Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Kinderlehrer, David Co-Author Distance Author ID: kinderlehrer.david Published as: Kinderlehrer, David; Kinderlehrer, D. Homepage: http://www.math.cmu.edu/math/faculty/kinderlehrerdavid External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 115 Publications since 1969, including 3 Books and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 10 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 68 Co-Authors with 95 Joint Publications 2,689 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 31 single-authored 10 Hardt, Robert M. 9 Ta’asan, Shlomo 8 Chipot, Michel 8 Pedregal, Pablo 7 Barmak, Katayun 7 Ericksen, Jerald LaVerne 7 Kowalczyk, Michał 7 Nirenberg, Louis 6 Emelianenko, Maria 5 Jordan, Richard 5 Lin, Fang Hua 5 Stampacchia, Guido 4 Brézis, Haïm 4 Eggeling, Eva 4 Epshteyn, Yekaterina 4 Hastings, Stuart P. 4 James, Richard D. 4 Otto, Felix 4 Spruck, Joel 3 Dafermos, Constantine 3 Golovaty, Dmitry 3 Luskin, Mitchell 3 Ma, Ling 2 Caffarelli, Luis Ángel 2 Collins, Charles R. 2 Fonseca, Irene 2 Friedman, Avner 2 Hilhorst, Danielle 2 Kohn, Robert Vita 2 Livshits, Irene 2 McLeod, John Bryce 2 Olech, Michał 2 Ou, Biao 2 Sharp, Richard W. 2 Slemrod, Marshall 2 Vergara Caffarelli, Giorgio 2 Walkington, Noel J. 1 Agmon, Shmuel 1 Antman, Stuart S. 1 Ball, John MacLeod 1 Bardsley, Patrick 1 Berestycki, Henri 1 Bhattacharya, Aditi 1 Birindelli, Isabeau 1 Blanchet, Adrien 1 Bona, Jerry Lloyd 1 Bowick, Mark J. 1 Carrillo de la Plata, José Antonio 1 Chang, Kung-Ching 1 Chang, Sun-Yung Alice 1 Dayal, Kaushik 1 Guedes de Figueiredo, Djairo 1 Dolbeault, Jean 1 Ekeland, Ivar 1 Fefferman, Charles Louis 1 Gastaldi, Fabio 1 Heath, David C. 1 Hildebrandt, Stefan 1 Klainerman, Sergiu 1 Kohn, Joseph John 1 Laurençot, Philippe 1 Lax, Peter David 1 Li, YanYan 1 Lions, Jacques-Louis 1 Lisini, Stefano 1 Liu, Chun 1 Mason, Darren E. 1 Menon, Govind K. 1 Miranda, Mario 1 Monsaingeon, Léonard 1 Müller, Ingo 1 Naghibzadeh, S. Kiana 1 Ni, Wei-Ming 1 Peng, Xiaoyao 1 Podio-Guidugli, Paulo 1 Rabinowitz, Paul Henry 1 Radin, Charles 1 Rohrer, Gregory S. 1 Shatah, Jalal 1 Suter, Robert 1 Tarantello, Gabriella 1 Tian, Gang 1 Torres, Claudio E. 1 Tudorascu, Adrian 1 Varadhan, S. R. Srinivasa 1 Xu, Xiang 1 Yau, Shing-Tung all top 5 Serials 7 The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications 5 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 4 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 4 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 3 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 3 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 3 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 3 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 2 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 2 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 2 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 Acta Mathematica 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Meccanica 1 Numerische Mathematik 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Ricerche di Matematica 1 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 1 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 1 Physica D 1 Asymptotic Analysis 1 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Serie IX. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni 1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 1 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 1 Journal of Elasticity 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science 1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 1 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 1 Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche. III. Ser 1 Classics in Applied Mathematics 1 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 Pure and Applied Mathematics (Academic Press) 1 IAS/Park City Mathematics Series 1 Differential Equations and Applications all top 5 Fields 68 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 45 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 34 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 26 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 12 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 9 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 8 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 7 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 6 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 5 Differential geometry (53-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 104 Publications have been cited 5,140 times in 4,336 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ An introduction to variational inequalities and their applications. Zbl 0457.35001 Kinderlehrer, David; Stampacchia, Guido 1,903 1980 The variational formulation of the Fokker-Planck equation. Zbl 0915.35120 Jordan, Richard; Kinderlehrer, David; Otto, Felix 670 1998 An introduction to variational inequalities and their applications. Reprint