Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Klebaner, Fima C. Co-Author Distance Author ID: klebaner.fima-c Published as: Klebaner, Fima C.; Klebaner, F. C.; Klebaner, Fima; Klebaner, F.; Klebaner, Fina C.; Klebaner, C. F.; Klebaner, F. K. more...less Homepage: http://www.monash.edu.au/research/people/profiles/profile.html?sid=4466&pid=3623 External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Documents Indexed: 100 Publications since 1982, including 4 Books and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor Reviewing Activity: 10 Reviews Co-Authors: 42 Co-Authors with 77 Joint Publications 884 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 24 single-authored 22 Hamza, Kais 15 Jagers, Peter 15 Liptser, Robert 9 Chigansky, Pavel 5 Fan, Jie Yen 4 Sagitov, Serik 3 Abramov, Vyacheslav M. 3 Khas’minskiĭ, Rafail Zalmanovich 3 Landsman, Zinoviy M. 3 Mogul’skii, Anatolii Alfredovich 2 Baker, Jeremy 2 Barbour, Andrew David 2 Kersting, Götz-Dietrich 2 Nerman, Olle 2 Vatutin, Vladimir Alekseevich 2 Zeitouni, Ofer 1 Albin, Patrik 1 Asmussen, Søren 1 Azmy, E. 1 Bauman, Naor 1 Bezen, Alexandre 1 Borovkov, Konstantin A. 1 Cohn, Harry 1 Fielding, Mark 1 Goldentayer, Lev 1 Haccou, Patsy 1 Jacka, Saul D. 1 Kaspi, Haya 1 Langrené, Nicolas 1 Lazar, Justin 1 Le, Truc 1 Logachev, Artem Vasilhevich 1 Mah, Olivia 1 Rösler, Uwe 1 Schuh, Hans-Jürgen 1 Sudbury, Aidan 1 Tan, Ying Oon 1 Tian, Yu 1 Virag, Eleanor 1 Watterson, G. A. 1 Zhang, Rongju 1 Zhu, Zili all top 5 Serials 14 Journal of Applied Probability 9 Advances in Applied Probability 6 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 4 Journal of Mathematical Biology 4 The Annals of Applied Probability 4 Electronic Communications in Probability 4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 3 Problems of Information Transmission 3 The Annals of Probability 3 Asia-Pacific Financial Markets 2 Theory of Probability and its Applications 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 2 Bernoulli 2 Advances and Applications in Statistics 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 The Australian Mathematical Society Gazette 1 The Australian Journal of Statistics 1 The Mathematical Scientist 1 Statistics & Probability Letters 1 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A 1 Random & Computational Dynamics 1 Applied Mathematical Finance 1 Mathematical Population Studies 1 Finance and Stochastics 1 Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics 1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 1 Quantitative Finance 1 Stochastic Models 1 Stochastics and Dynamics 1 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 1 Stochastics 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 Journal of Biological Dynamics 1 Journal of Theoretical Biology all top 5 Fields 90 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 26 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 18 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 7 Statistics (62-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 77 Publications have been cited 963 times in 724 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Introduction to stochastic calculus with applications. 2nd ed. Zbl 1077.60001 Klebaner, Fina C. 201 2005 Introduction to stochastic calculus with applications. 