Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha Co-Author Distance Author ID: krishnamoorthy.achyutha Published as: Krishnamoorthy, A.; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha External Links: MGP · Math-Net.Ru Documents Indexed: 140 Publications since 1977 2 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 75 Co-Authors with 133 Joint Publications 406 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 0 single-authored 21 Joshua, Varghese C. 16 Narayanan, Viswanath C. 16 Shajin, Dhanya 15 Lakshmy, Balakrishna 15 Ushakumari, P. V. 12 Deepak, T. G. 11 Dudin, Alexander N. 9 Vishnevsky, Vladimir M. 6 Chakravarthy, Srinivas R. 6 Manoharan, M. P. 5 Jacob, M. J. 4 Babu, Dhanya 4 Benny, Binitha 4 Jose, K. P. 4 Mathew, Ambily P. 4 Melikov, Agassi Z. 4 Varghese, T. V. 3 Jacob, Jaison 3 Jacob, Varghese S. 3 Krishna Kumar, Balasubramanian 3 Madhusoodanan, T. P. 3 Mathew, Nisha 3 Nair, Sajeev S. 3 Pramod, P. K. 3 Sreenivasan, C. 2 Basha, R. Iqbal 2 Basha, S. Sadiq 2 Dudina, Olga S. 2 Gopakumar, B. 2 Gopalan, M. A. 2 Joshua, Anu Nuthan 2 Manikandan, R. S. 2 Manjunath, A. S. 2 Parthasarathy, Panamalai Ramarao 2 Rajagopalan, Venkatesh 2 Sinu Lal, T. S. 2 Vidhyalakshmi, S. 2 Vineetha, K. 1 Ajayakumar, Chembra Balan 1 AL Maqbali, Khamis Abdullah K. 1 Anbazhagan, Neelamegam 1 Arivudainambi, D. 1 Artalejo, Jesus R. 1 Choudhury, Gautam 1 Daniel, Jacob K. 1 Devi, P. Chitra 1 Divya, V. 1 Dudin, Sergey A. 1 Gopalan, A. A. 1 Islam, Mohammad Ekramol 1 Jaya, S. 1 Joseph, Merlymol 1 Joseph, Merlymole 1 K., Rasmi 1 Kashyap, Brij R. K. 1 Klimenok, Valentina Ivanovna 1 Kozyrev, Dmitry V. 1 Larionov, Andrei 1 Lopez-Herrero, Maria Jesus 1 M. J., Jacob 1 Madheswari, S. Pavai 1 Maqbali, K. A. K. AL 1 Mushko, Vilena V. 1 Nair, Anoop N. 1 Nair, V. K. Ramachandran 1 Ramakrishnan, Kunhumbidukka Othayoth 1 Ranjith, K. R. 1 Rasmi, K. 1 Ravindranathan 1 Razumchik, Rostislav V. 1 Rekha, A. 1 Rumyanstev, Alexander 1 Sankaranarayanan, Ganesh 1 Sathian, M. K. 1 Shahmaliyev, Mammad 1 Shumchenya, Vladimir 1 Sivakumar, Balasubramanian 1 Squillante, Mark S. 1 T. S., Sinu Lal 1 Tsarenkov, G. V. 1 V., Divya 1 Van Houdt, Benny 1 Varghese, Resmi 1 Varughese, Rajan 1 Vijayalakshmi, G. M. 1 Vineetha, P. 1 Viswanath, Narayanan C. 1 Zhao, Yiqiang Q. all top 5 Serials 13 Annals of Operations Research 12 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 9 International Journal of Information and Management Sciences 8 Opsearch 6 Optimization 3 Cahiers du Centre d’Études de Recherche Opérationnelle 3 Tamkang Journal of Management Sciences 3 Computers & Operations Research 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 3 European Journal of Operational Research 3 Top 3 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 2 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences 2 Calcutta Statistical Association. Bulletin 2 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 2 Queueing Systems 2 Automation and Remote Control 2 Neural, Parallel & Scientific Computations 2 Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin 2 RAIRO. Operations Research 2 Stochastic Models 2 Operational Research. An International Journal 1 Mathematical Biosciences 1 The Mathematics Education 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 Acta Ciencia Indica. Mathematics 1 Naval Research Logistics 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 IAPQR Transactions 1 Statistics 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Communications in Applied Analysis 1 Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences E. Mathematics and Statistics 1 The Korean Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics 1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 1 IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 1 Applied and Computational Mathematics 1 Advances in Operations Research 1 Matematicheskaya Teoriya Igr i eë Prilozheniya 1 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 1 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration 1 SN Operations Research Forum all top 5 Fields 124 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 86 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 16 Computer science (68-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 94 Publications have been cited 716 times in 414 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Queues with interruptions: a survey. Zbl 1305.60095 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Pramod, P. K.; Chakravarthy, S. R. 60 2014 A revisit to queueing-inventory system with positive service time. Zbl 1327.90050 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Manikandan, R.; Lakshmy, B. 47 2015 Numerical analysis of \((s, S)\) inventory systems with repeated attempts. Zbl 1101.90004 Artalejo, J. R.