Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Kukavica, Igor Co-Author Distance Author ID: kukavica.igor Published as: Kukavica, Igor; Kukavica, I. Homepage: http://bcf.usc.edu/~kukavica/pdf/index.html External Links: MGP · Wikidata · ResearchGate · IdRef Videos: carmin.tv Documents Indexed: 178 Publications since 1991, including 1 Book and 15 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 59 Co-Authors with 143 Joint Publications 1,967 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 35 single-authored 37 Ziane, Mohammed 27 Tuffaha, Amjad M. 23 Vicol, Vlad C. 14 Wang, Fei 10 Ignatova, Mihaela 8 Çamliyurt, Güher 8 Li, Linfeng 8 Ożański, Wojciech Sławomir 8 Rusin, Walter M. 6 Xu, Fanhui 5 Aydin, Mustafa Sencer 5 Bradshaw, Zachary 5 Grujić, Zoran 5 Jang, Juhi 5 Lasiecka, Irena 5 Temam, Roger Meyer 4 Constantin, Peter 4 Disconzi, Marcelo Mendes 4 Foiaș, Ciprian 4 Hu, Weiwei 3 Ekren, Ibrahim 3 Jolly, Michael Summerfield 3 Titi, Edriss Saleh 2 Jayanti, Pranava Chaitanya 2 Le, Quinn 2 Massatt, David 2 Pei, Yuan 2 Robinson, James Cooper 2 Ryzhik, Lenya 2 Sammartino, Marco Maria Luigi 2 Triggiani, Roberto 2 Wang, Weinan 1 Alazard, Thomas 1 Balakrishna, Abhishek 1 Becker, Robert A. 1 Benachour, Said 1 Bensoussan, Alain 1 Bercovici, Hari 1 Biswas, Animikh 1 Cheskidov, Alexey 1 Coti Zelati, Michele 1 Doering, Charles Rogers 1 Eden, Alp 1 Frazho, Art 1 Friz, Peter 1 Glatt-Holtz, Nathan E. 1 Huang, Aimin 1 Kaltenbacher, Barbara 1 Lombardo, Maria Carmela 1 Majda, Andrew Joseph 1 Malcok, Mehmet 1 Masmoudi, Nader 1 Mazzucato, Anna L. 1 Mitter, Sanjoy K. 1 Muha, Boris 1 Nečasová, Šárka 1 Nguyen, Trinh T. 1 Novack, Matthew D. 1 Nyström, Kaj 1 Pearcy, Carl Mark Jr. 1 Reis, Ednei 1 Rosa, Ricardo M. S. 1 Saut, Jean-Claude 1 Tannenbaum, Allen Robert 1 Tsai, Tai-Peng 1 Uǧurlu, Kerem 1 Voiculescu, Dan-Virgil 1 Webster, Justin T. 1 Wong, Tak Kwong 1 Zhu, Yichun all top 5 Serials 21 Nonlinearity 18 Journal of Differential Equations 12 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 10 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 9 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 7 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 6 Journal of Mathematical Physics 6 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 6 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 5 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 5 Asymptotic Analysis 4 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 4 Advances in Differential Equations 4 Communications in Mathematical Sciences 3 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Physica D 3 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 3 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 2 Differential and Integral Equations 2 Stochastic and Partial Differential Equations. Analysis and Computations 2 Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 1 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Duke Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Comptes Rendus Mathématiques de l’Académie des Sciences 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science 1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 1 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 1 Journal of Evolution Equations 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 1 Oberwolfach Seminars all top 5 Fields 161 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 101 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 13 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 11 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 8 Geophysics (86-XX) 6 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 149 Publications have been cited 2,393 times in 1,264 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Navier-Stokes equations with regularity in one direction. Zbl 1144.81373 Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 113 2007 On the regularity of the primitive equations of the ocean. Zbl 1136.35069 Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 105 2007 One component regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1149.35069 Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 104 2006 Space analyticity for the Navier-Stokes and related equations with initial data in \(L^p\). Zbl 0896.35105 Grujić, Zoran; Kukavica, Igor 75 1998 On the local existence of analytic solutions to the Prandtl boundary layer equations. Zbl 1291.35224 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 73 2013 On the local well-posedness of the Prandtl and hydrostatic Euler equations with multiple monotonicity regions. Zbl 1317.35202 Kukavica, Igor; Masmoudi, Nader; Vicol, Vlad; Wong, Tak Kwong 72 2014 Quantitative uniqueness for second-order elliptic operators. Zbl 0947.35045 Kukavica, Igor 58 1998 On the radius of analyticity of solutions to the three-dimensional Euler equations. Zbl 1156.76010 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 52 2009 On well-posedness and small data global existence for an interface damped free boundary fluid-structure model. Zbl 1286.35272 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor; Lasiecka, Irena; Tuffaha, Amjad 50 2014 Local existence and uniqueness for the hydrostatic Euler equations on a bounded domain. Zbl 1204.35129 Kukavica, Igor; Temam, Roger; Vicol, Vlad