of the 1980 original. Zbl 0988.49003 Kinderlehrer, David; Stampacchia, Guido 516 2000 Existence and partial regularity of static liquid crystal configurations. Zbl 0611.35077 Hardt, Robert; Kinderlehrer, David; Lin, Fang-Hua 161 1986 Regularity in free boundary problems. Zbl 0352.35023 Kinderlehrer, D.; Nirenberg, Louis 146 1977 Characterizations of Young measures generated by gradients. Zbl 0754.49020 Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, Pablo 142 1991 Equilibrium configurations of crystals. Zbl 0673.73012 Chipot, Michel; Kinderlehrer, David 113 1988 Gradient Young measures generated by sequences in Sobolev spaces. Zbl 0808.46046 Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, Pablo 110 1994 The smoothness of solutions to nonlinear variational inequalities. Zbl 0278.49011 Brézis, Haïm; Kinderlehrer, David 98 1974 Regularity in elliptic free boundary problems. I. Zbl 0402.35045 Kinderlehrer, D.; Nirenberg, Louis; Spruck, J. 72 1978 A one phase Stefan problem. Zbl 0334.49002 Friedman, Avner; Kinderlehrer, David 61 1975 Potential methods in variational inequalities. Zbl 0455.49010 Caffarelli, L. A.; Kinderlehrer, D. 51 1980 Weak convergence of integrands and the Young measure representation. Zbl 0757.49014 Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, Pablo 48 1992 Smoothness of linear laminates. Zbl 0617.73062 Chipot, Michel; Kinderlehrer, David; Caffarelli, Giorgio Vergara 48 1986 Stable defects of minimizers of constrained variational principles. Zbl 0657.49018 Hardt, R.; Kinderlehrer, D.; Lin, Fang-Hua 43 1988 Theory and applications of liquid crystals. Zbl 0713.76006 41 1987 Sur une nouvelle formulation du problème de l’ecoulement à travers une digue. Zbl 0391.76072 Brézis, Haïm; Kinderlehrer, David; Stampacchia, Guido 38 1978 Evolution of grain boundaries. Zbl 1036.74041 Kinderlehrer, David; Liu, Chun 35 2001 Free energy and the Fokker-Planck equation. Zbl 1029.82507 Jordan, Richard; Kinderlehrer, David; Otto, Felix 31 1997 Remarks about Signorini’s problem in linear elasticity. Zbl 0482.73017 Kinderlehrer, David 30 1981 The smoothness of the free boundary in the one phase Stefan problem. Zbl 0391.35060 Kinderlehrer, David; Nirenberg, Louis 29 1978 Theory of diffusionless phase transitions. Zbl 0991.74504 James, Richard; Kinderlehrer, David 28 1989 A hybrid variational principle for the Keller-Segel system in \(\mathbb{R}^{2}\). Zbl 1334.35086 Blanchet, Adrien; Carrillo, José Antonio; Kinderlehrer, David; Kowalczyk, Michał; Laurençot, Philippe; Lisini, Stefano 27 2015 The smoothness of the solution of the boundary obstacle problem. Zbl 0459.35092 Kinderlehrer, David 26 1981 Analyticity at the boundary of solutions of nonlinear second-order parabolic equations. Zbl 0391.35045 Kinderlehrer, David; Nirenberg, Louis 25 1978 Approximation of parabolic equations using the Wasserstein metric. Zbl 0936.65121 Kinderlehrer, David; Walkington, Noel J. 24 1999 Numerical approximation of the solution of a variational problem with a double well potential. Zbl 0725.65067 Collins, Charles; Kinderlehrer, David; Luskin, Mitchell 22 1991 Elastic plastic deformation. Zbl 0522.73029 Hardt, Robert; Kinderlehrer, David 22 1983 Remarks about equilibrium configurations of crystals. Zbl 0850.73037 Kinderlehrer, David 22 1988 Mathematical questions of liquid crystal theory. Zbl 0704.76005 Hardt, R.; Kinderlehrer, D. 21 1988 Numerical analysis of oscillations in multiple well problems. Zbl 0824.65045 Chipot, M.; Collins, C.; Kinderlehrer, D. 20 1995 Variational inequalities and free boundary problems. Zbl 0382.35004 Kinderlehrer, David 20 1978 The shape and smoothness of stable plasma configurations. Zbl 0409.76095 Kinderlehrer, David; Spruck, Joel 20 1978 A Wasserstein gradient flow approach to Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations. Zbl 1372.35167 Kinderlehrer, David; Monsaingeon, Léonard; Xu, Xiang 20 2017 The variety of configurations of static liquid crystals. Zbl 0723.58018 Hardt, Robert; Kinderlehrer, David; Lin, Fang Hau 19 1990 The coincidence set of solutions of certain variational inequalities. Zbl 0219.49014 Kinderlehrer, D. 18 1971 How a minimal surface leaves an obstacle. Zbl 0268.49050 Kinderlehrer, David 18 1973 An introduction to variational inequalities and their applications. (Vvedenie v variatsionnye neravenstva i ikh prilozheniya). Transl. from the English. Zbl 0551.35003 Kinderlehrer, David; Stampacchia, Guido 17 1983 Energy functionals depending on elastic strain and chemical composition. Zbl 0800.49030 Fonseca, Irene; Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, Pablo 17 1994 Fundamental contributions to the continuum theory of evolving phase interfaces in solids. A collection of reprints of 14 seminal papers, dedicated to Morton E. Gurtin on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. Zbl 0968.74003 17 1999 A variational approach to modeling and simulation of grain growth. Zbl 1126.82044 Kinderlehrer, David; Livshits, Irene; Ta’asan, Shlomo 16 2006 Diffusion-mediated