Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Kollár, János Co-Author Distance Author ID: kollar.janos Published as: Kollár, János; Kollar, Janos; Kollár, J.; Kollar, J.; Kollar, János; Kollár more...less Homepage: https://web.math.princeton.edu/~kollar/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Google Scholar · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 249 Publications since 1978, including 10 Books and 45 Additional arXiv Preprints 10 Contributions as Editor · 8 Further Contributions Co-Authors: 111 Co-Authors with 112 Joint Publications 2,910 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 149 single-authored 9 Mori, Shigefumi 7 Corti, Alessio 7 Kovács, Sándor J. 6 Clemens, C. Herbert 5 Johnson, Jennifer M. 5 Miyaoka, Yoichi 5 Xu, Chenyang 4 Szabó, Endre 3 Kucharz, Wojciech 3 Lazarsfeld, Robert Kendall 3 Némethi, András 2 Altmann, Klaus 2 Ambro, Florin 2 Babai, László 2 Balaji, Vikraman 2 Bochnak, Jacek 2 Boyer, Charles P. 2 Carvajal-Rojas, Javier 2 Fefferman, Charles Louis 2 Fried, Ervin 2 Fujino, Osamu 2 Galicki, Krzysztof 2 Grassi, Antonella 2 Lieblich, Max David 2 Mangolte, Frédéric 2 Matsuki, Kenji 2 McKernan, James 2 Morrison, David R. 2 Mukai, Shigeru 2 Mustaţă, Mircea 2 Olsson, Martin C. 2 Raz, Orit E. 2 Reichstein, Zinovy B. 2 Rónyai, Lajos 2 Sawin, William F. 2 Schreyer, Frank-Olaf 2 Smith, Karen E. 2 Solymosi, József 2 Stäbler, Axel 2 Szabó, Tibor 2 Takagi, Hiromichi 2 Tiep Pham Huu 2 Voisin, Claire 2 Youssin, Boris 1 Abramovich, Dan 1 Alexeev, Valery A. 1 Araujo, Carolina 1 Ballico, Edoardo 1 Bernasconi, Fabio 1 Bien, Frédéric V. 1 Borcea, Ciprian S. 1 Borel, Armand 1 Böröczky, Karoly jun. 1 Campana, Frédéric 1 Cascini, Paolo 1 Chen, Jungkai Alfred 1 Chen, Meng 1 Claudon, Benoît 1 Cluckers, Raf 1 de Fernex, Tommaso 1 Demailly, Jean-Pierre 1 Derenthal, Ulrich 1 Dvir, Zeev 1 Ejiri, Sho 1 Fernández de Bobadilla, Javier 1 Fong, Lungying 1 Frankl, Péter 1 Fulger, Mihai 1 Gál, Anna 1 Gawędzki, Krzysztof 1 Ghigi, Alessandro 1 Gibney, Angela 1 Gleason, Andrew Mattei 1 Hacking, Paul 1 Hacon, Christopher Derek 1 Hassett, Brendan 1 Herman, Richard H. 1 Höring, Andreas 1 Horváthy, Peter A. 1 Ishii, Shihoko 1 Izadi, Elham 1 Jaffe, Arthur Michael 1 Ji, Shanyu 1 Jiang, Chen 1 Joglar-Prieto, Nuria 1 Kachi, Yasuyuki 1 Kapovich, Michael 1 Keel, Sean 1 Kim, Dano 1 Kurdyka, Krzysztof 1 Landesman, Aaron 1 Larsen, Michael Jeffrey 1 Laza, Radu 1 Lehmann, Brian 1 Looijenga, Eduard J. N. 1 Lovett, Shachar 1 Matsusaka, Teruhisa 1 Mazur, Barry 1 Mella, Massimiliano 1 Nakayama, Noboru ...and 21 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 7 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 6 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 5 Inventiones Mathematicae 5 Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 5 Algebraic Geometry 4 Duke Mathematical Journal 4 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 4 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 4 Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 3 Advances in Mathematics 3 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 3 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 3 Journal of Algebra 3 Journal of Differential Geometry 3 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 3 Michigan Mathematical Journal 3 Journal of Algebraic Geometry 3 Journal of Singularities 2 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2 American Mathematical Monthly 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 2 Algebra Universalis 2 American Journal of Mathematics 2 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 2 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2 Mathematische Annalen 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 2 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 2 Experimental Mathematics 2 Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society 2 The Asian Journal of Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Annals of Mathematics Studies 2 Astérisque 2 Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications 2 Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 2 Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique. EPIGA 2 Peking Mathematical Journal 1 Classical and Quantum Gravity 1 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 1 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 1 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Collectanea Mathematica 1 