physics Communications 20 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 19 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 19 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 19 Numerical Algorithms 19 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 18 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 17 Applied Mathematics Letters 17 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 15 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 14 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 13 M\(^3\)AS. 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