Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Krause, Henning Co-Author Distance Author ID: krause.henning Published as: Krause, Henning; Krause, H. Homepage: http://www.math.uni-bielefeld.de/~hkrause/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 139 Publications since 1991, including 4 Books and 16 Additional arXiv Preprints 19 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 9 Reviews Co-Authors: 53 Co-Authors with 86 Joint Publications 1,204 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 71 single-authored 31 Benson, David John 28 Iyengar, Srikanth B. 12 Pevtsova, Julia 8 Solberg, Øyvind 6 Buan, Aslak Bakke 6 Keller, Bernhard 5 Crawley-Boevey, William 5 Stevenson, Greg 4 Barthel, Tobias 3 Adem, Alejandro 3 Iyama, Osamu 3 Schwede, Stefan 2 Angeleri Hügel, Lidia 2 Balmer, Paul 2 Beligiannis, Apostolos 2 Buchweitz, Ragnar-Olaf 2 Carlson, Jon Frederick 2 Chen, Xiaowu 1 Amiot, Claire 1 Aquilino, Cosima 1 Baumeister, Barbara 1 Bergh, Petter Andreas 1 Bobiński, Grzegorz 1 Bux, Kai-Uwe 1 Castellana Vila, Natàlia 1 Erdmann, Karin 1 Geiss, Christof 1 Gnedin, Wassilij 1 Götze, Friedrich 1 Großblotekamp, Kay 1 Happel, Dieter 1 Hori, Kentaro 1 Hubery, Andrew 1 Kielak, Dawid 1 Kussin, Dirk 1 Le, Jue 1 Letz, Janina C. 1 Littelmann, Peter 1 Malle, Gunter 1 Neeb, Karl-Hermann 1 Oppermann, Steffen 1 Prest, Mike 1 Reichenbach, Ulrike 1 Ringel, Claus Michael 1 Saorín, Manuel 1 Schweigert, Christoph 1 Skowroński, Andrzej 1 Snashall, Nicole 1 Stojanoska, Vesna 1 Šťovíček, Jan 1 Vossieck, Dieter 1 Witherspoon, Sarah J. 1 Ye, Yu 1 Zwara, Grzegorz all top 5 Serials 13 Oberwolfach Reports 7 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 6 Mathematische Zeitschrift 5 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 3 Advances in Mathematics 3 Compositio Mathematica 3 Journal of Algebra 3 Mathematische Annalen 3 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Documenta Mathematica 3 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 3 EMS Series of Congress Reports 2 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 2 Archiv der Mathematik 2 Fundamenta Mathematicae 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Forum Mathematicum 2 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 2 Expositiones Mathematicae 2 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 2 Algebras and Representation Theory 2 Journal of \(K\)-Theory 1 Communications in Algebra 1 American Journal of Mathematics 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 1 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Topology 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 \(K\)-Theory 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 1 Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 AMA. Algebra Montpellier Announcements 1 Homology, Homotopy and Applications 1 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 1 Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 1 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 1 Oberwolfach Seminars 1 Algebra & Number Theory 1 Journal of Topology 1 Annals of \(K\)-Theory 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 1 Trends in Mathematics 1 Algebraic Combinatorics 1 Annals of Representation Theory all top 5 Fields 108 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 102 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 39 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 25 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 21 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 19 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 15 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 8 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 116 Publications have been cited 2,223 times in 1,318 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The stable derived category of a noetherian scheme. Zbl 1090.18006 Krause, Henning 177 2005 Handbook of tilting theory. Zbl 1106.16300 164 2007 Localization theory for triangulated categories. Zbl 1232.18012 Krause, Henning 101 2010 Smashing subcategories and the telescope conjecture – an algebraic approach. Zbl 0937.18013 Krause, Henning 87 2000 Krull-Schmidt