Compositio Mathematica 1 Matematikai Lapok 1 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 1 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 1 Semigroup Forum 1 Topology 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Combinatorica 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Discrete & Computational Geometry 1 Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 1 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1 Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya I. Matematika, Mekhanika 1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 1 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics 1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 1 Computational Complexity 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences. University of Tokyo 1 Methods and Applications of Analysis 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Portugaliae Mathematica. Nova Série 1 Milan Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 1 Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 1 Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 1 Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 1 Contemporary Mathematics 1 Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge 1 Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 IAS/Park City Mathematics Series 1 Algebra & Number Theory 1 Journal of Topology 1 Science China. Mathematics 1 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana 1 Tunisian Journal of Mathematics 1 Electronic Research Archive 1 M. B. Porter Lectures all top 5 Fields 210 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 34 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 13 Differential geometry (53-XX) 11 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 11 Number theory (11-XX) 10 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 10 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 10 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 8 History and biography (01-XX) 8 Combinatorics (05-XX) 8 Real functions (26-XX) 7 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 6 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 191 Publications have been cited 5,986 times in 3,616 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Birational geometry of algebraic varieties. With the collaboration of C. H. Clemens and A. Corti. Zbl 0926.14003 Kollár, János; Mori, Shigefumi 948 1998 Rational curves on algebraic varieties. Zbl 0877.14012 Kollár, János 371 1995 Singularities of the minimal model program. With the collaboration of Sándor Kovács. Zbl 1282.14028 Kollár, János 310 2013 Singularities of pairs. Zbl 0905.14002 Kollár, János 225 1997 Lectures on resolution of singularities. Zbl 1113.14013 Kollár, János 204 2007 Threefolds and deformations of surface singularities. Zbl 0642.14008 Kollár, J.; Shepherd-Barron, N. I. 203 1988 Semi-continuity of complex singularity exponents and Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano orbifolds. Zbl 0994.32021 Demailly, Jean-Pierre; Kollár, János 187 2001 Higher direct images of dualizing sheaves. I. Zbl 0598.14015 Kollár, János 163 1986 Rational connectedness and boundedness of Fano manifolds. Zbl 0759.14032 Kollár, János; Miyaoka, Yoichi; Mori, Shigefumi 154 1992 Sharp effective Nullstellensatz. Zbl 0682.14001 Kollár, János 130 1988 Shafarevich maps and automorphic forms. Zbl 0871.14015 Kollár, János 128 1995 Rationally connected varieties. Zbl 0780.14026 Kollár, János; Miyaoka, Yoichi; Mori, Shigefumi 123 1992 Flips and abundance for algebraic threefolds. A summer seminar at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 1991. Zbl 0782.00075 102 1992 Classification of three-dimensional flips. Zbl 0773.14004 Kollár, János; Mori, Shigefumi 102 1992 Shafarevich maps and plurigenera of algebraic varieties. Zbl 0819.14006 Kollár, János 100 1993 Rational and nearly rational varieties. Zbl 1060.14073 Kollár, János; Smith, Karen E.; Corti, Alessio 92 2004 Flops. Zbl 0645.14004 Kollár, János 84 1989 Higher direct images of dualizing sheaves. II. Zbl 0605.14014 Kollár, János 78 1986 Projectivity of complete moduli. Zbl 0684.14002 Kollár, János 74 1990 Log canonical singularities are Du Bois. Zbl 1202.14003 Kollár, János; Kovács, Sándor J. 74 2010 Norm-graphs and bipartite Turán numbers. Zbl 0858.05061 Kollár, János; Rónyai, Lajos; Szabó, Tibor 73 1996 Einstein metrics on spheres. Zbl 1093.53044 Boyer, Charles P.; Galicki, Krzysztof; Kollár, János 