Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Knight, Julia F. Co-Author Distance Author ID: knight.julia-f Published as: Knight, Julia F.; Knight, J. F.; Knight, Julia; Knight, J. more...less Documents Indexed: 121 Publications since 1973, including 1 Book and 3 Additional arXiv Preprints 2 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 78 Co-Authors with 90 Joint Publications 1,155 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 33 single-authored 14 Ash, Christopher John 14 Harizanov, Valentina S. 13 Goncharov, Sergeĭ Savost’yanovich 10 Calvert, Wesley 10 Lange, Karen 8 McCoy, Charles F. D. 7 D’Aquino, Paola 6 Fokina, Ekaterina B. 5 Morozov, Andreĭ Sergeevich 4 Andrews, Uri 4 Downey, Rodney Graham 4 Melnikov, Alexander G. 4 Miller, Russell G. 4 Miller, Sara 4 Quinn, Sara 3 Alvir, Rachael 3 Carson, Jacob 3 Igusa, Gregory 3 Johnson, Jesse Werth 3 Millar, Jessica 3 Safranski, C. 3 Soskova, Alexandra A. 3 Wallbaum, John 2 Brattka, Vasco 2 Chisholm, John Stephen Roy 2 Friedman, Sy-David 2 Greenberg, Noam 2 Ho, Meng-Che 2 Jockusch, Carl G. jun. 2 Kudinov, Oleg Victorovich 2 Lachlan, Alistair H. 2 Lempp, Steffen 2 Montalbán, Antonio 2 Nadel, Mark E. 2 Ocasio, Victor A. 2 Schweber, Noah David 2 Slaman, Theodore A. 2 Soare, Robert I. 2 Starchenko, Sergei 2 Turetsky, Daniel D. 2 VanDenDriessche, S. 2 Vatev, Stefan V. 1 Ash, Chris 1 Burchfield, Hannah 1 Cholak, Peter A. 1 Crossley, John Newsome 1 Csc, Charles Mccoy 1 Csima, Barbara F. 1 Cummins, Desmond F. 1 Dolich, Alf 1 Dushenin, D. I. 1 Franklin, Johanna N. Y. 1 Frolov, Andreĭ Nikolaevich 1 Goodman, Grant 1 Harrison-Trainor, Matthew 1 Hirschfeldt, Denis Roman 1 Kach, Asher M. 1 Keisler, Howard Jerome 1 Kuhlmann, Salma 1 Kuyper, Rutger 1 Manasse, Mark S. 1 Marker, David E. 1 Miller, Joseph S. 1 Passino, Kevin M. 1 Pillay, Anand 1 Puzarenko, Vadim G. 1 Remmel, Jeffrey Brian 1 Romina, A. V. 1 Saraph, Vikram 1 Shore, Richard Arnold 1 Solomon, Reed 1 Soskova, Mariya Ivanova 1 Souldatos, Ioannis A. 1 Steinhorn, Charles I. 1 Stob, Michael 1 Tusupov, Dzhamalbek Aliaskarovich 1 Weisshaar, Rose 1 Woodrow, Robert E. all top 5 Serials 45 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 10 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 10 Archive for Mathematical Logic 6 Fundamenta Mathematicae 4 Algebra and Logic 4 Algebra i Logika 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Journal of Logic and Computation 2 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 2 Computability 1 International Journal of Control 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 The Australian Mathematical Society Gazette 1 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Sibirskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Journal of Mathematical Logic 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Oberwolfach Reports 1 Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics all top 5 Fields 119 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 8 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 6 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 95 Publications have been cited 1,239 times in 651 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Computable structures and the hyperarithmetical hierarchy. Zbl 0960.03001 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F. 295 2000 Definable sets in ordered structures. II. Zbl 0662.03024 Knight, Julia F.; Pillay, Anand; Steinhorn, Charles 81 1986 Generic copies of countable structures. Zbl 0678.03012 Ash, Chris; Knight, Julia; Manasse, Mark; Slaman, Theodore 74 1989 Degrees coded in jumps of orderings. Zbl 0633.03038 Knight, Julia F. 65 1986 Computable structure and non-structure theorems. Zbl 1034.03044 Goncharov, S. S.; Knight, Julia F. 58 2002 Enumerations in computable structure theory. Zbl 1081.03033 Goncharov, Sergey; Harizanov, Valentina; Knight, Julia; McCoy, Charles; Miller, Russell; Solomon, Reed 49 2005 Pairs of recursive structures. Zbl 