Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Klingman, Darwin D. Co-Author Distance Author ID: klingman.darwin-d Published as: Klingman, D.; Klingman, Darwin; Klingman, Darwin D. more...less Documents Indexed: 62 Publications since 1970 1 Contribution as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Software Indexed: 1 Package Co-Authors: 24 Co-Authors with 62 Joint Publications 391 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 2 single-authored 42 Glover, Fred W. 8 Barr, Richard S. 6 Phillips, Nancy V. 5 Russell, Robert A. 4 Charnes, Abraham 4 Elam, Joyce J. 4 Mote, John 4 Napier, A. 3 Mulvey, John M. 3 Whitman, David G. 2 Armstrong, Ronald D. 2 Hultz, John W. 2 Mead, Melissa 2 Partow-Navid, Parviz 2 Schneider, Robert F. 1 Buckley, Albert G. 1 Bus, Jacques C. P. 1 Cody, William J. jun. 1 Cooper, William Wager 1 Crowder, Harlan P. 1 Dembo, Ron S. 1 Dial, Robert B. 1 Eason, Ernest D. 1 Fosdick, Lloyd D. 1 Gentle, James E. 1 Gibby, David 1 Glober, Fred 1 Glover, Randy 1 Helgason, Richard V. 1 Hiebert, Kathie L. 1 Himmelblau, David M. 1 Hoffman, Karla Leigh 1 Jackson, Richard H. F. 1 Kennington, Jeffery L. 1 Klastorin, Theodore D. 1 Lidor, G. 1 Meyer, Robert R. 1 Niehaus, R. J. 1 O’Neill, Richard P. 1 Osterweil, Leon J. 1 Padman, Rema 1 Ragsdell, K. M. 1 Riley, W. J. 1 Ross, G. Terry 1 Sandgren, Eric 1 Schittkowski, Klaus 1 Schnabel, Robert B. 1 Shepardson, Fred 1 Sielken, Robert L. jun. 1 Smith, C. P. 1 Stewart, William R. jun. 1 Suhl, Uwe H. all top 5 Serials 10 Operations Research 5 European Journal of Operational Research 5 Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 4 Mathematical Programming 4 Management Science. Ser. A, Theory Series 3 INFOR 3 Management Science 3 Mathematical Programming Study 2 Discrete Applied Mathematics 2 Networks 2 Annals of Operations Research 1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1 Cahiers du Centre d’Études de Recherche Opérationnelle 1 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 1 Journal of the Operational Research Society 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Mathematics of Operations Research 1 Operations Research Letters 1 Computers & Operations Research 1 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 1 Management Science. Ser. B, Application Series 1 Operational Research Quarterly 1 Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems all top 5 Fields 62 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 34 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 14 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 57 Publications have been cited 737 times in 504 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ NETGEN: A program for generating large scale capacitated assignment, transportation, and minimum cost flow network problems. Zbl 0303.90042 Klingman, D.; Napier, A.; Stutz, J. 157 1974 Algorithms for network programming. With a foreword by Fred Glover and Darwin Klingman. Zbl 0502.90056 Kennington, Jeff L.; Helgason, Richard V. 107 1980 The alternating basis algorithm for assignment problems. Zbl 0378.90097 Barr, R. S.; Glover, F.; Klingman, D. 44 1977 A computational analysis of alternative algorithms and labeling techniques for finding shortest path trees. Zbl 0414.68035 Dial, R.; Glover, F.; Karney, D.; Klingman, D. 42 1979 Implementation and computational comparisons of primal, dual and primal- dual computer codes for minimum cost network flow problem. Zbl 0282.68020 Glover, F.; Karney, D.; Klingman, D. 41 1974 A new optimization method for large scale fixed charge transportation problems. Zbl 0455.90055 Barr, Richard S.; Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 31 1981 The simplex SON algorithm for LP/embedded network problems. Zbl 0477.90043 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 28 1981 A computation study on start procedures, basis change criteria, and solution algorithms for transportation problems. Zbl 0303.90039 Glover, Fred; Karney, D.; Klingman, D.; Napier, A. 28 1974 Augmented threaded index method for network optimization. Zbl 0288.90077 Glover, F.; Klingman, D.; Stutz, J. 23 1974 A new