66 2005 Effective base point freeness. Zbl 0818.14002 Kollár, János 64 1993 Higher dimensional complex geometry. A summer seminar at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 1987. Zbl 0689.14016 Clemens, Herbert; Kollár, János; Mori, Shigefumi 56 1988 The Nash problem on arc families of singularities. Zbl 1052.14011 Ishii, Shihoko; Kollár, János 55 2003 Essential dimensions of algebraic groups and a resolution theorem for \(G\)-varieties. (With an appendix by János Kollár and Endre Szabó: Fixed points of group actions and rational maps). Zbl 1044.14023 Reichstein, Zinovy; Youssin, Boris 54 2000 Moduli of varieties of general type. Zbl 1322.14006 Kollár, János 54 2013 Nonrational hypersurfaces. Zbl 0839.14031 Kollár, János 53 1995 Continuous rational functions on real and \(p\)-adic varieties. Zbl 1390.14178 Kollár, János; Nowak, Krzysztof 51 2015 Quotient spaces modulo algebraic groups. Zbl 0881.14017 Kollár, János 50 1997 Subadditivity of the Kodaira dimension: Fibers of general type. Zbl 0659.14024 Kollár, János 46 1987 A global Łojasiewicz inequality for algebraic varieties. Zbl 0762.14001 Ji, Shanyu; Kollár, János; Shiffman, Bernard 39 1992 Flips, flops, minimal models, etc. Zbl 0755.14003 Kollár, János 36 1991 Unirationality of cubic hypersurfaces. Zbl 1077.14556 Kollár, János 34 2002 Toward moduli of singular varieties. Zbl 0666.14003 Kollár, János 34 1985 The dual complex of singularities. Zbl 1388.14107 de Fernex, Tommaso; Kollár, János; Xu, Chenyang 34 2017 Boundedness of canonical \(\mathbb{Q}\)-Fano 3-folds. Zbl 0981.14016 Kollár, János; Miyaoka, Yoichi; Mori, Shigefumi; Takagi, Hiromichi 33 2000 Einstein metrics on five-dimensional Seifert bundles. Zbl 1082.53041 Kollár, János 32 2005 Kodaira’s canonical bundle formula and adjunction. Zbl 1286.14027 Kollár, János 30 2007 Birational geometry of algebraic varieties. With the collaboration of C. H. Clemens and A. Corti. Paperback reprint of the hardback edition 1998. Zbl 1143.14014 Kollár, János; Mori, Shigefumi 30 2008 Flips for 3-folds and 4-folds. Zbl 05175029 29 2007 Is there a topological Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau inequality? Zbl 1145.14031 Kollár, János 29 2008 Rational curves on varieties. Zbl 1080.14521 Araujo, Carolina; Kollár, János 28 2003 Log flips and abundance: An overview. Zbl 0814.14038 Kollár, János 28 1992 Riemann-Roch type inequalities. Zbl 0538.14006 Kollár, J.; Matsusaka, T. 27 1983 The dual complex of Calabi-Yau pairs. Zbl 1360.14056 Kollár, János; Xu, Chenyang 27 2016 Szemerédi-Trotter-type theorems in dimension 3. Zbl 1309.14042 Kollár, János 26 2015 Extremal rays on smooth threefolds. Zbl 0753.14036 Kollár, János 26 1991 Rationally connected varieties over local fields. Zbl 0976.14016 Kollár, János 24 1999 Kähler-Einstein metrics on log del Pezzo surfaces in weighted projective 3-spaces. Zbl 0974.14023 Johnson, Jennifer M.; Kollár, János 24 2001 The cone theorem: Note to a paper of Y. Kawamata. Zbl 0544.14010 Kollár, János 23 1984 Curve-rational functions. Zbl 1407.14056 Kollár, János; Kucharz, Wojciech; Kurdyka, Krzysztof 23 2018 The structure of algebraic threefolds: An introduction to Mori’s program. Zbl 0649.14022 Kollár, János 22 1987 An effective Łojasiewicz inequality for real polynomials. Zbl 0973.26012 Kollár, János 22 1999 Quotients of Calabi-Yau varieties. Zbl 1200.14074 Kollár, János; Larsen, Michael 22 2009 Remarks on degenerations of hyper-Kähler manifolds. (Remarques sur les dégénérescences des variétés hyper-kählériennes.) Zbl 1435.14038 Kollár, János; Laza, Radu; Saccà, Giulia; Voisin, Claire 20 2018 Congruences and one element subalgebras. Zbl 0407.08002 Kollar, Janos 19 1979 Deformations of elliptic Calabi-Yau manifolds. Zbl 1326.14081 Kollár, J. 18 2014 Circle actions on simply connected 5-manifolds. Zbl 1094.57020 Kollár, János 18 2006 Conics in the Grothendieck ring. Zbl 1082.14022 Kollár, János 17 2005 Low degree polynomial equations: Arithmetic, geometry and topology. Zbl 0970.14001 Kollár, János 16 1998 Fundamental groups of links of isolated singularities. Zbl 1307.14005 Kapovich, Michael; Kollár, János 16 2014 Simultaneous normalization and algebra husks. Zbl 1246.14006 Kollár, János 16 2011 Continuous solutions of linear equations. Zbl 1263.15003 Fefferman, Charles; Kollár, János 16 2013 Exercises in the birational geometry of algebraic varieties. Zbl 1221.14001 Kollár, János 16 2010 Families of varieties of general