categories and projective covers. Zbl 1353.18011 Krause, Henning 74 2015 Local cohomology and support for triangulated categories. Zbl 1171.18007 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 73 2008 Stratifying modular representations of finite groups. Zbl 1261.20057 Benson, David J.; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 64 2011 Acyclicity versus total acyclicity for complexes over noetherian rings. Zbl 1119.13014 Iyengar, Srikanth; Krause, Henning 58 2006 Maps between tree and band modules. Zbl 0715.16007 Krause, Henning 56 1991 The spectrum of a module category. Zbl 0981.16007 Krause, Henning 51 2001 The spectrum of a locally coherent category. Zbl 0868.18003 Krause, Henning 47 1997 Derived categories, resolutions, and Brown representability. Zbl 1132.18005 Krause, Henning 46 2007 Applications of cotorsion pairs. Zbl 1061.16006 Krause, Henning; Solberg, Øyvind 46 2003 Stratifying triangulated categories. Zbl 1239.18013 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 42 2011 Colocalizing subcategories and cosupport. Zbl 1271.18012 Benson, David J.; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 37 2012 Support varieties: an ideal approach. Zbl 1118.18005 Buan, Aslak Bakke; Krause, Henning; Solberg, Øyvind 36 2007 A Brown representability theorem via coherent functors. Zbl 1009.18010 Krause, Henning 36 2002 Exactly definable categories. Zbl 0917.18005 Krause, Henning 33 1998 Functors on locally finitely presented additive categories. Zbl 0893.18006 Krause, Henning 32 1998 On minimal approximations of modules. Zbl 0959.16003 Krause, Henning; Saorín, Manuel 32 1998 Cohomological quotients and smashing localizations. Zbl 1090.18007 Krause, Henning 31 2005 Stratification for module categories of finite group schemes. Zbl 1486.16011 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning; Pevtsova, Julia 31 2018 Generic modules over Artin algebras. Zbl 0908.16016 Krause, Henning 30 1998 The telescope conjecture for hereditary rings via Ext-orthogonal pairs. Zbl 1242.16007 Krause, Henning; Šťovíček, Jan 30 2010 Koszul, Ringel and Serre duality for strict polynomial functors. Zbl 1293.20046 Krause, Henning 28 2013 Deriving Auslander’s formula. Zbl 1348.18018 Krause, Henning 28 2015 A categorification of non-crossing partitions. Zbl 1381.16006 Hubery, Andrew; Krause, Henning 28 2016 Thick subcategories and virtually Gorenstein algebras. Zbl 1200.16022 Beligiannis, Apostolos; Krause, Henning 27 2008 Rouquier’s theorem on representation dimension. Zbl 1107.16013 Krause, Henning; Kussin, Dirk 26 2006 Auslander-Reiten theory via Brown representability. Zbl 0970.18012 Krause, Henning 26 2000 Approximations and adjoints in homotopy categories. Zbl 1323.18003 Krause, Henning 26 2012 The Auslander-Reiten formula for complexes of modules. Zbl 1120.16008 Krause, Henning; Le, Jue 23 2006 Stable equivalence preserves representation type. Zbl 0901.16008 Krause, Henning 23 1997 On Neeman’s well generated triangulated categories. Zbl 0987.18012 Krause, Henning 22 2001 Thick subcategories of modules over commutative noetherian rings (with an appendix by Srikanth Iyengar). Zbl 1143.13012 Krause, Henning 21 2008 A short proof for Auslander’s defect formula. Zbl 1035.18007 Krause, Henning 20 2003 Report on locally finite triangulated categories. Zbl 1252.18028 Krause, Henning 20 2012 Realizability of modules over Tate cohomology. Zbl 1070.20060 Benson, David; Krause, Henning; Schwede, Stefan 19 2004 On the notion of derived tameness. Zbl 1034.16021 Geiss, Christof; Krause, Henning 18 2002 Coherent functors in stable homotopy theory. Zbl 1001.55022 Krause, Henning 18 2002 Tilting and cotilting for quivers of type \(\widetilde A_n\). Zbl 1085.16010 Buan, Aslak Bakke; Krause, Henning 18 2004 Homological theory of representations. Zbl 1526.16001 Krause, Henning 17 2022 Decomposing thick subcategories of the stable module category. Zbl 0926.20004 Krause, Henning 16 1999 Cotilting modules over tame hereditary algebras. Zbl 1070.16014 Buan, Aslak Bakke; Krause, Henning 16 2003 Highest weight categories and recollements. (Catégories de plus haut poids et recollements.) Zbl 1404.16010 Krause, Henning 15 