transport and the flashing ratchet. Zbl 1065.76183 Kinderlehrer, David; Kowalczyk, Michał 14 2002 Some regularity results in ferromagnetism. Zbl 0958.35136 Hardt, Robert; Kinderlehrer, David 11 2000 The free boundary determined by the solution to a differential equation. Zbl 0336.35031 Kinderlehrer, David 11 1976 A variational principle for molecular motors. Zbl 1032.92005 Chipot, Michel; Kinderlehrer, David; Kowalczyk, Michal 11 2003 Recent developments in liquid crystal theory. Zbl 0729.76009 Kinderlehrer, D. 10 1991 Variational inequalities with lower dimensional obstacles. Zbl 0263.49008 Kinderlehrer, David 10 1971 Remarks about the flashing rachet. Zbl 1064.35065 Dolbeault, Jean; Kinderlehrer, David; Kowalczyk, Michał 10 2004 An entropy based theory of the grain boundary character distribution. Zbl 1230.37098 Barmak, Katayun; Eggeling, Eva; Emelianenko, Maria; Epshteyn, Yekaterina; Kinderlehrer, David; Sharp, Richard; Ta’asan, Shlomo 9 2011 Transport in a molecular motor system. Zbl 1077.35060 Chipot, Michel; Hastings, Stuart; Kinderlehrer, David 9 2004 Remarks about the mathematical theory of liquid crystals. Zbl 0696.49053 Hardt, Robert; Kinderlehrer, David; Luskin, Mitchell 8 1988 Towards a statistical theory of texture evolution in polycrystals. Zbl 1186.37095 Barmak, K.; Emelianenko, M.; Golovaty, D.; Kinderlehrer, D.; Ta’asan, S. 8 2008 Regularity in elliptic free boundary problems. II: Equations of higher order. Zbl 0425.35097 Kinderlehrer, D.; Nirenberg, Louis; Spruck, J. 8 1979 Towards a gradient flow for microstructure. Zbl 1380.37137 Bardsley, Patrick; Barmak, Katayun; Eggeling, Eva; Epshteyn, Yekaterina; Kinderlehrer, David; Ta’asan, Shlomo 8 2017 An extended variational principle. Zbl 0852.49003 Jordan, Richard; Kinderlehrer, David 7 1996 The elementary defects of the Oseen-Frank energy for a liquid crystal. Zbl 0784.35085 Kinderlehrer, David; Ou, Biao; Walkington, Nöel 7 1993 Discrete and continuous ratchets: From coin toss to molecular motor. Zbl 1009.35037 Heath, David; Kinderlehrer, David; Kowalczyk, Michał 7 2002 Second variation of liquid crystal energy at \(x/ |{}x|{} \). Zbl 0761.49012 Kinderlehrer, David; Ou, Biao 6 1992 Relaxation in \(BV \times L^ \infty\) of functionals depending on strain and composition. Zbl 0796.49042 Fonseca, Irene; Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, Pablo 6 1993 Minimal surfaces whose boundaries contain spikes. Zbl 0193.39301 Kinderlehrer, D. 6 1970 Homogenization and effective moduli of materials and media. (Proceedings of a Workshop which was an integral part of the 1984-85 IMA program on Continuum Physics and Partial Differential Equations, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis). Zbl 0622.00024 6 1986 Estimates for the solution and its stability in Signorini’s problem. Zbl 0487.73126 Kinderlehrer, David 5 1982 Remarks about the analysis of gradient Young measures. Zbl 0833.49012 Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, P. 5 1992 Metastability and incompletely posed problems. (Proceedings of a workshop held during the IMA 1984-85 program on continuum physics and partial differential equations, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis). Zbl 0604.00008 5 1987 Diffusion mediated transport in multiple state systems. Zbl 1157.34039 Hastings, Stuart; Kinderlehrer, David; McLeod, J. Bryce 5 2007 The boundary regularity of minimal surfaces. Zbl 0185.34603 Kinderlehrer, D. 5 1969 Régularité dans les problèmes elliptiques à frontière libre. Zbl 0386.35045 Kinderlehrer, David; Nirenberg, Louis; Spruck, Joel 5 1978 Contraction in \(L^{1}\) for a system arising in chemical reactions and molecular motors. Zbl 1171.35408 Chipot, Michel; Hilhorst, Danielle; Kinderlehrer, David; Olech, Michał 5 2009 The regularity of minimal surfaces defined over slit domains. Zbl 0214.10503 Kinderlehrer, D. 5 1971 Twinning of crystals. II. Zbl 0638.73007 Kinderlehrer, David 4 1987 Caractérisation des mesures de Young associées à un gradient. (Characterization of gradient Young measures). Zbl 0759.49005 Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, Pablo 4 1991 The Janossy effect and hybrid variational principles. Zbl 1154.35369 Kinderlehrer, David; Kowalczyk, Michał 4 2009 Diffusion mediated transport with a look at motor proteins. Zbl 1351.35069 Hastings, Stuart; Kinderlehrer, David; McLeod, J. Bryce 4 2008 Geometric growth and character development in large metastable networks. Zbl 1180.37120 Barmak, K; Eggeling, E.; Emelianenko, M.; Epshteyn, Y.; Kinderlehrer, D.; Ta’asan, S. 4 2009 Hodograph methods and the smoothness of the free boundary in the one phase Stefan problem. Zbl 0456.35090 Kinderlehrer, David; Nirenberg, Louis 4 1978 Mathematics and materials. Lectures presented at the IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI) Graduate Summer School, Park City, UT, USA, July 2014. Zbl 1375.82010 4 2017 Variational principles with linear growth. Zbl 0706.49001 Hardt, Robert; Kinderlehrer, David 3 1989 The reflaxation of functionals