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Lopez-Herrero, M. J. 31 2006 Stochastic decomposition in production inventory with service time. Zbl 1317.90026 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Viswanath, Narayanan C. 29 2013 On a queueing-inventory with reservation, cancellation, common life time and retrial. Zbl 1358.90031 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Shajin, Dhanya; Lakshmy, B. 26 2016 Transient analysis of a single server queue with catastrophes, failures and repairs. Zbl 1124.60073 Krishna Kumar, B.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Pavai Madheswari, S.; Sadiq Basha, S. 25 2007 A single server feedback retrial queue with collisions. Zbl 1178.90100 Kumar, B. Krishna; Vijayalakshmi, G.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Basha, S. Sadiq 23 2010 Analysis of the \(BMAP/G/1\) retrial system with search of customers from the orbit. Zbl 1106.90020 Dudin, A. N.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Joshua, V. C.; Tsarenkov, G. V. 22 2004 Production inventory with service time and vacation to the server. Zbl 1204.90005 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Narayanan, Viswanath C. 20 2011 \(MAP/PH/1\) queue with working vacations, vacation interruptions and \(N\) policy. Zbl 1272.90011 Sreenivasan, C.; Chakravarthy, Srinivas R.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 18 2013 An \(M/G/1\) retrial queue with nonpersistent customers and orbital search. Zbl 1075.60577 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Deepak, T. G.; Joshua, V. C. 17 2005 The MAP/(PH/PH)/1 queue with self-generation of priorities and non-preemptive service. Zbl 1159.90339 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Babu, S.; Narayanan, Viswanath C. 16 2009 \((s,S)\) inventory system with postponed demands. Zbl 1151.90314 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Islam, Mohammad Ekramol 15 2004 On a queue with interruptions and repeat or resumption of service. Zbl 1238.60103 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Pramod, P. K.; Deepak, T. G. 15 2009 Reliability of a \(k\)-out-of-\(n\) system with repair and retrial of failed units. Zbl 0951.60087 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Ushakumari, P. V. 14 1999 Control policies for inventory with service time. Zbl 1103.90018 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Narayanan, Viswanath C.; Deepak, T. G.; Vineetha, P. 13 2006 Queues with postponed work. Zbl 1063.60132 Deepak, T. G.; Joshua, V. C.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 12 2004 The multi server \(M/M/(s,S)\) queueing inventory system. Zbl 1325.90028 Nair, Anoop N.; Jacob, M. J.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 11 2015 On a customer-induced interruption in a service system. Zbl 1262.68023 Jacob, Varghese; Chakravarthy, Srinivas R.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 11 2012 GI/M/1 type queueing-inventory systems with postponed work, reservation, cancellation and common life time. Zbl 1351.90081 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Shajin, Dhanya; Lakshmy, B. 10 2016 A note on characterizing service interruptions with phase-type distribution. Zbl 1278.90096 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Pramod, P. K.; Chakravarthy, S. R. 9 2013 \(MAP/(PH/PH)/c\) queue with self-generation of priorities and non-preemptive service. Zbl 1153.60393 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Babu, S.; Narayanan, Viswanath C. 9 2008 Comparison of inventory systems with service, positive lead-time, loss, and retrial of customers. Zbl 1211.90019 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Jose, K. P. 9 2007 An \(M/M/2\) queueing system with heterogeneous servers including one with working vacation. Zbl 1252.60091 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Sreenivasan, C. 9 2012 Analysis of a multiserver queueing-inventory system. Zbl 1387.90022 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Manikandan, R.; Shajin, Dhanya 8 2015 \(k\)-out-of-\(n\): \(G\) system with repair: The \(D\)-policy. Zbl 0985.90026 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Ushakumari, P. V. 8 2001 A revisit to queueing-inventory system with reservation, cancellation and common life time. Zbl 1375.90089 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Benny, Binitha; Shajin, Dhanya 8 2017 Inventory with service time and transfer of customers and/inventory. Zbl 1221.90014 Deepak, T. G.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Narayanan, Viswanath C.; Vineetha, K. 8 2008 The impact of self-generation of priorities on multi-server queues with finite capacity. Zbl 1073.60086 Gómez-Corral, A.