Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Kurtz, Thomas Gordon Co-Author Distance Author ID: kurtz.thomas-gordon Published as: Kurtz, Thomas G.; Kurtz, T. G.; Kurtz, Thomas; Kurtz, Thomas Gordon; Kurtz, Th. G.; Kurtz, T. more...less Homepage: http://www.math.wisc.edu/~kurtz/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Documents Indexed: 117 Publications since 1969, including 5 Books and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 66 Co-Authors with 79 Joint Publications 2,001 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 39 single-authored 8 Ethier, Stewart N. 8 Protter, Philip Elliott 7 Donnelly, Peter 6 Costantini, Cristina 5 Anderson, David Frederick 4 Xiong, Jie 3 Crisan, Dan O. 3 Stockbridge, Richard H. 2 Bucklew, James Antonio 2 Cappelletti, Daniele 2 Etheridge, Alison Mary 2 Garcia, Nancy L. 2 Joyce, Paul 2 Kang, Hye-Won 2 Krone, Stephen M. 2 Kuelbs, James D. 2 Manber, Udi 2 Méléard, Sylvie 2 Ocone, Daniel L. 2 Popovic, Lea 2 Swanson, Jason 1 Asmussen, Søren 1 Athreya, Krishna Balasundaram 1 Ball, Karen 1 Bansaye, Vincent 1 Certain, Melinda W. 1 Craciun, Gheorghe 1 Dai, J. G. (Jim) 1 Dawson, Donald Andrew 1 Evans, Steven Neil 1 Feng, Jin 1 Fleischmann, Klaus 1 Ganguly, Arnab 1 Graham, Carl 1 Hunt, P. J. 1 Jacod, Jean 1 Janjigian, Christopher 1 Kotelenez, Peter M. 1 Kouritzin, Michael A. 1 Koyama, Masanori 1 Lebensztayn, Élcio 1 Lee, Yoonjung 1 Leichsenring, Alexandre R. 1 Letter, Ian 1 Lung, Terence Tsui Ho 1 Lyons, Russell 1 Machado, Fábio Prates 1 Marchetti, Federico 1 Marjoram, Paul 1 Nappo, Giovanna 1 Ortiz-Latorre, Salvador 1 Pardoux, Etienne 1 Pemantle, Robin 1 Peres, Yuval 1 Pierre, Michel 1 Pulvirenti, Mario 1 Ralph, Peter L. 1 Rempała, Grzegorz A. 1 Rodrigues, Eliane Regina 1 Sethares, William A. 1 Simatos, Florian 1 Talay, Denis 1 Tavaré, Simon 1 Wainger, Stephen 1 Zhou, Xiaowen 1 Zinn, Joel all top 5 Serials 18 The Annals of Probability 10 The Annals of Applied Probability 8 Electronic Journal of Probability 6 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 4 Annals of Mathematical Statistics 3 Journal of Applied Probability 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 3 Electronic Communications in Probability 2 Advances in Applied Probability 2 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Mathematics of Operations Research 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 1 Probability Theory and Related Fields 1 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 1 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 1 Communications in Mathematical Sciences 1 Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 1 CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics 1 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 1 Mathematical Biosciences Institute Lecture Series. Stochastics in Biological Systems 1 Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics 1 Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics all top 5 Fields 104 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 25 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 12 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 11 Operator theory (47-XX) 7 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 5 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 108 Publications have been cited 6,591 times in 4,763 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Markov processes. Characterization and convergence. Zbl 0592.60049 Ethier, Stewart N.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 2,345 1986 Markov processes. Characterization and convergence. Zbl 1089.60005 Ethier, Stewart N.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 286 2005 Solutions of ordinary differential equations as limits of pure jump Markov processes. Zbl 0191.47301 Kurtz, T. G. 281 1970 Weak limit theorems for stochastic integrals and stochastic differential equations. Zbl 0742.60053 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Protter, Philip 263 1991 Large deviations for stochastic processes. Zbl 1113.60002 Feng, Jin; Kurtz, Thomas G. 227 2006 Limit theorems for sequences of jump Markov processes approximating ordinary differential processes. Zbl 0219.60060 Kurtz, T. G. 208 1971 Approximation of population processes. Zbl 0465.60078 Kurtz, Thomas G. 171 1981 Strong approximation theorems for density dependent Markov chains. Zbl 0373.60085 Kurtz, Thomas G. 168 1978 Particle representations for measure-valued population models. Zbl 0956.60081 Donnelly, Peter; Kurtz, Thomas G. 108 1999 Fleming-Viot processes in population genetics. Zbl 0774.60045 Ethier, S. N.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 96 1993 Stochastic analysis of biochemical systems. Zbl 1402.92004 Anderson, David F.