with surface energies. Zbl 0696.49007 Kinderlehrer, David; Vergara-Caffarelli, Giorgio 3 1989 Frustration and microstructure: An example in magnetostriction. Zbl 0797.49037 James, R. D.; Kinderlehrer, D. 3 1993 Transport via mass transportation. Zbl 1100.35028 Kinderlehrer, David; Tudorascu, Adrian 3 2006 Numerical analysis of the vertex models for simulating grain boundary networks. Zbl 1344.37083 Torres, C. E.; Emelianenko, M.; Golovaty, D.; Kinderlehrer, D.; Ta’asan, S. 3 2015 A class of parabolic quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0323.35042 Friedman, Avner; Kinderlehrer, David 3 1976 A free boundary value problem in potential theory. Zbl 0303.31003 Kinderlehrer, David; Stampacchia, Guido 3 1975 The partially supported elastic beam. Zbl 0514.73042 Gastaldi, Fabio; Kinderlehrer, David 2 1983 Remarks about gradient Young measures generated by sequences in Sobolev spaces. Zbl 0828.46031 Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, P. 2 1994 Magnetoelastic interactions. Zbl 0894.73131 James, R.; Kinderlehrer, David 2 1996 Phase transitions in crystals: Towards the analysis of microstructure. Zbl 0731.73074 Kinderlehrer, D. 2 1990 The smoothness of free boundaries governed by elliptic equations and systems. Zbl 0485.35084 Kinderlehrer, D. 2 1980 The regularity of the solution to a certain variational inequality. Zbl 0273.35027 Kinderlehrer, David 2 1973 Elliptic variational inequalities. Zbl 0356.35023 Kinderlehrer, David 2 1975 Some regularity results in plasticity. Zbl 0591.73047 Hardt, Robert M.; Kinderlehrer, David 2 1986 The hysteretic event in the computation of magnetization. Zbl 0873.65114 Kinderlehrer, David; Ma, Ling 2 1997 A new perspective on texture evolution. Zbl 1159.82317 Barmak, K.; Emelianenko, M.; Golovaty, D.; Kinderlehrer, D.; Ta’asan, S. 2 2008 Remarks on a multiscale approach to grain growth in polycrystals. Zbl 1105.74006 Barmak, Katayun; Kinderlehrer, David; Livshits, Irine; Ta’asan, Shlomo 1 2006 Remarks about diffusion mediated transport: thinking about motion in small systems. Zbl 1099.35005 Hastings, S.; Kinderlehrer, D. 1 2005 Remarks about St. Venant solutions in finite elasticity. Zbl 0605.73031 Kinderlehrer, David 1 1986 Existence et régularité des configurations statiques des cristaux liquides. (Existence and smoothness of static liquid crystal configurations). Zbl 0614.35072 Hardt, Robert; Kinderlehrer, David; Lin, Fang-Hua 1 1985 Remarks about Signorini’s problem. Zbl 0494.35039 Kinderlehrer, David 1 1982 The hysteretic event in the computation of magnetism and magnetostriction. Zbl 0939.35182 Kinderlehrer, D.; Ma, L. 1 1998 Remarks about diffusion mediated transport. Zbl 1012.60071 Kinderlehrer, David; Kowalczyk, Michal 1 2000 A Wasserstein gradient flow approach to Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations. Zbl 1372.35167 Kinderlehrer, David; Monsaingeon, Léonard; Xu, Xiang 20 2017 Towards a gradient flow for microstructure. Zbl 1380.37137 Bardsley, Patrick; Barmak, Katayun; Eggeling, Eva; Epshteyn, Yekaterina; Kinderlehrer, David; Ta’asan, Shlomo 8 2017 Mathematics and materials. Lectures presented at the IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI) Graduate Summer School, Park City, UT, USA, July 2014. Zbl 1375.82010 4 2017 A hybrid variational principle for the Keller-Segel system in \(\mathbb{R}^{2}\). Zbl 1334.35086 Blanchet, Adrien; Carrillo, José Antonio; Kinderlehrer, David; Kowalczyk, Michał; Laurençot, Philippe; Lisini, Stefano 27 2015 Numerical analysis of the vertex models for simulating grain boundary networks. Zbl 1344.37083 Torres, C. E.; Emelianenko, M.; Golovaty, D.; Kinderlehrer, D.; Ta’asan, S. 3 2015 An entropy based theory of the grain boundary character distribution. Zbl 1230.37098 Barmak, Katayun; Eggeling, Eva; Emelianenko, Maria; Epshteyn, Yekaterina; Kinderlehrer, David; Sharp, Richard; Ta’asan, Shlomo 9 2011 Contraction in \(L^{1}\) for a system arising in chemical reactions and molecular motors. Zbl 1171.35408 Chipot, Michel; Hilhorst, Danielle; Kinderlehrer, David; Olech, Michał 5 2009 The Janossy effect and hybrid variational principles. Zbl 1154.35369 Kinderlehrer, David; Kowalczyk, Michał 4 2009 Geometric growth and character development in large metastable networks. Zbl 1180.37120 Barmak, K; Eggeling, E.; Emelianenko, M.; Epshteyn, Y.; Kinderlehrer, D.; Ta’asan, S. 4 2009 Towards a statistical theory of texture evolution in polycrystals. Zbl 1186.37095 Barmak, K.; Emelianenko, M.; Golovaty, D.; Kinderlehrer, D.; Ta’asan, S. 8 2008 Diffusion mediated transport with a look at motor proteins. Zbl 1351.35069 Hastings, Stuart; Kinderlehrer, David; McLeod, J. Bryce 4 2008 A new perspective on texture evolution. Zbl 1159.82317 Barmak, K.; Emelianenko, M.; Golovaty, D.; Kinderlehrer, D.; Ta’asan, S. 2 2008 Diffusion mediated transport in multiple state systems. Zbl 1157.34039 Hastings, Stuart; Kinderlehrer, David; McLeod, J. Bryce 5 2007 A variational approach to modeling and simulation of grain growth. Zbl 