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Narayanan, V. C. 7 2005 Product form solution for some queueing-inventory supply chain problem. Zbl 1360.90096 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Shajin, Dhanya; Lakshmy, B. 7 2016 \(k\)-out-of-\(n\)-system with repair: the \(N\)-policy. Zbl 1165.60344 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Ushakumari, P. V.; Lakshmy, B. 7 2002 On a queueing-inventory system with advanced reservation and cancellation for the next \(K\) time frames ahead: the case of overbooking. Zbl 1432.60086 Shajin, Dhanya; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Dudin, A. N.; Joshua, Varghese C.; Jacob, Varghese 7 2020 A retrial queue with server interruptions, resumption and restart of service. Zbl 1256.90017 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Gopakumar, B.; Narayanan, Viswanath C. 7 2012 Production inventory with service time and interruptions. Zbl 1332.90011 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Nair, Sajeev S.; Narayanan, Viswanath C. 6 2015 A multi-server queueing system with service interruption, partial protection and repetition of service. Zbl 1327.90048 Dudin, Alexander; Jacob, Varghese; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha 6 2015 Queues with interruption in random environment. Zbl 1325.90027 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Jaya, S.; Lakshmy, B. 6 2015 A queueing system with single arrival bulk service and single departure. Zbl 1042.60541 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Ushakumari, P. V. 6 2000 A \(k\)-out-of-\(n\) reliability system with an unreliable server and phase type repairs and services: The \((N,T)\) policy. Zbl 1003.90013 Chakravarthy, Srinivas R.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Ushakumari, P. V. 6 2001 On a \(BMAP/G/1\) retrial system with two types of search of customers from the orbit. Zbl 1397.90111 Dudin, Alexander; Deepak, T. G.; Joshua, Varghese C.; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha; Vishnevsky, Vladimir 6 2017 \((s,S)\) inventory with lead time-the \(N\)-policy. Zbl 0963.90005 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Raju, N. 6 1998 A \(BMAP/BMSP/1\) queue with Markov dependent arrival and Markov dependent service batches. Zbl 1476.90089 Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha; Joshua, Anu Nuthan 6 2021 Multiserver queue with addressed retrials. Zbl 1122.90023 Mushko, V. V.; Jacob, M. J.; Ramakrishnan, K. O.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Dudin, A. N. 6 2006 An inventory model with server interruptions and retrials. Zbl 1256.90018 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Nair, Sajeev S.; Narayanan, Viswanath C. 6 2012 Effective utilization of idle time in an \((s,S)\) inventory with positive service time. Zbl 1170.90312 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Deepak, T. G.; Narayanan, Viswanath C.; Vineetha, K. 6 2006 On a queueing inventory problem with necessary and optional inventories. Zbl 1497.90020 Shajin, Dhanya; Jacob, Jaison; Krishnamoorthy, A. 6 2022 Discrete product inventory control system with positive service time and two operation modes. Zbl 1406.90012 Shajin, D.; Benny, B.; Razumchik, R. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 5 2018 On a bulk arrival bulk service infinite server queue. Zbl 0910.60064 Ushakumari, P. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 5 1998 Some results on a generalized \(M/G/1\) feedback queue with negative customers. Zbl 1122.90022 Kumar, B. Krishna; Arivudainambi, D.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 5 2006 Modified \(N\)-policy for \(M/G/1\) queues. Zbl 1259.90026 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Deepak, T. G. 5 2002 Numerical investigation of a PH/PH/1 inventory system with positive service time and shortage. Zbl 1162.90309 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Jose, K. P.; Narayanan, Viswanath C. 5 2008 Stochastic decomposition in retrial queueing inventory system. Zbl 1408.90080 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Shajin, Dhanya 4 2016 A retrial queueing system with abandonment and search for priority customers. Zbl 1452.90114 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Joshua, V. C.; Mathew, Ambily P. 4 2017 A retrial queueing system with orbital search of customers lost from an offer zone. Zbl 1452.60064 Mathew, Ambily P.; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha; Joshua, Varghese C. 4 2018 On an \(\text{M}^{(X)}\)/G/\(1\) retrial system with two types of search of customers from the orbit. Zbl 1270.60099 Deepak, T. G.; Dudin, A. N.; Joshua, V. C.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 4 2013 Branching processes with immigration subjected to disasters. Zbl 0377.60073 Sankaranarayanan, G.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 4 1978 The queueing system \(B_ D/G_ D/\infty\). Zbl 0855.90064 Ushakumari, P. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 3 1995 A two commodity inventory problem. Zbl 0823.90035 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Varghese, T. V. 3 1994 Inventory system subject to disaster with general interarrival times. Zbl 1062.90005 Varghese, T. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 3 2004 A relook at queueing-inventory system with reservation, cancellation and common life time. Zbl 1364.60123 Shajin, Dhanya; Benny, Binitha; Deepak, T. G.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 3 2016 A GI/M/1 queue with rest periods. Zbl 0612.90049 Daniel, Jacob K.