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 96 2015 Product-form stationary distributions for deficiency zero chemical reaction networks. Zbl 1201.92069 Anderson, David F.; Craciun, Gheorghe; Kurtz, Thomas G. 90 2010 A limit theorem for perturbed operator semigroups with applications to random evolutions. Zbl 0246.47053 Kurtz, Thomas G. 88 1973 Particle representations for a class of nonlinear SPDEs. Zbl 0996.60071 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Xiong, Jie 83 1999 Asymptotic analysis of multiscale approximations to reaction networks. Zbl 1118.92031 Ball, Karen; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Popovic, Lea; Rempala, Greg 80 2006 Extensions of Trotter’s operator semigroup approximation theorems. Zbl 0174.18401 Kurtz, T. G. 75 1969 A countable representation of the Fleming-Viot measure-valued diffusion. Zbl 0869.60074 Donnelly, Peter; Kurtz, Thomas G. 68 1996 Semigroups of conditioned shifts and approximation of Markov processes. Zbl 0318.60026 Kurtz, Thomas G. 68 1975 Separation of time-scales and model reduction for stochastic reaction networks. Zbl 1377.60076 Kang, Hye-Won; Kurtz, Thomas G. 67 2013 Wong-Zakai corrections, random evolutions, and simulation schemes for SDE’s. Zbl 0762.60047 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Protter, Philip 63 1991 Equivalence of stochastic equations and martingale problems. Zbl 1236.60073 Kurtz, Thomas G. 62 2011 The Yamada-Watanabe-Engelbert theorem for general stochastic equations and inequalities. Zbl 1157.60068 Kurtz, Thomas G. 61 2007 Existence of Markov controls and characterization of optimal Markov controls. Zbl 0935.93064 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Stockbridge, Richard H. 60 1998 Unique characterization of conditional distributions in nonlinear filtering. Zbl 0655.60035 Kurtz, T. G.; Ocone, Daniel L. 57 1988 Genealogical processes for Fleming-Viot models with selection and recombination. Zbl 0964.60075 Donnelly, Peter; Kurtz, Thomas G. 54 1999 The approximate Euler method for Lévy driven stochastic differential equations. Zbl 1071.60046 Jacod, Jean; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Méléard, Sylvie; Protter, Philip 53 2005 Stratonovich stochastic differential equations driven by general semimartingales. Zbl 0823.60046 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Pardoux, Étienne; Protter, Philip 48 1995 Convergence of sequences of semigroups of nonlinear operators with an application to gas kinetics. Zbl 0275.47047 Kurtz, Thomas G. 47 1974 Martingale problems for conditional distributions of Markov processes. Zbl 0907.60065 Kurtz, Thomas G. 47 1998 The infinitely-many-neutral-alleles diffusion model. Zbl 0483.60076 Ethier, S. N.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 46 1981 A conceptual proof of the Kesten-Stigum theorem for multi-type branching processes. Zbl 0868.60068 Kurtz, Thomas; Lyons, Russell; Pemantle, Robin; Peres, Yuval 46 1997 Weak and strong solutions of general stochastic models. Zbl 1301.60035 Kurtz, Thomas G. 46 2014 Berry-Esseen estimates in Hilbert space and an application to the law of the iterated logarithm. Zbl 0298.60017 Kuelbs, J.; Kurtz, T. 42 1974 Random time changes and convergence in distribution under the Meyer-Zheng conditions. Zbl 0742.60036 Kurtz, Thomas G. 41 1991 Weak convergence of stochastic integrals and differential equations. I. Zbl 0862.60041 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Protter, Philip E. 40 1996 Weak convergence of stochastic integrals and differential equations. II: Infinite dimensional case. Zbl 0862.60042 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Protter, Philip E. 39 1996 Error analysis of tau-leap simulation methods. Zbl 1234.60066 Anderson, David F.; Ganguly, Arnab; Kurtz, Thomas G. 35 2011 Macroscopic limits for stochastic partial differential equations of McKean-Vlasov type. Zbl 1189.60123 Kotelenez, Peter M.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 33 2010 Large loss networks. Zbl 0810.60087 Hunt, P. J.; Kurtz, T. G. 32 1994 Representations of Markov processes as multiparameter time changes. Zbl 0442.60072 Kurtz, Thomas G. 32 1980 Limit theorems and diffusion approximations for density dependent Markov chains. Zbl 0373.60081 Kurtz, Thomas G. 29 1976 Spatial birth and death processes as solutions of stochastic equations. Zbl 1115.60098 Garcia, Nancy L.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 29 2006 Central limit theorems and diffusion approximations for multiscale Markov chain models. Zbl 1319.60045 Kang, Hye-Won; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Popovic, Lea 28 2014 Stationary solutions and forward equations for controlled and singular martingale problems. Zbl 0984.60086 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Stockbridge, Richard H. 25 2001 Convergence to Fleming-Viot processes in the weak atomic topology. Zbl 0817.60029 Ethier, S. N.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 24 1994 A stochastic evolution equation arising from the fluctuations of a class of interacting particle systems. Zbl 1087.60050 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Xiong, Jie 24 2004 The optional sampling theorem for martingales indexed by directed sets. Zbl 0442.60045 Kurtz, Thomas G. 23 1980 The infinitely-many-alleles model with selection as a measure-valued diffusion. Zbl 0644.92011 Ethier, S. N.; Kurtz, T. G. 23 1987 A general theorem on the convergence of operator semigroups. Zbl 0194.44103 Kurtz, T. G. 20 1970 Genealogical constructions of population models. Zbl 1466.60147 Etheridge, Alison M.