1126.82044 Kinderlehrer, David; Livshits, Irene; Ta’asan, Shlomo 16 2006 Transport via mass transportation. Zbl 1100.35028 Kinderlehrer, David; Tudorascu, Adrian 3 2006 Remarks on a multiscale approach to grain growth in polycrystals. Zbl 1105.74006 Barmak, Katayun; Kinderlehrer, David; Livshits, Irine; Ta’asan, Shlomo 1 2006 Remarks about diffusion mediated transport: thinking about motion in small systems. Zbl 1099.35005 Hastings, S.; Kinderlehrer, D. 1 2005 Remarks about the flashing rachet. Zbl 1064.35065 Dolbeault, Jean; Kinderlehrer, David; Kowalczyk, Michał 10 2004 Transport in a molecular motor system. Zbl 1077.35060 Chipot, Michel; Hastings, Stuart; Kinderlehrer, David 9 2004 A variational principle for molecular motors. Zbl 1032.92005 Chipot, Michel; Kinderlehrer, David; Kowalczyk, Michal 11 2003 Diffusion-mediated transport and the flashing ratchet. Zbl 1065.76183 Kinderlehrer, David; Kowalczyk, Michał 14 2002 Discrete and continuous ratchets: From coin toss to molecular motor. Zbl 1009.35037 Heath, David; Kinderlehrer, David; Kowalczyk, Michał 7 2002 Evolution of grain boundaries. Zbl 1036.74041 Kinderlehrer, David; Liu, Chun 35 2001 An introduction to variational inequalities and their applications. Reprint of the 1980 original. Zbl 0988.49003 Kinderlehrer, David; Stampacchia, Guido 516 2000 Some regularity results in ferromagnetism. Zbl 0958.35136 Hardt, Robert; Kinderlehrer, David 11 2000 Remarks about diffusion mediated transport. Zbl 1012.60071 Kinderlehrer, David; Kowalczyk, Michal 1 2000 Approximation of parabolic equations using the Wasserstein metric. Zbl 0936.65121 Kinderlehrer, David; Walkington, Noel J. 24 1999 Fundamental contributions to the continuum theory of evolving phase interfaces in solids. A collection of reprints of 14 seminal papers, dedicated to Morton E. Gurtin on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. Zbl 0968.74003 17 1999 The variational formulation of the Fokker-Planck equation. Zbl 0915.35120 Jordan, Richard; Kinderlehrer, David; Otto, Felix 670 1998 The hysteretic event in the computation of magnetism and magnetostriction. Zbl 0939.35182 Kinderlehrer, D.; Ma, L. 1 1998 Free energy and the Fokker-Planck equation. Zbl 1029.82507 Jordan, Richard; Kinderlehrer, David; Otto, Felix 31 1997 The hysteretic event in the computation of magnetization. Zbl 0873.65114 Kinderlehrer, David; Ma, Ling 2 1997 An extended variational principle. Zbl 0852.49003 Jordan, Richard; Kinderlehrer, David 7 1996 Magnetoelastic interactions. Zbl 0894.73131 James, R.; Kinderlehrer, David 2 1996 Magnetoelastic interactions. Zbl 0864.73057 Kinderlehrer, David 1 1996 Numerical analysis of oscillations in multiple well problems. Zbl 0824.65045 Chipot, M.; Collins, C.; Kinderlehrer, D. 20 1995 Gradient Young measures generated by sequences in Sobolev spaces. Zbl 0808.46046 Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, Pablo 110 1994 Energy functionals depending on elastic strain and chemical composition. Zbl 0800.49030 Fonseca, Irene; Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, Pablo 17 1994 Remarks about gradient Young measures generated by sequences in Sobolev spaces. Zbl 0828.46031 Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, P. 2 1994 The elementary defects of the Oseen-Frank energy for a liquid crystal. Zbl 0784.35085 Kinderlehrer, David; Ou, Biao; Walkington, Nöel 7 1993 Relaxation in \(BV \times L^ \infty\) of functionals depending on strain and composition. Zbl 0796.49042 Fonseca, Irene; Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, Pablo 6 1993 Frustration and microstructure: An example in magnetostriction. Zbl 0797.49037 James, R. D.; Kinderlehrer, D. 3 1993 Weak convergence of integrands and the Young measure representation. Zbl 0757.49014 Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, Pablo 48 1992 Second variation of liquid crystal energy at \(x/ |{}x|{} \). Zbl 0761.49012 Kinderlehrer, David; Ou, Biao 6 1992 Remarks about the analysis of gradient Young measures. Zbl 0833.49012 Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, P. 5 1992 Characterizations of Young measures generated by gradients. Zbl 0754.49020 Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, Pablo 142 1991 Numerical approximation of the solution of a variational problem with a double well potential. Zbl 0725.65067 Collins, Charles; Kinderlehrer, David; Luskin, Mitchell 22 1991 Recent developments in liquid crystal theory. Zbl 0729.76009 Kinderlehrer, D. 10 1991 Caractérisation des mesures de Young associées à un gradient. (Characterization of gradient Young measures). Zbl 0759.49005 Kinderlehrer, David; Pedregal, Pablo 4 1991 The variety of configurations of static liquid crystals. Zbl 0723.58018 Hardt, Robert; Kinderlehrer, David; Lin, Fang Hau 19 1990 Phase transitions in crystals: Towards the analysis of microstructure. Zbl 0731.73074 Kinderlehrer, D. 2 1990 Theory of diffusionless phase transitions. Zbl 0991.74504 James, Richard; Kinderlehrer, David 28 1989 Variational principles