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 3 1986 Three production inventory systems with service, loss and retrial of customers. Zbl 1211.90020 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Jose, K. P. 3 2008 Stochastic decomposition in retrial queueing-inventory system. Zbl 1437.90018 Shajin, Dhanya; Krishnamoorthy, A. 3 2020 \(\mathrm{MAP}/\mathrm{PH}/1\) retrial queueing-inventory system with orbital search and reneging of customers. Zbl 1383.60084 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Shajin, Dhanya 2 2017 Optimal control policy of an inventory system with postponed demand. Zbl 1333.90007 Devi, P. Chitra; Sivakumar, B.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 2 2016 Inventory with disaster. Zbl 0839.90025 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Varghese, T. V. 2 1995 \(k\)-out-of-\(n\)-system with repair: \(T\)-policy. Zbl 1033.90020 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Rekha, A. 2 2001 Review of methodology and design of broadband wireless networks with linear topology. Zbl 1354.90029 Vishnevsky, Vladimir; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha; Kozyrev, Dmitry; Larionov, Andrei 2 2016 A token based parallel processing queueing system with priority. Zbl 1452.68030 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Joshua, V. C.; Babu, Dhanya 2 2017 Transient solution of a finite-capacity \(M/G^{a,b}/1\) queueing system. Zbl 0635.60100 Jacob, M. J.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Madhusoodanan, T. P. 2 1988 Perishable inventory system at service facilities with \(N\) policy. Zbl 1135.90001 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Anbazhagan, N. 2 2008 Analysis of a two commodity inventory problem. Zbl 0830.90036 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Basha, R. Iqbal; Lakshmy, B. 2 1994 A two-priority single server retrial queue with additional items. Zbl 1476.60172 Shajin, Dhanya; Dudin, A. N.; Dudina, Olga; Krishnamoorthy, A. 2 2020 On partial and complete blocking set of states in queueing-inventory model. Zbl 1425.90010 Shajin, Dhanya; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Melikov, A. Z. 2 2019 On a multi-server priority queue with preemption in crowdsourcing. Zbl 1383.60085 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Shajin, Dhanya; Manjunath, A. S. 1 2017 On a finite capacity bulk service queueing problem. Zbl 0753.60094 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Varughese, Rajan 1 1992 On a queueing system with self generation of priorities. Zbl 1089.68026 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Narayanan, Viswanath C.; Deepak, T. G. 1 2005 Analysis of a bulk demand two commodity inventory problem. Zbl 0949.60092 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Joseph, Merlymol; Ravindranathan 1 1999 On a two-commodity inventory problem with Markov shift in demand. Zbl 0845.90041 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Varghese, T. V. 1 1995 Markov renewal theoretic analysis of a perishable inventory system. Zbl 0695.90038 Manoharan, M.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 1989 On the queueing system \(GI_D^X/M_D^R/\infty\). Zbl 0907.60074 Ushakumari, P. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 1998 The queueing system \(\text{M}/\text{M}^{X(R)}/\infty\). Zbl 0915.60083 Ushakumari, P. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 1998 Analysis of the M\(^x\)/G/1 queue with a random setup time. Zbl 1056.60093 Choudhury, Gautam; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 2004 An \(M/M/2\) queueing system with heterogeneous servers including one vacationing server. Zbl 1278.90097 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Sreenivasan, C. 1 2012 Retrial queue with search of interrupted customers from the finite orbit. Zbl 1452.60053 Babu, Dhanya; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha; Joshua, Varghese C. 1 2018 Production inventory system with positive service time under local purchase. Zbl 1455.90044 Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha; Varghese, Resmi; Lakshmy, Balakrishna 1 2019 Performance measures and optimization of queueing system with reserve server. Zbl 1390.90226 Klimenok, Valentina; Dudin, Alexander; Vishnevskiy, Vladimir; Shumchenya, Vladimir; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha 1 2016 On an infinite server queue. Zbl 0821.90049 Ushakumari, P. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 1994 On the \(GI^{X_n}/G/\infty\) system with Markov dependent batch arrivals. Zbl 1141.90364 Ushakumari, P. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 1998 On some infinite server queues in discrete time. Zbl 0869.90025 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Ushakumari, P. V. 1 1996 On a queueing system with processing of service items under vacation and N-policy. Zbl 1476.68026 Divya, V.