2017 Dimensions of triangulated categories via Koszul objects. Zbl 1263.18006 Bergh, Petter Andreas; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning; Oppermann, Steffen 15 2010 Complexes of injective \(kG\)-modules. Zbl 1167.20006 Benson, David John; Krause, Henning 14 2008 Morphisms determined by objects in triangulated categories. Zbl 1316.18014 Krause, Henning 13 2013 Filtering modules of finite projective dimension. Zbl 1035.16005 Krause, Henning; Solberg, Øyvind 11 2003 The Bousfield lattice of a triangulated category and stratification. Zbl 1328.18017 Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 11 2013 Auslander-Reiten triangles and a theorem of Zimmermann. Zbl 1070.18006 Krause, Henning 11 2005 Pure injectives and the spectrum of the cohomology ring of a finite group. Zbl 0987.20026 Benson, David; Krause, Henning 11 2002 Representations of finite groups. Local cohomology and support. Zbl 1246.20002 Benson, David J.; Iyengar, Srikanth; Krause, Henning 10 2012 Stable equivalence and generic modules. Zbl 1025.16009 Krause, Henning; Zwara, Grzegorz 10 2000 Morphisms determined by objects and flat covers. Zbl 1355.18004 Krause, Henning 10 2016 The Krull-Gabriel dimension of discrete derived categories. Zbl 1404.16003 Bobiński, Grzegorz; Krause, Henning 10 2015 Module categories for group algebras over commutative rings. Zbl 1291.20010 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 10 2013 Detecting nilpotence and projectivity over finite unipotent supergroup schemes. Zbl 1475.14089 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning; Pevtsova, Julia 9 2021 The kernel of an irreducible map. Zbl 0807.16016 Krause, Henning 8 1994 Expansions of abelian categories. Zbl 1267.18010 Chen, Xiao-Wu; Krause, Henning 8 2011 Highest weight categories and strict polynomial functors. With an appendix by Cosima Aquilino. Zbl 1405.20039 Krause, Henning 8 2017 Representation type and stable equivalence of Morita type for finite-dimensional algebras. Zbl 0937.16021 Krause, Henning 8 1998 The derived category of the projective line. Zbl 1442.14060 Krause, Henning; Stevenson, Greg 8 2019 On the centre of a triangulated category. Zbl 1228.18009 Krause, Henning; Ye, Yu 7 2011 Endofiniteness in stable homotopy theory. Zbl 0965.55004 Krause, Henning; Reichenbach, Ulrike 6 2001 Support varieties – an axiomatic approach. Zbl 1505.18020 Buan, Aslak Bakke; Krause, Henning; Snashall, Nicole; Solberg, Øyvind 6 2020 The frame of smashing tensor-ideals. Zbl 1469.18028 Balmer, Paul; Krause, Henning; Stevenson, Greg 6 2020 Local duality for representations of finite group schemes. Injective modules at closed points. Zbl 1509.16012 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning; Pevtsova, Julia 6 2019 Local duality for the singularity category of a finite dimensional Gorenstein algebra. Zbl 1493.16010 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning; Pevtsova, Julia 6 2021 Tensor-triangular fields: ruminations. Zbl 1409.18011 Balmer, Paul; Krause, Henning; Stevenson, Greg 6 2019 A local-global principle for small triangulated categories. Zbl 1371.18008 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 6 2015 Dualizing rings and a characterization of finite representation type. Zbl 0852.16008 Krause, Henning 5 1996 Cohomological length functions. Zbl 1362.18016 Krause, Henning 5 2016 Uniqueness of uniform decompositions in abelian categories. Zbl 1027.18007 Krause, Henning 5 2003 A note on thick subcategories of stable derived categories. Zbl 1294.18007 Krause, Henning; Stevenson, Greg 5 2013 Length categories of infinite height. Zbl 07907785 Krause, Henning; Vossieck, Dieter 5 2018 On the four terms in the middle theorem for almost split sequences. Zbl 0827.16011 Krause, Henning 4 1994 Finitistic dimension and Ziegler spectrum. Zbl 0902.16008 Krause, Henning 4 1998 Realizing maps between modules over Tate cohomology rings. Zbl 1050.20035 Beligiannis, Apostolos; Krause, Henning 4 2003 Coherent functors and covariantly finite subcategories. Zbl 1053.18003 Krause, Henning 4 2003 Infinite length modules. Proceedings of the conference, Bielefeld, Germany, September 7–11, 1998. Zbl 0945.00021 