with linear growth. Zbl 0706.49001 Hardt, Robert; Kinderlehrer, David 3 1989 The reflaxation of functionals with surface energies. Zbl 0696.49007 Kinderlehrer, David; Vergara-Caffarelli, Giorgio 3 1989 Equilibrium configurations of crystals. Zbl 0673.73012 Chipot, Michel; Kinderlehrer, David 113 1988 Stable defects of minimizers of constrained variational principles. Zbl 0657.49018 Hardt, R.; Kinderlehrer, D.; Lin, Fang-Hua 43 1988 Remarks about equilibrium configurations of crystals. Zbl 0850.73037 Kinderlehrer, David 22 1988 Mathematical questions of liquid crystal theory. Zbl 0704.76005 Hardt, R.; Kinderlehrer, D. 21 1988 Remarks about the mathematical theory of liquid crystals. Zbl 0696.49053 Hardt, Robert; Kinderlehrer, David; Luskin, Mitchell 8 1988 Theory and applications of liquid crystals. Zbl 0713.76006 41 1987 Metastability and incompletely posed problems. (Proceedings of a workshop held during the IMA 1984-85 program on continuum physics and partial differential equations, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis). Zbl 0604.00008 5 1987 Twinning of crystals. II. Zbl 0638.73007 Kinderlehrer, David 4 1987 Existence and partial regularity of static liquid crystal configurations. Zbl 0611.35077 Hardt, Robert; Kinderlehrer, David; Lin, Fang-Hua 161 1986 Smoothness of linear laminates. Zbl 0617.73062 Chipot, Michel; Kinderlehrer, David; Caffarelli, Giorgio Vergara 48 1986 Homogenization and effective moduli of materials and media. (Proceedings of a Workshop which was an integral part of the 1984-85 IMA program on Continuum Physics and Partial Differential Equations, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis). Zbl 0622.00024 6 1986 Some regularity results in plasticity. Zbl 0591.73047 Hardt, Robert M.; Kinderlehrer, David 2 1986 Remarks about St. Venant solutions in finite elasticity. Zbl 0605.73031 Kinderlehrer, David 1 1986 Oscillation theory, computation, and methods of compensated compactness. (Proceedings of a Workshop which was an integral part of the 1984-85 IMA program on Continuum Physics and Partial Differential Equations, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis). Zbl 0594.00008 1 1986 A relation between semi-inverse and Saint-Venant solutions for prisms. Zbl 0628.35035 Kinderlehrer, David 1 1986 Existence et régularité des configurations statiques des cristaux liquides. (Existence and smoothness of static liquid crystal configurations). Zbl 0614.35072 Hardt, Robert; Kinderlehrer, David; Lin, Fang-Hua 1 1985 Elastic plastic deformation. Zbl 0522.73029 Hardt, Robert; Kinderlehrer, David 22 1983 An introduction to variational inequalities and their applications. (Vvedenie v variatsionnye neravenstva i ikh prilozheniya). Transl. from the English. Zbl 0551.35003 Kinderlehrer, David; Stampacchia, Guido 17 1983 The partially supported elastic beam. Zbl 0514.73042 Gastaldi, Fabio; Kinderlehrer, David 2 1983 Estimates for the solution and its stability in Signorini’s problem. Zbl 0487.73126 Kinderlehrer, David 5 1982 Remarks about Signorini’s problem. Zbl 0494.35039 Kinderlehrer, David 1 1982 Remarks about Signorini’s problem in linear elasticity. Zbl 0482.73017 Kinderlehrer, David 30 1981 The smoothness of the solution of the boundary obstacle problem. Zbl 0459.35092 Kinderlehrer, David 26 1981 An introduction to variational inequalities and their applications. Zbl 0457.35001 Kinderlehrer, David; Stampacchia, Guido 1,903 1980 Potential methods in variational inequalities. Zbl 0455.49010 Caffarelli, L. A.; Kinderlehrer, D. 51 1980 The smoothness of free boundaries governed by elliptic equations and systems. Zbl 0485.35084 Kinderlehrer, D. 2 1980 Regularity in elliptic free boundary problems. II: Equations of higher order. Zbl 0425.35097 Kinderlehrer, D.; Nirenberg, Louis; Spruck, J. 8 1979 Regularity in elliptic free boundary problems. I. Zbl 0402.35045 Kinderlehrer, D.; Nirenberg, Louis; Spruck, J. 72 1978 Sur une nouvelle formulation du problème de l’ecoulement à travers une digue. Zbl 0391.76072 Brézis, Haïm; Kinderlehrer, David; Stampacchia, Guido 38 1978 The smoothness of the free boundary in the one phase Stefan problem. Zbl 0391.35060 Kinderlehrer, David; Nirenberg, Louis 29 1978 Analyticity at the boundary of solutions of nonlinear second-order parabolic equations. Zbl 0391.35045 Kinderlehrer, David; Nirenberg, Louis 25 1978 Variational inequalities and free boundary problems. Zbl 0382.35004 Kinderlehrer, David 20 1978 The shape and smoothness of stable plasma configurations. Zbl 0409.76095 Kinderlehrer, David; Spruck, Joel 20 1978 Régularité dans les problèmes elliptiques à frontière libre. Zbl 0386.35045 Kinderlehrer, David; Nirenberg, Louis; Spruck, Joel 5 1978 Hodograph methods and the smoothness of the free boundary in the one phase Stefan problem. Zbl 0456.35090 Kinderlehrer, David; Nirenberg, Louis 4 1978 Regularity in free boundary problems. Zbl 0352.35023 Kinderlehrer, D.; Nirenberg, Louis 146 1977 The free boundary determined by the solution to a differential equation. Zbl 