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 20 2019 Diffusion approximations for branching processes. Zbl 0405.60080 Kurtz, Thomas G. 18 1978 Non-explosivity of stochastically modeled reaction networks that are complex balanced. Zbl 1404.92226 Anderson, David F.; Cappelletti, Daniele; Koyama, Masanori; Kurtz, Thomas G. 18 2018 Finite time distributions of stochastically modeled chemical systems with absolute concentration robustness. Zbl 1377.92034 Anderson, David F.; Cappelletti, Daniele; Kurtz, Thomas G. 17 2017 The filtered Martingale problem. Zbl 1229.60048 Kurtz, T. G.; Nappo, G. 16 2011 Limit theorems for an epidemic model on the complete graph. Zbl 1160.60334 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Lebensztayn, Elcio; Leichsenring, Alexandre R.; Machado, Fábio P. 16 2008 Applications of duality to measure-valued diffusion processes. Zbl 0496.60057 Dawson, Donald A.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 15 1982 Limit theorems for workload input models. Zbl 0855.60089 Kurtz, Thomas G. 15 1996 Gaussian limits associated with the Poisson-Dirichlet distribution and the Ewens sampling formula. Zbl 1010.62101 Joyce, Paul; Krone, Stephen M.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 15 2002 Necessary and sufficient conditions for complete convergence in the law of large numbers. Zbl 0426.60026 Asmussen, Soren; Kurtz, Thomas G. 15 1980 Probabilistic models for nonlinear partial differential equations. Lectures given at the 1st session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo, Montecatini Terme, Italy, May 22-30, 1995. Zbl 0844.00022 15 1996 Applications of an abstract perturbation theorem to ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0361.34048 Kurtz, Thomas G. 15 1977 Viscosity methods giving uniqueness for martingale problems. Zbl 1341.60030 Costantini, Cristina; Kurtz, Thomas Gordon 15 2015 Inequalities for the law of large numbers. Zbl 0251.60019 Kurtz, Thomas G. 14 1972 A random Trotter product formula. Zbl 0255.47051 Kurtz, Thomas G. 14 1972 When can one detect overdominant selection in the infinite-alleles model? Zbl 1011.62115 Joyce, Paul; Krone, Stephen M.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 13 2003 Numerical solutions for a class of SPDEs with application to filtering. Zbl 0991.60053 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Xiong, Jie 13 2000 A control formulation for constrained Markov processes. Zbl 0728.60078 Kurtz, Thomas G. 12 1991 Continuum-sites stepping-stone models, coalescing exchangeable partitions and random trees. Zbl 1023.60082 Donnelly, Peter; Evans, Steven N.; Fleischmann, Klaus; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Zhou, Xiaowen 12 2000 Conditional distributions, exchangeable particle systems, and stochastic partial differential equations. Zbl 1306.60086 Crisan, Dan; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Lee, Yoonjung 11 2014 Coupling and ergodic theorems for Fleming-Viot processes. Zbl 0940.60045 Ethier, S. N.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 10 1998 Comparison of semi-Markov and Markov processes. Zbl 0217.50404 Kurtz, T. G. 10 1971 Poisson representations of branching Markov and measure-valued branching processes. Zbl 1232.60053 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Rodrigues, Eliane R. 10 2011 Martingale problems for constrained Markov problems. Zbl 0726.60043 Kurtz, Thomas G. 9 1990 On the functional central limit theorem for the Ewens sampling formula. Zbl 0747.60013 Donnelly, Peter; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Tavaré, Simon 9 1991 Landau-Kolmogorov inequalities for semigroups and groups. Zbl 0361.47012 Certain, Melinda W.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 9 1977 Diffusion approximation for transport processes with general reflection boundary conditions. Zbl 1206.82088 Costantini, Cristina; Kurtz, Thomas G. 8 2006 Spatial point processes and the projection method. Zbl 1149.60313 Garcia, Nancy L.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 8 2008 Existence and uniqueness of reflecting diffusions in cusps. Zbl 1414.60069 Costantini, Cristina; Kurtz, Thomas G. 8 2018 The central limit theorem for Markov chains. Zbl 0478.60034 Kurtz, Thomas G. 7 1981 The asymptotic behavior of an urn model arising. Zbl 0879.60078 Donnelly, P.; Kurtz, T. G. 7 1996 A multiclass station with Markovian feedback in heavy traffic. Zbl 0910.60073 Dai, J. G.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 7 1995 A generalization of Dynkin’s identity and some applications. Zbl 0264.60048 Athreya, Krishna B.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 7 1973 A CLT for empirical processes involving time-dependent data. Zbl 1287.60034 Kuelbs, James; Kurtz, Thomas; Zinn, Joel 7 2013 Characterizing the weak convergence of stochastic integrals. Zbl 0738.60053 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Protter, Philip 6 1991 On the stationary distribution of the neutral diffusion model in population genetics. Zbl 0742.60076 Ethier, S. N.