0712.03020 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F. 44 1990 Computable Boolean algebras. Zbl 0974.03041 Knight, Julia F.; Stob, Michael 31 2000 Comparing classes of finite structures. Zbl 1097.03026 Calvert, Wesley; Cummins, Desmond; Knight, Julia F.; Miller, Sara 30 2004 Isomorphism relations on computable structures. Zbl 1255.03040 Fokina, Ekaterina B.; Friedman, Sy-David; Harizanov, Valentina; Knight, Julia F.; McCoy, Charles; Montalbán, Antonio 30 2012 Turing computable embeddings. Zbl 1123.03026 Knight, Julia F.; Miller, Sara; Vanden Boom, M. 26 2007 Index sets of computable structures. Zbl 1164.03325 Calvert, W.; Harizanov, V. S.; Knight, J. F.; Miller, S. 23 2006 Describing free groups. Zbl 1302.03045 Carson, J.; Harizanov, V.; Knight, J.; Lange, K.; McCoy, C.; Morozov, A.; Quinn, S.; Safranski, C.; Wallbaum, J. 18 2012 Classification from a computable viewpoint. Zbl 1123.03024 Calvert, Wesley; Knight, Julia F. 16 2006 Computable trees of Scott rank \(\omega_1^{CK}\), and computable approximation. Zbl 1112.03039 Calvert, Wesley; Knight, Julia F.; Millar, Jessica 15 2006 Jumps of orderings. Zbl 0705.03022 Ash, C. J.; Jockusch, C. G. jun.; Knight, J. F. 14 1990 Intrinsic bounds on complexity and definability at limit levels. Zbl 1201.03019 Chisholm, John; Fokina, Ekaterina B.; Goncharov, Sergey S.; Harizanov, Valentina S.; Knight, Julia F.; Quinn, Sara 14 2009 Bounding prime models. Zbl 1071.03021 Csima, Barbara F.; Hirschfeldt, Denis R.; Knight, Julia F.; Soare, Robert I. 14 2004 Orderings with \(\alpha\)th jump degree 0\(^{(\alpha)}\). Zbl 0748.03027 Downey, Rodney; Knight, Julia F. 13 1992 \(\Pi^1_1\) relations and paths through \(\mathcal O\). Zbl 1107.03051 Goncharov, Sergey S.; Harizanov, Valentina; Knight, Julia F.; Shore, Richard A. 12 2004 Uniform procedures in uncountable structures. Zbl 1522.03124 Greenberg, Noam; Melnikov, Alexander G.; Knight, Julia F.; Turetsky, Daniel 11 2018 Classes of Ulm type and coding rank-homogeneous trees in other structures. Zbl 1241.03042 Fokina, E.; Knight, J. F.; Melnikov, A.; Quinn, S. M.; Safranski, C. 10 2011 Computable structures in generic extensions. Zbl 1388.03042 Knight, Julia; Montalbán, Antonio; Schweber, Noah 10 2016 Permitting, forcing, and copying of a given recursive relation. Zbl 0883.03029 Ash, C. J.; Cholak, P.; Knight, J. F. 9 1997 Real closed fields and models of Peano arithmetic. Zbl 1186.03061 D’Aquino, P.; Knight, J. F.; Starchenko, S. 9 2010 Scott sentences for certain groups. Zbl 1522.03173 Knight, Julia F.; Saraph, Vikram 9 2018 Index sets for classes of high rank structures. Zbl 1145.03021 Calvert, W.; Fokina, E.; Goncharov, S. S.; Knight, J. F.; Kudinov, O.; Morozov, A. S.; Puzarenko, V. 8 2007 A metatheorem for constructions by finitely many workers. Zbl 0708.03012 Knight, J. F. 8 1990 Ramified systems. Zbl 0819.03024 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F. 8 1994 Recursive structures and Ershov’s hierarchy. Zbl 0863.03018 Ash, Christopher J.; Knight, Julia F. 7 1996 Possible degrees in recursive copies. II. Zbl 0877.03022 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F. 7 1997 A complete \(L_{\omega_1\omega}\)-sentence characterizing \(\aleph_1\). Zbl 0426.03037 Knight, Julia F. 7 1977 Decidability and computability of certain torsion-free abelian groups. Zbl 1211.03063 Downey, Rodney G.; Goncharov, Sergei S.; Kach, Asher M.; Knight, Julia F.; Kudinov, Oleg V.; Melnikov, Alexander G.; Turetsky, Daniel 7 2010 Nonarithmetical \(\aleph_ 0\)-categorical theories with recursive models. Zbl 0804.03021 Knight, Julia F. 7 1994 Complexity of structures associated with real closed fields. Zbl 1294.03029 Knight, Julia F.; Lange, Karen 7 2013 Degrees of models. Zbl 0933.03043 Knight, J. F. 6 1998 Models of arithmetic and closed ideals. Zbl 0518.03032 Knight, Julia; Nadel, Mark 6 1982 Possible degrees in recursive copies. Zbl 0837.03036 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F. 