type. With the collaboration of Klaus Altmann and Sándor J. Kovács. Zbl 07658187 Kollár, János 16 2023 Effective Nullstellensatz for arbitrary ideals. Zbl 0986.14043 Kollár, János 15 1999 Flatness criteria. Zbl 0853.14008 Kollár, János 15 1995 Log surfaces of general type; some conjectures. Zbl 0860.14014 Kollár, János 15 1994 Rationally connected varieties over finite fields. Zbl 1077.14068 Kollár, János; Szabó, Endre 15 2003 Homogeneous vector bundles and families of Calabi-Yau threefolds. II. Zbl 0748.14015 Borcea, Ciprian 15 1991 Kähler-Einstein metrics on orbifolds and Einstein metrics on spheres. Zbl 1135.53031 Ghigi, Alessandro; Kollár, János 15 2007 Volume and Hilbert functions of \(\mathbb{R}\)-divisors. Zbl 1353.14011 Fulger, Mihai; Kollár, János; Lehmann, Brian 15 2016 Quadratic families of elliptic curves and unirationality of degree 1 conic bundles. Zbl 1388.14096 Kollár, János; Mella, Massimiliano 15 2017 Specialization of zero cycles. Zbl 1081.14008 Kollár, János 14 2004 Fano hypersurfaces in weighted projective 4-spaces. Zbl 0972.14034 Johnson, Jennifer M.; Kollár, János 14 2001 Arc spaces of \(cA\)-type singularities. Zbl 1293.32037 Johnson, Jennifer M.; Kollár, János 14 2013 Quotients by finite equivalence relations. Zbl 1271.14002 Kollár, János 14 2012 Polynomials with integral coefficients, equivalent to a given polynomial. Zbl 0867.11047 Kollár, János 13 1997 Real algebraic threefolds. III. Conic bundles. Zbl 0964.14014 Kollár, János 13 1999 Rational curves on Fano varieties. Zbl 0776.14012 Kollár, János; Miyaoka, Yoichi; Mori, Shigefumi 13 1992 Holonomy groups of stable vector bundles. Zbl 1146.14023 Balaji, V.; Kollár, János 13 2008 Semi-stable extensions over 1-dimensional bases. Zbl 1408.14061 Kollár, János; Nicaise, Johannes; Xu, Chen Yang 13 2018 Fundamental groups of rationally connected varieties. Zbl 1077.14520 Kollár, János 12 2000 Einstein metrics on connected sums of \((S^2\times S^3)\). Zbl 1118.53026 Kollár, János 12 2007 Automorphism groups of algebraic number fields. Zbl 0391.12005 Fried, Ervin; Kollar, Janos 12 1978 Extremal bipartite graphs and superpolynomial lower bounds for monotone span programs. Zbl 0915.05076 Babai, László; Gál, Anna; Kollár, János; Rónyai, Lajos; Szabó, Tibor; Wigderson, Avi 11 1996 Examples of vanishing Gromov-Witten-Welschinger invariants. Zbl 1366.14049 Kollár, János 11 2015 Which are the simplest algebraic varieties? Zbl 0978.14039 Kollár, János 10 2001 Cremona transformations and diffeomorphisms of surfaces. Zbl 1188.14008 Kollár, János; Mangolte, Frédéric 10 2009 Einstein metrics on exotic spheres in dimensions 7, 11 and 15. Zbl 1112.53033 Boyer, Charles P.; Galicki, Krzysztof; Kollár, János; Thomas, Evan 10 2005 A conjecture of Ax and degenerations of Fano varieties. Zbl 1140.14009 Kollár, János 10 2007 Rationally connected varieties and fundamental groups. Zbl 1075.14017 Kollár, János 9 2003 Simple normal crossing varieties with prescribed dual complex. Zbl 1307.14059 Kollár, János 9 2014 Links of complex analytic singularities. Zbl 1318.32033 Kollár, János 9 2013 Holomorphic arcs on singularities. Zbl 1342.32020 Kollár, János; Némethi, András 9 2015 Deformations of log canonical and \(F\)-pure singularities. Zbl 1454.14008 Kollár, János; Kovács, Sándor J. 9 2020 Continuous closure of sheaves. Zbl 1260.14019 Kollár, János 9 2012 The rigidity theorem of Fano-Segre-Iskovskikh-Manin-Pukhlikov-Corti-Cheltsov-de Fernex-Ein-Mustaţă-Zhuang. Zbl 1473.14080 Kollár, János 9 2019 Sources of log canonical centers. Zbl 1369.14013 Kollár, János 9 2016 Families of varieties of general type. With the collaboration of Klaus Altmann and Sándor J. Kovács. Zbl 07658187 Kollár, János 16 2023 Vanishing theorems for three-folds in characteristic \(p>5\). Zbl 1518.14030 Bernasconi, Fabio; Kollár, János 3 2023 What determines an algebraic variety? Zbl 1528.14002 Kollár, János; Lieblich, Max; Olsson, Martin; Sawin, Will 2 2023 On approximation of maps into real algebraic homogeneous spaces. Zbl 1489.14079 Bochnak, Jacek; Kucharz, Wojciech; Kollár, János 4 2022 Rationality of even-dimensional intersections of two real quadrics. Zbl 1498.14029 Hassett, Brendan; Kollár, János; Tschinkel, Yuri 1 2022 Seshadri’s criterion and openness of projectivity. Zbl 1491.14002 Kollár, János 1 2022 Moishezon morphisms. Zbl 1511.32006 Kollár, János 1 2022 Relative MMP without \(\mathbb{Q}\)-factoriality. Zbl 1481.14029 Kollár, János 5 2021 Deformations