polynomially bounded shortest path algorithm. Zbl 0578.90089 Glover, F.; Klingman, D.; Phillips, N. 23 1985 Solving constrained transportation problems. Zbl 0314.90052 Klingman, D.; Russell, R. 19 1975 Enhancements of spanning tree labelling procedures for network optimization. Zbl 0403.90083 Barr, Richard; Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 18 1979 The generalized lattice-point problem. Zbl 0272.90040 Glover, Fred; Klingman, D. 18 1973 Layering strategies for creating exploitable structure in linear and integer programs. Zbl 0667.90070 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 17 1988 A o(n log n) algorithm for lp knapsacks with GUB constraints. Zbl 0421.90050 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 16 1979 Optimal weighted ancestry relationships. Zbl 0303.90055 Glover, Fred; Klastorin, T.; Klingman, D. 16 1974 An improved version of the out-of-kilter method and a comparative study of computer codes. Zbl 0313.90044 Barr, R. S.; Glover, F.; Klingman, D. 13 1974 New polynomial shortest path algorithms and their computational attributes. Zbl 0609.90103 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin D.; Phillips, Nancy V.; Schneider, Robert F. 13 1985 Implementation and computational study on an in-core, out-of-core primal network code. Zbl 0339.90041 Karney, D.; Klingman, D. 12 1977 Basis exchange characterizations for the simplex SON algorithm for LP/embedded networks. Zbl 0584.90058 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 11 1985 Concave programming applied to a special class of 0-1 integer programs. Zbl 0265.90033 Glover, Fred; Klingman, D. 10 1973 Threshold assignment algorithm. Zbl 0605.90099 Glover, Fred; Glover, Randy; Klingman, Darwin 10 1986 The ’more for less’ paradox in the distribution model. Zbl 0212.51201 Charnes, A.; Klingman, D. 10 1971 Finding minimum spanning trees with a fixed number of links at a node. Zbl 0395.90077 Glover, F.; Klingman, D. 9 1976 Finding minimum spanning trees with a fixed number of links at a node. Zbl 0309.90056 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 8 1975 On the equivalence of some generalized network problems to pure network problems. Zbl 0259.90012 Glover, Fred; Klingman, D. 8 1973 A strongly convergent primal simplex algorithm for generalized networks. Zbl 0422.90081 Elam, Joyce; Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 7 1979 The transportation problem with mixed constraints. Zbl 0285.90052 Klingman, D.; Russell, R. 7 1974 Evaluating mathematical programming techniques. Proceedings of a Conference Held at the National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado, January 5-6, 1981. Zbl 0481.90053 7 1982 Real world applications of network related problems and breakthroughs in solving them efficiently. Zbl 0313.90060 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 6 1975 Solving singularly constrained generalized network problems. Zbl 0373.90075 Hultz, John; Klingman, D. 6 1978 The generalized alternating path algorithm for transportation problems. Zbl 0376.90068 Barr, R. S.; Glover, F.; Klingman, D. 6 1978 Finding equivalent network formulations for constrained network problems. Zbl 0355.90070 Klingman, Darwin 5 1977 A network augmenting path basis algorithm for transshipment problems. Zbl 0428.90070 Barr, Richard; Elam, Joyce; Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 5 1980 A streamlined simplex approach to the singly constrained transportation problem. Zbl 0395.90052 Klingman, D.; Russell, R. 5 1978 A primal simplex variant for the maximum-flow problem. Zbl 0533.90033 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin; Mote, John; Whitman, David 5 1984 A network-related nuclear power plant model with an intelligent branch- and-bound solution approach. Zbl 0704.90054 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin; Phillips, Nancy V. 5 1989 An efficient primal approach to bottleneck transportation problems. Zbl 0521.90076 Russell, Robert A.; Klingman, Darwin D.; Partow-Navid, Parviz 4 1983 An in-depth empirical investigation of non-greedy approaches for the minimum spanning tree problem. Zbl 