4 2000 Non-crossing partitions. Zbl 1443.05015 Baumeister, Barbara; Bux, Kai-Uwe; Götze, Friedrich; Kielak, Dawid; Krause, Henning 4 2019 Completing perfect complexes. With appendices by Tobias Barthel and Bernhard Keller. Zbl 1455.18009 Krause, Henning 4 2020 Tilting preserves finite global dimension. Zbl 1451.18032 Keller, Bernhard; Krause, Henning 4 2020 Auslander-Reiten duality for Grothendieck abelian categories. Zbl 1502.18023 Krause, Henning 4 2019 Stratification and \(\pi\)-cosupport: finite groups. Zbl 1483.20088 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning; Pevtsova, Julia 4 2017 On the lattice of cotilting modules. Zbl 1012.16014 Buan, Aslak Bakke; Krause, Henning; Solberg, Øyvind 4 2002 A note on infinite string modules. Zbl 0821.16011 Krause, Henning 3 1993 An axiomatic characterization of the Gabriel-Roiter measure. Zbl 1133.18004 Krause, Henning 3 2007 The endocategory of a module. Zbl 0852.16003 Krause, Henning 3 1996 Generic idempotent modules for a finite group. Zbl 0968.20007 Benson, D. J.; Krause, H. 3 2000 Representation theory – Current trends and perspectives. In part based on talks given at the last joint meeting of the priority program in Bad Honnef, Germany, in March 2015. Zbl 1357.14004 3 2017 Introducing to realizability of modules over Tate cohomology. Zbl 1107.20043 Benson, David; Krause, Henning; Schwede, Stefan 3 2005 Colocalising subcategories of modules over finite group schemes. Zbl 1390.20009 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth; Krause, Henning; Pevtsova, Julia 3 2017 A duality between complexes of right and left modules. Zbl 1086.16501 Krause, Henning 2 2002 On the nilpotency of the Jacobson radical for Noetherian rings. Zbl 0908.16019 Krause, Henning 2 1998 Finite versus infinite dimensional representations – a new definition of tameness. Zbl 0982.16016 Krause, Henning 2 2000 Localising subcategories for cochains on the classifying space of a finite group. Zbl 1237.18009 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 2 2011 Module categories for finite group algebras. Zbl 1301.16010 Benson, David J.; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 2 2011 Polynomial representations of \(\mathrm{GL}(n)\) and Schur-Weyl duality. Zbl 1326.20047 Krause, Henning 2 2015 Central support for triangulated categories. Zbl 07795006 Krause, Henning 1 2023 The category of finite strings. Zbl 1522.18034 Krause, Henning 1 2023 A class of Gorenstein algebras and their dualities. Zbl 07827394 Gnedin, Wassilij; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 1 2023 The spectrum of a well-generated tensor-triangulated category. Zbl 1525.18017 Krause, Henning; Letz, Janina C. 1 2023 Homological theory of representations. Zbl 1526.16001 Krause, Henning 17 2022 The Nakayama functor and its completion for Gorenstein algebras. (Le foncteur de Nakayama et sa complétion pour les algèbres de Gorenstein.) Zbl 1505.16020 Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 2 2022 Stratification and duality for unipotent finite supergroup schemes. Zbl 1478.18026 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning; Pevtsova, Julia 1 2022 Detecting nilpotence and projectivity over finite unipotent supergroup schemes. Zbl 1475.14089 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning; Pevtsova, Julia 9 2021 Local duality for the singularity category of a finite dimensional Gorenstein algebra. Zbl 1493.16010 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning; Pevtsova, Julia 6 2021 Rank varieties and \(\pi \)-points for elementary supergroup schemes. Zbl 1483.14090 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning; Pevtsova, Julia 1 2021 Support varieties – an axiomatic approach. Zbl 1505.18020 Buan, Aslak Bakke; Krause, Henning; Snashall, Nicole; Solberg, Øyvind 6 2020 The frame of smashing tensor-ideals. Zbl 1469.18028 Balmer, Paul; Krause, Henning; Stevenson, Greg 6 2020 Completing perfect complexes. With appendices by Tobias Barthel and Bernhard Keller. Zbl 1455.18009 Krause, Henning 4 2020 Tilting preserves finite global dimension. Zbl 1451.18032 Keller, Bernhard; Krause, Henning 4 2020 Representation theory of quivers