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Vishnevsky, V. M. 1 2018 On a queueing-inventory problem in passenger transport system. Zbl 1484.90034 Shajin, Dhanya; Jacob, Jaison; Vishnevskiy, V. M.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 2019 A queueing system with probabilistic joining strategy for priority customers. Zbl 1470.60245 Babu, Dhanya; Joshua, Varghese C.; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha 1 2021 On a single server queueing inventory system. Zbl 1492.90015 Maqbali, K. A. K. AL; Joshua, V. C.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 2020 A queueing inventory system with two channels of service. Zbl 1492.90040 Mathew, Nisha; Joshua, V. C.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 2020 On a queueing inventory problem with necessary and optional inventories. Zbl 1497.90020 Shajin, Dhanya; Jacob, Jaison; Krishnamoorthy, A. 6 2022 A \(BMAP/BMSP/1\) queue with Markov dependent arrival and Markov dependent service batches. Zbl 1476.90089 Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha; Joshua, Anu Nuthan 6 2021 A queueing system with probabilistic joining strategy for priority customers. Zbl 1470.60245 Babu, Dhanya; Joshua, Varghese C.; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha 1 2021 On a queueing-inventory system with advanced reservation and cancellation for the next \(K\) time frames ahead: the case of overbooking. Zbl 1432.60086 Shajin, Dhanya; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Dudin, A. N.; Joshua, Varghese C.; Jacob, Varghese 7 2020 Stochastic decomposition in retrial queueing-inventory system. Zbl 1437.90018 Shajin, Dhanya; Krishnamoorthy, A. 3 2020 A two-priority single server retrial queue with additional items. Zbl 1476.60172 Shajin, Dhanya; Dudin, A. N.; Dudina, Olga; Krishnamoorthy, A. 2 2020 On a single server queueing inventory system. Zbl 1492.90015 Maqbali, K. A. K. AL; Joshua, V. C.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 2020 A queueing inventory system with two channels of service. Zbl 1492.90040 Mathew, Nisha; Joshua, V. C.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 2020 On partial and complete blocking set of states in queueing-inventory model. Zbl 1425.90010 Shajin, Dhanya; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Melikov, A. Z. 2 2019 Production inventory system with positive service time under local purchase. Zbl 1455.90044 Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha; Varghese, Resmi; Lakshmy, Balakrishna 1 2019 On a queueing-inventory problem in passenger transport system. Zbl 1484.90034 Shajin, Dhanya; Jacob, Jaison; Vishnevskiy, V. M.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 2019 Discrete product inventory control system with positive service time and two operation modes. Zbl 1406.90012 Shajin, D.; Benny, B.; Razumchik, R. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 5 2018 A retrial queueing system with orbital search of customers lost from an offer zone. Zbl 1452.60064 Mathew, Ambily P.; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha; Joshua, Varghese C. 4 2018 Retrial queue with search of interrupted customers from the finite orbit. Zbl 1452.60053 Babu, Dhanya; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha; Joshua, Varghese C. 1 2018 On a queueing system with processing of service items under vacation and N-policy. Zbl 1476.68026 Divya, V.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Vishnevsky, V. M. 1 2018 A revisit to queueing-inventory system with reservation, cancellation and common life time. Zbl 1375.90089 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Benny, Binitha; Shajin, Dhanya 8 2017 On a \(BMAP/G/1\) retrial system with two types of search of customers from the orbit. Zbl 1397.90111 Dudin, Alexander; Deepak, T. G.; Joshua, Varghese C.; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha; Vishnevsky, Vladimir 6 2017 A retrial queueing system with abandonment and search for priority customers. Zbl 1452.90114 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Joshua, V. C.; Mathew, Ambily P. 4 2017 \(\mathrm{MAP}/\mathrm{PH}/1\) retrial queueing-inventory system with orbital search and reneging of customers. Zbl 1383.60084 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Shajin, Dhanya 2 2017 A token based parallel processing queueing system with priority. Zbl 1452.68030 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Joshua, V. C.; Babu, Dhanya 2 2017 On a multi-server priority queue with preemption in crowdsourcing. Zbl 1383.60085 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Shajin, Dhanya; Manjunath, A. S. 1 2017 On a queueing-inventory with reservation, cancellation, common life time and retrial. Zbl 1358.90031 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Shajin, Dhanya; Lakshmy, B. 26 2016 GI/M/1 type queueing-inventory systems with postponed work, reservation, cancellation and common life time. Zbl 1351.90081 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Shajin, Dhanya; Lakshmy, B. 10 2016 Product form solution for some queueing-inventory supply chain problem. Zbl 1360.90096 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Shajin, Dhanya; Lakshmy, B. 7 2016 Stochastic decomposition in retrial queueing inventory system. Zbl 1408.90080 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Shajin, Dhanya 4 2016 A relook at queueing-inventory system with reservation, cancellation and common life time. Zbl 1364.60123 Shajin, Dhanya; Benny, Binitha; Deepak, T. G.