C.; Ziane, Mohammed 49 2011 On the inviscid limit of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1309.35073 Constantin, Peter; Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 45 2015 Existence and regularity of invariant measures for the three dimensional stochastic primitive equations. Zbl 1338.37065 Glatt-Holtz, Nathan; Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad; Ziane, Mohammed 44 2014 The van Dommelen and Shen singularity in the Prandtl equations. Zbl 1357.35058 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad; Wang, Fei 41 2017 Solutions to a fluid-structure interaction free boundary problem. Zbl 1234.35320 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad 41 2012 On the regularity for the Boussinesq equations in a bounded domain. Zbl 1293.35246 Hu, Weiwei; Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 41 2013 On well-posedness for a free boundary fluid-structure model. Zbl 1457.35095 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor; Lasiecka, Irena; Tuffaha, Amjad 35 2012 Solutions to a free boundary problem of fluid-structure interaction. Zbl 1280.35094 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad 34 2012 Persistence of regularity for the viscous Boussinesq equations with zero diffusivity. Zbl 1319.35192 Hu, Weiwei; Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 33 2015 On partial regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1147.35071 Kukavica, Igor 32 2008 Primitive equations with continuous initial data. Zbl 1291.35187 Kukavica, Igor; Pei, Yuan; Rusin, Walter; Ziane, Mohammed 31 2014 The primitive equations of the atmosphere in presence of vapour saturation. Zbl 1308.35233 Zelati, Michele Coti; Huang, Aimin; Kukavica, Igor; Temam, Roger; Ziane, Mohammed 30 2015 Small data global existence for a fluid-structure model. Zbl 1357.35299 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor; Lasiecka, Irena; Tuffaha, Amjad 30 2017 Well-posedness for the compressible Navier-Stokes-Lamé system with a free interface. Zbl 1256.35213 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad 30 2012 The regularity of solutions of the primitive equations of the ocean in space dimension three. Zbl 1174.35097 Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 29 2007 Strong solutions for a fluid structure interaction system. Zbl 1191.35206 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad; Ziane, Mohammed 29 2010 Unique continuation on the boundary for Dini domains. Zbl 0891.31006 Kukavica, Igor; Nyström, Kaj 29 1998 On the analyticity and Gevrey-class regularity up to the boundary for the Euler equations. Zbl 1213.35345 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 29 2011 Weighted \(L^{p}\) decay for solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1121.35101 Kukavica, Igor; Torres, J. J. 29 2007 Space-time decay for solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1006.35078 Kukavica, Igor 28 2001 The inviscid limit for the Navier-Stokes equations with data analytic only near the boundary. Zbl 1437.35539 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad; Wang, Fei 28 2020 The domain of analyticity of solutions to the three-dimensional Euler equations in a half space. Zbl 1308.35192 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad C. 26 2011 Regularity of the Navier-Stokes equation in a thin periodic domain with large data. Zbl 1115.35098 Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 24 2006 Weighted bounds for the velocity and the vorticity for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1106.35052 Kukavica, Igor; Torres, J. J. 24 2006 The fractal dimension of the singular set for solutions of the Navier-Stokes system. Zbl 1181.35173 Kukavica, Igor 24 2009 Determining nodes for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. Zbl 0835.35067 Foias, Ciprian; Kukavica, Igor 23 1995 Strong solutions to a Navier-Stokes-Lamé system on a domain with a non-flat boundary. Zbl 1372.76029 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad; Ziane, Mohammed 23 2011 Strong solutions to a nonlinear fluid structure interaction system. Zbl 1180.35415 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad; Ziane, Mohammed 23 2009 Mathematical theory of evolutionary fluid-flow structure interactions. Zbl 1403.35005 Kaltenbacher, Barbara; Kukavica, Igor; Lasiecka, Irena; Triggiani, Roberto; Tuffaha, Amjad; Webster, Justin T. 23 2018 On the weighted decay for solutions of the Navier-Stokes system. Zbl 1166.35358 Kukavica, Igor 22 2009 On the number of determining nodes for the Ginzburg-Landau equation. Zbl 0758.34014 Kukavica, Igor 22 1992 On the dissipative scale for the Navier-Stokes equation. Zbl 0937.35126 Kukavica, Igor 21 1999 On the regularity of the Navier-Stokes equation in a thin periodic domain. Zbl 1118.35029 Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 19 2007 Existence of invariant measures for the stochastic damped Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1379.60066 Ekren, Ibrahim; Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 17 2017 Level sets of the vorticity and the stream function for the 2D periodic Navier-Stokes equations with potential forces. Zbl 0847.35103 Kukavica, Igor 16 1996 Anisotropic estimates for the