3rd ed. Zbl 1274.60005 Klebaner, Fima C. 96 2012 Introduction to stochastic calculus with applications. Zbl 0926.60002 Klebaner, Fima C. 68 1998 Long term behavior of solutions of the Lotka-Volterra system under small random perturbations. Zbl 1061.34513 Khasminskii, R. Z.; Klebaner, F. C. 55 2001 On population-size-dependent branching processes. Zbl 0528.60080 Klebaner, F. C. 37 1984 Population-size-dependent and age-dependent branching processes. Zbl 1045.60090 Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 30 2000 Geometric rate of growth in population-size-dependent branching processes. Zbl 0544.60073 Klebaner, F. C. 27 1984 When a stochastic exponential is a true martingale. Extension of the Beneš method. Zbl 1328.60111 Klebaner, F.; Liptser, R. 21 2014 Population-size-dependent, age-structured branching processes linger around. Zbl 1229.60098 Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 20 2011 Option price when the stock is a semimartingale. Zbl 1008.60057 Klebaner, Fima 19 2002 A family of non-Gaussian martingales with Gaussian marginals. Zbl 1152.60039 Hamza, Kais; Klebaner, Fima C. 18 2007 A limit theorem for population-size-dependent branching processes. Zbl 0562.60092 Klebaner, F. C. 18 1985 Population-dependent branching processes with a threshold. Zbl 0788.60106 Klebaner, Fima C. 17 1993 Stochasticity in the adaptive dynamics of evolution: the bare bones. Zbl 1403.92180 Klebaner, Fima C.; Sagitov, Serik; Vatutin, Vladimir A.; Haccou, Patsy; Jagers, Peter 16 2011 Conditions for integrability of Markov chains. Zbl 0835.60066 Hamza, K.; Klebaner, F. C. 16 1995 Branching random walk in varying environments. Zbl 0482.60078 Klebaner, C. F. 15 1982 Escape from the boundary in Markov population processes. Zbl 1355.92085 Barbour, A. D.; Hamza, K.; Kaspi, Haya; Klebaner, F. C. 15 2015 Moderate deviations for randomly perturbed dynamical systems. Zbl 0961.60042 Klebaner, F. C.; Liptser, R. 15 1999 Markovian paths to extinction. Zbl 1134.60052 Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C.; Sagitov, Serik 14 2007 Autoregressive approximation in branching processes with a threshold. Zbl 0830.60083 Klebaner, F. C.; Nerman, O. 13 1994 Geometric growth in near-supercritical population size dependent multitype Galton-Watson processes. Zbl 0694.60079 Klebaner, Fima C. 12 1989 On the establishment, persistence, and inevitable extinction of populations. Zbl 1334.60179 Hamza, Kais; Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 11 2016 The exit problem for a class of density-dependent branching systems. Zbl 0815.60025 Klebaner, Fima C.; Zeitouni, Ofer 10 1994 Transformations of Galton-Watson processes and linear fractional reproduction. Zbl 1139.60038 Klebaner, F. C.; Rösler, U.; Sagitov, S. 10 2007 Sharp conditions for nonexplosions and explosions in Markov jump processes. Zbl 0834.60084 Kersting, G.; Klebaner, F. C. 9 1995 Random variation and concentration effects in PCR. Zbl 1461.92038 Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima 9 2003 Stochastic difference equations and generalized gamma distributions. Zbl 0674.60077 Klebaner, Fima C. 9 1989 The age structure of population-dependent general branching processes in environments with a high carrying capacity. Zbl 1306.60127 Hamza, K.; Jagers, P.; Klebaner, F. C. 8 2013 On the emergence of random initial conditions in fluid limits. Zbl 1356.60053 Barbour, A. D.; Chigansky, P.; Klebaner, F. C. 8 2016 Asymptotic analysis and extinction in a stochastic Lotka-Volterra model. Zbl 1015.92044 Klebaner, F. C.; Liptser, R. 8 2001 Mimicking self-similar processes. Zbl 1372.60053 Fan, Jie Yen; Hamza, Kais; Klebaner, Fima 7 2015 Asymptotic behaviour of Markov population processes with asymptotically linear rate of change. Zbl 0819.60064 Klebaner, F. C. 7 1994 Linear growth in near-critical population size-dependent multitype Galton-Watson processes. Zbl 0682.60074 Klebaner, Fima C. 7 1989 Large deviations for past-dependent recursions. Zbl 1037.60500 Klebaner, F. K.; Liptser, R. Sh. 6 1996 On the quasi-stationary distribution for some randomly perturbed transformations of an interval. Zbl 0942.60070 Klebaner, Fima C.; Lazar, Justin; Zeitouni, Ofer 6 1998 What can be observed in real time PCR and when does it show? Zbl 