of varieties of general type. Zbl 1495.32022 Kollár, János 3 2021 Fundamental groups and path lifting for algebraic varieties. Zbl 1468.14047 Kollár, János 2 2021 Mumford’s influence on the moduli theory of algebraic varieties. Zbl 1476.14004 Kollár, János 2 2021 Subadditivity of Kodaira dimension does not hold in positive characteristic. Zbl 1489.14020 Cascini, Paolo; Ejiri, Sho; Kollár, János; Zhang, Lei 1 2021 Deformations of log canonical and \(F\)-pure singularities. Zbl 1454.14008 Kollár, János; Kovács, Sándor J. 9 2020 The Noether inequality for algebraic \(3\)-folds. With an appendix by János Kollár. Zbl 1454.14032 Chen, Jungkai A.; Chen, Meng; Jiang, Chen 7 2020 Checking real analyticity on surfaces. Zbl 1436.32028 Bochnak, Jacek; Kollár, János; Kucharz, Wojciech 6 2020 Pell surfaces. Zbl 07200111 Kollár, János 5 2020 Moduli of polarized Calabi-Yau pairs. Zbl 1448.14018 Kollár, János; Xu, Chen Yang 3 2020 The rigidity theorem of Fano-Segre-Iskovskikh-Manin-Pukhlikov-Corti-Cheltsov-de Fernex-Ein-Mustaţă-Zhuang. Zbl 1473.14080 Kollár, János 9 2019 The dualizing sheaf on first-order deformations of toric surface singularities. Zbl 1422.14006 Altmann, Klaus; Kollár, János 7 2019 Algebraic hypersurfaces. Zbl 1470.14085 Kollár, János 6 2019 Partial resolution by toroidal blow-ups. Zbl 1408.14060 Kollár, János 5 2019 Minimal models of semi-log-canonical pairs. Zbl 1439.14055 Ambro, Florin; Kollár, János 3 2019 Curve-rational functions. Zbl 1407.14056 Kollár, János; Kucharz, Wojciech; Kurdyka, Krzysztof 23 2018 Remarks on degenerations of hyper-Kähler manifolds. (Remarques sur les dégénérescences des variétés hyper-kählériennes.) Zbl 1435.14038 Kollár, János; Laza, Radu; Saccà, Giulia; Voisin, Claire 20 2018 Semi-stable extensions over 1-dimensional bases. Zbl 1408.14061 Kollár, János; Nicaise, Johannes; Xu, Chen Yang 13 2018 Symmetric powers of Severi-Brauer varieties. Zbl 1423.14092 Kollár, János 7 2018 Log-plurigenera in stable families of surfaces. Zbl 1423.14221 Kollár, János 7 2018 Quadratic solutions of quadratic forms. Zbl 1401.14126 Kollár, János 4 2018 Log-plurigenera in stable families. Zbl 1439.14035 Kollár, János 3 2018 The dual complex of singularities. Zbl 1388.14107 de Fernex, Tommaso; Kollár, János; Xu, Chenyang 34 2017 Quadratic families of elliptic curves and unirationality of degree 1 conic bundles. Zbl 1388.14096 Kollár, János; Mella, Massimiliano 15 2017 Conic bundles that are not birational to numerical Calabi-Yau pairs. (Fibrés en coniques qui ne sont pas birationnels à des paires de Calabi-Yau numériques.) Zbl 1494.14053 Kollár, János 5 2017 Durfee’s conjecture on the signature of smoothings of surface singularities. (La conjecture de Durfee sur la signature des lissages des singularités des surfaces.) Zbl 1382.32020 Kollár, János; Némethi, András 3 2017 Coherence of local and global hulls. Zbl 1388.13023 Kollár, János 3 2017 Nash’s work in algebraic geometry. Zbl 1359.14002 Kollár, János 1 2017 The dual complex of Calabi-Yau pairs. Zbl 1360.14056 Kollár, János; Xu, Chenyang 27 2016 Volume and Hilbert functions of \(\mathbb{R}\)-divisors. Zbl 1353.14011 Fulger, Mihai; Kollár, János; Lehmann, Brian 15 2016 Sources of log canonical centers. Zbl 1369.14013 Kollár, János 9 2016 Variants of normality for Noetherian schemes. Zbl 1398.14008 Kollár, János 8 2016 Approximating curves on real rational surfaces. Zbl 1344.14035 Kollár, János; Mangolte, Frédéric 5 2016 Maps between local Picard groups. Zbl 1376.14036 Kollár, János 4 2016 Arcology. Zbl 1391.14029 Johnson, Jennifer M.; Kollár, János 3 2016 Continuous rational functions on real and \(p\)-adic varieties. Zbl 1390.14178 Kollár, János; Nowak, Krzysztof 51 2015 Szemerédi-Trotter-type theorems in dimension 3. Zbl 1309.14042 Kollár, János 26 2015 Examples of vanishing Gromov-Witten-Welschinger invariants. Zbl 1366.14049 Kollár, János 11 2015 Holomorphic arcs on singularities. Zbl 1342.32020 Kollár, János; Némethi, András 9 2015 Neighborhoods of subvarieties in homogeneous spaces. Zbl 1360.14121 Kollár, János 5 2015 The Lefschetz property for families of curves. Zbl 1470.14052 Kollár, János 2 2015 Is there a curse of the Fields Medal? Zbl 1338.01086 Kollár, János 1 2015 Deformations of elliptic Calabi-Yau manifolds. Zbl 1326.14081 Kollár, J. 18 2014 Fundamental groups of links of isolated singularities. Zbl 1307.14005 Kapovich, Michael; Kollár, János 16 2014 Simple normal crossing varieties with prescribed dual