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 6 1992 Relationships between stochastic and deterministic population models. Zbl 0471.92014 Kurtz, Thomas G. 6 1980 Gaussian approximations for Markov chains and counting processes. Zbl 0571.60010 Kurtz, Thomas G. 6 1983 Martingale problems for controlled processes. Zbl 0642.93065 Kurtz, Thomas G. 6 1987 Representation and approximation of counting processes. Zbl 0543.60058 Kurtz, Thomas G. 6 1982 Particle representations for measure-valued population processes with spatially varying birth rates. Zbl 0960.60069 Kurtz, Thomas G. 5 2000 An abstract averaging theorem. Zbl 0332.47022 Kurtz, Thomas G. 5 1976 Markov selection for constrained martingale problems. Zbl 1428.60108 Costantini, Cristina; Kurtz, Thomas G. 5 2019 Weak convergence and local stability properties of fixed step size recursive algorithms. Zbl 0792.93116 Bucklew, James A.; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Sethares, William A. 4 1993 Correlation and variability in birth processes. Zbl 0778.60060 Donnelly, Peter; Kurtz, Thomas; Marjoram, Paul 4 1993 Approximation of discontinuous processes by continuous processes. Zbl 0461.60090 Kurtz, Thomas G. 3 1981 A counterexample for the Trotter product formula. Zbl 0533.47029 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Pierre, Michel 3 1984 Looking forwards and backwards: dynamics and genealogies of locally regulated populations. Zbl 1536.92086 Etheridge, Alison M.; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Letter, Ian; Ralph, Peter L.; Lung, Terence Tsui Ho 3 2024 Tightness for processes with fixed points of discontinuities and applications in varying environment. Zbl 1352.60005 Bansaye, Vincent; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Simatos, Florian 3 2016 Particle representations for stochastic partial differential equations with boundary conditions. Zbl 1430.60054 Crisan, Dan; Janjigian, Christopher; Kurtz, Thomas G. 3 2018 The nonexistence of the Yaglom limit for an age dependent subcritical branching process. Zbl 0271.60093 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Wainger, Stephen 2 1973 Looking forwards and backwards: dynamics and genealogies of locally regulated populations. Zbl 1536.92086 Etheridge, Alison M.; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Letter, Ian; Ralph, Peter L.; Lung, Terence Tsui Ho 3 2024 Localization for constrained martingale problems and optimal conditions for uniqueness of reflecting diffusions in 2-dimensional domains. Zbl 1534.60103 Costantini, Cristina; Kurtz, Thomas G. 1 2024 Genealogical constructions of population models. Zbl 1466.60147 Etheridge, Alison M.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 20 2019 Markov selection for constrained martingale problems. Zbl 1428.60108 Costantini, Cristina; Kurtz, Thomas G. 5 2019 Non-explosivity of stochastically modeled reaction networks that are complex balanced. Zbl 1404.92226 Anderson, David F.; Cappelletti, Daniele; Koyama, Masanori; Kurtz, Thomas G. 18 2018 Existence and uniqueness of reflecting diffusions in cusps. Zbl 1414.60069 Costantini, Cristina; Kurtz, Thomas G. 8 2018 Particle representations for stochastic partial differential equations with boundary conditions. Zbl 1430.60054 Crisan, Dan; Janjigian, Christopher; Kurtz, Thomas G. 3 2018 Finite time distributions of stochastically modeled chemical systems with absolute concentration robustness. Zbl 1377.92034 Anderson, David F.; Cappelletti, Daniele; Kurtz, Thomas G. 17 2017 Tightness for processes with fixed points of discontinuities and applications in varying environment. Zbl 1352.60005 Bansaye, Vincent; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Simatos, Florian 3 2016 Stochastic analysis of biochemical systems. Zbl 1402.92004 Anderson, David F.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 96 2015 Viscosity methods giving uniqueness for martingale problems. Zbl 1341.60030 Costantini, Cristina; Kurtz, Thomas Gordon 15 2015 Weak and strong solutions of general stochastic models. Zbl 1301.60035 Kurtz, Thomas G. 46 2014 Central limit theorems and diffusion approximations for multiscale Markov chain models. Zbl 1319.60045 Kang, Hye-Won; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Popovic, Lea 28 2014 Conditional distributions, exchangeable particle systems, and stochastic partial differential equations. Zbl 1306.60086 Crisan, Dan; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Lee, Yoonjung 11 2014 Separation of time-scales and model reduction for stochastic reaction networks. Zbl 1377.60076 Kang, Hye-Won; Kurtz, Thomas G. 67 2013 A CLT for empirical processes involving time-dependent data. Zbl 1287.60034 Kuelbs, James; Kurtz, Thomas; Zinn, Joel 7 2013 Equivalence of stochastic equations and martingale problems. Zbl 1236.60073 Kurtz, Thomas G. 62 2011 Error analysis of tau-leap simulation methods. Zbl 1234.60066 Anderson, David F.; Ganguly, Arnab; Kurtz, Thomas G. 35 2011 The filtered Martingale problem. Zbl 1229.60048 Kurtz, T. G.; Nappo, G. 16 2011 Poisson representations of branching Markov and measure-valued branching processes. Zbl 1232.60053 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Rodrigues, Eliane R. 10 2011 Product-form stationary distributions for deficiency zero chemical reaction networks. Zbl 1201.92069 Anderson, David F.; Craciun, Gheorghe; Kurtz, Thomas G. 90 2010 Macroscopic limits for stochastic partial differential equations of McKean-Vlasov type. Zbl 1189.60123 Kotelenez, Peter M.