6 1995 Index sets and Scott sentences. Zbl 1338.03087 Knight, J. F.; McCoy, C. 6 2014 Decidability for a temporal logic used in discrete-event system analysis. Zbl 0719.93005 Knight, J. F.; Passino, K. M. 6 1990 Barwise: Infinitary logic and admissible sets. Zbl 1080.03026 Keisler, H. Jerome; Knight, Julia F. 6 2004 Computable structures of rank \(\omega _1^{\mathrm{CK}}\). Zbl 1258.03039 Knight, Julia F.; Millar, Jessica 6 2010 Computable structure theory on \(\omega_1\) using admissibility. Zbl 1369.03116 Greenberg, Noam; Knight, Julia F. 6 2013 Two theorems on degrees of models of true arithmetic. Zbl 0576.03044 Knight, Julia; Lachlan, Alistair H.; Soare, Robert I. 5 1984 Computable structures of Scott rank \(\omega_1^{CK}\) in familiar classes. Zbl 1143.03016 Calvert, W.; Goncharov, S. S.; Knight, J. F. 5 2007 Theories whose resplendent models are homogeneous. Zbl 0497.03023 Knight, Julia F. 5 1982 Relatively recursive expansions. Zbl 0809.03023 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F. 5 1992 Shrinking, stretching and codes for homogeneous structures. Zbl 0691.03020 Knight, Julia F.; Lachlan, Alistair H. 5 1987 Complexity of Scott sentences. Zbl 1485.03103 Alvir, Rachael; Knight, Julia F.; McCoy CSC, Charles 5 2020 Quasi-simple relations in copies of a given recursive structure. Zbl 0883.03030 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F.; Remmel, J. B. 4 1997 Expansions of models and Turing degrees. Zbl 0527.03013 Knight, Julia; Nadel, Mark 4 1982 Computable embeddings and strongly minimal theories. Zbl 1127.03030 Chisholm, J.; Knight, J. F.; Miller, S. 4 2007 Constructions by transfinitely many workers. Zbl 0712.03035 Knight, Julia F. 4 1990 Mixed systems. Zbl 0819.03023 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F. 4 1994 Classes of structures with universe a subset of \(\omega _{1}\). Zbl 1327.03027 Fokina, Ekaterina; Friedman, Sy-David; Knight, Julia; Miller, Russell 4 2013 Some new computable structures of high rank. Zbl 1469.03122 Harrison-Trainor, Matthew; Igusa, Gregory; Knight, Julia F. 4 2018 On automorphic tuples of elements in computable models. Zbl 1224.03013 Goncharov, S. S.; Harizanov, V. S.; Knight, J. F.; Morozov, A. S.; Romina, A. V. 4 2005 Computing strength of structures related to the field of real numbers. Zbl 1429.03141 Igusa, Gregory; Knight, Julia F.; Schweber, Noah David 4 2017 Comparing two versions of the reals. Zbl 1371.03051 Igusa, G.; Knight, J. F. 4 2016 Spectra of atomic theories. Zbl 1327.03025 Andrews, Uri; Knight, Julia F. 3 2013 Hanf numbers for omitting types over particular theories. Zbl 0343.02039 Knight, Julia F. 3 1976 Prime and atomic models. Zbl 0388.03014 Knight, Julia F. 3 1978 The arithmetical hierarchy in the setting of \(\omega_1\). Zbl 1350.03034 Carson, Jacob; Johnson, Jesse; Knight, Julia; Lange, Karen; McCoy, Charles; Wallbaum, John 3 2013 True approximations and models of arithmetic. Zbl 0942.03047 Knight, Julia F. 3 1999 Real closed exponential fields. Zbl 1285.03036 D’Aquino, Paola; Knight, Julia F.; Kuhlmann, Salma; Lange, Karen 3 2012 The computable embedding problem. Zbl 1334.03037 Carson, J.; Fokina, E.; Harizanov, V. S.; Knight, J. F.; Quinn, S.; Safranski, C.; Wallbaum, J. 3 2012 Chains and antichains in partial orderings. Zbl 1160.03013 Harizanov, Valentina S.; Jockusch, Carl G. jun.; Knight, Julia F. 3 2009 Lengths of developments in \(K((G))\). Zbl 1428.12011 Knight, Julia F.; Lange, Karen 3 2019 Degrees of types and independent sequences. Zbl 0541.03015 Knight, Julia F. 2 1983 Coding a family of sets. Zbl 0924.03083 Knight, J. F. 2 1998 Relatively recursive expansions. II. Zbl 0809.03024 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F.; Slaman, T. A. 2 1993 Simple and immune relations on countable structures. Zbl 1024.03034 Goncharov, Sergei S.; Harizanov, Valentina S.; Knight, Julia F.; McCoy, Charles F. D. 2 2003 Categoricity of computable infinitary theories. Zbl 