complex. Zbl 1307.14059 Kollár, János 9 2014 Variety evasive sets. Zbl 1308.68166 Dvir, Zeev; Kollár, János; Lovett, Shachar 7 2014 The structure of algebraic varieties. Zbl 1373.14001 Kollár, János 5 2014 Semi-normal log centres and deformations of pairs. Zbl 1328.14061 Kollár, János 4 2014 Singularities of the minimal model program. With the collaboration of Sándor Kovács. Zbl 1282.14028 Kollár, János 310 2013 Moduli of varieties of general type. Zbl 1322.14006 Kollár, János 54 2013 Continuous solutions of linear equations. Zbl 1263.15003 Fefferman, Charles; Kollár, János 16 2013 Arc spaces of \(cA\)-type singularities. Zbl 1293.32037 Johnson, Jennifer M.; Kollár, János 14 2013 Links of complex analytic singularities. Zbl 1318.32033 Kollár, János 9 2013 Grothendieck-Lefschetz type theorems for the local Picard group. Zbl 1327.14045 Kollár, János 2 2013 Quotients by finite equivalence relations. Zbl 1271.14002 Kollár, János 14 2012 Continuous closure of sheaves. Zbl 1260.14019 Kollár, János 9 2012 Homotopically trivial deformations. Zbl 1292.32003 Fernández de Bobadilla, Javier; Kollár, János 5 2012 Algebraic varieties with semialgebraic universal cover. Zbl 1243.14008 Kollár, János; Pardon, John 5 2012 Restrictions of stable bundles. Zbl 1386.14157 Balaji, V.; Kollár, János 1 2012 Simultaneous normalization and algebra husks. Zbl 1246.14006 Kollár, János 16 2011 A local version of the Kawamata-Viehweg vanishing theorem. Zbl 1316.14039 Kollár, János 6 2011 Two examples of surfaces with normal crossing singularities. Zbl 1241.14013 Kollár, János 5 2011 How small can a polynomial be near infinity? Zbl 1209.14048 Johnson, Jennifer M.; Kollár, János 3 2011 Log canonical singularities are Du Bois. Zbl 1202.14003 Kollár, János; Kovács, Sándor J. 74 2010 Exercises in the birational geometry of algebraic varieties. Zbl 1221.14001 Kollár, János 16 2010 Holomorphic and pseudo-holomorphic curves on rationally connected varieties. Zbl 1198.14050 Kollár, János 4 2010 Lectures on flips and minimal models. Zbl 1218.14012 Corti, Alessio; Hacking, Paul; Kollár; Lazarsfeld, Robert; Mustaţă, Mircea 1 2010 Quotients of Calabi-Yau varieties. Zbl 1200.14074 Kollár, János; Larsen, Michael 22 2009 Cremona transformations and diffeomorphisms of surfaces. Zbl 1188.14008 Kollár, János; Mangolte, Frédéric 10 2009 Positive Sasakian structures on 5-manifolds. Zbl 1179.53053 Kollár, János 5 2009 Birational rigidity of Fano varieties and field extensions. Zbl 1312.14040 Kollár, János 4 2009 Birational geometry of algebraic varieties. With the collaboration of C. H. Clemens and A. Corti. Paperback reprint of the hardback edition 1998. Zbl 1143.14014 Kollár, János; Mori, Shigefumi 30 2008 Is there a topological Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau inequality? Zbl 1145.14031 Kollár, János 29 2008 Holonomy groups of stable vector bundles. Zbl 1146.14023 Balaji, V.; Kollár, János 13 2008 Diophantine subsets of function fields of curves. Zbl 1178.11075 Kollár, János 6 2008 Looking for rational curves on cubic hypersurfaces. Zbl 1182.14014 Kollár, János; Derenthal, Ulrich 5 2008 Lectures on resolution of singularities. Zbl 1113.14013 Kollár, János 204 2007 Kodaira’s canonical bundle formula and adjunction. Zbl 1286.14027 Kollár, János 30 2007 Flips for 3-folds and 4-folds. Zbl 05175029 29 2007 Kähler-Einstein metrics on orbifolds and Einstein metrics on spheres. Zbl 1135.53031 Ghigi, Alessandro; Kollár, János 15 2007 Einstein metrics on connected sums of \((S^2\times S^3)\). Zbl 1118.53026 Kollár, János 12 2007 A conjecture of Ax and degenerations of Fano varieties. Zbl 1140.14009 Kollár, János 10 2007 Algebraic varieties over PAC fields. Zbl 1143.12003 Kollár, János 2 2007 Circle actions on simply connected 5-manifolds. Zbl 1094.57020 Kollár, János 18 2006 Non-quasi-projective moduli spaces. Zbl 1140.14011 Kollár, János 5 2006 Einstein metrics on spheres. Zbl 1093.53044 Boyer, Charles P.; Galicki, Krzysztof; Kollár, János 66 2005 Einstein metrics on five-dimensional Seifert bundles. Zbl 1082.53041 Kollár, János 32 2005 Conics in the Grothendieck ring. Zbl 1082.14022 Kollár, János 17 2005 Einstein metrics on exotic spheres in dimensions 7, 11 and 15. Zbl 1112.53033 Boyer, Charles P.; Galicki, Krzysztof; Kollár, János; Thomas, Evan 10 2005 Rational and nearly rational varieties. Zbl 1060.14073 Kollár, János; Smith, Karen E.; Corti, Alessio 92 2004 Specialization of zero cycles. Zbl 1081.14008 Kollár, János 