and finite dimensional algebras. Abstracts from the workshop held January 19–25, 2020. Zbl 1460.00031 1 2020 The derived category of the projective line. Zbl 1442.14060 Krause, Henning; Stevenson, Greg 8 2019 Local duality for representations of finite group schemes. Injective modules at closed points. Zbl 1509.16012 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning; Pevtsova, Julia 6 2019 Tensor-triangular fields: ruminations. Zbl 1409.18011 Balmer, Paul; Krause, Henning; Stevenson, Greg 6 2019 Non-crossing partitions. Zbl 1443.05015 Baumeister, Barbara; Bux, Kai-Uwe; Götze, Friedrich; Kielak, Dawid; Krause, Henning 4 2019 Auslander-Reiten duality for Grothendieck abelian categories. Zbl 1502.18023 Krause, Henning 4 2019 Mini-workshop: Cohomology of Hopf algebras and tensor categories. Abstracts from the mini-workshop held March 3–9, 2019. Zbl 1439.00076 1 2019 Stratification for module categories of finite group schemes. Zbl 1486.16011 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning; Pevtsova, Julia 31 2018 Length categories of infinite height. Zbl 07907785 Krause, Henning; Vossieck, Dieter 5 2018 Highest weight categories and recollements. (Catégories de plus haut poids et recollements.) Zbl 1404.16010 Krause, Henning 15 2017 Highest weight categories and strict polynomial functors. With an appendix by Cosima Aquilino. Zbl 1405.20039 Krause, Henning 8 2017 Stratification and \(\pi\)-cosupport: finite groups. Zbl 1483.20088 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning; Pevtsova, Julia 4 2017 Representation theory – Current trends and perspectives. In part based on talks given at the last joint meeting of the priority program in Bad Honnef, Germany, in March 2015. Zbl 1357.14004 3 2017 Colocalising subcategories of modules over finite group schemes. Zbl 1390.20009 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth; Krause, Henning; Pevtsova, Julia 3 2017 A categorification of non-crossing partitions. Zbl 1381.16006 Hubery, Andrew; Krause, Henning 28 2016 Morphisms determined by objects and flat covers. Zbl 1355.18004 Krause, Henning 10 2016 Cohomological length functions. Zbl 1362.18016 Krause, Henning 5 2016 Krull-Schmidt categories and projective covers. Zbl 1353.18011 Krause, Henning 74 2015 Deriving Auslander’s formula. Zbl 1348.18018 Krause, Henning 28 2015 The Krull-Gabriel dimension of discrete derived categories. Zbl 1404.16003 Bobiński, Grzegorz; Krause, Henning 10 2015 A local-global principle for small triangulated categories. Zbl 1371.18008 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 6 2015 Polynomial representations of \(\mathrm{GL}(n)\) and Schur-Weyl duality. Zbl 1326.20047 Krause, Henning 2 2015 Abelian length categories of strongly unbounded type. Zbl 1304.18025 Krause, Henning 1 2014 Koszul, Ringel and Serre duality for strict polynomial functors. Zbl 1293.20046 Krause, Henning 28 2013 Morphisms determined by objects in triangulated categories. Zbl 1316.18014 Krause, Henning 13 2013 The Bousfield lattice of a triangulated category and stratification. Zbl 1328.18017 Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 11 2013 Module categories for group algebras over commutative rings. Zbl 1291.20010 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 10 2013 A note on thick subcategories of stable derived categories. Zbl 1294.18007 Krause, Henning; Stevenson, Greg 5 2013 The Gabriel-Roiter filtration of the Ziegler spectrum. Zbl 1310.16011 Krause, Henning; Prest, Mike 1 2013 Colocalizing subcategories and cosupport. Zbl 1271.18012 Benson, David J.; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 37 2012 Approximations and adjoints in homotopy categories. Zbl 1323.18003 Krause, Henning 26 2012 Report on locally finite triangulated categories. Zbl 1252.18028 Krause, Henning 20 2012 Representations of finite groups. Local cohomology and support. Zbl 1246.20002 Benson, David J.; Iyengar, Srikanth; Krause, Henning 10 2012 Stratifying modular representations of finite groups. Zbl 1261.20057 Benson, David J.; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 64 2011 Stratifying triangulated categories. Zbl 1239.18013 