0760.90088 Glover, F.; Klingman, D.; Krishnan, R.; Padman, R. 4 1992 Recent developments in computer implementation technology for network flow algorithms. Zbl 0504.90016 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 3 1982 Improved convexity cuts for lattice point problems. Zbl 0307.90053 Glover, F.; Klingman, D. 3 1976 Acomputational study of the effects of problem dimensions on solution times for transportation problems. Zbl 0305.65035 Ross, G. Terry; Klingman, D.; Napier, A. 3 1975 Explicit solutions in convex goal programming. Zbl 0328.90050 Charnes, A.; Cooper, W. W.; Klingman, D.; Niehaus, R. J. 3 1976 An advanced dual basic feasible solution for a class of capacitated generalized networks. Zbl 0362.90124 Hultz, John; Klingman, Darwin; Russell, Robert 3 1976 Equitable demand adjustment for infeasible transportation problems. Zbl 0645.90053 Klingman, Darwin; Phillips, Nancy V. 3 1988 The distribution problem with upper and lower bounds on the node requirements. Zbl 0194.19901 Charnes, A.; Klingman, D. 3 1970 Basic dual feasible solutions for a class of generalized networks. Zbl 0238.90074 Glover, Fred; Klingman, D.; Napier, A. 3 1972 Implementation and analysis of a variant of the dual method for the capacitated transshipment problem. Zbl 0442.90100 Armstrong, Ronald D.; Klingman, Darwin; Whitman, David 2 1980 The disjunctive-facet problem: Formulation and solution techniques. Zbl 0283.90034 Glover, F.; Klingman, D.; Stutz, J. 2 1974 New advances in the solution of large-scale network and network-related problems. Zbl 0334.90048 Glover, F.; Klingman, D. 2 1976 The lower bounded and partial upper bounded distribution model. Zbl 0226.90025 Charnes, A.; Glover, Fred; Klingman, D. 2 1971 A new alternating basis algorithm for semi-assignment networks. Zbl 0429.90075 Barr, Richard; Glober, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 1 1978 An equivalent subproblem relaxation for improving the solution of a class of transportation scheduling problems. Zbl 0536.90061 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin; Phillips, Nancy 1 1984 An evaluation of mathematical programming and minicomputers. Zbl 0387.90110 Elam, Joyce; Klingman, Darwin; Mulvey, John 1 1979 Generalized network approaches for solving least absolute value and Tchebycheff regression problems. Zbl 0536.65099 Klingman, Darwin; Mote, John 1 1982 New sharpness properties, algorithms and complexity bounds for partitioning shortest path procedures. Zbl 0677.90078 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 1 1989 Higher order tree dual approximation methods for the distribution problem. Zbl 0238.90050 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 1 1972 An in-depth empirical investigation of non-greedy approaches for the minimum spanning tree problem. Zbl 0760.90088 Glover, F.; Klingman, D.; Krishnan, R.; Padman, R. 4 1992 A network-related nuclear power plant model with an intelligent branch- and-bound solution approach. Zbl 0704.90054 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin; Phillips, Nancy V. 5 1989 New sharpness properties, algorithms and complexity bounds for partitioning shortest path procedures. Zbl 0677.90078 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 1 1989 Layering strategies for creating exploitable structure in linear and integer programs. Zbl 0667.90070 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 17 1988 Equitable demand adjustment for infeasible transportation problems. Zbl 0645.90053 Klingman, Darwin; Phillips, Nancy V. 3 1988 Threshold assignment algorithm. Zbl 0605.90099 Glover, Fred; Glover, Randy; Klingman, Darwin 10 1986 A new polynomially bounded shortest path algorithm. Zbl 0578.90089 Glover, F.; Klingman, D.; Phillips, N. 23 1985 New polynomial shortest path algorithms and their computational attributes. Zbl 0609.90103 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin D.; Phillips, Nancy V.; Schneider, Robert F. 13 1985 Basis exchange characterizations for the simplex SON algorithm for LP/embedded networks. Zbl 0584.90058 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 11 1985 A primal simplex variant