14 2004 Real Fano 3-folds of type \(V_{22}\). Zbl 1070.14058 Kollár, János; Schreyer, Frank-Olaf 7 2004 The Nash problem on arc families of singularities. Zbl 1052.14011 Ishii, Shihoko; Kollár, János 55 2003 ...and 91 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,578 Authors 56 Kollár, János 40 Cheltsov, Ivan Anatol’evich 36 Prokhorov, Yuriĭ Gennad’evich 35 Fujino, Osamu 35 Xu, Chenyang 34 Hacon, Christopher Derek 34 Zhang, De-Qi 30 Peternell, Thomas Martin 27 Kucharz, Wojciech 24 Biswas, Indranil 24 Guan, Qi’an 24 Schwede, Karl E. 21 Campana, Frédéric 21 Liu, Yuchen 20 Tanaka, Hiromu 19 Boyer, Charles P. 19 Chen, Jungkai Alfred 19 Fujita, Kento 19 Höring, Andreas 19 Kebekus, Stefan 19 Mustaţă, Mircea 18 Park, Jihun 18 Zhuang, Ziquan 17 Cascini, Paolo 17 Chen, Meng 17 Kovács, Sándor J. 17 Paun, Mihai 17 Shramov, Konstantin Aleksandrovich 16 Birkar, Caucher 16 Druel, Stéphane 16 Patakfalvi, Zsolt 15 Alexeev, Valery A. 15 de Fernex, Tommaso 15 Gongyo, Yoshinori 15 Lehmann, Brian 15 Schröer, Stefan 15 Won, Joonyeong 14 Li, Chi 14 Popa, Mihnea 14 Takagi, Shunsuke 14 Voisin, Claire 14 Zhou, Xiangyu 13 Berman, Robert J. 13 Graf, Patrick 13 Guenancia, Henri 13 Han, Jingjun 13 Hassett, Brendan 13 Matsumura, Shin-ichi 13 Urzúa, Giancarlo 12 Boucksom, Sébastien 12 Hwang, Jun-Muk 12 Jonsson, Mattias 12 Kurdyka, Krzysztof 12 Occhetta, Gianluca 12 Okada, Takuzo 12 Taji, Behrouz 12 Watanabe, Kiwamu 12 Witaszek, Jakub 11 Andreatta, Marco 11 Araujo, Carolina 11 Colliot-Thélène, Jean-Louis 11 Eyssidieux, Philippe 11 Ishii, Shihoko 11 Kim, In-Kyun 11 Lazić, Vladimir 11 Liu, Jie 11 Moraga Saez, Joaquín Leonardo 11 Mori, Shigefumi 11 Nicaise, Johannes 11 Phạm Hoàng Hiệp 11 Rollenske, Sönke 11 Schreieder, Stefan 11 Tschinkel, Yuri 11 Tucker, Kevin 10 Abramovich, Dan 10 Dubouloz, Adrien 10 Greb, Daniel 10 Hacking, Paul 10 Keum, Jonghae 10 Laza, Radu 10 Lee, Yongnam 10 Liu, Jihao 10 Meng, Sheng 10 Odaka, Yuji 10 Park, Heesang 10 Park, Jinhyung 10 Pukhlikov, Aleksandr Valentinovich 10 Shin, Dongsoo 10 Svaldi, Roberto 10 Takayama, Shigeharu 10 Totaro, Burt 10 Viehweg, Eckart 9 Bernasconi, Fabio 9 Blanc, Jérémy 9 Blum, Harold 9 Borisov, Lev A. 9 Casagrande, Cinzia 9 Debarre, Olivier 9 Demailly, Jean-Pierre 9 Ein, Lawrence Man Hon ...and 2,478 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 299 Serials 168 Advances in Mathematics 159 Mathematische Zeitschrift 154 Mathematische Annalen 112 Journal of Algebraic Geometry 107 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 96 Journal of Algebra 93 Inventiones Mathematicae 89 Manuscripta Mathematica 84 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 83 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 82 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 81 International Journal of Mathematics 80 Duke Mathematical Journal 71 Compositio Mathematica 70 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 64 European Journal of Mathematics 50 Communications in Algebra 46 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 44 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 39 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 36 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 36 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 35 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 35 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 35 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 33 Geometriae Dedicata 33 Geometry & Topology 30 Mathematische Nachrichten 28 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 28 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 27 Michigan Mathematical Journal 24 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 23 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 23 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 22 Journal of High Energy Physics 22 Algebra & Number Theory 21 Communications in Mathematical Physics 20 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 20 Transformation Groups 20 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 20 Science China. Mathematics 19 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 18 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 18 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 18 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 17 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 17 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 17 