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 3 2016 Optimal control policy of an inventory system with postponed demand. Zbl 1333.90007 Devi, P. Chitra; Sivakumar, B.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 2 2016 Review of methodology and design of broadband wireless networks with linear topology. Zbl 1354.90029 Vishnevsky, Vladimir; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha; Kozyrev, Dmitry; Larionov, Andrei 2 2016 Performance measures and optimization of queueing system with reserve server. Zbl 1390.90226 Klimenok, Valentina; Dudin, Alexander; Vishnevskiy, Vladimir; Shumchenya, Vladimir; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha 1 2016 A revisit to queueing-inventory system with positive service time. Zbl 1327.90050 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Manikandan, R.; Lakshmy, B. 47 2015 The multi server \(M/M/(s,S)\) queueing inventory system. Zbl 1325.90028 Nair, Anoop N.; Jacob, M. J.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 11 2015 Analysis of a multiserver queueing-inventory system. Zbl 1387.90022 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Manikandan, R.; Shajin, Dhanya 8 2015 Production inventory with service time and interruptions. Zbl 1332.90011 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Nair, Sajeev S.; Narayanan, Viswanath C. 6 2015 A multi-server queueing system with service interruption, partial protection and repetition of service. Zbl 1327.90048 Dudin, Alexander; Jacob, Varghese; Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha 6 2015 Queues with interruption in random environment. Zbl 1325.90027 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Jaya, S.; Lakshmy, B. 6 2015 Queues with interruptions: a survey. Zbl 1305.60095 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Pramod, P. K.; Chakravarthy, S. R. 60 2014 Stochastic decomposition in production inventory with service time. Zbl 1317.90026 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Viswanath, Narayanan C. 29 2013 \(MAP/PH/1\) queue with working vacations, vacation interruptions and \(N\) policy. Zbl 1272.90011 Sreenivasan, C.; Chakravarthy, Srinivas R.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 18 2013 A note on characterizing service interruptions with phase-type distribution. Zbl 1278.90096 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Pramod, P. K.; Chakravarthy, S. R. 9 2013 On an \(\text{M}^{(X)}\)/G/\(1\) retrial system with two types of search of customers from the orbit. Zbl 1270.60099 Deepak, T. G.; Dudin, A. N.; Joshua, V. C.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 4 2013 On a customer-induced interruption in a service system. Zbl 1262.68023 Jacob, Varghese; Chakravarthy, Srinivas R.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 11 2012 An \(M/M/2\) queueing system with heterogeneous servers including one with working vacation. Zbl 1252.60091 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Sreenivasan, C. 9 2012 A retrial queue with server interruptions, resumption and restart of service. Zbl 1256.90017 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Gopakumar, B.; Narayanan, Viswanath C. 7 2012 An inventory model with server interruptions and retrials. Zbl 1256.90018 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Nair, Sajeev S.; Narayanan, Viswanath C. 6 2012 An \(M/M/2\) queueing system with heterogeneous servers including one vacationing server. Zbl 1278.90097 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Sreenivasan, C. 1 2012 Production inventory with service time and vacation to the server. Zbl 1204.90005 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Narayanan, Viswanath C. 20 2011 A single server feedback retrial queue with collisions. Zbl 1178.90100 Kumar, B. Krishna; Vijayalakshmi, G.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Basha, S. Sadiq 23 2010 The MAP/(PH/PH)/1 queue with self-generation of priorities and non-preemptive service. Zbl 1159.90339 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Babu, S.; Narayanan, Viswanath C. 16 2009 On a queue with interruptions and repeat or resumption of service. Zbl 1238.60103 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Pramod, P. K.; Deepak, T. G. 15 2009 \(MAP/(PH/PH)/c\) queue with self-generation of priorities and non-preemptive service. Zbl 1153.60393 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Babu, S.; Narayanan, Viswanath C. 9 2008 Inventory with service time and transfer of customers and/inventory. Zbl 1221.90014 Deepak, T. G.