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 33 2010 Limit theorems for an epidemic model on the complete graph. Zbl 1160.60334 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Lebensztayn, Elcio; Leichsenring, Alexandre R.; Machado, Fábio P. 16 2008 Spatial point processes and the projection method. Zbl 1149.60313 Garcia, Nancy L.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 8 2008 The Yamada-Watanabe-Engelbert theorem for general stochastic equations and inequalities. Zbl 1157.60068 Kurtz, Thomas G. 61 2007 Large deviations for stochastic processes. Zbl 1113.60002 Feng, Jin; Kurtz, Thomas G. 227 2006 Asymptotic analysis of multiscale approximations to reaction networks. Zbl 1118.92031 Ball, Karen; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Popovic, Lea; Rempala, Greg 80 2006 Spatial birth and death processes as solutions of stochastic equations. Zbl 1115.60098 Garcia, Nancy L.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 29 2006 Diffusion approximation for transport processes with general reflection boundary conditions. Zbl 1206.82088 Costantini, Cristina; Kurtz, Thomas G. 8 2006 Markov processes. Characterization and convergence. Zbl 1089.60005 Ethier, Stewart N.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 286 2005 The approximate Euler method for Lévy driven stochastic differential equations. Zbl 1071.60046 Jacod, Jean; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Méléard, Sylvie; Protter, Philip 53 2005 A stochastic evolution equation arising from the fluctuations of a class of interacting particle systems. Zbl 1087.60050 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Xiong, Jie 24 2004 When can one detect overdominant selection in the infinite-alleles model? Zbl 1011.62115 Joyce, Paul; Krone, Stephen M.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 13 2003 Gaussian limits associated with the Poisson-Dirichlet distribution and the Ewens sampling formula. Zbl 1010.62101 Joyce, Paul; Krone, Stephen M.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 15 2002 Stationary solutions and forward equations for controlled and singular martingale problems. Zbl 0984.60086 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Stockbridge, Richard H. 25 2001 Numerical solutions for a class of SPDEs with application to filtering. Zbl 0991.60053 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Xiong, Jie 13 2000 Continuum-sites stepping-stone models, coalescing exchangeable partitions and random trees. Zbl 1023.60082 Donnelly, Peter; Evans, Steven N.; Fleischmann, Klaus; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Zhou, Xiaowen 12 2000 Particle representations for measure-valued population processes with spatially varying birth rates. Zbl 0960.60069 Kurtz, Thomas G. 5 2000 Particle representations for measure-valued population models. Zbl 0956.60081 Donnelly, Peter; Kurtz, Thomas G. 108 1999 Particle representations for a class of nonlinear SPDEs. Zbl 0996.60071 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Xiong, Jie 83 1999 Genealogical processes for Fleming-Viot models with selection and recombination. Zbl 0964.60075 Donnelly, Peter; Kurtz, Thomas G. 54 1999 Existence of Markov controls and characterization of optimal Markov controls. Zbl 0935.93064 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Stockbridge, Richard H. 60 1998 Martingale problems for conditional distributions of Markov processes. Zbl 0907.60065 Kurtz, Thomas G. 47 1998 Coupling and ergodic theorems for Fleming-Viot processes. Zbl 0940.60045 Ethier, S. N.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 10 1998 A conceptual proof of the Kesten-Stigum theorem for multi-type branching processes. Zbl 0868.60068 Kurtz, Thomas; Lyons, Russell; Pemantle, Robin; Peres, Yuval 46 1997 A countable representation of the Fleming-Viot measure-valued diffusion. Zbl 0869.60074 Donnelly, Peter; Kurtz, Thomas G. 68 1996 Weak convergence of stochastic integrals and differential equations. I. Zbl 0862.60041 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Protter, Philip E. 40 1996 Weak convergence of stochastic integrals and differential equations. II: Infinite dimensional case. Zbl 0862.60042 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Protter, Philip E. 39 1996 Limit theorems for workload input models. Zbl 0855.60089 Kurtz, Thomas G. 15 1996 Probabilistic models for nonlinear partial differential equations. Lectures given at the 1st session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo, Montecatini Terme, Italy, May 22-30, 1995. Zbl 0844.00022 15 1996 The asymptotic behavior of an urn model arising. Zbl 0879.60078 Donnelly, P.; Kurtz, T. G. 7 1996 Stratonovich stochastic differential equations driven by general semimartingales. Zbl 0823.60046 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Pardoux, Étienne; Protter, Philip 48 1995 A multiclass station with Markovian feedback in heavy traffic. Zbl 0910.60073 Dai, J. G.