for the maximum-flow problem. Zbl 0533.90033 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin; Mote, John; Whitman, David 5 1984 An equivalent subproblem relaxation for improving the solution of a class of transportation scheduling problems. Zbl 0536.90061 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin; Phillips, Nancy 1 1984 An efficient primal approach to bottleneck transportation problems. Zbl 0521.90076 Russell, Robert A.; Klingman, Darwin D.; Partow-Navid, Parviz 4 1983 Evaluating mathematical programming techniques. Proceedings of a Conference Held at the National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado, January 5-6, 1981. Zbl 0481.90053 7 1982 Recent developments in computer implementation technology for network flow algorithms. Zbl 0504.90016 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 3 1982 Generalized network approaches for solving least absolute value and Tchebycheff regression problems. Zbl 0536.65099 Klingman, Darwin; Mote, John 1 1982 A new optimization method for large scale fixed charge transportation problems. Zbl 0455.90055 Barr, Richard S.; Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 31 1981 The simplex SON algorithm for LP/embedded network problems. Zbl 0477.90043 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 28 1981 Algorithms for network programming. With a foreword by Fred Glover and Darwin Klingman. Zbl 0502.90056 Kennington, Jeff L.; Helgason, Richard V. 107 1980 A network augmenting path basis algorithm for transshipment problems. Zbl 0428.90070 Barr, Richard; Elam, Joyce; Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 5 1980 Implementation and analysis of a variant of the dual method for the capacitated transshipment problem. Zbl 0442.90100 Armstrong, Ronald D.; Klingman, Darwin; Whitman, David 2 1980 A computational analysis of alternative algorithms and labeling techniques for finding shortest path trees. Zbl 0414.68035 Dial, R.; Glover, F.; Karney, D.; Klingman, D. 42 1979 Enhancements of spanning tree labelling procedures for network optimization. Zbl 0403.90083 Barr, Richard; Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 18 1979 A o(n log n) algorithm for lp knapsacks with GUB constraints. Zbl 0421.90050 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 16 1979 A strongly convergent primal simplex algorithm for generalized networks. Zbl 0422.90081 Elam, Joyce; Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 7 1979 An evaluation of mathematical programming and minicomputers. Zbl 0387.90110 Elam, Joyce; Klingman, Darwin; Mulvey, John 1 1979 Solving singularly constrained generalized network problems. Zbl 0373.90075 Hultz, John; Klingman, D. 6 1978 The generalized alternating path algorithm for transportation problems. Zbl 0376.90068 Barr, R. S.; Glover, F.; Klingman, D. 6 1978 A streamlined simplex approach to the singly constrained transportation problem. Zbl 0395.90052 Klingman, D.; Russell, R. 5 1978 A new alternating basis algorithm for semi-assignment networks. Zbl 0429.90075 Barr, Richard; Glober, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 1 1978 The alternating basis algorithm for assignment problems. Zbl 0378.90097 Barr, R. S.; Glover, F.; Klingman, D. 44 1977 Implementation and computational study on an in-core, out-of-core primal network code. Zbl 0339.90041 Karney, D.; Klingman, D. 12 1977 Finding equivalent network formulations for constrained network problems. Zbl 0355.90070 Klingman, Darwin 5 1977 Finding minimum spanning trees with a fixed number of links at a node. Zbl 0395.90077 Glover, F.; Klingman, D. 9 1976 Improved convexity cuts for lattice point problems. Zbl 0307.90053 Glover, F.; Klingman, D. 3 1976 Explicit solutions in convex goal programming. Zbl 0328.90050 Charnes, A.; Cooper, W. W.; Klingman, D.; Niehaus, R. J. 3 1976 An advanced dual basic feasible solution for a class of capacitated generalized networks. Zbl 0362.90124 Hultz, John; Klingman, Darwin; Russell, Robert 3 1976 New advances in the solution of large-scale network and network-related problems. Zbl 0334.90048 Glover, F.; Klingman, D. 2 1976 Solving constrained