1161.03020 Calvert, W.; Goncharov, S. S.; Knight, J. F.; Millar, Jessica 2 2009 Coding in graphs and linear orderings. Zbl 1459.03046 Knight, Julia F.; Soskova, Alexandra A.; Vatev, Stefan V. 2 2020 Corrigendum to: “Real closed fields and models of arithmetic”. Zbl 1239.03026 D’Aquino, P.; Knight, J. F.; Starchenko, S. 2 2012 Strongly minimal theories with recursive models. Zbl 1437.03127 Andrews, Uri; Knight, Julia F. 2 2018 Interpreting a field in its Heisenberg group. Zbl 1531.03075 Alvir, Rachael; Calvert, Wesley; Goodman, Grant; Harizanov, Valentina; Knight, Julia; Miller, Russell; Morozov, Andrey; Soskova, Alexandra; Weisshaar, Rose 2 2022 Comparing classes of finite sums. Zbl 1375.03034 Andrews, U.; Dushenin, D. I.; Hill, C.; Knight, J. F.; Melnikov, Alexander G. 2 2016 Using computability to measure complexity of algebraic structures and classes of structures. Zbl 1325.03036 Knight, J. F. 2 2014 Sequences of \(n\)-diagrams. Zbl 1035.03015 Harizanov, Valentina S.; Knight, Julia F.; Morozov, Andrei S. 1 2002 Additive structure in uncountable models for a fixed completion of P. Zbl 0549.03026 Knight, Julia F. 1 1983 Coding in \(I\Delta_0\). Zbl 1068.03058 D’Aquino, Paola; Knight, Julia F. 1 2004 Effective construction of models. Zbl 0624.03029 Knight, Julia F. 1 1986 A complete theory with arbitrarily large minimality ranks. Zbl 0538.03026 Woodrow, Robert E.; Knight, Julia F. 1 1983 Complete types and the natural numbers. Zbl 0276.02035 Knight, Julia F. 1 1973 Generic expansions of structures. Zbl 0285.02044 Knight, Julia F. 1 1974 Omitting types in set theory and arithmetic. Zbl 0328.02039 Knight, Julia F. 1 1976 A completeness theorem for certain classes of recursive infinitary formulas. Zbl 0810.03037 Ash, Christopher J.; Knight, Julia F. 1 1994 Computable structures of Scott rank \(\omega_1^{\mathrm{CK}}\). Zbl 1243.03049 Knight, Julia F. 1 2011 Limit computable integer parts. Zbl 1247.03060 D’Aquino, Paola; Knight, Julia; Lange, Karen 1 2011 Problems related to arithmetic. Zbl 0963.03060 Knight, Julia F. 1 2000 The Kleene-Mostowski hierarchy and the Davis-Mostowski hierarchy. Zbl 1180.03038 Knight, Julia F. 1 2008 Strong jump inversion. Zbl 1444.03138 Calvert, W.; Frolov, A.; Harizanov, V.; Knight, J.; McCoy, C.; Soskova, A.; Vatev, S. 1 2018 Expanding the reals by continuous functions adds no computational power. Zbl 07735946 Andrews, Uri; Knight, Julia F.; Kuyper, Rutger; Miller, Joseph S.; Soskova, Mariya I. 1 2023 Representing Scott sets in algebraic settings. Zbl 1408.03030 Dolich, Alf; Knight, Julia F.; Lange, Karen; Marker, David 1 2015 Expanding the reals by continuous functions adds no computational power. Zbl 07735946 Andrews, Uri; Knight, Julia F.; Kuyper, Rutger; Miller, Joseph S.; Soskova, Mariya I. 1 2023 Interpreting a field in its Heisenberg group. Zbl 1531.03075 Alvir, Rachael; Calvert, Wesley; Goodman, Grant; Harizanov, Valentina; Knight, Julia; Miller, Russell; Morozov, Andrey; Soskova, Alexandra; Weisshaar, Rose 2 2022 Complexity of Scott sentences. Zbl 1485.03103 Alvir, Rachael; Knight, Julia F.; McCoy CSC, Charles 5 2020 Coding in graphs and linear orderings. Zbl 1459.03046 Knight, Julia F.; Soskova, Alexandra A.; Vatev, Stefan V. 2 2020 Lengths of developments in \(K((G))\). Zbl 1428.12011 Knight, Julia F.; Lange, Karen 3 2019 Uniform procedures in uncountable structures. Zbl 1522.03124 Greenberg, Noam; Melnikov, Alexander G.; Knight, Julia F.; Turetsky, Daniel 11 2018 Scott sentences for certain groups. Zbl 1522.03173 Knight, Julia F.; Saraph, Vikram 9 2018 Some new computable structures of high rank. Zbl 1469.03122 Harrison-Trainor, Matthew; Igusa, Gregory; Knight, Julia F. 4 2018 Strongly minimal theories with recursive models. Zbl 1437.03127 Andrews, Uri; Knight, Julia F. 2 2018 Strong jump inversion. Zbl 1444.03138 Calvert, W.; Frolov, A.; Harizanov, V.; Knight, J.; McCoy, C.; Soskova, A.; Vatev, S. 1 2018 Computing strength of structures related