0336.35031 Kinderlehrer, David 11 1976 A class of parabolic quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0323.35042 Friedman, Avner; Kinderlehrer, David 3 1976 A one phase Stefan problem. Zbl 0334.49002 Friedman, Avner; Kinderlehrer, David 61 1975 A free boundary value problem in potential theory. Zbl 0303.31003 Kinderlehrer, David; Stampacchia, Guido 3 1975 Elliptic variational inequalities. Zbl 0356.35023 Kinderlehrer, David 2 1975 The smoothness of solutions to nonlinear variational inequalities. Zbl 0278.49011 Brézis, Haïm; Kinderlehrer, David 98 1974 How a minimal surface leaves an obstacle. Zbl 0268.49050 Kinderlehrer, David 18 1973 The regularity of the solution to a certain variational inequality. Zbl 0273.35027 Kinderlehrer, David 2 1973 How a minimal surface leaves an obstacle. Zbl 0262.53003 Kinderlehrer, David 1 1972 The coincidence set of solutions of certain variational inequalities. Zbl 0219.49014 Kinderlehrer, D. 18 1971 ...and 4 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 4,522 Authors 89 Noor, Muhammad Aslam 57 Yao, Jen-Chih 48 Nagurney, Anna 44 Shehu, Yekini 40 Carrillo de la Plata, José Antonio 34 Dương Việt Thông 31 Dang Van Hieu 31 Noor, Khalida Inayat 30 Chipot, Michel 28 Sofonea, Mircea 27 Kinderlehrer, David 26 Ansari, Qamrul Hasan 26 Ceng, Lu-Chuan 25 Caffarelli, Luis Ángel 25 Dong, Qiaoli 24 Li, Wuchen 24 Migórski, Stanisław 22 Byun, Sun-Sig 22 Mielke, Alexander 22 Savaré, Giuseppe 21 Brenner, Susanne Cecelia 20 Matthes, Daniel 20 Shahgholian, Henrik 19 Han, Weimin 19 Huang, Nan-Jing 19 Jolaoso, Lateef Olakunle O. 19 Sung, Li-Yeng 18 Cho, Yeol Je 18 Friedman, Avner 18 Gwinner, Joachim 18 Hintermüller, Michael 18 Kumam, Poom 18 Santambrogio, Filippo 18 Vuong, Phan Tu 17 Daniele, Patrizia 17 Kružík, Martin 17 Le, Vy Khoi 17 Liu, Chun 17 Pedregal, Pablo 17 Peletier, Mark Adriaan 16 Cojocaru, Monica-Gabriela 16 Iyiola, Olaniyi Samuel 16 Porwal, Kamana 15 Carlier, Guillaume 15 Gibali, Aviv 15 Mewomo, Oluwatosin Temitope 15 Nguyen Dong Yen 14 Bayada, Guy 14 Bnouhachem, Abdellah 14 Dolzmann, Georg 14 Fonseca, Irene 14 Lin, Fang Hua 14 Maas, Jan 14 Serfaty, Sylvia 14 Vázquez Cendón, Carlos 14 Verma, Ram U. 14 Wen, Chingfeng 13 Gudi, Thirupathi 13 Iiduka, Hideaki 13 Kim, Inwon Christina 13 Lê Dung Muu 13 Ortiz, Michael 13 Otárola, Enrique 13 Pham Ky Anh 13 Reich, Simeon 13 Rodrigues, José Francisco 13 Zhang, Kewei 12 Alakoya, Timilehin Opeyemi 12 Ambrosio, Luigi 12 Cholamjiak, Prasit 12 Dong, June 12 Eslamian, Mohammad 12 Pastukhova, Svetlana Evgenievna 12 Raciti, Fabio 11 Cai, Gang 11 Christof, Constantin 11 Osher, Stanley Joel 11 Semenov, Volodymyr V. 11 Velichkov, Bozhidar 11 Xiao, Yibin 11 Zeng, Shengda 10 Al-Said, Eisa A. 10 Brézis, Haïm 10 Cancès, Clément 10 Canevari, Giacomo 10 Carstensen, Carsten 10 Chen, Yongxin 10 Conti, Sergio 10 Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso 10 Duong, Manh Hong 10 Erbar, Matthias 10 Figalli, Alessio 10 Hardt, Robert M. 10 Kristensen, Jan 10 Monsaingeon, Léonard 10 Sunthrayuth, Pongsakorn 10 Tarzia, Domingo Alberto 10 Temam, Roger Meyer 10 Yao, Yonghong 10 Zappale, Elvira ...and 4,422 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 507 Serials 140 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 132 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 132 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 129 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 119 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 91 Journal of Differential Equations 68 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 68 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 64 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 62 Optimization 59 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 57 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 56 Applied Mathematics and Computation 56 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 52 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 49 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 42 Journal of Functional Analysis 42 Numerische Mathematik 41 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 40 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 39 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 39 Journal of Global Optimization 39 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 37 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 34 Applied Mathematics Letters 33 Journal of Computational Physics 33 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 32 Journal of Scientific Computing 31 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 31 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 30 Applicable Analysis 30 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 29 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 28 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 27 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 26 Applied Numerical Mathematics 26 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 