two-dimensional Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. Zbl 1342.35140 Benachour, Said; Kukavica, Igor; Rusin, Walter; Ziane, Mohammed 16 2014 Long time behavior of solutions to the 2D Boussinesq equations with zero diffusivity. Zbl 1452.35039 Kukavica, Igor; Wang, Weinan 16 2020 Dirichlet quotients and 2D periodic Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0874.35085 Constantin, Peter; Foias, Ciprian; Kukavica, Igor; Majda, Andrew J. 15 1997 Asymptotic expansion for solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations with potential forces. Zbl 1205.35200 Kukavica, Igor; Reis, Ednei 15 2011 Space analyticity for the nonlinear heat equation in a bounded domain. Zbl 0926.35026 Grujić, Zoran; Kukavica, Igor 15 1999 An estimate on the parabolic fractal dimension of the singular set for solutions of the Navier-Stokes system. Zbl 1247.35094 Kukavica, Igor; Pei, Yuan 15 2012 Log-log convexity and backward uniqueness. Zbl 1119.35007 Kukavica, Igor 14 2007 Local analyticity radii of solutions to the 3D Navier-Stokes equations with locally analytic forcing. Zbl 1320.35253 Bradshaw, Zachary; Grujić, Zoran; Kukavica, Igor 14 2015 On the local existence and uniqueness for the 3D Euler equation with a free interface. Zbl 1384.35074 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad; Vicol, Vlad 14 2017 On local uniqueness of weak solutions of the Navier–Stokes system with bounded initial data. Zbl 1050.35070 Kukavica, Igor 13 2003 Zero viscosity limit for analytic solutions of the primitive equations. Zbl 1379.35247 Kukavica, Igor; Lombardo, Maria Carmela; Sammartino, Marco 13 2016 Contrast between Lagrangian and Eulerian analytic regularity properties of Euler equations. Zbl 1353.35233 Constantin, Peter; Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 13 2016 Role of the pressure for validity of the energy equality for solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation. Zbl 1105.35081 Kukavica, Igor 12 2006 Gevrey regularity for the Navier-Stokes in a half-space. Zbl 1397.35049 Camliyurt, Guher; Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 12 2018 Regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations with a solution in a Morrey space. Zbl 1159.35056 Kukavica, Igor 12 2008 Persistence of regularity for solutions of the Boussinesq equations in Sobolev spaces. Zbl 1334.35103 Kukavica, Igor; Wang, Fei; Ziane, Mohammed 12 2016 An anisotropic partial regularity criterion for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1457.76055 Kukavica, Igor; Rusin, Walter; Ziane, Mohammed 12 2017 On local uniqueness of weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes system with \(\mathrm{BMO}^{-1}\) initial datum. Zbl 1148.35064 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 11 2008 The Harnack inequality for second-order elliptic equations with divergence-free drifts. Zbl 1308.35039 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor; Ryzhik, Lenya 11 2014 Nodal volumes for eigenfunctions of analytic regular elliptic problems. Zbl 0845.35073 Kukavica, Igor 11 1995 On the local existence of the free-surface Euler equation with surface tension. Zbl 1356.35167 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor 11 2016 A priori estimates for the free-boundary Euler equations with surface tension in three dimensions. Zbl 1421.35260 Disconzi, Marcelo M.; Kukavica, Igor 11 2019 A regularity result for the incompressible Euler equation with a free interface. Zbl 1300.35085 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad 10 2014 Uniform gradient bounds for the primitive equations of the ocean. Zbl 1224.35346 Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 10 2008 The Lorenz equation as a metaphor for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1052.76012 Foias, C.; Jolly, M. S.; Kukavica, I.; Titi, E. S. 10 2001 A Lagrangian interior regularity result for the incompressible free boundary Euler equation with surface tension. Zbl 1423.35464 Disconzi, Marcelo M.; Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad 10 2019 Partial regularity results for solutions of the Navier-Stokes system. Zbl 1185.35169 Kukavica, Igor 9 2009 Backward behavior of solutions of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. Zbl 1080.35121 Kukavica, Igor; Malcok, Mehmet 9 2005 On the Euler\(+\)Prandtl expansion for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1521.76081 Kukavica, Igor; Nguyen, Trinh T.; Vicol, Vlad; Wang, Fei 9 2022 On the 2D free boundary Euler equation. Zbl 1282.35286 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad 9 2012 A remark on time-analyticity for the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation. Zbl 1020.35095 Grujić, Zoran; Kukavica, Igor 9 2003 Global Sobolev persistence for the fractional Boussinesq equations with zero diffusivity. Zbl 1460.35290 Kukavica, Igor; Wang, Weinan 9 2020 Hausdorff length of level sets for solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau equation. Zbl 0821.35129 Kukavica, Igor 8 1995 The Harnack inequality for second-order parabolic equations with divergence-free drifts of low regularity. Zbl 1343.35047 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor; Ryzhik, Lenya 8 2016 Existence and uniqueness of solutions for the hydrostatic