transportation problems. Zbl 0314.90052 Klingman, D.; Russell, R. 19 1975 Finding minimum spanning trees with a fixed number of links at a node. Zbl 0309.90056 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 8 1975 Real world applications of network related problems and breakthroughs in solving them efficiently. Zbl 0313.90060 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 6 1975 Acomputational study of the effects of problem dimensions on solution times for transportation problems. Zbl 0305.65035 Ross, G. Terry; Klingman, D.; Napier, A. 3 1975 NETGEN: A program for generating large scale capacitated assignment, transportation, and minimum cost flow network problems. Zbl 0303.90042 Klingman, D.; Napier, A.; Stutz, J. 157 1974 Implementation and computational comparisons of primal, dual and primal- dual computer codes for minimum cost network flow problem. Zbl 0282.68020 Glover, F.; Karney, D.; Klingman, D. 41 1974 A computation study on start procedures, basis change criteria, and solution algorithms for transportation problems. Zbl 0303.90039 Glover, Fred; Karney, D.; Klingman, D.; Napier, A. 28 1974 Augmented threaded index method for network optimization. Zbl 0288.90077 Glover, F.; Klingman, D.; Stutz, J. 23 1974 Optimal weighted ancestry relationships. Zbl 0303.90055 Glover, Fred; Klastorin, T.; Klingman, D. 16 1974 An improved version of the out-of-kilter method and a comparative study of computer codes. Zbl 0313.90044 Barr, R. S.; Glover, F.; Klingman, D. 13 1974 The transportation problem with mixed constraints. Zbl 0285.90052 Klingman, D.; Russell, R. 7 1974 The disjunctive-facet problem: Formulation and solution techniques. Zbl 0283.90034 Glover, F.; Klingman, D.; Stutz, J. 2 1974 The generalized lattice-point problem. Zbl 0272.90040 Glover, Fred; Klingman, D. 18 1973 Concave programming applied to a special class of 0-1 integer programs. Zbl 0265.90033 Glover, Fred; Klingman, D. 10 1973 On the equivalence of some generalized network problems to pure network problems. Zbl 0259.90012 Glover, Fred; Klingman, D. 8 1973 Basic dual feasible solutions for a class of generalized networks. Zbl 0238.90074 Glover, Fred; Klingman, D.; Napier, A. 3 1972 Higher order tree dual approximation methods for the distribution problem. Zbl 0238.90050 Glover, Fred; Klingman, Darwin 1 1972 The ’more for less’ paradox in the distribution model. Zbl 0212.51201 Charnes, A.; Klingman, D. 10 1971 The lower bounded and partial upper bounded distribution model. Zbl 0226.90025 Charnes, A.; Glover, Fred; Klingman, D. 2 1971 The distribution problem with upper and lower bounds on the node requirements. Zbl 0194.19901 Charnes, A.; Klingman, D. 3 1970 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 791 Authors 25 Glover, Fred W. 17 Klingman, Darwin D. 12 Guerriero, Francesca 10 Bertsekas, Dimitri Panteli 8 González Martín, Carlos 8 Pardalos, Panos M. 7 Figueira, José Rui 6 Barr, Richard S. 6 Kennington, Jeffery L. 6 Ogryczak, Włodzimierz 6 Sherali, Hanif D. 5 Ehrgott, Matthias 5 Guignard, Monique 5 Hamacher, Horst W. 5 Larsson, Torbjörn 5 Mulvey, John M. 5 Murthy, Ishwar 5 Musmanno, Roberto 5 Punnen, Abraham P. 5 Zenios, Stavros Andrea 4 Calvete, Herminia I. 4 Kochenberger, Gary A. 4 Orlin, James B. 4 Puri, Munish C. 4 Ren, Han 4 Resende, Mauricio G. C. 4 Sedeño-Noda, Antonio 3 Ahuja, Ravindra K. 3 Ali, Agha Iqbal 3 Armstrong, Ronald D. 3 Aronson, Jay E. 3 Brown, Gerald G. 3 Burkard, Rainer E. 3 Castanon, David A. 3 Charnes, Abraham 3 del Pozo, Lourdes 3 Derigs, Ulrich 3 Eiselt, Horst A. 3 Escudero, Laureano Fernando 3 Eusébio, Augusto 3 Festa, Paola 3 Fülöp, János 3 Grötschel, Martin 3 Holland, Olaf Alexander 3 Hung, Ming Shing 3 Hungerländer, Philipp 3 Iranzo, José A. 3 Jacobsen, Søren Kruse 3 Karwan, Mark H. 3 McBride, Richard D. 3 McKeown, Patrick G. 3 Mote, John 3 Nahapetyan, Artyom G. 3 Olson, David L. 3 Pallottino, Stefano 3 Paparrizos, Konstantinos 3 Patriksson, Michael 3 Phillips, Nancy V. 3 Raith, Andrea 3 Shetty, Bala 3 Śliwiński, Tomasz 3 Song, Tiantai 3 Sun, Minghe 3 Toth, Paolo 3 Venkataramanan, Munirpallam A. 3 Wallace, Stein W. 2 Aggarwal, Vijay B. 2 