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 42 2011 Expansions of abelian categories. Zbl 1267.18010 Chen, Xiao-Wu; Krause, Henning 8 2011 On the centre of a triangulated category. Zbl 1228.18009 Krause, Henning; Ye, Yu 7 2011 Localising subcategories for cochains on the classifying space of a finite group. Zbl 1237.18009 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 2 2011 Module categories for finite group algebras. Zbl 1301.16010 Benson, David J.; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 2 2011 Localization theory for triangulated categories. Zbl 1232.18012 Krause, Henning 101 2010 The telescope conjecture for hereditary rings via Ext-orthogonal pairs. Zbl 1242.16007 Krause, Henning; Šťovíček, Jan 30 2010 Dimensions of triangulated categories via Koszul objects. Zbl 1263.18006 Bergh, Petter Andreas; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning; Oppermann, Steffen 15 2010 Local cohomology and support for triangulated categories. Zbl 1171.18007 Benson, Dave; Iyengar, Srikanth B.; Krause, Henning 73 2008 Thick subcategories and virtually Gorenstein algebras. Zbl 1200.16022 Beligiannis, Apostolos; Krause, Henning 27 2008 Thick subcategories of modules over commutative noetherian rings (with an appendix by Srikanth Iyengar). Zbl 1143.13012 Krause, Henning 21 2008 Complexes of injective \(kG\)-modules. Zbl 1167.20006 Benson, David John; Krause, Henning 14 2008 Handbook of tilting theory. Zbl 1106.16300 164 2007 Derived categories, resolutions, and Brown representability. Zbl 1132.18005 Krause, Henning 46 2007 Support varieties: an ideal approach. Zbl 1118.18005 Buan, Aslak Bakke; Krause, Henning; Solberg, Øyvind 36 2007 An axiomatic characterization of the Gabriel-Roiter measure. Zbl 1133.18004 Krause, Henning 3 2007 Acyclicity versus total acyclicity for complexes over noetherian rings. Zbl 1119.13014 Iyengar, Srikanth; Krause, Henning 58 2006 Rouquier’s theorem on representation dimension. Zbl 1107.16013 Krause, Henning; Kussin, Dirk 26 2006 The Auslander-Reiten formula for complexes of modules. Zbl 1120.16008 Krause, Henning; Le, Jue 23 2006 The stable derived category of a noetherian scheme. Zbl 1090.18006 Krause, Henning 177 2005 Cohomological quotients and smashing localizations. Zbl 1090.18007 Krause, Henning 31 2005 Auslander-Reiten triangles and a theorem of Zimmermann. Zbl 1070.18006 Krause, Henning 11 2005 Introducing to realizability of modules over Tate cohomology. Zbl 1107.20043 Benson, David; Krause, Henning; Schwede, Stefan 3 2005 Epimorphisms of additive categories up to direct factors. Zbl 1078.18002 Krause, Henning 2 2005 Realizability of modules over Tate cohomology. Zbl 1070.20060 Benson, David; Krause, Henning; Schwede, Stefan 19 2004 Tilting and cotilting for quivers of type \(\widetilde A_n\). Zbl 1085.16010 Buan, Aslak Bakke; Krause, Henning 18 2004 Applications of cotorsion pairs. Zbl 1061.16006 Krause, Henning; Solberg, Øyvind 46 2003 A short proof for Auslander’s defect formula. Zbl 1035.18007 Krause, Henning 20 2003 Cotilting modules over tame hereditary algebras. Zbl 1070.16014 Buan, Aslak Bakke; Krause, Henning 16 2003 Filtering modules of finite projective dimension. Zbl 1035.16005 Krause, Henning; Solberg, Øyvind 11 2003 Uniqueness of uniform decompositions in abelian categories. Zbl 1027.18007 Krause, Henning 5 2003 Realizing maps between modules over Tate cohomology rings. Zbl 1050.20035 Beligiannis, Apostolos; Krause, Henning 4 2003 Coherent functors and covariantly finite subcategories. Zbl 1053.18003 Krause, Henning 4 2003 A Brown representability theorem via coherent functors. Zbl 1009.18010 Krause, Henning 36 2002 On the notion of derived tameness. Zbl 1034.16021 Geiss, Christof; Krause, Henning 18 2002 Coherent functors in stable homotopy theory. Zbl 1001.55022 Krause, Henning 18 2002 Pure injectives and the spectrum of the cohomology ring of a finite group. Zbl 0987.20026 Benson, David; Krause, Henning 11 2002 On the lattice of cotilting modules. Zbl 1012.16014 Buan, Aslak Bakke; Krause, Henning; Solberg, Øyvind 4 2002 A duality between complexes of right and left modules. Zbl 1086.16501 Krause, Henning 2 2002 The spectrum of a module category. Zbl 