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 7 1995 Large loss networks. Zbl 0810.60087 Hunt, P. J.; Kurtz, T. G. 32 1994 Convergence to Fleming-Viot processes in the weak atomic topology. Zbl 0817.60029 Ethier, S. N.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 24 1994 Fleming-Viot processes in population genetics. Zbl 0774.60045 Ethier, S. N.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 96 1993 Weak convergence and local stability properties of fixed step size recursive algorithms. Zbl 0792.93116 Bucklew, James A.; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Sethares, William A. 4 1993 Correlation and variability in birth processes. Zbl 0778.60060 Donnelly, Peter; Kurtz, Thomas; Marjoram, Paul 4 1993 On the stationary distribution of the neutral diffusion model in population genetics. Zbl 0742.60076 Ethier, S. N.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 6 1992 Weak limit theorems for stochastic integrals and stochastic differential equations. Zbl 0742.60053 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Protter, Philip 263 1991 Wong-Zakai corrections, random evolutions, and simulation schemes for SDE’s. Zbl 0762.60047 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Protter, Philip 63 1991 Random time changes and convergence in distribution under the Meyer-Zheng conditions. Zbl 0742.60036 Kurtz, Thomas G. 41 1991 A control formulation for constrained Markov processes. Zbl 0728.60078 Kurtz, Thomas G. 12 1991 On the functional central limit theorem for the Ewens sampling formula. Zbl 0747.60013 Donnelly, Peter; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Tavaré, Simon 9 1991 Characterizing the weak convergence of stochastic integrals. Zbl 0738.60053 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Protter, Philip 6 1991 Martingale problems for constrained Markov problems. Zbl 0726.60043 Kurtz, Thomas G. 9 1990 Unique characterization of conditional distributions in nonlinear filtering. Zbl 0655.60035 Kurtz, T. G.; Ocone, Daniel L. 57 1988 The infinitely-many-alleles model with selection as a measure-valued diffusion. Zbl 0644.92011 Ethier, S. N.; Kurtz, T. G. 23 1987 Martingale problems for controlled processes. Zbl 0642.93065 Kurtz, Thomas G. 6 1987 A probabilistic distributed algorithm for set intersection and its analysis. Zbl 0612.68039 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Manber, Udi 2 1987 Markov processes. Characterization and convergence. Zbl 0592.60049 Ethier, Stewart N.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 2,345 1986 A martingale problem for conditional distributions and uniqueness for the nonlinear filtering equations. Zbl 0563.60042 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Ocone, Daniel 1 1985 A probabilistic distributed algorithm for set intersection and its analysis. Zbl 0571.68030 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Manber, Udi 1 1985 A counterexample for the Trotter product formula. Zbl 0533.47029 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Pierre, Michel 3 1984 Gaussian approximations for Markov chains and counting processes. Zbl 0571.60010 Kurtz, Thomas G. 6 1983 Applications of duality to measure-valued diffusion processes. Zbl 0496.60057 Dawson, Donald A.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 15 1982 Representation and approximation of counting processes. Zbl 0543.60058 Kurtz, Thomas G. 6 1982 Approximation of population processes. Zbl 0465.60078 Kurtz, Thomas G. 171 1981 The infinitely-many-neutral-alleles diffusion model. Zbl 0483.60076 Ethier, S. N.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 46 1981 The central limit theorem for Markov chains. Zbl 0478.60034 Kurtz, Thomas G. 7 1981 Approximation of discontinuous processes by continuous processes. Zbl 0461.60090 Kurtz, Thomas G. 3 1981 Representations of Markov processes as multiparameter time changes. Zbl 0442.60072 Kurtz, Thomas G. 32 1980 The optional sampling theorem for martingales indexed by directed sets. Zbl 0442.60045 Kurtz, Thomas G. 23 1980 Necessary and sufficient conditions for complete convergence in the law of large numbers. Zbl 0426.60026 Asmussen, Soren; Kurtz, Thomas G. 15 1980 Relationships between stochastic and deterministic population models. Zbl 0471.92014 Kurtz, Thomas G. 6 1980 A variational formula for the growth rate of a positive operator semigroup. Zbl 0405.47024 Kurtz, Thomas G. 1 1979 Strong approximation theorems for density dependent Markov chains. Zbl 0373.60085 Kurtz, Thomas G. 168 1978 Diffusion approximations for branching processes. Zbl 0405.60080 Kurtz, Thomas G. 18 1978 Applications of an abstract perturbation theorem to ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0361.34048 Kurtz, Thomas G. 15 1977 Landau-Kolmogorov inequalities for semigroups and groups. Zbl 0361.47012 Certain, Melinda W.