Euler equations on a bounded domain with analytic data. Zbl 1194.35247 Kukavica, Igor; Temam, Roger; Vicol, Vlad; Ziane, Mohammed 8 2010 On the behavior of the solutions of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation for negative time. Zbl 0788.35118 Kukavica, Igor 8 1992 Existence of global weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in weighted spaces. Zbl 1507.35137 Bradshaw, Zachary; Kukavica, Igor; Tsai, Tai-Peng 8 2022 Nodal parametrisation of analytic attractors. Zbl 1153.37439 Friz, Peter K.; Kukavica, Igor; Robinson, James C. 8 2001 A class of solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations with large data. Zbl 1290.35186 Kukavica, Igor; Rusin, Walter; Ziane, Mohammed 8 2013 Quantitative, uniqueness, and vortex degree estimates for solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau equation. Zbl 0963.35007 Kukavica, Igor 7 2000 Self-similar variables and the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. Zbl 0927.35106 Kukavica, Igor 7 1999 Quantitative unique continuation for a parabolic equation. Zbl 1402.35134 Camliyurt, Guher; Kukavica, Igor 7 2018 On the ill-posedness of active scalar equations with odd singular kernels. Zbl 1348.35303 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad; Wang, Fei 7 2016 Localized anisotropic regularity conditions for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1379.35213 Kukavica, Igor; Rusin, Walter; Ziane, Mohammed 7 2017 Local existence of solutions to the free boundary value problem for the primitive equations of the ocean. Zbl 1278.76011 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 7 2012 Length of vorticity nodal sets for solutions of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1048.35061 Kukavica, Igor 7 2003 Analyticity up to the boundary for the Stokes and the Navier-Stokes systems. Zbl 1437.35568 Camliyurt, Guher; Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 7 2020 Partial regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations with a force in a Morrey space. Zbl 1205.35199 Kukavica, Igor 6 2011 Oscillations of solutions of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. Zbl 0824.35114 Kukavica, Igor 6 1994 An upper bound for the winding number for solutions of the Ginzburg- Landau equation. Zbl 0793.35075 Kukavica, Igor 6 1992 Distinguishing smooth functions by a finite number of point values, and a version of the Takens embedding theorem. Zbl 1058.35045 Kukavica, Igor; Robinson, James C. 6 2004 Fourier parameterization of attractors for dissipative equations in one space dimension. Zbl 1041.35018 Kukavica, Igor 6 2003 Pressure integrability conditions for uniqueness of mild solutions of the Navier–Stokes system. Zbl 1105.35080 Kukavica, Igor 5 2006 On the local existence for an active scalar equation. (Sur l’existence locale pour une équation de scalaires actifs.) Zbl 1311.35196 Hu, Weiwei; Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 5 2015 Existence of invariant measures for the stochastic damped KdV equation. Zbl 1409.37078 Ekren, Ibrahim; Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 5 2018 On the global existence for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. Zbl 1522.35304 Kukavica, Igor; Massatt, David 5 2023 On asymptotic properties of the Boussinesq equations. Zbl 07923038 Aydın, Mustafa Sencer; Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 1 2025 Construction of the free-boundary 3D incompressible Euler flow under limited regularity. Zbl 1536.35247 Aydin, Mustafa Sencer; Kukavica, Igor; Ożański, Wojciech S.; Tuffaha, Amjad 1 2024 On a model of an elastic body fully immersed in a viscous incompressible fluid with small data. Zbl 1533.35242 Kukavica, Igor; Ożański, Wojciech S. 1 2024 Small-data global existence of solutions for the Pitaevskii model of superfluidity. Zbl 07844487 Jang, Juhi; Chaitanya Jayanti, Pranava; Kukavica, Igor 1 2024 On the global existence for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. Zbl 1522.35304 Kukavica, Igor; Massatt, David 5 2023 Local-in-time existence of a free-surface 3D Euler flow with \(H^{2+\delta}\) initial vorticity in a neighborhood of the free boundary. Zbl 1511.35264 Kukavica, I.; Ożański, W. S. 3 2023 Global well-posedness and exponential decay for a fluid-structure model with small data. Zbl 1531.35222 Kukavica, Igor; Ożański, Wojciech S. 2 2023 Asymptotic properties of the Boussinesq equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1518.35552 Kukavica, Igor; Massatt, David; Ziane, Mohammed 2 2023 Maximal regularity for the Neumann-Stokes problem in \(H^{r/2,r}\) spaces. Zbl 1547.35149 Kukavica, Igor; Li, Linfeng; Tuffaha, Amjad 1 2023 On the Euler\(+\)Prandtl expansion for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1521.76081 Kukavica, Igor; Nguyen, Trinh T.; Vicol, Vlad; Wang, Fei 9 2022 Existence of global weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in weighted spaces. Zbl 1507.35137 Bradshaw, Zachary; Kukavica, Igor; Tsai, Tai-Peng 8 2022 Exact boundary controllability for the ideal magneto-hydrodynamic equations. Zbl 1509.35227 Kukavica, Igor; Novack, Matthew; Vicol, Vlad 4 2022 On quantitative uniqueness for parabolic equations. Zbl 1504.35003 Kukavica, Igor; Le, Quinn 2 2022 Global existence for the stochastic