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 17 Journal de l’École Polytechnique – Mathématiques 16 Archiv der Mathematik 16 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 16 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 15 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 15 Documenta Mathematica 14 Israel Journal of Mathematics 14 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 14 Advances in Geometry 13 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 13 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 13 Journal of Symbolic Computation 12 Mathematical Notes 12 Algebra Universalis 12 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 12 Central European Journal of Mathematics 11 Journal of Differential Geometry 11 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 11 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 11 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 11 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 11 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 11 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 11 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana 10 Discrete Mathematics 10 Journal of Geometry and Physics 10 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 9 Publications Mathématiques 9 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 9 Discrete & Computational Geometry 9 Differential Geometry and its Applications 9 Oberwolfach Reports 9 Peking Mathematical Journal 8 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 8 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 8 Journal of Number Theory 8 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 8 Sbornik: Mathematics 8 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 8 Forum of Mathematics, Pi 8 Complex Manifolds 8 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 7 American Journal of Mathematics 7 Combinatorica 7 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 7 Revista Matemática Complutense 7 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 7 Journal of Commutative Algebra 7 Journal of Singularities 6 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 6 Nuclear Physics. B 6 Mathematics of Computation ...and 199 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 56 Fields 2,933 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 859 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 359 Differential geometry (53-XX) 262 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 204 Number theory (11-XX) 98 Combinatorics (05-XX) 93 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 92 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 78 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 71 Computer science (68-XX) 69 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 54 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 49 Quantum theory (81-XX) 46 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 44 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 43 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 43 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 41 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 39 Real functions (26-XX) 33 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 25 Geometry (51-XX) 24 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 23 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 20 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 17 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 17 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 15 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 14 History and biography (01-XX) 14 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 12 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 12 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 11 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 9 Functional analysis (46-XX) 9 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Potential theory (31-XX) 7 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 7 Operator theory (47-XX) 7 General topology (54-XX) 6 Special functions (33-XX) 6 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 6 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 5 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 5 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 5 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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