1382.92217 Chigansky, Pavel; Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 6 2018 Geometric rate of growth in Markov chains with applications to population-size-dependent models with dependent offspring. Zbl 0606.60071 Cohn, Harry; Klebaner, Fima 6 1986 Convergence of the age structure of general schemes of population processes. Zbl 1466.60175 Fan, Jie Yen; Hamza, Kais; Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima 5 2020 Asymptotic behavior of near-critical multitype branching processes. Zbl 0738.60082 Klebaner, Fima C. 5 1991 On nonexistence of non-constant volatility in the Black-Scholes formula. Zbl 1133.60337 Hamza, Kais; Klebaner, Fima C. 5 2006 Population-size-dependent branching process with linear rate of growth. Zbl 0513.60085 Klebaner, F. C. 5 1983 The age of a Galton-Watson population with a geometric offspring distribution. Zbl 1019.60085 Klebaner, F. C.; Sagitov, S. 5 2002 Persistence of small noise and random initial conditions. Zbl 1431.60085 Baker, J.; Chigansky, P.; Hamza, K.; Klebaner, F. C. 4 2018 Option pricing for log-symmetric distributions of returns. Zbl 1170.91385 Klebaner, Fima C.; Landsman, Zinoviy 4 2009 Conditions for fixation of an allele in the density-dependent Wright- Fisher models. Zbl 0654.92006 Klebaner, Fima C. 4 1988 Likely path to extinction in simple branching models with large initial population. Zbl 1115.60078 Klebaner, F. C.; Liptser, R. 4 2006 Asymptotic analysis of ruin in the constant elasticity of variance model. Zbl 1223.91041 Klebaner, F.; Liptser, R. 3 2011 Dynamic portfolio optimization with liquidity cost and market impact: a simulation-and-regression approach. Zbl 1420.91438 Zhang, Rongju; Langrené, Nicolas; Tian, Yu; Zhu, Zili; Klebaner, Fima; Hamza, Kais 3 2019 Large deviations for processes on half-line: random walk and compound Poisson. Zbl 1420.60039 Klebaner, Fima C.; Mogulskiĭ, Anatoliĭ Al’fredovich 3 2019 Population and density dependent branching processes. Zbl 0867.60064 Klebaner, F. C. 3 1997 Extended large deviation principle for trajectories of processes with independent and stationary increments on the half-line. Zbl 1447.60056 Klebaner, F. C.; Logachov, A. V.; Mogulskii, A. A. 3 2020 On solutions of first order stochastic partial differential equations. Zbl 1121.60067 Hamza, K.; Klebaner, F. C. 3 2006 Large deviations for processes on half-line. Zbl 1329.60055 Klebaner, Fima C.; Logachev, Artem V.; Mogulski, Anatoli A. 3 2015 A connection between the limit and the maximum random variable of a branching process in varying environments. Zbl 0493.60088 Klebaner, F. C.; Schuh, H.-J. 3 1982 The equivalent martingale measure conditions in a general model for interest rates. Zbl 1076.60055 Hamza, Kais; Jacka, Saul; Klebaner, Fima 2 2005 The Euler-Maruyama approximations for the CEV model. Zbl 1230.65005 Abramov, Vyacheslav M.; Klebaner, Fima C.; Lipster, Robert Sh. 2 2011 Some results on the Lotka–Volterra model and its small random perturbations. Zbl 1044.34015 Khaminskii, R. Z.; Klebaner, F. C.; Liptser, R. 2 2003 Tracking volatility. Zbl 1201.91227 Goldentayer, L.; Klebaner, F.; Liptser, R. Sh. 2 2005 Large deviations analysis of extinction in branching models. Zbl 1144.60050 Klebaner, Fima C.; Liptser, Robert 2 2008 From size to age and type structure dependent branching: a first step to sexual reproduction in general population processes. Zbl 1354.60097 Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2016 Populations with interaction and environmental dependence: from few, (almost) independent, members into deterministic evolution of high densities. Zbl 1481.60176 Chigansky, Pavel; Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2019 Branching processes in near-critical random environments. Zbl 1052.60069 Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima 1 2004 On the Markov property of some Brownian martingales. Zbl 1262.60039 Fan, J. Y.; Hamza, K.; Klebaner, F. C. 1 2012 Random step functions model for interest rates. Zbl 1035.60086 Borovkov, Konstantin; Klebaner, Fima C.; Virag, Eleanor 1 2003 Explosions in Markov processes and submartingale convergence. Zbl 0862.60071 Kersting, G.; Klebaner, F. C. 1 1996 Conditions for the unlimited growth in multitype population size dependent Galton-Watson processes. Zbl 0712.92017 Klebaner, Fima C. 1 1990 The Euler-Maruyama approximation for the absorption time of the CEV diffusion. Zbl 1248.60061 Chigansky, Pavel; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2012 On the establishment of a mutant. Zbl 1434.92022 Baker, Jeremy; Chigansky, Pavel; Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2020 Dependence and interaction in branching processes. Zbl 1271.60093 Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2013 FCLT and MDP for stochastic Lotka-Volterra model. Zbl 1116.92068 Klebaner, F. C.; Lim, A.; Liptser, R. 1 2007 Estimation and prediction of a non-constant volatility. Zbl 1151.91469 Abramov, Vyacheslav M.; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2007 How did we get here? Zbl 1310.60117 Hamza, Kais; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2014 Option pricing for symmetric Lévy returns with applications. Zbl 1368.91171 Hamza, Kais; Klebaner, Fima C.; Landsman, Zinoviy; Tan, Ying-Oon 1 2015 Expected number of excursions above curved boundaries by a random walk. Zbl 0682.60060 Klebaner, Fima C. 1 1990 On the implicit Black-Scholes formula. Zbl 1140.60022 Hamza, Kais; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2008 On estimation of volatility surface and prediction of future spot volatility. Zbl 1143.91337 Klebaner, Fima; Le, Truc; Liptser, Robert 1 2006 Expectation of local times and the Dupire formula. Zbl 1492.91374 Hamza, K.; Klebaner, F. C. 1 2022 Expectation of local times and the Dupire formula. Zbl 1492.91374 Hamza, K.; Klebaner, F. C. 1 2022 Convergence of the age structure of general schemes of population processes. Zbl 1466.60175 Fan, Jie Yen; Hamza, Kais; Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima 5 2020 Extended large deviation principle for trajectories of processes with independent and stationary increments on the half-line. Zbl 1447.60056 Klebaner, F. C.; Logachov, A. V.; Mogulskii, A. A. 3 2020 On the establishment of a mutant. Zbl 1434.92022 Baker, Jeremy; Chigansky, Pavel; Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2020 Dynamic portfolio optimization with liquidity cost and market impact: a simulation-and-regression approach. Zbl 1420.91438 Zhang, Rongju; Langrené, Nicolas; Tian, Yu; Zhu, Zili; Klebaner, Fima; Hamza, Kais 3 2019 Large deviations for processes on half-line: random walk and compound Poisson. Zbl 1420.60039 Klebaner, Fima C.; Mogulskiĭ, Anatoliĭ Al’fredovich 3 2019 Populations with interaction and environmental dependence: from few, (almost) independent, members into deterministic evolution of high densities. Zbl 1481.60176 Chigansky, Pavel; Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2019 What can be observed in real time PCR and when does it show? Zbl 1382.92217 Chigansky, Pavel; Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 6 2018 Persistence of small noise and random initial conditions. Zbl 1431.60085 Baker, J.; Chigansky, P.; Hamza, K.; Klebaner, F. C. 4 2018 On the establishment, persistence, and inevitable extinction of populations. Zbl 1334.60179 Hamza, Kais; Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 11 2016 On the emergence of random initial conditions in fluid limits. Zbl 1356.60053 Barbour, A. D.; Chigansky, P.; Klebaner, F. C. 8 2016 From size to age and type structure dependent