Navier-Stokes equations with small \(L^p\) data. Zbl 1487.60124 Kukavica, Igor; Xu, Fanhui; Ziane, Mohammed 2 2022 Remarks on the inviscid limit problem for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1483.35153 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad; Wang, Fei 2 2022 Mach limits in analytic spaces on exterior domains. Zbl 1504.35259 Jang, Juhi; Kukavica, Igor; Li, Linfeng 1 2022 Mach limits in analytic spaces. Zbl 1476.35188 Jang, Juhi; Kukavica, Igor; Li, Linfeng 3 2021 An anisotropic regularity condition for the 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for the entire exponent range. Zbl 1490.35253 Kukavica, I.; Ożański, W. S. 2 2021 The inviscid limit for the Navier-Stokes equations with data analytic only near the boundary. Zbl 1437.35539 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad; Wang, Fei 28 2020 Long time behavior of solutions to the 2D Boussinesq equations with zero diffusivity. Zbl 1452.35039 Kukavica, Igor; Wang, Weinan 16 2020 Global Sobolev persistence for the fractional Boussinesq equations with zero diffusivity. Zbl 1460.35290 Kukavica, Igor; Wang, Weinan 9 2020 Analyticity up to the boundary for the Stokes and the Navier-Stokes systems. Zbl 1437.35568 Camliyurt, Guher; Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 7 2020 Existence of suitable weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations for intermittent data. Zbl 1436.35273 Bradshaw, Zachary; Kukavica, Igor 5 2020 A priori estimates for the free-boundary Euler equations with surface tension in three dimensions. Zbl 1421.35260 Disconzi, Marcelo M.; Kukavica, Igor 11 2019 A Lagrangian interior regularity result for the incompressible free boundary Euler equation with surface tension. Zbl 1423.35464 Disconzi, Marcelo M.; Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad 10 2019 On local regularity conditions for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1416.35188 Kukavica, Igor; Rusin, Walter; Ziane, Mohammed 5 2019 A priori estimates for the 3D compressible free-boundary Euler equations with surface tension in the case of a liquid. Zbl 1423.35463 Disconzi, Marcelo M.; Kukavica, Igor 5 2019 On quantitative uniqueness for elliptic equations. Zbl 1445.35055 Camliyurt, Guher; Kukavica, Igor; Wang, Fei 2 2019 Local existence for the stochastic Euler equations with Lévy noise. Zbl 1421.35264 Kukavica, Igor; Xu, Fanhui 1 2019 Mathematical theory of evolutionary fluid-flow structure interactions. Zbl 1403.35005 Kaltenbacher, Barbara; Kukavica, Igor; Lasiecka, Irena; Triggiani, Roberto; Tuffaha, Amjad; Webster, Justin T. 23 2018 Gevrey regularity for the Navier-Stokes in a half-space. Zbl 1397.35049 Camliyurt, Guher; Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 12 2018 Quantitative unique continuation for a parabolic equation. Zbl 1402.35134 Camliyurt, Guher; Kukavica, Igor 7 2018 Existence of invariant measures for the stochastic damped KdV equation. Zbl 1409.37078 Ekren, Ibrahim; Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 5 2018 On the Galerkin approximation and strong norm bounds for the stochastic Navier-Stokes equations with multiplicative noise. Zbl 1424.60077 Kukavica, Igor; Uğurlu, Kerem; Ziane, Mohammed 3 2018 A sharp regularity result for the Euler equation with a free interface. Zbl 1391.35315 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad 3 2018 On the Lagrangian and Eulerian analyticity for the Euler equations. Zbl 1398.76021 Camliyurt, Guher; Kukavica, Igor 2 2018 On the local existence for the Euler equations with free boundary for compressible and incompressible fluids. (Sur l’existence locale de solutions des équations d’Euler pour les fluides compressibles et incompressibles, avec frontière libre.) Zbl 1392.35206 Disconzi, Marcelo M.; Kukavica, Igor 2 2018 A direct approach to Gevrey regularity on the half-space. Zbl 1405.35013 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 2 2018 On localization and quantitative uniqueness for elliptic partial differential equations. Zbl 1414.35065 Camliyurt, Guher; Kukavica, Igor; Wang, Fei 1 2018 The van Dommelen and Shen singularity in the Prandtl equations. Zbl 1357.35058 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad; Wang, Fei 41 2017 Small data global existence for a fluid-structure model. Zbl 1357.35299 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor; Lasiecka, Irena; Tuffaha, Amjad 30 2017 Existence of invariant measures for the stochastic damped Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1379.60066 Ekren, Ibrahim; Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 17 2017 On the local existence and uniqueness for the 3D Euler equation with a free interface. Zbl 1384.35074 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad; Vicol, Vlad 14 2017 An anisotropic partial regularity criterion for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1457.76055 Kukavica, Igor; Rusin, Walter; Ziane, Mohammed 12 2017 Localized anisotropic regularity conditions for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1379.35213 Kukavica, Igor; Rusin, Walter; Ziane, Mohammed 7 2017 Zero viscosity limit for analytic solutions of the primitive equations. Zbl 1379.35247 Kukavica, Igor; Lombardo, Maria Carmela; Sammartino, Marco 13 2016 Contrast between