Akgül, Mustafa 2 Anandalingam, G. 2 Aras, Necati 2 Arora, Shalini 2 Arsham, Hossein 2 Baker, Barrie M. 2 Balas, Egon 2 Basu, Manjusri 2 Belling-Seib, Katharina 2 Bit, A. K. 2 Carpaneto, Giorgio 2 Charon, Irène 2 Climaco, Joao Carlos Namorado 2 Cruz, Frederico R. B. 2 Curet, Norman D. 2 Dadush, Daniel 2 Dahiya, Kalpana 2 de Queirós Vieira Martins, Ernesto 2 Deng, Mo 2 Di Puglia Pugliese, Luigi 2 Divoky, James J. 2 Du, Yu 2 Duffuaa, Salih O. 2 Dyer, Martin E. 2 Eckstein, Jonathan 2 Evans, James R. 2 Finke, Gerd 2 Fruhwirth, Bernd 2 Fukushima, Masao 2 Gal, Tomas 2 Golden, Bruce L. 2 Goldfarb, Donald 2 Granat, Janusz ...and 691 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 88 Serials 107 European Journal of Operational Research 53 Computers & Operations Research 35 Annals of Operations Research 31 Mathematical Programming 29 Discrete Applied Mathematics 20 Computational Optimization and Applications 18 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 16 Operations Research Letters 12 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 10 Networks 8 Optimization 7 OR Spektrum 7 Top 6 Journal of Global Optimization 6 Optimization Letters 5 Applied Mathematics and Computation 5 Computing 5 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 5 Zeitschrift für Operations Research. Serie A: Theorie 5 Optimization Methods & Software 4 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences 4 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 4 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 4 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 3 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 3 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 3 Naval Research Logistics 3 Opsearch 3 ZOR. Zeitschrift für Operations Research 3 Journal of Heuristics 3 INFORMS Journal on Computing 3 4OR 3 Discrete Optimization 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Information Processing Letters 2 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 2 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 2 International Journal of Production Research 2 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 2 International Transactions in Operational Research 2 Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 2 Mathematical Programming Computation 1 ACM Computing Surveys 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 International Journal of Systems Science 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 Information Sciences 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Kybernetika 1 Mathematics of Operations Research 1 Operations Research 1 SIAM Journal on Computing 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Mathematical Social Sciences 1 Algorithmica 1 JCMCC. The Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Science in China. Series A 1 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 Automation and Remote Control 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Computational Economics 1 The Journal of Analysis 1 Complexity 1 Parallel Algorithms and Applications 1 Soft Computing 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 1 RAIRO. Operations Research 1 OR Spectrum 1 ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 1 Computational Management Science 1 Networks and Spatial Economics 1 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 1 BIT. Nordisk Tidskrift for Informationsbehandling 1 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 1 Journal of Mathematics in Industry 1 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 1 EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 1 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 1 AIMS Mathematics 1 SN Operations Research Forum 1 Foundations of Data Science all top 5 Cited in 21 Fields 479 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 128 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 64 Computer science (68-XX) 39 Combinatorics (05-XX) 14 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 9 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 9 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year