to the field of real numbers. Zbl 1429.03141 Igusa, Gregory; Knight, Julia F.; Schweber, Noah David 4 2017 Computable structures in generic extensions. Zbl 1388.03042 Knight, Julia; Montalbán, Antonio; Schweber, Noah 10 2016 Comparing two versions of the reals. Zbl 1371.03051 Igusa, G.; Knight, J. F. 4 2016 Comparing classes of finite sums. Zbl 1375.03034 Andrews, U.; Dushenin, D. I.; Hill, C.; Knight, J. F.; Melnikov, Alexander G. 2 2016 Representing Scott sets in algebraic settings. Zbl 1408.03030 Dolich, Alf; Knight, Julia F.; Lange, Karen; Marker, David 1 2015 Index sets and Scott sentences. Zbl 1338.03087 Knight, J. F.; McCoy, C. 6 2014 Using computability to measure complexity of algebraic structures and classes of structures. Zbl 1325.03036 Knight, J. F. 2 2014 Complexity of structures associated with real closed fields. Zbl 1294.03029 Knight, Julia F.; Lange, Karen 7 2013 Computable structure theory on \(\omega_1\) using admissibility. Zbl 1369.03116 Greenberg, Noam; Knight, Julia F. 6 2013 Classes of structures with universe a subset of \(\omega _{1}\). Zbl 1327.03027 Fokina, Ekaterina; Friedman, Sy-David; Knight, Julia; Miller, Russell 4 2013 Spectra of atomic theories. Zbl 1327.03025 Andrews, Uri; Knight, Julia F. 3 2013 The arithmetical hierarchy in the setting of \(\omega_1\). Zbl 1350.03034 Carson, Jacob; Johnson, Jesse; Knight, Julia; Lange, Karen; McCoy, Charles; Wallbaum, John 3 2013 Isomorphism relations on computable structures. Zbl 1255.03040 Fokina, Ekaterina B.; Friedman, Sy-David; Harizanov, Valentina; Knight, Julia F.; McCoy, Charles; Montalbán, Antonio 30 2012 Describing free groups. Zbl 1302.03045 Carson, J.; Harizanov, V.; Knight, J.; Lange, K.; McCoy, C.; Morozov, A.; Quinn, S.; Safranski, C.; Wallbaum, J. 18 2012 Real closed exponential fields. Zbl 1285.03036 D’Aquino, Paola; Knight, Julia F.; Kuhlmann, Salma; Lange, Karen 3 2012 The computable embedding problem. Zbl 1334.03037 Carson, J.; Fokina, E.; Harizanov, V. S.; Knight, J. F.; Quinn, S.; Safranski, C.; Wallbaum, J. 3 2012 Corrigendum to: “Real closed fields and models of arithmetic”. Zbl 1239.03026 D’Aquino, P.; Knight, J. F.; Starchenko, S. 2 2012 Classes of Ulm type and coding rank-homogeneous trees in other structures. Zbl 1241.03042 Fokina, E.; Knight, J. F.; Melnikov, A.; Quinn, S. M.; Safranski, C. 10 2011 Computable structures of Scott rank \(\omega_1^{\mathrm{CK}}\). Zbl 1243.03049 Knight, Julia F. 1 2011 Limit computable integer parts. Zbl 1247.03060 D’Aquino, Paola; Knight, Julia; Lange, Karen 1 2011 Real closed fields and models of Peano arithmetic. Zbl 1186.03061 D’Aquino, P.; Knight, J. F.; Starchenko, S. 9 2010 Decidability and computability of certain torsion-free abelian groups. Zbl 1211.03063 Downey, Rodney G.; Goncharov, Sergei S.; Kach, Asher M.; Knight, Julia F.; Kudinov, Oleg V.; Melnikov, Alexander G.; Turetsky, Daniel 7 2010 Computable structures of rank \(\omega _1^{\mathrm{CK}}\). Zbl 1258.03039 Knight, Julia F.; Millar, Jessica 6 2010 Intrinsic bounds on complexity and definability at limit levels. Zbl 1201.03019 Chisholm, John; Fokina, Ekaterina B.; Goncharov, Sergey S.; Harizanov, Valentina S.; Knight, Julia F.; Quinn, Sara 14 2009 Chains and antichains in partial orderings. Zbl 1160.03013 Harizanov, Valentina S.; Jockusch, Carl G. jun.; Knight, Julia F. 3 2009 Categoricity of computable infinitary theories. Zbl 1161.03020 Calvert, W.; Goncharov, S. S.; Knight, J. F.; Millar, Jessica 2 2009 The Kleene-Mostowski hierarchy and the Davis-Mostowski hierarchy. Zbl 1180.03038 Knight, Julia F. 1 2008 Turing computable embeddings. Zbl 1123.03026 Knight, Julia F.; Miller, Sara; Vanden Boom, M. 26 2007 Index sets for classes of high rank structures. Zbl 1145.03021 Calvert, W.; Fokina, E.; Goncharov, S. S.; Knight, J. F.; Kudinov, O.; Morozov, A. S.; Puzarenko, V. 8 2007 Computable structures of Scott rank \(\omega_1^{CK}\) in familiar classes. Zbl 1143.03016 Calvert, W.; Goncharov, S. S.; Knight, J. F. 