Lagrangian and Eulerian analytic regularity properties of Euler equations. Zbl 1353.35233 Constantin, Peter; Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 13 2016 Persistence of regularity for solutions of the Boussinesq equations in Sobolev spaces. Zbl 1334.35103 Kukavica, Igor; Wang, Fei; Ziane, Mohammed 12 2016 On the local existence of the free-surface Euler equation with surface tension. Zbl 1356.35167 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor 11 2016 The Harnack inequality for second-order parabolic equations with divergence-free drifts of low regularity. Zbl 1343.35047 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor; Ryzhik, Lenya 8 2016 On the ill-posedness of active scalar equations with odd singular kernels. Zbl 1348.35303 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad; Wang, Fei 7 2016 On the existence for the free interface 2D Euler equation with a localized vorticity condition. Zbl 1351.35118 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad; Vicol, Vlad; Wang, Fei 3 2016 A local asymptotic expansion for a solution of the Stokes system. Zbl 1351.76021 Çamliyurt, Güher; Kukavica, Igor 3 2016 Preface: In memory of A. V. Balakrishnan. Zbl 1341.01041 1 2016 Boussinesq equations with zero viscosity or zero diffusivity: a review. Zbl 1362.35231 Hu, Weiwei; Kukavica, Igor; Wang, Fei; Ziane, Mohammed 1 2016 On the inviscid limit of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1309.35073 Constantin, Peter; Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 45 2015 Persistence of regularity for the viscous Boussinesq equations with zero diffusivity. Zbl 1319.35192 Hu, Weiwei; Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 33 2015 The primitive equations of the atmosphere in presence of vapour saturation. Zbl 1308.35233 Zelati, Michele Coti; Huang, Aimin; Kukavica, Igor; Temam, Roger; Ziane, Mohammed 30 2015 Local analyticity radii of solutions to the 3D Navier-Stokes equations with locally analytic forcing. Zbl 1320.35253 Bradshaw, Zachary; Grujić, Zoran; Kukavica, Igor 14 2015 On the local existence for an active scalar equation. (Sur l’existence locale pour une équation de scalaires actifs.) Zbl 1311.35196 Hu, Weiwei; Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 5 2015 Weighted decay for the surface quasi-geostrophic equation. Zbl 1332.35362 Kukavica, Igor; Wang, Fei 1 2015 On the local well-posedness of the Prandtl and hydrostatic Euler equations with multiple monotonicity regions. Zbl 1317.35202 Kukavica, Igor; Masmoudi, Nader; Vicol, Vlad; Wong, Tak Kwong 72 2014 On well-posedness and small data global existence for an interface damped free boundary fluid-structure model. Zbl 1286.35272 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor; Lasiecka, Irena; Tuffaha, Amjad 50 2014 Existence and regularity of invariant measures for the three dimensional stochastic primitive equations. Zbl 1338.37065 Glatt-Holtz, Nathan; Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad; Ziane, Mohammed 44 2014 Primitive equations with continuous initial data. Zbl 1291.35187 Kukavica, Igor; Pei, Yuan; Rusin, Walter; Ziane, Mohammed 31 2014 Anisotropic estimates for the two-dimensional Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. Zbl 1342.35140 Benachour, Said; Kukavica, Igor; Rusin, Walter; Ziane, Mohammed 16 2014 The Harnack inequality for second-order elliptic equations with divergence-free drifts. Zbl 1308.35039 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor; Ryzhik, Lenya 11 2014 A regularity result for the incompressible Euler equation with a free interface. Zbl 1300.35085 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad 10 2014 A class of large \(BMO^{-1}\) non-oscillatory data for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1291.35188 Kukavica, Igor; Rusin, Walter; Ziane, Mohammed 5 2014 Moments for strong solutions of the 2D stochastic Navier-Stokes equations in a bounded domain. Zbl 1323.35231 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 4 2014 On the local existence of analytic solutions to the Prandtl boundary layer equations. Zbl 1291.35224 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 73 2013 On the regularity for the Boussinesq equations in a bounded domain. Zbl 1293.35246 Hu, Weiwei; Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 41 2013 A class of solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations with large data. Zbl 1290.35186 Kukavica, Igor; Rusin, Walter; Ziane, Mohammed 8 2013 Strong unique continuation for the Navier-Stokes equation with non-analytic forcing. Zbl 1307.35195 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor 4 2013 Sharp trace regularity for an anisotropic elasticity system. Zbl 1272.35061 Kukavica, Igor; Mazzucato, Anna L.; Tuffaha, Amjad 4 2013 Solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations for large oscillatory data. Zbl 1264.35165 Kukavica, Igor; Rusin, Walter; Ziane, Mohammed 2 2013 Solutions to a fluid-structure interaction free boundary problem. Zbl 1234.35320 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad 41 2012 On well-posedness for a free boundary fluid-structure model. Zbl 1457.35095 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor; Lasiecka, Irena; Tuffaha, Amjad 35 2012 Solutions to a free