26 European Journal of Operational Research 26 Journal of Nonlinear Science 26 Optimization Letters 25 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 24 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 24 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 24 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 23 Advances in Mathematics 23 Manuscripta Mathematica 23 Mathematische Annalen 23 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 23 Numerical Algorithms 23 Abstract and Applied Analysis 22 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 21 Communications in Mathematical Physics 21 Mathematics of Computation 21 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 20 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 20 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 20 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 19 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 18 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 18 Physica D 17 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 17 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 17 Computational and Applied Mathematics 16 Inventiones Mathematicae 16 Computational Optimization and Applications 15 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 15 Annals of Operations Research 15 Potential Analysis 15 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 15 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 14 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 14 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 14 Advances in Calculus of Variations 13 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 12 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 12 Journal of Mathematical Physics 12 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 12 Neural Networks 12 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 12 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 12 Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations 11 Duke Mathematical Journal 11 Mathematische Zeitschrift 11 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 11 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 11 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 11 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 11 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 11 Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis 10 International Journal of Engineering Science 10 Operations Research Letters 10 The Annals of Applied Probability 10 Applications of Mathematics 10 Journal of Elasticity 10 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 10 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 10 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 10 Interfaces and Free Boundaries 10 Journal of Applied Mathematics 10 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications ...and 407 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 55 Fields 1,974 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1,814 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 903 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 750 Operator theory (47-XX) 598 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 497 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 427 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 234 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 207 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 197 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 194 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 140 Functional analysis (46-XX) 138 Differential geometry (53-XX) 123 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 94 Computer science (68-XX) 82 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 76 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 74 Real functions (26-XX) 63 Measure and integration (28-XX) 63 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 58 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 53 Potential theory (31-XX) 45 Statistics (62-XX) 45 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 35 Integral equations (45-XX) 31 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 28 General topology (54-XX) 25 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 23 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 22 Quantum theory (81-XX) 20 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 20 Geophysics (86-XX) 19 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 14 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 14 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 12 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 8 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 6 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 5 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 5 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Geometry (51-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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