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 9 1977 Limit theorems and diffusion approximations for density dependent Markov chains. Zbl 0373.60081 Kurtz, Thomas G. 29 1976 An abstract averaging theorem. Zbl 0332.47022 Kurtz, Thomas G. 5 1976 Semigroups of conditioned shifts and approximation of Markov processes. Zbl 0318.60026 Kurtz, Thomas G. 68 1975 Convergence of sequences of semigroups of nonlinear operators with an application to gas kinetics. Zbl 0275.47047 Kurtz, Thomas G. 47 1974 Berry-Esseen estimates in Hilbert space and an application to the law of the iterated logarithm. Zbl 0298.60017 Kuelbs, J.; Kurtz, T. 42 1974 Point processes and completely monotone set functions. Zbl 0282.60031 Kurtz, Thomas G. 2 1974 A limit theorem for perturbed operator semigroups with applications to random evolutions. Zbl 0246.47053 Kurtz, Thomas G. 88 1973 A generalization of Dynkin’s identity and some applications. Zbl 0264.60048 Athreya, Krishna B.; Kurtz, Thomas G. 7 1973 The nonexistence of the Yaglom limit for an age dependent subcritical branching process. Zbl 0271.60093 Kurtz, Thomas G.; Wainger, Stephen 2 1973 Inequalities for the law of large numbers. Zbl 0251.60019 Kurtz, Thomas G. 14 1972 ...and 8 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 4,883 Authors 41 Kurtz, Thomas Gordon 35 Yin, Gang George 32 Budhiraja, Amarjit S. 29 Xiong, Jie 26 Anderson, David Frederick 25 Röckner, Michael 24 Méléard, Sylvie 23 Dawson, Donald Andrew 23 Pardoux, Etienne 23 Spiliopoulos, Konstantinos V. 22 Bobrowski, Adam 21 Glynn, Peter W. 21 Li, Zenghu 20 Pang, Guodong 20 Pfaffelhuber, Peter 20 Roberts, Gareth O. 20 Zhang, Qing 19 Blath, Jochen 19 Ceci, Claudia 19 Etheridge, Alison Mary 19 Feng, Shui 19 Williams, Ruth J. 19 Yin, George Gang 18 Chen, Zhen-Qing 18 Kouritzin, Michael A. 18 Kraaij, Richard Clemens 18 Whitt, Ward 17 Ball, Frank G. 17 Greven, Andreas 16 Bansaye, Vincent 16 Criens, David 16 Korolyuk, Volodymyr Semenovych 16 Kushner, Harold J. 16 Mytnik, Leonid 16 Peletier, Mark Adriaan 16 Stockbridge, Richard H. 15 Baake, Ellen 15 Barbour, Andrew David 15 Casanova, Adrián González 15 Gerardi, Anna 15 Kondrat’yev, Yuriĭ Grygorovych 15 Mandjes, Michel Robertus Hendrikus 14 Atar, Rami 14 Burdzy, Krzysztof 14 Dupuis, Paul G. 14 Evans, Steven Neil 14 Hausenblas, Erika 14 Perkins, Edwin A. 14 Ramanan, Kavita 14 Ross, Joshua V. 14 Tardelli, Paola 14 Wakolbinger, Anton 13 Duan, Jinqiao 13 Neal, Peter J. 13 Rempała, Grzegorz A. 13 Tran, Viet Chi 12 Albeverio, Sergio A. 12 Borkar, Vivek Shripad 12 Champagnat, Nicolas 12 Durrett, Richard Timothy 12 Feng, Jin 12 Griffiths, Robert C. 12 Hairer, Martin 12 Klebaner, Fima C. 12 Miclo, Laurent 12 Perkowski, Nicolas 12 Popovic, Lea 12 Swart, Jan M. 12 Veretennikov, Alexander Yu. 12 Xue, Xiaofeng 12 Zhou, Xiaowen 12 Zhu, RongChan 11 Bortolussi, Luca 11 Cappelletti, Daniele 11 Clancy, Damian 11 Cox, J. Theodore 11 Craciun, Gheorghe 11 Crisan, Dan O. 11 Jagers, Peter 11 Komorowski, Tomasz 11 Kyprianou, Andreas E. 11 Luczak, Malwina J. 11 Pollett, Philip K. 11 Redig, Frank 11 Renger, D. R. Michiel 11 Smadi, Charline 11 Stolyar, Alexander L. 11 Véber, Amandine 11 Wang, Jian 11 Winter, Anita 11 Zhu, Xiang-Chan 11 Zwart, Bert P. 10 Britton, Tom 10 Costantini, Cristina 10 Cuchiero, Christa 10 Fleischmann, Klaus 10 Fragoso, Marcelo Dutra 10 Kolokoltsov, Vassili N. 10 Kulik, Alexey M. 10 Lambert, Amaury ...and 4,783 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 479 Serials 403 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 287 The Annals of Applied Probability 173 The Annals of Probability 135 Journal of Mathematical Biology 128 Probability Theory and Related Fields 124 Electronic Journal of Probability 102 Journal of Statistical Physics 86 Theoretical Population Biology 85 Queueing Systems 84 Journal of Applied Probability 80 Advances in Applied Probability 80 Journal of Theoretical Probability 75 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 70 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 66 Statistics & Probability Letters 63 Mathematical Biosciences 56 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 55 Bernoulli 54 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 53 Journal of Functional Analysis 47 Journal of Differential Equations 43 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 42 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 40 Stochastics 38 Stochastics and Dynamics 35 Communications in Mathematical Physics 32 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 31 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 30 Stochastic Systems 27 Potential Analysis 26 Journal of Econometrics 26 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 26 Stochastic and Partial