0981.16007 Krause, Henning 51 2001 On Neeman’s well generated triangulated categories. Zbl 0987.18012 Krause, Henning 22 2001 Endofiniteness in stable homotopy theory. Zbl 0965.55004 Krause, Henning; Reichenbach, Ulrike 6 2001 Smashing subcategories and the telescope conjecture – an algebraic approach. Zbl 0937.18013 Krause, Henning 87 2000 Auslander-Reiten theory via Brown representability. Zbl 0970.18012 Krause, Henning 26 2000 Stable equivalence and generic modules. Zbl 1025.16009 Krause, Henning; Zwara, Grzegorz 10 2000 Infinite length modules. Proceedings of the conference, Bielefeld, Germany, September 7–11, 1998. Zbl 0945.00021 4 2000 Generic idempotent modules for a finite group. Zbl 0968.20007 Benson, D. J.; Krause, H. 3 2000 Finite versus infinite dimensional representations – a new definition of tameness. Zbl 0982.16016 Krause, Henning 2 2000 Decomposing thick subcategories of the stable module category. Zbl 0926.20004 Krause, Henning 16 1999 Exactly definable categories. Zbl 0917.18005 Krause, Henning 33 1998 Functors on locally finitely presented additive categories. Zbl 0893.18006 Krause, Henning 32 1998 On minimal approximations of modules. Zbl 0959.16003 Krause, Henning; Saorín, Manuel 32 1998 ...and 16 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 952 Authors 51 Krause, Henning 25 Šťovíček, Jan 23 Iyengar, Srikanth B. 21 Angeleri Hügel, Lidia 21 Prest, Mike 20 Benson, David John 19 Hafezi, Rasool 18 Chen, Xiaowu 18 Saorín, Manuel 18 Stevenson, Greg 17 Positselski, Leonid Efimovich 16 Iyama, Osamu 15 Asadollahi, Javad J. 15 Balmer, Paul 15 Bazzoni, Silvana 15 Huang, Zhaoyong 15 Jørgensen, Peter Bjørn 15 Oppermann, Steffen 14 Barthel, Tobias 14 Psaroudakis, Chrysostomos 14 Salarian, Shokrollah 14 Takahashi, Ryo 13 Bergh, Petter Andreas 13 Neeman, Amnon 13 Pevtsova, Julia 12 Bleher, Frauke M. 12 Nguyen Viet Dung 12 Skowroński, Andrzej 11 Buan, Aslak Bakke 11 García, José Luis 11 Zhang, Pu 10 Keller, Bernhard 10 Vahed, Razieh 10 Vélez-Marulanda, José A. 10 Xi, Changchang 10 Zhu, Bin 9 Gao, Nan 9 Heard, Drew 9 Hrbek, Michal 9 Hu, Jiangsheng 9 Laking, Rosanna 9 Marks, Frederik 9 Modoi, George Ciprian 9 Schroll, Sibylle 9 Touzé, Antoine 9 Zhou, Panyue 8 Estrada, Sergio 8 Garkusha, Grigory 8 Holm, Thorsten 8 Kanda, Ryo 8 Liu, Zhong-kui 8 Matsui, Hiroki 8 Pauksztello, David 8 Pollitz, Josh 8 Shah, Amit 8 Vitória, Jorge 8 Winther Christensen, Lars 8 Yang, Xiaoyan 7 Bautista, Raymundo 7 Chen, Hongxing 7 Dell’Ambrogio, Ivo 7 Gillespie, James 7 Holm, Henrik 7 König, Steffen 7 Kvamme, Sondre 7 Liu, Shiping 7 Lowen, Wendy 7 Reiten, Idun 7 Rosický, Jiří 7 Valenzuela, Gabriel 7 Van den Bergh, Michel 7 Wei, Jiaqun 7 Yoshino, Yuji 6 Bahlekeh, Abdolnaser 6 Beligiannis, Apostolos 6 Breaz, Simion 6 Crivei, Septimiu 6 Geiss, Christof 6 Giraldo, Hernán 6 Green, Edward L. 6 Greenlees, John P. C. 6 Herzog, Ivo 6 Le, Jue 6 Mendoza, Octavio 6 Muro, Fernando 6 Nakamura, Tsutomu 6 Paquette, Charles 6 Parra, Carlos E. 6 Puninski, Gena 6 Rump, Wolfgang 6 Solberg, Øyvind 6 Thompson, Peder 6 Trlifaj, Jan jun. 6 van Roosmalen, Adam-Christiaan 6 Zhao, Tiwei 6 Zhou, Yu 6 Zvonareva, Alexandra 5 Bahiraei, Payam 5 Banerjee, Abhishek 5 Berktaş, Mustafa Kemal ...and 852 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 156 Serials 203 Journal of Algebra 125 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 107 Advances in Mathematics 74 Algebras and Representation Theory 64 Mathematische Zeitschrift 63 Communications in Algebra 39 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 33 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 31 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 28 Applied Categorical Structures 16 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 16 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 14 Compositio Mathematica 14 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 13 Documenta Mathematica 11 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 10 Israel Journal of Mathematics 10 Inventiones Mathematicae 10 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 10 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 9 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 