5 2007 Computable embeddings and strongly minimal theories. Zbl 1127.03030 Chisholm, J.; Knight, J. F.; Miller, S. 4 2007 Index sets of computable structures. Zbl 1164.03325 Calvert, W.; Harizanov, V. S.; Knight, J. F.; Miller, S. 23 2006 Classification from a computable viewpoint. Zbl 1123.03024 Calvert, Wesley; Knight, Julia F. 16 2006 Computable trees of Scott rank \(\omega_1^{CK}\), and computable approximation. Zbl 1112.03039 Calvert, Wesley; Knight, Julia F.; Millar, Jessica 15 2006 Enumerations in computable structure theory. Zbl 1081.03033 Goncharov, Sergey; Harizanov, Valentina; Knight, Julia; McCoy, Charles; Miller, Russell; Solomon, Reed 49 2005 On automorphic tuples of elements in computable models. Zbl 1224.03013 Goncharov, S. S.; Harizanov, V. S.; Knight, J. F.; Morozov, A. S.; Romina, A. V. 4 2005 Comparing classes of finite structures. Zbl 1097.03026 Calvert, Wesley; Cummins, Desmond; Knight, Julia F.; Miller, Sara 30 2004 Bounding prime models. Zbl 1071.03021 Csima, Barbara F.; Hirschfeldt, Denis R.; Knight, Julia F.; Soare, Robert I. 14 2004 \(\Pi^1_1\) relations and paths through \(\mathcal O\). Zbl 1107.03051 Goncharov, Sergey S.; Harizanov, Valentina; Knight, Julia F.; Shore, Richard A. 12 2004 Barwise: Infinitary logic and admissible sets. Zbl 1080.03026 Keisler, H. Jerome; Knight, Julia F. 6 2004 Coding in \(I\Delta_0\). Zbl 1068.03058 D’Aquino, Paola; Knight, Julia F. 1 2004 Simple and immune relations on countable structures. Zbl 1024.03034 Goncharov, Sergei S.; Harizanov, Valentina S.; Knight, Julia F.; McCoy, Charles F. D. 2 2003 Computable structure and non-structure theorems. Zbl 1034.03044 Goncharov, S. S.; Knight, Julia F. 58 2002 Sequences of \(n\)-diagrams. Zbl 1035.03015 Harizanov, Valentina S.; Knight, Julia F.; Morozov, Andrei S. 1 2002 Computable structures and the hyperarithmetical hierarchy. Zbl 0960.03001 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F. 295 2000 Computable Boolean algebras. Zbl 0974.03041 Knight, Julia F.; Stob, Michael 31 2000 Problems related to arithmetic. Zbl 0963.03060 Knight, Julia F. 1 2000 True approximations and models of arithmetic. Zbl 0942.03047 Knight, Julia F. 3 1999 Degrees of models. Zbl 0933.03043 Knight, J. F. 6 1998 Coding a family of sets. Zbl 0924.03083 Knight, J. F. 2 1998 Permitting, forcing, and copying of a given recursive relation. Zbl 0883.03029 Ash, C. J.; Cholak, P.; Knight, J. F. 9 1997 Possible degrees in recursive copies. II. Zbl 0877.03022 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F. 7 1997 Quasi-simple relations in copies of a given recursive structure. Zbl 0883.03030 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F.; Remmel, J. B. 4 1997 Recursive structures and Ershov’s hierarchy. Zbl 0863.03018 Ash, Christopher J.; Knight, Julia F. 7 1996 Possible degrees in recursive copies. Zbl 0837.03036 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F. 6 1995 Ramified systems. Zbl 0819.03024 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F. 8 1994 Nonarithmetical \(\aleph_ 0\)-categorical theories with recursive models. Zbl 0804.03021 Knight, Julia F. 7 1994 Mixed systems. Zbl 0819.03023 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F. 4 1994 A completeness theorem for certain classes of recursive infinitary formulas. Zbl 0810.03037 Ash, Christopher J.; Knight, Julia F. 1 1994 Relatively recursive expansions. II. Zbl 0809.03024 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F.; Slaman, T. A. 2 1993 Orderings with \(\alpha\)th jump degree 0\(^{(\alpha)}\). Zbl 0748.03027 Downey, Rodney; Knight, Julia F. 13 1992 Relatively recursive expansions. Zbl 0809.03023 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F. 5 1992 Pairs of recursive structures. Zbl 0712.03020 Ash, C. J.; Knight, J. F. 44 1990 Jumps of orderings. Zbl 0705.03022 Ash, C. J.; Jockusch, C. G. jun.; Knight, J. F. 14 1990 A metatheorem for constructions by finitely many workers. Zbl 