branching: a first step to sexual reproduction in general population processes. Zbl 1354.60097 Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2016 Escape from the boundary in Markov population processes. Zbl 1355.92085 Barbour, A. D.; Hamza, K.; Kaspi, Haya; Klebaner, F. C. 15 2015 Mimicking self-similar processes. Zbl 1372.60053 Fan, Jie Yen; Hamza, Kais; Klebaner, Fima 7 2015 Large deviations for processes on half-line. Zbl 1329.60055 Klebaner, Fima C.; Logachev, Artem V.; Mogulski, Anatoli A. 3 2015 Option pricing for symmetric Lévy returns with applications. Zbl 1368.91171 Hamza, Kais; Klebaner, Fima C.; Landsman, Zinoviy; Tan, Ying-Oon 1 2015 When a stochastic exponential is a true martingale. Extension of the Beneš method. Zbl 1328.60111 Klebaner, F.; Liptser, R. 21 2014 How did we get here? Zbl 1310.60117 Hamza, Kais; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2014 The age structure of population-dependent general branching processes in environments with a high carrying capacity. Zbl 1306.60127 Hamza, K.; Jagers, P.; Klebaner, F. C. 8 2013 Dependence and interaction in branching processes. Zbl 1271.60093 Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2013 Introduction to stochastic calculus with applications. 3rd ed. Zbl 1274.60005 Klebaner, Fima C. 96 2012 On the Markov property of some Brownian martingales. Zbl 1262.60039 Fan, J. Y.; Hamza, K.; Klebaner, F. C. 1 2012 The Euler-Maruyama approximation for the absorption time of the CEV diffusion. Zbl 1248.60061 Chigansky, Pavel; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2012 Population-size-dependent, age-structured branching processes linger around. Zbl 1229.60098 Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 20 2011 Stochasticity in the adaptive dynamics of evolution: the bare bones. Zbl 1403.92180 Klebaner, Fima C.; Sagitov, Serik; Vatutin, Vladimir A.; Haccou, Patsy; Jagers, Peter 16 2011 Asymptotic analysis of ruin in the constant elasticity of variance model. Zbl 1223.91041 Klebaner, F.; Liptser, R. 3 2011 The Euler-Maruyama approximations for the CEV model. Zbl 1230.65005 Abramov, Vyacheslav M.; Klebaner, Fima C.; Lipster, Robert Sh. 2 2011 Option pricing for log-symmetric distributions of returns. Zbl 1170.91385 Klebaner, Fima C.; Landsman, Zinoviy 4 2009 Large deviations analysis of extinction in branching models. Zbl 1144.60050 Klebaner, Fima C.; Liptser, Robert 2 2008 On the implicit Black-Scholes formula. Zbl 1140.60022 Hamza, Kais; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2008 A family of non-Gaussian martingales with Gaussian marginals. Zbl 1152.60039 Hamza, Kais; Klebaner, Fima C. 18 2007 Markovian paths to extinction. Zbl 1134.60052 Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C.; Sagitov, Serik 14 2007 Transformations of Galton-Watson processes and linear fractional reproduction. Zbl 1139.60038 Klebaner, F. C.; Rösler, U.; Sagitov, S. 10 2007 FCLT and MDP for stochastic Lotka-Volterra model. Zbl 1116.92068 Klebaner, F. C.; Lim, A.; Liptser, R. 1 2007 Estimation and prediction of a non-constant volatility. Zbl 1151.91469 Abramov, Vyacheslav M.; Klebaner, Fima C. 1 2007 On nonexistence of non-constant volatility in the Black-Scholes formula. Zbl 1133.60337 Hamza, Kais; Klebaner, Fima C. 5 2006 Likely path to extinction in simple branching models with large initial population. Zbl 1115.60078 Klebaner, F. C.; Liptser, R. 4 2006 On solutions of first order stochastic partial differential equations. Zbl 1121.60067 Hamza, K.; Klebaner, F. C. 3 2006 On estimation of volatility surface and prediction of future spot volatility. Zbl 1143.91337 Klebaner, Fima; Le, Truc; Liptser, Robert 1 2006 Introduction to stochastic calculus with applications. 