boundary problem of fluid-structure interaction. Zbl 1280.35094 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad 34 2012 Well-posedness for the compressible Navier-Stokes-Lamé system with a free interface. Zbl 1256.35213 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad 30 2012 An estimate on the parabolic fractal dimension of the singular set for solutions of the Navier-Stokes system. Zbl 1247.35094 Kukavica, Igor; Pei, Yuan 15 2012 On the 2D free boundary Euler equation. Zbl 1282.35286 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad 9 2012 Local existence of solutions to the free boundary value problem for the primitive equations of the ocean. Zbl 1278.76011 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor; Ziane, Mohammed 7 2012 Strong unique continuation for higher order elliptic equations with Gevrey coefficients. Zbl 1246.35055 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor 4 2012 Local existence and uniqueness for the hydrostatic Euler equations on a bounded domain. Zbl 1204.35129 Kukavica, Igor; Temam, Roger; Vicol, Vlad C.; Ziane, Mohammed 49 2011 On the analyticity and Gevrey-class regularity up to the boundary for the Euler equations. Zbl 1213.35345 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 29 2011 The domain of analyticity of solutions to the three-dimensional Euler equations in a half space. Zbl 1308.35192 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad C. 26 2011 Strong solutions to a Navier-Stokes-Lamé system on a domain with a non-flat boundary. Zbl 1372.76029 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad; Ziane, Mohammed 23 2011 Asymptotic expansion for solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations with potential forces. Zbl 1205.35200 Kukavica, Igor; Reis, Ednei 15 2011 Partial regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations with a force in a Morrey space. Zbl 1205.35199 Kukavica, Igor 6 2011 Strong solutions for a fluid structure interaction system. Zbl 1191.35206 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad; Ziane, Mohammed 29 2010 Existence and uniqueness of solutions for the hydrostatic Euler equations on a bounded domain with analytic data. Zbl 1194.35247 Kukavica, Igor; Temam, Roger; Vicol, Vlad; Ziane, Mohammed 8 2010 Unique continuation and complexity of solutions to parabolic partial differential equations with Gevrey coefficients. Zbl 1211.35061 Ignatova, Mihaela; Kukavica, Igor 4 2010 On regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations in Morrey spaces. Zbl 1186.35143 Kukavica, Igor 2 2010 On the radius of analyticity of solutions to the three-dimensional Euler equations. Zbl 1156.76010 Kukavica, Igor; Vicol, Vlad 52 2009 The fractal dimension of the singular set for solutions of the Navier-Stokes system. Zbl 1181.35173 Kukavica, Igor 24 2009 Strong solutions to a nonlinear fluid structure interaction system. Zbl 1180.35415 Kukavica, Igor; Tuffaha, Amjad; Ziane, Mohammed 23 2009 On the weighted decay for solutions of the Navier-Stokes system. Zbl 1166.35358 Kukavica, Igor 22 2009 Partial regularity results for solutions of the Navier-Stokes system. Zbl 1185.35169 Kukavica, Igor 9 2009 On partial regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1147.35071 Kukavica, Igor 32 2008 ...and 49 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,212 Authors 91 Kukavica, Igor 48 Titi, Edriss Saleh 30 Vicol, Vlad C. 22 Ziane, Mohammed 19 Zhang, Zujin 18 Zhang, Zhifei 17 Skalák, Zdeněk 16 Lasiecka, Irena 16 Masmoudi, Nader 16 Muha, Boris 16 Wu, Jiahong 15 Larios, Adam 15 Tuffaha, Amjad M. 15 Yamazaki, Kazuo 14 Biswas, Animikh 14 Ignatova, Mihaela 14 Li, Jinkai 14 Temam, Roger Meyer 13 Hieber, Matthias 13 Robinson, James Cooper 12 Čanić, Sunčica 12 Guo, Zhengguang 12 Triggiani, Roberto 12 Zhang, Ping 11 Cao, Chongsheng 11 Foiaș, Ciprian 10 Constantin, Peter 10 Sammartino, Marco Maria Luigi 10 Yang, Tong 9 Bradshaw, Zachary 9 Felli, Veronica 9 Gala, Sadek 9 Glatt-Holtz, Nathan E. 9 Liu, Qiao 9 Martinez, Vincent R. 9 Ożański, Wojciech Sławomir 9 Ragusa, Maria Alessandra 9 Wang, Yanqing 8 Gérard-Varet, David 8 Grujić, Zoran 8 Guo, Boling 8 Hussein, Amru 8 Iyer, Sameer 8 Jolly, Michael Summerfield 8 Liu, Cheng-Jie 8 Luo, Chenyun 8 Qian, Chenyin 8 Wang, Wendong 8 Wang, Yuxi 8 Zhang, Ting 8 Zhang, Yinghui 7 Ambrose, David M. 7 Chamorro, Diego 7 Hu, Weiwei 7 Huang, Jianhua 7 Kashiwabara, Takahito 7 Kim, Jaemyoung 7 Lemarié-Rieusset, Pierre Gilles 7 Li, Linfeng 7 Li, Weixi 7 Lin, Quyuan 7 Mazzucato, Anna L. 7 Rusin, Walter M. 7 Vessella, Sergio 7 Wang, Fei 7 Webster, Justin T. 7 Xie, Feng 7 Zhang, Junyan 7 Zhou, Daoguo 6 Avalos, George 6 Bedrossian, Jacob 6 Bociu, Lorena 6 Çamliyurt, Güher 6 Dong, Hongjie 6 Hoang, Luan Thach 6 Ibrahim, Slim 6 Jang, Juhi 6 Lin, Xueyun 6 Maekawa, Yasunori 6 Nguyen, Toan Trong 6 Sciacca, Vincenzo 6 Sun, Chengfeng 6 Tsai, Tai-Peng 6 Wang, Yaguang 6 Xu, Xiaojing 6 Yao, Zhengan 6 Zhao, Xiaopeng 6 Zhou, Yong 6 Zhu, Jiuyi 5 Abdo, Elie 5 Avrin, Joel D. 5 Banerjee, Agnid 5 Chae, Dongho 5 Dong, Boqing 5 Gao, Hongjun 5 Giga, Yoshikazu 5 He, Yinnian 5 Kalantarov, Varga K. 5 Kenig, Carlos Eduardo 5 Liu, Xin ...and 1,112 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 225 Serials 107 Journal of Differential Equations 61 