0708.03012 Knight, J. F. 8 1990 Decidability for a temporal logic used in discrete-event system analysis. Zbl 0719.93005 Knight, J. F.; Passino, K. M. 6 1990 Constructions by transfinitely many workers. Zbl 0712.03035 Knight, Julia F. 4 1990 Generic copies of countable structures. Zbl 0678.03012 Ash, Chris; Knight, Julia; Manasse, Mark; Slaman, Theodore 74 1989 Shrinking, stretching and codes for homogeneous structures. Zbl 0691.03020 Knight, Julia F.; Lachlan, Alistair H. 5 1987 Definable sets in ordered structures. II. Zbl 0662.03024 Knight, Julia F.; Pillay, Anand; Steinhorn, Charles 81 1986 Degrees coded in jumps of orderings. Zbl 0633.03038 Knight, Julia F. 65 1986 Effective construction of models. Zbl 0624.03029 Knight, Julia F. 1 1986 Two theorems on degrees of models of true arithmetic. Zbl 0576.03044 Knight, Julia; Lachlan, Alistair H.; Soare, Robert I. 5 1984 Degrees of types and independent sequences. Zbl 0541.03015 Knight, Julia F. 2 1983 Additive structure in uncountable models for a fixed completion of P. Zbl 0549.03026 Knight, Julia F. 1 1983 A complete theory with arbitrarily large minimality ranks. Zbl 0538.03026 Woodrow, Robert E.; Knight, Julia F. 1 1983 Models of arithmetic and closed ideals. Zbl 0518.03032 Knight, Julia; Nadel, Mark 6 1982 Theories whose resplendent models are homogeneous. Zbl 0497.03023 Knight, Julia F. 5 1982 Expansions of models and Turing degrees. Zbl 0527.03013 Knight, Julia; Nadel, Mark 4 1982 Prime and atomic models. Zbl 0388.03014 Knight, Julia F. 3 1978 A complete \(L_{\omega_1\omega}\)-sentence characterizing \(\aleph_1\). Zbl 0426.03037 Knight, Julia F. 7 1977 Hanf numbers for omitting types over particular theories. Zbl 0343.02039 Knight, Julia F. 3 1976 Omitting types in set theory and arithmetic. Zbl 0328.02039 Knight, Julia F. 1 1976 Generic expansions of structures. Zbl 0285.02044 Knight, Julia F. 1 1974 Complete types and the natural numbers. Zbl 0276.02035 Knight, Julia F. 1 1973 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 425 Authors 65 Bazhenov, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 58 Knight, Julia F. 53 Melnikov, Alexander G. 36 Montalbán, Antonio 34 Harizanov, Valentina S. 28 Kalimullin, Iskander Shagitovich 26 Harrison-Trainor, Matthew 26 Ng, KengMeng 24 Downey, Rodney Graham 24 Miller, Russell G. 18 Goncharov, Sergeĭ Savost’yanovich 17 Andrews, Uri 17 Greenberg, Noam 16 Fokina, Ekaterina B. 16 Hirschfeldt, Denis Roman 14 Lange, Karen 13 Csima, Barbara F. 13 San Mauro, Luca 12 Ash, Christopher John 12 Calvert, Wesley 12 Lempp, Steffen 12 Marchuk, Margaret I. 12 Morozov, Andreĭ Sergeevich 12 Mustafa, Manat 11 Frolov, Andreĭ Nikolaevich 10 Cenzer, Douglas 10 Kach, Asher M. 10 Shore, Richard Arnold 10 Solomon, Reed 10 Sorbi, Andrea 9 Faĭzrahmanov, Marat Khaidarovich 9 Jockusch, Carl G. jun. 9 Turetsky, Daniel D. 8 Khoussainov, Bakhadyr M. 8 McCoy, Charles F. D. 8 Selivanov, Viktor L’vovich 8 Vatev, Stefan V. 7 Rossegger, Dino 7 Schweber, Noah David 7 Tari, Somayyeh 7 Turetsky, Dan 7 Yamaleev, Mars Mansurovich 6 Alvir, Rachael 6 Cholak, Peter A. 6 Miller, Joseph S. 6 Remmel, Jeffrey Brian 6 Soare, Robert I. 5 Alaev, Pavel Evgenievich 5 Badaev, Serikzhan A. 5 Chubb, Jennifer 5 Enayat, Ali 5 Friedman, Sy-David 5 McNicholl, Timothy H. 5 Miller, Chris 5 Shlapentokh, Alexandra 5 Simpson, Stephen G. 5 Slaman, Theodore A. 5 Zubkov, Maxim V. 4 Brihaye, Thomas 4 Case, John 4 Chisholm, John Stephen Roy 4 D’Aquino, Paola 4 Dimitrov, Rumen D. 4 Ho, Meng-Che 4 Igusa, Gregory 4 Jain, Sanjay 4 Kalmurzaev, Birzhan S. 4 Kogabaev, Nurlan Talgatovich 4 Kudinov, Oleg Victorovich 4 Laskowski, Michael Chris 4 Marker, David E. 4 Peterzil, Ya’acov 4 Quinn, Sara 4 Soskova, Alexandra A. 4 Stephan, Frank 4 Wallbaum, John 4 Westrick, Linda Brown 3 Bouyer, Patricia 3 Carson, Jacob 3 Eleftheriou, Pantelis E. 3 Franklin, Johanna N. Y. 3 Fujita, Masato 3 Ganchev, Hristo A. 3 Johnson, Jesse Werth 3 Kihara, Takayuki 3 Korovina, Margarita