2nd ed. Zbl 1077.60001 Klebaner, Fina C. 201 2005 The equivalent martingale measure conditions in a general model for interest rates. Zbl 1076.60055 Hamza, Kais; Jacka, Saul; Klebaner, Fima 2 2005 Tracking volatility. Zbl 1201.91227 Goldentayer, L.; Klebaner, F.; Liptser, R. Sh. 2 2005 Branching processes in near-critical random environments. Zbl 1052.60069 Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima 1 2004 Random variation and concentration effects in PCR. Zbl 1461.92038 Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima 9 2003 Some results on the Lotka–Volterra model and its small random perturbations. Zbl 1044.34015 Khaminskii, R. Z.; Klebaner, F. C.; Liptser, R. 2 2003 Random step functions model for interest rates. Zbl 1035.60086 Borovkov, Konstantin; Klebaner, Fima C.; Virag, Eleanor 1 2003 Option price when the stock is a semimartingale. Zbl 1008.60057 Klebaner, Fima 19 2002 The age of a Galton-Watson population with a geometric offspring distribution. Zbl 1019.60085 Klebaner, F. C.; Sagitov, S. 5 2002 Long term behavior of solutions of the Lotka-Volterra system under small random perturbations. Zbl 1061.34513 Khasminskii, R. Z.; Klebaner, F. C. 55 2001 Asymptotic analysis and extinction in a stochastic Lotka-Volterra model. Zbl 1015.92044 Klebaner, F. C.; Liptser, R. 8 2001 Population-size-dependent and age-dependent branching processes. Zbl 1045.60090 Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima C. 30 2000 Moderate deviations for randomly perturbed dynamical systems. Zbl 0961.60042 Klebaner, F. C.; Liptser, R. 15 1999 Introduction to stochastic calculus with applications. Zbl 0926.60002 Klebaner, Fima C. 68 1998 On the quasi-stationary distribution for some randomly perturbed transformations of an interval. Zbl 0942.60070 Klebaner, Fima C.; Lazar, Justin; Zeitouni, Ofer 6 1998 Population and density dependent branching processes. Zbl 0867.60064 Klebaner, F. C. 3 1997 Large deviations for past-dependent recursions. Zbl 1037.60500 Klebaner, F. K.; Liptser, R. Sh. 6 1996 Explosions in Markov processes and submartingale convergence. Zbl 0862.60071 Kersting, G.; Klebaner, F. C. 1 1996 Conditions for integrability of Markov chains. Zbl 0835.60066 Hamza, K.; Klebaner, F. C. 16 1995 Sharp conditions for nonexplosions and explosions in Markov jump processes. Zbl 0834.60084 Kersting, G.; Klebaner, F. C. 9 1995 Autoregressive approximation in branching processes with a threshold. Zbl 0830.60083 Klebaner, F. C.; Nerman, O. 13 1994 The exit problem for a class of density-dependent branching systems. Zbl 0815.60025 Klebaner, Fima C.; Zeitouni, Ofer 10 1994 Asymptotic behaviour of Markov population processes with asymptotically linear rate of change. Zbl 0819.60064 Klebaner, F. C. 7 1994 Population-dependent branching processes with a threshold. Zbl 0788.60106 Klebaner, Fima C. 17 1993 Asymptotic behavior of near-critical multitype branching processes. Zbl 0738.60082 Klebaner, Fima C. 5 1991 Conditions for the unlimited growth in multitype population size dependent Galton-Watson processes. Zbl 0712.92017 Klebaner, Fima C. 1 1990 Expected number of excursions above curved boundaries by a random walk. Zbl 0682.60060 Klebaner, Fima C. 1 1990 Geometric growth in near-supercritical population size dependent multitype Galton-Watson processes. Zbl 0694.60079 Klebaner, Fima C. 12 1989 Stochastic difference equations and generalized gamma distributions. Zbl 0674.60077 Klebaner, Fima C. 9 1989 Linear growth in near-critical population size-dependent multitype Galton-Watson processes. Zbl 0682.60074 Klebaner, Fima C. 7 1989 Conditions for fixation of an allele in the density-dependent Wright- Fisher models. Zbl 0654.92006 Klebaner, Fima C. 4 1988 Geometric rate of growth in Markov chains with applications to population-size-dependent models with dependent offspring. Zbl 0606.60071 