9 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 9 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 8 Archiv der Mathematik 8 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 8 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 8 Journal of \(K\)-Theory 8 Science China. Mathematics 8 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 7 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 7 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 7 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 7 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 7 Annals of \(K\)-Theory 6 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 6 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 6 Manuscripta Mathematica 6 Mathematische Annalen 6 Oberwolfach Reports 5 Colloquium Mathematicum 5 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 5 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 5 Representation Theory 5 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 5 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 5 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 5 Algebra & Number Theory 5 Journal of Commutative Algebra 4 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 4 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 4 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 4 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 4 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 4 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 4 Forum Mathematicum 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Theory and Applications of Categories 4 Geometry & Topology 4 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 3 Duke Mathematical Journal 3 Fundamenta Mathematicae 3 Publicacions Matemàtiques 3 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 3 Linear Algebra and its Applications 3 Expositiones Mathematicae 3 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 3 Transformation Groups 3 Journal of High Energy Physics 3 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 3 Journal of Topology 3 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 3 Journal of Combinatorial Algebra 2 Communications in Mathematical Physics 2 Arkiv för Matematik 2 American Journal of Mathematics 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Michigan Mathematical Journal 2 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 2 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 2 Science in China. Series A 2 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 2 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 2 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 2 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 2 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 2 Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 2 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 2 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Transactions of the London Mathematical Society 2 European Journal of Mathematics 2 Open Mathematics 2 Algebraic Combinatorics 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys ...and 56 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 30 Fields 825 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 822 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 241 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 200 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 151 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 129 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 46 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 44 Combinatorics (05-XX) 42 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 31 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 21 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 11 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 11 Functional analysis (46-XX) 10 Number theory (11-XX) 10 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 9 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 9 Quantum theory (81-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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