Vladimirovna 3 Leont’eva, Margarita Nikolaevna 3 Lerman, Manuel 3 Macintyre, Angus John 3 Millar, Jessica 3 Minnes, Mia 3 Pillay, Anand 3 Puzarenko, Vadim Grigor’evich 3 Rivière, Cédric 3 Safranski, C. 3 Schmerl, James H. 3 Soskova, Mariya Ivanova 3 Souldatos, Ioannis A. 3 Tusupov, Dzhamalbek Aliaskarovich 3 Wu, Guohua ...and 325 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 80 Serials 101 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 92 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 52 Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 Algebra and Logic 27 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 24 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 23 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 23 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 16 Siberian Mathematical Journal 16 Journal of Mathematical Logic 14 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 8 Israel Journal of Mathematics 7 Advances in Mathematics 7 Theoretical Computer Science 6 Journal of Algebra 6 Computability 5 Fundamenta Mathematicae 5 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 5 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 4 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 4 Doklady Mathematics 4 Theory of Computing Systems 3 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 3 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 3 Matematicheskie Trudy 3 Vestnik Novosibirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya: Matematika, Mekhanika, Informatika 3 Journal of Logic and Analysis 3 The Review of Symbolic Logic 2 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 2 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 2 Order 2 Information and Computation 2 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 2 Godishnik na Sofiĭskiya Universitet “Sv. Kliment Okhridski”. Fakultet po Matematika i Informatika 2 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 2 Russian Mathematics 2 Logical Methods in Computer Science 1 Archiv für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung 1 International Journal of Control 1 International Journal of General Systems 1 International Journal of Systems Science 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 1 Algebra i Logika 1 Algebra Universalis 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Journal of Mathematical Economics 1 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 1 Studia Logica 1 Discrete & Computational Geometry 1 Journal of Automated Reasoning 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Forum Mathematicum 1 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 1 Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 1 Advances in Computational Mathematics 1 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. DMTCS 1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Advances in Geometry 1 Sādhanā 1 Natural Computing 1 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 1 Journal of Applied Logic 1 Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1 Science China. Mathematics 1 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 1 Forum of Mathematics, Pi 1 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 1 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana all top 5 Cited in 30 Fields 623 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 62 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 49 Computer science (68-XX) 43 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 30 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 14 Combinatorics (05-XX) 13 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 10 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 9 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 6 Number theory (11-XX) 6 Geometry (51-XX) 5 Real functions (26-XX) 5 General topology (54-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Citations by Year