Differential Equations. Analysis and Computations 25 Journal of Computational Physics 25 Econometric Theory 25 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 25 Journal of Theoretical Biology 24 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics 23 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 22 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 22 Stochastic Models 21 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 21 Electronic Communications in Probability 21 Finance and Stochastics 20 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 20 Journal of Evolution Equations 19 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 19 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 17 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 17 Physica D 17 Mathematical Finance 17 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 16 Mathematics of Operations Research 16 Theoretical Computer Science 16 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 16 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 15 Physica A 15 Automatica 15 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 15 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 15 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 15 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 14 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 14 Semigroup Forum 14 Annals of Operations Research 14 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 14 International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 14 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 14 Science China. Mathematics 14 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 13 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 13 The Annals of Statistics 13 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 12 Stochastics 12 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 12 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 12 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 12 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 12 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 12 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 12 SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 12 Statistics and Computing 11 Journal of Mathematical Physics 11 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 11 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 11 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 11 Electronic Journal of Statistics 10 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 10 Nonlinearity 10 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 10 Mathematische Nachrichten 10 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 10 Systems & Control Letters 10 Operations Research Letters 10 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 9 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 9 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 9 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 9 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 9 Probability Surveys ...and 379 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 56 Fields 3,785 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1,025 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 599 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 415 Statistics (62-XX) 403 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 366 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 354 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 352 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 307 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 243 Operator theory (47-XX) 216 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 196 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 175 Computer science (68-XX) 156 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 139 Combinatorics (05-XX) 86 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 73 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 47 Functional analysis (46-XX) 45 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 38 Quantum theory (81-XX) 36 Measure and integration (28-XX) 35 Potential theory (31-XX) 30 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 29 Integral equations (45-XX) 24 Real functions (26-XX) 23 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 23 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 18 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 17 Geophysics (86-XX) 16 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 16 Differential geometry (53-XX) 15 Special functions (33-XX) 14 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 12 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 12 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 11 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 9 Number theory (11-XX) 8 General topology (54-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 4 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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