Cohn, Harry; Klebaner, Fima 6 1986 A limit theorem for population-size-dependent branching processes. Zbl 0562.60092 Klebaner, F. C. 18 1985 On population-size-dependent branching processes. Zbl 0528.60080 Klebaner, F. C. 37 1984 Geometric rate of growth in population-size-dependent branching processes. Zbl 0544.60073 Klebaner, F. C. 27 1984 Population-size-dependent branching process with linear rate of growth. Zbl 0513.60085 Klebaner, F. C. 5 1983 Branching random walk in varying environments. Zbl 0482.60078 Klebaner, C. F. 15 1982 A connection between the limit and the maximum random variable of a branching process in varying environments. Zbl 0493.60088 Klebaner, F. C.; Schuh, H.-J. 3 1982 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,163 Authors 43 Klebaner, Fima C. 19 Jagers, Peter 17 Jiang, Daqing 16 Gonzalez-Velasco, Miguel 16 Mota, Manuel 14 Molina, Manuel 13 Hamza, Kais 11 Tong, Jinying 11 Zhang, Zhenzhong 10 Mirzaee, Farshid 9 Duan, Jinqiao 8 Barbour, Andrew David 8 Ji, Chunyan 8 Martínez, Rodrigo 8 Ramos, Alfonso 7 del Puerto, Inés Maria 6 Khodabin, Morteza 6 Liptser, Robert 6 Sagitov, Serik 6 Samadyar, Nasrin 6 Sun, Xu 5 Abundo, Mario 5 Balachandar, S. Raja 5 Chigansky, Pavel 5 Escobedo-Trujillo, Beatris Adriana 5 Fan, Jie Yen 5 Jacob, Christine 5 Jin, Xinghu 5 Li, Yuqiang 5 López-Barrientos, José Daniel 5 Markowsky, Greg T. 5 Muratore-Ginanneschi, Paolo 5 Roy, Debasish 5 Tran, Viet Chi 5 Uma, D. 5 Venkatesh, S. G. 4 Allam, Allam A. 4 Avanzi, Benjamin 4 Fridman, Emilia 4 Gao, Zhiqiang 4 Greenman, Chris D. 4 Hognas, Goran 4 Lalam, Nadia 4 Leder, Kevin 4 Li, Xiaoyue 4 Liu, Quansheng 4 Méléard, Sylvie 4 Minuesa, Carmen 4 Park, Juhyun (Jessie) 4 Shi, Ningzhong 4 Song, Bo 4 Suvinthra, Murugan 4 Tang, Qihe 4 Wong, Bernard 4 Wu, Zhaojing 4 Zhang, Ya 4 Zheng, Yayun 3 Alipour, Sahar 3 Balachandran, Krishnan 3 Chen, JianBing 3 Dokuchaev, Nikolai G. 3 Dozzi, Marco E. 3 El-Hadidy, Mohamed Abd Allah 3 Ezzati, Reza 3 Fallahpour, Mohsen 3 Feng, Likang 3 Haccou, Patsy 3 Hautphenne, Sophie 3 Hayat, Tasawar 3 Heydari, Mohammad Hossein 3 Huillet, Thierry E. 3 Jiao, Ticao 3 Kim, Eunjin 3 Kozitsky, Yuri Vasil’evich 3 Lambert, Amaury 3 Li, Junping 3 Li, Mei 3 Li, Ruinan 3 Li, Xiaofan 3 Liu, Ming 3 Liu, Songnan 3 López-Mimbela, José Alfredo 3 Luczak, Malwina J. 3 Lyu, Meng-Ze 3 Maleknejad, Khosrow 3 Metz, Johan A. Jacob 3 Minier, Jean-Pierre 3 Mogul’skii, Anatolii Alfredovich 3 Mohan, Manil Thankamani 3 Pang, Guodong 3 Ramanan, Kavita 3 Schauer, Moritz 3 Spiliopoulos, Konstantinos V. 3 Tu, Vincent 3 Wang, Pengfei 3 Xu, Xiaofeng 3 Xu, Xiaojie 3 Yin, Gang George 3 Yin, George Gang 3 Yuan, Sanling ...and 1,063 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 237 Serials 34 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 26 Journal of Applied Probability 23 The Annals of Applied Probability 22 Journal of Mathematical Biology 19 Statistics & Probability Letters 16 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 15 Applied Mathematics and Computation 14 Advances in Applied Probability 13 Automatica 12 Stochastics and Dynamics 11 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 11 Journal of Theoretical Biology 10 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 10 Stochastic Models 10 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 9 Bernoulli 9 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 9 Stochastics 8 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 8 Journal of Theoretical Probability 8 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 7 Mathematical Biosciences 7 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 7 Electronic Journal of Probability 7 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 6 Journal of Statistical Physics 6 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 