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 52 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 50 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 46 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 35 Nonlinearity 34 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 31 Physica D 30 Journal of Mathematical Physics 26 Communications in Mathematical Physics 25 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 24 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 21 Journal of Functional Analysis 21 Applied Mathematics Letters 20 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 20 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 19 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 19 Journal of Nonlinear Science 19 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 18 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 17 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 17 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 16 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 15 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 15 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 14 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 13 Journal of Evolution Equations 12 Advances in Mathematics 11 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 11 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 11 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 10 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 10 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 10 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 10 Science China. Mathematics 9 Mathematische Annalen 9 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 8 Applicable Analysis 8 Annals of PDE 7 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 6 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 6 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 6 Analysis & PDE 6 Stochastic and Partial Differential Equations. Analysis and Computations 5 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 5 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Asymptotic Analysis 5 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 5 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 5 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 5 Stochastics and Dynamics 5 Boundary Value Problems 4 Annales Polonici Mathematici 4 Mathematische Nachrichten 4 Mathematische Zeitschrift 4 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 4 SN Partial Differential Equations and Applications 3 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 3 Inverse Problems 3 Physics Letters. A 3 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 3 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 3 Applications of Mathematics 3 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 3 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 3 Potential Analysis 3 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 3 Physics of Fluids 3 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 3 Analysis and Applications (Singapore) 3 Kinetic and Related Models 3 Journal of Function Spaces 3 Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 2 Journal of Computational Physics 2 Journal of Statistical Physics 2 Russian Mathematical Surveys 2 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 Archiv der Mathematik 2 Duke Mathematical Journal 2 Publications Mathématiques 2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 2 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 2 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Ricerche di Matematica 2 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 2 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 2 Statistics & Probability Letters 2 Applied Numerical Mathematics 2 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2 The Annals of Applied Probability 2 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 2 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2 Advances in Differential Equations ...and 125 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 43 Fields 1,168 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 837 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 134 Geophysics (86-XX) 99 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 78 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 71 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 46 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 44 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 33 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 31 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 30 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 25 Operator theory (47-XX) 18 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 17 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 14 Real functions (26-XX) 13 Potential theory (31-XX) 13 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 11 Measure and integration (28-XX) 11 Functional analysis (46-XX) 9 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 7 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 6 Integral equations (45-XX) 5 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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