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Narayanan, Viswanath C.; Vineetha, K. 8 2008 Numerical investigation of a PH/PH/1 inventory system with positive service time and shortage. Zbl 1162.90309 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Jose, K. P.; Narayanan, Viswanath C. 5 2008 Three production inventory systems with service, loss and retrial of customers. Zbl 1211.90020 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Jose, K. P. 3 2008 Perishable inventory system at service facilities with \(N\) policy. Zbl 1135.90001 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Anbazhagan, N. 2 2008 Transient analysis of a single server queue with catastrophes, failures and repairs. Zbl 1124.60073 Krishna Kumar, B.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Pavai Madheswari, S.; Sadiq Basha, S. 25 2007 Comparison of inventory systems with service, positive lead-time, loss, and retrial of customers. Zbl 1211.90019 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Jose, K. P. 9 2007 Numerical analysis of \((s, S)\) inventory systems with repeated attempts. Zbl 1101.90004 Artalejo, J. R.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Lopez-Herrero, M. J. 31 2006 Control policies for inventory with service time. Zbl 1103.90018 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Narayanan, Viswanath C.; Deepak, T. G.; Vineetha, P. 13 2006 Multiserver queue with addressed retrials. Zbl 1122.90023 Mushko, V. V.; Jacob, M. J.; Ramakrishnan, K. O.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Dudin, A. N. 6 2006 Effective utilization of idle time in an \((s,S)\) inventory with positive service time. Zbl 1170.90312 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Deepak, T. G.; Narayanan, Viswanath C.; Vineetha, K. 6 2006 Some results on a generalized \(M/G/1\) feedback queue with negative customers. Zbl 1122.90022 Kumar, B. Krishna; Arivudainambi, D.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 5 2006 An \(M/G/1\) retrial queue with nonpersistent customers and orbital search. Zbl 1075.60577 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Deepak, T. G.; Joshua, V. C. 17 2005 The impact of self-generation of priorities on multi-server queues with finite capacity. Zbl 1073.60086 Gómez-Corral, A.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Narayanan, V. C. 7 2005 On a queueing system with self generation of priorities. Zbl 1089.68026 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Narayanan, Viswanath C.; Deepak, T. G. 1 2005 Analysis of the \(BMAP/G/1\) retrial system with search of customers from the orbit. Zbl 1106.90020 Dudin, A. N.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Joshua, V. C.; Tsarenkov, G. V. 22 2004 \((s,S)\) inventory system with postponed demands. Zbl 1151.90314 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Islam, Mohammad Ekramol 15 2004 Queues with postponed work. Zbl 1063.60132 Deepak, T. G.; Joshua, V. C.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 12 2004 Inventory system subject to disaster with general interarrival times. Zbl 1062.90005 Varghese, T. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 3 2004 Analysis of the M\(^x\)/G/1 queue with a random setup time. Zbl 1056.60093 Choudhury, Gautam; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 2004 \(k\)-out-of-\(n\)-system with repair: the \(N\)-policy. Zbl 1165.60344 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Ushakumari, P. V.; Lakshmy, B. 7 2002 Modified \(N\)-policy for \(M/G/1\) queues. Zbl 1259.90026 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Deepak, T. G. 5 2002 \(k\)-out-of-\(n\): \(G\) system with repair: The \(D\)-policy. Zbl 0985.90026 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Ushakumari, P. V. 8 2001 A \(k\)-out-of-\(n\) reliability system with an unreliable server and phase type repairs and services: The \((N,T)\) policy. Zbl 1003.90013 Chakravarthy, Srinivas R.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Ushakumari, P. V. 6 2001 \(k\)-out-of-\(n\)-system with repair: \(T\)-policy. Zbl 1033.90020 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Rekha, A. 2 2001 A queueing system with single arrival bulk service and single departure. Zbl 1042.60541 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Ushakumari, P. V. 6 2000 Reliability of a \(k\)-out-of-\(n\) system with repair and retrial of failed units. Zbl 0951.60087 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Ushakumari, P. V. 14 1999 Analysis of a bulk demand two commodity inventory problem. Zbl 0949.60092 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Joseph, Merlymol; Ravindranathan 1 1999 \((s,S)\) inventory with lead time-the \(N\)-policy. Zbl 0963.90005 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Raju, N. 6 1998 On a bulk arrival bulk service infinite server queue. Zbl 0910.60064 Ushakumari, P. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 5 1998 On the queueing system \(GI_D^X/M_D^R/\infty\). Zbl 0907.60074 Ushakumari, P. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 1998 The queueing system \(\text{M}/\text{M}^{X(R)}/\infty\). Zbl 0915.60083 Ushakumari, P. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 1998 On the \(GI^{X_n}/G/\infty\) system with Markov dependent batch arrivals. Zbl 1141.90364 Ushakumari, P. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 1998 On some infinite server queues in discrete time. Zbl 0869.90025 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Ushakumari, P. V. 1 1996 The queueing system \(B_ D/G_ D/\infty\). Zbl 0855.90064 Ushakumari, P. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 3 1995 Inventory with disaster. Zbl 0839.90025 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Varghese, T. V. 2 1995 On a two-commodity inventory problem with Markov shift in demand. Zbl 0845.90041 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Varghese, T. V. 1 1995 A two commodity inventory problem. Zbl 0823.90035 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Varghese, T. V. 3 1994 Analysis of a two commodity inventory problem. Zbl 0830.90036 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Basha, R. Iqbal; Lakshmy, B. 2 1994 On an infinite server queue. Zbl 0821.90049 Ushakumari, P. V.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 1994 On a finite capacity bulk service queueing problem. Zbl 0753.60094 Krishnamoorthy, A.; Varughese, Rajan 1 1992 Markov renewal theoretic analysis of a perishable inventory system. Zbl 0695.90038 Manoharan, M.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 1 1989 Transient solution of a finite-capacity \(M/G^{a,b}/1\) queueing system. Zbl 0635.60100 Jacob, M. J.; Krishnamoorthy, A.; Madhusoodanan, T. P. 2 1988 A GI/M/1 queue with rest periods. Zbl 0612.90049 Daniel, Jacob K.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 3 1986 Branching processes with immigration subjected to disasters. Zbl 0377.60073 Sankaranarayanan, G.; Krishnamoorthy, A. 4 1978 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 531 Authors 59 Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha 19 Joshua, Varghese C. 18 Dudin, Alexander N. 17 Sivakumar, Balasubramanian 15 Melikov, Agassi Z. 12 Jose, K. P. 11 Chakravarthy, Srinivas R. 11 Shajin, Dhanya 9 Narayanan, Viswanath C. 9 Vishnevsky, Vladimir M. 8 Jeganathan, Kathirvel 8 Tang, Yinghui 7 Arivarignan, G. 7 Deepak, T. G. 7 Sztrik, János 6 Klimenok, Valentina Ivanovna 6 Liu, Zaiming 6 Nazarov, Anatoly A. 6 Ushakumari, P. V. 6 Yu, Miaomiao 6 Yue, Dequan 5 Daduna, Hans 5 Danilyuk, Elena Yu. 5 Dudina, Olga S. 5 Gao, Shan 5 Giorno, Virginia 5 Gupta, Umesh Chandra 5 Kapodistria, Stella 5 Ke, Jauchuan 5 Kim, Chesoong 5 Lakshmy, Balakrishna 5 Nair, Sajeev S. 5 Nobile, Amelia G. 5 Tóth, Ádám 5 Wang, Jinting 5 Wu, Wenqing 5 Zaryadov, I. S. 4 Aissani, Djamil 4 Anbazhagan, Neelamegam 4 Babu, Dhanya 4 Chen, Anyue 4 Dudin, Sergey A. 4 Economou, Antonis 4 Fëdorova, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna 4 Hu, Linmin 4 Krishna Kumar, Balasubramanian 4 Kvach, Anna 4 Liu, Liwei 4 Manikandan, R. S. 4 Mathew, Ambily P. 4 Milovanova, T. A. 4 Moiseeva, Svetlana P. 4 Reiyas, M. Abdul 4 Zhang, Yuying 3 Afanas’ev, G. A. 3 Ahmadi Javid, Amir 3 Aĭbatov, Serik Zhagalbaevich 3 Atencia, Ivan 3 Ayyappan, Govindan 3 Beena, Pathari 3 Benny, Binitha 3 Bruneel, Herwig 3 Chang, Fu-Min 3 Choudhury, Gautam 3 Dharmaraja, Selvamuthu 3 Hanukov, Gabi 3 Hilquias, Viana C. C. 3 Hu, Lu 3 Jacob, Jaison 3 Jacob, M. J. 3 Jacob, Varghese S. 3 Jain, Vidyottama 3 Jiang, Yangsheng 3 Jiang, Ying 3 Kalidass, Kaliappan 3 Kumar, Nitin 3 Kumar, Rakesh 3 Li, Linhong 3 Mathew, Nisha 3 Ozkar, Serife 3 Peng, Yi 3 Perry, David 3 Phung-Duc, Tuan 3 Radhamani, Velusamy 3 Raj, Raina 3 Rykov, Vladimir Vasil’evich 3 Samanta, Sujit Kumar 3 Sana, Shibsankar 3 Sangeetha, N. 3 Selvakumar, Subramanian 3 Shahmaliyev, M. O. 3 Tadj, Lotfi 3 Vijaya Laxmi, P. 3 Wittevrongel, Sabine 3 Wu, Jinbiao 3 Xu, Wei 3 Zhu, Juanxiu 2 Adel-Aissanou, Karima 2 Afanas’eva, Larisa Grigor’evna 2 Aguilera-Venegas, Gabriel ...and 431 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 91 Serials 49 Annals of Operations Research 26 European Journal of Operational Research 24 Opsearch 18 Queueing Systems 12 Applied Mathematical Modelling 12 Communications in Statistics. 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English Series 3 Optimization 3 Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 3 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 3 Operational Research. 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Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 1 The Journal of Analysis 1 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 1 Advances in Computational Mathematics 1 International Transactions in Operational Research 1 ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 1 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences 1 Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 1 Stochastic Models 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. 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