6 Theoretical Population Biology 6 Finance and Stochastics 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis 6 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 6 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 6 Advances in Difference Equations 5 Physica A 5 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Systems & Control Letters 5 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 5 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 4 Journal of the Franklin Institute 4 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 4 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 4 Applied Mathematical Modelling 4 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 4 Chaos 4 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 4 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 4 SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 3 International Journal of Control 3 Physics Letters. A 3 Applied Numerical Mathematics 3 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 3 Numerical Algorithms 3 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Filomat 3 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 3 Mathematical Population Studies 3 Nonlinear Dynamics 3 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3 International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 3 Quantitative Finance 3 Asia-Pacific Financial Markets 3 International Journal of Biomathematics 3 Asian Journal of Control 3 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2 Applicable Analysis 2 Journal of Computational Physics 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 The Mathematical Gazette 2 The Annals of Probability 2 Journal of Differential Equations 2 Journal of Econometrics 2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 2 Theoretical Computer Science 2 Physica D 2 Probability Theory and Related Fields 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 2 Annals of Operations Research 2 European Journal of Operational Research 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 2 Chinese Science Bulletin 2 Test 2 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematical Finance 2 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan 2 ASTIN Bulletin 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 2 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 2 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 2 Journal of Biological Dynamics 2 Mathematics and Financial Economics ...and 137 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 37 Fields 537 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 191 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 108 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 96 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 92 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 76 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 74 Statistics (62-XX) 55 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 31 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 29 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 25 Integral equations (45-XX) 16 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 14 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 13 Operator theory (47-XX) 12 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 11 Computer science (68-XX) 9 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 8 Quantum theory (81-XX) 6 Combinatorics (05-XX) 6 Real functions (26-XX) 6 Functional analysis (46-XX) 5 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Measure and integration (28-XX) 4 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 4 Geophysics (86-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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